qmux_socket(rild); binder_use(rild) allow rild ssr_device:chr_file r_file_perms; r_dir_file(rild, sysfs_ssr) r_dir_file(rild, sysfs_esoc) allow rild sysfs_esoc:file w_file_perms; binder_call(rild, mediaserver) binder_call(rild, audioserver) binder_call(audioserver, rild) #Rule for RILD to talk to peripheral manager use_per_mgr(rild); allow rild rild_socket:chr_file r_file_perms; unix_socket_connect(rild, rild, time_daemon) allow rild system_health_monitor_device:chr_file r_file_perms; dontaudit rild domain:dir r_dir_perms; allow rild time_daemon:unix_stream_socket connectto; r_dir_file(rild, netmgrd) #Allow access to netmgrd socket netmgr_socket(rild); allow rild { mediaserver_service audioserver_service }:service_manager find; # Rule for RILD to talk to peripheral manager use_per_mgr(rild); #diag userdebug_or_eng(` diag_use(rild) ')