path: root/examples/scripts.v2/vtree
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scripts.v2/vtree')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scripts.v2/vtree b/examples/scripts.v2/vtree
deleted file mode 100644
index 7523cc8..0000000
--- a/examples/scripts.v2/vtree
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# original from:
-# vtree: visual directory tree
-# @(#) vtree.sh 1.1 91/07/01
-# 90/04 john h. dubois iii (john@armory.com)
-# 91/07/01 fixed bug that caused problems when dir given on command line,
-# added some info to help, changed to 4-space indenting
-# conversion to bash v2 syntax done by Chet Ramey
-"Syntax: vtree [startdir] [namelen=#] [linelen=#]
-If startdir is not specified, tree will start at current dir.
-namelen specifies the minimum number of characters of a directory name that
-are guaranteed to be printed.
-This is a tradeoff between the number of tree levels that can fit on a
-screen line and the number of chars of each dir name that can be printed.
-In most cases it will be possible to print more than namelen characters of
-the name (a name up to namelen+1 chars will always be printed in full),
-but in some cases truncation down to namelen chars will occur.
-If truncation occurs, a '>' is printed at the end of the name.
-namelen=8 (the default) typically causes about 5 dirs/1000 to be truncated.
-namelen=7 typically causes about 10 dirs/1000 to be truncated.
-namelen=8 will allow 6 full length dirs to be printed in 79 columns.
-namelen=7 will allow 7 full length dirs to be printed in 79 columns;
-linelen specifies the maximum number of characters to print on one screen
-line. All characters beyond this are truncated. The default is 1024.
-To avoid line wrap on an 80 column terminal with autowrap, use linelen=79.
-for i in "$@"; do
- case $i in
- -h) echo "$help"; exit;;
- *=*)
- vars="$vars $i"
- ;;
- *)
- if [ ! -x $i ] || [ ! -d $i ]; then # arg must be a dir and executable
- echo "$i: directory not accessible."
- exit
- fi
- cd $i
- ;;
- esac
- shift
-pwd # print path of root of tree
-# find all directories depth first; ignore permission errors
-find . -type d -print 2> /dev/null | \
-gawk -F/ '
-# Do this block for NR == 1 instead of BEGIN because command line var
-# assignments are not done until after BEGIN block is executed.
-NR == 1 {
- if (namelen)
- MaxLen = namelen;
- else
- MaxLen = 8;
- if (!linelen)
- linelen = 1024
- HSpace = substr(" ",1,MaxLen); # used to indent tree
- n = 0; # number of dirs found on one major branch
-$0 != "." { # do for every line produced by find except tree root dir
- if (NF == 2 && n > 0) # print major branch whenever a new one starts
- list();
- Depth[n] = NF - 1; # record depth and name of dir
- Name[n++] = $NF;
-END {
- list() # print last major branch
-function list() {
- Line = Name[0]; # initialize first line of branch to be branch base
- for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { # for each name in major branch
- if (Depth[i] == Depth[i-1] + 1)
- AddHLink(); # if moving deeper into branch, use same line
- else {
- print substr(Line,1,linelen); # last line is done; print it
- Line = ""; # start new line
- # print indentation, vert links, and vert/horiz links
- for (d = 1; d < Depth[i] - 1; d++) # for each level of indentation
- # if a vert. link has been established for this level
- if (VLink[d])
- Line = Line HSpace " | ";
- else # print empty indentation
- Line = Line HSpace " ";
- # Print last part of vert. link
- if (VLink[d] == i) {
- VLink[d] = 0; # mark level for no vert link
- Line = Line HSpace " \\--";
- }
- else
- Line = Line HSpace " |--";
- }
- Line = Line Name[i]; # Add dir name to line
- }
- print substr(Line,1,linelen); # print last line of major branch
- n = 0; # reset name counter
-function AddHLink() {
- NDepth = Depth[i]; # Depth of this name
- VLink[NDepth - 1] = 0;
- # search until a name found at a level less than this one
- for (j = i + 1; j < n && Depth[j] >= NDepth; j++)
- # keep track of last name that VLink should connect to
- if (Depth[j] == NDepth)
- VLink[NDepth - 1] = j;
- if (VLink[NDepth - 1]) {
- NLine = substr(Line,1,(NDepth - 2) * (MaxLen + 4) + MaxLen + 1);
- if (length(NLine) < length(Line))
- Line = substr(NLine,1,length(NLine) - 1) ">"
- else
- Line = NLine;
- Line = Line substr("--------------+--",
- 18 - ((NDepth - 1) * (MaxLen + 4) - length(Line)));
- }
- else {
- NLine = substr(Line,1,(NDepth - 2) * (MaxLen + 4) + MaxLen + 3);
- if (length(NLine) < length(Line))
- Line = substr(NLine,1,length(NLine) - 1) ">"
- else
- Line = NLine;
- Line = Line substr("-----------------",
- 1,(NDepth - 1) * (MaxLen + 4) - length(Line));
- }
-' $vars