/* tap_sipstat.c * sip message counter for wireshark * * $Id$ * Copied from ui/gtk/sip_stat.c and tap-httpstat.c * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "epan/packet_info.h" #include #include #include "epan/value_string.h" #include /* used to keep track of the statictics for an entire program interface */ typedef struct _sip_stats_t { char *filter; guint32 packets; /* number of sip packets, including continuations */ guint32 resent_packets; guint32 average_setup_time; guint32 max_setup_time; guint32 min_setup_time; guint32 no_of_completed_calls; guint64 total_setup_time; GHashTable *hash_responses; GHashTable *hash_requests; } sipstat_t; /* used to keep track of the stats for a specific response code * for example it can be { 3, 404, "Not Found" ,...} * which means we captured 3 reply sip/1.1 404 Not Found */ typedef struct _sip_response_code_t { guint32 packets; /* 3 */ guint response_code; /* 404 */ const gchar *name; /* Not Found */ sipstat_t *sp; } sip_response_code_t; /* used to keep track of the stats for a specific request string */ typedef struct _sip_request_method_t { gchar *response; /* eg. : INVITE */ guint32 packets; sipstat_t *sp; } sip_request_method_t; /* TODO: extra codes to be added from SIP extensions? */ static const value_string vals_status_code[] = { { 100, "Trying"}, { 180, "Ringing"}, { 181, "Call Is Being Forwarded"}, { 182, "Queued"}, { 183, "Session Progress"}, { 199, "Informational - Others" }, { 200, "OK"}, { 202, "Accepted"}, { 204, "No Notification"}, { 299, "Success - Others"}, /* used to keep track of other Success packets */ { 300, "Multiple Choices"}, { 301, "Moved Permanently"}, { 302, "Moved Temporarily"}, { 305, "Use Proxy"}, { 380, "Alternative Service"}, { 399, "Redirection - Others"}, { 400, "Bad Request"}, { 401, "Unauthorized"}, { 402, "Payment Required"}, { 403, "Forbidden"}, { 404, "Not Found"}, { 405, "Method Not Allowed"}, { 406, "Not Acceptable"}, { 407, "Proxy Authentication Required"}, { 408, "Request Timeout"}, { 410, "Gone"}, { 412, "Conditional Request Failed"}, { 413, "Request Entity Too Large"}, { 414, "Request-URI Too Long"}, { 415, "Unsupported Media Type"}, { 416, "Unsupported URI Scheme"}, { 420, "Bad Extension"}, { 421, "Extension Required"}, { 422, "Session Timer Too Small"}, { 423, "Interval Too Brief"}, { 428, "Use Identity Header"}, { 429, "Provide Referrer Identity"}, { 430, "Flow Failed"}, { 433, "Anonymity Disallowed"}, { 436, "Bad Identity-Info"}, { 437, "Unsupported Certificate"}, { 438, "Invalid Identity Header"}, { 439, "First Hop Lacks Outbound Support"}, { 440, "Max-Breadth Exceeded"}, { 470, "Consent Needed"}, { 480, "Temporarily Unavailable"}, { 481, "Call/Transaction Does Not Exist"}, { 482, "Loop Detected"}, { 483, "Too Many Hops"}, { 484, "Address Incomplete"}, { 485, "Ambiguous"}, { 486, "Busy Here"}, { 487, "Request Terminated"}, { 488, "Not Acceptable Here"}, { 489, "Bad Event"}, { 491, "Request Pending"}, { 493, "Undecipherable"}, { 494, "Security Agreement Required"}, { 499, "Client Error - Others"}, { 500, "Server Internal Error"}, { 501, "Not Implemented"}, { 502, "Bad Gateway"}, { 503, "Service Unavailable"}, { 504, "Server Time-out"}, { 505, "Version Not Supported"}, { 513, "Message Too Large"}, { 599, "Server Error - Others"}, { 600, "Busy Everywhere"}, { 603, "Decline"}, { 604, "Does Not Exist Anywhere"}, { 606, "Not Acceptable"}, { 699, "Global Failure - Others"}, { 0, NULL} }; /* Create tables for responses and requests */ static void sip_init_hash(sipstat_t *sp) { int i; /* Create responses table */ sp->hash_responses = g_hash_table_new(g_int_hash, g_int_equal); /* Add all response codes */ for (i=0 ; vals_status_code[i].strptr ; i++) { gint *key = g_malloc (sizeof(gint)); sip_response_code_t *sc = g_malloc (sizeof(sip_response_code_t)); *key = vals_status_code[i].value; sc->packets=0; sc->response_code = *key; sc->name=vals_status_code[i].strptr; sc->sp = sp; g_hash_table_insert(sc->sp->hash_responses, key, sc); } /* Create empty requests table */ sp->hash_requests = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); } static void sip_draw_hash_requests( gchar *key _U_ , sip_request_method_t *data, gchar * format) { if (data->packets==0) return; printf( format, data->response, data->packets); } static void sip_draw_hash_responses( gint * key _U_ , sip_response_code_t *data, char * format) { if (data==NULL) { g_warning("C'est quoi ce borderl key=%d\n", *key); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (data->packets==0) return; printf(format, data->response_code, data->name, data->packets ); } /* NOT USED at this moment */ /* static void sip_free_hash( gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data _U_ ) { g_free(key); g_free(value); } */ static void sip_reset_hash_responses(gchar *key _U_ , sip_response_code_t *data, gpointer ptr _U_ ) { data->packets = 0; } static void sip_reset_hash_requests(gchar *key _U_ , sip_request_method_t *data, gpointer ptr _U_ ) { data->packets = 0; } static void sipstat_reset(void *psp ) { sipstat_t *sp=psp; if (sp) { sp->packets = 0; sp->resent_packets = 0; sp->average_setup_time = 0; sp->max_setup_time = 0; sp->min_setup_time = 0; sp->no_of_completed_calls = 0; sp->total_setup_time = 0; g_hash_table_foreach( sp->hash_responses, (GHFunc)sip_reset_hash_responses, NULL); g_hash_table_foreach( sp->hash_requests, (GHFunc)sip_reset_hash_requests, NULL); } } /* Main entry point to SIP tap */ static int sipstat_packet(void *psp, packet_info *pinfo _U_, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *pri) { const sip_info_value_t *value=pri; sipstat_t *sp = (sipstat_t *)psp; /* Total number of packets, including continuation packets */ sp->packets++; /* Calculate average setup time */ if (value->setup_time){ sp->no_of_completed_calls++; /* Check if it's the first value */ if ( sp->total_setup_time == 0 ){ sp->average_setup_time = value->setup_time; sp->total_setup_time = value->setup_time; sp->max_setup_time = value->setup_time; sp->min_setup_time = value->setup_time; }else{ sp->total_setup_time = sp->total_setup_time + value->setup_time; if (sp->max_setup_time < value->setup_time){ sp->max_setup_time = value->setup_time; } if (sp->min_setup_time > value->setup_time){ sp->min_setup_time = value->setup_time; } /* Calculate average */ sp->average_setup_time = (guint32)(sp->total_setup_time / sp->no_of_completed_calls); } } /* Update resent count if flag set */ if (value->resend) { sp->resent_packets++; } /* Looking at both requests and responses */ if (value->response_code != 0) { /* Responses */ guint *key = g_malloc(sizeof(guint)); sip_response_code_t *sc; /* Look up response code in hash table */ *key = value->response_code; sc = g_hash_table_lookup(sp->hash_responses, key); if (sc==NULL) { /* Non-standard status code ; we classify it as others * in the relevant category * (Informational,Success,Redirection,Client Error,Server Error,Global Failure) */ int i = value->response_code; if ((i<100) || (i>=700)) { /* Forget about crazy values */ return 0; } else if (i<200) { *key=199; /* Hopefully, this status code will never be used */ } else if (i<300) { *key=299; } else if (i<400) { *key=399; } else if (i<500) { *key=499; } else if (i<600) { *key=599; } else { *key = 699; } /* Now look up this fallback code to get its text description */ sc = g_hash_table_lookup(sp->hash_responses, key); if (sc==NULL) { return 0; } } sc->packets++; } else if (value->request_method) { /* Requests */ sip_request_method_t *sc; /* Look up the request method in the table */ sc = g_hash_table_lookup(sp->hash_requests, value->request_method); if (sc == NULL) { /* First of this type. Create structure and initialise */ sc=g_malloc(sizeof(sip_request_method_t)); sc->response = g_strdup(value->request_method); sc->packets = 1; sc->sp = sp; /* Insert it into request table */ g_hash_table_insert(sp->hash_requests, sc->response, sc); } else { /* Already existed, just update count for that method */ sc->packets++; } /* g_free(value->request_method); */ } else { /* No request method set. Just ignore */ return 0; } return 1; } static void sipstat_draw(void *psp ) { sipstat_t *sp=psp; printf("\n"); printf("===================================================================\n"); if (sp->filter == NULL) printf("SIP Statistics\n"); else printf("SIP Statistics with filter %s\n", sp->filter); printf("\nNumber of SIP messages: %d", sp->packets); printf("\nNumber of resent SIP messages: %d\n", sp->resent_packets); printf( "\n* SIP Status Codes in reply packets\n"); g_hash_table_foreach( sp->hash_responses, (GHFunc)sip_draw_hash_responses, " SIP %3d %-15s : %5d Packets\n"); printf("\n* List of SIP Request methods\n"); g_hash_table_foreach( sp->hash_requests, (GHFunc)sip_draw_hash_requests, " %-15s : %5d Packets\n"); printf( "\n* Average setup time %d ms\n Min %d ms\n Max %d ms\n", sp->average_setup_time, sp->min_setup_time, sp->max_setup_time); printf("===================================================================\n"); } static void sipstat_init(const char *optarg, void* userdata _U_) { sipstat_t *sp; const char *filter=NULL; GString *error_string; if (strncmp (optarg, "sip,stat,", 9) == 0){ filter=optarg+9; } else { filter=NULL; } sp = g_malloc( sizeof(sipstat_t) ); if(filter){ sp->filter=g_strdup(filter); } else { sp->filter=NULL; } /*g_hash_table_foreach( sip_status, (GHFunc)sip_reset_hash_responses, NULL);*/ error_string = register_tap_listener( "sip", sp, filter, 0, sipstat_reset, sipstat_packet, sipstat_draw); if (error_string){ /* error, we failed to attach to the tap. clean up */ g_free(sp->filter); g_free(sp); fprintf (stderr, "tshark: Couldn't register sip,stat tap: %s\n", error_string->str); g_string_free(error_string, TRUE); exit(1); } sp->packets = 0; sp->resent_packets = 0; sip_init_hash(sp); } void register_tap_listener_sipstat(void) { register_stat_cmd_arg("sip,stat", sipstat_init,NULL); }