// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // +build ignore #include "dep.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "eval.h" #include "fileutil.h" #include "log.h" #include "rule.h" #include "strutil.h" #include "symtab.h" #include "var.h" namespace { static vector* g_dep_node_pool; static Symbol ReplaceSuffix(Symbol s, Symbol newsuf) { string r; AppendString(StripExt(s.str()), &r); r += '.'; AppendString(newsuf.str(), &r); return Intern(r); } class RuleTrie { struct Entry { Entry(const Rule* r, StringPiece s) : rule(r), suffix(s) { } const Rule* rule; StringPiece suffix; }; public: RuleTrie() {} ~RuleTrie() { for (auto& p : children_) delete p.second; } void Add(StringPiece name, const Rule* rule) { if (name.empty() || name[0] == '%') { rules_.push_back(Entry(rule, name)); return; } const char c = name[0]; auto p = children_.emplace(c, nullptr); if (p.second) { p.first->second = new RuleTrie(); } p.first->second->Add(name.substr(1), rule); } void Get(StringPiece name, vector* rules) const { for (const Entry& ent : rules_) { if ((ent.suffix.empty() && name.empty()) || HasSuffix(name, ent.suffix.substr(1))) { rules->push_back(ent.rule); } } if (name.empty()) return; auto found = children_.find(name[0]); if (found != children_.end()) { found->second->Get(name.substr(1), rules); } } size_t size() const { size_t r = rules_.size(); for (const auto& c : children_) r += c.second->size(); return r; } private: vector rules_; unordered_map children_; }; } // namespace DepNode::DepNode(Symbol o, bool p, bool r) : output(o), has_rule(false), is_default_target(false), is_phony(p), is_restat(r), rule_vars(NULL), depfile_var(NULL), output_pattern(Symbol::IsUninitialized()) { g_dep_node_pool->push_back(this); } class DepBuilder { public: DepBuilder(Evaluator* ev, const vector& rules, const unordered_map& rule_vars) : ev_(ev), rule_vars_(rule_vars), implicit_rules_(new RuleTrie()), first_rule_(NULL), depfile_var_name_(Intern(".KATI_DEPFILE")) { PopulateRules(rules); LOG_STAT("%zu variables", ev->mutable_vars()->size()); LOG_STAT("%zu explicit rules", rules_.size()); LOG_STAT("%zu implicit rules", implicit_rules_->size()); LOG_STAT("%zu suffix rules", suffix_rules_.size()); auto found = rules_.find(Intern(".PHONY")); if (found != rules_.end()) { for (Symbol input : found->second->inputs) { phony_.insert(input); } } found = rules_.find(Intern(".KATI_RESTAT")); if (found != rules_.end()) { for (Symbol input : found->second->inputs) { restat_.insert(input); } } found = rules_.find(Intern(".SUFFIXES")); if (found != rules_.end()) { if (found->second->inputs.empty()) { suffix_rules_.clear(); } else { WARN("%s:%d: kati doesn't support .SUFFIXES with prerequisites", LOCF(found->second->loc)); } } // Note we can safely ignore .DELETE_ON_ERROR for --ninja mode. static const char* kUnsupportedBuiltinTargets[] = { ".DEFAULT", ".PRECIOUS", ".INTERMEDIATE", ".SECONDARY", ".SECONDEXPANSION", ".IGNORE", ".LOW_RESOLUTION_TIME", ".SILENT", ".EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES", ".NOTPARALLEL", ".ONESHELL", ".POSIX", NULL }; for (const char** p = kUnsupportedBuiltinTargets; *p; p++) { auto found = rules_.find(Intern(*p)); if (found != rules_.end()) { WARN("%s:%d: kati doesn't support %s", LOCF(found->second->loc), *p); } } } ~DepBuilder() { } void Build(vector targets, vector* nodes) { if (!first_rule_) { ERROR("*** No targets."); } CHECK(!first_rule_->outputs.empty()); if (!g_flags.gen_all_targets && targets.empty()) { targets.push_back(first_rule_->outputs[0]); } if (g_flags.gen_all_targets) { unordered_set non_root_targets; for (const auto& p : rules_) { for (Symbol t : p.second->inputs) non_root_targets.insert(t); for (Symbol t : p.second->order_only_inputs) non_root_targets.insert(t); } for (const auto& p : rules_) { Symbol t = p.first; if (!non_root_targets.count(t)) { targets.push_back(p.first); } } } // TODO: LogStats? for (Symbol target : targets) { cur_rule_vars_.reset(new Vars); ev_->set_current_scope(cur_rule_vars_.get()); DepNode* n = BuildPlan(target, Intern("")); nodes->push_back(n); ev_->set_current_scope(NULL); cur_rule_vars_.reset(NULL); } } private: bool Exists(Symbol target) { auto found = rules_.find(target); if (found != rules_.end()) return true; if (phony_.count(target)) return true; return ::Exists(target.str()); } void PopulateRules(const vector& rules) { for (const Rule* rule : rules) { if (rule->outputs.empty()) { PopulateImplicitRule(rule); } else { PopulateExplicitRule(rule); } } for (auto& p : suffix_rules_) { reverse(p.second.begin(), p.second.end()); } } bool PopulateSuffixRule(const Rule* rule, Symbol output) { if (output.empty() || output.str()[0] != '.') return false; const StringPiece rest = StringPiece(output.str()).substr(1); size_t dot_index = rest.find('.'); // If there is only a single dot or the third dot, this is not a // suffix rule. if (dot_index == string::npos || rest.substr(dot_index+1).find('.') != string::npos) { return false; } StringPiece input_suffix = rest.substr(0, dot_index); StringPiece output_suffix = rest.substr(dot_index+1); shared_ptr r = make_shared(*rule); r->inputs.clear(); r->inputs.push_back(Intern(input_suffix)); r->is_suffix_rule = true; suffix_rules_[output_suffix].push_back(r); return true; } void ApplyOutputPattern(const Rule& r, Symbol output, const vector& inputs, vector* out_inputs) { if (inputs.empty()) return; if (r.is_suffix_rule) { for (Symbol input : inputs) { out_inputs->push_back(ReplaceSuffix(output, input)); } return; } if (r.output_patterns.empty()) { copy(inputs.begin(), inputs.end(), back_inserter(*out_inputs)); return; } CHECK(r.output_patterns.size() == 1); Pattern pat(r.output_patterns[0].str()); for (Symbol input : inputs) { string buf; pat.AppendSubst(output.str(), input.str(), &buf); out_inputs->push_back(Intern(buf)); } } shared_ptr MergeRules(const Rule& old_rule, const Rule& rule, Symbol output, bool is_suffix_rule) { if (old_rule.is_double_colon != rule.is_double_colon) { ERROR("%s:%d: *** target file `%s' has both : and :: entries.", LOCF(rule.loc), output.str().c_str()); } if (!old_rule.cmds.empty() && !rule.cmds.empty() && !is_suffix_rule && !rule.is_double_colon) { WARN("%s:%d: warning: overriding commands for target `%s'", LOCF(rule.cmd_loc()), output.str().c_str()); WARN("%s:%d: warning: ignoring old commands for target `%s'", LOCF(old_rule.cmd_loc()), output.str().c_str()); } shared_ptr r = make_shared(rule); if (rule.is_double_colon) { r->cmds.clear(); for (Value* c : old_rule.cmds) r->cmds.push_back(c); for (Value* c : rule.cmds) r->cmds.push_back(c); if (!rule.output_patterns.empty() && !old_rule.output_patterns.empty() && rule.output_patterns != old_rule.output_patterns) { ERROR("%s:%d: TODO: merging two double colon rules with output " "patterns is not supported", LOCF(rule.loc)); } } else if (!old_rule.cmds.empty() && rule.cmds.empty()) { r->cmds = old_rule.cmds; } // If the latter rule has a command (regardless of the commands in // |old_rule|), inputs in the latter rule has a priority. if (rule.cmds.empty()) { r->inputs = old_rule.inputs; ApplyOutputPattern(rule, output, rule.inputs, &r->inputs); r->order_only_inputs = old_rule.order_only_inputs; ApplyOutputPattern(rule, output, rule.order_only_inputs, &r->order_only_inputs); r->output_patterns = old_rule.output_patterns; } else { ApplyOutputPattern(old_rule, output, old_rule.inputs, &r->inputs); ApplyOutputPattern(old_rule, output, old_rule.order_only_inputs, &r->order_only_inputs); } r->is_default_target |= old_rule.is_default_target; return r; } void PopulateExplicitRule(const Rule* orig_rule) { for (Symbol output : orig_rule->outputs) { const bool is_suffix_rule = PopulateSuffixRule(orig_rule, output); shared_ptr rule = make_shared(*orig_rule); rule->outputs.clear(); rule->outputs.push_back(output); auto p = rules_.insert(make_pair(output, rule)); if (p.second) { if (!first_rule_ && output.get(0) != '.') { rule->is_default_target = true; first_rule_ = rule; } } else { p.first->second = MergeRules(*p.first->second, *rule, output, is_suffix_rule); } } } void PopulateImplicitRule(const Rule* rule) { for (Symbol output_pattern : rule->output_patterns) { implicit_rules_->Add(output_pattern.str(), rule); } } shared_ptr LookupRule(Symbol o) { auto found = rules_.find(o); if (found != rules_.end()) return found->second; return NULL; } Vars* LookupRuleVars(Symbol o) { auto found = rule_vars_.find(o); if (found != rule_vars_.end()) return found->second; return NULL; } bool CanPickImplicitRule(const Rule* rule, Symbol output, DepNode* n, shared_ptr* out_rule) { Symbol matched(Symbol::IsUninitialized{}); for (Symbol output_pattern : rule->output_patterns) { Pattern pat(output_pattern.str()); if (pat.Match(output.str())) { bool ok = true; for (Symbol input : rule->inputs) { string buf; pat.AppendSubst(output.str(), input.str(), &buf); if (!Exists(Intern(buf))) { ok = false; break; } } if (ok) { matched = output_pattern; break; } } } if (!matched.IsValid()) return false; *out_rule = make_shared(*rule); if ((*out_rule)->output_patterns.size() > 1) { // We should mark all other output patterns as used. Pattern pat(matched.str()); for (Symbol output_pattern : rule->output_patterns) { if (output_pattern == matched) continue; string buf; pat.AppendSubst(output.str(), output_pattern.str(), &buf); done_[Intern(buf)] = n; } (*out_rule)->output_patterns.clear(); (*out_rule)->output_patterns.push_back(matched); } return true; } Vars* MergeImplicitRuleVars(Symbol output, Vars* vars) { auto found = rule_vars_.find(output); if (found == rule_vars_.end()) return vars; if (vars == NULL) return found->second; // TODO: leak. Vars* r = new Vars(*found->second); for (auto p : *vars) { (*r)[p.first] = p.second; } return r; } bool PickRule(Symbol output, DepNode* n, shared_ptr* out_rule, Vars** out_var) { shared_ptr rule = LookupRule(output); Vars* vars = LookupRuleVars(output); *out_rule = rule; *out_var = vars; if (rule) { if (!rule->cmds.empty()) { return true; } } vector irules; implicit_rules_->Get(output.str(), &irules); for (auto iter = irules.rbegin(); iter != irules.rend(); ++iter) { shared_ptr irule; if (!CanPickImplicitRule(*iter, output, n, &irule)) continue; if (rule) { shared_ptr r = make_shared(*rule); r->output_patterns = irule->output_patterns; r->inputs.clear(); r->inputs = irule->inputs; copy(rule->inputs.begin(), rule->inputs.end(), back_inserter(r->inputs)); r->cmds = irule->cmds; r->is_default_target |= irule->is_default_target; r->loc = irule->loc; r->cmd_lineno = irule->cmd_lineno; *out_rule = r; return true; } CHECK(irule->output_patterns.size() == 1); vars = MergeImplicitRuleVars(irule->output_patterns[0], vars); *out_var = vars; *out_rule = make_shared(*irule); return true; } StringPiece output_suffix = GetExt(output.str()); if (output_suffix.get(0) != '.') return rule.get(); output_suffix = output_suffix.substr(1); SuffixRuleMap::const_iterator found = suffix_rules_.find(output_suffix); if (found == suffix_rules_.end()) return rule.get(); for (shared_ptr irule : found->second) { CHECK(irule->inputs.size() == 1); Symbol input = ReplaceSuffix(output, irule->inputs[0]); if (!Exists(input)) continue; if (rule) { shared_ptr r = make_shared(*rule); r->inputs.insert(r->inputs.begin(), input); r->cmds = irule->cmds; r->is_default_target |= irule->is_default_target; r->loc = irule->loc; r->cmd_lineno = irule->cmd_lineno; *out_rule = r; return true; } if (vars) { CHECK(irule->outputs.size() == 1); vars = MergeImplicitRuleVars(irule->outputs[0], vars); *out_var = vars; } *out_rule = irule; return true; } return rule.get(); } DepNode* BuildPlan(Symbol output, Symbol needed_by UNUSED) { LOG("BuildPlan: %s for %s", output.c_str(), needed_by.c_str()); auto found = done_.find(output); if (found != done_.end()) { return found->second; } DepNode* n = new DepNode(output, phony_.count(output), restat_.count(output)); done_[output] = n; shared_ptr rule; Vars* vars; if (!PickRule(output, n, &rule, &vars)) { return n; } if (rule->output_patterns.size() >= 1) { CHECK(rule->output_patterns.size() == 1); n->output_pattern = rule->output_patterns[0]; } vector> sv; if (vars) { for (const auto& p : *vars) { Symbol name = p.first; RuleVar* var = reinterpret_cast(p.second); CHECK(var); Var* new_var = var->v(); if (var->op() == AssignOp::PLUS_EQ) { Var* old_var = ev_->LookupVar(name); if (old_var->IsDefined()) { // TODO: This would be incorrect and has a leak. shared_ptr s = make_shared(); old_var->Eval(ev_, s.get()); if (!s->empty()) *s += ' '; new_var->Eval(ev_, s.get()); new_var = new SimpleVar(*s, old_var->Origin()); } } else if (var->op() == AssignOp::QUESTION_EQ) { Var* old_var = ev_->LookupVar(name); if (old_var->IsDefined()) { continue; } } if (name == depfile_var_name_) { n->depfile_var = new_var; } else { sv.emplace_back(new ScopedVar(cur_rule_vars_.get(), name, new_var)); } } } ApplyOutputPattern(*rule, output, rule->inputs, &n->actual_inputs); for (Symbol input : n->actual_inputs) { DepNode* c = BuildPlan(input, output); n->deps.push_back(c); } vector order_only_inputs; ApplyOutputPattern(*rule, output, rule->order_only_inputs, &order_only_inputs); for (Symbol input : order_only_inputs) { DepNode* c = BuildPlan(input, output); n->order_onlys.push_back(c); } n->has_rule = true; n->cmds = rule->cmds; n->is_default_target = rule->is_default_target; if (cur_rule_vars_->empty()) { n->rule_vars = NULL; } else { n->rule_vars = new Vars; for (auto p : *cur_rule_vars_) { n->rule_vars->insert(p); } } n->loc = rule->loc; if (!rule->cmds.empty() && rule->cmd_lineno) n->loc.lineno = rule->cmd_lineno; return n; } Evaluator* ev_; map> rules_; const unordered_map& rule_vars_; unique_ptr cur_rule_vars_; unique_ptr implicit_rules_; typedef unordered_map>> SuffixRuleMap; SuffixRuleMap suffix_rules_; shared_ptr first_rule_; unordered_map done_; unordered_set phony_; unordered_set restat_; Symbol depfile_var_name_; }; void MakeDep(Evaluator* ev, const vector& rules, const unordered_map& rule_vars, const vector& targets, vector* nodes) { DepBuilder db(ev, rules, rule_vars); db.Build(targets, nodes); } void InitDepNodePool() { g_dep_node_pool = new vector; } void QuitDepNodePool() { for (DepNode* n : *g_dep_node_pool) delete n; delete g_dep_node_pool; }