/* extcap-base.c * Base function for extcaps * * Copyright 2015, Dario Lombardo * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "config.h" #include "extcap-base.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H #include #endif #include #ifndef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG #include "wsutil/wsgetopt.h" #endif #include "ws_attributes.h" enum extcap_options { EXTCAP_BASE_OPTIONS_ENUM }; typedef struct _extcap_interface { char * interface; char * description; uint16_t dlt; char * dltname; char * dltdescription; } extcap_interface; typedef struct _extcap_option { char * optname; char * optdesc; } extcap_option_t; FILE* custom_log = NULL; #ifdef _WIN32 BOOLEAN IsHandleRedirected(DWORD handle) { HANDLE h = GetStdHandle(handle); if (h) { BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION fi; if (GetFileInformationByHandle(h, &fi)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void attach_parent_console() { BOOL outRedirected, errRedirected; outRedirected = IsHandleRedirected(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); errRedirected = IsHandleRedirected(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); if (outRedirected && errRedirected) { /* Both standard output and error handles are redirected. * There is no point in attaching to parent process console. */ return; } if (AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS) == 0) { /* Console attach failed. */ return; } /* Console attach succeeded */ if (outRedirected == FALSE) { if (!freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stdout)) { g_warning("Cannot redirect to stdout."); } } if (errRedirected == FALSE) { if (!freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stderr)) { g_warning("Cannot redirect to strerr."); } } } #endif void extcap_base_register_interface(extcap_parameters * extcap, const char * interface, const char * ifdescription, uint16_t dlt, const char * dltdescription ) { extcap_base_register_interface_ext(extcap, interface, ifdescription, dlt, NULL, dltdescription ); } void extcap_base_register_interface_ext(extcap_parameters * extcap, const char * interface, const char * ifdescription, uint16_t dlt, const char * dltname, const char * dltdescription ) { extcap_interface * iface; if (interface == NULL) return; iface = g_new0(extcap_interface, 1); iface->interface = g_strdup(interface); iface->description = g_strdup(ifdescription); iface->dlt = dlt; iface->dltname = g_strdup(dltname); iface->dltdescription = g_strdup(dltdescription); extcap->interfaces = g_list_append(extcap->interfaces, (gpointer) iface); } void extcap_base_set_util_info(extcap_parameters * extcap, const char * exename, const char * major, const char * minor, const char * release, const char * helppage) { extcap->exename = g_path_get_basename(exename); g_assert(major); if (!minor) g_assert(!release); extcap->version = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s%s%s", major, minor ? "." : "", minor ? minor : "", release ? "." : "", release ? release : ""); extcap->helppage = g_strdup(helppage); } static void extcap_custom_log(const gchar *log_domain, GLogLevelFlags log_level, const gchar *message, gpointer user_data) { if (log_level & G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { if (!custom_log) return; fprintf(custom_log, "%s\n", message); fflush(custom_log); } else { g_log_default_handler(log_domain, log_level, message, user_data); } } uint8_t extcap_base_parse_options(extcap_parameters * extcap, int result, char * optargument) { switch (result) { case EXTCAP_OPT_DEBUG: #ifdef _WIN32 _putenv_s("G_MESSAGES_DEBUG", "all"); #else setenv("G_MESSAGES_DEBUG", "all", 1); #endif break; case EXTCAP_OPT_DEBUG_FILE: extcap_init_custom_log(optargument); g_log_set_default_handler(extcap_custom_log, NULL); break; case EXTCAP_OPT_LIST_INTERFACES: extcap->do_list_interfaces = 1; break; case EXTCAP_OPT_VERSION: extcap->do_version = 1; break; case EXTCAP_OPT_LIST_DLTS: extcap->do_list_dlts = 1; break; case EXTCAP_OPT_INTERFACE: extcap->interface = g_strdup(optargument); break; case EXTCAP_OPT_CONFIG: extcap->show_config = 1; break; case EXTCAP_OPT_CAPTURE: extcap->capture = 1; break; case EXTCAP_OPT_CAPTURE_FILTER: extcap->capture_filter = g_strdup(optargument); break; case EXTCAP_OPT_FIFO: extcap->fifo = g_strdup(optargument); break; } return 1; } static void extcap_iface_print(gpointer data, gpointer userdata _U_) { extcap_interface * iface = (extcap_interface *)data; printf("interface {value=%s}", iface->interface); if (iface->description != NULL) printf ("{display=%s}\n", iface->description); else printf ("\n"); } static gint extcap_iface_compare(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const extcap_interface * iface_a = (const extcap_interface *)a; return (g_strcmp0(iface_a->interface, (const char *) b)); } static void extcap_print_version(extcap_parameters * extcap) { printf("extcap {version=%s}", extcap->version != NULL ? extcap->version : "unknown"); if (extcap->helppage != NULL) printf("{help=%s}", extcap->helppage); printf("\n"); } static gint extcap_iface_listall(extcap_parameters * extcap, uint8_t list_ifs) { if (list_ifs) { if (g_list_length(extcap->interfaces) > 0) { extcap_print_version(extcap); g_list_foreach(extcap->interfaces, extcap_iface_print, extcap); } } else { if (extcap->do_version) { extcap_print_version(extcap); } else { GList * element = NULL; extcap_interface * iface = NULL; if ((element = g_list_find_custom(extcap->interfaces, extcap->interface, extcap_iface_compare)) == NULL) return 0; iface = (extcap_interface *) element->data; printf("dlt {number=%u}{name=%s}", iface->dlt, iface->dltname != NULL ? iface->dltname : iface->interface); if (iface->description != NULL) printf ("{display=%s}\n", iface->dltdescription); else printf ("\n"); } } return 1; } uint8_t extcap_base_handle_interface(extcap_parameters * extcap) { /* A fifo must be provided for capture */ if (extcap->capture && (extcap->fifo == NULL || strlen(extcap->fifo) <= 0)) { extcap->capture = 0; g_error("Extcap Error: No FIFO pipe provided"); return 0; } if (extcap->do_list_interfaces) { return extcap_iface_listall(extcap, 1); } else if (extcap->do_version || extcap->do_list_dlts) { return extcap_iface_listall(extcap, 0); } return 0; } static void extcap_iface_free(gpointer data) { extcap_interface * iface = (extcap_interface *)data; g_free(iface->interface); g_free(iface->description); g_free(iface->dltname); g_free(iface->dltdescription); g_free(iface); } static void extcap_help_option_free(gpointer option) { extcap_option_t* o = (extcap_option_t*)option; g_free(o->optname); g_free(o->optdesc); g_free(o); } void extcap_base_cleanup(extcap_parameters ** extcap) { g_list_free_full((*extcap)->interfaces, extcap_iface_free); g_free((*extcap)->exename); g_free((*extcap)->fifo); g_free((*extcap)->interface); g_free((*extcap)->version); g_free((*extcap)->helppage); g_free((*extcap)->help_header); g_list_free_full((*extcap)->help_options, extcap_help_option_free); g_free(*extcap); *extcap = NULL; } static void extcap_print_option(gpointer option, gpointer user_data _U_) { extcap_option_t* o = (extcap_option_t*)option; printf("\t%s: %s\n", o->optname, o->optdesc); } void extcap_help_print(extcap_parameters * extcap) { printf("\nWireshark - %s v%s\n\n", extcap->exename, extcap->version); printf("Usage:\n"); printf("%s", extcap->help_header); printf("\n"); printf("Options:\n"); g_list_foreach(extcap->help_options, extcap_print_option, NULL); printf("\n"); } void extcap_help_add_option(extcap_parameters * extcap, const char * help_option_name, const char * help_option_desc) { extcap_option_t* o = g_new0(extcap_option_t, 1); o->optname = g_strdup(help_option_name); o->optdesc = g_strdup(help_option_desc); extcap->help_options = g_list_append(extcap->help_options, o); } void extcap_help_add_header(extcap_parameters * extcap, char * help_header) { extcap->help_header = g_strdup(help_header); extcap_help_add_option(extcap, "--extcap-interfaces", "list the extcap Interfaces"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap, "--extcap-dlts", "list the DLTs"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap, "--extcap-interface ", "specify the extcap interface"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap, "--extcap-config", "list the additional configuration for an interface"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap, "--capture", "run the capture"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap, "--extcap-capture-filter ", "the capture filter"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap, "--fifo ", "dump data to file or fifo"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap, "--extcap-version", "print tool version"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap, "--debug", "print additional messages"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap, "--debug-file", "print debug messages to file"); } void extcap_init_custom_log(const char* filename) { if (!filename || strlen(filename) == 0) return; custom_log = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!custom_log) g_error("Can't open custom log file: %s (%s)", filename, strerror(errno)); } void extcap_config_debug(unsigned* count) { printf("arg {number=%u}{call=--debug}{display=Run in debug mode}" "{type=boolean}{default=false}{tooltip=Print debug messages}{required=false}\n", (*count)++); printf("arg {number=%u}{call=--debug-file}{display=Use a file for debug}" "{type=string}{tooltip=Set a file where the debug messages are written}{required=false}\n", (*count)++); } void extcap_cmdline_debug(char** ar, const unsigned n) { GString* cmdline = g_string_new("cmdline: "); unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) g_string_append_printf(cmdline, "%s ", ar[i]); g_debug("%s", cmdline->str); g_string_free(cmdline, TRUE); } /* * Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 4 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=4:noTabs=true: */