/* tap-expert.c * Copyright 2011 Martin Mathieson * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void register_tap_listener_expert_info(void); /* Tap data */ typedef enum severity_level_t { comment_level = 0, chat_level, note_level, warn_level, error_level, max_level } severity_level_t; /* This variable stores the lowest level that will be displayed. May be changed from the command line */ static severity_level_t lowest_report_level = comment_level; typedef struct expert_entry { guint32 group; int frequency; const gchar *protocol; gchar *summary; } expert_entry; /* Overall struct for storing all data seen */ typedef struct expert_tapdata_t { GArray *ei_array[max_level]; /* expert info items */ GStringChunk *text; /* for efficient storage of summary strings */ } expert_tapdata_t; /* Reset expert stats */ static void expert_stat_reset(void *tapdata) { gint n; expert_tapdata_t *etd = (expert_tapdata_t *)tapdata; /* Free & reallocate chunk of strings */ g_string_chunk_free(etd->text); etd->text = g_string_chunk_new(100); /* Empty each of the arrays */ for (n=0; n < max_level; n++) { g_array_set_size(etd->ei_array[n], 0); } } /* Process stat struct for an expert frame */ static gboolean expert_stat_packet(void *tapdata, packet_info *pinfo _U_, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *pointer) { const expert_info_t *ei = (const expert_info_t *)pointer; expert_tapdata_t *data = (expert_tapdata_t *)tapdata; severity_level_t severity_level; expert_entry tmp_entry; expert_entry *entry; guint n; switch (ei->severity) { case PI_COMMENT: severity_level = comment_level; break; case PI_CHAT: severity_level = chat_level; break; case PI_NOTE: severity_level = note_level; break; case PI_WARN: severity_level = warn_level; break; case PI_ERROR: severity_level = error_level; break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); return FALSE; } /* Don't store details at a lesser severity than we are interested in */ if (severity_level < lowest_report_level) { return TRUE; } /* If a duplicate just bump up frequency. TODO: could make more efficient by avoiding linear search...*/ for (n=0; n < data->ei_array[severity_level]->len; n++) { entry = &g_array_index(data->ei_array[severity_level], expert_entry, n); if ((strcmp(ei->protocol, entry->protocol) == 0) && (strcmp(ei->summary, entry->summary) == 0)) { entry->frequency++; return TRUE; } } /* Else Add new item to end of list for severity level */ entry = &tmp_entry; /* Copy/Store protocol and summary strings efficiently using GStringChunk */ entry->protocol = g_string_chunk_insert_const(data->text, ei->protocol); entry->summary = g_string_chunk_insert_const(data->text, ei->summary); entry->group = ei->group; entry->frequency = 1; /* Store a copy of the expert entry */ g_array_append_val(data->ei_array[severity_level], tmp_entry); return TRUE; } /* Output for all of the items of one severity */ static void draw_items_for_severity(GArray *items, const gchar *label) { guint n; expert_entry *ei; int total = 0; gchar *tmp_str; /* Don't print title if no items */ if (items->len == 0) { return; } /* Add frequencies together to get total */ for (n=0; n < items->len; n++) { ei = &g_array_index(items, expert_entry, n); total += ei->frequency; } /* Title */ printf("\n%s (%d)\n", label, total); printf("=============\n"); /* Column headings */ printf(" Frequency Group Protocol Summary\n"); /* Items */ for (n=0; n < items->len; n++) { ei = &g_array_index(items, expert_entry, n); tmp_str = val_to_str_wmem(NULL, ei->group, expert_group_vals, "Unknown (%d)"); printf("%12d %10s %18s %s\n", ei->frequency, tmp_str, ei->protocol, ei->summary); wmem_free(NULL, tmp_str); } } /* (Re)draw expert stats */ static void expert_stat_draw(void *phs _U_) { /* Look up the statistics struct */ expert_tapdata_t *hs = (expert_tapdata_t *)phs; draw_items_for_severity(hs->ei_array[error_level], "Errors"); draw_items_for_severity(hs->ei_array[warn_level], "Warns"); draw_items_for_severity(hs->ei_array[note_level], "Notes"); draw_items_for_severity(hs->ei_array[chat_level], "Chats"); draw_items_for_severity(hs->ei_array[comment_level], "Comments"); } static void expert_tapdata_free(expert_tapdata_t* hs) { for (int n = 0; n < max_level; n++) { g_array_free(hs->ei_array[n], TRUE); } g_string_chunk_free(hs->text); g_free(hs); } /* Create a new expert stats struct */ static void expert_stat_init(const char *opt_arg, void *userdata _U_) { const char *args = NULL; const char *filter = NULL; GString *error_string; expert_tapdata_t *hs; int n; /* Check for args. */ if (strncmp(opt_arg, "expert", 6) == 0) { /* Skip those characters */ args = opt_arg + 6; } else { /* No args. Will show all reports, with no filter */ lowest_report_level = max_level; } /* First (optional) arg is Error|Warn|Note|Chat */ if (args != NULL) { if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(args, ",error", 6) == 0) { lowest_report_level = error_level; args += 6; } else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(args, ",warn", 5) == 0) { lowest_report_level = warn_level; args += 5; } else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(args, ",note", 5) == 0) { lowest_report_level = note_level; args += 5; } else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(args, ",chat", 5) == 0) { lowest_report_level = chat_level; args += 5; } else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(args, ",comment", 8) == 0) { lowest_report_level = comment_level; args += 8; } } /* Second (optional) arg is a filter string */ if (args != NULL) { if (args[0] == ',') { filter = args+1; } } /* Create top-level struct */ hs = g_new0(expert_tapdata_t, 1); /* Allocate chunk of strings */ hs->text = g_string_chunk_new(100); /* Allocate GArray for each severity level */ for (n=0; n < max_level; n++) { hs->ei_array[n] = g_array_sized_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(expert_entry), 1000); } /**********************************************/ /* Register the tap listener */ /**********************************************/ error_string = register_tap_listener("expert", hs, filter, 0, expert_stat_reset, expert_stat_packet, expert_stat_draw, (tap_finish_cb)expert_tapdata_free); if (error_string) { printf("Expert tap error (%s)!\n", error_string->str); g_string_free(error_string, TRUE); expert_tapdata_free(hs); exit(1); } } static stat_tap_ui expert_stat_ui = { REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_GENERIC, NULL, "expert", expert_stat_init, 0, NULL }; /* Register this tap listener (need void on own so line register function found) */ void register_tap_listener_expert_info(void) { register_stat_tap_ui(&expert_stat_ui, NULL); } /* * Editor modelines - http://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */