// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // +build ignore #include "eval.h" #include #include #include #include "ast.h" #include "file.h" #include "file_cache.h" #include "parser.h" #include "rule.h" #include "strutil.h" #include "symtab.h" #include "value.h" #include "var.h" EvalResult::~EvalResult() { for (auto p : rule_vars) delete p.second; delete vars; } Evaluator::Evaluator(const Vars* vars) : in_vars_(vars), vars_(new Vars()), last_rule_(NULL), current_scope_(NULL), avoid_io_(false) { } Evaluator::~Evaluator() { // delete vars_; // for (auto p : rule_vars) { // delete p.second; // } } Var* Evaluator::EvalRHS(Symbol lhs, Value* rhs_v, StringPiece orig_rhs, AssignOp op, bool is_override) { VarOrigin origin = ( (is_bootstrap_ ? VarOrigin::DEFAULT : is_override ? VarOrigin::OVERRIDE : VarOrigin::FILE)); Var* rhs = NULL; bool needs_assign = true; switch (op) { case AssignOp::COLON_EQ: rhs = new SimpleVar(rhs_v->Eval(this), origin); break; case AssignOp::EQ: rhs = new RecursiveVar(rhs_v, origin, orig_rhs); break; case AssignOp::PLUS_EQ: { Var* prev = LookupVarInCurrentScope(lhs); if (!prev->IsDefined()) { rhs = new RecursiveVar(rhs_v, origin, orig_rhs); } else { prev->AppendVar(this, rhs_v); rhs = prev; needs_assign = false; } break; } case AssignOp::QUESTION_EQ: { Var* prev = LookupVarInCurrentScope(lhs); if (!prev->IsDefined()) { rhs = new RecursiveVar(rhs_v, origin, orig_rhs); } else { rhs = prev; needs_assign = false; } break; } } LOG("Assign: %s=%s", lhs.c_str(), rhs->DebugString().c_str()); if (needs_assign) { return rhs; } return NULL; } void Evaluator::EvalAssign(const AssignAST* ast) { loc_ = ast->loc(); last_rule_ = NULL; Symbol lhs = Intern(*ast->lhs->Eval(this)); if (lhs.empty()) Error("*** empty variable name."); Var* rhs = EvalRHS(lhs, ast->rhs, ast->orig_rhs, ast->op, ast->directive == AssignDirective::OVERRIDE); if (rhs) vars_->Assign(lhs, rhs); } void Evaluator::EvalRule(const RuleAST* ast) { loc_ = ast->loc(); last_rule_ = NULL; shared_ptr expr = ast->expr->Eval(this); // See semicolon.mk. if (expr->find_first_not_of(" \t\n;") == string::npos) return; Rule* rule; RuleVarAssignment rule_var; ParseRule(loc_, *expr, ast->term, &rule, &rule_var); if (rule) { if (ast->term == ';') { rule->cmds.push_back(ast->after_term); } LOG("Rule: %s", rule->DebugString().c_str()); rules_.push_back(shared_ptr(rule)); last_rule_ = rule; return; } for (Symbol output : rule_var.outputs) { auto p = rule_vars_.emplace(output, nullptr); if (p.second) { p.first->second = new Vars; } Value* rhs = ast->after_term; if (!rule_var.rhs.empty()) { Value* lit = NewLiteral(rule_var.rhs); if (rhs) { // TODO: We always insert two whitespaces around the // terminator. Preserve whitespaces properly. if (ast->term == ';') { rhs = NewExpr3(lit, NewLiteral(STRING_PIECE(" ; ")), rhs); } else { rhs = NewExpr3(lit, NewLiteral(STRING_PIECE(" = ")), rhs); } } else { rhs = lit; } } current_scope_ = p.first->second; Symbol lhs = Intern(rule_var.lhs); Var* rhs_var = EvalRHS(lhs, rhs, STRING_PIECE("*TODO*"), rule_var.op); if (rhs_var) current_scope_->Assign(lhs, new RuleVar(rhs_var, rule_var.op)); current_scope_ = NULL; } } void Evaluator::EvalCommand(const CommandAST* ast) { loc_ = ast->loc(); if (!last_rule_) { // TODO: ERROR("TODO"); } last_rule_->cmds.push_back(ast->expr); if (last_rule_->cmd_lineno == 0) last_rule_->cmd_lineno = ast->loc().lineno; LOG("Command: %s", ast->expr->DebugString().c_str()); } void Evaluator::EvalIf(const IfAST* ast) { loc_ = ast->loc(); bool is_true; switch (ast->op) { case CondOp::IFDEF: case CondOp::IFNDEF: { Symbol lhs = Intern(*ast->lhs->Eval(this)); Var* v = LookupVarInCurrentScope(lhs); shared_ptr s = v->Eval(this); is_true = (s->empty() == (ast->op == CondOp::IFNDEF)); break; } case CondOp::IFEQ: case CondOp::IFNEQ: { shared_ptr lhs = ast->lhs->Eval(this); shared_ptr rhs = ast->rhs->Eval(this); is_true = ((*lhs == *rhs) == (ast->op == CondOp::IFEQ)); break; } default: CHECK(false); abort(); } const vector* asts; if (is_true) { asts = &ast->true_asts; } else { asts = &ast->false_asts; } for (AST* a : *asts) { LOG("%s", a->DebugString().c_str()); a->Eval(this); } } void Evaluator::DoInclude(const char* fname, bool should_exist) { if (!should_exist && g_ignore_optional_include_pattern && Pattern(g_ignore_optional_include_pattern).Match(fname)) { return; } Makefile* mk = MakefileCacheManager::Get()->ReadMakefile(fname); if (!mk->Exists()) { if (should_exist) { Error(StringPrintf( "%s: %s\n" "NOTE: kati does not support generating missing makefiles", fname, strerror(errno))); } return; } Var* var_list = LookupVar(Intern("MAKEFILE_LIST")); var_list->AppendVar(this, NewLiteral(Intern(TrimLeadingCurdir(fname)).str())); for (AST* ast : mk->asts()) { LOG("%s", ast->DebugString().c_str()); ast->Eval(this); } } void Evaluator::EvalInclude(const IncludeAST* ast) { loc_ = ast->loc(); last_rule_ = NULL; shared_ptr pats = ast->expr->Eval(this); for (StringPiece pat : WordScanner(*pats)) { ScopedTerminator st(pat); if (pat.find_first_of("?*[") != string::npos) { glob_t gl; glob(pat.data(), GLOB_NOSORT, NULL, &gl); for (size_t i = 0; i < gl.gl_pathc; i++) { DoInclude(gl.gl_pathv[i], ast->should_exist); } globfree(&gl); } else { DoInclude(pat.data(), ast->should_exist); } } } void Evaluator::EvalExport(const ExportAST* ast) { loc_ = ast->loc(); last_rule_ = NULL; shared_ptr exports = ast->expr->Eval(this); for (StringPiece tok : WordScanner(*exports)) { size_t equal_index = tok.find('='); if (equal_index == string::npos) { exports_[Intern(tok)] = ast->is_export; } else if (equal_index == 0 || (equal_index == 1 && (tok[0] == ':' || tok[0] == '?' || tok[0] == '+'))) { // Do not export tokens after an assignment. break; } else { StringPiece lhs, rhs; AssignOp op; ParseAssignStatement(tok, equal_index, &lhs, &rhs, &op); exports_[Intern(lhs)] = ast->is_export; } } } Var* Evaluator::LookupVar(Symbol name) { if (current_scope_) { Var* v = current_scope_->Lookup(name); if (v->IsDefined()) return v; } Var* v = vars_->Lookup(name); if (v->IsDefined()) return v; return in_vars_->Lookup(name); } Var* Evaluator::LookupVarInCurrentScope(Symbol name) { if (current_scope_) { return current_scope_->Lookup(name); } Var* v = vars_->Lookup(name); if (v->IsDefined()) return v; return in_vars_->Lookup(name); } void Evaluator::Error(const string& msg) { ERROR("%s:%d: %s", LOCF(loc_), msg.c_str()); }