[tox] envlist = flake8,py27,py34,py35,pypy,gae,cover [testenv] basedeps = mock>=1.3.0 pycrypto>=2.6 cryptography>=1.0 pyopenssl>=0.14 webtest pytest flask sqlalchemy fasteners deps = {[testenv]basedeps} django keyring jsonpickle setenv = pypy: with_gmp=no DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=tests.contrib.django_util.settings commands = py.test {posargs} [coverbase] basepython = python2.7 commands = py.test \ --cov=oauth2client \ --cov=tests py.test \ --cov=oauth2client \ --cov=tests \ --cov-append \ --gae-sdk={env:GAE_PYTHONPATH:} \ tests/contrib/appengine deps = {[testenv]deps} coverage pytest-cov [testenv:cover] basepython = {[coverbase]basepython} commands = {[coverbase]commands} coverage report --show-missing --fail-under=100 deps = {[coverbase]deps} [testenv:docs] basepython = python2.7 deps = {[testenv:cover]deps} python-gflags pyyaml sphinx>=1.3b2 sphinx-rtd-theme webapp2 commands = {toxinidir}/scripts/build_docs.sh [testenv:gae] basepython = python2.7 deps = {[testenv]basedeps} commands = py.test --gae-sdk={env:GAE_PYTHONPATH:} tests/contrib/appengine [testenv:system-tests] basepython = python2.7 commands = {toxinidir}/scripts/run_system_tests.sh deps = pycrypto>=2.6 cryptography>=1.0 pyopenssl>=0.14 passenv = GOOGLE_* OAUTH2CLIENT_* TRAVIS* [testenv:system-tests3] basepython = python3.4 commands = {toxinidir}/scripts/run_system_tests.sh deps = pycrypto>=2.6 cryptography>=1.0 pyopenssl>=0.14 passenv = {[testenv:system-tests]passenv} [testenv:gce-system-tests] basepython = python2.7 commands = python {toxinidir}/scripts/run_gce_system_tests.py deps = pycrypto>=2.6 passenv = {[testenv:system-tests]passenv} [testenv:flake8] commands = flake8 --import-order-style google {posargs} deps = flake8-putty flake8-import-order [flake8] exclude = .tox,.git,./*.egg,build,.cache,env,__pycache__ application-import-names = oauth2client, tests putty-ignore = # E402 module level import not at top of file # This file has needed configurations defined before import docs/conf.py : E402 # E501 line too long # Ignore lines over 80 chars that include "http:" or "https:" /http:/ : E501 /https:/ : E501