/* packet-wsp.c (c) 2000 Neil Hunter * Based on original work by Ben Fowler * * Routines to dissect WSP component of WAP traffic. * * $Id: packet-wsp.c,v 1.14 2001/01/28 04:26:53 guy Exp $ * * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Didier Jorand * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H # include #endif #ifdef NEED_SNPRINTF_H # ifdef HAVE_STDARG_H # include # else # include # endif # include "snprintf.h" #endif #include #include #include "packet.h" #include "packet-wap.h" #include "packet-wsp.h" /* File scoped variables for the protocol and registered fields */ static int proto_wsp = HF_EMPTY; /* These fields used by fixed part of header */ static int hf_wsp_header_tid = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_pdu_type = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_version_major = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_version_minor = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_capability_length = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_capabilities_section = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_uri_len = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_uri = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_server_session_id = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_status = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_length = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_headers_section = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_content_type = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_parameter_well_known_charset = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_reply_data = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_post_data = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_accept = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_accept_str = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_accept_charset = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_accept_language = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_accept_ranges = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_cache_control = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_content_length = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_age = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_date = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_etag = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_expires = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_last_modified = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_location = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_if_modified_since = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_server = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_user_agent = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_application_header = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_application_value = HF_EMPTY; static int hf_wsp_header_x_wap_tod = HF_EMPTY; /* Initialize the subtree pointers */ static gint ett_wsp = ETT_EMPTY; static gint ett_header = ETT_EMPTY; static gint ett_headers = ETT_EMPTY; static gint ett_capabilities = ETT_EMPTY; static gint ett_content_type = ETT_EMPTY; static const value_string vals_pdu_type[] = { { 0x00, "Reserved" }, { 0x01, "Connect" }, { 0x02, "ConnectReply" }, { 0x03, "Redirect" }, { 0x04, "Reply" }, { 0x05, "Disconnect" }, { 0x06, "Push" }, { 0x07, "ConfirmedPush" }, { 0x08, "Suspend" }, { 0x09, "Resume" }, /* 0x10 - 0x3F Unassigned */ { 0x40, "Get" }, { 0x41, "Options" }, { 0x42, "Head" }, { 0x43, "Delete" }, { 0x44, "Trace" }, /* 0x45 - 0x4F Unassigned (Get PDU) */ /* 0x50 - 0x5F Extended method (Get PDU) */ { 0x60, "Post" }, { 0x61, "Put" }, /* 0x62 - 0x6F Unassigned (Post PDU) */ /* 0x70 - 0x7F Extended method (Post PDU) */ /* 0x80 - 0xFF Reserved */ { 0x00, NULL } }; static const value_string vals_status[] = { /* 0x00 - 0x0F Reserved */ { 0x10, "Continue" }, { 0x11, "Switching Protocols" }, { 0x20, "OK" }, { 0x21, "Created" }, { 0x22, "Accepted" }, { 0x23, "Non-Authoritative Information" }, { 0x24, "No Content" }, { 0x25, "Reset Content" }, { 0x26, "Partial Content" }, { 0x30, "Multiple Choices" }, { 0x31, "Moved Permanently" }, { 0x32, "Moved Temporarily" }, { 0x33, "See Other" }, { 0x34, "Not Modified" }, { 0x35, "Use Proxy" }, { 0x40, "Bad Request" }, { 0x41, "Unauthorised" }, { 0x42, "Payment Required" }, { 0x43, "Forbidden" }, { 0x44, "Not Found" }, { 0x45, "Method Not Allowed" }, { 0x46, "Not Acceptable" }, { 0x47, "Proxy Authentication Required" }, { 0x48, "Request Timeout" }, { 0x49, "Conflict" }, { 0x4A, "Gone" }, { 0x4B, "Length Required" }, { 0x4C, "Precondition Failed" }, { 0x4D, "Request Entity Too Large" }, { 0x4E, "Request-URI Too Large" }, { 0x4F, "Unsupported Media Type" }, { 0x60, "Internal Server Error" }, { 0x61, "Not Implemented" }, { 0x62, "Bad Gateway" }, { 0x63, "Service Unavailable" }, { 0x64, "Gateway Timeout" }, { 0x65, "HTTP Version Not Supported" }, { 0x00, NULL } }; static const value_string vals_content_types[] = { { 0x00, "*/*" }, { 0x01, "text/*" }, { 0x02, "text/html" }, { 0x03, "text/plain" }, { 0x04, "text/x-hdml" }, { 0x05, "text/x-ttml" }, { 0x06, "text/x-vCalendar" }, { 0x07, "text/x-vCard" }, { 0x08, "text/vnd.wap.wml" }, { 0x09, "text/vnd.wap.wmlscript" }, { 0x0A, "text/vnd.wap.channel" }, { 0x0B, "Multipart/*" }, { 0x0C, "Multipart/mixed" }, { 0x0D, "Multipart/form-data" }, { 0x0E, "Multipart/byteranges" }, { 0x0F, "Multipart/alternative" }, { 0x10, "application/*" }, { 0x11, "application/java-vm" }, { 0x12, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, { 0x13, "application/x-hdmlc" }, { 0x14, "application/vnd.wap.wmlc" }, { 0x15, "application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc" }, { 0x16, "application/vnd.wap.channelc" }, { 0x17, "application/vnd.wap.uaprof" }, { 0x18, "application/vnd.wap.wtls-ca-certificate" }, { 0x19, "application/vnd.wap.wtls-user-certificate" }, { 0x1A, "application/x-x509-ca-cert" }, { 0x1B, "application/x-x509-user-cert" }, { 0x1C, "image/*" }, { 0x1D, "image/gif" }, { 0x1E, "image/jpeg" }, { 0x1F, "image/tiff" }, { 0x20, "image/png" }, { 0x21, "image/vnd.wap.wbmp" }, { 0x22, "application/vnd.wap.multipart.*" }, { 0x23, "application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed" }, { 0x24, "application/vnd.wap.multipart.form-data" }, { 0x25, "application/vnd.wap.multipart.byteranges" }, { 0x26, "application/vnd.wap.multipart.alternative" }, { 0x27, "application/xml" }, { 0x28, "text/xml" }, { 0x29, "application/vnd.wap.wbxml" }, { 0x2A, "application/x-x968-cross-cert" }, { 0x2B, "application/x-x968-ca-cert" }, { 0x2C, "application/x-x968-user-cert" }, { 0x2D, "text/vnd.wap.si" }, { 0x2E, "application/vnd.wap.sic" }, { 0x2F, "text/vnd.wap.sl" }, { 0x30, "application/vnd.wap.slc" }, { 0x31, "text/vnd.wap.co" }, { 0x32, "application/vnd.wap.coc" }, { 0x33, "application/vnd.wap.multipart.related" }, { 0x34, "application/vnd.wap.sia" }, { 0x00, NULL } }; static const value_string vals_character_sets[] = { { 0x0003, "us-ascii" }, { 0x0004, "iso-8859-1" }, { 0x0005, "iso-8859-2" }, { 0x0006, "iso-8859-3" }, { 0x0007, "iso-8859-4" }, { 0x0008, "iso-8859-5" }, { 0x0009, "iso-8859-6" }, { 0x000A, "iso-8859-7" }, { 0x000B, "iso-8859-8" }, { 0x000C, "iso-8859-9" }, { 0x0011, "shift_JIS" }, { 0x006A, "utf-8" }, { 0x03E8, "iso-10646-ucs-2" }, { 0x07EA, "big5" }, { 0x00, NULL } }; static const value_string vals_languages[] = { { 0x19, "English (en)" }, { 0x00, NULL } }; static const value_string vals_accept_ranges[] = { { 0x80, "None" }, { 0x81, "Bytes" }, { 0x00, NULL } }; static const value_string vals_cache_control[] = { { 0x80, "No-cache" }, { 0x81, "No-store" }, { 0x82, "Max-age" }, { 0x83, "Max-stale" }, { 0x84, "Min-fresh" }, { 0x85, "Only-if-cached" }, { 0x86, "Public" }, { 0x87, "Private" }, { 0x88, "No-transform" }, { 0x89, "Must-revalidate" }, { 0x8A, "Proxy-revalidate" }, { 0x00, NULL } }; /* * Windows appears to define DELETE. */ #ifdef DELETE #undef DELETE #endif enum { RESERVED = 0x00, CONNECT = 0x01, CONNECTREPLY = 0x02, REDIRECT = 0x03, /* No sample data */ REPLY = 0x04, DISCONNECT = 0x05, PUSH = 0x06, /* No sample data */ CONFIRMEDPUSH = 0x07, /* No sample data */ SUSPEND = 0x08, /* No sample data */ RESUME = 0x09, /* No sample data */ GET = 0x40, OPTIONS = 0x41, /* No sample data */ HEAD = 0x42, /* No sample data */ DELETE = 0x43, /* No sample data */ TRACE = 0x44, /* No sample data */ POST = 0x60, PUT = 0x61, /* No sample data */ }; static void add_uri (proto_tree *, tvbuff_t *, guint, guint); static void add_headers (proto_tree *, tvbuff_t *); static void add_header (proto_tree *, tvbuff_t *, tvbuff_t *); static guint get_value_length (tvbuff_t *, guint, guint *); static guint add_content_type (proto_tree *, tvbuff_t *, guint, guint *); static guint add_parameter (proto_tree *, tvbuff_t *, guint); static guint add_parameter_charset (proto_tree *, tvbuff_t *, guint, guint); static void add_post_data (proto_tree *, tvbuff_t *, guint); static void add_post_variable (proto_tree *, tvbuff_t *, guint, guint, guint, guint); /* * Accessor to retrieve variable length int as used in WAP protocol. * The value is encoded in the lower 7 bits. If the top bit is set, then the * value continues into the next byte. * The octetCount parameter holds the number of bytes read in order to return * the final value. Can be pre-initialised to start at offset+count. */ static guint tvb_get_guintvar (tvbuff_t *tvb, guint offset, guint *octetCount) { guint value = 0; guint octet; guint counter = 0; char cont = 1; if (octetCount != NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Starting tvb_get_guintvar at offset %d, count=NULL\n", offset); #endif } else { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Starting tvb_get_guintvar at offset %d, count=%d\n", offset, *octetCount); #endif counter = *octetCount; } while (cont != 0) { value<<=7; /* Value only exists in 7 of the 8 bits */ octet = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset+counter); counter++; value += (octet & 0x7F); cont = (octet & 0x80); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: octet is %d (0x%02x), count=%d, value=%d, cont=%d\n", octet, octet, counter, value, cont); #endif } if (octetCount != NULL) { *octetCount = counter; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Leaving tvb_get_guintvar count=%d\n", *octetCount); #endif } return (value); } /* Code to actually dissect the packets */ static void dissect_wsp(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree) { frame_data *fdata = pinfo->fd; int offset = 0; guint8 pdut; guint count = 0; guint value = 0; guint uriLength = 0; guint uriStart = 0; guint capabilityLength = 0; guint capabilityStart = 0; guint headersLength = 0; guint headerLength = 0; guint headerStart = 0; guint nextOffset = 0; guint contentTypeStart = 0; guint contentType = 0; tvbuff_t *tmp_tvb; /* Set up structures we will need to add the protocol subtree and manage it */ proto_item *ti; proto_tree *wsp_tree; /* proto_tree *wsp_header_fixed; */ proto_tree *wsp_capabilities; /* This field shows up as the "Info" column in the display; you should make it, if possible, summarize what's in the packet, so that a user looking at the list of packets can tell what type of packet it is. */ /* Display protocol type depending on the port */ if (check_col(fdata, COL_PROTOCOL)) { switch ( pinfo->match_port ) { case UDP_PORT_WSP: col_set_str(fdata, COL_PROTOCOL, "WSP" ); break; case UDP_PORT_WTLS_WSP: col_set_str(fdata, COL_PROTOCOL, "WTLS+WSP" ); break; } } if (check_col(fdata, COL_INFO)) { col_clear(fdata, COL_INFO); }; /* Connection-less mode has a TID first */ if ((pinfo->match_port == UDP_PORT_WSP) || (pinfo->match_port == UDP_PORT_WTLS_WSP)) { offset++; }; /* Find the PDU type */ pdut = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset); /* Develop the string to put in the Info column */ if (check_col(fdata, COL_INFO)) { col_add_fstr(fdata, COL_INFO, "WSP %s", val_to_str (pdut, vals_pdu_type, "Unknown PDU type (0x%02x)")); }; /* In the interest of speed, if "tree" is NULL, don't do any work not necessary to generate protocol tree items. */ if (tree) { ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_wsp, tvb, 0, tvb_length(tvb), bo_little_endian); wsp_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_wsp); /* Code to process the packet goes here */ /* wsp_header_fixed = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_header); */ /* Add common items: only TID and PDU Type */ /* TID Field is always first (if it exists) */ if ((pinfo->match_port == UDP_PORT_WSP) || (pinfo->match_port == UDP_PORT_WTLS_WSP)) { ti = proto_tree_add_item (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_header_tid,tvb,0,1,bo_little_endian); } ti = proto_tree_add_item( wsp_tree, /* tree */ hf_wsp_header_pdu_type, /* id */ tvb, offset++, /* start of high light */ 1, /* length of high light */ bo_little_endian /* value */ ); switch (pdut) { case CONNECT: ti = proto_tree_add_item (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_version_major,tvb,offset,1,bo_little_endian); ti = proto_tree_add_item (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_version_minor,tvb,offset,1,bo_little_endian); offset++; capabilityStart = offset; capabilityLength = tvb_get_guintvar (tvb, offset, &count); offset += count; ti = proto_tree_add_uint (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_capability_length,tvb,capabilityStart,count,capabilityLength); headerStart = offset; headerLength = tvb_get_guintvar (tvb, offset, &count); offset += count; ti = proto_tree_add_uint (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_header_length,tvb,headerStart,count,headerLength); if (capabilityLength > 0) { ti = proto_tree_add_item (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_capabilities_section,tvb,offset,capabilityLength,bo_little_endian); wsp_capabilities = proto_item_add_subtree( ti, ett_capabilities ); offset += capabilityLength; } if (headerLength > 0) { tmp_tvb = tvb_new_subset (tvb, offset, headerLength, headerLength); add_headers (wsp_tree, tmp_tvb); } break; case CONNECTREPLY: value = tvb_get_guintvar (tvb, offset, &count); ti = proto_tree_add_uint (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_server_session_id,tvb,offset,count,value); offset += count; capabilityStart = offset; capabilityLength = tvb_get_guintvar (tvb, offset, &count); offset += count; ti = proto_tree_add_uint (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_capability_length,tvb,capabilityStart,count,capabilityLength); headerStart = offset; headerLength = tvb_get_guintvar (tvb, offset, &count); offset += count; ti = proto_tree_add_item (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_header_length,tvb,headerStart,count,bo_little_endian); if (capabilityLength > 0) { ti = proto_tree_add_item (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_capabilities_section,tvb,offset,capabilityLength,bo_little_endian); wsp_capabilities = proto_item_add_subtree( ti, ett_capabilities ); offset += capabilityLength; } if (headerLength > 0) { /* ti = proto_tree_add_item (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_headers_section,tvb,offset,headerLength,bo_little_endian); wsp_headers = proto_item_add_subtree( ti, ett_headers ); */ tmp_tvb = tvb_new_subset (tvb, offset, headerLength, headerLength); add_headers (wsp_tree, tmp_tvb); } break; case DISCONNECT: value = tvb_get_guintvar (tvb, offset, &count); ti = proto_tree_add_uint (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_server_session_id,tvb,offset,count,value); break; case GET: /* Length of URI and size of URILen field */ value = tvb_get_guintvar (tvb, offset, &count); nextOffset = offset + count; add_uri (wsp_tree, tvb, offset, nextOffset); offset += (value+1); tmp_tvb = tvb_new_subset (tvb, offset, -1, -1); add_headers (wsp_tree, tmp_tvb); break; case POST: uriStart = offset; uriLength = tvb_get_guintvar (tvb, offset, &count); headerStart = uriStart+count; headersLength = tvb_get_guintvar (tvb, headerStart, &count); offset = headerStart + count; add_uri (wsp_tree, tvb, uriStart, offset); offset += uriLength; ti = proto_tree_add_item (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_header_length,tvb,headerStart,count,bo_little_endian); contentTypeStart = offset; nextOffset = add_content_type (wsp_tree, tvb, offset, &contentType); /* Add headers subtree that will hold the headers fields */ /* Runs from nextOffset for value-(length of content-type field)*/ headerLength = headersLength-(nextOffset-contentTypeStart); tmp_tvb = tvb_new_subset (tvb, nextOffset, headerLength, headerLength); add_headers (wsp_tree, tmp_tvb); /* TODO: Post DATA */ /* Runs from start of headers+headerLength to END_OF_FRAME */ offset = nextOffset+headerLength; tmp_tvb = tvb_new_subset (tvb, offset, tvb_reported_length (tvb)-offset, tvb_reported_length (tvb)-offset); add_post_data (wsp_tree, tmp_tvb, contentType); break; case REPLY: ti = proto_tree_add_item (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_header_status,tvb,offset,1,bo_little_endian); value = tvb_get_guintvar (tvb, offset+1, &count); nextOffset = offset + 1 + count; ti = proto_tree_add_item (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_header_length,tvb,offset+1,count,bo_little_endian); contentTypeStart = nextOffset; nextOffset = add_content_type (wsp_tree, tvb, nextOffset, &contentType); /* Add headers subtree that will hold the headers fields */ /* Runs from nextOffset for value-(length of content-type field)*/ headerLength = value-(nextOffset-contentTypeStart); tmp_tvb = tvb_new_subset (tvb, nextOffset, headerLength, headerLength); add_headers (wsp_tree, tmp_tvb); offset += count+value+1; /* TODO: Data - decode WMLC */ /* Runs from offset+1+count+value+1 to END_OF_FRAME */ if (offset < tvb_reported_length (tvb)) { ti = proto_tree_add_item (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_reply_data,tvb,offset,END_OF_FRAME,bo_little_endian); } break; } } } static void add_uri (proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, guint URILenOffset, guint URIOffset) { proto_item *ti; guint8 terminator = 0; char *newBuffer; guint count = 0; guint uriLen = tvb_get_guintvar (tvb, URILenOffset, &count); ti = proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_header_uri_len,tvb,URILenOffset,count,uriLen); /* If string doesn't end with a 0x00, we need to add one to be on the safe side */ terminator = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, URIOffset+uriLen-1); if (terminator != 0) { newBuffer = g_malloc (uriLen+1); strncpy (newBuffer, tvb_get_ptr (tvb, URIOffset, uriLen), uriLen); newBuffer[uriLen] = 0; ti = proto_tree_add_string (tree, hf_wsp_header_uri,tvb,URIOffset,uriLen,newBuffer); g_free (newBuffer); } else { ti = proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_wsp_header_uri,tvb,URIOffset,uriLen,bo_little_endian); } } static void add_headers (proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb) { proto_item *ti; proto_tree *wsp_headers; guint offset = 0; guint headersLen = tvb_reported_length (tvb); guint8 headerStart = 0; guint peek = 0; tvbuff_t *header_buff; tvbuff_t *value_buff; guint count = 0; guint valueStart = 0; guint valueEnd = 0; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Offset is %d, size is %d\n", offset, headersLen); #endif /* End of buffer */ if (headersLen <= 0) { return; } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Headers to process\n"); #endif ti = proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_wsp_headers_section,tvb,offset,headersLen,bo_little_endian); wsp_headers = proto_item_add_subtree( ti, ett_headers ); /* Parse Headers */ while (offset < headersLen) { /* Loop round each header */ headerStart = offset; peek = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, headerStart); if (peek < 32) /* Short-cut shift delimeter */ { fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: header: short-cut shift %d (0x%02X)\n", peek, peek); offset++; } else if (peek == 0x7F) /* Shift delimeter */ { fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: header: shift delimeter %d (0x%02X)\n", peek, peek); offset++; } else if (peek < 127) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: header: application-header start %d (0x%02X)\n", peek, peek); #endif while (tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset++)) { /* Do nothing, just look for NULL */ } } else if (peek & 0x80) /* Well-known header */ { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: header: well-known %d (0x%02X)\n", peek, peek); #endif offset++; } /* Get value part of header */ valueStart = offset; peek = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, valueStart); if (peek <= 30) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Looking for %d octets\n", peek); #endif valueStart++; valueEnd = offset+1+peek; offset += (peek+1); } else if (peek == 31) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Looking for uintvar octets\n"); #endif tvb_get_guintvar (tvb, valueStart, &count); valueEnd = offset+1+count; offset += (count+1); } else if (peek <= 127) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Looking for NULL-terminated string\n"); #endif valueEnd = valueStart+1; while (tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, valueEnd++)) { /* Do nothing, just look for NULL */ } offset = valueEnd; } else { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Value is %d\n", (peek & 0x7F)); #endif valueEnd = offset+1; offset++; } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Creating value buffer from offset %d, size=%d\n", headerStart, (offset-headerStart)); #endif header_buff = tvb_new_subset (tvb, headerStart, (offset-headerStart), (offset-headerStart)); value_buff = tvb_new_subset (tvb, valueStart, (valueEnd-valueStart), (valueEnd-valueStart)); add_header (wsp_headers, header_buff, value_buff); } } static void add_header (proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *header_buff, tvbuff_t *value_buff) { guint offset = 0; guint8 headerType = 0; proto_item *ti; guint headerLen = tvb_reported_length (header_buff); guint valueLen = tvb_reported_length (value_buff); guint peek = 0; struct timeval timeValue; guint value = 0; headerType = tvb_get_guint8 (header_buff, 0); peek = tvb_get_guint8 (value_buff, 0); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Got header 0x%02x\n", headerType); fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: First value octet is 0x%02x\n", peek); #endif if (headerType == 0x7F) { } else if (headerType < 0x1F) { } else if (headerType & 0x80) { headerType = headerType & 0x7F; switch (headerType) { case 0x00: /* Accept */ if (peek & 0x80) { proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_header_accept, header_buff, offset, headerLen, (peek & 0x7F)); } else { proto_tree_add_string (tree, hf_wsp_header_accept_str,header_buff,offset,headerLen,tvb_get_ptr (value_buff, 0, valueLen)); } break; case 0x01: /* Accept-Charset */ if (peek < 31) { /* Peek contains the number of octets to follow */ switch (peek) { case 1: proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_header_accept_charset, header_buff, offset, headerLen, tvb_get_guint8 (value_buff, 1) ); break; case 2: proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_header_accept_charset, header_buff, offset, headerLen, tvb_get_ntohs (value_buff, 1) ); break; case 4: proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_header_accept_charset, header_buff, offset, headerLen, tvb_get_ntohl (value_buff, 1) ); break; default: fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: accept-charset size %d NYI\n", peek); } } else if (peek & 0x80) { proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_header_accept_charset, header_buff, offset, headerLen, (peek & 0x7F) ); } else { fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Accept-Charset value %d (0x%02X) NYI\n", peek, peek); } break; case 0x03: /* Accept-Language */ proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_header_accept_language, header_buff, offset, headerLen, (peek & 0x7F)); break; case 0x04: /* Accept-Ranges */ if ((peek == 128) || (peek == 129)) { proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_header_accept_ranges, header_buff, offset, headerLen, peek); } else { fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: accept-ranges NYI\n"); } break; case 0x05: /* Age */ switch (valueLen) { case 1: proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_header_age, header_buff, offset, headerLen, tvb_get_guint8 (value_buff, 0)); break; case 2: proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_header_age, header_buff, offset, headerLen, tvb_get_ntohs (value_buff, 0)); break; case 3: proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_header_age, header_buff, offset, headerLen, tvb_get_ntoh24 (value_buff, 0)); break; case 4: proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_header_age, header_buff, offset, headerLen, tvb_get_ntohl (value_buff, 0)); break; }; break; case 0x08: /* Cache-Control */ if (peek & 0x80) { if (valueLen == 1) /* Well-known value */ { proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_header_cache_control, header_buff, offset, headerLen, peek); } else { if ((peek == 0x82) || (peek == 0x83) || (peek == 0x84)) /* Delta seconds value to follow */ { value = tvb_get_guint8 (value_buff, 1); if (value & 0x80) { proto_tree_add_text (tree, header_buff, 0, headerLen, "Cache-Control: %s %d (0x%02X)", val_to_str (peek, vals_cache_control, "Unknown (0x%02x)"), (value & 0x7F), peek); } else { fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Cache-Control integer value Delta seconds NYI\n"); } } else if ((peek == 0x80) || (peek == 0x87)) /* Fields to follow */ { fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Cache-Control field values NYI\n"); } else { fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Cache-Control cache extension NYI\n"); } } } else { fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Cache-Control cache extension NYI\n"); } break; case 0x0D: /* Content-Length */ if (peek & 0x80) { proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_header_content_length, header_buff, offset, headerLen, (peek & 0x7F)); } else { fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Content-Length long-integer size NYI\n"); } break; case 0x12: /* Date */ timeValue.tv_sec = tvb_get_ntohl (value_buff, 0); ti = proto_tree_add_time (tree, hf_wsp_header_date, header_buff, offset, headerLen, &timeValue); break; case 0x13: /* Etag */ ti = proto_tree_add_string (tree, hf_wsp_header_etag,header_buff,offset,headerLen,tvb_get_ptr (value_buff, 0, valueLen)); break; case 0x14: /* Expires */ switch (valueLen) { case 1: case 2: fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Expires value length %d NYI\n", valueLen); break; case 3: timeValue.tv_sec = tvb_get_ntoh24 (value_buff, 0); break; case 4: timeValue.tv_sec = tvb_get_ntohl (value_buff, 0); break; }; ti = proto_tree_add_time (tree, hf_wsp_header_expires, header_buff, offset, headerLen, &timeValue); break; case 0x17: /* If-Modified-Since */ if (valueLen == 4) { timeValue.tv_sec = tvb_get_ntohl (value_buff, 0); } else { timeValue.tv_sec = 0; } ti = proto_tree_add_time (tree, hf_wsp_header_if_modified_since, header_buff, offset, headerLen, &timeValue); break; case 0x1C: /* Location */ ti = proto_tree_add_string (tree, hf_wsp_header_location,header_buff,offset,headerLen,tvb_get_ptr (value_buff, 0, valueLen)); break; case 0x1D: /* Last-Modified */ timeValue.tv_sec = tvb_get_ntohl (value_buff, 0); ti = proto_tree_add_time (tree, hf_wsp_header_last_modified, header_buff, offset, headerLen, &timeValue); break; case 0x1F: /* Pragma */ if (peek == 0x80) { proto_tree_add_text (tree, header_buff, 0, headerLen, "Pragma: No-cache"); } else { proto_tree_add_text (tree, header_buff, 0, headerLen, "Unsupported Header (0x%02X)", (tvb_get_guint8 (header_buff, 0) & 0x7F)); } break; case 0x26: /* Server */ ti = proto_tree_add_string (tree, hf_wsp_header_server,header_buff,offset,headerLen,tvb_get_ptr (value_buff, 0, valueLen)); break; case 0x29: /* User-Agent */ ti = proto_tree_add_string (tree, hf_wsp_header_user_agent,header_buff,offset,headerLen,tvb_get_ptr (value_buff, 0, valueLen)); break; default: ti = proto_tree_add_text (tree, header_buff, 0, headerLen, "Unsupported Header (0x%02X)", (tvb_get_guint8 (header_buff, 0) & 0x7F)); break; } } else { /* Special case header X-WAP.TOD that is sometimes followed * by a 4-byte date value */ if (strncasecmp ("x-wap.tod", tvb_get_ptr (header_buff, 0, headerLen), 9) == 0) { if (tvb_reported_length (value_buff) == 4) /* Probably a date value */ { timeValue.tv_sec = tvb_get_ntohl (value_buff, 0); ti = proto_tree_add_time (tree, hf_wsp_header_x_wap_tod, header_buff, offset, headerLen, &timeValue); } else { ti = proto_tree_add_text (tree, header_buff, 0, headerLen, "%s: %s", tvb_get_ptr (header_buff, 0, headerLen), tvb_get_ptr (value_buff, 0, valueLen)); } } else { ti = proto_tree_add_text (tree, header_buff, 0, headerLen, "%s: %s", tvb_get_ptr (header_buff, 0, headerLen), tvb_get_ptr (value_buff, 0, valueLen)); } } } static guint get_value_length (tvbuff_t *tvb, guint offset, guint *nextOffset) { guint value = 0; guint count = 0; guint octet = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset); if (octet <= 30) /* Short length */ { value = octet; *nextOffset = offset+1; } else if (octet == 31) { value = tvb_get_guintvar (tvb, offset+1, &count); *nextOffset = offset+1+count; } else { fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: get_value_length: case NYI\n"); } return (value); } static guint add_content_type (proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, guint offset, guint *contentType) { proto_tree *contentTypeTree; guint nextOffset = offset; guint fieldLength = 0; guint octet = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset); guint totalSizeOfField = 0; if (octet <= 31) { fieldLength = get_value_length (tvb, offset, &nextOffset); totalSizeOfField = (nextOffset-offset)+fieldLength; } else if (octet & 0x80) { fieldLength = 1; totalSizeOfField = 1; } else { fprintf (stderr, "dissect-wsp: Content-type is un-supported\n"); } *contentType = (tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, nextOffset) & 0x7F); contentTypeTree = proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_content_type, tvb, offset, totalSizeOfField, (tvb_get_guint8(tvb,nextOffset++) & 0x7F)); while (nextOffset < (offset+totalSizeOfField)) { /* add_parameter */ nextOffset = add_parameter (contentTypeTree, tvb, nextOffset); } return (offset+totalSizeOfField); } static guint add_parameter (proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, guint offset) { guint octet = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset); if (octet & 0x80) /* Short integer */ { offset++; octet = octet & 0x7F; switch ( octet ) { case 0x01: offset = add_parameter_charset (tree, tvb, offset, offset-1); break; default: fprintf (stderr, "dissect-wsp: add_parameter octet=0x%02x\n", octet); }; } else { fprintf (stderr, "dissect-wsp: add_parameter octet=0x%02x\n", octet); } return (offset); } static guint add_parameter_charset (proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, guint offset, guint startOffset) { guint octet = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset); if (octet < 31) { offset += octet+1; proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_wsp_parameter_well_known_charset, tvb, startOffset+1, octet, bo_big_endian); } else if (octet & 0x80) { offset++; proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_parameter_well_known_charset, tvb, startOffset, offset-startOffset, (octet & 0x7F)); } return offset; } static void add_post_data (proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, guint contentType) { guint offset = 0; guint variableStart = 0; guint variableEnd = 0; guint valueStart = 0; guint valueEnd = 0; guint8 peek = 0; proto_item *ti; ti = proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_wsp_post_data,tvb,offset,END_OF_FRAME,bo_little_endian); if (contentType == 0x12) /* URL Encoded data */ { /* Iterate through post data */ for (offset = 0; offset < tvb_reported_length (tvb); offset++) { peek = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset); if (peek == '=') { variableEnd = offset-1; valueStart = offset+1; } else if (peek == '&') { if (variableEnd > 0) { add_post_variable (ti, tvb, variableStart, variableEnd, valueStart, offset); } variableStart = offset+1; variableEnd = 0; valueStart = 0; valueEnd = 0; } } /* See if there's outstanding data */ if (variableEnd > 0) { add_post_variable (ti, tvb, variableStart, variableEnd, valueStart, offset); } } } static void add_post_variable (proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, guint variableStart, guint variableEnd, guint valueStart, guint valueEnd) { int variableLength = variableEnd-variableStart; int valueLength = 0; char *variableBuffer; char *valueBuffer; variableBuffer = g_malloc (variableLength+1); strncpy (variableBuffer, tvb_get_ptr (tvb, variableStart, variableLength), variableLength+1); variableBuffer[variableLength+1] = 0; if (valueEnd == 0) { valueBuffer = g_malloc (1); valueBuffer[0] = 0; valueEnd = valueStart; } else { valueLength = valueEnd-valueStart; valueBuffer = g_malloc (valueLength+1); strncpy (valueBuffer, tvb_get_ptr (tvb, valueStart, valueLength), valueLength); valueBuffer[valueLength] = 0; } /* Check for variables with no value */ if (valueStart >= tvb_reported_length (tvb)) { valueStart = tvb_reported_length (tvb); valueEnd = valueStart; } valueLength = valueEnd-valueStart; proto_tree_add_text (tree, tvb, variableStart, valueEnd-variableStart, "%s: %s", variableBuffer, valueBuffer); g_free (variableBuffer); g_free (valueBuffer); } /* Register the protocol with Ethereal */ void proto_register_wsp(void) { /* Setup list of header fields */ static hf_register_info hf[] = { { &hf_wsp_header_tid, { "Transmission ID", "wsp.TID", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x00, "Transmission ID" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_pdu_type, { "PDU Type", "wsp.pdu-type", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS( vals_pdu_type ), 0x00, "PDU Type" } }, { &hf_wsp_version_major, { "Version (Major)", "wsp.version.major", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0xF0, "Version (Major)" } }, { &hf_wsp_version_minor, { "Version (Minor)", "wsp.version.minor", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0F, "Version (Minor)" } }, { &hf_wsp_capability_length, { "Capability Length", "wsp.capability.length", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "Capability Length" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_length, { "Headers Length", "wsp.headers-length", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "Headers Length" } }, { &hf_wsp_capabilities_section, { "Capabilities", "wsp.capabilities", FT_NONE, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "Capabilities" } }, { &hf_wsp_headers_section, { "Headers", "wsp.headers", FT_NONE, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "Headers" } }, { &hf_wsp_header, { "Header", "wsp.headers.header", FT_NONE, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "Header" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_uri_len, { "URI Length", "wsp.uri-length", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "URI Length" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_uri, { "URI", "wsp.uri", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "URI" } }, { &hf_wsp_server_session_id, { "Server Session ID", "wsp.server.session-id", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "Server Session ID" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_status, { "Status", "wsp.reply.status", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS( vals_status ), 0x00, "Status" } }, { &hf_wsp_content_type, { "Content Type", "wsp.content-type.type", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS ( vals_content_types ), 0x00, "Content Type" } }, { &hf_wsp_parameter_well_known_charset, { "Charset", "wsp.content-type.parameter.charset", FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS ( vals_character_sets ), 0x00, "Charset" } }, { &hf_wsp_reply_data, { "Data", "wsp.reply.data", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Data" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_accept, { "Accept", "wsp.header.accept", /*FT_NONE, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00,*/ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS ( vals_content_types ), 0x00, "Accept" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_accept_str, { "Accept", "wsp.header.accept.string", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Accept" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_accept_charset, { "Accept-Charset", "wsp.header.accept-charset", FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS ( vals_character_sets ), 0x00, "Accept-Charset" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_accept_language, { "Accept-Language", "wsp.header.accept-language", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS ( vals_languages ), 0x00, "Accept-Language" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_accept_ranges, { "Accept-Ranges", "wsp.header.accept-ranges", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS ( vals_accept_ranges ), 0x00, "Accept-Ranges" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_age, { "Age", "wsp.header.age", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "Age" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_cache_control, { "Cache-Control", "wsp.header.cache-control", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS ( vals_cache_control ), 0x00, "Cache-Control" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_content_length, { "Content-Length", "wsp.header.content-length", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "Content-Length" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_date, { "Date", "wsp.header.date", FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "Date" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_etag, { "Etag", "wsp.header.etag", /*FT_NONE, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00,*/ FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Etag" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_expires, { "Expires", "wsp.header.expires", FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "Expires" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_last_modified, { "Last-Modified", "wsp.header.last-modified", FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "Last-Modified" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_location, { "Location", "wsp.header.location", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Location" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_if_modified_since, { "If-Modified-Since", "wsp.header.if-modified-since", FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "If-Modified-Since" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_server, { "Server", "wsp.header.server", /*FT_NONE, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00,*/ FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Server" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_user_agent, { "User-Agent", "wsp.header.user-agent", /*FT_NONE, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00,*/ FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "User-Agent" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_application_header, { "Application Header", "wsp.header.application-header", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Application Header" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_application_value, { "Application Header Value", "wsp.header.application-header.value", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Application Header Value" } }, { &hf_wsp_header_x_wap_tod, { "X-WAP.TOD", "wsp.header.x_wap_tod", FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "X-WAP.TOD" } }, { &hf_wsp_post_data, { "Post Data", "wsp.post.data", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Post Data" } }, }; /* Setup protocol subtree array */ static gint *ett[] = { &ett_wsp, &ett_header, &ett_headers, &ett_capabilities, &ett_content_type, }; /* Register the protocol name and description */ proto_wsp = proto_register_protocol( "Wireless Session Protocol", /* protocol name for use by ethereal */ "WSP", /* short version of name */ "wap-wsp" /* Abbreviated protocol name, should Match IANA < URL:http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/port-numbers/ > */ ); /* Required function calls to register the header fields and subtrees used */ proto_register_field_array(proto_wsp, hf, array_length(hf)); proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett)); register_dissector("wsp", dissect_wsp, proto_wsp); }; void proto_reg_handoff_wsp(void) { /* Only connection-less WSP has no previous handler */ dissector_add("udp.port", UDP_PORT_WSP, dissect_wsp, proto_wsp); /* dissector_add("udp.port", UDP_PORT_WTP_WSP, dissect_wsp, proto_wsp); */ /* dissector_add("udp.port", UDP_PORT_WTLS_WSP, dissect_wsp, proto_wsp); */ /* dissector_add("udp.port", UDP_PORT_WTLS_WTP_WSP, dissect_wsp, proto_wsp); */ }