/* ui_util.c * UI utility routines * * $Id: ui_util.c,v 1.10 2002/08/28 21:03:50 jmayer Exp $ * * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include "gtkglobals.h" #include "ui_util.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "../ui_util.h" #include "image/eicon3d16.xpm" /* Set the name of the top-level window and its icon to the specified string. */ void set_main_window_name(gchar *window_name) { gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(top_level), window_name); gdk_window_set_icon_name(top_level->window, window_name); } /* Given a pointer to a GtkWidget for a top-level window, raise it and de-iconify it. This routine is used if the user has done something to ask that a window of a certain type be popped up when there can be only one such window and such a window has already been popped up - we pop up the existing one rather than creating a new one. XXX - we should request that it be given the input focus, too. Alas, GDK has nothing to do that, e.g. by calling "XSetInputFocus()" in a window in X. Besides, using "XSetInputFocus()" doesn't work anyway, apparently due to the way GTK+/GDK manages the input focus. The X Desktop Group's Window Manager Standard specifies, in the section on Root Window Properties, an _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW client message that can be sent to the root window, containing the window ID of the window to activate; I infer that this might be the way to give the window the input focus - I assume that means it's also de-iconified, but I wouldn't assume it'd raise it. XXX - will this do the right thing on window systems other than X? */ void reactivate_window(GtkWidget *win) { gdk_window_show(win->window); gdk_window_raise(win->window); } /* Set our window icon. The GDK documentation doesn't provide any actual documentation for gdk_window_set_icon(), so we'll steal libgimp/gimpdialog.c:gimp_dialog_realize_callback() from the Gimp sources and assume it's safe. XXX - The current icon size is fixed at 16x16 pixels, which looks fine with kwm (KDE 1.x's window manager), Sawfish (the "default" window manager for GNOME?), and under Windows with Exceed putting X windows on the Windows desktop, using Exceed as the window manager, as those window managers put a 16x16 icon on the title bar. The window managers in some windowing environments (e.g. dtwm in CDE) and some stand-alone window managers have larger icon sizes (many window managers put the window icon on the desktop, in the Windows 3.x style, rather than in the titlebar, in the Windows 4.x style), so we need to find a way to size our icon appropriately. The X11 Inter-Client Communications Conventions Manual, Version 1.1, in X11R5, specifies that "a window manager that wishes to place constraints on the sizes of icon pixmaps and/or windows should place a property called WM_ICON_SIZE on the root"; that property contains minimum width and height, maximum width and height, and width and height increment values. "XGetIconSizes()" retrieves that property; unfortunately, I've yet to find a window manager that sets it on the root window (kwm, AfterStep, and Exceed don't appear to set it). The X Desktop Group's Window Manager Standard specifies, in the section on Application Window Properties, an _NET_WM_ICON property, presumably set by the window manager, which is an array of possible icon sizes for the client. There's no API in GTK+ 1.2[.x] for this; there may eventually be one either in GTK+ 2.0 or GNOME 2.0. Some window managers can be configured to take the window name specified by the WM_NAME property of a window or the resource or class name specified by the WM_CLASS property and base the choice of icon for the window on one of those; WM_CLASS for Ethereal's windows has a resource name of "ethereal" and a class name of "Ethereal". However, the way that's done is window-manager- specific, and there's no way to determine what size a particular window manager would want, so there's no way to automate this as part of the installation of Ethereal. */ void window_icon_realize_cb (GtkWidget *win, gpointer data _U_) { #ifndef WIN32 static GdkPixmap *icon_pmap = NULL; static GdkBitmap *icon_mask = NULL; GtkStyle *style; style = gtk_widget_get_style (win); if (icon_pmap == NULL) { icon_pmap = gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d (win->window, &icon_mask, &style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL], eicon3d16_xpm); } gdk_window_set_icon (win->window, NULL, icon_pmap, icon_mask); #endif } /* List of all GtkScrolledWindows, so we can globally set the scrollbar placement of all of them. */ static GList *scrolled_windows; static void setup_scrolled_window(GtkWidget *scrollw); static void forget_scrolled_window(GtkWidget *scrollw, gpointer data); static void set_scrollbar_placement_scrollw(GtkWidget *scrollw); /* Create a GtkScrolledWindow, set its scrollbar placement appropriately, and remember it. */ GtkWidget * scrolled_window_new(GtkAdjustment *hadjustment, GtkAdjustment *vadjustment) { GtkWidget *scrollw; scrollw = gtk_scrolled_window_new(hadjustment, vadjustment); setup_scrolled_window(scrollw); return scrollw; } /* Set a GtkScrolledWindow's scrollbar placement and add it to the list of GtkScrolledWindows. */ static void setup_scrolled_window(GtkWidget *scrollw) { set_scrollbar_placement_scrollw(scrollw); scrolled_windows = g_list_append(scrolled_windows, scrollw); /* Catch the "destroy" event on the widget, so that we remove it from the list when it's destroyed. */ gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(scrollw), "destroy", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(forget_scrolled_window), NULL); } /* Remove a GtkScrolledWindow from the list of GtkScrolledWindows. */ static void forget_scrolled_window(GtkWidget *scrollw, gpointer data _U_) { scrolled_windows = g_list_remove(scrolled_windows, scrollw); } /* Set the scrollbar placement of a GtkScrolledWindow based upon user preference. */ static void set_scrollbar_placement_scrollw(GtkWidget *scrollw) { if (prefs.gui_scrollbar_on_right) { gtk_scrolled_window_set_placement(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scrollw), GTK_CORNER_TOP_LEFT); } else { gtk_scrolled_window_set_placement(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scrollw), GTK_CORNER_TOP_RIGHT); } } static void set_scrollbar_placement_cb(gpointer data, gpointer user_data _U_) { set_scrollbar_placement_scrollw((GtkWidget *)data); } /* Set the scrollbar placement of all GtkScrolledWindows based on user preference. */ void set_scrollbar_placement_all(void) { g_list_foreach(scrolled_windows, set_scrollbar_placement_cb, NULL); } /* List of all GtkCTrees, so we can globally set the line and expander style of all of them. */ static GList *ctrees; static void setup_ctree(GtkWidget *ctree); static void forget_ctree(GtkWidget *ctree, gpointer data); static void set_ctree_styles(GtkWidget *ctree); /* Create a GtkCTree, give it the right styles, and remember it. */ GtkWidget * ctree_new(gint columns, gint tree_column) { GtkWidget *ctree; ctree = gtk_ctree_new(columns, tree_column); setup_ctree(ctree); return ctree; } GtkWidget * ctree_new_with_titles(gint columns, gint tree_column, gchar *titles[]) { GtkWidget *ctree; ctree = gtk_ctree_new_with_titles(columns, tree_column, titles); setup_ctree(ctree); return ctree; } /* Set a GtkCTree's styles and add it to the list of GtkCTrees. */ static void setup_ctree(GtkWidget *ctree) { set_ctree_styles(ctree); ctrees = g_list_append(ctrees, ctree); /* Catch the "destroy" event on the widget, so that we remove it from the list when it's destroyed. */ gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(ctree), "destroy", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(forget_ctree), NULL); } /* Remove a GtkCTree from the list of GtkCTrees. */ static void forget_ctree(GtkWidget *ctree, gpointer data _U_) { ctrees = g_list_remove(ctrees, ctree); } /* Set the styles of a GtkCTree based upon user preferences. */ static void set_ctree_styles(GtkWidget *ctree) { g_assert(prefs.gui_ptree_line_style >= GTK_CTREE_LINES_NONE && prefs.gui_ptree_line_style <= GTK_CTREE_LINES_TABBED); gtk_ctree_set_line_style(GTK_CTREE(ctree), prefs.gui_ptree_line_style); g_assert(prefs.gui_ptree_expander_style >= GTK_CTREE_EXPANDER_NONE && prefs.gui_ptree_expander_style <= GTK_CTREE_EXPANDER_CIRCULAR); gtk_ctree_set_expander_style(GTK_CTREE(ctree), prefs.gui_ptree_expander_style); } static void set_ctree_styles_cb(gpointer data, gpointer user_data _U_) { set_ctree_styles((GtkWidget *)data); } /* Set the styles of all GtkCTrees based upon style values. */ void set_ctree_styles_all(void) { g_list_foreach(ctrees, set_ctree_styles_cb, NULL); }