#!/bin/bash # Caution: VERSION needs to be identical in all scripts in this directory, # otherwise the build will not work. VERSION='13.0.0_r10' BUILD_VARIANT='eng' export USER=$(whoami) export BUILD_NUMBER="${BUILD_VARIANT}.${VERSION}" # needed, because otherwise conscrypt build will fail. ART and some other # dependencies need to be built from source. export ART_MODULE_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE=true export MODULE_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE=true . build/envsetup.sh lunch sdk-${BUILD_VARIANT} make -j$(nproc) sdk dist sdk_repo # make -j$(nproc) win_sdk dist sdk_repo # list the result files # --------------------- # # optional, the windows sdk, disabled by default (see above) # ls -lah /out/dist/android-sdk_${BUILD_NUMBER}_windows.zip # the sdk ls -lah out/dist/android-sdk_${BUILD_NUMBER}_linux-x86.zip # the parts of the sdk ls -lah out/dist/sdk-repo*.zip ls -lah out/dist/sdk-symbols-${BUILD_NUMBER}.zip ls -lah out/dist/repo*.xml