path: root/ethereal_gen.py
diff options
authorGuy Harris <guy@alum.mit.edu>2001-06-18 05:27:18 +0000
committerGuy Harris <guy@alum.mit.edu>2001-06-18 05:27:18 +0000
commit995f8522b3ae2f76fd757fd2e61896d974fc4b01 (patch)
tree699993d4bf14b57d27fb9c82c1acbf9ad1b0f417 /ethereal_gen.py
parentc6bee5f6c14807760d0086e7dafbdb5435e567f5 (diff)
Support for protocols running atop GIOP, from Frank Singleton.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=3563
Diffstat (limited to 'ethereal_gen.py')
1 files changed, 1521 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ethereal_gen.py b/ethereal_gen.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..416b0314c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ethereal_gen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1521 @@
+# -*- python -*-
+# $Id: ethereal_gen.py,v 1.1 2001/06/18 05:27:16 guy Exp $
+# ethereal_gen.py
+# Author : Frank Singleton (frank.singleton@ericsson.com)
+# Copyright (C) 2001 Frank Singleton, Ericsson Inc.
+# This file is a backend to "omniidl", used to generate "Ethereal"
+# dissectors from IDL descriptions. The output language generated
+# is "C". It will generate code to use the GIOP/IIOP get_CDR_XXX API.
+# Please see packet-giop.h in Ethereal distro for API description.
+# Ethereal is available at http://www.ethereal.com/
+# Omniidl is part of the OmniOrb distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.uk.research.att.com/omniORB/omniORB.html
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# Description:
+# Omniidl Back-end which parses an IDL list of "Operation" nodes
+# passed from ethereal_be2.py and generates "C" code for compiling
+# as a dissector in Ethereal IP protocol anlayser.
+# Strategy (sneaky but ...)
+# problem: I dont know what variables to declare until AFTER the helper functions
+# have been built, so ...
+# There are 2 passes through genHelpers, the first one is there just to
+# make sure the fn_hash data struct is populated properly.
+# The second pass is the real thing, generating code and declaring
+# variables (from the 1st pass) properly.
+"""Ethereal IDL compiler back-end."""
+from omniidl import idlast, idltype, idlutil, output
+import sys, string
+import tempfile
+# Output class, generates "C" src code for the sub-dissector
+# in:
+# self - me
+# st - output stream
+# node - a reference to an Operations object.
+# name - scoped name (Module::Module::Interface:: .. ::Operation
+# TODO -- FS
+# 1. generate hf[] data for searchable fields (but what is searchable?)
+# 2. add item instead of add_text()
+# 3. sequence handling,
+# 4. Exceptions
+# 5. Fix arrays, and structs containing arrays.
+# 6. Handle pragmas.
+# 7. Exception can be common to many operations, so handle them outside the
+# operation helper functions.
+# 8. Automatic variable declaration.
+# 9. wchar and wstring handling
+# dump decode_<operation>
+# For return val and all parameters do
+# find basic IDL type for each parameter
+# output get_CDR_xxx
+# output exception handling code
+# Generate opereation-> helper delegation code (strcmp operation -> helper)
+class ethereal_gen_C:
+ #
+ # Constructor
+ #
+ def __init__(self, st, protocol_name, dissector_name ,description):
+ self.st = output.Stream(tempfile.TemporaryFile(),4) # for first pass only
+ self.st_save = st # where 2nd pass should go
+ self.protoname = protocol_name # Protocol Name (eg: ECHO)
+ self.dissname = dissector_name # Dissector name (eg: echo)
+ self.description = description # Detailed Protocol description (eg: Echo IDL Example)
+ self.exlist = [] # list of exceptions used in operations.
+ #self.curr_sname # scoped name of current opnode I am visiting, used for generating "C" var declares
+ self.fn_hash = {} # top level hash to contain function and a key = list of variable declarations
+ # ie a hash of lists
+ self.fn_hash_built = 0 # flag to indicate the ist pass is complete, and the fn_hash is correctly
+ # populated.
+ #
+ # genCode()
+ #
+ # Main entry point, controls sequence of
+ # generated code.
+ #
+ #
+ def genCode(self,oplist):
+ #self.st = output.Stream(,4)
+ self.genHelpers(oplist) # sneaky .. call it now, to populate the fn_hash
+ # so when I come to that function later, I have the variables to
+ # declare already.
+ self.fn_hash_built = 1 # DONE, so now I know , see genOperation()
+ self.st = self.st_save
+ self.genHeader() # initial dissector comments
+ self.genGPL() # GPL license
+ self.genIncludes()
+ self.genDeclares(oplist)
+ self.genProtocol()
+ self.genRegisteredFields()
+ self.genOpList(oplist)
+ self.genExceptionHelpers(oplist)
+ self.genHelpers(oplist)
+ self.genMainEntryStart(oplist)
+ self.genDelegator(oplist)
+ self.genMainEntryEnd()
+ self.gen_proto_register()
+ self.gen_proto_reg_handoff(oplist)
+ #self.dumpvars() # debug
+ #
+ # genHeader
+ #
+ # Generate Standard Ethereal Header Comments
+ #
+ #
+ def genHeader(self):
+ self.st.out(self.template_Header,dissector_name=self.dissname)
+ #print "genHeader"
+ #
+ # genGPL
+ #
+ # GPL licencse
+ #
+ #
+ def genGPL(self):
+ #print "genGPL"
+ self.st.out(self.template_GPL)
+ #
+ # genIncludes
+ #
+ # GPL licencse
+ #
+ #
+ def genIncludes(self):
+ #print "genIncludes"
+ self.st.out(self.template_Includes)
+ #
+ # denDeclares
+ #
+ #
+ def genDeclares(self,oplist):
+ t=0
+ #print "genDeclares"
+ #
+ # genProtocol
+ #
+ #
+ def genProtocol(self):
+ self.st.out(self.template_protocol, dissector_name=self.dissname)
+ self.st.out(self.template_init_boundary)
+ #
+ # genProtoAndRegisteredFields
+ #
+ #
+ def genRegisteredFields(self):
+ self.st.out(self.template_registered_fields )
+ #
+ # genMainEntryStart
+ #
+ def genMainEntryStart(self,oplist):
+ self.st.out(self.template_main_dissector_start, dissname=self.dissname, disprot=self.protoname)
+ self.st.inc_indent()
+ self.st.out(self.template_main_dissector_switch_msgtype_start)
+ self.st.out(self.template_main_dissector_switch_msgtype_start_request_reply)
+ self.st.inc_indent()
+ #
+ # genMainEntryEnd
+ #
+ def genMainEntryEnd(self):
+ self.st.out(self.template_main_dissector_switch_msgtype_end_request_reply)
+ self.st.dec_indent()
+ self.st.out(self.template_main_dissector_switch_msgtype_all_other_msgtype)
+ self.st.dec_indent()
+ #self.st.out(self.template_main_dissector_switch_msgtype_end)
+ self.st.out(self.template_main_dissector_end)
+ #
+ # genOpList
+ #
+ # in: oplist
+ #
+ # out: C code for IDL operations
+ #
+ # eg:
+ #
+ # static const char Penguin_Echo_echoShort_op = echoShort ;
+ #
+ def genOpList(self,oplist):
+ self.st.out(self.template_comment_operations_start)
+ for n in oplist:
+ sname = self.namespace(n, "_")
+ opname = n.identifier()
+ self.st.out(self.template_operations_declare, sname=sname, opname=opname)
+ self.st.out(self.template_comment_operations_end)
+ #
+ # genExceptionHelpers()
+ #
+ # Generate private helper functions to decode Exceptions used
+ # within operations
+ #
+ # in: oplist
+ #
+ def genExceptionHelpers(self,oplist):
+ exlist = self.get_exceptionList(oplist) # grab list of exception nodes
+ self.st.out(self.template_exception_helpers_start)
+ for ex in self.exlist:
+ #print "Exception = " + ex.identifier()
+ self.genExHelper()
+ self.st.out(self.template_exception_helpers_end)
+ #
+ # genExhelper()
+ #
+ # Generate private helper functions to decode used exceptions
+ #
+ # in: exnode ( an exception node)
+ #
+ def genExHelper(self,exnode):
+ t = 0
+ #
+ # genHelpers()
+ #
+ # Generate private helper functions for each IDL operation.
+ #
+ # in: oplist
+ #
+ def genHelpers(self,oplist):
+ for op in oplist:
+ self.genOperation(op)
+ #
+ # genOperation()
+ #
+ # Generate private helper functions for a specificIDL operation.
+ #
+ # in: opnode
+ #
+ def genOperation(self,opnode):
+ ##print "visitOperation called"
+ sname = self.namespace(opnode, "_")
+ if not self.fn_hash_built:
+ self.fn_hash[sname] = [] # init empty list as val for this sname key
+ # but on if the fn_hash is not already built
+ self.curr_sname = sname # update current opnode's scoped name
+ opname = opnode.identifier()
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_function_comment, repoid=opnode.repoId() )
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_function_start, sname=sname)
+ self.st.inc_indent()
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_function_vars_start)
+ self.dumpCvars(sname)
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_function_vars_end )
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_switch_msgtype_start)
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_switch_msgtype_request_start)
+ self.st.inc_indent()
+ self.genOperationRequest(opnode)
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_switch_msgtype_request_end)
+ self.st.dec_indent()
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_switch_msgtype_reply_start)
+ self.st.inc_indent()
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_switch_rep_status_start)
+# self.st.inc_indent()
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_switch_msgtype_reply_no_exception_start)
+ self.st.inc_indent()
+ self.genOperationReply(opnode)
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_switch_msgtype_reply_no_exception_end)
+ self.st.dec_indent()
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_switch_msgtype_reply_user_exception_start)
+ self.st.inc_indent()
+ self.genOpExceptions(opnode)
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_switch_msgtype_reply_user_exception_end)
+ self.st.dec_indent()
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_switch_msgtype_reply_default_start)
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_switch_msgtype_reply_default_end)
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_switch_rep_status_end)
+ self.st.dec_indent()
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_switch_msgtype_default_start)
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_switch_msgtype_default_end)
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_switch_msgtype_end)
+ self.st.dec_indent()
+ self.st.inc_indent()
+ #self.visitReturnVal(opnode)
+ #self.visitParameterList(opnode)
+ self.st.dec_indent()
+ self.st.out(self.template_helper_function_end, sname=sname)
+ def visitReturnVal(self,opnode):
+ t = opnode
+ ##print "opnode.returnType().kind() = " , opnode.returnType().kind()
+ ##print "opnode.returnType().unalias().kind() = " , opnode.returnType().unalias().kind()
+ def visitParameterList(self,opnode):
+ for n in opnode.parameters():
+ self.visitParameter(n)
+ def visitParameter(self,node):
+ #print "Identifier : " + node.identifier() + " : "
+ #print node.paramType().unalias().kind()
+ t = node
+ #
+ # Decode function parameters for a GIOP request message
+ #
+ # TODO check for enum
+ #
+ def genOperationRequest(self,opnode):
+ #self.st.inc_indent()
+ for p in opnode.parameters():
+ if p.is_in():
+ #print "XXX parameter = " ,p
+ #print "XXX parameter type = " ,p.paramType()
+ #print "XXX parameter type kind = " ,p.paramType().kind()
+ self.getCDR3(p.paramType(),p.identifier())
+ #self.st.dec_indent()
+ #
+ # Decode function parameters for a GIOP reply message
+ #
+ # TODO check for enum
+ def genOperationReply(self,opnode):
+ rt = opnode.returnType() # get return type
+ self.getCDR3(rt, "Operation return value") # return value
+ for p in opnode.parameters():
+ if p.is_out(): # out or inout
+ self.getCDR3(p.paramType(),p.identifier())
+ #self.st.dec_indent()
+ def genOpExceptions(self,opnode):
+ for ex in opnode.raises():
+ if ex.members():
+ #print ex.members()
+ for m in ex.members():
+ t=0
+ #print m.memberType(), m.memberType().kind()
+ def genDelegator(self,oplist):
+ for op in oplist:
+ opname = op.identifier()
+ sname = self.namespace(op, "_")
+ self.st.out(self.template_delegate_code, opname=opname, sname=sname)
+ #
+ # Add a variable declaration to the hash of list
+ #
+ def addvar(self, var):
+ if not ( var in self.fn_hash[self.curr_sname] ):
+ self.fn_hash[self.curr_sname].append(var)
+ #
+ # Print the variable declaration from the hash of list
+ #
+ def dumpvars(self):
+ for fn in self.fn_hash.keys():
+ print "FN = " + fn
+ for v in self.fn_hash[fn]:
+ print "-> " + v
+ #
+ # Print the "C" variable declaration from the hash of list
+ # for a given scoped operation name (eg: tux_penguin_eat)
+ #
+ def dumpCvars(self, sname):
+ for v in self.fn_hash[sname]:
+ self.st.out(v)
+## tk_null = 0
+## tk_void = 1
+## tk_short = 2
+## tk_long = 3
+## tk_ushort = 4
+## tk_ulong = 5
+## tk_float = 6
+## tk_double = 7
+## tk_boolean = 8
+## tk_char = 9
+## tk_octet = 10
+## tk_any = 11
+## tk_TypeCode = 12
+## tk_Principal = 13
+## tk_objref = 14
+## tk_struct = 15
+## tk_union = 16
+## tk_enum = 17
+## tk_string = 18
+## tk_sequence = 19
+## tk_array = 20
+## tk_alias = 21
+## tk_except = 22
+## tk_longlong = 23
+## tk_ulonglong = 24
+## tk_longdouble = 25
+## tk_wchar = 26
+## tk_wstring = 27
+## tk_fixed = 28
+## tk_value = 29
+## tk_value_box = 30
+## tk_native = 31
+## tk_abstract_interface = 32
+ #
+ # getCDR()
+ #
+ # This is the main "iterator" function. It takes a node, and tries to output
+ # a get_CDR_XXX accessor method(s). It can call itself multiple times
+ # if I find nested structures etc.
+ #
+ def getCDR3(self,type,name="fred"):
+ pt = type.unalias().kind() # param CDR type
+ pn = name # param name
+ #print "XXX kind = " , pt
+ if pt == idltype.tk_ulong:
+ self.get_CDR_ulong(pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_void:
+ self.get_CDR_void(pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_short:
+ self.get_CDR_short(pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_long:
+ self.get_CDR_long(pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_ushort:
+ self.get_CDR_ushort(pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_float:
+ self.get_CDR_float(pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_double:
+ self.get_CDR_double(pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_boolean:
+ self.get_CDR_boolean(pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_char:
+ self.get_CDR_char(pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_octet:
+ self.get_CDR_octet(pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_any:
+ self.get_CDR_any(pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_string:
+ self.get_CDR_string(pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_wstring:
+ self.get_CDR_wstring(pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_wchar:
+ self.get_CDR_wchar(pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_enum:
+ #print type.decl()
+ self.get_CDR_enum(pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_struct:
+ self.get_CDR_struct(type,pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_TypeCode: # will I ever get here ?
+ self.get_CDR_TypeCode(type,pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_sequence:
+ self.get_CDR_sequence(type,pn)
+ elif pt == idltype.tk_objref:
+ self.get_CDR_objref(type,pn)
+ else:
+ t=0
+ print "XXXXX Unknown type XXXXX " , pt
+ #
+ # get_CDR_XXX methods are here ..
+ #
+ #
+ def get_CDR_ulong(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_ulong, varname=pn)
+ self.addvar("guint32 u_octet4;")
+ def get_CDR_short(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_short, varname=pn)
+ self.addvar("gint16 s_octet2;")
+ def get_CDR_void(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_void, varname=pn)
+ def get_CDR_long(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_long, varname=pn)
+ self.addvar("gint32 s_octet4;")
+ def get_CDR_ushort(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_ushort, varname=pn)
+ self.addvar("guint16 u_octet2;")
+ def get_CDR_float(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_float, varname=pn)
+ self.addvar("gfloat my_float;")
+ def get_CDR_double(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_double, varname=pn)
+ self.addvar("gdouble my_double;")
+ def get_CDR_boolean(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_boolean, varname=pn)
+ self.addvar("guint8 u_octet1;")
+ def get_CDR_char(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_char, varname=pn)
+ self.addvar("guint8 u_octet1;")
+ def get_CDR_octet(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_octet, varname=pn)
+ self.addvar("guint8 u_octet1;")
+ def get_CDR_any(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_any, varname=pn)
+ def get_CDR_enum(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_enum, varname=pn)
+ self.addvar("guint32 u_octet4;")
+ def get_CDR_string(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_string, varname=pn)
+ self.addvar("guint32 u_octet4;")
+ self.addvar("gchar *seq;")
+ def get_CDR_wstring(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_wstring, varname=pn)
+ self.addvar("guint32 u_octet4;")
+ self.addvar("gchar *seq;")
+ def get_CDR_wchar(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_wchar, varname=pn)
+ self.addvar("gint8 s_octet1;")
+ self.addvar("gchar *seq;")
+ def get_CDR_TypeCode(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_TypeCode, varname=pn)
+ self.addvar("guint32 u_octet4;")
+ def get_CDR_objref(self,type,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_object)
+ def get_CDR_sequence_len(self,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_sequence_length, seqname=pn)
+ self.addvar("guint32 u_octet4;")
+ def get_CDR_struct(self,type,pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_structure_start, name=type.name() )
+ # If I am a typedef struct {..}; node then find the struct node
+ if isinstance(type.decl(), idlast.Declarator):
+ ntype = type.decl().alias().aliasType().decl()
+ else:
+ ntype = type.decl() # I am a struct node
+ for m in ntype.members():
+ for decl in m.declarators():
+ if decl.sizes():
+ t=0 # TODO - add array handling here.
+ self.getCDR3(m.memberType(), type.name() + "_" + decl.identifier() )
+ self.st.out(self.template_structure_end, name=type.name())
+ #
+ # Generate code to access a sequence of a type
+ #
+ def get_CDR_sequence(self,type, pn):
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_sequence_length, seqname=pn )
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_sequence_loop_start, seqname=pn )
+ self.addvar("guint32 u_octet4_loop_" + pn + ";" )
+ self.addvar("guint32 i_" + pn + ";")
+ self.st.inc_indent()
+ self.getCDR3(type.unalias().seqType() ) # and start all over with the type
+ self.st.dec_indent()
+ self.st.out(self.template_get_CDR_sequence_loop_end)
+ self.addvar("guint32 u_octet4_loop_" + pn + ";" )
+ #
+ # get_ret_in_inout
+ #
+ # in - opnode
+ #
+ # out - list of [operation return ]
+ #
+ #
+ def get_ret_in_inout(self,opnode):
+ t=0
+ #print "Unused"
+ #
+ # namespace()
+ #
+ # in - op node
+ #
+ # out - scoped operation name, using sep character instead of "::"
+ #
+ # eg: Penguin::Echo::echoWString => Penguin_Echo_echoWString if sep = "_"
+ #
+ #
+ def namespace(self,node,sep):
+ sname = string.replace(idlutil.ccolonName(node.scopedName()), '::', sep)
+ return sname
+ def param_decode(self,node):
+ t=0
+ #print "Identifier : " + node.identifier()
+ #
+ # generate register_giop_user_module code, and register only
+ # unique interfaces that contain operations. Also output
+ # a heuristic register in case we want to use that.
+ #
+ # TODO - make this a command line option
+ #
+ # -e explicit
+ # -h heuristic
+ #
+ def gen_proto_reg_handoff(self, oplist):
+ self.st.out(self.template_proto_reg_handoff_start, dissector_name=self.dissname)
+ self.st.inc_indent()
+ for iname in self.get_intlist(oplist):
+ self.st.out(self.template_proto_reg_handoff_body, dissector_name=self.dissname, protocol_name=self.protoname, interface=iname )
+ self.st.out(self.template_proto_reg_handoff_heuristic, dissector_name=self.dissname, protocol_name=self.protoname)
+ self.st.dec_indent()
+ self.st.out(self.template_proto_reg_handoff_end)
+ #
+ # generate proto_register_<protoname> code,
+ #
+ def gen_proto_register(self):
+ self.st.out(self.template_proto_register, description=self.description, protocol_name=self.protoname, dissector_name=self.dissname)
+ #
+ # provide variable declarations for private helper functions.
+ #
+ # eg: u_octet32, s_octet8 etc..
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ def helper_fn_vars(self,node):
+ t=0
+ #print "helper_fn_vars"
+ #
+ # in - oplist[]
+ #
+ # out - a list of unique interface names. This will be used in
+ # register_giop_user_module(dissect_giop_auto, "TEST IDL", "Penguin/Echo" ); so the operation
+ # name must be removed from the scope. And we also only want unique interfaces.
+ #
+ def get_intlist(self,oplist):
+ int_hash = {} # holds a hash of unique interfaces
+ for op in oplist:
+ sc = op.scopedName() # eg: penguin,tux,bite
+ sc1 = sc[:-1] # drop last entry
+ sn = idlutil.slashName(sc1) # penguin/tux
+ if not int_hash.has_key(sn):
+ int_hash[sn] = 0; # dummy val, but at least key is unique
+ return int_hash.keys()
+ #
+ # in - oplist[]
+ #
+ # out - a list of exception nodes (unique). This will be used in
+ # to generate dissect_exception_XXX functions.
+ #
+ def get_exceptionList(self,oplist):
+ ex_hash = {} # holds a hash of unique exceptions.
+ for op in oplist:
+ for ex in op.raises():
+ if not ex_hash.has_key(ex.identifier()):
+ ex_hash[ex.identifier()] = 0; # dummy val, but at least key is unique
+ #print "Exception = " + ex.identifier()
+ return ex_hash.keys()
+ #
+ # Templates for C code
+ #
+ template_comment_operations_start = """\
+ * IDL Operations Start
+ */
+ """
+ template_operations_declare = """static const char @sname@_op[] = \"@opname@\" ;"""
+ template_comment_operations_end = """
+ * IDL Operations End
+ */
+ template_helper_function_comment = """\
+ * @repoid@
+ */
+ template_helper_function_vars_start = """
+/* Operation specific Variable declarations Begin */
+ template_helper_function_vars_end = """
+/* Operation specific Variable declarations End */
+ template_helper_function_start = """\
+static void decode_@sname@(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, int *offset, MessageHeader *header, gchar *operation) {
+ gboolean stream_is_big_endian; /* big endianess */
+ template_helper_function_end = """\
+ #
+ # proto_reg_handoff() templates
+ #
+ template_proto_reg_handoff_start = """
+/* register me as handler for these interfaces */
+void proto_register_handoff_@dissector_name@(void) {
+ template_proto_reg_handoff_body = """
+#if 0
+/* Register for Explicit Dissection */
+register_giop_user_module(dissect_@dissector_name@, \"@protocol_name@\", \"@interface@\" ); /* explicit dissector */
+ template_proto_reg_handoff_heuristic = """
+/* Register for Heuristic Dissection */
+register_giop_user(dissect_@dissector_name@, \"@protocol_name@\" ); /* heuristic dissector */
+ template_proto_reg_handoff_end = """
+ #
+ # Initialize the protocol
+ #
+ template_protocol = """
+/* Initialise the protocol and subtree pointers */
+static int proto_@dissector_name@ = -1;
+static gint ett_@dissector_name@ = -1;
+ #
+ # Initialize the boundary Alignment
+ #
+ template_init_boundary = """
+/* Initialise the initial Alignment */
+static guint32 boundary = GIOP_HEADER_SIZE; /* initial value */
+ #
+ # Initialize the Registered fields
+ #
+ template_registered_fields = """
+/* Initialise the Registered fields */
+/* TODO - Use registered fields */
+ #
+ # proto_register_<dissector name>(void) templates
+ #
+ template_proto_register = """
+/* Register the protocol with Ethereal */
+void proto_register_@dissector_name@(void) {
+ /* setup list of header fields */
+ static hf_register_info hf[] = {
+ /* no fields yet */
+ };
+ /* setup protocol subtree array */
+ static gint *ett[] = {
+ &ett_@dissector_name@,
+ };
+ /* Register the protocol name and description */
+ proto_@dissector_name@ = proto_register_protocol(\"@description@\" , \"@protocol_name@\", \"@dissector_name@\" );
+ proto_register_field_array(proto_@dissector_name@, hf, array_length(hf));
+ proto_register_subtree_array(ett,array_length(ett));
+ #
+ # template for delegation code
+ #
+ template_delegate_code = """\
+if (!strcmp(operation, @sname@_op )) {
+ decode_@sname@(tvb, pinfo, tree, offset, header, operation);
+ return TRUE;
+ #
+ # Templates for the helper functions
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ template_helper_switch_msgtype_start = """\
+stream_is_big_endian = is_big_endian(header);
+switch(header->message_type) {
+ template_helper_switch_msgtype_default_start = """\
+ /* Unknown GIOP Exception */
+ g_warning("Unknown GIOP Message");
+ template_helper_switch_msgtype_default_end = """\
+ template_helper_switch_msgtype_end = """\
+} /* switch(header->message_type) */
+ template_helper_switch_msgtype_request_start = """\
+case Request:
+ template_helper_switch_msgtype_request_end = """\
+ template_helper_switch_msgtype_reply_start = """\
+case Reply:
+ template_helper_switch_msgtype_reply_no_exception_start = """\
+ template_helper_switch_msgtype_reply_no_exception_end = """\
+ template_helper_switch_msgtype_reply_user_exception_start = """\
+ template_helper_switch_msgtype_reply_user_exception_end = """\
+ template_helper_switch_msgtype_reply_default_start = """\
+ /* Unknown Exception */
+ g_warning("Unknown Exception ");
+ template_helper_switch_msgtype_reply_default_end = """\
+ break;
+ template_helper_switch_msgtype_reply_end = """\
+ template_helper_switch_msgtype_default_start = """\
+ /* Unknown GIOP Message */
+ g_warning("Unknown GIOP Message");
+ template_helper_switch_msgtype_default_end = """\
+ break;
+ template_helper_switch_rep_status_start = """\
+switch(header->rep_status) {
+ template_helper_switch_rep_status_default_start = """\
+ /* Unknown Reply Status */
+ g_warning("Unknown Reply Status");
+ template_helper_switch_rep_status_default_end = """\
+ break;
+ template_helper_switch_rep_status_end = """\
+} /* switch(header->message_type) */
+ #
+ # Templates for get_CDR_xxx accessors
+ #
+ template_get_CDR_ulong = """\
+u_octet4 = get_CDR_ulong(tvb,offset,stream_is_big_endian, boundary);
+if (tree) {
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-4,4,"@varname@ = %u",u_octet4);
+ template_get_CDR_short = """\
+s_octet2 = get_CDR_short(tvb,offset,stream_is_big_endian, boundary);
+if (tree) {
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-2,2,"@varname@ = %i",s_octet2);
+ template_get_CDR_void = """\
+/* Function returns void */
+ template_get_CDR_long = """\
+s_octet4 = get_CDR_long(tvb,offset,stream_is_big_endian, boundary);
+if (tree) {
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-4,4,"@varname@ = %i",s_octet4);
+ template_get_CDR_ushort = """\
+u_octet2 = get_CDR_ushort(tvb,offset,stream_is_big_endian, boundary);
+if (tree) {
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-2,2,"@varname@ = %u",u_octet2);
+ template_get_CDR_float = """\
+my_float = get_CDR_float(tvb,offset,stream_is_big_endian, boundary);
+if (tree) {
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-4,4,"@varname@ = %.6e",my_float);
+ template_get_CDR_double = """\
+my_double = get_CDR_double(tvb,offset,stream_is_big_endian, boundary);
+if (tree) {
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-8,8,"@varname@ = %.15e",my_double);
+ template_get_CDR_boolean = """\
+u_octet1 = get_CDR_boolean(tvb,offset);
+if (tree) {
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-1,1,"@varname@ = %u",u_octet1);
+ template_get_CDR_char = """\
+u_octet1 = get_CDR_char(tvb,offset);
+if (tree) {
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-1,1,"@varname@ = %u",u_octet1);
+ template_get_CDR_octet = """\
+u_octet1 = get_CDR_octet(tvb,offset);
+if (tree) {
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-1,1,"@varname@ = %u",u_octet1);
+ template_get_CDR_any = """\
+get_CDR_any(tvb,tree,offset,stream_is_big_endian, boundary, header);
+ template_get_CDR_enum = """\
+/* TODO - translate Enum val into symbolic value */
+u_octet4 = get_CDR_enum(tvb,offset,stream_is_big_endian, boundary);
+if (tree) {
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-4,4,"Enum value = %u ",u_octet4);
+ template_get_CDR_string = """\
+u_octet4 = get_CDR_string(tvb, &seq, offset, stream_is_big_endian, boundary);
+if (tree) {
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-4-u_octet4,4,"length = %u",u_octet4);
+ if (u_octet4 > 0)
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-u_octet4,u_octet4,"@varname@ = %s",seq);
+g_free(seq); /* free buffer */
+seq = NULL;
+ template_get_CDR_wstring = """\
+u_octet4 = get_CDR_wstring(tvb, &seq, offset, stream_is_big_endian, boundary, header);
+if (tree) {
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-4-u_octet4,4,"length = %u",u_octet4);
+ if (u_octet4 > 0)
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-u_octet4,u_octet4,"@varname@ = %s",seq);
+g_free(seq); /* free buffer */
+seq = NULL;
+ template_get_CDR_wchar = """\
+s_octet1 = get_CDR_wchar(tvb, &seq, offset, header);
+if (tree) {
+ if (s_octet1 > 0)
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-1-s_octet1,1,"length = %u",s_octet1);
+ if (s_octet1 < 0)
+ s_octet1 = -s_octet1;
+ if (s_octet1 > 0)
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-s_octet1,s_octet1,"@varname@ = %s",seq);
+g_free(seq); /* free buffer */
+seq = NULL;
+ template_get_CDR_TypeCode = """\
+u_octet4 = get_CDR_typeCode(tvb, tree, offset, stream_is_big_endian, boundary, header);
+ template_get_CDR_object = """\
+get_CDR_object(tvb, pinfo, tree, offset, stream_is_big_endian, boundary);
+ template_get_CDR_sequence_length = """\
+u_octet4_loop_@seqname@ = get_CDR_ulong(tvb, offset, stream_is_big_endian, boundary);
+if (tree) {
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree,tvb,*offset-4, 4 ,"Seq length of @seqname@ = %u",u_octet4_loop_@seqname@);
+ template_get_CDR_sequence_loop_start = """\
+for (i_@seqname@=0; i_@seqname@< u_octet4_loop_@seqname@; i_@seqname@++) {
+ template_get_CDR_sequence_loop_end = """\
+ template_structure_start = """\
+/* Begin struct \"@name@\" */
+ template_structure_end = """\
+/* End struct \"@name@\" */
+# Program Header Template
+ template_Header = """\
+ * packet-@dissector_name@-idl.c
+ * Routines for IDL dissection
+ *
+ * Autogenerated from ethereal_be.py
+ * Copyright 2001 Frank Singleton <frank.singleton@@ericsson.com>
+ */
+# GPL Template
+ template_GPL = """\
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ */
+# Includes template
+ template_Includes = """\
+# include "config.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+# include <sys/types.h>
+# include <netinet/in.h>
+# ifdef HAVE_STDARG_H
+# include <stdarg.h>
+# else
+# include <varargs.h>
+# endif
+# include "snprintf.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include "packet.h"
+#include "proto.h"
+#include "packet-giop.h"
+# Main dissector entry templates
+ template_main_dissector_start = """\
+gboolean dissect_@dissname@(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *ptree, int *offset, MessageHeader *header, gchar *operation, gchar *idlname) {
+ proto_item *ti = NULL;
+ proto_tree *tree = NULL; /* init later, inside if(tree) */
+ gboolean be; /* big endianess */
+ guint32 offset_saved = (*offset); /* save in case we must back out */
+ pinfo->current_proto = \"@disprot@\";
+ if (check_col(pinfo->fd, COL_PROTOCOL))
+ col_add_str(pinfo->fd, COL_PROTOCOL, \"@disprot@\");
+ if (ptree) {
+ ti = proto_tree_add_item(ptree, proto_@dissname@, tvb, *offset, tvb_length(tvb) - *offset, FALSE);
+ tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_@dissname@);
+ }
+ be = is_big_endian(header); /* get endianess - TODO use passed in stream_is_big_endian instead ? */
+ template_main_dissector_switch_msgtype_start = """\
+switch(header->message_type) {
+ template_main_dissector_switch_msgtype_start_request_reply = """\
+case Request:
+case Reply:
+ template_main_dissector_switch_msgtype_end_request_reply = """\
+ template_main_dissector_switch_msgtype_end = """\
+ * We failed to match ANY operations, so perhaps this is not for us !
+ */
+(*offset) = offset_saved; /* be nice */
+return FALSE;
+ template_main_dissector_switch_msgtype_all_other_msgtype = """\
+case CancelRequest:
+case LocateRequest:
+case LocateReply:
+case CloseConnection:
+case MessageError:
+case Fragment:
+ return FALSE; /* not handled yet */
+ return FALSE; /* not handled yet */
+} /* switch */
+ template_main_dissector_switch_msgtype_end = """\
+ return TRUE;
+} /* switch */
+ template_main_dissector_end = """\
+ return FALSE;
+} /* End of main dissector */
+ template_exception_helpers_start = """\
+/* Begin Exception Helper Functions */
+ template_exception_helpers_end = """\
+/* End Exception Helper Functions */