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+# asn1crypto
+A fast, pure Python library for parsing and serializing ASN.1 structures.
+ - [Features](#features)
+ - [Why Another Python ASN.1 Library?](#why-another-python-asn1-library)
+ - [Related Crypto Libraries](#related-crypto-libraries)
+ - [Current Release](#current-release)
+ - [Dependencies](#dependencies)
+ - [Installation](#installation)
+ - [License](#license)
+ - [Documentation](#documentation)
+ - [Continuous Integration](#continuous-integration)
+ - [Testing](#testing)
+ - [Development](#development)
+[![Travis CI](https://api.travis-ci.org/wbond/asn1crypto.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/wbond/asn1crypto)
+## Features
+In addition to an ASN.1 BER/DER decoder and DER serializer, the project includes
+a bunch of ASN.1 structures for use with various common cryptography standards:
+| Standard | Module | Source |
+| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| X.509 | [`asn1crypto.x509`](asn1crypto/x509.py) | [RFC 5280](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280) |
+| CRL | [`asn1crypto.crl`](asn1crypto/crl.py) | [RFC 5280](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280) |
+| CSR | [`asn1crypto.csr`](asn1crypto/csr.py) | [RFC 2986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2986), [RFC 2985](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2985) |
+| OCSP | [`asn1crypto.ocsp`](asn1crypto/ocsp.py) | [RFC 6960](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6960) |
+| PKCS#12 | [`asn1crypto.pkcs12`](asn1crypto/pkcs12.py) | [RFC 7292](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7292) |
+| PKCS#8 | [`asn1crypto.keys`](asn1crypto/keys.py) | [RFC 5208](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5208) |
+| PKCS#1 v2.1 (RSA keys) | [`asn1crypto.keys`](asn1crypto/keys.py) | [RFC 3447](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447) |
+| DSA keys | [`asn1crypto.keys`](asn1crypto/keys.py) | [RFC 3279](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3279) |
+| Elliptic curve keys | [`asn1crypto.keys`](asn1crypto/keys.py) | [SECG SEC1 V2](http://www.secg.org/sec1-v2.pdf) |
+| PKCS#3 v1.4 | [`asn1crypto.algos`](asn1crypto/algos.py) | [PKCS#3 v1.4](ftp://ftp.rsasecurity.com/pub/pkcs/ascii/pkcs-3.asc) |
+| PKCS#5 v2.1 | [`asn1crypto.algos`](asn1crypto/algos.py) | [PKCS#5 v2.1](http://www.emc.com/collateral/white-papers/h11302-pkcs5v2-1-password-based-cryptography-standard-wp.pdf) |
+| CMS (and PKCS#7) | [`asn1crypto.cms`](asn1crypto/cms.py) | [RFC 5652](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5652), [RFC 2315](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2315) |
+| TSP | [`asn1crypto.tsp`](asn1crypto/tsp.py) | [RFC 3161](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3161) |
+| PDF signatures | [`asn1crypto.pdf`](asn1crypto/pdf.py) | [PDF 1.7](http://wwwimages.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/pdf/pdfs/PDF32000_2008.pdf) |
+## Why Another Python ASN.1 Library?
+Python has long had the [pyasn1](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyasn1) and
+[pyasn1_modules](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyasn1-modules) available for
+parsing and serializing ASN.1 structures. While the project does include a
+comprehensive set of tools for parsing and serializing, the performance of the
+library can be very poor, especially when dealing with bit fields and parsing
+large structures such as CRLs.
+After spending extensive time using *pyasn1*, the following issues were
+ 1. Poor performance
+ 2. Verbose, non-pythonic API
+ 3. Out-dated and incomplete definitions in *pyasn1-modules*
+ 4. No simple way to map data to native Python data structures
+ 5. No mechanism for overridden universal ASN.1 types
+The *pyasn1* API is largely method driven, and uses extensive configuration
+objects and lowerCamelCase names. There were no consistent options for
+converting types of native Python data structures. Since the project supports
+out-dated versions of Python, many newer language features are unavailable
+for use.
+Time was spent trying to profile issues with the performance, however the
+architecture made it hard to pin down the primary source of the poor
+performance. Attempts were made to improve performance by utilizing unreleased
+patches and delaying parsing using the `Any` type. Even with such changes, the
+performance was still unacceptably slow.
+Finally, a number of structures in the cryptographic space use universal data
+types such as `BitString` and `OctetString`, but interpret the data as other
+types. For instance, signatures are really byte strings, but are encoded as
+`BitString`. Elliptic curve keys use both `BitString` and `OctetString` to
+represent integers. Parsing these structures as the base universal types and
+then re-interpreting them wastes computation.
+*asn1crypto* uses the following techniques to improve performance, especially
+when extracting one or two fields from large, complex structures:
+ - Delayed parsing of byte string values
+ - Persistence of original ASN.1 encoded data until a value is changed
+ - Lazy loading of child fields
+ - Utilization of high-level Python stdlib modules
+While there is no extensive performance test suite, the
+`CRLTests.test_parse_crl` test case was used to parse a 21MB CRL file on a
+late 2013 rMBP. *asn1crypto* parsed the certificate serial numbers in just
+under 8 seconds. With *pyasn1*, using definitions from *pyasn1-modules*, the
+same parsing took over 4,100 seconds.
+For smaller structures the performance difference can range from a few times
+faster to an order of magnitude of more.
+## Related Crypto Libraries
+*asn1crypto* is part of the modularcrypto family of Python packages:
+ - [asn1crypto](https://github.com/wbond/asn1crypto)
+ - [oscrypto](https://github.com/wbond/oscrypto)
+ - [csrbuilder](https://github.com/wbond/csrbuilder)
+ - [certbuilder](https://github.com/wbond/certbuilder)
+ - [crlbuilder](https://github.com/wbond/crlbuilder)
+ - [ocspbuilder](https://github.com/wbond/ocspbuilder)
+ - [certvalidator](https://github.com/wbond/certvalidator)
+## Current Release
+0.24.0 - [changelog](changelog.md)
+## Dependencies
+Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 or pypy. *No third-party packages
+## Installation
+pip install asn1crypto
+## License
+*asn1crypto* is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the
+[LICENSE](LICENSE) file for the exact license text.
+## Documentation
+The documentation for *asn1crypto* is composed of tutorials on basic usage and
+links to the source for the various pre-defined type classes.
+### Tutorials
+ - [Universal Types with BER/DER Decoder and DER Encoder](docs/universal_types.md)
+ - [PEM Encoder and Decoder](docs/pem.md)
+### Reference
+ - [Universal types](asn1crypto/core.py), `asn1crypto.core`
+ - [Digest, HMAC, signed digest and encryption algorithms](asn1crypto/algos.py), `asn1crypto.algos`
+ - [Private and public keys](asn1crypto/keys.py), `asn1crypto.keys`
+ - [X509 certificates](asn1crypto/x509.py), `asn1crypto.x509`
+ - [Certificate revocation lists (CRLs)](asn1crypto/crl.py), `asn1crypto.crl`
+ - [Online certificate status protocol (OCSP)](asn1crypto/ocsp.py), `asn1crypto.ocsp`
+ - [Certificate signing requests (CSRs)](asn1crypto/csr.py), `asn1crypto.csr`
+ - [Private key/certificate containers (PKCS#12)](asn1crypto/pkcs12.py), `asn1crypto.pkcs12`
+ - [Cryptographic message syntax (CMS, PKCS#7)](asn1crypto/cms.py), `asn1crypto.cms`
+ - [Time stamp protocol (TSP)](asn1crypto/tsp.py), `asn1crypto.tsp`
+ - [PDF signatures](asn1crypto/pdf.py), `asn1crypto.pdf`
+## Continuous Integration
+ - [Windows](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/wbond/asn1crypto/history) via AppVeyor
+ - [OS X](https://circleci.com/gh/wbond/asn1crypto) via CircleCI
+ - [Linux](https://travis-ci.org/wbond/asn1crypto/builds) via Travis CI
+ - [Test Coverage](https://codecov.io/gh/wbond/asn1crypto/commits) via Codecov
+## Testing
+Tests are written using `unittest` and require no third-party packages:
+python run.py tests
+To run only some tests, pass a regular expression as a parameter to `tests`.
+python run.py tests ocsp
+## Development
+To install the package used for linting, execute:
+pip install --user -r requires/lint
+The following command will run the linter:
+python run.py lint
+Support for code coverage can be installed via:
+pip install --user -r requires/coverage
+Coverage is measured by running:
+python run.py coverage
+To install the necessary packages for releasing a new version on PyPI, run:
+pip install --user -r requires/release
+Releases are created by:
+ - Making a git tag in [semver](http://semver.org/) format
+ - Running the command:
+ ```bash
+ python run.py release
+ ```
+Existing releases can be found at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/asn1crypto.
+## CI Tasks
+A task named `deps` exists to ensure a modern version of `pip` is installed,
+along with all necessary testing dependencies.
+The `ci` task runs `lint` (if flake8 is available for the version of Python) and
+`coverage` (or `tests` if coverage is not available for the version of Python).
+If the current directory is a clean git working copy, the coverage data is
+submitted to codecov.io.
+python run.py deps
+python run.py ci