/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkOSFile.h" SkString SkOSPath::SkPathJoin(const char *rootPath, const char *relativePath) { SkString result(rootPath); if (!result.endsWith(SkPATH_SEPARATOR)) { result.appendUnichar(SkPATH_SEPARATOR); } result.append(relativePath); return result; } SkString SkOSPath::SkBasename(const char* fullPath) { if (!fullPath) { return SkString(); } const char* filename = strrchr(fullPath, SkPATH_SEPARATOR); if (NULL == filename) { filename = fullPath; } else { ++filename; } return SkString(filename); } #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN static uint16_t* concat_to_16(const char src[], const char suffix[]) { size_t i, len = strlen(src); size_t len2 = 3 + (suffix ? strlen(suffix) : 0); uint16_t* dst = (uint16_t*)sk_malloc_throw((len + len2) * sizeof(uint16_t)); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) dst[i] = src[i]; if (i > 0 && dst[i-1] != '/') dst[i++] = '/'; dst[i++] = '*'; if (suffix) { while (*suffix) dst[i++] = *suffix++; } dst[i] = 0; SkASSERT(i + 1 <= len + len2); return dst; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SkOSFile::Iter::Iter() : fHandle(0), fPath16(NULL) { } SkOSFile::Iter::Iter(const char path[], const char suffix[]) : fHandle(0), fPath16(NULL) { this->reset(path, suffix); } SkOSFile::Iter::~Iter() { sk_free(fPath16); if (fHandle) ::FindClose(fHandle); } void SkOSFile::Iter::reset(const char path[], const char suffix[]) { if (fHandle) { ::FindClose(fHandle); fHandle = 0; } if (NULL == path) path = ""; sk_free(fPath16); fPath16 = concat_to_16(path, suffix); } static bool is_magic_dir(const uint16_t dir[]) { // return true for "." and ".." return dir[0] == '.' && (dir[1] == 0 || dir[1] == '.' && dir[2] == 0); } static bool get_the_file(HANDLE handle, SkString* name, WIN32_FIND_DATAW* dataPtr, bool getDir) { WIN32_FIND_DATAW data; if (NULL == dataPtr) { if (::FindNextFileW(handle, &data)) dataPtr = &data; else return false; } for (;;) { if (getDir) { if ((dataPtr->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && !is_magic_dir((uint16_t*)dataPtr->cFileName)) break; } else { if (!(dataPtr->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) break; } if (!::FindNextFileW(handle, dataPtr)) return false; } // if we get here, we've found a file/dir if (name) name->setUTF16((uint16_t*)dataPtr->cFileName); return true; } bool SkOSFile::Iter::next(SkString* name, bool getDir) { WIN32_FIND_DATAW data; WIN32_FIND_DATAW* dataPtr = NULL; if (fHandle == 0) // our first time { if (fPath16 == NULL || *fPath16 == 0) // check for no path return false; fHandle = ::FindFirstFileW((LPCWSTR)fPath16, &data); if (fHandle != 0 && fHandle != (HANDLE)~0) dataPtr = &data; } return fHandle != (HANDLE)~0 && get_the_file(fHandle, name, dataPtr, getDir); } #elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC) || defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_UNIX) || defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID) || defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS) #if 0 OSStatus FSPathMakeRef ( const UInt8 * path, FSRef * ref, Boolean * isDirectory ); #endif SkOSFile::Iter::Iter() : fDIR(0) { } SkOSFile::Iter::Iter(const char path[], const char suffix[]) : fDIR(0) { this->reset(path, suffix); } SkOSFile::Iter::~Iter() { if (fDIR) ::closedir(fDIR); } void SkOSFile::Iter::reset(const char path[], const char suffix[]) { if (fDIR) { ::closedir(fDIR); fDIR = 0; } fPath.set(path); if (path) { fDIR = ::opendir(path); fSuffix.set(suffix); } else fSuffix.reset(); } // returns true if suffix is empty, or if str ends with suffix static bool issuffixfor(const SkString& suffix, const char str[]) { size_t suffixLen = suffix.size(); size_t strLen = strlen(str); return strLen >= suffixLen && memcmp(suffix.c_str(), str + strLen - suffixLen, suffixLen) == 0; } #include bool SkOSFile::Iter::next(SkString* name, bool getDir) { if (fDIR) { dirent* entry; while ((entry = ::readdir(fDIR)) != NULL) { struct stat s; SkString str(fPath); if (!str.endsWith("/") && !str.endsWith("\\")) str.append("/"); str.append(entry->d_name); if (0 == stat(str.c_str(), &s)) { if (getDir) { if (s.st_mode & S_IFDIR) break; } else { if (!(s.st_mode & S_IFDIR) && issuffixfor(fSuffix, entry->d_name)) break; } } } if (entry) // we broke out with a file { if (name) name->set(entry->d_name); return true; } } return false; } #endif // if one of:SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC, SK_BUILD_FOR_UNIX, SK_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID,SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS