path: root/stlport/stlport/stl/_string.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'stlport/stlport/stl/_string.c')
1 files changed, 673 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stlport/stlport/stl/_string.c b/stlport/stlport/stl/_string.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fa5ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stlport/stlport/stl/_string.c
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1994
+ * Hewlett-Packard Company
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1996,1997
+ * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1997
+ * Moscow Center for SPARC Technology
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1999
+ * Boris Fomitchev
+ *
+ * This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed
+ * or implied. Any use is at your own risk.
+ *
+ * Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted
+ * without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
+ * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
+ * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
+ * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
+ */
+#ifndef _STLP_STRING_C
+#define _STLP_STRING_C
+# include <stl/_string.h>
+# include <stl/_ctraits_fns.h>
+# include <stl/_function.h>
+# define basic_string _STLP_NO_MEM_T_NAME(str)
+#elif defined (_STLP_DEBUG)
+# define basic_string _STLP_NON_DBG_NAME(str)
+# define __size_type__ size_t
+# define size_type size_t
+# define iterator _CharT*
+# define __size_type__ _STLP_TYPENAME_ON_RETURN_TYPE basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc>::size_type
+// A helper class to use a char_traits as a function object.
+template <class _Traits>
+struct _Not_within_traits : public unary_function<typename _Traits::char_type, bool> {
+ typedef typename _Traits::char_type _CharT;
+ const _CharT* _M_first;
+ const _CharT* _M_last;
+ _Not_within_traits(const _CharT* __f, const _CharT* __l)
+ : _M_first(__f), _M_last(__l) {}
+ bool operator()(const _CharT& __x) const {
+ return find_if(_M_first, _M_last,
+ _STLP_PRIV _Eq_char_bound<_Traits>(__x)) == _M_last;
+ }
+template <class _InputIter, class _CharT, class _Traits>
+inline _InputIter __str_find_first_of_aux(_InputIter __first1, _InputIter __last1,
+ const _CharT* __first2, const _CharT* __last2,
+ _Traits*, const __true_type& /* _STLportTraits */)
+{ return __find_first_of(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2); }
+template <class _InputIter, class _CharT, class _Traits>
+inline _InputIter __str_find_first_of_aux(_InputIter __first1, _InputIter __last1,
+ const _CharT* __first2, const _CharT* __last2,
+ _Traits*, const __false_type& /* _STLportTraits */)
+{ return __find_first_of(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, _STLP_PRIV _Eq_traits<_Traits>()); }
+template <class _InputIter, class _CharT, class _Traits>
+inline _InputIter __str_find_first_of(_InputIter __first1, _InputIter __last1,
+ const _CharT* __first2, const _CharT* __last2,
+ _Traits* __traits) {
+#if !defined (__BORLANDC__)
+ typedef typename _IsSTLportClass<_Traits>::_Ret _STLportTraits;
+ enum { _Is = _IsSTLportClass<_Traits>::_Is };
+ typedef typename __bool2type<_Is>::_Ret _STLportTraits;
+ return __str_find_first_of_aux(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __traits, _STLportTraits());
+template <class _InputIter, class _CharT, class _Traits>
+inline _InputIter __str_find_first_not_of_aux3(_InputIter __first1, _InputIter __last1,
+ const _CharT* __first2, const _CharT* __last2,
+ _Traits* /* __traits */, const __true_type& __useStrcspnLikeAlgo)
+{ return __find_first_of_aux2(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __first2, not1(_Identity<bool>()), __useStrcspnLikeAlgo); }
+template <class _InputIter, class _CharT, class _Traits>
+inline _InputIter __str_find_first_not_of_aux3(_InputIter __first1, _InputIter __last1,
+ const _CharT* __first2, const _CharT* __last2,
+ _Traits* /* __traits */, const __false_type& /* _UseStrcspnLikeAlgo */)
+{ return _STLP_STD::find_if(__first1, __last1, _STLP_PRIV _Not_within_traits<_Traits>(__first2, __last2)); }
+template <class _InputIter, class _CharT, class _Tp, class _Traits>
+inline _InputIter __str_find_first_not_of_aux2(_InputIter __first1, _InputIter __last1,
+ const _CharT* __first2, const _CharT* __last2,
+ _Tp* __pt, _Traits* __traits) {
+ typedef typename _IsIntegral<_Tp>::_Ret _IsIntegral;
+ typedef typename _IsCharLikeType<_CharT>::_Ret _IsCharLike;
+ typedef typename _Land2<_IsIntegral, _IsCharLike>::_Ret _UseStrcspnLikeAlgo;
+ return __str_find_first_not_of_aux3(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __traits, _UseStrcspnLikeAlgo());
+template <class _InputIter, class _CharT, class _Traits>
+inline _InputIter __str_find_first_not_of_aux1(_InputIter __first1, _InputIter __last1,
+ const _CharT* __first2, const _CharT* __last2,
+ _Traits* __traits, const __true_type& /* _STLportTraits */)
+{ return __str_find_first_not_of_aux2(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2,
+ _STLP_VALUE_TYPE(__first1, _InputIter), __traits); }
+template <class _InputIter, class _CharT, class _Traits>
+inline _InputIter __str_find_first_not_of_aux1(_InputIter __first1, _InputIter __last1,
+ const _CharT* __first2, const _CharT* __last2,
+ _Traits*, const __false_type& /* _STLportTraits */)
+{ return _STLP_STD::find_if(__first1, __last1, _STLP_PRIV _Not_within_traits<_Traits>(__first2, __last2)); }
+template <class _InputIter, class _CharT, class _Traits>
+inline _InputIter __str_find_first_not_of(_InputIter __first1, _InputIter __last1,
+ const _CharT* __first2, const _CharT* __last2,
+ _Traits* __traits) {
+#if !defined (__BORLANDC__)
+ typedef typename _IsSTLportClass<_Traits>::_Ret _STLportTraits;
+ enum { _Is = _IsSTLportClass<_Traits>::_Is };
+ typedef typename __bool2type<_Is>::_Ret _STLportTraits;
+ return __str_find_first_not_of_aux1(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __traits, _STLportTraits());
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+// Non-inline declarations.
+#if !defined (basic_string)
+// Change the string's capacity so that it is large enough to hold
+// at least __res_arg elements, plus the terminating _CharT(). Note that,
+// if __res_arg < capacity(), this member function may actually decrease
+// the string's capacity.
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+void basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc>::reserve(size_type __res_arg) {
+ if (__res_arg > max_size())
+ this->_M_throw_length_error();
+ size_type __n = (max)(__res_arg, size()) + 1;
+ if (__n < this->_M_capacity())
+ return;
+ _M_reserve(__n);
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+void basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc>::_M_reserve(size_type __n) {
+ pointer __new_start = this->_M_start_of_storage.allocate(__n, __n);
+ pointer __new_finish = _STLP_PRIV __ucopy(this->_M_Start(), this->_M_Finish(), __new_start);
+ _M_construct_null(__new_finish);
+ this->_M_deallocate_block();
+ this->_M_reset(__new_start, __new_finish, __new_start + __n);
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc>::append(size_type __n, _CharT __c) {
+ if (__n > 0) {
+ if (__n > max_size() - size())
+ this->_M_throw_length_error();
+ if (__n >= this->_M_rest())
+ _M_reserve(_M_compute_next_size(__n));
+ _STLP_PRIV __uninitialized_fill_n(this->_M_finish + 1, __n - 1, __c);
+ _M_construct_null(this->_M_finish + __n);
+ _Traits::assign(*end(), __c);
+ this->_M_finish += __n;
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>&
+basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::_M_append(const _CharT* __first, const _CharT* __last) {
+ if (__first != __last) {
+ size_type __n = __STATIC_CAST(size_type, __last - __first);
+ if (__n >= this->_M_rest()) {
+ size_type __len = _M_compute_next_size(__n);
+ pointer __new_start = this->_M_start_of_storage.allocate(__len, __len);
+ pointer __new_finish = _STLP_PRIV __ucopy(this->_M_Start(), this->_M_Finish(), __new_start);
+ __new_finish = _STLP_PRIV __ucopy(__first, __last, __new_finish);
+ _M_construct_null(__new_finish);
+ this->_M_deallocate_block();
+ this->_M_reset(__new_start, __new_finish, __new_start + __len);
+ }
+ else {
+ const _CharT* __f1 = __first;
+ ++__f1;
+ _STLP_PRIV __ucopy(__f1, __last, this->_M_finish + 1);
+ _M_construct_null(this->_M_finish + __n);
+ _Traits::assign(*end(), *__first);
+ this->_M_finish += __n;
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc>::assign(size_type __n, _CharT __c) {
+ if (__n <= size()) {
+ _Traits::assign(this->_M_Start(), __n, __c);
+ erase(begin() + __n, end());
+ }
+ else {
+ if (__n < capacity()) {
+ _Traits::assign(this->_M_Start(), size(), __c);
+ append(__n - size(), __c);
+ }
+ else {
+ _Self __str(__n, __c);
+ this->swap(__str);
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc>::_M_assign(const _CharT* __f, const _CharT* __l) {
+ ptrdiff_t __n = __l - __f;
+ if (__STATIC_CAST(size_type, __n) <= size()) {
+ _Traits::copy(this->_M_Start(), __f, __n);
+ erase(begin() + __n, end());
+ }
+ else {
+ _Traits::copy(this->_M_Start(), __f, size());
+ _M_append(__f + size(), __l);
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+_CharT* basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc> ::_M_insert_aux(_CharT* __p,
+ _CharT __c) {
+ pointer __new_pos = __p;
+ if (this->_M_rest() > 1 ) {
+ _M_construct_null(this->_M_finish + 1);
+ _Traits::move(__p + 1, __p, this->_M_finish - __p);
+ _Traits::assign(*__p, __c);
+ ++this->_M_finish;
+ }
+ else {
+ size_type __len = _M_compute_next_size(1);
+ pointer __new_start = this->_M_start_of_storage.allocate(__len, __len);
+ __new_pos = _STLP_PRIV __ucopy(this->_M_Start(), __p, __new_start);
+ _Traits::assign(*__new_pos, __c);
+ pointer __new_finish = __new_pos + 1;
+ __new_finish = _STLP_PRIV __ucopy(__p, this->_M_finish, __new_finish);
+ _M_construct_null(__new_finish);
+ this->_M_deallocate_block();
+ this->_M_reset(__new_start, __new_finish, __new_start + __len);
+ }
+ return __new_pos;
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+void basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc>::insert(iterator __pos,
+ size_t __n, _CharT __c) {
+ if (__n != 0) {
+ if (this->_M_rest() > __n) {
+ const size_type __elems_after = this->_M_finish - __pos;
+ pointer __old_finish = this->_M_finish;
+ if (__elems_after >= __n) {
+ _STLP_PRIV __ucopy((this->_M_finish - __n) + 1, this->_M_finish + 1, this->_M_finish + 1);
+ this->_M_finish += __n;
+ _Traits::move(__pos + __n, __pos, (__elems_after - __n) + 1);
+ _Traits::assign(__pos, __n, __c);
+ }
+ else {
+ _STLP_PRIV __uninitialized_fill_n(this->_M_finish + 1, __n - __elems_after - 1, __c);
+ this->_M_finish += __n - __elems_after;
+ _STLP_PRIV __ucopy(__pos, __old_finish + 1, this->_M_finish);
+ this->_M_finish += __elems_after;
+ _Traits::assign(__pos, __elems_after + 1, __c);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ size_type __len = _M_compute_next_size(__n);
+ pointer __new_start = this->_M_start_of_storage.allocate(__len, __len);
+ pointer __new_finish = _STLP_PRIV __ucopy(this->_M_Start(), __pos, __new_start);
+ __new_finish = _STLP_PRIV __uninitialized_fill_n(__new_finish, __n, __c);
+ __new_finish = _STLP_PRIV __ucopy(__pos, this->_M_finish, __new_finish);
+ _M_construct_null(__new_finish);
+ this->_M_deallocate_block();
+ this->_M_reset(__new_start, __new_finish, __new_start + __len);
+ }
+ }
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+void basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc>::_M_insert(iterator __pos,
+ const _CharT* __first, const _CharT* __last,
+ bool __self_ref) {
+ //this version has to take care about the auto referencing
+ if (__first != __last) {
+ const size_t __n = __last - __first;
+ if (this->_M_rest() > __n) {
+ const size_t __elems_after = this->_M_finish - __pos;
+ pointer __old_finish = this->_M_finish;
+ if (__elems_after >= __n) {
+ _STLP_PRIV __ucopy((this->_M_finish - __n) + 1, this->_M_finish + 1, this->_M_finish + 1);
+ this->_M_finish += __n;
+ _Traits::move(__pos + __n, __pos, (__elems_after - __n) + 1);
+ if (!__self_ref || __last < __pos) {
+ _M_copy(__first, __last, __pos);
+ }
+ else {
+ //We have to check that the source buffer hasn't move
+ if (__first >= __pos) {
+ //The source buffer has move
+ __first += __n;
+ __last += __n;
+ _M_copy(__first, __last, __pos);
+ }
+ else {
+ //The source buffer hasn't move, it has been duplicated
+ _M_move(__first, __last, __pos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ const_iterator __mid = __first;
+ __mid += __elems_after + 1;
+ _STLP_PRIV __ucopy(__mid, __last, this->_M_finish + 1);
+ this->_M_finish += __n - __elems_after;
+ _STLP_PRIV __ucopy(__pos, __old_finish + 1, this->_M_finish);
+ this->_M_finish += __elems_after;
+ if (!__self_ref)
+ _M_copy(__first, __mid, __pos);
+ else
+ _M_move(__first, __mid, __pos);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ size_type __len = _M_compute_next_size(__n);
+ pointer __new_start = this->_M_start_of_storage.allocate(__len, __len);
+ pointer __new_finish = _STLP_PRIV __ucopy(this->_M_Start(), __pos, __new_start);
+ __new_finish = _STLP_PRIV __ucopy(__first, __last, __new_finish);
+ __new_finish = _STLP_PRIV __ucopy(__pos, this->_M_finish, __new_finish);
+ _M_construct_null(__new_finish);
+ this->_M_deallocate_block();
+ this->_M_reset(__new_start, __new_finish, __new_start + __len);
+ }
+ }
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc> ::replace(iterator __first, iterator __last,
+ size_type __n, _CharT __c) {
+ size_type __len = (size_type)(__last - __first);
+ if (__len >= __n) {
+ _Traits::assign(__first, __n, __c);
+ erase(__first + __n, __last);
+ }
+ else {
+ _Traits::assign(__first, __len, __c);
+ insert(__last, __n - __len, __c);
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc> ::_M_replace(iterator __first, iterator __last,
+ const _CharT* __f, const _CharT* __l,
+ bool __self_ref) {
+ const ptrdiff_t __n = __l - __f;
+ const difference_type __len = __last - __first;
+ if (__len >= __n) {
+ if (!__self_ref || __l < __first || __f >= __last)
+ _M_copy(__f, __l, __first);
+ else
+ _M_move(__f, __l, __first);
+ erase(__first + __n, __last);
+ } else if (!__self_ref || (__f >= __last) || (__l <= __first)) { // no overlap
+ const_iterator __m = __f + __len;
+ _M_copy(__f, __m, __first);
+ _M_insert(__last, __m, __l, __self_ref );
+ } else if (__f < __first) { // we have to take care of overlaping
+ const_iterator __m = __f + __len;
+ // We have to deal with possible reallocation because we do insert first.
+ const difference_type __off_dest = __first - this->begin();
+ const difference_type __off_src = __f - this->begin();
+ _M_insert(__last, __m, __l, true);
+ _Traits::move(begin() + __off_dest, begin() + __off_src, __len);
+ } else {
+ const_iterator __m = __f + __len;
+ _Traits::move(__first, __f, __len);
+ _M_insert(__last, __m, __l, true);
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+__size_type__ basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc>::find( const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos,
+ size_type __n) const
+ const size_t __len = size();
+ if (__pos >= __len || __pos + __n > __len) {
+ if ( __n == 0 && __pos <= __len ) { // marginal case
+ return __pos;
+ }
+ return npos;
+ }
+ const_pointer __result =
+ _STLP_STD::search(this->_M_Start() + __pos, this->_M_Finish(),
+ __s, __s + __n, _STLP_PRIV _Eq_traits<_Traits>());
+ return __result != this->_M_Finish() ? __result - this->_M_Start() : npos;
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+__size_type__ basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc>::find(_CharT __c, size_type __pos) const
+ if (__pos >= size()) { /*__pos + 1 > size()*/
+ return npos;
+ }
+ const_pointer __result =
+ _STLP_STD::find_if(this->_M_Start() + __pos, this->_M_Finish(),
+ _STLP_PRIV _Eq_char_bound<_Traits>(__c));
+ return __result != this->_M_Finish() ? __result - this->_M_Start() : npos;
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+__size_type__ basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc>::rfind(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos,
+ size_type __n) const
+ const size_type __len = size();
+ if ( __len < __n ) {
+ return npos;
+ }
+ const_pointer __last = this->_M_Start() + (min)( __len - __n, __pos) + __n;
+ if ( __n == 0 ) { // marginal case
+ return __last - this->_M_Start();
+ }
+ const_pointer __result = _STLP_STD::find_end(this->_M_Start(), __last,
+ __s, __s + __n, _STLP_PRIV _Eq_traits<_Traits>());
+ return __result != __last ? __result - this->_M_Start() : npos;
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+__size_type__ basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc>::rfind(_CharT __c, size_type __pos) const
+ const size_type __len = size();
+ if ( __len < 1 ) {
+ return npos;
+ }
+ const_iterator __last = begin() + (min)(__len - 1, __pos) + 1;
+ const_reverse_iterator __rresult =
+ _STLP_STD::find_if(const_reverse_iterator(__last), rend(),
+ _STLP_PRIV _Eq_char_bound<_Traits>(__c));
+ return __rresult != rend() ? (__rresult.base() - 1) - begin() : npos;
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc> __size_type__
+basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc> ::find_first_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos,
+ size_type __n) const {
+ if (__pos >= size()) /*__pos + 1 > size()*/
+ return npos;
+ else {
+ const_iterator __result = _STLP_PRIV __str_find_first_of(begin() + __pos, end(),
+ __s, __s + __n,
+ __STATIC_CAST(_Traits*, 0));
+ return __result != end() ? __result - begin() : npos;
+ }
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+ __size_type__
+basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc> ::find_last_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos,
+ size_type __n) const
+ const size_type __len = size();
+ if ( __len < 1 ) {
+ return npos;
+ }
+ const const_iterator __last = begin() + (min)(__len - 1, __pos) + 1;
+ const const_reverse_iterator __rresult =
+ _STLP_PRIV __str_find_first_of(const_reverse_iterator(__last), rend(),
+ __s, __s + __n,
+ __STATIC_CAST(_Traits*, 0));
+ return __rresult != rend() ? (__rresult.base() - 1) - begin() : npos;
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc> __size_type__
+basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc> ::find_first_not_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos,
+ size_type __n) const {
+ typedef typename _Traits::char_type _CharType;
+ if (__pos >= size()) /*__pos + 1 >= size()*/
+ return npos;
+ else {
+ const_pointer __result = _STLP_PRIV __str_find_first_not_of(this->_M_Start() + __pos, this->_M_Finish(),
+ __STATIC_CAST(const _CharType*, __s),
+ __STATIC_CAST(const _CharType*, __s) + __n,
+ __STATIC_CAST(_Traits*, 0));
+ return __result != this->_M_finish ? __result - this->_M_Start() : npos;
+ }
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc> __size_type__
+basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc> ::find_first_not_of(_CharT __c, size_type __pos) const {
+ if (1 > size())
+ return npos;
+ else {
+ const_pointer __result = _STLP_STD::find_if(this->_M_Start() + __pos, this->_M_Finish(),
+ _STLP_PRIV _Neq_char_bound<_Traits>(__c));
+ return __result != this->_M_finish ? __result - this->_M_Start() : npos;
+ }
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc>::find_last_not_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const
+ typedef typename _Traits::char_type _CharType;
+ const size_type __len = size();
+ if ( __len < 1 ) {
+ return npos;
+ }
+ const_iterator __last = begin() + (min)(__len - 1, __pos) + 1;
+ const_reverse_iterator __rlast = const_reverse_iterator(__last);
+ const_reverse_iterator __rresult =
+ _STLP_PRIV __str_find_first_not_of(__rlast, rend(),
+ __STATIC_CAST(const _CharType*, __s),
+ __STATIC_CAST(const _CharType*, __s) + __n,
+ __STATIC_CAST(_Traits*, 0));
+ return __rresult != rend() ? (__rresult.base() - 1) - begin() : npos;
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::find_last_not_of(_CharT __c, size_type __pos) const
+ const size_type __len = size();
+ if ( __len < 1 ) {
+ return npos;
+ }
+ const_iterator __last = begin() + (min)(__len - 1, __pos) + 1;
+ const_reverse_iterator __rlast = const_reverse_iterator(__last);
+ const_reverse_iterator __rresult =
+ _STLP_STD::find_if(__rlast, rend(),
+ _STLP_PRIV _Neq_char_bound<_Traits>(__c));
+ return __rresult != rend() ? (__rresult.base() - 1) - begin() : npos;
+#if !defined (basic_string)
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+void _STLP_CALL _S_string_copy(const basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc>& __s,
+ _CharT* __buf, size_t __n) {
+ if (__n > 0) {
+ __n = (min) (__n - 1, __s.size());
+ _STLP_STD::copy(__s.begin(), __s.begin() + __n, __buf);
+ __buf[__n] = _CharT();
+ }
+#include <stl/_range_errors.h>
+// _String_base methods
+template <class _Tp, class _Alloc>
+void _String_base<_Tp,_Alloc>::_M_throw_length_error() const
+{ __stl_throw_length_error("basic_string"); }
+template <class _Tp, class _Alloc>
+void _String_base<_Tp, _Alloc>::_M_throw_out_of_range() const
+{ __stl_throw_out_of_range("basic_string"); }
+template <class _Tp, class _Alloc>
+void _String_base<_Tp, _Alloc>::_M_allocate_block(size_t __n) {
+ if ((__n <= (max_size() + 1)) && (__n > 0)) {
+ if (__n > _DEFAULT_SIZE) {
+ this->_M_start_of_storage._M_data = _M_start_of_storage.allocate(__n, __n);
+ this->_M_finish = this->_M_start_of_storage._M_data;
+ this->_M_buffers._M_end_of_storage = this->_M_start_of_storage._M_data + __n;
+ }
+ this->_M_start_of_storage._M_data = _M_start_of_storage.allocate(__n, __n);
+ this->_M_finish = this->_M_start_of_storage._M_data;
+ this->_M_end_of_storage = this->_M_start_of_storage._M_data + __n;
+ } else {
+ this->_M_throw_length_error();
+ }
+#if !defined (basic_string)
+#if defined (_STLP_DONT_SUP_DFLT_PARAM)
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::basic_string(const _CharT* __s)
+ : _STLP_PRIV _String_base<_CharT,_Alloc>(allocator_type()) {
+ _M_range_initialize(__s, __s + traits_type::length(__s));
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::basic_string(const _CharT* __s,
+ const allocator_type& __a)
+ : _STLP_PRIV _String_base<_CharT,_Alloc>(__a) {
+ _M_range_initialize(__s, __s + traits_type::length(__s));
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::basic_string(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> & __s)
+ : _STLP_PRIV _String_base<_CharT,_Alloc>(__s.get_allocator())
+{ _M_range_initialize(__s._M_Start(), __s._M_Finish()); }
+#if defined (basic_string)
+# undef basic_string
+template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
+const size_t basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::npos;
+#undef __size_type__
+# undef size_type
+# undef iterator
+#endif /* _STLP_STRING_C */
+// Local Variables:
+// mode:C++
+// End: