package org.unicode.cldr.util; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.unicode.cldr.draft.FileUtilities; import org.unicode.cldr.test.BuildIcuCompactDecimalFormat; import org.unicode.cldr.test.BuildIcuCompactDecimalFormat.CurrencyStyle; import org.unicode.cldr.tool.Option; import org.unicode.cldr.tool.Option.Options; import org.unicode.cldr.tool.ShowPlurals; import org.unicode.cldr.tool.TablePrinter; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile.DraftStatus; import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathHeader.PageId; import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.PluralInfo; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class VerifyCompactNumbers { private static final CLDRConfig CLDR_CONFIG = CLDRConfig.getInstance(); private static final String DIR = CLDRPaths.CHART_DIRECTORY + "verify/numbers/"; final static Options myOptions = new Options(); enum MyOptions { organization(".*", "CLDR", "organization"), filter(".*", ".*", "locale filter (regex)"), currency(".*", "EUR", "show currency"),; // boilerplate final Option option; MyOptions(String argumentPattern, String defaultArgument, String helpText) { option = myOptions.add(this, argumentPattern, defaultArgument, helpText); } } // later, look at DateTimeFormats to set up as an HTML table private static final Set USES_GROUPS_OF_4 = new HashSet(Arrays.asList("ko", "ja", "zh", "zh_Hant")); /** * Produce a set of static tables from the vxml data. Only a stopgap until the above is integrated into ST. * * @param args * @throws IOException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { myOptions.parse(MyOptions.organization, args, true); String organization = MyOptions.organization.option.getValue(); String filter = MyOptions.filter.option.getValue(); boolean showCurrency = true; // MyOptions.currency.option.doesOccur(); String currencyCode = MyOptions.currency.option.getValue(); Factory factory2 = Factory.make(CLDRPaths.MAIN_DIRECTORY, filter); CLDRFile englishCldrFile = factory2.make("en", true); SupplementalDataInfo sdi = CLDR_CONFIG.getSupplementalDataInfo(); Set defaultContentLocales = sdi.getDefaultContentLocales(); NumberFormat enf = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH); enf.setGroupingUsed(false); Set availableLanguages = new TreeSet(factory2.getAvailableLanguages()); if (Pattern.matches(filter, "pt_PT")) { availableLanguages.add("pt_PT"); } PrintWriter plainText = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(DIR, "compactTestFile.txt"); DateTimeFormats.writeCss(DIR); final CLDRFile english = CLDR_CONFIG.getEnglish(); Map indexMap = new TreeMap<>(CLDR_CONFIG.getCollator()); for (String locale : availableLanguages) { if (defaultContentLocales.contains(locale)) { continue; } Level level = StandardCodes.make().getLocaleCoverageLevel(organization, locale); if (Level.MODERN.compareTo(level) > 0) { continue; } // TODO: fix to ignore locales with no data. if (locale.equals("ne") || locale.equals("cy")) { continue; } PrintWriter out = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(DIR, locale + ".html"); String title = "Verify Number Formats: " + englishCldrFile.getName(locale); out.println("\n" + "\n" + "" + title + "\n" + "\n" + "

" + title + "

\n" + "


\n"); CLDRFile cldrFile = factory2.make(locale, true, DraftStatus.contributed); showNumbers(cldrFile, showCurrency, currencyCode, out, factory2); out.println(""); out.close(); indexMap.put(english.getName(locale), locale + ".html"); } try (PrintWriter index = DateTimeFormats.openIndex(DIR, "Numbers")) { DateTimeFormats.writeIndexMap(indexMap, index); } plainText.close(); } public static void showNumbers(CLDRFile cldrFile, boolean showCurrency, String currencyCode, Appendable out, Factory factory) { try { Set debugCreationErrors = new LinkedHashSet(); Set errors = new LinkedHashSet(); String locale = cldrFile.getLocaleID(); TablePrinter tablePrinter1 = new TablePrinter() // .setCaption("Timezone Formats") .setTableAttributes("class='dtf-table'") .addColumn("Numeric Format").setHeaderCell(true).setHeaderAttributes("class='dtf-th'") .setCellAttributes("class='dtf-s'") .addColumn("Compact-Short").setHeaderAttributes("class='dtf-th'").setCellAttributes("class='dtf-s'") .addColumn("Compact-Long").setHeaderAttributes("class='dtf-th'").setCellAttributes("class='dtf-s'"); if (showCurrency) { tablePrinter1 .addColumn("Compact-Short
+Currency") .setHeaderAttributes("class='dtf-th'") .setCellAttributes("class='dtf-s'") // .addColumn("Compact-Short
+Unit") // .setHeaderAttributes("class='dtf-th'") // .setCellAttributes("class='dtf-s'") // .addColumn("Compact-Long
+Currency") // .addColumn("Compact-Long
+Currency-Long") // .addColumn("Numeric Format").setHeaderCell(true).setHeaderAttributes("class='dtf-th'") // .setCellAttributes("class='dtf-s'") ; } // tablePrinter1.addColumn("View").setHeaderCell(true).setHeaderAttributes("class='dtf-th'").setCellAttributes("class='dtf-s'"); ; ULocale locale2 = new ULocale(locale); NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(locale2); // nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); SupplementalDataInfo sdi = CLDR_CONFIG.getSupplementalDataInfo(); PluralInfo pluralInfo = sdi.getPlurals(locale); String[] debugOriginals = null; CompactDecimalFormat cdf =, debugCreationErrors, debugOriginals, CompactStyle.SHORT, locale2, CurrencyStyle.PLAIN, currencyCode); captureErrors(debugCreationErrors, errors, locale, "short"); CompactDecimalFormat cdfs =, debugCreationErrors, debugOriginals, CompactStyle.LONG, locale2, CurrencyStyle.PLAIN, currencyCode); captureErrors(debugCreationErrors, errors, locale, "long"); CompactDecimalFormat cdfCurr =, debugCreationErrors, debugOriginals, CompactStyle.SHORT, locale2, CurrencyStyle.CURRENCY, currencyCode); captureErrors(debugCreationErrors, errors, locale, "short-curr"); // CompactDecimalFormat cdfU =, debugCreationErrors, // debugOriginals, CompactStyle.SHORT, locale2, CurrencyStyle.UNIT, "EUR"); // captureErrors(debugCreationErrors, errors, locale, "short-kg"); // CompactDecimalFormat cdfsCurr =, debugCreationErrors, // debugOriginals, CompactStyle.SHORT, locale2, CurrencyStyle.CURRENCY, currencyCode); // CompactDecimalFormat cdfsCurrISO =, debugCreationErrors, // debugOriginals, CompactStyle.LONG, locale2, CurrencyStyle.ISO_CURRENCY, "EUR"); // Collect samples for display // one path for group-3, one for group-4 // TODO, fix for indic. int factor = USES_GROUPS_OF_4.contains(locale) ? 10000 : 1000; // we want to collect a sample of at least one sample for each plural category for each // power of ten Set samples = new TreeSet(); samples.add(1.1d); samples.add(1.5d); samples.add(1100d); collectItems(pluralInfo, 1, 10, samples); collectItems(pluralInfo, 10, 100, samples); collectItems(pluralInfo, 100, 1000, samples); int sigDigits = 3; if (factor > 1000) { collectItems(pluralInfo, 1000, 10000, samples); sigDigits = 4; } if (cdf != null) { cdf.setMaximumSignificantDigits(sigDigits); } if (cdfs != null) { cdfs.setMaximumSignificantDigits(sigDigits); } if (cdfCurr != null) { cdfCurr.setCurrency(Currency.getInstance(currencyCode)); cdfCurr.setMaximumSignificantDigits(sigDigits); } // cdfU.setMaximumSignificantDigits(sigDigits); // for (Entry> entry : pluralInfo.getCountToExamplesMap().entrySet()) { // samples.add(entry.getValue().get(0)); // } // // Set samples2 = new TreeSet(); // for (int i = 10; i < factor; i *= 10) { // for (Double sample : samples) { // samples2.add(sample*i); // } // } // samples.addAll(samples2); Set allSamples = new TreeSet(); for (long i = 1; i <= 100000000000000L; i *= factor) { for (Double sample : samples) { double source = i * sample; allSamples.add(source); } } try { for (double source : allSamples) { if (false && source == 22000000 && locale.equals("cs")) { System.out.println("**"); } String formattedNumber = nf.format(source); String compactFormattedNumber = cdf == null ? "n/a" : cdf.format(source); String compactLongFormattedNumber = cdfs == null ? "n/a" : cdfs.format(source); // plainText.println(locale // + "\t__" + source // + "\t__" + compactFormattedNumber // + "\t__" + compactLongFormattedNumber // ); tablePrinter1.addRow() .addCell(formattedNumber) .addCell(compactFormattedNumber) .addCell(compactLongFormattedNumber); if (showCurrency) { tablePrinter1 .addCell(cdfCurr == null ? "n/a" : cdfCurr.format(source)) // .addCell(cdfU.format(source)) // .addCell(cdfsCurr.format(source)) // .addCell(cdfsCurrLong.format(source)) // .addCell(cdfsCurrLong.format(source)) //.addCell(formattedNumber) ; } // String view = PathHeader.getLinkedView(surveyUrl, cldrFile, METAZONE_PREFIX + metazone + METAZONE_SUFFIX); // tablePrinter1.addCell(view == null // ? "" // : view); tablePrinter1 .finishRow(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } out.append("

To correct problems in compact numbers below, please go to " + PathHeader.SECTION_LINK + CLDR_CONFIG.urls().forPage(cldrFile.getLocaleID(), PageId.Compact_Decimal_Formatting) + "'>" + PageId.Compact_Decimal_Formatting + ".

"); out.append(tablePrinter1.toString() + "\n"); out.append("

Plural Rules

"); out.append("

Look over the Minimal Pairs to make sure they are ok. " + "Then review the examples in the cell to the left. " + "All of those you should be able to substitute for the numbers in the Minimal Pairs, " + "with an acceptable result. " + "If any would be incorrect, please " + "file a ticket.

" + "

For more details, see " + "Plural Rules.

"); ShowPlurals showPlurals = new ShowPlurals(CLDR_CONFIG.getSupplementalDataInfo()); showPlurals.printPluralTable(cldrFile, locale, out, factory); showPlurals.appendBlanksForScrolling(out); showErrors(errors, out); showErrors(debugCreationErrors, out); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ICUUncheckedIOException(e); } } private static String surveyUrl = CLDR_CONFIG.getProperty("CLDR_SURVEY_URL", ""); private static void showErrors(Set errors, Appendable out) throws IOException { if (errors.size() != 0) { out.append("

" + "Errors" + "

\n"); for (String s : errors) { out.append("

" + s + "

\n"); } errors.clear(); } } private static Set collectItems(PluralInfo pluralInfo, double start, double limit, Set samples) { // TODO optimize once we have all the keywords Map ones = new TreeMap(); for (double i = start; i < limit; ++i) { String cat = pluralInfo.getPluralRules().select(i); if (ones.containsKey(cat)) { continue; } ones.put(cat, i); } samples.addAll(ones.values()); return samples; } private static void captureErrors(Set debugCreationErrors, Set errors, String locale, String length) { if (debugCreationErrors.size() != 0) { for (String s : debugCreationErrors) { errors.add(locale + "\t" + length + "\t" + s); } debugCreationErrors.clear(); } } }