/* Copyright (c) 2010, Code Aurora Forum. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Code Aurora nor * the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /*============================================================================ FILE: cnd_iproute2.cpp OVERVIEW: This program is an interface to make the necessary calls to iproute2 in order to set up and take down routing tables. These calls are made indirectly over the command line by using a call to the C++ system() function. For each routing device visible to the kernel, cnd_iproute2 allows one table. Each table contains one entry, a default path to the inputted routing device. A source address or network prefix is also required in order to instantiate a table, so that packets from that ip address are routed through the device. A gateway address can also be inputted optionally for a newly added routing table. DEPENDENCIES: None ============================================================================*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Include Files * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "cnd_iproute2.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Preprocessor Definitions and Constants * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #undef LOG_TAG #define LOG_TAG "CND_IPROUTE2" #define LOCAL_TAG "CND_IPROUTE2_DEBUG" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Type Declarations * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // List of all actions supported from iproute2. Should match defintions // defined below prefixed with ACTIONS enum Cmd_line_actions { ACTIONS_ADD_ENUM, ACTIONS_DELETE_ENUM, ACTIONS_FLUSH_ENUM, ACTIONS_REPLACE_ENUM, ACTIONS_SHOW_ENUM }; // Comparator function for use in the map of active interfaces. struct routingTableMapComparator { bool operator() (const uint8_t *string1, const uint8_t *string2) const { if (string1 && string2) { return (strcmp((char *)string1, (char *)string2) < 0); } return false; } }; class CustomRouteInfo; class RoutingTableInfo; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Static Variable Definitions * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Commands to begin the command line string static const uint8_t *ROUTING_CMD = (uint8_t *)"ip route"; static const uint8_t *RULE_CMD = (uint8_t *)"ip rule"; // List of all actions supported from iproute2. These should match values in // above enumeration 'Cmd_line_actions' static const uint8_t *ACTIONS_ADD_STR = (uint8_t *)"add"; static const uint8_t *ACTIONS_DELETE_STR = (uint8_t *)"delete"; static const uint8_t *ACTIONS_FLUSH_STR = (uint8_t *)"flush"; static const uint8_t *ACTIONS_REPLACE_STR = (uint8_t *)"replace"; static const uint8_t *ACTIONS_SHOW_STR = (uint8_t *)"show"; // Keywords used to refine calls to iproute2 static const uint8_t *CMD_LINE_DEVICE_NAME = (uint8_t *)"dev"; static const uint8_t *CMD_LINE_GATEWAY_ADDRESS = (uint8_t *)"via"; static const uint8_t *CMD_LINE_PRIORITY_NUMBER = (uint8_t *)"priority"; static const uint8_t *CMD_LINE_SOURCE_PREFIX = (uint8_t *)"from"; static const uint8_t *CMD_LINE_TABLE_NUMBER = (uint8_t *)"table"; // Keywords that refer to specific routes or tables static const uint8_t *ALL_TABLES = (uint8_t *)"all"; static const uint8_t *CACHED_ENTRIES = (uint8_t *)"cache"; static const uint8_t *DEFAULT_ADDRESS = (uint8_t *)"default"; static const uint8_t *SCOPE_GLOBAL = (uint8_t *)"global"; static const uint8_t *SCOPE_KEYWORD = (uint8_t *)"scope"; static const uint8_t *SCOPE_LINK = (uint8_t *)"link"; // Table #1 is the first usable routing table static const int32_t MIN_TABLE_NUMBER = 1; // Table #253 is the 'defined' default routing table, which should not // be overwritten static const int32_t MAX_TABLE_NUMBER = 252; // Priority number 32766 diverts packets to the main table (Table #254) static const int32_t MAX_PRIORITY_NUMBER = 32765; // Max number of digits in a table number is 3 static const int32_t MAX_DIGITS_TABLE_NUMBER = 3; // Max number of digits in a priority number is 5 static const int32_t MAX_DIGITS_PRIORITY_NUMBER = 5; cnd_iproute2* cnd_iproute2::instancePtr = NULL; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Global Data Definitions * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Set of all table numbers currently being used. Cannot contain more than // MAX_TABLE_NUMBER - MIN_TABLE_NUMBER elements set tableNumberSet; // Maps the name of a device to its corresponding routing characteristics map routingTableMap; // Maps destination address of any custom entries created in the main table with // its corresponding routing table characteristics. map customRouteMap; // If a packet does not have an associated rule, it will go to the main // routing table and be routed to the following device by default uint8_t *defaultDevice; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Declaration for a non-member method. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void flushCache ( void ); uint8_t *cmdLineActionEnumToString ( Cmd_line_actions commandAction ); uint8_t *storeRoutingInformation ( uint8_t *parameterPtr ); bool modifyCustomRouteInMainTable ( uint8_t *destinationAddress, uint8_t *deviceName, uint8_t *gatewayAddress, Cmd_line_actions commandAction ); bool modifyDefaultRoute ( uint8_t *deviceName, uint8_t *gatewayAddress, Cmd_line_actions commandAction ); bool modifyRoutingTable ( uint8_t *deviceName, uint8_t *sourcePrefix, uint8_t *gatewayAddress, Cmd_line_actions commandAction ); bool modifyRule ( RoutingTableInfo *currentDevice, Cmd_line_actions commandAction ); bool cmdLineCaller ( const uint8_t* cmdLineFirstWord, ... ); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Class Definitions *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Stores information needed to create a custom entry in the * main table. This allows the calling class to delete that * entry without needing to keep track of any characteristics * of the device other than its name. */ class CustomRouteInfo { private: uint8_t *deviceName; uint8_t *gatewayAddress; uint8_t *destinationAddress; public: CustomRouteInfo ( uint8_t *deviceName, uint8_t *gatewayAddress, uint8_t *destinationAddress ) { CustomRouteInfo::deviceName = storeRoutingInformation(deviceName); if (NULL != gatewayAddress) { CustomRouteInfo::gatewayAddress = storeRoutingInformation(gatewayAddress); } else { CustomRouteInfo::gatewayAddress = NULL; } CustomRouteInfo::destinationAddress = storeRoutingInformation(destinationAddress); } ~CustomRouteInfo() { delete [] CustomRouteInfo::deviceName; if (NULL != CustomRouteInfo::gatewayAddress) { delete [] CustomRouteInfo::gatewayAddress; } if (NULL != CustomRouteInfo::destinationAddress) { delete [] CustomRouteInfo::destinationAddress; } } uint8_t* getDestinationAddress(void) { return destinationAddress; } uint8_t* getDeviceName(void) { return deviceName; } uint8_t* getGatewayAddress(void) { return gatewayAddress; } void setDeviceName(uint8_t *deviceName) { if (NULL != CustomRouteInfo::deviceName) { delete [] CustomRouteInfo::deviceName; } CustomRouteInfo::deviceName = storeRoutingInformation(deviceName); } void setGatewayAddress(uint8_t *gatewayAddress) { if (NULL != CustomRouteInfo::gatewayAddress) { delete [] CustomRouteInfo::gatewayAddress; } CustomRouteInfo::gatewayAddress = storeRoutingInformation(gatewayAddress); } }; /** Stores information needed to create a routing table and a rule. This * allows the calling class to delete that table without needing to * keep track of any characteristics of the device other than its name. * Assumes that there can only be 1 rule associated with any defined * table. */ class RoutingTableInfo { private: // Variables relating to the routing table int32_t tableNumber; uint8_t *deviceName; uint8_t *gatewayAddress; // Variables relating to the corresponding rule. uint8_t *sourcePrefix; int32_t priorityNumber; public: RoutingTableInfo ( uint8_t *deviceName, int32_t tableNumber, uint8_t *gatewayAddress, uint8_t *sourcePrefix, int32_t priorityNumber ) { RoutingTableInfo::deviceName = storeRoutingInformation(deviceName); RoutingTableInfo::tableNumber = tableNumber; if (NULL != gatewayAddress) { RoutingTableInfo::gatewayAddress = storeRoutingInformation(gatewayAddress); } else { RoutingTableInfo::gatewayAddress = NULL; } RoutingTableInfo::sourcePrefix = storeRoutingInformation(sourcePrefix); RoutingTableInfo::priorityNumber = priorityNumber; } ~RoutingTableInfo() { delete [] RoutingTableInfo::deviceName; delete [] RoutingTableInfo::sourcePrefix; if (NULL != RoutingTableInfo::gatewayAddress) { delete [] RoutingTableInfo::gatewayAddress; } } uint8_t* getDeviceName(void) { return deviceName; } uint8_t* getGatewayAddress(void) { return gatewayAddress; } int32_t getPriorityNumber(void) { return priorityNumber; } uint8_t* getSourcePrefix(void) { return sourcePrefix; } int32_t getTableNumber(void) { return tableNumber; } void setGatewayAddress(uint8_t *gatewayAddress) { if (NULL != RoutingTableInfo::gatewayAddress) { delete [] RoutingTableInfo::gatewayAddress; } RoutingTableInfo::gatewayAddress = storeRoutingInformation(gatewayAddress); } void setSourcePrefix(uint8_t *sourcePrefix) { delete [] RoutingTableInfo::sourcePrefix; RoutingTableInfo::sourcePrefix = storeRoutingInformation(sourcePrefix); } }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION getInstance DESCRIPTION Returns a pointer to an instance of the cnd_iproute2 such that only 1 instance can be open at a time. * DEPENDENCIES None * RETURN VALUE cnd_iproute2* * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ cnd_iproute2* cnd_iproute2::getInstance ( void ) { if(NULL == instancePtr) { instancePtr = new cnd_iproute2; } return instancePtr; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION cmdLineActionEnumToString * DESCRIPTION Helper function to converts values of Cmd_line_actions enum to a string. * DEPENDENCIES None * RETURN VALUE uint8_t* * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uint8_t *cmdLineActionEnumToString ( Cmd_line_actions commandAction ) { switch(commandAction) { case ACTIONS_ADD_ENUM: return (uint8_t *)ACTIONS_ADD_STR; break; case ACTIONS_DELETE_ENUM: return (uint8_t *)ACTIONS_DELETE_STR; break; case ACTIONS_FLUSH_ENUM: return (uint8_t *)ACTIONS_FLUSH_STR; break; case ACTIONS_REPLACE_ENUM: return (uint8_t *)ACTIONS_REPLACE_STR; break; case ACTIONS_SHOW_ENUM: return (uint8_t *)ACTIONS_SHOW_STR; break; default: CNE_LOGD("Unsupported conversion of command action to string"); return NULL; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION flushCache * DESCRIPTION Flushes the cache after routing table entries are changed * DEPENDENCIES None * RETURN VALUE None * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void flushCache ( void ) { if (!cmdLineCaller(ROUTING_CMD, cmdLineActionEnumToString(ACTIONS_FLUSH_ENUM), CACHED_ENTRIES, NULL)) { CNE_LOGD("Attempt to flush the routing cache failed."); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION storeRoutingInformation * DESCRIPTION Copies inputted pointer to permanent storage, returning a pointer to the newly allocated space. * DEPENDENCIES None * RETURN VALUE Returns pointer to newly allocated memory in heap. * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uint8_t *storeRoutingInformation ( uint8_t *parameterPtr ) { if(NULL == parameterPtr) { CNE_LOGD("storeRoutingInformation: Parameter is null."); return NULL; } uint8_t *memCopyPtr = new (nothrow) uint8_t[strlen((char*)parameterPtr) + 1]; if (NULL == memCopyPtr) { CNE_LOGW("storeRoutingInformation: unable to allocate memory"); return NULL; } int newByteLength = strlen((char *)parameterPtr) * sizeof(uint8_t); memcpy(memCopyPtr, parameterPtr, newByteLength + 1); memCopyPtr[newByteLength] = '\0'; return memCopyPtr; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION modifyCustomRouteInMainTable * DESCRIPTION Adds or deletes a custom route in the main table given the name of the device associated with this route. This custom route will route all packets to an inputted destination address of a host through the inputted device name, possibly using an optional gateway address. * DEPENDENCIES commandAction should be either ADD OR DELETE * RETURN VALUE bool - True if function is successful. False otherwise. * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool modifyCustomRouteInMainTable ( uint8_t *destinationAddress, uint8_t *deviceName, uint8_t *gatewayAddress, Cmd_line_actions commandAction ) { CustomRouteInfo *currentDevice = NULL; map::iterator routingTableMapIter; map::iterator customRouteMapIter; if (NULL == destinationAddress) { CNE_LOGD("Null destination address was passed while modifying a custom route " \ "in the main table"); return false; } switch(commandAction) { case ACTIONS_ADD_ENUM: { CNE_LOGV("Adding a custom route in the main table to destination %s", destinationAddress); if (NULL == deviceName) { CNE_LOGD("Null device name was passed when adding a custom route"); return false; } if (NULL == gatewayAddress) { CNE_LOGV("A null gateway address was passed when adding the entry to %s", destinationAddress); } routingTableMapIter = routingTableMap.find(deviceName); if ((routingTableMapIter != routingTableMap.end()) && (NULL == routingTableMapIter->second)) { CNE_LOGD("Routing table information has been corrupted for %s table", deviceName); } else if (routingTableMapIter != routingTableMap.end()) { CNE_LOGV("A separate routing table exists for %s. This table will not be " \ "updated.", deviceName); } customRouteMapIter = customRouteMap.find(destinationAddress); if ((customRouteMapIter != customRouteMap.end()) && (NULL == customRouteMapIter->second)) { CNE_LOGD("Custom route in main table information has been corrupted for %s", destinationAddress); } else if (customRouteMapIter != customRouteMap.end()) { CustomRouteInfo *existingDevice = customRouteMapIter->second; uint8_t *existingGateway = existingDevice->getGatewayAddress(); // If interface name has changed for a particular destination, must // delete and add back the custom entry. A simple 'replace' command // will not remove the old entry. Any changes to the gateway address // will be picked up when a new entry is added if (0 != strcmp((char *)existingDevice->getDeviceName(), (char *)deviceName)) { commandAction = ACTIONS_REPLACE_ENUM; existingDevice->setDeviceName(deviceName); existingDevice->setGatewayAddress(gatewayAddress); break; } // Because the gateway address is an optional parameter, must account // for cases where the gateway address changes from null to non-null or // vice-versa else if ( !((NULL == existingGateway) && (NULL == gatewayAddress)) && ((NULL == gatewayAddress) || (NULL == existingGateway) || (0 != strcmp((char *)existingGateway, (char *)gatewayAddress))) ) { commandAction = ACTIONS_REPLACE_ENUM; existingDevice->setGatewayAddress(gatewayAddress); break; } else { if (NULL == gatewayAddress) { CNE_LOGV("Adding duplicate custom route in main table with device %s," \ "destination address %s.", deviceName, destinationAddress); return true; } else { CNE_LOGV("Adding duplicate custom route in main table with device %s," \ "destination %s, gateway %s", deviceName, destinationAddress, gatewayAddress); return true; } } } else { CNE_LOGV("Device '%s' not found in a custom entry to main table", deviceName); } currentDevice = new CustomRouteInfo(deviceName, gatewayAddress, destinationAddress); if ((NULL == currentDevice) || (NULL == currentDevice->getDeviceName()) || (NULL == currentDevice->getDestinationAddress())) { CNE_LOGD("Failed to allocate new device information while adding custom " \ "entry over interface %s to main table.", deviceName); return false; } break; } case ACTIONS_DELETE_ENUM: { CNE_LOGV("Deleting a custom route in the main table with destination %s", destinationAddress); if (customRouteMap.empty()) { CNE_LOGD("Deleting a custom route in the main table when no route exists."); return false; } customRouteMapIter = customRouteMap.find(destinationAddress); if (customRouteMapIter == customRouteMap.end()) { CNE_LOGD("Cannot delete custom route over %s that has not been created.", destinationAddress); return false; } currentDevice = customRouteMapIter->second; if (NULL == currentDevice) { CNE_LOGD("Deleting custom route over %s with a stored name and null value", destinationAddress); return false; } gatewayAddress = currentDevice->getGatewayAddress(); deviceName = currentDevice->getDeviceName(); break; } default: { CNE_LOGD("Unsupported command action found while modifying a custom route"); return false; } } if (NULL == gatewayAddress) { cmdLineCaller(ROUTING_CMD, cmdLineActionEnumToString(commandAction), destinationAddress, CMD_LINE_DEVICE_NAME, deviceName, SCOPE_KEYWORD, SCOPE_LINK, NULL); } else { cmdLineCaller(ROUTING_CMD, cmdLineActionEnumToString(commandAction), destinationAddress, CMD_LINE_GATEWAY_ADDRESS, gatewayAddress, CMD_LINE_DEVICE_NAME, deviceName, SCOPE_KEYWORD, SCOPE_GLOBAL, NULL); } switch(commandAction) { case ACTIONS_ADD_ENUM: { customRouteMap.insert(make_pair(currentDevice->getDestinationAddress(), currentDevice)); break; } case ACTIONS_DELETE_ENUM: { customRouteMap.erase(destinationAddress); delete currentDevice; break; } default: break; } flushCache(); return true; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION modifyDefaultRoute * DESCRIPTION Changes the default route given the name of the device that will be the new default. The default case occurs if a packet is sent from some source address not associated with a defined table. When this occurs, the main table will route these undefined source addresses to the gateway of the defined default device. This function will add or delete that default route in the main table. If a default route is being deleted, no input is required for deviceName. The 'replace' command will change the default entry already existing in the main routing table, or add the entry if it does not exist. * DEPENDENCIES commandAction should be either REPLACE OR DELETE * RETURN VALUE bool - True if function is successful. False otherwise. * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool modifyDefaultRoute ( uint8_t *deviceName, uint8_t *cmdGatewayAddress, Cmd_line_actions commandAction ) { uint8_t *gatewayAddress = NULL; CNE_LOGV("modifyDefaultRoute: devName:%s, cmdGateway:%s, action:%d", deviceName, cmdGatewayAddress, commandAction); switch(commandAction) { case ACTIONS_REPLACE_ENUM: { if (NULL == deviceName) { CNE_LOGD("A null device name was passed while replacing the default table"); return false; } // Case where the default device known by cnd is the same as the new // device that is replacing it. if ((NULL != defaultDevice) && (0 == strcmp((char *)defaultDevice, (char *)deviceName))) { CNE_LOGV("The new default interface %s is the same as the one known by cnd", deviceName); } CNE_LOGV("Replacing default routing table with %s", deviceName); bool foundMatchingEntry = false; map::iterator routingTableMapIter; map::iterator customRouteMapIter; routingTableMapIter = routingTableMap.find(deviceName); customRouteMapIter = customRouteMap.begin(); if (routingTableMapIter != routingTableMap.end()) { if (NULL == routingTableMapIter->second) { CNE_LOGD("Routing table for new default %s has corrupt stored values", deviceName); } else { CNE_LOGV("Routing table for new default %s found", deviceName); foundMatchingEntry = true; gatewayAddress = routingTableMapIter->second->getGatewayAddress(); } } else { while (customRouteMapIter != customRouteMap.end()) { uint8_t *destinationAddress = customRouteMapIter->first; CustomRouteInfo *currentDevice = customRouteMapIter->second; ++customRouteMapIter; if (NULL == destinationAddress) { CNE_LOGD("Entry in custom route map is corrupted"); continue; } if (NULL == currentDevice) { CNE_LOGD("Value in custom route map with destination %s is corrupted", destinationAddress); continue; } if (0 == strcmp((char *)currentDevice->getDeviceName(), (char *)deviceName)) { CNE_LOGV("Custom route for new default %s found", deviceName); foundMatchingEntry = true; gatewayAddress = currentDevice->getGatewayAddress(); break; } } } if (!foundMatchingEntry) { CNE_LOGV("No routing tables or entries found for new default device %s", deviceName); } defaultDevice = storeRoutingInformation(deviceName); break; } case ACTIONS_DELETE_ENUM: { // The following case should only be entered if the default table is // being deleted when no tables exist if (NULL == defaultDevice) { CNE_LOGD("No stored default device; use deleteDefaultEntryFromMainTable."); return false; } CNE_LOGV("Deleting default routing table"); break; } default: { CNE_LOGD("Unsupported command action found while changing the default table"); return false; } } // These commands may fail if the kernel has already executed an operation on // its own. Treat a call to modify the main table as if was successful. if (NULL == gatewayAddress) gatewayAddress = cmdGatewayAddress; if (NULL == gatewayAddress) { cmdLineCaller(ROUTING_CMD, cmdLineActionEnumToString(commandAction), DEFAULT_ADDRESS, CMD_LINE_DEVICE_NAME, defaultDevice, NULL); } else { cmdLineCaller(ROUTING_CMD, cmdLineActionEnumToString(commandAction), DEFAULT_ADDRESS, CMD_LINE_GATEWAY_ADDRESS, gatewayAddress, CMD_LINE_DEVICE_NAME, defaultDevice, NULL); } if (ACTIONS_DELETE_ENUM == commandAction) { // After a deletion, there should be no default device defined in the main // routing table if (NULL != defaultDevice) { delete [] defaultDevice; defaultDevice = NULL; } } flushCache(); return true; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION modifyRoutingTable * DESCRIPTION Adds or deletes a routing table given the name of the device This routing table has one route, which will route all packets to the device with the inputted name. This route can optionally be set up to send packets through an inputted gateway address. Once the table has been modified, modifyRoutingTable will call another function to create or delete a rule that maps some source address' packets to this table. * DEPENDENCIES commandAction should be either ADD OR DELETE * RETURN VALUE bool - True if function is successful. False otherwise. * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool modifyRoutingTable ( uint8_t *deviceName, uint8_t *sourcePrefix, uint8_t *gatewayAddress, Cmd_line_actions commandAction ) { int32_t tableNumber; int32_t priorityNumber; RoutingTableInfo *currentDevice = NULL; map::iterator routingTableMapIter; set::iterator tableNumberSetIter; if (NULL == deviceName) { CNE_LOGD("A null device name was passed while modifying a routing table"); return false; } switch(commandAction) { case ACTIONS_ADD_ENUM: { CNE_LOGV("Adding a routing table for interface %s", deviceName); if (NULL == sourcePrefix) { CNE_LOGD("A null source prefix was passed when adding the %s table", deviceName); return false; } if (NULL == gatewayAddress) { CNE_LOGV("A null gateway address was passed when adding the %s table", deviceName); } routingTableMapIter = routingTableMap.find(deviceName); if ((routingTableMapIter != routingTableMap.end()) && (NULL == routingTableMapIter->second)) { CNE_LOGD("Adding duplicate routing table with corrupt device information"); routingTableMap.erase(deviceName); } // If a call to add a routing table overwrites an existing table, the // new source and gateway addresses will overwrite the old ones. // However, calls to add a duplicate table, where the source and // gateway addresses do not change, are ignored and will simply return // true. else if (routingTableMapIter != routingTableMap.end()) { RoutingTableInfo *existingDevice = routingTableMapIter->second; int isNewSourcePrefix = strcmp((char *)existingDevice->getSourcePrefix(), (char *)sourcePrefix); uint8_t *existingGateway = existingDevice->getGatewayAddress(); // Because the gateway address is an optional parameter, must account // for cases where the gateway address changes from null to non-null or // vice-versa if ( !((NULL == existingGateway) && (NULL == gatewayAddress)) && ((NULL == gatewayAddress) || (NULL == existingGateway) || (0 != strcmp((char *)existingGateway, (char *)gatewayAddress))) ) { // Replace active table and rule with changes to gateway address and // possibly the source prefix, if it has changed. commandAction = ACTIONS_REPLACE_ENUM; modifyRule(existingDevice, ACTIONS_DELETE_ENUM); existingDevice->setGatewayAddress(gatewayAddress); if (0 != isNewSourcePrefix) { existingDevice->setSourcePrefix(sourcePrefix); } tableNumber = existingDevice->getTableNumber(); break; } // Check for differences between source addresses. If a change in the // gateway address has already been detected, this step of modifying the // rule will be done implicitly. else if (0 != isNewSourcePrefix) { modifyRule(existingDevice, ACTIONS_DELETE_ENUM); existingDevice->setSourcePrefix(sourcePrefix); modifyRule(existingDevice, ACTIONS_ADD_ENUM); return true; } else { if (NULL == gatewayAddress) { CNE_LOGV("Adding a duplicate %s table with source %s.", deviceName, sourcePrefix); return true; } else { CNE_LOGV("Adding a duplicate %s table with gateway %s and source %s.", deviceName, sourcePrefix, gatewayAddress); return true; } } } else { CNE_LOGV("Device '%s' not found as an active interface", deviceName); } // Instantiating more than 252 tables simultaneously is an error if (MAX_TABLE_NUMBER - MIN_TABLE_NUMBER < tableNumberSet.size()) { CNE_LOGD("Too many tables exist to add %s. %d tables are defined", deviceName, tableNumberSet.size()); return false; } // Locate next available table number. If the previous check passed, // there must be a table number available for (int32_t nextTableNumber = MIN_TABLE_NUMBER; nextTableNumber < MAX_TABLE_NUMBER; nextTableNumber++) { tableNumberSetIter = tableNumberSet.find(nextTableNumber); if (tableNumberSetIter == tableNumberSet.end()) { tableNumber = nextTableNumber; break; } } // Always map the same rule to the same table number. This allows the // reuse of priority numbers. priorityNumber = MAX_PRIORITY_NUMBER - tableNumber + 1; currentDevice = new RoutingTableInfo(deviceName, tableNumber, gatewayAddress, sourcePrefix, priorityNumber); if ((NULL == currentDevice) || (NULL == currentDevice->getDeviceName()) || (NULL == currentDevice->getSourcePrefix())) { CNE_LOGD("Failed to allocate new device information while adding table %s.", deviceName); return false; } break; } case ACTIONS_DELETE_ENUM: { CNE_LOGV("Deleting routing table for interface %s", deviceName); if (routingTableMap.empty()) { CNE_LOGD("Deleting a table when no table exists."); return false; } routingTableMapIter = routingTableMap.find(deviceName); if (routingTableMapIter == routingTableMap.end()) { CNE_LOGD("Cannot delete table %s that has not been created.", deviceName); return false; } currentDevice = routingTableMapIter->second; if (NULL == currentDevice) { CNE_LOGD("Deleting table with a stored name and null value"); return false; } gatewayAddress = currentDevice->getGatewayAddress(); tableNumber = currentDevice->getTableNumber(); break; } default: { CNE_LOGD("Unsupported command action found while modifying a table"); return false; } } // Convert table number int to string, null-terminating the result char tableNumberString[MAX_DIGITS_TABLE_NUMBER+1]; int32_t numberOfDigits = snprintf(tableNumberString, MAX_DIGITS_TABLE_NUMBER+1, "%d", tableNumber); tableNumberString[numberOfDigits] = '\0'; if (NULL == gatewayAddress) { cmdLineCaller(ROUTING_CMD, cmdLineActionEnumToString(commandAction), DEFAULT_ADDRESS, CMD_LINE_DEVICE_NAME, deviceName, CMD_LINE_TABLE_NUMBER, (uint8_t *)tableNumberString, NULL); } else { cmdLineCaller(ROUTING_CMD, cmdLineActionEnumToString(commandAction), DEFAULT_ADDRESS, CMD_LINE_GATEWAY_ADDRESS, gatewayAddress, CMD_LINE_DEVICE_NAME, deviceName, CMD_LINE_TABLE_NUMBER, (uint8_t *)tableNumberString, NULL); } switch(commandAction) { // This case should not break to account for common code with the replace // command. case ACTIONS_ADD_ENUM: { routingTableMap.insert(make_pair(currentDevice->getDeviceName(),currentDevice)); tableNumberSet.insert(tableNumber); } case ACTIONS_REPLACE_ENUM: { // If there is no default entry, the new device should be the default. if (NULL == defaultDevice) { CNE_LOGV("Routing table added when no default exists. Adding new default."); modifyDefaultRoute(deviceName, gatewayAddress, ACTIONS_REPLACE_ENUM); } break; } case ACTIONS_DELETE_ENUM: { routingTableMap.erase(deviceName); tableNumberSet.erase(tableNumber); // If there are no more tables, then there should be no default device. // There is a scenarios where iproute2 is recorded having no table since // iproute2 not adding it, but there is default entry in main table // created by system when network comes up, and if the default entry is // removed, then there will be no default. Need to revisit iproute2. if (0 == tableNumberSet.size()) { CNE_LOGW("Warning: There are no tables"); } // If the default table has been deleted and another device is available, // set an arbitrary new device as the new default. else if (0 == strcmp((char *)defaultDevice, (char *)currentDevice->getDeviceName())) { uint8_t *newDefaultName = routingTableMap.begin()->first; CNE_LOGV("Replacing old default device with %s", newDefaultName); modifyDefaultRoute(newDefaultName, gatewayAddress, ACTIONS_REPLACE_ENUM); } break; } default: break; } // There is no 'ip rule replace' command. When a gateway address is changed, // must delete the rule and add it back. if (ACTIONS_REPLACE_ENUM == commandAction) { commandAction = ACTIONS_ADD_ENUM; } bool modifyRuleRetValue = modifyRule(currentDevice, commandAction); // Delete device information that will no longer be used, if it is not // being stored elsewhere if (ACTIONS_DELETE_ENUM == commandAction) { delete currentDevice; } return modifyRuleRetValue; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION modifyRule * DESCRIPTION Adds or deletes a rule given the actual device object of the table associated with that rule. Every defined routing table requires some rule to map packets from some given source address to that routing table. This function takes an object so that after a routing table has been removed, the source prefix, table number, and priority number associated with that table can still be accessed. This allows a call to be made to iproute2 to delete the corresponding rule. * DEPENDENCIES commandAction should be either ADD OR DELETE * RETURN VALUE bool - True if function is successful. False otherwise. * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool modifyRule ( RoutingTableInfo *currentDevice, Cmd_line_actions commandAction ) { if (NULL == currentDevice) { CNE_LOGD("A null device was passed while modifying a rule"); return false; } uint8_t* deviceName = currentDevice->getDeviceName(); map::iterator routingTableMapIter; routingTableMapIter = routingTableMap.find(deviceName); // If a rule is being added, its corresponding table should exist in the map // of all routing tables. if ((ACTIONS_ADD_ENUM == commandAction) && (routingTableMapIter == routingTableMap.end())) { CNE_LOGD("Cannot %s a rule for nonexistant table %s", cmdLineActionEnumToString(commandAction), deviceName); return false; } int32_t tableNumber = currentDevice->getTableNumber(); int32_t priorityNumber = currentDevice->getPriorityNumber(); uint8_t *sourcePrefix = currentDevice->getSourcePrefix(); // Convert table number & priority number ints to string, null-terminating // the results char tableNumberString[MAX_DIGITS_TABLE_NUMBER+1]; char priorityNumberString[MAX_DIGITS_PRIORITY_NUMBER+1]; int32_t numberOfDigits = snprintf(tableNumberString, MAX_DIGITS_TABLE_NUMBER+1, "%d", tableNumber); tableNumberString[numberOfDigits] = '\0'; numberOfDigits = snprintf(priorityNumberString, MAX_DIGITS_PRIORITY_NUMBER+1, "%d", priorityNumber); priorityNumberString[numberOfDigits] = '\0'; cmdLineCaller(RULE_CMD, cmdLineActionEnumToString(commandAction), CMD_LINE_SOURCE_PREFIX, sourcePrefix, CMD_LINE_TABLE_NUMBER, (uint8_t *)tableNumberString, CMD_LINE_PRIORITY_NUMBER, (uint8_t *)priorityNumberString, NULL); flushCache(); return true; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION cmdLineCaller * DESCRIPTION Sends a call to iproute2 over the command line. This function takes in a list of an arbitrary number of words, which is parsed together into one final string. This string is sent over the command line using the C routine 'system'. To see the standard output of a failed command in the ADB logs, the 'logwrapper' utility must be used while instantiating the cnd process. * DEPENDENCIES Should not be any spaces in any inputted argument * RETURN VALUE bool - True if function is successful. False otherwise. * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool cmdLineCaller ( const uint8_t* cmdLineFirstWord, ... ) { size_t byteLength = 0; size_t memLength; int32_t numberOfSpaces = 0; va_list cmdLineWordList; uint8_t *nextWord; char *cmdLineString; if (NULL == cmdLineFirstWord) { CNE_LOGD("No actual command passed to build a command line."); return false; } // Find length of overall command line string to determine how much // space to allocate for it byteLength = strlen((char *)cmdLineFirstWord); va_start(cmdLineWordList, cmdLineFirstWord); while((nextWord = va_arg(cmdLineWordList,uint8_t*)) != NULL) { byteLength += strlen((char *)nextWord); numberOfSpaces++; } va_end(cmdLineWordList); // Allocate command line string, which is number of bytes in inputted words // plus the null character, plus the number of white spaces. cmdLineString = new (nothrow) char[byteLength + numberOfSpaces + 1]; if (NULL == cmdLineString) { CNE_LOGW("Could not allocate memory to build command line string."); return false; } memLength = strlcpy(cmdLineString, (char *)cmdLineFirstWord, strlen((char *)cmdLineFirstWord) * sizeof(uint8_t) + 1); if (memLength > strlen((char *)cmdLineFirstWord) * sizeof(uint8_t) + 1) { CNE_LOGD("Failure building first word of command line string."); delete [] cmdLineString; return false; } // Build command line string containing each inputted word. va_start(cmdLineWordList, cmdLineFirstWord); while((nextWord = va_arg(cmdLineWordList,uint8_t*)) != NULL) { // Add white space memLength = strlcat(cmdLineString, " ", strlen(cmdLineString) * sizeof(char) + sizeof(uint8_t) + 1); if (memLength > strlen(cmdLineString) * sizeof(char) + sizeof(uint8_t) + 1) { CNE_LOGD("Failure adding whitespace to command line string."); delete [] cmdLineString; va_end(cmdLineWordList); return false; } // Add next word memLength = strlcat(cmdLineString, (char *)nextWord, strlen(cmdLineString) * sizeof(char) + strlen((char *)nextWord) * sizeof(uint8_t) + 1); if (memLength > strlen(cmdLineString) * sizeof(char) + strlen((char *)nextWord) * sizeof(uint8_t) + 1) { CNE_LOGD("Failure adding next word to command line string."); delete [] cmdLineString; va_end(cmdLineWordList); return false; } } va_end(cmdLineWordList); cmdLineString[byteLength + numberOfSpaces] = '\0'; CNE_LOGV("Iproute2 will be called with: %s", cmdLineString); int cmdLineExitValue = system(cmdLineString); delete [] cmdLineString; if (0 != cmdLineExitValue) { CNE_LOGD("Command line call to iproute2 failed with exitvalue %d.", cmdLineExitValue); return false; } CNE_LOGV("Iproute2 successfully called."); return true; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION addCustomEntryInMainTable * DESCRIPTION Adds a custom entry to the main table to a specific destination address over the given interface name * DEPENDENCIES None * RETURN VALUE bool - True if function is successful. False otherwise. * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool cnd_iproute2::addCustomEntryInMainTable ( uint8_t *destinationAddress, uint8_t *deviceName, uint8_t *gatewayAddress ) { return (modifyCustomRouteInMainTable(destinationAddress, deviceName, gatewayAddress, ACTIONS_ADD_ENUM)); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION addRoutingTable * DESCRIPTION Adds a routing table to the system that contains a single default entry, a route to the device with the inputted name, which will optionally route through an inputted gateway address. It also adds a rule to route a given source network prefix or address to the new table. The parameter deviceName refers to the name of the device whose table will be added (Such as wlan or wwan) The parameter sourcePrefix refers to the source network prefix or address that will be routed to the device (Such as 37.214.21/24 or * DEPENDENCIES None * RETURN VALUE bool - True if function is successful. False otherwise. * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool cnd_iproute2::addRoutingTable ( uint8_t *deviceName, uint8_t *sourcePrefix, uint8_t *gatewayAddress ) { return (modifyRoutingTable(deviceName, sourcePrefix, gatewayAddress, ACTIONS_ADD_ENUM)); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION deleteRoutingTable * DESCRIPTION Deletes a routing table from the system along with the rule corresponding to that table. * DEPENDENCIES The table must have already been added via the addRoutingTable API. * RETURN VALUE bool - True if function is successful. False otherwise. * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool cnd_iproute2::deleteRoutingTable ( uint8_t *deviceName ) { return (modifyRoutingTable(deviceName, NULL, NULL, ACTIONS_DELETE_ENUM)); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION deleteCustomEntryInMainTable * DESCRIPTION Deletes a custom entry from the main table that has already been added via addCustomEntryToMainTable * DEPENDENCIES None * RETURN VALUE bool - True if function is successful. False otherwise. * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool cnd_iproute2::deleteCustomEntryInMainTable ( uint8_t *destinationAddress ) { return (modifyCustomRouteInMainTable(destinationAddress, NULL, NULL, ACTIONS_DELETE_ENUM)); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION deleteDeviceCustomEntriesInMainTable * DESCRIPTION Deletes all custom entries from the main table that route through the inputted interface name. These routes must have already been added via addCustomEntryToMainTable * DEPENDENCIES None * RETURN VALUE bool - True if function is successful. False otherwise. * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool cnd_iproute2::deleteDeviceCustomEntriesInMainTable ( uint8_t *deviceName ) { if (NULL == deviceName) { CNE_LOGD("Null device name was passed when adding a custom route"); return false; } CNE_LOGV("Deleting custom routes in the main table through interface %s", deviceName); if (customRouteMap.empty()) { CNE_LOGD("Deleting a custom route in the main table when no route exists."); return false; } bool returnValue = true; bool foundMatchingEntry = false; map::iterator customRouteMapIter; customRouteMapIter = customRouteMap.begin(); while (customRouteMapIter != customRouteMap.end()) { uint8_t *destinationAddress = customRouteMapIter->first; CustomRouteInfo *currentDevice = customRouteMapIter->second; ++customRouteMapIter; if (NULL == destinationAddress) { CNE_LOGD("Entry in currentDevice is corrupted."); continue; } if (NULL == currentDevice) { CNE_LOGD("Entry in currentDevice with destination %s is corrupted", destinationAddress); continue; } if (0 == strcmp((char *)currentDevice->getDeviceName(), (char *)deviceName)) { foundMatchingEntry = true; returnValue = modifyCustomRouteInMainTable(destinationAddress, NULL, NULL, ACTIONS_DELETE_ENUM); } } if (!foundMatchingEntry) { CNE_LOGD("No entry was found with interface name %s.", deviceName); return false; } return returnValue; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION deleteDefaultEntryInMainTable * DESCRIPTION Deletes the default entry in the main table for the inputted interface name. * DEPENDENCIES None * RETURN VALUE bool - True if function is successful. False otherwise. * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool cnd_iproute2::deleteDefaultEntryInMainTable ( uint8_t *deviceName ) { CNE_LOGV("Deleting %s interface from main table.", deviceName); if (!cmdLineCaller(ROUTING_CMD, cmdLineActionEnumToString(ACTIONS_DELETE_ENUM), DEFAULT_ADDRESS, CMD_LINE_DEVICE_NAME, deviceName, NULL)) { return false; } flushCache(); return true; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION replaceDefaultEntryInMainTable * DESCRIPTION Changes the default device where packets are routed to. If some source address does not match an already defined rule, packets from that source address will be routed through the main table to some default device. This function replaces the default route to direct traffic to an inputted, already defined device. A routing table associated with this device must have been added through addRoutingTable() before it can be the default. * DEPENDENCIES The new default table must have already been added via the addRoutingTable API. * RETURN VALUE bool - True if function is successful. False otherwise. * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool cnd_iproute2::replaceDefaultEntryInMainTable ( uint8_t *deviceName, uint8_t *gatewayAddress ) { CNE_LOGV("replaceDefaultEntryInMainTable: devName:%s, gatewayAddress:%s", deviceName, gatewayAddress); return (modifyDefaultRoute(deviceName, gatewayAddress, ACTIONS_REPLACE_ENUM)); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION showAllRoutingTables * DESCRIPTION Displays the contents of all routing tables for debugging purposes. * DEPENDENCIES None * RETURN VALUE bool - True if function is successful. False otherwise. * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool cnd_iproute2::showAllRoutingTables ( void ) { return cmdLineCaller(ROUTING_CMD, cmdLineActionEnumToString(ACTIONS_SHOW_ENUM), CMD_LINE_TABLE_NUMBER, ALL_TABLES, NULL); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION showRoutingTable * DESCRIPTION Displays the contents of the routing table associated with the inputted device name. * DEPENDENCIES None * RETURN VALUE bool - True if function is successful. False otherwise. * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool cnd_iproute2::showRoutingTable ( uint8_t *deviceName ) { if (NULL == deviceName) { CNE_LOGD("A null device name was passed while displaying a table."); return false; } return cmdLineCaller(ROUTING_CMD, cmdLineActionEnumToString(ACTIONS_SHOW_ENUM), CMD_LINE_TABLE_NUMBER, deviceName, NULL); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION showRoutingTable * DESCRIPTION Displays the rules associated with all tables for debugging purposes. * DEPENDENCIES None * RETURN VALUE bool - True if function is successful. False otherwise. * SIDE EFFECTS None *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool cnd_iproute2::showRules ( void ) { return cmdLineCaller(RULE_CMD, cmdLineActionEnumToString(ACTIONS_SHOW_ENUM), NULL); }