# # Copyright 2018, 2020 Joonas Kylmälä # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ############### # ADB support # ############### PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \ persist.service.adb.enable=1 \ persist.sys.usb.config=adb ######### # Audio # ######### PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ android.hardware.audio@6.0-impl \ android.hardware.audio@2.0-service \ android.hardware.audio.effect@6.0-impl \ audio.r_submix.default \ # Use dummy sound trigger PRODUCT_PACKAGES += android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.2-impl # HAL for handling audio frames PRODUCT_PACKAGES += audio.primary.exynos4 # Hal for handling alsa controls, for instance the switch between speakers and # headphones. PRODUCT_PACKAGES += libaudioroute PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/audio/mixer_paths.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/mixer_paths.xml # We do need debug utilities on the target to enable users to be able to give # certain information without needing to recompile an image. In addition it # makes experimenting with audio easier. PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ tinyplay \ tinycap \ tinymix \ tinypcminfo # A2DP PRODUCT_PACKAGES += audio.a2dp.default PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ frameworks/av/media/libeffects/data/audio_effects.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/audio_effects.xml \ frameworks/av/services/audiopolicy/config/audio_policy_configuration_generic.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/audio_policy_configuration.xml \ frameworks/av/services/audiopolicy/config/primary_audio_policy_configuration.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/primary_audio_policy_configuration.xml \ frameworks/av/services/audiopolicy/config/r_submix_audio_policy_configuration.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/r_submix_audio_policy_configuration.xml \ frameworks/av/services/audiopolicy/config/audio_policy_volumes.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/audio_policy_volumes.xml \ frameworks/av/services/audiopolicy/config/default_volume_tables.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/default_volume_tables.xml \ frameworks/av/services/audiopolicy/config/surround_sound_configuration_5_0.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/surround_sound_configuration_5_0.xml ######### # Debug # ######### # Get root on the serial console for -eng builds # This can help debugging early boot issues ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT),eng) PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += $(LOCAL_PATH)/console.rc:system/etc/init/console.rc endif ######################################## # DRM (Digital Restriction Management) # ######################################## # TODO: check if this needs to be removed! PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ android.hardware.drm@1.0-impl \ android.hardware.drm@1.0-service \ ############ # Graphics # ############ PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ gralloc.gbm \ hwcomposer.drm \ hwcomposer.ranchu \ libEGL_swiftshader \ libGLES_mesa \ libGLESv2_swiftshader \ android.hardware.graphics.allocator@2.0-impl \ android.hardware.graphics.allocator@2.0-service \ android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1-impl \ android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1-service \ android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0-impl \ android.hardware.renderscript@1.0-impl \ PRODUCT_AAPT_CONFIG := normal PRODUCT_AAPT_PREF_CONFIG := xhdpi PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += $(LOCAL_PATH)/allocator/android.hardware.graphics.allocator@2.0-service.rc:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/init/android.hardware.graphics.allocator@2.0-override-service.rc ######### # Hacks # ######### # HACK: prevent the device to go in suspend because it's annoying during early # development. Remove afterward as it consume way more energy this way. PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += $(LOCAL_PATH)/prevent_suspend.sh:system/bin/prevent_suspend.sh PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += $(LOCAL_PATH)/prevent_suspend.rc:system/etc/init/prevent_suspend.rc ########## # Health # ########## PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ android.hardware.health@2.1-service \ android.hardware.health@2.1-impl \ #################### # Heimdall support # #################### # Enable flashing through heimdall: On the Exynos devices supported by Replicant # 6.0, heimdall is reliable enough to flash small files like boot.img or # recovery.img but flashing bigger files like a system.img that is the size of # the target partition would increase too much the probability of failure. PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += $(LOCAL_PATH)/resize2fs_partitions.sh:system/bin/resize2fs_partitions.sh ########## # Kernel # ########## PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ kernel/replicant/linux/zImage-dtb:kernel \ ########## # Lights # ########## PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ android.hardware.light@2.0-service.samsung \ ########## # Memory # ########## # HAL packages PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl \ android.hidl.memory@1.0-service \ ######### # Power # ######### # HAL packages PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ android.hardware.power-service.example \ ############ # Security # ############ # Keymaster HAL packages PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0-service.software \ android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-impl \ android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-service \ ########### # Sensors # ########### # HAL packages PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ android.hardware.sensors@1.0-impl \ ########################### # Unsupported HW features # ########################### # Copy list of unsupported HW features PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/unsupported_hardware.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/unsupported_hardware.xml ####### # USB # ####### # HAL packages PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ android.hardware.usb@1.0-service # Enable Hardware compoments on the framework level PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.usb.host.xml:system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.usb.host.xml ############ # Vibrator # ############ # HAL packages PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ android.hardware.vibrator@1.0-impl \ ######## # VNDK # ######## PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ vndk_package ###### # VR # ###### # HAL packages PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ android.hardware.vr@1.0-impl \