0. Abstract Wireshark's user interface is showing its age. While GTK+ is wonderful on Linux and BSD its low-tier status on Windows and even-lower-tier status on OS X makes it hard to deliver a good product to users on those platforms. The Qt port is an attempt at an updated UI which will better serve our users and let us add features more easily. 1. Getting up and running The Qt interface for Wireshark should compile out of the box on Windows, OS X, and Linux using Qt 4.6 or later (including Qt 5) and Visual C++, gcc/g++, and clang/clang++. The Qt UI is continuously built and tested at https://buildbot.wireshark.org/trunk/waterfall . There are several ways of building the Qt UI: 1) Qt Creator + CMake (recommended if adding features): Open the top-level CMakeLists.txt within Qt Creator. It should ask you to choose a build location. Do so. It should then ask you to run CMake. Fill in any desired build arguments (e.g. "-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" or "-D ENABLE_GTK3=OFF") and click the "Run CMake" button. When that completes select "Build → Open Build and Run Kit Selector..." and make sure wireshark is selected. Note that Qt Creator uses output created by the CodeBlocks generator. If you run CMake outside of Qt Creator you should use the "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" or "CodeBlocks - NMake Makefiles" generators, otherwise Qt Creator will prompt you to re-run CMake. 2) CMake: Qt (BUILD_wireshark) is enabled by default. Use the "cmake" command to configure a normal out-of-tree or in-tree build, e.g. mkdir cmakebuild cd cmakebuild cmake make Note that CMake builds an application bundle (Wireshark.app) on Mac OS X by default. Use the option "-DENABLE_APPLICATION_BUNDLE=OFF" to create a traditional UNIX/POSIX build. 3) Autotools: Qt (--with-qt) is enabled by default. 4) Qt Creator + Wireshark.pro: Wireshark.pro (formerly QtShark.pro) was used to bootstrap the UI porting effort. It is still used by Nmake but will likely be removed at some point. 1.1 Prerequisites Before compiling you need the Qt SDK and Qt Creator. 1.1.1 OS X Download the latest Qt Library + Qt Creator from http://www.qt.io/download-open-source/. Qt 5.2 and later include Qt Mac Extras (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtmacextras-index.html), which provides a better look and feel. 1.1.2 Windows Download the Qt online installer from http://www.qt.io/download-open-source/ and run it. Install a version of Qt that matches your compiler, e.g. "msvc2013 64-bit OpenGL". Install Qt Creator as well. Wireshark doesn't require anything beyond that. Qt Creator Before compiling in Qt Creator select "Projects" in the left toolbar, select "Build Settings" and do the following: - In "Edit build configuration" make sure the "Release" build is selected. (The "Debug" build won't work unless Wireshark is recompiled to link with a "debug" the "debug" C runtime library (using /MDd). See ui\qt\Wireshark.pro for details). - Make sure "Qt version" matches your version of Visual Studio. - Make sure "Tool chain" matches your Visual C++ version. If you require plugin support select "Run Settings" and add "WIRESHARK_RUN_FROM_BUILD_DIRECTORY=1" to the Run Environment. XXX: (WMeier): I've not had too much satisfaction using the "native Windows debugger" (CDB ?) accessed via Qt Creator. (In fact, a web search turns up some fairly negative comments about the debugger. I've successfully (and pretty easily) been able to use the Visual Studio debugger; See below under "Command Line". ToDo: Investigate "Qt Visual Studio AddIn": http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/QtVSAddin#6112edd2e39a1695c242723d5c764aae Command Line - Setup environment: c:\qt\4.8.0\bin\qtvars.bat [vsvars] ;;; optional 'vsvars' to also setup VC env vars - [Create and] Switch to a working dir to be used for .obj files, etc for Wireshark-qt compilation - Use qmake to create Windows Makefile (based upon info in ui\qt\Wireshark.pro and config.pri) qmake -o Makefile.nmake ..\..\ui\qt\QtShark.pro ;; (Only needs to be run once; ;; nmake -f Makefile.nmake will redo qmake if any ;; dependendencies (e.g., Wireshark.pro) change. - Compile & Build nmake -f Makefile.nmake ;; wireshark.exe + all DLL's will be in \wireshark-qt-debug - Run: \wireshark-qt-debug - Debug (with Visual Studio debugger) Start Visual Studio; File ! Open ! Project/Solution ! ...//wireshark-qt-debug/wireshark.exe (Using Solution Explorer ! Properties ! Environment to add PATH=C:\Qt\4.8.0\bin;%PATH% will pobably be required). ... Debug in the usual manner 1.1.3 Linux Install the Qt libraries and Qt Creator via your package manager or from http://qt-project.org/downloads/. On Debian and Ubuntu the "qt-sdk" (and qttools5-dev when use Qt5) meta-package should provide everything you need. Build the top-level directory using CMake (see section "Using cmake" above). As an alternative do an in-tree build without QT and then inside ui/qt/ do "qtcreate Wireshark.pro". 1.2 Other tools GammaRay lets you inspect the internals of a running Qt application similar to Spy++ on Windows. http://www.kdab.com/kdab-products/gammaray/ 2. Going forward DO NOT simply port things over. Much of the GTK+ interface reflects historical UI conventions and API restrictions which are either no longer relevant or have been superseded. Every feature, window, and element should be re-thought. When porting a feature, consider the following: - Workflow. Excessive navigation and gratuitous dialogs should be avoided or reduced. For example, the two GTK+ flow graph dialogs have been combined into one in Qt. Many alert dialogs have been replaced with status bar messages. - Feedback. Most of the Qt dialogs provide a "hint" area near the bottom which shows useful information. For example, the "Follow Stream" dialog shows the packet corresponding to the text under the mouse. The profile management dialog shows a clickable path to the current profile. 2.1 Coding guidelines Moved to the Developer's Guide: https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsdg_html_chunked/ChUIQt.html 2.2 Changes - The display filter entry has been significantly reworked. - The welcome screen has been reworked. The interface list includes sparklines - "Go to packet" pops up a text entry in the main window instead of a separate dialog. - Preferences are complete, and are arguably more useful than the GTK+ version. An "Advanced" preference pane exists, which lets you edit everything. They use the proper menu placement and keyboard shortcut on OS X. - Some dialogs (file sets, profiles, and UATs) provide a link to filesystem paths where appropriate. 3. Translations (i18n) 3.1 Make translation Qt makes translating the Wireshark UI into different languages easy. - Add your translation (ui/qt/wireshark_XX.ts) in ui/qt/Wireshark.pro, ui/qt/i18n.qrc, ui/qt/Makefile.common and ui/qt/CMakeLists.txt - Please add flag (image) for your language in images/languages/XX.svg and image/languages/languages.qrc - Run "lupdate ui/qt/Wireshark.pro" to generate/update your translation file. or "lupdate ui/qt -ts ui/qt/wireshark_XX.ts" for specified translation - Translate with Qt Linguist (in console: "linguist ui/qt/wireshark_XX.ts") - Run "lrelease Wireshark.pro" or "lrelease ui/qt/wireshark_XX.ts -qm ui/qt/wireshark_XX.qm" to create/update wireshark_XX.qm file. - Push your translation to Gerrit for review ("git push"). Alternatively you can only put your QM and flag files in "languages" directory in Wireshark user configuration directory (~/.wireshark/languages/ on unix) More information about Qt Linguist http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/linguist-manual.html 3.2 Translate ! You can now directly translate with Transifex Website https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/wireshark/ Every week, translation is automatically resynced with the source code through the following steps * pull ts from Transifex * lupdate ts file * push and commit on Gerrit * push ts on Transifex 4 Developing Moved to the Developer's Guide: https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsdg_html_chunked/ChUIQt.html