// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package kati import ( "errors" "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "runtime" "sort" "strings" "sync" "time" ) type wildcardCacheT struct { mu sync.Mutex m map[string][]string } var wildcardCache = &wildcardCacheT{ m: make(map[string][]string), } func wildcardGlob(pat string) []string { // TODO(ukai): use find cache for glob if exists. pattern := filepath.Clean(pat) if pattern != pat { // For some reason, go's Glob normalizes // foo/../bar to bar. i := strings.IndexAny(pattern, "*?[") if i < 0 { // no wildcard. if any files matched with pattern, // return pat. _, err := os.Stat(pat) if err != nil { return nil } return []string{pat} } if strings.Contains(pattern[i+1:], "..") { // We ask shell to expand a glob to avoid this. cmdline := []string{"/bin/sh", "-c", "/bin/ls -d " + pat} cmd := exec.Cmd{ Path: cmdline[0], Args: cmdline, } // Ignore errors. out, _ := cmd.Output() ws := newWordScanner(out) var files []string for ws.Scan() { files = append(files, string(ws.Bytes())) } return files } // prefix + meta + suffix, and suffix doesn't have '..' prefix := pattern[:i] i = strings.IndexAny(pat, "*?[") if i < 0 { panic(fmt.Sprintf("wildcard metachar mismatch? pattern=%q pat=%q", pattern, pat)) } oprefix := pat[:i] matched, err := filepath.Glob(pattern) if err != nil { panic(err) } var files []string for _, m := range matched { file := oprefix + strings.TrimPrefix(m, prefix) _, err := os.Stat(file) if err != nil { continue } files = append(files, file) } return files } files, err := filepath.Glob(pat) if err != nil { panic(err) } return files } func wildcard(sw *ssvWriter, pat string) { if UseWildcardCache { // TODO(ukai): make sure it didn't chdir? wildcardCache.mu.Lock() files, ok := wildcardCache.m[pat] wildcardCache.mu.Unlock() if ok { for _, file := range files { sw.WriteString(file) } return } } files := wildcardGlob(pat) for _, file := range files { sw.WriteString(file) } if UseWildcardCache { wildcardCache.mu.Lock() wildcardCache.m[pat] = files wildcardCache.mu.Unlock() } } type fileInfo struct { path string mode os.FileMode } type androidFindCacheT struct { once sync.Once filesch chan []fileInfo leavesch chan []fileInfo files []fileInfo leaves []fileInfo scanTime time.Duration } var ( androidFindCache androidFindCacheT androidDefaultLeafNames = []string{"CleanSpec.mk", "Android.mk"} ) func AndroidFindCacheInit(prunes, leafNames []string) { if leafNames != nil { androidDefaultLeafNames = leafNames } androidFindCache.init(prunes) } func (c *androidFindCacheT) ready() bool { if c.files != nil { return true } select { case c.files = <-c.filesch: } return c.files != nil } func (c *androidFindCacheT) leavesReady() bool { if c.leaves != nil { return true } select { case c.leaves = <-c.leavesch: } return c.leaves != nil } func (c *androidFindCacheT) init(prunes []string) { c.once.Do(func() { c.filesch = make(chan []fileInfo, 1) c.leavesch = make(chan []fileInfo, 1) go c.start(prunes, androidDefaultLeafNames) }) } func (c *androidFindCacheT) start(prunes, leafNames []string) { logf("find cache init: prunes=%q leafNames=%q", prunes, leafNames) te := traceEvent.begin("findcache", literal("init"), traceEventFindCache) defer func() { traceEvent.end(te) c.scanTime = time.Since(te.t) LogStats("android find cache scan: %v", c.scanTime) }() dirs := make(chan string, 32) filech := make(chan fileInfo, 1000) leafch := make(chan fileInfo, 1000) var wg sync.WaitGroup numWorker := runtime.NumCPU() - 1 wg.Add(numWorker) for i := 0; i < numWorker; i++ { go func() { defer wg.Done() for dir := range dirs { err := filepath.Walk(dir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { if info.IsDir() { for _, prune := range prunes { if info.Name() == prune { logf("find cache prune: %s", path) return filepath.SkipDir } } } filech <- fileInfo{ path: path, mode: info.Mode(), } for _, leaf := range leafNames { if info.Name() == leaf { logf("find cache leaf: %s", path) leafch <- fileInfo{ path: path, mode: info.Mode(), } break } } return nil }) if err != nil && err != filepath.SkipDir { logf("error in adnroid find cache: %v", err) close(c.filesch) close(c.leavesch) return } } }() } go func() { dirs := make(map[string]bool) leavesTe := traceEvent.begin("findcache", literal("leaves"), traceEventFindCacheLeaves) var leaves []fileInfo nfiles := 0 for leaf := range leafch { leaves = append(leaves, leaf) nfiles++ for dir := filepath.Dir(leaf.path); dir != "."; dir = filepath.Dir(dir) { if dirs[dir] { break } leaves = append(leaves, fileInfo{ path: dir, mode: leaf.mode | os.ModeDir, }) dirs[dir] = true } } sort.Sort(fileInfoByLeaf(leaves)) c.leavesch <- leaves traceEvent.end(leavesTe) LogStats("%d leaves %d dirs in find cache", nfiles, len(dirs)) for i, leaf := range leaves { logf("android findleaves cache: %d: %s %v", i, leaf.path, leaf.mode) } }() go func() { filesTe := traceEvent.begin("findcache", literal("files"), traceEventFindCacheFiles) var files []fileInfo for file := range filech { files = append(files, file) } sort.Sort(fileInfoByName(files)) c.filesch <- files traceEvent.end(filesTe) LogStats("%d files in find cache", len(files)) for i, fi := range files { logf("android find cache: %d: %s %v", i, fi.path, fi.mode) } }() curdir, err := os.Open(".") if err != nil { logf("open . failed: %v", err) close(c.filesch) close(c.leavesch) return } names, err := curdir.Readdirnames(-1) if err != nil { logf("readdir . failed: %v", err) close(c.filesch) close(c.leavesch) return } curdir.Close() for _, name := range names { dirs <- name } close(dirs) wg.Wait() close(filech) close(leafch) } type fileInfoByName []fileInfo func (f fileInfoByName) Len() int { return len(f) } func (f fileInfoByName) Swap(i, j int) { f[i], f[j] = f[j], f[i] } func (f fileInfoByName) Less(i, j int) bool { return f[i].path < f[j].path } type fileInfoByLeaf []fileInfo func (f fileInfoByLeaf) Len() int { return len(f) } func (f fileInfoByLeaf) Swap(i, j int) { f[i], f[j] = f[j], f[i] } func (f fileInfoByLeaf) Less(i, j int) bool { di := strings.Count(f[i].path, "/") dj := strings.Count(f[j].path, "/") if di != dj { return di < dj } diri := filepath.Dir(f[i].path) + "/" dirj := filepath.Dir(f[j].path) + "/" if diri != dirj { return diri < dirj } mdi := f[i].mode & os.ModeDir mdj := f[j].mode & os.ModeDir if mdi != mdj { return mdi < mdj } return f[i].path < f[j].path } var errSkipDir = errors.New("skip dir") func (c *androidFindCacheT) walk(dir string, walkFn func(int, fileInfo) error) error { i := sort.Search(len(c.files), func(i int) bool { return c.files[i].path >= dir }) logf("android find in dir cache: %s i=%d/%d", dir, i, len(c.files)) start := i var skipdirs []string Loop: for i := start; i < len(c.files); i++ { if c.files[i].path == dir { err := walkFn(i, c.files[i]) if err != nil { return err } continue } if !strings.HasPrefix(c.files[i].path, dir) { logf("android find in dir cache: %s end=%d/%d", dir, i, len(c.files)) return nil } if !strings.HasPrefix(c.files[i].path, dir+"/") { continue } for _, skip := range skipdirs { if strings.HasPrefix(c.files[i].path, skip+"/") { continue Loop } } err := walkFn(i, c.files[i]) if err == errSkipDir { logf("android find in skip dir: %s", c.files[i].path) skipdirs = append(skipdirs, c.files[i].path) continue } if err != nil { return err } } return nil } // pattern in repo/android/build/core/definitions.mk // find-subdir-assets // if [ -d $1 ] ; then cd $1 ; find ./ -not -name '.*' -and -type f -and -not -type l ; fi func (c *androidFindCacheT) findInDir(sw *ssvWriter, dir string) { dir = filepath.Clean(dir) logf("android find in dir cache: %s", dir) c.walk(dir, func(_ int, fi fileInfo) error { // -not -name '.*' if strings.HasPrefix(filepath.Base(fi.path), ".") { return nil } // -type f and -not -type l // regular type and not symlink if !fi.mode.IsRegular() { return nil } name := strings.TrimPrefix(fi.path, dir+"/") name = "./" + name sw.WriteString(name) logf("android find in dir cache: %s=> %s", dir, name) return nil }) } // pattern in repo/android/build/core/definitions.mk // all-java-files-under etc // cd ${LOCAL_PATH} ; find -L $1 -name "*" -and -not -name ".*" // returns false if symlink is found. func (c *androidFindCacheT) findExtFilesUnder(sw *ssvWriter, chdir, root, ext string) bool { chdir = filepath.Clean(chdir) dir := filepath.Join(chdir, root) logf("android find %s in dir cache: %s %s", ext, chdir, root) // check symlinks var matches []int err := c.walk(dir, func(i int, fi fileInfo) error { if fi.mode&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink { logf("android find %s in dir cache: detect symlink %s %v", ext, c.files[i].path, c.files[i].mode) return fmt.Errorf("symlink %s", fi.path) } matches = append(matches, i) return nil }) if err != nil { return false } // no symlinks for _, i := range matches { fi := c.files[i] base := filepath.Base(fi.path) // -name "*" if filepath.Ext(base) != ext { continue } // -not -name ".*" if strings.HasPrefix(base, ".") { continue } name := strings.TrimPrefix(fi.path, chdir+"/") sw.WriteString(name) logf("android find %s in dir cache: %s=> %s", ext, dir, name) } return true } // pattern: in repo/android/build/core/base_rules.mk // java_resource_file_groups+= ... // cd ${TOP_DIR}${LOCAL_PATH}/${dir} && find . -type d -a -name ".svn" -prune \ // -o -type f -a \! -name "*.java" -a \! -name "package.html" -a \! \ // -name "overview.html" -a \! -name ".*.swp" -a \! -name ".DS_Store" \ // -a \! -name "*~" -print ) func (c *androidFindCacheT) findJavaResourceFileGroup(sw *ssvWriter, dir string) { logf("android find java resource in dir cache: %s", dir) c.walk(filepath.Clean(dir), func(_ int, fi fileInfo) error { // -type d -a -name ".svn" -prune if fi.mode.IsDir() && filepath.Base(fi.path) == ".svn" { return errSkipDir } // -type f if !fi.mode.IsRegular() { return nil } // ! -name "*.java" -a ! -name "package.html" -a // ! -name "overview.html" -a ! -name ".*.swp" -a // ! -name ".DS_Store" -a ! -name "*~" base := filepath.Base(fi.path) if filepath.Ext(base) == ".java" || base == "package.html" || base == "overview.html" || (strings.HasPrefix(base, ".") && strings.HasSuffix(base, ".swp")) || base == ".DS_Store" || strings.HasSuffix(base, "~") { return nil } name := strings.TrimPrefix(fi.path, dir+"/") name = "./" + name sw.WriteString(name) logf("android find java resource in dir cache: %s=> %s", dir, name) return nil }) } func (c *androidFindCacheT) findleaves(sw *ssvWriter, dir, name string, prunes []string, mindepth int) bool { var found []string var dirs []string topdepth := 1 + strings.Count(dir, "/") dirs = append(dirs, dir) for len(dirs) > 0 { dir = filepath.Clean(dirs[0]) + "/" dirs = dirs[1:] if dir == "./" { dir = "" } depth := strings.Count(dir, "/") // logf("android findleaves dir=%q depth=%d dirs=%q", dir, depth, dirs) i := sort.Search(len(c.leaves), func(i int) bool { di := strings.Count(c.leaves[i].path, "/") if di != depth { return di >= depth } diri := filepath.Dir(c.leaves[i].path) + "/" if diri != dir { return diri >= dir } return c.leaves[i].path >= dir }) logf("android findleaves dir=%q i=%d/%d", dir, i, len(c.leaves)) Scandir: for ; i < len(c.leaves); i++ { if dir == "" && strings.Contains(c.leaves[i].path, "/") { break } if !strings.HasPrefix(c.leaves[i].path, dir) { break } if mindepth < 0 || depth >= topdepth+mindepth { if !c.leaves[i].mode.IsDir() && filepath.Base(c.leaves[i].path) == name { n := "./" + c.leaves[i].path found = append(found, n) logf("android findleaves name=%s=> %s (depth=%d topdepth=%d mindepth=%d)", name, n, depth, topdepth, mindepth) break Scandir } } if c.leaves[i].mode.IsDir() { dirs = append(dirs, c.leaves[i].path) } } // logf("android findleaves next dirs=%q", dirs) } logf("android findleave done") sort.Strings(found) for _, f := range found { sw.WriteString(f) } return true }