/* packet-tftp.c * Routines for sap packet dissection * * * Heikki Vatiainen * * $Id: packet-sap.c,v 1.7 2000/05/11 08:15:43 gram Exp $ * * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * Copied from packet-tftp.c * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H # include #endif #include #include #include "packet.h" #include "packet-ipv6.h" #include "packet-sdp.h" #define UDP_PORT_SAP 9875 #define MCAST_SAP_VERSION_MASK 0xE0 /* 3 bits for SAP version*/ #define MCAST_SAP_VERSION_SHIFT 5 /* Right shift 5 bits to get the version */ #define MCAST_SAP_VER0 0 /* Version 0 */ #define MCAST_SAP_VER1PLUS 1 /* Version 1 or later */ static const value_string mcast_sap_ver[] = { { MCAST_SAP_VER0, "SAPv0"}, { MCAST_SAP_VER1PLUS, "SAPv1 or later"}, { 0, NULL} }; static const true_false_string mcast_sap_address_type = { "IPv6", "IPv4" }; static const true_false_string flags_set_truth = { "Set", "Not set" }; static const true_false_string mcast_sap_message_type = { "Deletion", "Announcement" }; static const true_false_string mcast_sap_crypt_type = { "Payload encrypted", "Payload not encrypted " }; static const true_false_string mcast_sap_comp_type = { "Payload compressed", "Payload not compressed" }; static const value_string mcast_sap_auth_ver[] = { { 1, "SAP authentication header v1"}, { 0, NULL} }; static const true_false_string mcast_sap_auth_pad = { "Authentication subheader padded to 32 bits", "No padding required for the authentication subheader" }; #define MCAST_SAP_AUTH_TYPE_MASK 0x0F /* 4 bits for the type of the authentication header */ #define MCAST_SAP_AUTH_TYPE_PGP 0 #define MCAST_SAP_AUTH_TYPE_CMS 1 static const value_string mcast_sap_auth_type[] = { { MCAST_SAP_AUTH_TYPE_PGP, "PGP"}, { MCAST_SAP_AUTH_TYPE_CMS, "CMS"}, { 0, NULL} }; #define MCAST_SAP_BIT_A 0x10 /* Address type: 0 IPv4, 1 IPv6 */ #define MCAST_SAP_BIT_R 0x08 /* Reserved: Must be 0 */ #define MCAST_SAP_BIT_T 0x04 /* Message Type: 0 announcement, 1 deletion */ #define MCAST_SAP_BIT_E 0x02 /* Encryption Bit: 1 payload encrypted */ #define MCAST_SAP_BIT_C 0x01 /* Compressed Bit: 1 payload zlib compressed */ #define MCAST_SAP_AUTH_BIT_P 0x10 /* Padding required for the authentication header */ static int proto_sap = -1; static int hf_sap_flags = -1; static int hf_sap_flags_v = -1; static int hf_sap_flags_a = -1; static int hf_sap_flags_r = -1; static int hf_sap_flags_t = -1; static int hf_sap_flags_e = -1; static int hf_sap_flags_c = -1; static int hf_auth_data = -1; static int hf_auth_flags = -1; static int hf_auth_flags_v = -1; static int hf_auth_flags_p = -1; static int hf_auth_flags_t = -1; static gint ett_sap = -1; static gint ett_sap_flags = -1; static gint ett_sap_auth = -1; static gint ett_sap_authf = -1; static void dissect_sap(const u_char *pd, int offset, frame_data *fd, proto_tree *tree) { int sap_version, is_ipv6, is_del, is_enc, is_comp, addr_len; guint8 auth_len; guint16 tmp1; guint32 tmp2; proto_item *si, *sif; proto_tree *sap_tree, *sap_flags_tree; is_ipv6 = pd[offset]&MCAST_SAP_BIT_A; is_del = pd[offset]&MCAST_SAP_BIT_T; is_enc = pd[offset]&MCAST_SAP_BIT_E; is_comp = pd[offset]&MCAST_SAP_BIT_C; sap_version = (pd[offset]&MCAST_SAP_VERSION_MASK)>>MCAST_SAP_VERSION_SHIFT; addr_len = (is_ipv6) ? sizeof(struct e_in6_addr) : 4; if (check_col(fd, COL_PROTOCOL)) col_add_str(fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "SAP"); if (check_col(fd, COL_INFO)) { col_add_fstr(fd, COL_INFO, "%s (v%u)", (is_del) ? "Deletion" : "Announcement", sap_version); } if (tree) { si = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_sap, NullTVB, offset, END_OF_FRAME, NULL); sap_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(si, ett_sap); sif = proto_tree_add_item(sap_tree, hf_sap_flags, NullTVB, offset, 1, pd[offset]); sap_flags_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sif, ett_sap_flags); proto_tree_add_item(sap_flags_tree, hf_sap_flags_v, NullTVB, offset, 1, pd[offset]); proto_tree_add_item(sap_flags_tree, hf_sap_flags_a, NullTVB, offset, 1, pd[offset]); proto_tree_add_item(sap_flags_tree, hf_sap_flags_r, NullTVB, offset, 1, pd[offset]); proto_tree_add_item(sap_flags_tree, hf_sap_flags_t, NullTVB, offset, 1, pd[offset]); proto_tree_add_item(sap_flags_tree, hf_sap_flags_e, NullTVB, offset, 1, pd[offset]); proto_tree_add_item(sap_flags_tree, hf_sap_flags_c, NullTVB, offset, 1, pd[offset]); offset++; proto_tree_add_text(sap_tree, NullTVB, offset, 1, "Authentication Length: %u", pd[offset]); auth_len = pd[offset]; offset++; tmp1 = pntohs(pd+offset); proto_tree_add_text(sap_tree, NullTVB, offset, 2, "Message Identifier Hash: 0x%x", tmp1); offset +=2; proto_tree_add_text(sap_tree, NullTVB, offset, addr_len, "Originating Source: %s", (is_ipv6) ? ip6_to_str((struct e_in6_addr*)(pd+offset)) : ip_to_str(pd+offset)); offset += addr_len; /* Authentication data lives in its own subtree */ if (auth_len > 0) { guint32 auth_data_len; proto_item *sdi, *sai; proto_tree *sa_tree, *saf_tree; int has_pad; guint8 pad_len = 0; auth_data_len = auth_len * sizeof(guint32); sdi = proto_tree_add_item(sap_tree, hf_auth_data, NullTVB, offset, auth_data_len, pd[offset]); sa_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sdi, ett_sap_auth); sai = proto_tree_add_item(sa_tree, hf_auth_flags, NullTVB, offset, 1, pd[offset]); saf_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sai, ett_sap_authf); proto_tree_add_item(saf_tree, hf_auth_flags_v, NullTVB, offset, 1, pd[offset]); proto_tree_add_item(saf_tree, hf_auth_flags_p, NullTVB, offset, 1, pd[offset]); proto_tree_add_item(saf_tree, hf_auth_flags_t, NullTVB, offset, 1, pd[offset]); has_pad = pd[offset]&MCAST_SAP_AUTH_BIT_P; if (has_pad) pad_len = *(pd+offset+auth_data_len-1); proto_tree_add_text(sa_tree, NullTVB, offset+1, auth_data_len-pad_len-1, "Authentication subheader: (%u byte%s)", auth_data_len-1, plurality(auth_data_len-1, "", "s")); if (has_pad) { proto_tree_add_text(sa_tree, NullTVB, offset+auth_data_len-pad_len, pad_len, "Authentication data padding: (%u byte%s)", pad_len, plurality(pad_len, "", "s")); proto_tree_add_text(sa_tree, NullTVB, offset+auth_data_len-1, 1, "Authentication data pad count: %u byte%s", pad_len, plurality(pad_len, "", "s")); } offset += auth_data_len; } if (is_enc) { /* Encrypted payload implies valid timeout in the SAP header */ tmp2 = pntohl(pd+offset); proto_tree_add_text(sap_tree, NullTVB, offset, 4, "Timeout: %u", tmp2); offset += sizeof(guint32); } if (is_enc || is_comp) { proto_tree_add_text(sap_tree, NullTVB, offset, END_OF_FRAME, "Rest of the packet is encrypted or compressed"); return; } /* Do we have the optional payload type aka. MIME content specifier */ if (strncasecmp(pd+offset, "v=", strlen("v="))) { guint32 pt_len = strlen(pd+offset); /* BUG: should use strnlen */ proto_tree_add_text(sap_tree, NullTVB, offset, pt_len, "Payload type: %s", pd+offset); offset += pt_len; if (pd[offset] == '\0') offset++; /* Skip possible '\0' */ } /* Done with SAP */ dissect_sdp(pd, offset, fd, tree); } return; } void proto_register_sap(void) { static hf_register_info hf[] = { { &hf_sap_flags, { "Flags", "sap.flags", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, "Bits in the beginning of the SAP header" }}, { &hf_sap_flags_v, { "Version Number", "sap.flags.v", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(mcast_sap_ver), MCAST_SAP_VERSION_MASK, "3 bit version field in the SAP header" }}, { &hf_sap_flags_a, { "Address Type", "sap.flags.a", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&mcast_sap_address_type), MCAST_SAP_BIT_A, "Originating source address type" }}, { &hf_sap_flags_r, { "Reserved", "sap.flags.r", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&flags_set_truth), MCAST_SAP_BIT_R, "Reserved" }}, { &hf_sap_flags_t, { "Message Type", "sap.flags.t", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&mcast_sap_message_type), MCAST_SAP_BIT_T, "Announcement type" }}, { &hf_sap_flags_e, { "Encryption Bit", "sap.flags.e", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&mcast_sap_crypt_type), MCAST_SAP_BIT_E, "Encryption" }}, { &hf_sap_flags_c, { "Compression Bit", "sap.flags.c", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&mcast_sap_comp_type), MCAST_SAP_BIT_C, "Compression" }}, { &hf_auth_data, { "Authentication data", "sap.auth", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "Auth data" }}, { &hf_auth_flags, { "Authentication data flags", "sap.auth.flags", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, "Auth flags" }}, { &hf_auth_flags_v, { "Version Number", "sap.auth.flags.v", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(&mcast_sap_auth_ver), MCAST_SAP_VERSION_MASK, "Version" }}, { &hf_auth_flags_p, { "Padding Bit", "sap.auth.flags.p", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&mcast_sap_auth_pad), MCAST_SAP_AUTH_BIT_P, "Compression" }}, { &hf_auth_flags_t, { "Authentication Type", "sap.auth.flags.t", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(&mcast_sap_auth_type), MCAST_SAP_AUTH_TYPE_MASK, "Auth type" }} }; static gint *ett[] = { &ett_sap, &ett_sap_flags, &ett_sap_auth, &ett_sap_authf, }; proto_sap = proto_register_protocol("Session Announcement Protocol", "sap"); proto_register_field_array(proto_sap, hf, array_length(hf)); proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett)); } void proto_reg_handoff_sap(void) { dissector_add("udp.port", UDP_PORT_SAP, dissect_sap); }