EXT2ED - The Extended-2 filesystem editor - User's guide Gadi Oxman, tgud@tochnapc2.technion.ac.il v0.1, August 3 1995 This is only the initial version of this document. It may be unclear at some places. Please send me feedback with anything regarding to it. About EXT2ED documentation The EXT2ED documentation consists of three parts: The ext2 filesystem overview. The EXT2ED user's guide. The EXT2ED design and implementation. If you intend to used EXT2ED, I strongly suggest that you would be familiar with the material presented in the ext2 filesystem overview as well. If you also intend to browse and modify the source code, I suggest that you will also read the article The EXT2ED design and implementation, as it provides a general overview of the structure of my source code. Introduction EXT2ED is a "disk editor" for the ext2 filesystem. Its purpose is to show you the internal structures of the ext2 filesystem in an rather intuitive and logical way, so that it will be easier to "travel" between the various internal filesystem structures. Basic concepts in EXT2ED Two basic concepts in EXT2ED are commands and types. EXT2ED is object-oriented in the sense that it defines objects in the filesystem, like a super-block or a directory. An object is something which "knows" how to handle some aspect of the filesystem. Your interaction with EXT2ED is done through commands which EXT2ED accepts. There are three levels of commands: General Commands Extended-2 Filesystem general commands Type specific commands The General commands are always available. The ext2 general commands are available only when editing an ext2 filesystem. The Type specific commands are available when editing a specific object in the filesystem. Each object typically comes with its own set of internal variables, and its own set of commands, which are fine tuned handle the corresponding structure in the filesystem. Running EXT2ED Running EXT2ED is as simple as typing ext2ed from the shell prompt. There are no command line switches. When first run, EXT2ED parses its configuration file, ext2ed.conf. This file must exist. When the configuration file processing is done, EXT2ED screen should appear on the screen, with the command prompt ext2ed> displayed. EXT2ED user interface EXT2ED uses the ncurses library for screen management. Your screen will be divided into four parts, from top to bottom: Title window Status window Main editing window Command window The title window just displays the current version of EXT2ED. The status window will display various information regarding the state of the editing at this point. The main editing window is the place at which the actual data will be shown. Almost every command will cause some display at this window. This window, as opposed to the three others, is of variable length - You always look at one page of it. The current page and the total numbers of pages at this moment is displayed at the status window. Moving between pages is done by the use of the pgdn and pgup commands. The command window is at the bottom of the screen. It always displays a command prompt ext2ed> and allows you to type a command. Feedback about the commands entered is displayed to this window also. EXT2ED uses the readline library while processing a command line. All the usual editing keys are available. Each entered command is placed into a history of commands, and can be recalled later. Command Completion is also supported - Just start to type a command, and press the completion key. Pressing enter at the command window, without entering a command, recalls the last command. This is useful when moving between close entries, in the next command, for example. Getting started A few precautions EXT2ED is a tool for filesystem editing. As such, it can be dangerous. The summary to the subsections below is that You must know what you are doing. A mounted filesystem EXT2ED is not designed to work on a mounted filesystem - It is complicated enough as it is; I didn't even try to think of handling the various race conditions. As such, please respect the following advice: Do not use EXT2ED on a mounted filesystem ! EXT2ED will not allow write access to a mounted filesystem. Although it is fairly easy to change EXT2ED so that it will be allowed, I hereby request again- EXT2ED is not designed for that action, and will most likely corrupt data if used that way. Please don't do that. Concerning read access, I chose to leave the decision for the user through the configuration file option AllowMountedRead. Although read access on a mounted partition will not do any damage to the filesystem, the data displayed to you will not be reliable, and showing you incorrect information may be as bad as corrupting the filesystem. However, you may still wish to do that. Write access Considering the obvious sensitivity of the subject, I took the following actions: EXT2ED will always start with a read-only access. Write access mode needs to be specifically entered by the enablewrite command. Until this is done, no write will be allowed. Write access can be disabled at any time with disablewrite. When enablewrite is issued, the device is reopened in read-write mode. Needless to say, the device permissions should allow that. As a second level of protection, you can disallow write access in the configuration file by using the AllowChanges off configuration option. In this case, the enablewrite command will be refused. When write access is enabled, the data will never change immediately. Rather, a specific writedata command is needed to update the object in the disk with the changed object in memory. In addition, A logging option is provided through the configuration file options LogChanges and LogFile. With logging enabled, each change to the disk will be logged at a very primitive level - A hex dump of the original data and of the new written data. The log file will be a text file which is easily readable, and you can make use of it to undo any changes which you made (EXT2ED doesn't make use of the log file for that purpose, it just logs the changes). Please remember that this is only the initial release of EXT2ED, and it is not very much tested - It is reasonable to assume that there are bugs. However, the logging option above can offer protection even from this unfortunate case. Therefor, I highly recommend that at least when first working with EXT2ED, the logging option will be enabled, despite the disk space which it consumes. The help command When loaded, EXT2ED will show a short help screen. This help screen can always be retrieved by the command help. The help screen displays a list of all the commands which are available at this point. At startup, only the General commands are available. This will change with time, since each object has its own commands. Thus, commands which are available now may not be available later. Using help command will display additional information about the specific command command. The setdevice command The first command that is usually entered to EXT2ED is the setdevice command. This command simply tells EXT2ED on which device the filesystem is present. For example, suppose my ext2 filesystem is on the first partition of my ide disk. The command will be: setdevice /dev/hda1 The following actions will take place in the following order: EXT2ED will check if the partition is mounted. If the partition is mounted (highly not recommended), the accept/reject behavior will be decided by the configuration file. Cross reference section . The specified device will be opened in read-only mode. The permissions of the device should be set in a way that allows you to open the device for read access. Autodetection of an ext2 filesystem will be made by searching for the ext2 magic number in the main superblock. In the case of a successful recognition of an ext2 filesystem, the ext2 filesystem specific commands and the ext2 specific object definitions will be registered. The object definitions will be read at run time from a file specified by the configuration file. In case of a corrupted ext2 filesystem, it is quite possible that the main superblock is damaged and autodetection will fail. In that case, use the configuration option ForceExt2 on. This is not the default case since EXT2ED can be used at a lower level to edit a non-ext2 filesystem. In a case of a successful autodetection, essential information about the filesystem such as the block size will be read from the superblock, unless the used overrides this behavior with an configuration option (not recommended). In that case, the parameters will be read from the configuration file. In a case of an autodetection failure, the essential parameters will be read from the configuration file. Assuming that you are editing an ext2 filesystem and that everything goes well, you will notice that additional commands are now available in the help screen, under the section ext2 filesystem general commands. In addition, EXT2ED now recognizes a few objects which are essential to the editing of an ext2 filesystem. Two levels of usage Low level usage This section explains what EXT2ED provides even when not editing an ext2 filesystem. Even at this level, EXT2ED is more than just a hex editor. It still allows definition of objects and variables in run time through a user file, although of-course the objects will not have special fine tuned functions connected to them. EXT2ED will allow you to move in the filesystem using setoffset, and to apply an object definition on a specific place using settype type. From this point and on, the object will be shown in its native form - You will see a list of the variables rather than just a hex dump, and you will be able to change each variable in the intuitive form set variable=value. To define objects, use the configuration option AlternateDescriptors. There are now two forms of editing: Editing without a type. In this case, the disk block will be shown as a text+hex dump, and you will be able to move along and change it. Editing with a type. In this case, the object's variables will be shown, and you will be able to change each variable in its native form. High level usage EXT2ED was designed for the editing of the ext2 filesystem. As such, it "understands" the filesystem structure to some extent. Each object now has special fine tuned 'C' functions connected to it, which knows how to display it in an intuitive form, and how the object fits in the general design of the ext2 filesystem. It is of-course much easier to use this type of editing. For example: Issue group 2 to look at the main copy of the third group block descriptor. With gocopy 1 you can move to its first backup copy, and with inode you can start editing the inode table of the above group block. From here, if the inode corresponds to a file, you can use file to edit the file in a "continuous" way, using nextblock to pass to its next block, letting EXT2ED following by itself the direct blocks, indirect blocks, ..., while still preserving the actual view of the exact block usage of the file. The point is that the "tour" of the filesystem will now be synchronic rather than asynchronic - Each object has the "links" to pass between connected logical structures, and special fine-tuned functions to deal with it. General commands I will now start with a systematic explanation of the general commands. Please feel free to experiment, but take care when using the enablewrite command. Whenever a command syntax is specified, arguments which are optional are enclosed with square brackets. Please note that in EXT2ED, each command can be overridden by a specific object to provide special fine-tuned functionality. In general, I was attempting to preserve the similarity between those functions, which are accessible by the same name. disablewrite Syntax: disablewrite disablewrite is used to reopen the device with read-only access. When first running EXT2ED, the device is opened in read-only mode, and an explicit enablewrite is required for write access. When finishing with changing, a disablewrite is recommended for safety. Cross reference section . enablewrite Syntax: enablewrite enablewrite is used to reopen the device with read-write access. When first running EXT2ED, the device is opened in read-only mode, and an explicit enablewrite is required for write access. enablewrite will fail if write access is disabled from the configuration file by the AllowChanges off configuration option. Even after enablewrite, an explicit writedata is required to actually write the new data to the disk. When finishing with changing, a disablewrite is recommended for safety. Cross reference section . help Syntax: help [command] The help command is described at section . next Syntax: next [number] This section describes the general command next. next is overridden by several types in EXT2ED, to provide fine-tuned functionality. The next general command behavior is depended on whether you are editing a specific object, or none. In the case where Type is none (The current type is showed on the status window by the show command), next passes to the next number bytes in the current edited block. If number is not specified, number=1 is assumed. In the case where Type is defined, the next commands assumes that you are editing an array of objects of that type, and the next command will just pass to the next entry in the array. If number is defined, it will pass number entries ahead. pgdn Syntax: pgdn Usually the edited data doesn't fit into the visible main window. In this case, the status window will indicate that there is more to see "below" by the message Page x of y. This means that there are y pages total, and you are currently viewing the x page. With the pgdn command, you can pass to the next available page. pgup Syntax: pgup pgup is the opposite of pgdn - It will pass to the previous page. Cross reference section . prev Syntax: prev [number] prev is the opposite of next. Cross reference section . recall Syntax: recall object recall is the opposite of remember. It will place you at the place you where when saving the object position and type information. Cross reference section . redraw Syntax: redraw Sometimes the screen display gets corrupted. I still have problems with this. The redraw command simply redraws the entire display screen. remember Syntax: remember object EXT2ED provides you memory of objects; While editing, you may reach an object which you will like to return to later. The remember command will store in memory the current place and type of the object. You can return to the object by using the recall command. Cross reference section . Note: When remembering a file or a directory, the corresponding inode will be saved in memory. The basic reason is that the inode is essential for finding the blocks of the file or the directory. set Syntax: set [text || hex] arg1 [arg2 arg3 ...] or Syntax: set variable=value The set command is used to modify the current data. The set general command behavior is depended on whether you are editing a specific object, or none. In the case where Type is none, the first syntax should be used. The set command affects the data starting at the current highlighted position in the edited block. When using the set hex command, a list of hexadecimal bytes should follow. When using the set text command, it should be followed by a text string. Examples: set hex 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f set text Linux is just great ! In the case where Type is defined, the second syntax should be used. The set commands just sets the variable variable with the value value. In any case, the data is only changed in memory. For an actual update to the disk, use the writedata command. setdevice Syntax: setdevice device The setdevice command is described at section . setoffset Syntax: setoffset [block || type] [+|-]offset The setoffset command is used to move asynchronically inside the file system. It is considered a low level command, and usually should not be used when editing an ext2 filesystem, simply because movement is better utilized through the specific ext2 commands. The offset is in bytes, and meanwhile should be positive and smaller than 2GB. Use of the block modifier changes the counting unit to block. Use of the + or - modifiers signals that the offset is relative to the current position. use of the type modifier is allowed only with relative offset. This modifier will multiply the offset by the size of the current type. settype Syntax: settype type || [none | hex] The settype command is used to move apply the object definitions of the type type on the current position. It is considered a low level command and usually should not be used when editing an ext2 filesystem since EXT2ED provides better tools. It is of-course very useful when editing a non-ext2 filesystem and using user-defined objects. When type is hex or none, the data will be displayed as a hex and text dump. show Syntax: show The show command will show the data of the current object at the current position on the main display window. It will also update the status window with type specific information. It may be necessary to use pgdn and pgup to view the entire data. writedata Syntax: writedata The writedata command will update the disk with the object data that is currently in memory. This is the point at which actual change is made to the filesystem. Without this command, the edited data will not have any effect. Write access should be allowed for a successful update. Editing an ext2 filesystem In order to edit an ext2 filesystem, you should, of course, know the structure of the ext2 filesystem. If you feel that you lack some knowledge in this area, I suggest that you do some of the following: Read the supplied ext2 technical information. I tried to summarize the basic information which is needed to get you started. Get the slides that Remy Card (The author of the ext2 filesystem) prepared concerning the ext2 filesystem. Read the kernel sources. At this point, you should be familiar with the following terms: block, inode, superblock, block groups, block allocation bitmap, inode allocation bitmap, group descriptors, file, directory.Most of the above are objects in EXT2ED. When editing an ext2 filesystem it is recommended that you use the ext2 specific commands, rather then the general commands setoffset and settype, mainly because: In most cases it will be unreliable, and will display incorrect information. Sometimes in order to edit an object, EXT2ED needs the information of some other related objects. For example, when editing a directory, EXT2ED needs access to the inode of the edited directory. Simply setting the type to a directory will be unreliable, since the object assumes that you passed through its inode to reach it, and expects this information, which isn't initialized if you directly set the type to a directory. EXT2ED offers far better tools for handling the ext2 filesystem using the ext2 specific commands. ext2 general commands The ext2 general commands are available only when you are editing an ext2 filesystem. They are general in the sense that they are not specific to some object, and can be invoked anytime. super Syntax: super The super command will "bring you" to the main superblock copy. It will automatically set the object type to ext2_super_block. Then you will be able to view and edit the superblock. When you are in the superblock, other commands will be available. group Syntax: group [number] The group command will "bring you" to the main copy of the number group descriptor. It will automatically set the object type to ext2_group_desc. Then you will be able to view and edit the group descriptor entry. When you are there, other commands will be available. cd Syntax: cd path The cd command will let you travel in the filesystem in the nice way that the mounted filesystem would have let you. The cd command is a complicated command. Although it may sound simple at first, an implementation of a typical cd requires passing through the group descriptors, inodes, directory entries, etc. For example: The innocent cd /usr command can be done by using more primitive EXT2ED commands in the following way (It is implemented exactly this way): Using group 0 to go to the first group descriptor. Using inode to get to the Bad blocks inode. Using next to pass to the root directory inode. Using dir to see the directory. Using next until we find the directory usr. Using followinode to pass to the inode corresponding to usr. Using dir to see the directory of /usr. And those commands aren't that primitive; For example, the tracing of the blocks which belong to the root directory is done automatically by the dir command behind the scenes, and the followinode command will automatically "run" to the correct group descriptor in order to find the required inode. The path to the general cd command needs to be a full pathname - Starting from /. The cd command stops at the last reachable point, which can be a directory entry, in which case the type will be set to dir, or an inode, in which case the type will be set to ext2_inode. Symbolic links (Only fast symbolic links, meanwhile) are automatically followed (if they are not across filesystems, of-course). If the type is set to dir, you can use a path relative to the "current directory". The superblock The superblock can always be reached by the ext2 general command super. Cross reference section . The status window will show you which copy of the superblock copies you are currently editing. The main data window will show you the values of the various superblock variables, along with some interpretation of the values. Data can be changed with the set and writedata commands. For example, set s_r_blocks_count=1400 will reserve 1400 blocks for root. gocopy Syntax: gocopy number The gocopy command will "bring you" to the backup copy number of the superblock copies. gocopy 0, for example, will bring you to the main copy. setactivecopy Syntax: setactivecopy The setactivecopy command will copy the contents of the current superblock copy onto the contents of the main copy. It will also switch to editing of the main copy. No actual data is written to disk, of-course, until you issue the writedata command. The group descriptors The group descriptors can be edited by the group command. The status window will indicate the current group descriptor, the total number of group descriptors (and hence of group blocks), and the backup copy number. The main data window will just show you the values of the various variables. Basically, you can use the next and prev commands, along with the set command, to modify the group descriptors. The group descriptors object is a junction, from which you can reach: The inode table of the corresponding block group (the inode command) The block allocation bitmap (the blockbitmap command) The inode allocation bitmap (the inodebitmap command) blockbitmap Syntax: blockbitmap The blockbitmap command will let you edit the block bitmap allocation block of the current group block. entry Syntax: entry number The entry command will move you to the number group descriptor in the group descriptors table. inode Syntax: inode The inode command will pass you to the first inode in the current group block. inodebitmap Syntax: inodebitmap The inodebitmap command will let you edit the inode bitmap allocation block of the current group block. next Syntax: next [number] The next command will pass to the next number group descriptor. If number is omitted, number=1 is assumed. prev Syntax: prev [number] The prev command will pass to the previous number group descriptor. If number is omitted, number=1 is assumed. setactivecopy Syntax: setactivecopy The setactivecopy command copies the contents of the current group descriptor, to its main copy. The updated main copy will then be shown. No actual change is made to the disk until you issue the writedata command. The inode An inode can be reached by the following two ways: Using inode from the corresponding group descriptor. Using followinode from a directory entry. Using the cd command with the pathname to the file. For example, cd /usr/src/ext2ed/ext2ed.h The status window will indicate: The current global inode number. The total total number of inodes. On which block group the inode is allocated. The total number of inodes in this group block. The index of the current inode in the current group block. The type of the inode (file, directory, special, etc). The main data window, in addition to the list of variables, will contain some interpretations on the right side. If the inode corresponds to a file, you can use the file command to edit the file. If the inode is an inode of a directory, you can use the dir command to edit the directory. dir Syntax: dir If the inode mode corresponds to a directory (shown on the status window), you can enter directory mode editing by using dir. entry Syntax: entry number The entry command will move you to the number inode in the current inode table. file Syntax: file If the inode mode corresponds to a file (shown on the status window), you can enter file mode editing by using file. group Syntax: group The group command is used to go to the group descriptor of the current group block. next Syntax: next [number] The next command will pass to the next number inode. If number is omitted, number=1 is assumed. prev Syntax: prev [number] The prev command will pass to the previous number inode. If number is omitted, number=1 is assumed. The file When editing a file, EXT2ED offers you a both a continuous and a true fragmented view of the file - The file is still shown block by block with the true block number at each stage and EXT2ED offers you commands which allow you to move between the file blocks, while finding the allocated blocks by using the inode information behind the scenes. Aside from this, the editing is just a hex editing - You move the cursor in the current block of the file by using next and prev, move between blocks by nextblock and prevblock, and make changes by the set command. Note that the set command is overridden here - There are no variables. The writedata command will update the current block to the disk. Reaching a file can be done by using the file command from its inode. The inode can be reached by any other means, for example, by the cd command, if you know the file name. The status window will indicate: The global block number. The internal file block number. The file offset. The file size. The file inode number. The indirection level - Whether it is a direct block (0), indirect (1), etc. The main data window will display the file either in hex mode or in text mode, select-able by the display command. In hex mode, EXT2ED will display offsets in the current block, along with a text and hex dump of the current block. In either case the current place will be highlighted. In the hex mode it will be always highlighted, while in the text mode it will be highlighted if the character is display-able. block Syntax: block block_num The block command is used to move inside the file. The block_num argument is the requested internal file block number. A value of 0 will reach the beginning of the file. display Syntax: display [text || hex] The display command changes the display mode of the file. display hex will switch to hex mode, while display text will switch to text mode. The default mode when no display command is issued is hex mode. inode Syntax: inode The inode command will return to the inode of the current file. next Syntax: next [num] The next command will pass to the next byte in the file. If num is supplied, it will pass to the next num bytes. nextblock Syntax: nextblock [num] The nextblock command will pass to the next block in the file. If num is supplied, it will pass to the next num blocks. prev Syntax: prev [num] The prev command will pass to the previous byte in the file. If num is supplied, it will pass to the previous num bytes. prevblock Syntax: prevblock [num] The nextblock command will pass to the previous block in the file. If num is supplied, it will pass to the previous num blocks. offset Syntax: offset file_offset The offset command will move to the specified offset in the file. set Syntax: set [text || hex] arg1 [arg2 arg3 ...] The file set command is working like the general set command, with type=none. There are no variables. writedata Syntax: writedata The writedata command will update the current file block in the disk. The directory When editing a file, EXT2ED analyzes for you both the allocation blocks of the directory entries, and the directory entries. Each directory entry is displayed on one row. You can move the highlighted entry with the usual next and prev commands, and "dive in" with the followinode command. The status window will indicate: The directory entry number. The total number of directory entries in this directory. The current global block number. The current offset in the entire directory - When viewing the directory as a continuous file. The inode number of the directory itself. The indirection level - Whether it is a direct block (0), indirect (1), etc. cd Syntax: cd [path] The cd command is used in the usual meaning, like the global cd command. If path is not specified, the current directory entry is followed. path can be relative to the current directory. path can also end up in a file, in which case the file inode will be reached. Symbolic link (fast only, meanwhile) is automatically followed. entry Syntax: entry [entry_num] The entry command sets entry_num as the current directory entry. followinode Syntax: followinode The followinode command will move you to the inode pointed by the current directory entry. inode Syntax: inode The inode command will return you to the parent inode of the whole directory listing. next Syntax: next [num] The next command will pass to the next directory entry. If num is supplied, it will pass to the next num entries. prev Syntax: prev [num] The prev command will pass to the previous directory entry. If num is supplied, it will pass to the previous num entries. writedata Syntax: writedata The writedata command will write the current directory entry to the disk. The block allocation bitmap The block allocation bitmap of any block group can be reached from the corresponding group descriptor. You will be offered a bit listing of the entire blocks in the group. The current block will be highlighted and its number will be displayed in the status window. A value of "1" means that the block is allocated, while a value of "0" signals that it is free. The value is also interpreted in the status window. You can use the usual next/prev commands, along with the allocate/deallocate commands. allocate Syntax: allocate [num] The allocate command allocates num blocks, starting from the highlighted position. If num is not specified, num=1 is assumed. Of-course, no actual change is made until you issue a writedata command. deallocate Syntax: deallocate [num] The deallocate command deallocates num blocks, starting from the highlighted position. If num is not specified, num=1 is assumed. Of-course, no actual change is made until you issue a writedata command. entry Syntax: entry [entry_num] The entry command sets the current highlighted block to entry_num. next Syntax: next [num] The next command will pass to the next bit, which corresponds to the next block. If num is supplied, it will pass to the next num bits. prev Syntax: prev [num] The prev command will pass to the previous bit, which corresponds to the previous block. If num is supplied, it will pass to the previous num bits. The inode allocation bitmap The inode allocation bitmap is very similar to the block allocation bitmap explained above. It is also reached from the corresponding group descriptor. Please refer to section . Filesystem size limitation While an ext2 filesystem has a size limit of 4 TB, EXT2ED currently can't handle filesystems which are bigger than 2 GB. I am sorry for the inconvenience. This will hopefully be fixed in future releases. Copyright EXT2ED is Copyright (C) 1995 Gadi Oxman. EXT2ED is hereby placed under the GPL - Gnu Public License. You are free and welcome to copy, view and modify the sources. My only wish is that my copyright presented above will be left and that a list of the bug fixes, added features, etc, will be provided. The entire EXT2ED project is based, of-course, on the kernel sources. The ext2.descriptors distributed with EXT2ED is a slightly modified version of the main ext2 include file, /usr/include/linux/ext2_fs.h. Follows the original copyright: /* * linux/include/linux/ext2_fs.h * * Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 * Remy Card (card@masi.ibp.fr) * Laboratoire MASI - Institut Blaise Pascal * Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) * * from * * linux/include/linux/minix_fs.h * * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Linus Torvalds */ Acknowledgments EXT2ED was constructed as a student project in the software laboratory of the faculty of electrical-engineering in the Technion - Israel's institute of technology. At first, I would like to thank Avner Lottem and Doctor Ilana David for their interest and assistance in this project. I would also like to thank the following people, who were involved in the design and implementation of the ext2 filesystem kernel code and support utilities: Remy Card Who designed, implemented and maintains the ext2 filesystem kernel code, and some of the ext2 utilities. Remy Card is also the author of several helpful slides concerning the ext2 filesystem. Specifically, he is the author of File Management in the Linux Kernel and of The Second Extended File System - Current State, Future Development. Wayne Davison Who designed the ext2 filesystem. Stephen Tweedie Who helped designing the ext2 filesystem kernel code and wrote the slides Optimizations in File Systems. Theodore Ts'o Who is the author of several ext2 utilities and of the ext2 library libext2fs (which I didn't use, simply because I didn't know it exists when I started to work on my project). Lastly, I would like to thank, of-course, Linus Torvalds and the Linux community for providing all of us with such a great operating system. Please contact me in a case of bug report, suggestions, or just about anything concerning EXT2ED. Enjoy, Gadi Oxman <tgud@tochnapc2.technion.ac.il> Haifa, August 95