package kotlinx.coroutines.javafx import import kotlinx.coroutines.TestBase import kotlinx.coroutines.* import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.* import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test import kotlin.test.* class JavaFxObservableAsFlowTest : TestBase() { @Before fun setup() { ignoreLostThreads("JavaFX Application Thread", "Thread-", "QuantumRenderer-", "InvokeLaterDispatcher") } @Test fun testFlowOrder() = runTest { if (!initPlatform()) { println("Skipping JavaFxTest in headless environment") return@runTest // ignore test in headless environments } val integerProperty = SimpleIntegerProperty(0) val n = 1000 val flow = integerProperty.asFlow().takeWhile { j -> j != n } newSingleThreadContext("setter").use { pool -> launch(pool) { for (i in 1..n) { launch(Dispatchers.JavaFx) { integerProperty.set(i) } } } var i = -1 flow.collect { j -> assertTrue(i < (j as Int), "Elements are neither repeated nor shuffled") i = j } } } @Test fun testConflation() = runTest { if (!initPlatform()) { println("Skipping JavaFxTest in headless environment") return@runTest // ignore test in headless environments } withContext(Dispatchers.JavaFx) { val END_MARKER = -1 val integerProperty = SimpleIntegerProperty(0) val flow = integerProperty.asFlow().takeWhile { j -> j != END_MARKER } launch { yield() // to subscribe to [integerProperty] yield() // send 0 integerProperty.set(1) expect(3) yield() // send 1 expect(5) integerProperty.set(2) for (i in (-100..-2)) { integerProperty.set(i) // should be skipped due to conflation } integerProperty.set(3) expect(6) yield() // send 2 and 3 integerProperty.set(-1) } expect(1) flow.collect { i -> when (i) { 0 -> expect(2) 1 -> expect(4) 2 -> expect(7) 3 -> expect(8) else -> fail("i is $i") } } finish(9) } } @Test fun testIntermediateCrash() = runTest { if (!initPlatform()) { println("Skipping JavaFxTest in headless environment") return@runTest // ignore test in headless environments } val property = SimpleIntegerProperty(0) assertFailsWith { property.asFlow().onEach { yield() throw TestException() }.collect() } } }