diff options
authorGuy Harris <guy@alum.mit.edu>2001-11-01 21:52:44 +0000
committerGuy Harris <guy@alum.mit.edu>2001-11-01 21:52:44 +0000
commitbe7e31be0e61566ebad1dadf041487ce2374ba6f (patch)
parentf9ff2a9ab31a6b2717016ade3baa8a98ea4e204a (diff)
From David Frascone: duUpdate to Diameter dissector to load the
dictionary as an XML file rather than building it in, and various Diameter updates. svn path=/trunk/; revision=4122
11 files changed, 3317 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 37ad19285c..67addd5860 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Makefile.am
# Automake file for Ethereal
-# $Id: Makefile.am,v 1.372 2001/10/29 21:13:07 guy Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile.am,v 1.373 2001/11/01 21:52:44 guy Exp $
# Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer
# By Gerald Combs <gerald@ethereal.com>
@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ man_MANS =
EXTRA_PROGRAMS = ethereal ethereal_static tethereal tethereal_static editcap mergecap dftest text2pcap
-sysconf_DATA = manuf
+sysconf_DATA = manuf dictionary.dtd dictionary.xml mobileipv4.xml \
+ nasreq.xml sunping.xml
packet-aarp.c \
@@ -448,7 +449,9 @@ ETHEREAL_COMMON_SRC = \
x11-declarations.h \
x11-register-info.h \
xdlc.c \
- xdlc.h
+ xdlc.h \
+ xmlstub.c \
+ xmlstub.h
x11-declarations.h \
@@ -808,6 +811,11 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
randpkt.c \
rdps.c \
+ dictionary.dtd \
+ dictionary.xml \
+ mobileipv4.xml \
+ nasreq.xml \
+ sunping.xml \
diff --git a/Makefile.nmake b/Makefile.nmake
index e445554a37..b6d4d9d9c1 100644
--- a/Makefile.nmake
+++ b/Makefile.nmake
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
## Makefile for building ethereal.exe with Microsoft C and nmake
## Use: $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f makefile.nmake
-# $Id: Makefile.nmake,v 1.134 2001/10/29 21:13:07 guy Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile.nmake,v 1.135 2001/11/01 21:52:44 guy Exp $
include config.nmake
include <win32.mak>
@@ -247,6 +247,7 @@ ETHEREAL_COMMON_OBJECTS = \
register.obj \
util.obj \
xdlc.obj \
+ xmlstub.obj \
ethereal_OBJECTS = \
diff --git a/dictionary.dtd b/dictionary.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6285108f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dictionary.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ $Log: dictionary.dtd,v $
+ Revision 1.1 2001/11/01 21:52:44 guy
+ From David Frascone: duUpdate to Diameter dissector to load the
+ dictionary as an XML file rather than building it in, and various
+ Diameter updates.
+ Revision 1.1 2001/08/24 18:04:44 chaos
+ Added per Mark's request
+ Revision 1.3 2001/07/31 17:43:36 chaos
+ Oops, forgot to turn on validity checking. Fixed some errors found with validity checking turned on
+ Revision 1.2 2001/07/31 16:56:15 chaos
+ Lots of changes to support flags like in the draft, and to support commands
+<!ELEMENT dictionary (base, application*)>
+<!ELEMENT base (command*, vendor*, typedefn+, avp+)>
+<!ATTLIST base
+<!ELEMENT application (command*, vendor*, typedefn*, avp*)>
+<!ATTLIST application
+<!ELEMENT command (#PCDATA)>
+<!ATTLIST command
+ vendor-id IDREF #IMPLIED
+<!ELEMENT vendor EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST vendor
+ vendor-id ID #REQUIRED
+<!ELEMENT typedefn EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST typedefn
+ type-name ID #REQUIRED
+ type-parent IDREF #IMPLIED
+ description CDATA #IMPLIED
+<!ELEMENT avp ((type | grouped), (enum*))>
+<!ATTLIST avp
+ description CDATA #IMPLIED
+ may-encrypt (yes | no) "yes"
+ mandatory (must | may | mustnot | shouldnot) "may"
+ protected (must | may | mustnot | shouldnot) "may"
+ vendor-bit (must | may | mustnot | shouldnot) "mustnot"
+ vendor-id IDREF #IMPLIED
+ constrained (true | false) "false"
+<!ATTLIST type
+ type-name IDREF #REQUIRED
+<!ELEMENT grouped (gavp+)>
+<!ATTLIST gavp
+<!ATTLIST enum
diff --git a/dictionary.xml b/dictionary.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09df2dd4d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dictionary.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE dictionary SYSTEM "dictionary.dtd" [
+ <!ENTITY nasreq SYSTEM "nasreq.xml">
+ <!ENTITY mobileipv4 SYSTEM "mobileipv4.xml">
+ <!ENTITY sunping SYSTEM "sunping.xml">
+ <base uri="ftp://ftp.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-aaa-diameter-07.txt">
+ <!--
+ $Log: dictionary.xml,v $
+ Revision 1.1 2001/11/01 21:52:44 guy
+ From David Frascone: duUpdate to Diameter dissector to load the
+ dictionary as an XML file rather than building it in, and various
+ Diameter updates.
+ Revision 1.7 2001/08/24 18:03:24 chaos
+ Mark's Changes
+ Revision 1.6 2001/07/31 19:13:55 chaos
+ Missed a couple of MIP AVPs
+ Revision 1.5 2001/07/31 19:09:22 chaos
+ Added Mobile-Ip and Sun Ping Extension
+ Revision 1.4 2001/07/31 17:43:25 chaos
+ Oops, forgot to turn on validity checking. Fixed some errors found with validity checking turned on
+ Revision 1.3 2001/07/31 16:56:31 chaos
+ Added commands, and validated with xmllint
+ Revision 1.2 2001/07/31 16:29:34 chaos
+ Checking in some changes to verify log and ident strings
+ <!-- *********************** Commands ***************************** -->
+ <!-- Diameter Base Protocol Command Codes -->
+ <command name="Abort-Session" code="274" vendor-id="None">
+ <!-- Maybe some avp stuff here one day -->
+ </command>
+ <command name="Accounting" code="271" vendor-id="None"/>
+ <command name="Capabilities-Exchange" code="257" vendor-id="None"/>
+ <command name="Device-Watchdog" code="280" vendor-id="None"/>
+ <command name="Disconnect-Peer" code="282" vendor-id="None"/>
+ <command name="Re-Auth" code="258" vendor-id="None"/>
+ <command name="Session-Termination" code="275" vendor-id="None"/>
+ <!-- ********************** End Commands ************************** -->
+ <!-- ************************* Vendors **************************** -->
+ <vendor vendor-id="None" code="0" name="None"/>
+ <vendor vendor-id="Merit" code="61" name="Merit Networks"/>
+ <vendor vendor-id="Sun" code="42" name="Sun Microsystems, Inc."/>
+ <vendor vendor-id="USR" code="429" name="US Robotics Corp."/>
+ <!-- *********************** End Vendors ************************** -->
+ <!-- ************************ typedefn's ************************** -->
+ <typedefn type-name="OctetString"/>
+ <!--
+ The data contains arbitrary data of variable length. Unless
+ otherwise noted, the AVP Length field MUST be set to at least 9
+ (13 if the 'V' bit is enabled). Data used to transmit (human
+ readable) character string data uses the UTF-8 [24] character
+ set and is NOT NULL-terminated. The minimum Length field MUST
+ be 9, but can be set to any value up to 65504 bytes. AVP Values
+ of this type that do not align on a 32-bit boundary MUST have
+ the necessary padding.
+ -->
+ <typedefn type-name="UTF8String" type-parent="OctetString"/>
+ <!--
+ The UTF8String format is derived from the OctetString AVP Base
+ Format. This is a human readable string represented using the
+ ISO/IEC IS 10646-1 character set, encoded as an OctetString
+ using the UTF-8 [29] transformation format described in RFC
+ 2279.
+ Since additional code points are added by amendments to the
+ 10646 standard from time to time, implementations MUST be
+ prepared to encounter any code point from 0x00000001 to
+ 0x7fffffff. Byte sequences that do not correspond to the valid
+ UTF-8 encoding of a code point or are outside this range are
+ prohibited. Note that since a code point of 0x00000000 is
+ prohibited, no octet will contain a value of 0x00.
+ The use of control codes SHOULD be avoided. When it is
+ necessary to represent a newline, the control code sequence CR
+ LF SHOULD be used.
+ The use of leading or trailing white space SHOULD be avoided.
+ For code points not directly supported by user interface
+ hardware or software, an alternative means of entry and
+ display, such as hexadecimal, MAY be provided.
+ For information encoded in 7-bit US-ASCII, the UTF-8 encoding
+ is identical to the US-ASCII encoding.
+ UTF-8 may require multiple bytes to represent a single
+ character / code point; thus the length of a UTF8String in
+ octets may be different from the number of characters encoded.
+ Note that the size of an UTF8String is measured in octets, not
+ characters.
+ The UTF8String MUST not contain any octets with a value of
+ zero.
+ -->
+ <typedefn type-name="IPAddress" type-parent="OctetString"/>
+ <!--
+ The IPAddress format is derived from the OctetString AVP Base
+ Format. It represents 32 bit (IPv4) [17] or 128 bit (IPv6) [16]
+ address, most significant octet first. The format of the
+ address (IPv4 or IPv6) is determined by the length. If the
+ attribute value is an IPv4 address, the AVP Length field MUST
+ be 12 (16 if 'V' bit is enabled), otherwise the AVP Length
+ field MUST be set to 24 (28 if the 'V' bit is enabled) for IPv6
+ addresses.
+ -->
+ <typedefn type-name="DiameterIdentity" type-parent="OctetString"/>
+ <!--
+ The DiameterIdentity format is derived from the OctetString AVP
+ Base Format. It uses the UTF-8 encoding and has the same
+ requirements as the UTF8String. In addition, it must follow
+ the Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) syntax [29] rules
+ specified below:
+ Diameter-Identity = fqdn [ port ] [ transport ]
+ [ protocol ]
+ aaa-protocol = ( "diameter" | "radius" | "tacacs+" )
+ protocol = ";protocol=" aaa-protocol
+ ; If absent, the default AAA protocol
+ ; is diameter.
+ fqdn = Fully Qualified Host Name
+ port = ":" 1*DIGIT
+ ; One of the ports used to listen for
+ ; incoming connections. ; If absent,
+ ; the default Diameter port (TBD) is
+ ; assumed.
+ transport-protocol = ( "tcp" | "sctp" | "udp" )
+ transport = ";transport=" transport-protocol
+ ; One of the transports used to listen
+ ; for incoming connections. If absent,
+ ; the default SCTP [26] protocol is
+ ; assumed. UDP MUST NOT be used when
+ ; the aaa-protocol field is set to
+ ; diameter.
+ The following are examples of valid Diameter host
+ identities:
+ host.abc.com;transport=tcp
+ host.abc.com:6666;transport=tcp
+ aaa://host.abc.com;protocol=diameter
+ aaa://host.abc.com:6666;protocol=diameter
+ aaa://host.abc.com:6666;transport=tcp;protocol=diameter
+ aaa://host.abc.com:1813;transport=udp;protocol=radius
+ Since multiple Diameter processes on a single host cannot
+ listen for incoming connections on the same port on a given
+ protocol, the DiameterIdentity is guaranteed to be unique per
+ host.
+ A Diameter node MAY advertise different identities on each
+ connection, via the CER and CEA's Origin-Host AVP, but the same
+ identity MUST be used throughout the duration of a connection.
+ When comparing AVPs of this format, it is necessary to add any
+ absent fields with the default values prior to the comparison.
+ For example, diameter-host.abc.com would be expanded to
+ aaa://diameter/diameter-host.abc.com:TBD;protocol=sctp.
+ -->
+ <typedefn type-name="IPFilterRule" type-parent="OctetString"/>
+ <!--
+ The IPFilterRule format is derived from the OctetString AVP
+ Base Format. It uses the UTF-8 encoding and has the same
+ requirements as the UTF8String. Packets may be filtered based
+ on the following information that is associated with it:
+ Direction (in or out)
+ Source and destination IP address (possibly masked)
+ Protocol
+ Source and destination port (lists or ranges)
+ TCP flags
+ IP fragment flag
+ IP options
+ ICMP types
+ Rules for the appropriate direction are evaluated in order,
+ with the first matched rule terminating the evaluation. Each
+ packet is evaluated once. If no rule matches, the packet is
+ dropped if the last rule evaluated was a permit, and passed if
+ the last rule was a deny.
+ IPFilterRule filters MUST follow the format:
+ action dir proto from src to dst [options]
+ action permit - Allow packets that match the rule.
+ deny - Drop packets that match the rule.
+ dir "in" is from the terminal, "out" is to the
+ terminal.
+ proto An IP protocol specified by number. The "ip"
+ keyword means any protocol will match.
+ src and dst <address/mask> [ports]
+ The <address/mask> may be specified as:
+ ipno An IPv4 or IPv6 number in dotted-
+ quad or canonical IPv6 form. Only
+ this exact IP number will match the
+ rule.
+ ipno/bits An IP number as above with a mask
+ width of the form In
+ this case all IP numbers from
+ to will match.
+ The bit width MUST be valid for the
+ IP version and the IP number MUST
+ NOT have bits set beyond the mask.
+ The sense of the match can be inverted by
+ preceding an address with the not modifier,
+ causing all other addresses to be matched
+ instead. This does not affect the selection of
+ port numbers.
+ The keyword "any" is or the IPv6
+ equivalent. The keyword "assigned" is the
+ address or set of addresses assigned to the
+ terminal. The first rule SHOULD be "deny in
+ ip !assigned".
+ With the TCP, UDP and SCTP protocols, optional
+ ports may be specified as:
+ {port|port-port}[,port[,...]]
+ The `-' notation specifies a range of ports
+ (including boundaries).
+ Fragmented packets which have a non-zero offset
+ (i.e. not the first fragment) will never match
+ a rule which has one or more port
+ specifications. See the frag option for
+ details on matching fragmented packets.
+ options:
+ frag Match if the packet is a fragment and this is not
+ the first fragment of the datagram. frag may not
+ be used in conjunction with either tcpflags or
+ TCP/UDP port specifications.
+ ipoptions spec
+ Match if the IP header contains the comma
+ separated list of options specified in spec. The
+ supported IP options are:
+ ssrr (strict source route), lsrr (loose source
+ route), rr (record packet route) and ts
+ (timestamp). The absence of a particular option
+ may be denoted with a `!'.
+ tcpoptions spec
+ Match if the TCP header contains the comma
+ separated list of options specified in spec. The
+ supported TCP options are:
+ mss (maximum segment size), window (tcp window
+ advertisement), sack (selective ack), ts (rfc1323
+ timestamp) and cc (rfc1644 t/tcp connection
+ count). The absence of a particular option may
+ be denoted with a `!'.
+ established
+ TCP packets only. Match packets that have the RST
+ or ACK bits set.
+ setup TCP packets only. Match packets that have the SYN
+ bit set but no ACK bit.
+ tcpflags spec
+ TCP packets only. Match if the TCP header
+ contains the comma separated list of flags
+ specified in spec. The supported TCP flags are:
+ fin, syn, rst, psh, ack and urg. The absence of a
+ particular flag may be denoted with a `!'. A rule
+ which contains a tcpflags specification can never
+ match a fragmented packet which has a non-zero
+ offset. See the frag option for details on
+ matching fragmented packets.
+ icmptypes types
+ ICMP packets only. Match if the ICMP type is in
+ the list types. The list may be specified as any
+ combination of ranges or individual types
+ separated by commas. The supported ICMP types
+ are:
+ echo reply (0), destination unreachable (3),
+ source quench (4), redirect (5), echo request
+ (8), router advertisement (9), router
+ solicitation (10), time-to-live exceeded (11), IP
+ header bad (12), timestamp request (13),
+ timestamp reply (14), information request (15),
+ information reply (16), address mask request (17)
+ and address mask reply (18).
+ There is one kind of packet that the access device MUST always
+ discard, that is an IP fragment with a fragment offset of one.
+ This is a valid packet, but it only has one use, to try to
+ circumvent firewalls.
+ An access device that is unable to interpret or apply a deny
+ rule MUST terminate the session. An access device that is
+ unable to interpret or apply a permit rule MAY apply a more
+ restrictive rule. An access device MAY apply deny rules of
+ its own before the supplied rules, for example to protect
+ the access device owner's infrastructure.
+ The rule syntax is a modified subset of ipfw(8) from FreeBSD,
+ and the ipfw.c code may provide a useful base for
+ implementations.
+ -->
+ <typedefn type-name="QOSFilterRule" type-parent="OctetString"/>
+ <!--
+ The QosFilterRule format is derived from the OctetString AVP
+ Base Format. It uses the UTF-8 encoding and has the same
+ requirements as the UTF8String. Packets may be marked or
+ metered based on the following information that is associated
+ with it:
+ Direction (in or out)
+ Source and destination IP address (possibly masked)
+ Protocol
+ Source and destination port (lists or ranges)
+ DSCP values (no mask or range)
+ Rules for the appropriate direction are evaluated in order,
+ with the first matched rule terminating the evaluation. Each
+ packet is evaluated once. If no rule matches, the packet is
+ treated as best effort.
+ QoSFilterRule filters MUST follow the format:
+ action dir proto from src to dst [options]
+ tag - Mark packet with a specific DSCP [49].
+ The DSCP option MUST be included.
+ meter - Meter traffic. The metering options
+ MUST be included.
+ dir "in" is from the terminal, "out" is to the
+ terminal.
+ proto An IP protocol specified by number. The "ip"
+ keyword means any protocol will match.
+ src and dst <address/mask> [ports]
+ The <address/mask> may be specified as:
+ ipno An IPv4 or IPv6 number in dotted-
+ quad or canonical IPv6 form. Only
+ this exact IP number will match the
+ rule.
+ ipno/bits An IP number as above with a mask
+ width of the form In
+ this case all IP numbers from
+ to will match.
+ The bit width MUST be valid for the
+ IP version and the IP number MUST
+ NOT have bits set beyond the mask.
+ The sense of the match can be inverted by
+ preceding an address with the not modifier,
+ causing all other addresses to be matched
+ instead. This does not affect the selection of
+ port numbers.
+ The keyword "any" is or the IPv6
+ equivalent. The keyword "assigned" is the
+ address or set of addresses assigned to the
+ terminal. The first rule SHOULD be "deny in
+ ip !assigned".
+ With the TCP, UDP and SCTP protocols, optional
+ ports may be specified as:
+ {port|port-port}[,port[,...]]
+ The `-' notation specifies a range of ports
+ (including boundaries).
+ options:
+ DSCP <color>
+ color values as defined in [49]. Exact matching
+ of DSCP values is required (no masks or ranges).
+ the "deny" can replace the color_under or
+ color_over values in the meter action for rate-
+ dependent packet drop.
+ metering <rate> <color_under> <color_over>
+ The metering option provides Assured Forwarding,
+ as defined in [50], and MUST be present if the
+ action is set to meter. The rate option is the
+ throughput, in bits per second, which is used by
+ the access device to mark packets. Traffic above
+ the rate is marked with the color_over codepoint,
+ while traffic under the rate is marked with the
+ color_under codepoint. The color_under and
+ color_over options contain the drop preferences,
+ and MUST conform to the recommended codepoint
+ keywords described in [50] (e.g. AF13).
+ The metering option also supports the strict
+ limit on traffic required by Expedited
+ Forwarding, as defined in [51]. The color_over
+ option may contain the keyword "drop" to prevent
+ forwarding of traffic that exceeds the rate
+ parameter.
+ The rule syntax is a modified subset of ipfw(8) from FreeBSD,
+ and the ipfw.c code may provide a useful base for
+ implementations.
+ -->
+ <typedefn type-name="MIPRegistrationRequest" type-parent="OctetString"/>
+ <typedefn type-name="Integer32"/>
+ <!--
+ 32 bit signed value, in network byte order. The AVP Length
+ field MUST be set to 12 (16 if the 'V' bit is enabled).
+ -->
+ <typedefn type-name="VendorId" type-parent="Integer32"/>
+ <typedefn type-name="AppId" type-parent="Integer32"/>
+ <typedefn type-name="Integer64"/>
+ <!--
+ 64 bit signed value, in network byte order. The AVP Length
+ field MUST be set to 16 (20 if the 'V' bit is enabled).
+ -->
+ <typedefn type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <!--
+ 32 bit unsigned value, in network byte order. The AVP Length
+ field MUST be set to 12 (16 if the 'V' bit is enabled).
+ Unsigned32 values used to transmit time data contains the four
+ most significant octets returned from NTP [18], in network byte
+ order.
+ -->
+ <typedefn type-name="Time"/>
+ <!--
+ The Time format is derived from the Unsigned32 AVP Base Format.
+ This is 32 bit unsigned value containing the four most
+ significant octets returned from NTP [18], in network byte
+ order.
+ This represent the number of seconds since 0h on 1 January 1900
+ with respect to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
+ On 6h 28m 16s UTC, 7 February 2036 the time value will
+ overflow. NTP [18] describes a procedure to extend the time to
+ 2104.
+ -->
+ <typedefn type-name="Unsigned64"/>
+ <!--
+ 64 bit unsigned value, in network byte order. The AVP Length
+ field MUST be set to 16 (20 if the 'V' bit is enabled).
+ -->
+ <!-- ************************* End Typedefns ************************ -->
+ <!-- ******************* DIAMETER BASE PROTOCOL AVPS ************************ -->
+ <avp name="Accounting-Interim-Interval" code="482" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="yes" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Accounting-Multi-Session-Id" code="50" mandatory="must" protected="may" may-encrypt="yes" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Accounting-Record-Number" code="485" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="yes" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Accounting-Record-Type" code="480" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="yes" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="Event Record" code="1"/>
+ <enum name="Start Record" code="2"/>
+ <enum name="Interim Record" code="3"/>
+ <enum name="Stop Record" code="4"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Accounting-Session-Id" code="44" mandatory="must" protected="may" may-encrypt="yes" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Acct-Application-Id" code="259" mandatory="must" protected="mustnot" may-encrypt="no" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="AppId"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Alternate-Peer" code="275" mandatory="must" protected="mustnot" may-encrypt="no" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="DiameterIdentity"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Auth-Application-Id" code="258" mandatory="must" protected="mustnot" may-encrypt="no" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="AppId"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Auth-Request-Type" code="274" mandatory="must" protected="mustnot" may-encrypt="no" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="Authenticate Only" code="1"/>
+ <enum name="Authorize Only" code="2"/>
+ <enum name="Authorize Authenticate" code="3"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Authorization-Lifetime" code="291" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Integer32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Auth-Grace-Period" code="276" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Auth-Session-State" code="277" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="State Maintained" code="0"/>
+ <enum name="No State Maintained" code="0"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Re-Auth-Request-Type" code="285" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="Authorize Only" code="0"/>
+ <enum name="Authorize Authenticate" code="1"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Destination-Host" code="293" mandatory="must" protected="mustnot" may-encrypt="no" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="DiameterIdentity"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Destination-Realm" code="283" mandatory="must" protected="mustnot" may-encrypt="no" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="UTF8String"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Disconnect-Cause" code="273" mandatory="must" protected="mustnot" may-encrypt="no" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="Rebooting" code="0"/>
+ <enum name="Busy" code="2"/>
+ <enum name="Do not want to talk to you" code="2"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Error-Message" code="281" mandatory="must" protected="mustnot" may-encrypt="no" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="UTF8String"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Error-Reporting-Host" code="294" mandatory="must" protected="mustnot" may-encrypt="no" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="DiameterIdentity"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Failed-AVP" code="279" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Firmware-Revision" code="267" mandatory="must" protected="mustnot" may-encrypt="no" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Host-IP-Address" code="257" mandatory="must" protected="mustnot" may-encrypt="no" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="IPAddress"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Multi-Round-Time-Out" code="272" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="yes" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Origin-Host" code="264" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="DiameterIdentity"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Origin-Realm" code="296" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="UTF8String"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Origin-State-Id" code="278" mandatory="must" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Product-Name" code="269" mandatory="mustnot" may-encrypt="no" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="UTF8String"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Proxy-Host" code="280" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="DiameterIdentity"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Proxy-Info" code="284" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Redirect-Host" code="292" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="DiameterIdentity"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Redirect-Host-Usage" code="261" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="Don't Care" code="0"/>
+ <enum name="All Session" code="1"/>
+ <enum name="All Realm" code="2"/>
+ <enum name="Realm and Application" code="3"/>
+ <enum name="All Application" code="4"/>
+ <enum name="All Host" code="5"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Redirect-Max-Cache-Time" code="262" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Result-Code" code="268" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Route-Record" code="282" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="DiameterIdentity"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Session-Id" code="263" mandatory="must" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="UTF8String"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Session-Binding" code="270" mandatory="must" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Session-Server-Failover" code="271" mandatory="must" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="Refuse Service" code="0"/>
+ <enum name="Try Again" code="1"/>
+ <enum name="Allow Service" code="2"/>
+ <enum name="Try Again / Allow Service" code="3"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Source-Route" code="286" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="DiameterIdentity"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Supported-Vendor-Id" code="265" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="VendorId"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Termination-Cause" code="295" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="Logout" code="1"/>
+ <enum name="Service Not Provided" code="2"/>
+ <enum name="Bad Answer" code="3"/>
+ <enum name="Administrative" code="4"/>
+ <enum name="Link Broken" code="5"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Vendor-Id" code="266" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <type type-name="VendorId"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Vendor-Specific-Application-Id" code="260" mandatory="must" may-encrypt="no" protected="mustnot" vendor-bit="mustnot">
+ <grouped>
+ <gavp name="Vendor-Id"/>
+ <gavp name="Auth-Application-Id"/>
+ <gavp name="Acct-Application-Id"/>
+ </grouped>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Example-AVP" code="999999" mandatory="mustnot" vendor-bit="may">
+ <grouped>
+ <gavp name="Origin-Host"/>
+ <gavp name="Host-IP-Address"/>
+ </grouped>
+ </avp>
+ <!-- ************************ END DIAMETER BASE PROTOCOL AVPS ******************* -->
+ </base>
+ &nasreq;
+ &mobileipv4;
+ &sunping;
diff --git a/mobileipv4.xml b/mobileipv4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37566a8c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobileipv4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <application id="4" name="Mobile IPv4 Application" uri="ftp://ftp.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-aaa-diameter-mobileip-07.txt">
+ <!-- Mobile-IPv4 Application -->
+ <command name="AA-Mobile-Node" code="260" vendor-id="None"/>
+ <command name="Home-Agent-MIP" code="262" vendor-id="None"/>
+ <!-- ************************** Mobile-IPv4 AVPS ********************* -->
+ <avp name="MIP-Filter-Rule" code="347" mandatory="must" vendor-bit="mustnot" may-encrypt="yes">
+ <type type-name="IPFilterRule"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="MIP-Auth-Input-Data-Length" code="338" mandatory="must" vendor-bit="mustnot" may-encrypt="yes">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="MIP-Authenticator-Length" code="339" mandatory="must" vendor-bit="mustnot" may-encrypt="yes">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="MIP-Authenticator-Offset" code="340" mandatory="must" vendor-bit="mustnot" may-encrypt="yes">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="MIP-FA-Challenge" code="344" mandatory="must" vendor-bit="mustnot" may-encrypt="yes">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="MIP-Feature-Vector" code="337" mandatory="must" vendor-bit="mustnot" may-encrypt="yes">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="MIP-Foreign-Agent-Host" code="330" mandatory="must" vendor-bit="mustnot" may-encrypt="yes">
+ <type type-name="DiameterIdentity"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="MIP-Home-Agent-Address" code="334" mandatory="must" vendor-bit="mustnot" may-encrypt="yes">
+ <type type-name="IPAddress"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="MIP-MN-AAA-Auth" code="322" mandatory="must" vendor-bit="mustnot" may-encrypt="yes">
+ <grouped>
+ <gavp name="MIP-MN-AAA-SPI"/>
+ <gavp name="MIP-Auth-Input-Data-Length"/>
+ <gavp name="MIP-Authenticator-Length"/>
+ <gavp name="MIP-Authenticator-Offset"/>
+ </grouped>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="MIP-MN-AAA-SPI" code="341" mandatory="must" vendor-bit="mustnot" may-encrypt="yes">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="MIP-Mobile-Node-Address" code="333" mandatory="must" vendor-bit="mustnot" may-encrypt="yes">
+ <type type-name="IPAddress"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="MIP-Previous-FA-Addr" code="336" mandatory="must" vendor-bit="mustnot" may-encrypt="yes">
+ <type type-name="IPAddress"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="MIP-Previous-FA-Host" code="335" mandatory="must" vendor-bit="mustnot" may-encrypt="yes">
+ <type type-name="DiameterIdentity"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="MIP-Reg-Request" code="320" mandatory="must" vendor-bit="mustnot" may-encrypt="yes">
+ <type type-name="MIPRegistrationRequest"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="MIP-Reg-Reply" code="321" mandatory="must" vendor-bit="mustnot" may-encrypt="yes">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <!-- ************************ END Mobile-IPv4 AVPS ******************* -->
+ </application>
diff --git a/nasreq.xml b/nasreq.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f0fde10f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nasreq.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <application id="1" name="NASREQ Application" uri="ftp://ftp.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-calhoun-diameter-nasreq-06.txt">
+ <command name="AA-Request" code="260" vendor-id="None"/>
+ <command name="AA-Answer" code="260" vendor-id="None"/>
+ <!-- ************************* RADIUS AVPs ************************ -->
+ <avp name="User-Name" code="1">
+ <type type-name="UTF8String"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="User-Password" code="2">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="CHAP-Password" code="3">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="NAS-IP-Address" code="4">
+ <type type-name="IPAddress"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="NAS-Port" code="5">
+ <type type-name="Integer32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Service-Type" code="6">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="Labels" code="3"/>
+ <enum name="RSVP" code="1"/>
+ <enum name="TOS" code="2"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Framed-Protocol" code="7">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="ARA" code="3"/>
+ <enum name="Ascend-ARA" code="255"/>
+ <enum name="COMB" code="260"/>
+ <enum name="EURAW" code="257"/>
+ <enum name="EUUI" code="258"/>
+ <enum name="FR" code="261"/>
+ <enum name="Gandalf" code="4"/>
+ <enum name="MPP" code="256"/>
+ <enum name="PPP" code="1"/>
+ <enum name="SLIP" code="2"/>
+ <enum name="X25" code="259"/>
+ <enum name="Xylogics" code="5"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Framed-IP-Address" code="8">
+ <type type-name="IPAddress"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Framed-IP-Netmask" code="9">
+ <type type-name="IPAddress"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Framed-Routing" code="10">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="Broadcast" code="1"/>
+ <enum name="Broadcast-Listen" code="3"/>
+ <enum name="Listen" code="2"/>
+ <enum name="None" code="0"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Filter-Id" code="11">
+ <type type-name="UTF8String"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Framed-MTU" code="12">
+ <type type-name="Integer32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Framed-Compression" code="13">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="IPX-Header-Compression" code="2"/>
+ <enum name="None" code="0"/>
+ <enum name="Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP" code="1"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Login-IP-Host" code="14">
+ <type type-name="IPAddress"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Login-Service" code="15">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="LAT" code="4"/>
+ <enum name="PortMaster" code="3"/>
+ <enum name="Rlogin" code="1"/>
+ <enum name="TCP-Clear" code="2"/>
+ <enum name="Telnet" code="0"/>
+ <enum name="X25-PAD" code="5"/>
+ <enum name="X25-T3POS" code="6"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Login-TCP-Port" code="16">
+ <type type-name="Integer32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Old-Password" code="17">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Reply-Message" code="18">
+ <type type-name="UTF8String"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Callback-Number" code="19">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Callback-Id" code="20">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Framed-Route" code="22">
+ <type type-name="UTF8String"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Framed-IPX-Network" code="23">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="State" code="24">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Class" code="25">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Vendor-Specific" code="26">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <!-- Should vendors be enum'ed? -->
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Session-Timeout" code="27">
+ <type type-name="Integer32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Idle-Timeout" code="28">
+ <type type-name="Integer32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Termination-Action" code="29">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="Default" code="0"/>
+ <enum name="RADIUS-Request" code="1"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Called-Station-Id" code="30">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Calling-Station-Id" code="31">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="NAS-Identifier" code="32">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Proxy-State" code="33">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Login-LAT-Service" code="34">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Login-LAT-Node" code="35">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Login-LAT-Group" code="36">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Framed-AppleTalk-Link" code="37">
+ <type type-name="Integer32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Framed-AppleTalk-Network" code="38">
+ <type type-name="Integer32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Framed-AppleTalk-Zone" code="39">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Acct-Status-Type" code="40">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="Accounting-Off" code="8"/>
+ <enum name="Accounting-On" code="7"/>
+ <enum name="Alive" code="3"/>
+ <enum name="Cancel" code="6"/>
+ <enum name="Modem-Start" code="4"/>
+ <enum name="Modem-Stop" code="5"/>
+ <enum name="Start" code="1"/>
+ <enum name="Stop" code="2"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Acct-Delay-Time" code="41">
+ <type type-name="Integer32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Acct-Input-Octets" code="42">
+ <type type-name="Integer32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Acct-Output-Octets" code="43">
+ <type type-name="Integer32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Acct-Session-Id" code="44" mandatory="must">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Acct-Authentic" code="45">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="Local" code="2"/>
+ <enum name="None" code="0"/>
+ <enum name="RADIUS" code="1"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Acct-Session-Time" code="46">
+ <type type-name="Integer32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Acct-Input-Packets" code="47">
+ <type type-name="Integer32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Acct-Output-Packets" code="48">
+ <type type-name="Integer32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Acct-Terminate-Cause" code="49">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="Admin-Reboot" code="7"/>
+ <enum name="Admin-Reset" code="6"/>
+ <enum name="Callback" code="16"/>
+ <enum name="Host-Request" code="18"/>
+ <enum name="Idle-Timeout" code="4"/>
+ <enum name="Lost-Carrier" code="2"/>
+ <enum name="Lost-Service" code="3"/>
+ <enum name="NAS-Error" code="9"/>
+ <enum name="NAS-Reboot" code="11"/>
+ <enum name="NAS-Request" code="10"/>
+ <enum name="Port-Error" code="8"/>
+ <enum name="Port-Preempted" code="13"/>
+ <enum name="Port-Suspended" code="14"/>
+ <enum name="Port-Unneeded" code="12"/>
+ <enum name="Service-Unavailable" code="15"/>
+ <enum name="Session-Timeout" code="5"/>
+ <enum name="User-Error" code="17"/>
+ <enum name="User-Request" code="1"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Acct-Multi-Session-Id" code="50">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Acct-Link-Count" code="51">
+ <type type-name="Integer32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="CHAP-Challenge" code="60">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="NAS-Port-Type" code="61">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="Async" code="0"/>
+ <enum name="HDLC-Clear-Channel" code="7"/>
+ <enum name="ISDN-Async-v110" code="4"/>
+ <enum name="ISDN-Async-v120" code="3"/>
+ <enum name="ISDN-Sync" code="2"/>
+ <enum name="PIAFS" code="6"/>
+ <enum name="Sync" code="1"/>
+ <enum name="Virtual" code="5"/>
+ <enum name="X25" code="8"/>
+ <enum name="X75" code="9"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Port-Limit" code="62">
+ <type type-name="Integer32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Login-LAT-Port" code="63">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Tunnel-Type" code="64">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="PPTP" code="1"/>
+ <enum name="L2F" code="2"/>
+ <enum name="L2TP" code="3"/>
+ <enum name="ATMP" code="4"/>
+ <enum name="VTP" code="5"/>
+ <enum name="AH" code="6"/>
+ <enum name="IP-IP-Encap" code="7"/>
+ <enum name="MIN-IP-IP" code="8"/>
+ <enum name="ESP" code="9"/>
+ <enum name="GRE" code="10"/>
+ <enum name="DVS" code="11"/>
+ <enum name="IP-IP" code="12"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Tunnel-Medium-Type" code="65">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ <enum name="IPv4" code="1"/>
+ <enum name="IPv6" code="2"/>
+ <enum name="NSAP" code="3"/>
+ <enum name="HDLC" code="4"/>
+ <enum name="BBN" code="5"/>
+ <enum name="IEEE-802" code="6"/>
+ <enum name="E-163" code="7"/>
+ <enum name="E-164" code="8"/>
+ <enum name="F-69" code="9"/>
+ <enum name="X-121" code="10"/>
+ <enum name="IPX" code="11"/>
+ <enum name="Appletalk-802" code="12"/>
+ <enum name="Decnet4" code="13"/>
+ <enum name="Vines" code="14"/>
+ <enum name="E-164-NSAP" code="15"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Tunnel-Client-Endpoint" code="66">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Tunnel-Server-Endpoint" code="67">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Tunnel-Connection-ID" code="68">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Tunnel-Password" code="69">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Tunnel-Assignment-Id" code="82">
+ <type type-name="OctetString"/>
+ </avp>
+ </application>
diff --git a/packet-diameter-defs.h b/packet-diameter-defs.h
index 14458f1b0b..ace74dae4f 100644
--- a/packet-diameter-defs.h
+++ b/packet-diameter-defs.h
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
* Filename: packet-diameter-defs.h
- * WARNING: This file was automatically generated by dict2h.pl. Modifications
- * will be erased by next invocation of dictionary parser.
+ * This file contains the static definitions of the Diameter base protocol
+ * AVPs. If libxml is in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and dictionary.xml exists,
+ * then it will not be used.
+ *
+ * $Id: packet-diameter-defs.h,v 1.6 2001/11/01 21:52:44 guy Exp $
* Generated: Fri Feb 23 13:04:15 2001
@@ -12,26 +15,6 @@
/* Type to string table */
-static value_string diameter_avp_type_vals[]={
- { 1, "OctetString" },
- { 2, "Integer32" },
- { 3, "Integer64" },
- { 4, "Unsigned32" },
- { 5, "Unsigned64" },
- { 6, "Float32" },
- { 7, "Float64" },
- { 8, "Float128" },
- { 9, "Grouped" },
- { 10, "IpAddress" },
- { 11, "Time" },
- { 12, "UTF8String" },
- { 13, "DiameterIdentity" },
- { 14, "Enumerated" },
- { 15, "IPFilterRule" },
- { 16, "QOSFilterRule" },
- {0, (char *)NULL}
/* Attribute to String tables */
static value_string diameter_service_type_vals[]={
{5, "Outbound"},
@@ -99,6 +82,7 @@ static value_string diameter_vendor_specific_vendors[]= {
{529, "Ascend"},
{1584, "Bay Networks"},
{2636, "Juniper Networks"},
+ {5925, "ipUnplugged"},
@@ -258,7 +242,23 @@ static value_string diameter_termination_cause_vals[]= {
-static struct avp_info diameter_avps[] = {
+static value_string diameter_mip_algorithm_type[] = {
+ {1, "MD5 Prefix/Suffix"},
+ {2, "HMAC-MD5"},
+ {3, "HMAC-SHA1"},
+ {0, NULL}
+static value_string diameter_mip_replay_type[] = {
+ {1, "None"},
+ {2, "Nonce"},
+ {3, "Timestamp"},
+ {0, NULL}
+static struct old_avp_info old_diameter_avps[] = {
/* Radius Attributes */
{ 1, "User-Name", DIAMETER_UTF8STRING, (value_string *)NULL},
{ 2, "User-Password", DIAMETER_OCTET_STRING, (value_string *)NULL},
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ static struct avp_info diameter_avps[] = {
{ 278, "Origin-State-Id", DIAMETER_UNSIGNED32, (value_string *)NULL},
{ 269, "Product-Name", DIAMETER_UTF8STRING, (value_string *)NULL},
{ 280, "Proxy-Host", DIAMETER_IDENTITY, (value_string *)NULL},
- { 284, "Proxy-Info", DIAMETER_OCTET_STRING,(value_string *)NULL},
+ { 284, "Proxy-Info", DIAMETER_GROUPED, (value_string *)NULL},
{ 292, "Redirect-Host", DIAMETER_IDENTITY, (value_string *)NULL},
{ 261, "Redirect-Host-Usage", DIAMETER_ENUMERATED, diameter_redirect_host_usage_vals},
{ 262, "Redirect-Max-Cache-Time", DIAMETER_UNSIGNED32, (value_string *)NULL},
@@ -363,7 +363,34 @@ static struct avp_info diameter_avps[] = {
{ 295, "Termination-Cause", DIAMETER_ENUMERATED, diameter_termination_cause_vals},
{ 266, "Vendor-Id", DIAMETER_ENUMERATED, diameter_vendor_specific_vendors},
{ 260, "Vendor-Specific-Application-Id", DIAMETER_GROUPED, (value_string *)NULL},
- {0, (char *)NULL, 0, (value_string*)NULL}
+/* Diameter Mobile IP AVPs */
+ { 318, "MIP-FA-to-HA-SPI", DIAMETER_UNSIGNED32, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 319, "MIP-FA-to-MN-SPI", DIAMETER_UNSIGNED32, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 320, "MIP-Reg-Request", DIAMETER_MIP_REG_REQ, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 321, "MIP-Reg-Reply", DIAMETER_OCTET_STRING, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 322, "MIP-MN-AAA-Auth", DIAMETER_GROUPED, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 325, "MIP-MN-to-FA-KEY", DIAMETER_GROUPED, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 326, "MIP-FA-to-MN-KEY", DIAMETER_GROUPED, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 328, "MIP-FA-to-HA-KEY", DIAMETER_GROUPED, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 329, "MIP-HA-to-FA-KEY", DIAMETER_GROUPED, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 330, "MIP-Foreign-Agent-Host", DIAMETER_IDENTITY, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 331, "MIP-MN-to-HA-KEY", DIAMETER_GROUPED, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 333, "MIP-Mobile-Node-Address", DIAMETER_IP_ADDRESS, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 334, "MIP-Home-Agent-Address", DIAMETER_IP_ADDRESS, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 335, "MIP-Key-Material", DIAMETER_OCTET_STRING, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 337, "MIP-Feature-Vector", DIAMETER_UNSIGNED32, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 338, "MIP-Auth-Input-Data-Length", DIAMETER_UNSIGNED32, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 339, "MIP-Authenticator-Length", DIAMETER_UNSIGNED32, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 340, "MIP-Authenticator-Offset", DIAMETER_UNSIGNED32, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 341, "MIP-MN-AAA-SPI", DIAMETER_UNSIGNED32, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 342, "MIP-PEER-SPI", DIAMETER_UNSIGNED32, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 343, "MIP-Session-Key", DIAMETER_OCTET_STRING, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 344, "MIP-FA-Challenge", DIAMETER_OCTET_STRING, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 345, "MIP-Algorithm-Type", DIAMETER_ENUMERATED, diameter_mip_algorithm_type},
+ { 346, "MIP-Algorithm-Type", DIAMETER_ENUMERATED, diameter_mip_replay_type},
+ { 347, "MIP-Filter-Rule", DIAMETER_IP_FILTER_RULE, (value_string *)NULL},
+ { 398, "MIP-Key-Lifetime", DIAMETER_UNSIGNED32, (value_string *)NULL},
+{0, (char *)NULL, 0, (value_string*)NULL}
@@ -378,6 +405,9 @@ static value_string diameter_command_code_vals[] = {
{282, "Disconnect-Peer"},
{258, "Re-Auth"},
{275, "Session-Termination"},
+ /* Mip Protocol */
+ {262, "Home-Agent-MIP"},
+ {260, "AA-Mobile-Node"},
{0, (char *)NULL}
diff --git a/packet-diameter.c b/packet-diameter.c
index 0469da20ab..4ee8100345 100644
--- a/packet-diameter.c
+++ b/packet-diameter.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* packet-diameter.c
- * Routines for DIAMETER packet disassembly
+ * Routines for Diameter packet disassembly
- * $Id: packet-diameter.c,v 1.27 2001/10/29 21:13:07 guy Exp $
+ * $Id: packet-diameter.c,v 1.28 2001/11/01 21:52:44 guy Exp $
* Copyright (c) 2001 by David Frascone <dave@frascone.com>
@@ -42,11 +42,13 @@
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <glib.h>
+#include <filesystem.h>
+#include "xmlstub.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "resolv.h"
#include "prefs.h"
-/* This must be defined before we include packet-diameter-defs.h s*/
+/* This must be defined before we include packet-diameter-defs.h */
/* Valid data types */
typedef enum {
@@ -68,17 +70,85 @@ typedef enum {
DIAMETER_IDENTITY, /* OctetString */
+ DIAMETER_MIP_REG_REQ, /* OctetString */
+ DIAMETER_VENDOR_ID, /* Integer32 */
} diameterDataType;
-typedef struct avp_info {
+static value_string TypeValues[]={
+ { DIAMETER_OCTET_STRING, "OctetString" },
+ { DIAMETER_INTEGER32, "Integer32" },
+ { DIAMETER_INTEGER64, "Integer64" },
+ { DIAMETER_UNSIGNED32, "Unsigned32" },
+ { DIAMETER_UNSIGNED64, "Unsigned64" },
+ { DIAMETER_FLOAT32, "Float32" },
+ { DIAMETER_FLOAT64, "Float64" },
+ { DIAMETER_FLOAT128, "Float128" },
+ { DIAMETER_GROUPED, "Grouped" },
+ { DIAMETER_IP_ADDRESS, "IpAddress" },
+ { DIAMETER_TIME, "Time" },
+ { DIAMETER_IDENTITY, "DiameterIdentity" },
+ { DIAMETER_ENUMERATED, "Enumerated" },
+ { DIAMETER_MIP_REG_REQ, "MIPRegistrationRequest"},
+ { DIAMETER_VENDOR_ID, "VendorId"},
+ {0, (char *)NULL}
+typedef struct value_name {
+ guint32 value;
+ gchar *name;
+ struct value_name *next;
+} ValueName;
+typedef struct old_avp_info {
guint32 code;
gchar *name;
diameterDataType type;
value_string *values;
+} oldAvpInfo;
+typedef struct avp_info {
+ guint32 code;
+ gchar *name;
+ gchar *vendorName;
+ diameterDataType type;
+ ValueName *values;
+ struct avp_info *next;
} avpInfo;
+typedef struct command_code {
+ guint32 code;
+ gchar *name;
+ gchar *vendorString;
+ struct command_code *next;
+} CommandCode;
+typedef struct vendor_id {
+ guint32 id;
+ gchar *name;
+ gchar *longName;
+ struct vendor_id *next;
+} VendorId;
+typedef struct application_id {
+ guint32 id;
+ gchar *name;
+ struct application_id *next;
+} ApplicationId;
+static avpInfo *avpListHead=NULL;
+static VendorId *vendorListHead=NULL;
+static CommandCode *commandListHead=NULL;
+static ApplicationId *ApplicationIdHead=NULL;
#include "packet-diameter-defs.h"
#define NTP_TIME_DIFF (2208988800UL)
@@ -147,6 +217,9 @@ static gint ett_diameter_avpinfo = -1;
static char gbl_diameterString[200];
static int gbl_diameterTcpPort=TCP_PORT_DIAMETER;
static int gbl_diameterSctpPort=SCTP_PORT_DIAMETER;
+#define DIAMETER_DIR "diameter"
+#define DICT_FN "dictionary.xml"
+static gchar *gbl_diameterDictionary = NULL;
typedef struct _e_diameterhdr {
guint32 versionLength;
@@ -162,8 +235,6 @@ typedef struct _e_avphdr {
guint32 avp_vendorId; /* optional */
} e_avphdr;
/* Diameter Header Flags */
#define DIAM_FLAGS_R 0x80
@@ -195,39 +266,616 @@ typedef struct _e_avphdr {
#define AVP_FLAGS_RESERVED 0x1f /* 00011111 -- V M P X X X X X */
#define MIN_AVP_SIZE (sizeof(e_avphdr) - sizeof(guint32))
-#define MIN_DIAMETER_SIZE (sizeof(e_diameterhdr) + MIN_AVP_SIZE)
+#define MIN_DIAMETER_SIZE (sizeof(e_diameterhdr))
static void dissect_avps(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree);
+ * This routine will do a push-parse of the passed in
+ * filename. This was taken almost verbatum from
+ * the xmlsoft examples.
+ */
+static xmlDocPtr
+xmlParseFilePush( char *filename, int checkValid) {
+ FILE *f;
+ xmlDocPtr doc=NULL;
+ int valid=0;
+ int res, size = 1024;
+ char chars[1024];
+ xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt;
+ /* I wonder what kind of a performance hit this is? */
+ *XmlStub.xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue = checkValid;
+ f = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (f == NULL) {
+ g_warning("Diameter: Unable to open %s", filename);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = fread(chars, 1, 4, f);
+ if (res > 0) {
+ ctxt = XmlStub.xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(NULL, NULL,
+ chars, res, filename);
+ while ((res = fread(chars, 1, size-1, f)) > 0) {
+ XmlStub.xmlParseChunk(ctxt, chars, res, 0);
+ }
+ XmlStub.xmlParseChunk(ctxt, chars, 0, 1);
+ doc = ctxt->myDoc;
+ valid=ctxt->valid;
+ XmlStub.xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt);
+ }
+ fclose(f);
+ /* Check valid */
+ if (!valid) {
+ g_warning( "Error! Invalid xml in %s! Failed DTD check!",
+ filename);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return doc;
+} /* xmlParseFilePush */
+ * This routine will add a static avp to the avp list. It is
+ * only called when the XML dictionary fails to load properly.
+ */
+static int
+addStaticAVP(int code, gchar *name, diameterDataType type, value_string *values)
+ avpInfo *entry;
+ ValueName *vEntry=NULL;
+ int i;
+ /* Parse our values array, if we have one */
+ if (values) {
+ for (i=0; values[i].strptr != NULL; i++) {
+ char *valueName=NULL, *valueCode=NULL;
+ ValueName *ve = NULL;
+ ve = g_malloc(sizeof(ValueName));
+ ve->name = strdup(values[i].strptr);
+ ve->value = values[i].value;
+ ve->next = vEntry;
+ vEntry = ve;
+ }
+ } /* if values */
+ /* And, create the entry */
+ entry = (avpInfo *)g_malloc(sizeof(avpInfo));
+ entry->name = g_strdup(name);
+ entry->code = code;
+ entry->vendorName = NULL;
+ entry->type = type;
+ entry->values = vEntry;
+ if (vEntry)
+ entry->type = DIAMETER_INTEGER32;
+ return (0);
+} /* addStaticAVP */
+ * This routine will parse an XML avp entry, and add it to our
+ * avp list. If any values are present in the avp, it will
+ * add them too.
+ */
+static int
+xmlParseAVP(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
+ char *name=NULL, *description=NULL, *code=NULL, *mayEncrypt=NULL,
+ *mandatory=NULL, *protected=NULL, *vendorBit=NULL, *vendorName = NULL,
+ *constrained=NULL;
+ char *type=NULL;
+ avpInfo *entry;
+ guint32 avpType=0;
+ ValueName *vEntry=NULL;
+ int i;
+ /* First, get our properties */
+ name = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "name");
+ description = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "description");
+ code = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "code");
+ mayEncrypt = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "may-encrypt");
+ mandatory = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "mandatory");
+ protected = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "protected");
+ vendorBit = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "vendor-bit");
+ vendorName = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "vendor-id");
+ constrained = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "constrained");
+ cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
+ while (cur != NULL ) {
+ if (!strcasecmp((char *)cur->name, "type")) {
+ type = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "type-name");
+ }
+ if (!strcasecmp((char *)cur->name, "enum")) {
+ char *valueName=NULL, *valueCode=NULL;
+ ValueName *ve = NULL;
+ valueName = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "name");
+ valueCode = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "code");
+ if (!valueName || !valueCode) {
+ g_warning( "Error, bad value on avp %s", name);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ ve = g_malloc(sizeof(ValueName));
+ ve->name = strdup(valueName);
+ ve->value = atol(valueCode);
+ ve->next = vEntry;
+ vEntry = ve;
+ }
+ if (!strcasecmp((char *)cur->name, "grouped")) {
+ /* WORK Recurse here for grouped AVPs */
+ type = "grouped";
+ }
+ cur=cur->next;
+ } /* while */
+ /*
+ * Check for the AVP Type.
+ */
+ if (type) {
+ for (i = 0; TypeValues[i].strptr; i++) {
+ if (!strcasecmp(type, TypeValues[i].strptr)) {
+ avpType = TypeValues[i].value;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (TypeValues[i].strptr == NULL) {
+ g_warning( "Invalid Type field in dictionary! avp %s (%s)", name, type);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ } else if (!vEntry) {
+ g_warning("Missing type/enum field in dictionary avpName=%s",
+ name);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ /* WORK - Handle flags -- for validation later */
+ /* And, create the entry */
+ entry = (avpInfo *)g_malloc(sizeof(avpInfo));
+ entry->name = g_strdup(name);
+ entry->code = atol(code);
+ if (vendorName)
+ entry->vendorName = g_strdup(vendorName);
+ else
+ entry->vendorName = NULL;
+ entry->type = avpType;
+ entry->values = vEntry;
+ if (vEntry)
+ entry->type = DIAMETER_INTEGER32;
+ /* And, add it to the list */
+ entry->next = avpListHead;
+ avpListHead = entry;
+ return (0);
+} /* xmlParseAVP */
+ * This routine will add a command to the list of commands.
+ */
+static int
+addCommand(int code, char *name, char *vendorId)
+ CommandCode *entry;
+ /*
+ * Allocate the memory required for the dictionary.
+ */
+ entry = (CommandCode *) g_malloc(sizeof (CommandCode));
+ if (entry == NULL) {
+ g_warning("Unable to allocate memory");
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Allocate memory for the AVPName and copy the name to the
+ * structure
+ */
+ entry->name = g_strdup(name);
+ entry->code = code;
+ if (vendorId)
+ entry->vendorString = g_strdup(vendorId);
+ else
+ entry->vendorString = NULL;
+ /* Add the entry to the list */
+ entry->next = commandListHead;
+ commandListHead = entry;
+ return 0;
+} /* addCommand */
+ * This routine will parse the XML command, and add it to our
+ * list of commands.
+ */
+static int
+xmlParseCommand(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
+ guint32 vendorId = 0;
+ char *name, *code, *vendorIdString;
+ /*
+ * Get the Attributes
+ */
+ name = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "name");
+ code = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "code");
+ if (!name || !code) {
+ g_warning("Invalid command. Name or code missing!");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ vendorIdString = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "vendor-id");
+ if (!vendorIdString || !strcasecmp(vendorIdString, "None")) {
+ vendorIdString = NULL;
+ }
+ return (addCommand(atoi(code), name, vendorIdString));
+} /* xmlParseCommand */
+/* This routine adds an application to the name<-> id table */
+static int
+dictionaryAddApplication(char *name, int id)
+ ApplicationId *entry;
+ if (!name || (id <= 0)) {
+ g_warning( "Diameter Error: Inavlid application (name=%p, id=%d)",
+ name, id);
+ return (-1);
+ } /* Sanity Checks */
+ entry = g_malloc(sizeof(ApplicationId));
+ if (!entry) {
+ g_warning( "Unable to allocate memory");
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ entry->name = g_strdup(name);
+ entry->id = id;
+ /* Add it to the list */
+ entry->next = ApplicationIdHead;
+ ApplicationIdHead = entry;
+ return 0;
+} /* dictionaryAddApplication */
+ * This routine will add a vendor to the vendors list
+ */
+static int
+addVendor(int id, gchar *name, gchar *longName)
+ VendorId *vendor;
+ /* add entry */
+ vendor=g_malloc(sizeof(VendorId));
+ if (!vendor) {
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ vendor->id = id;
+ vendor->name = g_strdup(name);
+ vendor->longName = g_strdup(longName);
+ vendor->next = vendorListHead;
+ vendorListHead = vendor;
+ return 0;
+} /* addVendor */
+ * This routine will pars in a XML vendor entry.
+ */
+static int
+xmlParseVendor(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
+ char *name=NULL, *code=NULL, *id=NULL;
+ /* First, get our properties */
+ id = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "vendor-id");
+ name = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "name");
+ code = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "code");
+ if (!id || !name || !code) {
+ g_warning( "Invalid vendor section. vendor-id, name, and code must be specified");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return (addVendor(atoi(code), id, name));
+} /* addVendor */
+ * This routine will either parse in the base protocol, or an application.
+ */
+static int
+xmlDictionaryParseSegment(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur, int base)
+ if (!base) {
+ char *name;
+ char *id;
+ /* Add our application */
+ id = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "id");
+ name = XmlStub.xmlGetProp(cur, "name");
+ if (!name || !id) {
+ /* ERROR!!! */
+ g_warning("Diameter: Invalid application!: name=\"%s\", id=\"%s\"",
+ name?name:"NULL", id?id:"NULL");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Add the application */
+ if (dictionaryAddApplication(name, atol(id)) != 0) {
+ /* ERROR! */
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get segment values
+ */
+ cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
+ while (cur != NULL) {
+ if (!strcasecmp((char *)cur->name, "avp")) {
+ /* we have an avp!!! */
+ xmlParseAVP(doc, cur);
+ } else if (!strcasecmp((char *)cur->name, "vendor")) {
+ /* we have a vendor */
+ xmlParseVendor(doc, cur);
+ /* For now, ignore typedefn and text */
+ } else if (!strcasecmp((char *)cur->name, "command")) {
+ /* Found a command */
+ xmlParseCommand(doc,cur);
+ } else if (!strcasecmp((char *)cur->name, "text")) {
+ } else if (!strcasecmp((char *)cur->name, "comment")) {
+ } else if (!strcasecmp((char *)cur->name, "typedefn")) {
+ /* WORK -- parse in valid types . . . */
+ } else {
+ /* IF we got here, we're an error */
+ g_warning("Error! expecting an avp or a typedefn (got \"%s\")",
+ cur->name);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ cur = cur->next;
+ } /* while */
+ return 0;
+} /* xmlDictionaryParseSegment */
+ * The main xml parse routine. This will walk through an XML
+ * dictionary that has been parsed by libxml.
+ */
+static int
+xmlDictionaryParse(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
+ /* We should expect a base protocol, followed by multiple applicaitons */
+ while (cur != NULL) {
+ if (!strcasecmp((char *)cur->name, "base")) {
+ /* Base protocol. Descend and parse */
+ xmlDictionaryParseSegment(doc, cur, 1);
+ } else if (!strcasecmp((char *)cur->name, "application")) {
+ /* Application. Descend and parse */
+ xmlDictionaryParseSegment(doc, cur, 0);
+ } else if (!strcasecmp((char *)cur->name, "text")) {
+ /* Ignore text */
+ } else {
+ g_warning( "Diameter: XML Expecting a base or an application (got \"%s\")",
+ cur->name);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ cur = cur->next;
+ }
+ return 0;
+} /* xmlDictionaryParse */
+ * This routine will call libxml to parse in the dictionary.
+ */
+static int
+ xmlDocPtr doc;
+ xmlNodePtr cur;
+ /*
+ * build an XML tree from a the file;
+ */
+ XmlStub.xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0); /* Strip leading and trailing blanks */
+ XmlStub.xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(1); /* Substitute entities automagically */
+ doc = xmlParseFilePush(gbl_diameterDictionary, 1); /* Parse the XML (do validity checks)*/
+ /* Check for invalid xml */
+ if (doc == NULL) {
+ g_warning("Diameter: Unable to parse xmldictionary %s",
+ gbl_diameterDictionary);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check the document is of the right kind
+ */
+ cur = XmlStub.xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
+ if (cur == NULL) {
+ g_warning("Diameter: Error: \"%s\": empty document",
+ gbl_diameterDictionary);
+ XmlStub.xmlFreeDoc(doc);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (XmlStub.xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "dictionary")) {
+ g_warning("Diameter: Error: \"%s\": document of the wrong type, root node != dictionary",
+ gbl_diameterDictionary);
+ XmlStub.xmlFreeDoc(doc);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Ok, the dictionary has been parsed by libxml, and is valid.
+ * All we have to do now is read in our information.
+ */
+ if (xmlDictionaryParse(doc, cur->xmlChildrenNode) != 0) {
+ /* Error has already been printed */
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Once we're done parsing, free up the xml memory */
+ XmlStub.xmlFreeDoc(doc);
+ return 0;
+} /* loadXMLDictionary */
+ * Fallback routine. In the event of ANY error when loading the XML
+ * dictionary, this routine will populate the new avp list structures
+ * with the old static data from packet-diameter-defs.h
+ */
+static void
+ int i;
+ /* Add static vendors to list */
+ for(i=0; diameter_vendor_specific_vendors[i].strptr; i++) {
+ addVendor(diameter_vendor_specific_vendors[i].value,
+ diameter_vendor_specific_vendors[i].strptr,
+ diameter_vendor_specific_vendors[i].strptr);
+ }
+ /* Add static commands to list. */
+ for(i=0; diameter_command_code_vals[i].strptr; i++) {
+ addCommand(diameter_command_code_vals[i].value,
+ diameter_command_code_vals[i].strptr, NULL);
+ }
+ /* Add static AVPs to list */
+ for (i=0; old_diameter_avps[i].name; i++) {
+ addStaticAVP(old_diameter_avps[i].code,
+ old_diameter_avps[i].name,
+ old_diameter_avps[i].type,
+ old_diameter_avps[i].values);
+ }
+} /* initializeDictionaryDefaults */
+ * This routine will attempt to load the XML dictionary, and on
+ * failure, will call initializeDictionaryDefaults to load in
+ * our static dictionary.
+ */
+static void
+ /*
+ * Using ugly ordering here. If loadLibXML succeeds, then
+ * loadXMLDictionary will be called. This is one of the few times when
+ * I think this is prettier than the nested if alternative.
+ */
+ if (loadLibXML() ||
+ (loadXMLDictionary() != 0)) {
+ /* Something failed. Use the static dictionary */
+ g_warning("Diameter: Using static dictionary! (Unable to use XML)");
+ initializeDictionaryDefaults();
+ }
+} /* initializeDictionary */
+ * These routines manipulate the diameter structures.
+ */
+/* return command string, based on the code */
+static gchar *
+diameter_command_to_str(guint32 commandCode)
+ CommandCode *probe;
+ static gchar buffer[64];
+ for (probe=commandListHead; probe; probe=probe->next) {
+ if (commandCode == probe->code) {
+ return probe->name;
+ }
+ }
+ snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
+ "Cmd-0x%08x", commandCode);
+ return buffer;
+}/*diameter_command_to_str */
+/* return vendor string, based on the id */
+static gchar *
+diameter_vendor_to_str(guint32 vendorId) {
+ VendorId *probe;
+ static gchar buffer[64];
+ for (probe=vendorListHead; probe; probe=probe->next) {
+ if (vendorId == probe->id) {
+ return probe->longName;
+ }
+ }
+ snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
+ "Vendor 0x%08x", vendorId);
+ return buffer;
+} /*diameter_vendor_to_str */
+/* return application string, based on the id */
+static gchar *
+diameter_app_to_str(guint32 vendorId) {
+ ApplicationId *probe;
+ static gchar buffer[64];
+ for (probe=ApplicationIdHead; probe; probe=probe->next) {
+ if (vendorId == probe->id) {
+ return probe->name;
+ }
+ }
-/* Diameter Manipulation Routines (mess with our strucutres) */
+ snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
+ "AppId 0x%08x", vendorId);
+ return buffer;
+} /*diameter_app_to_str */
+/* return an avp type, based on the code */
diameter_avp_get_type(guint32 avpCode){
- int i;
- for (i=0; diameter_avps[i].name; i++) {
- if (avpCode == diameter_avps[i].code) {
+ avpInfo *probe;
+ for (probe=avpListHead; probe; probe=probe->next) {
+ if (avpCode == probe->code) {
/* We found it! */
- return diameter_avps[i].type;
+ return probe->type;
/* If we don't find it, assume it's data */
- g_warning("DIAMETER: Unable to find type for avpCode %d!", avpCode);
+ g_warning("Diameter: Unable to find type for avpCode %d!", avpCode);
} /* diameter_avp_get_type */
+/* return an avp name from the code */
static gchar *
diameter_avp_get_name(guint32 avpCode)
static gchar buffer[64];
+ avpInfo *probe;
- int i;
- for (i=0; diameter_avps[i].name; i++) {
- if (avpCode == diameter_avps[i].code) {
+ for (probe=avpListHead; probe; probe=probe->next) {
+ if (avpCode == probe->code) {
/* We found it! */
- return diameter_avps[i].name;
+ return probe->name;
/* If we don't find it, build a name string */
@@ -239,13 +887,18 @@ diameter_avp_get_value(guint32 avpCode, guint32 avpValue)
static gchar buffer[64];
- int i;
- for (i=0; diameter_avps[i].name; i++) {
- if (avpCode == diameter_avps[i].code) {
- /* We found the code. Now find the value! */
- if (!diameter_avps[i].values)
- break;
- return val_to_str(avpValue, diameter_avps[i].values , "Unknown Value: 0x%08x");
+ avpInfo *probe;
+ for (probe=avpListHead; probe; probe=probe->next) {
+ if (avpCode == probe->code) {
+ ValueName *vprobe;
+ for(vprobe=probe->values; vprobe; vprobe=vprobe->next) {
+ if (avpValue == vprobe->value) {
+ return vprobe->name;
+ }
+ }
+ sprintf(buffer, "Unknown Value: 0x%08x", avpValue);
+ return buffer;
/* If we don't find the avp, build a value string */
@@ -296,6 +949,17 @@ static void dissect_diameter(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree
gchar commandString[64], vendorString[64];
gint i;
guint bpos;
+ static int initialized=FALSE;
+ /*
+ * Only parse in dictionary if there are diameter packets to
+ * dissect.
+ */
+ if (!initialized) {
+ /* Read in our dictionary, if it exists. */
+ initializeDictionary();
+ initialized=TRUE;
+ }
/* Make entries in Protocol column and Info column on summary display */
if (check_col(pinfo->fd, COL_PROTOCOL))
@@ -315,7 +979,7 @@ static void dissect_diameter(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree
if (dh.vendorId) {
- val_to_str(dh.vendorId, diameter_vendor_specific_vendors, "Unknown Vendor: %08x"));
+ diameter_vendor_to_str(dh.vendorId));
} else {
strcpy(vendorString, "None");
@@ -345,7 +1009,7 @@ static void dissect_diameter(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree
/* Set up our commandString */
- strcpy(commandString, val_to_str(commandCode, diameter_command_code_vals, "Unknown Command: 0x%08x"));
+ strcpy(commandString, diameter_command_to_str(commandCode));
if (flags & DIAM_FLAGS_R)
strcat(commandString, "-Request");
@@ -353,7 +1017,7 @@ static void dissect_diameter(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree
/* Short packet. Should have at LEAST one avp */
if (pktLength < MIN_DIAMETER_SIZE) {
- g_warning("DIAMETER: Packet too short: %d bytes less than min size (%d bytes))",
+ g_warning("Diameter: Packet too short: %d bytes less than min size (%d bytes))",
BadPacket = TRUE;
@@ -361,17 +1025,16 @@ static void dissect_diameter(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree
/* And, check our reserved flags/version */
if ((flags & DIAM_FLAGS_RESERVED) ||
(version != 1)) {
- g_warning("DIAMETER: Bad packet: Bad Flags(0x%x) or Version(%u)",
+ g_warning("Diameter: Bad packet: Bad Flags(0x%x) or Version(%u)",
flags, version);
BadPacket = TRUE;
if (check_col(pinfo->fd, COL_INFO)) {
col_add_fstr(pinfo->fd, COL_INFO,
- "%s%s%s%s: %s vendor=%s (hop-id=%d) (end-id=%d) RPE=%d%d%d",
+ "%s%s%s: %s vendor=%s (hop-id=%d) (end-id=%d) RPE=%d%d%d",
(BadPacket)?"***** Bad Packet!: ":"",
(flags & DIAM_FLAGS_P)?"Proxyable ":"",
- (flags & DIAM_FLAGS_R)?"Request":"Answer",
(flags & DIAM_FLAGS_E)?" Error":"",
commandString, vendorString,
dh.hopByHopId, dh.endToEndId,
@@ -421,12 +1084,12 @@ static void dissect_diameter(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree
/* Command Code */
proto_tree_add_uint_format(diameter_tree, hf_diameter_code,
- tvb, offset, 3, commandCode, "Command Code: %s", commandString);
+ tvb, offset, 3, commandCode, "Command Code: %s", commandString);
offset += 3;
/* Vendor Id */
- tvb, offset, 4, dh.vendorId, "Vendor-Id: %s", vendorString);
+ tvb, offset, 4, dh.vendorId, "Vendor-Id: %s", vendorString);
offset += 4;
/* Hop-by-hop Identifier */
@@ -464,6 +1127,64 @@ static void dissect_diameter(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree
} /* dissect_diameter */
+ * Call the mip_dissector, after saving our pinfo variables
+ * so it doesn't write to our column display.
+ */
+static void
+safe_dissect_mip(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree,
+ size_t offset, size_t length)
+ static dissector_handle_t mip_handle;
+ static int mipInitialized=FALSE;
+ tvbuff_t *mip_tvb;
+ address save_dl_src;
+ address save_dl_dst;
+ address save_net_src;
+ address save_net_dst;
+ address save_src;
+ address save_dst;
+ gboolean save_in_error_pkt;
+ if (!mipInitialized) {
+ mip_handle = find_dissector("mip");
+ mipInitialized=TRUE;
+ }
+ mip_tvb = tvb_new_subset(tvb, offset,
+ MIN(length, tvb_length(tvb)-offset),
+ length);
+ /* The contained packet is a MIP registration request;
+ dissect it with the MIP dissector. */
+ col_set_writable(pinfo->fd, FALSE);
+ /* Also, save the current values of the addresses, and restore
+ them when we're finished dissecting the contained packet, so
+ that the address columns in the summary don't reflect the
+ contained packet, but reflect this packet instead. */
+ save_dl_src = pinfo->dl_src;
+ save_dl_dst = pinfo->dl_dst;
+ save_net_src = pinfo->net_src;
+ save_net_dst = pinfo->net_dst;
+ save_src = pinfo->src;
+ save_dst = pinfo->dst;
+ save_in_error_pkt = pinfo->in_error_pkt;
+ call_dissector(mip_handle, mip_tvb, pinfo, tree);
+ /* Restore the "we're inside an error packet" flag. */
+ pinfo->in_error_pkt = save_in_error_pkt;
+ pinfo->dl_src = save_dl_src;
+ pinfo->dl_dst = save_dl_dst;
+ pinfo->net_src = save_net_src;
+ pinfo->net_dst = save_net_dst;
+ pinfo->src = save_src;
+ pinfo->dst = save_dst;
+} /* safe_dissect_mip */
* This function will dissect the AVPs in a diameter packet. It handles
* all normal types, and even recursively calls itself for grouped AVPs
@@ -482,6 +1203,7 @@ static void dissect_avps(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *avp_tree
size_t offset = 0 ;
char dataBuffer[4096];
tvbuff_t *group_tvb;
+ tvbuff_t *mip_tvb;
proto_tree *group_tree;
proto_item *grouptf;
proto_item *avptf;
@@ -514,7 +1236,7 @@ static void dissect_avps(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *avp_tree
/* Check for short packet */
if (packetLength < (long)MIN_AVP_SIZE) {
- g_warning("DIAMETER: AVP Payload too short: %d bytes less than min size (%d bytes))",
+ g_warning("Diameter: AVP Payload too short: %d bytes less than min size (%d bytes))",
packetLength, MIN_AVP_SIZE);
BadPacket = TRUE;
/* Don't even bother trying to parse a short packet. */
@@ -562,7 +1284,7 @@ static void dissect_avps(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *avp_tree
if (vendorId) {
- val_to_str(vendorId, diameter_vendor_specific_vendors, "Unknown Vendor: %08x"));
+ diameter_vendor_to_str(vendorId));
} else {
@@ -570,7 +1292,7 @@ static void dissect_avps(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *avp_tree
/* Check for bad length */
if (avpLength < MIN_AVP_SIZE ||
((long)avpLength > packetLength)) {
- g_warning("DIAMETER: AVP payload size invalid: avp_length: %d bytes, "
+ g_warning("Diameter: AVP payload size invalid: avp_length: %d bytes, "
"min: %d bytes, packetLen: %d",
avpLength, MIN_AVP_SIZE, packetLength);
BadPacket = TRUE;
@@ -578,7 +1300,7 @@ static void dissect_avps(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *avp_tree
/* Check for bad flags */
if (flags & AVP_FLAGS_RESERVED) {
- g_warning("DIAMETER: Invalid AVP: Reserved bit set. flags = 0x%x,"
+ g_warning("Diameter: Invalid AVP: Reserved bit set. flags = 0x%x,"
" resFl=0x%x",
/* For now, don't set bad packet, since I'm accidentally setting a wrong bit */
@@ -597,14 +1319,14 @@ static void dissect_avps(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *avp_tree
/* Check for out of bounds */
if (packetLength < 0) {
- g_warning("DIAMETER: Bad AVP: Bad new length (%d bytes) ",
+ g_warning("Diameter: Bad AVP: Bad new length (%d bytes) ",
BadPacket = TRUE;
/* Make avp Name & type */
- strcpy(avpTypeString, val_to_str(diameter_avp_get_type(avph.avp_code), diameter_avp_type_vals,
- "Unknown-Type: 0x%08x"));
+ strcpy(avpTypeString, val_to_str(diameter_avp_get_type(avph.avp_code), TypeValues,
+ "Unknown-Type: 0x%08x"));
strcpy(avpNameString, diameter_avp_get_name(avph.avp_code));
avptf = proto_tree_add_text(avp_tree, tvb,
@@ -618,7 +1340,7 @@ static void dissect_avps(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *avp_tree
if (avpi_tree !=NULL) {
/* Command Code */
proto_tree_add_uint_format(avpi_tree, hf_diameter_avp_code,
- tvb, offset, 4, avph.avp_code, "AVP Code: %s", avpNameString);
+ tvb, offset, 4, avph.avp_code, "AVP Code: %s", avpNameString);
offset += 4;
tf = proto_tree_add_uint_format(avpi_tree, hf_diameter_avp_flags, tvb,
@@ -775,6 +1497,36 @@ static void dissect_avps(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *avp_tree
"Value: 0x%08x (%u): %s", data, data, valstr);
+ {
+ guint32 data;
+ memcpy(&data, dataBuffer, 4);
+ data = ntohl(data);
+ valstr = diameter_vendor_to_str(data);
+ proto_tree_add_uint_format(avpi_tree, hf_diameter_avp_data_uint32,
+ tvb, offset, avpDataLength, data,
+ "%s (0x%08x)", valstr, data);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ guint32 data;
+ memcpy(&data, dataBuffer, 4);
+ data = ntohl(data);
+ valstr = diameter_app_to_str(data);
+ proto_tree_add_uint_format(avpi_tree, hf_diameter_avp_data_uint32,
+ tvb, offset, avpDataLength, data,
+ "%s (0x%08x)", valstr, data);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Make a new tvb */
+ safe_dissect_mip(tvb, pinfo, avpi_tree, offset, avpDataLength);
+ break;
proto_tree_add_bytes_format(avpi_tree, hf_diameter_avp_data_bytes,
@@ -794,36 +1546,35 @@ static void dissect_avps(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *avp_tree
- static int Initialized=FALSE;
- static int TcpPort=0;
- static int SctpPort=0;
+ static int Initialized=FALSE;
+ static int TcpPort=0;
+ static int SctpPort=0;
- if (Initialized) {
- dissector_delete("tcp.port", TcpPort, dissect_diameter);
- dissector_delete("sctp.port", SctpPort, dissect_diameter);
- } else {
- Initialized=TRUE;
- }
+ if (Initialized) {
+ dissector_delete("tcp.port", TcpPort, dissect_diameter);
+ dissector_delete("sctp.port", SctpPort, dissect_diameter);
+ } else {
+ Initialized=TRUE;
+ }
- /* set port for future deletes */
- TcpPort=gbl_diameterTcpPort;
- SctpPort=gbl_diameterSctpPort;
+ /* set port for future deletes */
+ TcpPort=gbl_diameterTcpPort;
+ SctpPort=gbl_diameterSctpPort;
- strcpy(gbl_diameterString, "Diameter Protocol");
+ strcpy(gbl_diameterString, "Diameter Protocol");
- /* g_warning ("Diameter: Adding tcp dissector to port %d",
- gbl_diameterTcpPort); */
- dissector_add("tcp.port", gbl_diameterTcpPort, dissect_diameter,
- proto_diameter);
- dissector_add("sctp.port", gbl_diameterSctpPort,
- dissect_diameter, proto_diameter);
+ /* g_warning ("Diameter: Adding tcp dissector to port %d",
+ gbl_diameterTcpPort); */
+ dissector_add("tcp.port", gbl_diameterTcpPort, dissect_diameter,
+ proto_diameter);
+ dissector_add("sctp.port", gbl_diameterSctpPort,
+ dissect_diameter, proto_diameter);
/* registration with the filtering engine */
static hf_register_info hf[] = {
{ &hf_diameter_version,
{ "Version", "diameter.version", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x00,
@@ -831,34 +1582,34 @@ proto_register_diameter(void)
{ &hf_diameter_length,
{ "Length","diameter.length", FT_UINT24, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
"", HFILL }},
{ &hf_diameter_flags,
{ "Flags", "diameter.flags", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
"", HFILL }},
{ &hf_diameter_flags_request,
- { "Request", "diameter.flags.request", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&flags_set_truth), DIAM_FLAGS_R,
+ { "Request", "diameter.flags.request", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&flags_set_truth), DIAM_FLAGS_R,
"", HFILL }},
{ &hf_diameter_flags_proxyable,
- { "Proxyable", "diameter.flags.proxyable", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&flags_set_truth), DIAM_FLAGS_P,
+ { "Proxyable", "diameter.flags.proxyable", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&flags_set_truth), DIAM_FLAGS_P,
"", HFILL }},
{ &hf_diameter_flags_error,
- { "Error","diameter.flags.error", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&flags_set_truth), DIAM_FLAGS_E,
+ { "Error","diameter.flags.error", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&flags_set_truth), DIAM_FLAGS_E,
"", HFILL }},
{ &hf_diameter_flags_reserved3,
- { "Reserved","diameter.flags.reserved3", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
+ { "Reserved","diameter.flags.reserved3", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
{ &hf_diameter_flags_reserved4,
- { "Reserved","diameter.flags.reserved4", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
+ { "Reserved","diameter.flags.reserved4", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
{ &hf_diameter_flags_reserved5,
- { "Reserved","diameter.flags.reserved5", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
+ { "Reserved","diameter.flags.reserved5", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
{ &hf_diameter_flags_reserved6,
- { "Reserved","diameter.flags.reserved6", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
+ { "Reserved","diameter.flags.reserved6", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
{ &hf_diameter_flags_reserved7,
- { "Reserved","diameter.flags.reserved7", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
+ { "Reserved","diameter.flags.reserved7", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
{ &hf_diameter_code,
{ "Command Code","diameter.code", FT_UINT24, BASE_DEC,
@@ -872,7 +1623,7 @@ proto_register_diameter(void)
{ &hf_diameter_endtoendid,
{ "End-to-End Identifier", "diameter.endtoendid", FT_UINT32,
BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }},
{ &hf_diameter_avp_code,
{ "AVP Code","diameter.avp.code", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC,
NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }},
@@ -885,29 +1636,29 @@ proto_register_diameter(void)
{ "AVP Flags","diameter.avp.flags", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX,
NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }},
{ &hf_diameter_avp_flags_vendor_specific,
- { "Vendor-Specific", "diameter.flags.vendorspecific", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&flags_set_truth), AVP_FLAGS_V,
+ { "Vendor-Specific", "diameter.flags.vendorspecific", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&flags_set_truth), AVP_FLAGS_V,
"", HFILL }},
{ &hf_diameter_avp_flags_mandatory,
- { "Mandatory", "diameter.flags.mandatory", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&flags_set_truth), AVP_FLAGS_M,
+ { "Mandatory", "diameter.flags.mandatory", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&flags_set_truth), AVP_FLAGS_M,
"", HFILL }},
{ &hf_diameter_avp_flags_protected,
- { "Protected","diameter.avp.flags.protected", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&flags_set_truth), AVP_FLAGS_P,
+ { "Protected","diameter.avp.flags.protected", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&flags_set_truth), AVP_FLAGS_P,
"", HFILL }},
{ &hf_diameter_avp_flags_reserved3,
- { "Reserved","diameter.avp.flags.reserved3", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
+ { "Reserved","diameter.avp.flags.reserved3", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
{ &hf_diameter_avp_flags_reserved4,
- { "Reserved","diameter.avp.flags.reserved4", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
+ { "Reserved","diameter.avp.flags.reserved4", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
{ &hf_diameter_avp_flags_reserved5,
- { "Reserved","diameter.avp.flags.reserved5", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
+ { "Reserved","diameter.avp.flags.reserved5", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
{ &hf_diameter_avp_flags_reserved6,
- { "Reserved","diameter.avp.flags.reserved6", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
+ { "Reserved","diameter.avp.flags.reserved6", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
{ &hf_diameter_avp_flags_reserved7,
- { "Reserved","diameter.avp.flags.reserved7", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
+ { "Reserved","diameter.avp.flags.reserved7", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&reserved_set),
{ &hf_diameter_avp_vendor_id,
{ "AVP Vendor Id","diameter.avp.vendorId", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC,
NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }},
@@ -926,7 +1677,7 @@ proto_register_diameter(void)
{ &hf_diameter_avp_data_bytes,
{ "AVP Data","diameter.avp.data.bytes", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE,
NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }},
{ &hf_diameter_avp_data_string,
{ "AVP Data","diameter.avp.data.string", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE,
NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }},
@@ -951,21 +1702,36 @@ proto_register_diameter(void)
module_t *diameter_module;
proto_diameter = proto_register_protocol (gbl_diameterString,
- "DIAMETER", "diameter");
+ "Diameter", "diameter");
proto_register_field_array(proto_diameter, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
/* Register a configuration option for port */
diameter_module = prefs_register_protocol(proto_diameter,
- proto_reg_handoff_diameter);
+ proto_reg_handoff_diameter);
prefs_register_uint_preference(diameter_module, "tcp.port",
- "Set the TCP port for DIAMETER messages",
- 10,
- &gbl_diameterTcpPort);
+ "Diameter TCP Port",
+ "Set the TCP port for Diameter messages",
+ 10,
+ &gbl_diameterTcpPort);
prefs_register_uint_preference(diameter_module, "sctp.port",
- "Set the SCTP port for DIAMETER messages",
- 10,
- &gbl_diameterSctpPort);
+ "Diameter SCTP Port",
+ "Set the SCTP port for Diameter messages",
+ 10,
+ &gbl_diameterSctpPort);
+ /*
+ * Build our default dictionary filename
+ */
+ if (! gbl_diameterDictionary) {
+ gbl_diameterDictionary = (gchar *) g_malloc(strlen(get_datafile_dir()) +
+ 1 + strlen(DICT_FN) + 1); /* slash + fn + null */
+ sprintf(gbl_diameterDictionary, "%s" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "%s",
+ get_datafile_dir(), DICT_FN );
+ }
+ /* Now register its preferences so it can be changed. */
+ prefs_register_string_preference(diameter_module, "dictionary.name",
+ "Diameter XML Dictionary",
+ "Set the dictionary used for Diameter messages",
+ &gbl_diameterDictionary);
+} /* proto_register_diameter */
diff --git a/sunping.xml b/sunping.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa3cbc96f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sunping.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <application id="555" name="Sun Ping Application" uri="ftp://ftp.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-calhoun-diameter-sun-ping-02.txt">
+ <!-- *********************** Commands ***************************** -->
+ <!-- Sun Ping Extension -->
+ <command name="Ping" code="511" vendor-id="Sun"/>
+ <!-- ********************** End Commands ************************** -->
+ <!-- ************************ Sun Ping Extension AVPS ******************* -->
+ <avp name="Ping-Timestamp-Secs" code="1" vendor-id="Sun" mandatory="mustnot" vendor-bit="must">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Ping-Timestamp-Usecs" code="2" vendor-id="Sun" mandatory="mustnot" vendor-bit="must">
+ <type type-name="Unsigned32"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Ping-Timestamp" code="3" vendor-id="Sun" mandatory="mustnot" vendor-bit="must">
+ <grouped>
+ <gavp name="Ping-Timestamp-Secs"/>
+ <gavp name="Ping-Timestamp-Usecs"/>
+ </grouped>
+ </avp>
+ <!-- ********************** End Sun Ping Extension AVPS ***************** -->
+ <!-- ************************ Sun PING Extension AVPs ***************************-->
+ </application>
diff --git a/xmlstub.c b/xmlstub.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffa589cd2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmlstub.c
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+/* xmlstub.c
+ * Routines to parse XML files using libxml2. This stub
+ * exists so that the library can be loaded on systems that
+ * have it.
+ *
+ * $Id: xmlstub.c,v 1.1 2001/11/01 21:52:44 guy Exp $
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001 by David Frascone <dave@frascone.com>
+ *
+ * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer
+ * By Gerald Combs <gerald@ethereal.com>
+ * Copyright 1998-2001 Gerald Combs
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <gmodule.h>
+/* XML Stub routines */
+#define IN_XMLSTUB
+#include "xmlstub.h"
+ * This routine will dynamically load libxml2 and will populate the
+ * XmlStub pointer structure.
+ *
+ * On any error, it will return non-zero, and it should be assumed that
+ * the current platform does not have dynamic library support, or does
+ * not have libxml2 installed.
+ */
+ GModule *handle;
+ gpointer symbol;
+ int error=FALSE;
+ if (XmlStubInitialized) {
+ /* Did you ever get the feeling you've been here before? */
+ /*
+ * This is not thread safe. With threads, we'd need to
+ * synchronize all this so two threads can't initialize at once.
+ */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Check to see if gmodule is supported */
+ if (!g_module_supported()) {
+ g_warning("XMLStub: Modules are not supported. Not initializing XML Stub");
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ /* open the dll. Is this named something different
+ * under windows? Perhaps we should check . . .
+ */
+ if ((handle = g_module_open(XML_LIBRARY, G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY)) == NULL) {
+ g_warning("XMLStub: Unable to open module " XML_LIBRARY);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Now that the library is open, copy all our relevant
+ * function pointers and integer pointers into our structure.
+ */
+ if (!g_module_symbol(handle, "xmlParseFile", &symbol)) {
+ g_warning("Unable to find \"xmlParseFile\"");
+ error=TRUE;
+ }
+ XmlStub.xmlParseFile= (xmlDocPtr(*)(const char *))symbol;
+ if (!g_module_symbol(handle, "xmlStrcmp", &symbol)) {
+ g_warning("Unable to find \"xmlStrcmp\"");
+ error=TRUE;
+ }
+ XmlStub.xmlStrcmp= (int (*)(const xmlChar *, const xmlChar *))symbol;
+ if (!g_module_symbol(handle, "xmlCreatePushParserCtxt", &symbol)) {
+ g_warning("Unable to find \"xmlCreatePushParserCtxt\"");
+ error=TRUE;
+ }
+ XmlStub.xmlCreatePushParserCtxt=(xmlParserCtxtPtr (*)
+ (xmlSAXHandlerPtr, void *, const char *,
+ int, const char *)) symbol;
+ if (!g_module_symbol(handle, "xmlParseChunk", &symbol)) {
+ g_warning("Unable to find \"xmlParseChunk\"");
+ error=TRUE;
+ }
+ XmlStub.xmlParseChunk=(int (*)(xmlParserCtxtPtr, const char *, int, int))symbol;
+ if (!g_module_symbol(handle, "xmlFreeParserCtxt", &symbol)) {
+ g_warning("Unable to find \"xmlFreeParserCtxt\"");
+ error=TRUE;
+ }
+ XmlStub.xmlFreeParserCtxt=(void (*)(xmlParserCtxtPtr))symbol;
+ if (!g_module_symbol(handle, "xmlDocGetRootElement", &symbol)) {
+ g_warning("Unable to find \"xmlDocGetRootElement\"");
+ error=TRUE;
+ }
+ XmlStub.xmlDocGetRootElement=(xmlNodePtr(*)(xmlDocPtr))symbol;
+ if (!g_module_symbol(handle, "xmlFreeDoc", &symbol)) {
+ g_warning("Unable to find \"xmlFreeDoc\"");
+ error=TRUE;
+ }
+ XmlStub.xmlFreeDoc=(void (*)(xmlDocPtr))symbol;
+ if (!g_module_symbol(handle, "xmlNodeListGetString", &symbol)) {
+ g_warning("Unable to find \"xmlNodeListGetString\"");
+ error=TRUE;
+ }
+ XmlStub.xmlNodeListGetString=(char * (*)(xmlDocPtr, xmlNodePtr, int))symbol;
+ if (!g_module_symbol(handle, "xmlGetProp", &symbol)) {
+ g_warning("Unable to find \"xmlGetProp\"");
+ error=TRUE;
+ }
+ XmlStub.xmlGetProp=(char * (*)(xmlNodePtr, char *))symbol;
+ if (!g_module_symbol(handle, "xmlKeepBlanksDefault", &symbol)) {
+ g_warning("Unable to find \"xmlKeepBlanksDefault\"");
+ error=TRUE;
+ }
+ XmlStub.xmlKeepBlanksDefault=(int(*)(int))symbol;
+ if (!g_module_symbol(handle, "xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault", &symbol)) {
+ g_warning("Unable to find \"xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault\"");
+ error=TRUE;
+ }
+ XmlStub.xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault=(int(*)(int))symbol;
+ if (!g_module_symbol(handle, "xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue", &symbol)) {
+ g_warning("Unable to find \"xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue\"");
+ error=TRUE;
+ }
+ XmlStub.xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue = (int *)symbol;
+ /*
+ * Return if any of the above functions set our error flag.
+ * A flag was used, instead of returning immediately, so
+ * that *all* unresolved symbols would be printed.
+ */
+ if (error) {
+ g_module_close(handle);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ /* Set our global so that we don't try to load twice */
+ XmlStubInitialized=1;
+ return 0; /* Success! */
+} /* loadLibXML */
diff --git a/xmlstub.h b/xmlstub.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee2a856670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmlstub.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1119 @@
+ * This is part of tree.h from the libxml2 distribution. It is used
+ * for structure reference when dynamically linking to libxml.
+ *
+ * The GPL agreement for this file and for libxml2 can be found at
+ * http://www.xmlsoft.org
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+/****************** From xml headers ************************************/
+ * use those to be sure nothing nasty will happen if
+ * your library and includes mismatch
+ */
+extern void xmlCheckVersion(int version);
+#define LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION "2.3.8"
+#define LIBXML_VERSION 20308
+#define LIBXML_VERSION_STRING "20308"
+#define LIBXML_TEST_VERSION xmlCheckVersion(20308);
+ * Whether the trio support need to be configured in
+ */
+#if 0
+#define WITH_TRIO
+ * Whether the FTP support is configured in
+ */
+#if 1
+ * Whether the HTTP support is configured in
+ */
+#if 1
+ * Whether the HTML support is configured in
+ */
+#if 1
+ * Whether the SGML Docbook support is configured in
+ */
+#if 1
+ * Whether XPath is configured in
+ */
+#if 1
+ * Whether XPointer is configured in
+ */
+#if 1
+ * Whether XInclude is configured in
+ */
+#if 1
+ * Whether iconv support is available
+ */
+#ifndef WIN32
+#if 1
+#include <iconv.h>
+ * Whether Debugging module is configured in
+ */
+#if 1
+ * Whether the memory debugging is configured in
+ */
+#if 0
+#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(STATIC)
+#define LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#include <ansidecl.h>
+ (const xmlChar *) "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"
+ * The different element types carried by an XML tree
+ *
+ * NOTE: This is synchronized with DOM Level1 values
+ * See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/
+ *
+ * Actually this had diverged a bit, and now XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE should
+ * be deprecated to use an XML_DTD_NODE.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+} xmlElementType;
+ * Size of an internal character representation.
+ *
+ * We use 8bit chars internal representation for memory efficiency,
+ * Note that with 8 bits wide xmlChars one can still use UTF-8 to handle
+ * correctly non ISO-Latin input.
+ */
+typedef unsigned char xmlChar;
+#ifndef WIN32
+#ifndef CHAR
+#define CHAR xmlChar
+#define BAD_CAST (xmlChar *)
+ * a DTD Notation definition
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlNotation xmlNotation;
+typedef xmlNotation *xmlNotationPtr;
+struct _xmlNotation {
+ const xmlChar *name; /* Notation name */
+ const xmlChar *PublicID; /* Public identifier, if any */
+ const xmlChar *SystemID; /* System identifier, if any */
+ * a DTD Attribute definition
+ */
+typedef enum {
+} xmlAttributeType;
+typedef enum {
+} xmlAttributeDefault;
+typedef struct _xmlEnumeration xmlEnumeration;
+typedef xmlEnumeration *xmlEnumerationPtr;
+struct _xmlEnumeration {
+ struct _xmlEnumeration *next; /* next one */
+ const xmlChar *name; /* Enumeration name */
+typedef struct _xmlAttribute xmlAttribute;
+typedef xmlAttribute *xmlAttributePtr;
+struct _xmlAttribute {
+ void *_private; /* for Corba, must be first ! */
+ xmlElementType type; /* XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL, must be second ! */
+ const xmlChar *name; /* Attribute name */
+ struct _xmlNode *children; /* NULL */
+ struct _xmlNode *last; /* NULL */
+ struct _xmlDtd *parent; /* -> DTD */
+ struct _xmlNode *next; /* next sibling link */
+ struct _xmlNode *prev; /* previous sibling link */
+ struct _xmlDoc *doc; /* the containing document */
+ struct _xmlAttribute *nexth; /* next in hash table */
+ xmlAttributeType atype; /* The attribute type */
+ xmlAttributeDefault def; /* the default */
+ const xmlChar *defaultValue; /* or the default value */
+ xmlEnumerationPtr tree; /* or the enumeration tree if any */
+ const xmlChar *prefix; /* the namespace prefix if any */
+ const xmlChar *elem; /* Element holding the attribute */
+ * a DTD Element definition.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+} xmlElementContentType;
+typedef enum {
+} xmlElementContentOccur;
+typedef struct _xmlElementContent xmlElementContent;
+typedef xmlElementContent *xmlElementContentPtr;
+struct _xmlElementContent {
+ xmlElementContentType type; /* PCDATA, ELEMENT, SEQ or OR */
+ xmlElementContentOccur ocur; /* ONCE, OPT, MULT or PLUS */
+ const xmlChar *name; /* Element name */
+ struct _xmlElementContent *c1; /* first child */
+ struct _xmlElementContent *c2; /* second child */
+ struct _xmlElementContent *parent; /* parent */
+typedef enum {
+} xmlElementTypeVal;
+typedef struct _xmlElement xmlElement;
+typedef xmlElement *xmlElementPtr;
+struct _xmlElement {
+ void *_private; /* for Corba, must be first ! */
+ xmlElementType type; /* XML_ELEMENT_DECL, must be second ! */
+ const xmlChar *name; /* Element name */
+ struct _xmlNode *children; /* NULL */
+ struct _xmlNode *last; /* NULL */
+ struct _xmlDtd *parent; /* -> DTD */
+ struct _xmlNode *next; /* next sibling link */
+ struct _xmlNode *prev; /* previous sibling link */
+ struct _xmlDoc *doc; /* the containing document */
+ xmlElementTypeVal etype; /* The type */
+ xmlElementContentPtr content; /* the allowed element content */
+ xmlAttributePtr attributes; /* List of the declared attributes */
+ const xmlChar *prefix; /* the namespace prefix if any */
+ * An XML namespace.
+ * Note that prefix == NULL is valid, it defines the default namespace
+ * within the subtree (until overriden).
+ *
+ * XML_GLOBAL_NAMESPACE is now deprecated for good
+ * xmlNsType is unified with xmlElementType
+ */
+typedef xmlElementType xmlNsType;
+typedef struct _xmlNs xmlNs;
+typedef xmlNs *xmlNsPtr;
+struct _xmlNs {
+ struct _xmlNs *next; /* next Ns link for this node */
+ xmlNsType type; /* global or local */
+ const xmlChar *href; /* URL for the namespace */
+ const xmlChar *prefix; /* prefix for the namespace */
+ * An XML DtD, as defined by <!DOCTYPE.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlDtd xmlDtd;
+typedef xmlDtd *xmlDtdPtr;
+struct _xmlDtd {
+ void *_private; /* for Corba, must be first ! */
+ xmlElementType type; /* XML_DTD_NODE, must be second ! */
+ const xmlChar *name; /* Name of the DTD */
+ struct _xmlNode *children; /* the value of the property link */
+ struct _xmlNode *last; /* last child link */
+ struct _xmlDoc *parent; /* child->parent link */
+ struct _xmlNode *next; /* next sibling link */
+ struct _xmlNode *prev; /* previous sibling link */
+ struct _xmlDoc *doc; /* the containing document */
+ /* End of common part */
+ void *notations; /* Hash table for notations if any */
+ void *elements; /* Hash table for elements if any */
+ void *attributes; /* Hash table for attributes if any */
+ void *entities; /* Hash table for entities if any */
+ const xmlChar *ExternalID; /* External identifier for PUBLIC DTD */
+ const xmlChar *SystemID; /* URI for a SYSTEM or PUBLIC DTD */
+ void *pentities; /* Hash table for param entities if any */
+ * A attribute of an XML node.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlAttr xmlAttr;
+typedef xmlAttr *xmlAttrPtr;
+struct _xmlAttr {
+ void *_private; /* for Corba, must be first ! */
+ xmlElementType type; /* XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE, must be second ! */
+ const xmlChar *name; /* the name of the property */
+ struct _xmlNode *children; /* the value of the property */
+ struct _xmlNode *last; /* NULL */
+ struct _xmlNode *parent; /* child->parent link */
+ struct _xmlAttr *next; /* next sibling link */
+ struct _xmlAttr *prev; /* previous sibling link */
+ struct _xmlDoc *doc; /* the containing document */
+ xmlNs *ns; /* pointer to the associated namespace */
+ xmlAttributeType atype; /* the attribute type if validating */
+ * An XML ID instance.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlID xmlID;
+typedef xmlID *xmlIDPtr;
+struct _xmlID {
+ struct _xmlID *next; /* next ID */
+ const xmlChar *value; /* The ID name */
+ xmlAttrPtr attr; /* The attribut holding it */
+ * An XML IDREF instance.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlRef xmlRef;
+typedef xmlRef *xmlRefPtr;
+struct _xmlRef {
+ struct _xmlRef *next; /* next Ref */
+ const xmlChar *value; /* The Ref name */
+ xmlAttrPtr attr; /* The attribut holding it */
+ * A buffer structure
+ */
+typedef enum {
+} xmlBufferAllocationScheme;
+typedef struct _xmlBuffer xmlBuffer;
+typedef xmlBuffer *xmlBufferPtr;
+struct _xmlBuffer {
+ xmlChar *content; /* The buffer content UTF8 */
+ unsigned int use; /* The buffer size used */
+ unsigned int size; /* The buffer size */
+ xmlBufferAllocationScheme alloc; /* The realloc method */
+ * A node in an XML tree.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlNode xmlNode;
+typedef xmlNode *xmlNodePtr;
+struct _xmlNode {
+ void *_private; /* for Corba, must be first ! */
+ xmlElementType type; /* type number, must be second ! */
+ const xmlChar *name; /* the name of the node, or the entity */
+ struct _xmlNode *children; /* parent->childs link */
+ struct _xmlNode *last; /* last child link */
+ struct _xmlNode *parent; /* child->parent link */
+ struct _xmlNode *next; /* next sibling link */
+ struct _xmlNode *prev; /* previous sibling link */
+ struct _xmlDoc *doc; /* the containing document */
+ xmlNs *ns; /* pointer to the associated namespace */
+ xmlChar *content; /* the content */
+ xmlBufferPtr content; /* the content in a buffer */
+ /* End of common part */
+ struct _xmlAttr *properties;/* properties list */
+ xmlNs *nsDef; /* namespace definitions on this node */
+ * An XML document.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlDoc xmlDoc;
+typedef xmlDoc *xmlDocPtr;
+struct _xmlDoc {
+ void *_private; /* for Corba, must be first ! */
+ xmlElementType type; /* XML_DOCUMENT_NODE, must be second ! */
+ char *name; /* name/filename/URI of the document */
+ struct _xmlNode *children; /* the document tree */
+ struct _xmlNode *last; /* last child link */
+ struct _xmlNode *parent; /* child->parent link */
+ struct _xmlNode *next; /* next sibling link */
+ struct _xmlNode *prev; /* previous sibling link */
+ struct _xmlDoc *doc; /* autoreference to itself */
+ /* End of common part */
+ int compression;/* level of zlib compression */
+ int standalone; /* standalone document (no external refs) */
+ struct _xmlDtd *intSubset; /* the document internal subset */
+ struct _xmlDtd *extSubset; /* the document external subset */
+ struct _xmlNs *oldNs; /* Global namespace, the old way */
+ const xmlChar *version; /* the XML version string */
+ const xmlChar *encoding; /* external initial encoding, if any */
+ void *ids; /* Hash table for ID attributes if any */
+ void *refs; /* Hash table for IDREFs attributes if any */
+ const xmlChar *URL; /* The URI for that document */
+ int charset; /* encoding of the in-memory content
+ actually an xmlCharEncoding */
+ * Predefined values for some standard encodings
+ * Libxml don't do beforehand translation on UTF8, ISOLatinX
+ * It also support UTF16 (LE and BE) by default.
+ *
+ * Anything else would have to be translated to UTF8 before being
+ * given to the parser itself. The BOM for UTF16 and the encoding
+ * declaration are looked at and a converter is looked for at that
+ * point. If not found the parser stops here as asked by the XML REC
+ * Converter can be registered by the user using xmlRegisterCharEncodingHandler
+ * but the currentl form doesn't allow stateful transcoding (a serious
+ * problem agreed !). If iconv has been found it will be used
+ * automatically and allow stateful transcoding, the simplest is then
+ * to be sure to enable icon and to provide iconv libs for the encoding
+ * support needed.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_ERROR= -1, /* No char encoding detected */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_NONE= 0, /* No char encoding detected */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF16LE= 2, /* UTF-16 little endian */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF16BE= 3, /* UTF-16 big endian */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UCS4LE= 4, /* UCS-4 little endian */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UCS4BE= 5, /* UCS-4 big endian */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UCS4_2143=7, /* UCS-4 unusual ordering */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UCS4_3412=8, /* UCS-4 unusual ordering */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_1= 10,/* ISO-8859-1 ISO Latin 1 */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_2= 11,/* ISO-8859-2 ISO Latin 2 */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_3= 12,/* ISO-8859-3 */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_4= 13,/* ISO-8859-4 */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_5= 14,/* ISO-8859-5 */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_6= 15,/* ISO-8859-6 */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_7= 16,/* ISO-8859-7 */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_8= 17,/* ISO-8859-8 */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_9= 18,/* ISO-8859-9 */
+ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_2022_JP= 19,/* ISO-2022-JP */
+} xmlCharEncoding;
+ * xmlCharEncodingInputFunc:
+ * @out: a pointer ot an array of bytes to store the UTF-8 result
+ * @outlen: the lenght of @out
+ * @in: a pointer ot an array of chars in the original encoding
+ * @inlen: the lenght of @in
+ *
+ * Take a block of chars in the original encoding and try to convert
+ * it to an UTF-8 block of chars out.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of byte written, or -1 by lack of space, or -2
+ * if the transcoding failed.
+ * The value of @inlen after return is the number of octets consumed
+ * as the return value is positive, else unpredictiable.
+ * The value of @outlen after return is the number of ocetes consumed.
+ */
+typedef int (* xmlCharEncodingInputFunc)(unsigned char* out, int *outlen,
+ const unsigned char* in, int *inlen);
+ * xmlCharEncodingOutputFunc:
+ * @out: a pointer ot an array of bytes to store the result
+ * @outlen: the lenght of @out
+ * @in: a pointer ot an array of UTF-8 chars
+ * @inlen: the lenght of @in
+ *
+ * Take a block of UTF-8 chars in and try to convert it to an other
+ * encoding.
+ * Note: a first call designed to produce heading info is called with
+ * in = NULL. If stateful this should also initialize the encoder state
+ *
+ * Returns the number of byte written, or -1 by lack of space, or -2
+ * if the transcoding failed.
+ * The value of @inlen after return is the number of octets consumed
+ * as the return value is positive, else unpredictiable.
+ * The value of @outlen after return is the number of ocetes consumed.
+ */
+typedef int (* xmlCharEncodingOutputFunc)(unsigned char* out, int *outlen,
+ const unsigned char* in, int *inlen);
+ * Block defining the handlers for non UTF-8 encodings.
+ * If iconv is supported, there is two extra fields
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlCharEncodingHandler xmlCharEncodingHandler;
+typedef xmlCharEncodingHandler *xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr;
+struct _xmlCharEncodingHandler {
+ char *name;
+ xmlCharEncodingInputFunc input;
+ xmlCharEncodingOutputFunc output;
+ iconv_t iconv_in;
+ iconv_t iconv_out;
+typedef int (*xmlInputMatchCallback) (char const *filename);
+typedef void * (*xmlInputOpenCallback) (char const *filename);
+typedef int (*xmlInputReadCallback) (void * context, char * buffer, int len);
+typedef void (*xmlInputCloseCallback) (void * context);
+typedef struct _xmlParserInputBuffer xmlParserInputBuffer;
+typedef xmlParserInputBuffer *xmlParserInputBufferPtr;
+struct _xmlParserInputBuffer {
+ void* context;
+ xmlInputReadCallback readcallback;
+ xmlInputCloseCallback closecallback;
+ xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder; /* I18N conversions to UTF-8 */
+ xmlBufferPtr buffer; /* Local buffer encoded in UTF-8 */
+ xmlBufferPtr raw; /* if encoder != NULL buffer for raw input */
+ * Those are the functions and datatypes for the library output
+ * I/O structures.
+ */
+typedef int (*xmlOutputMatchCallback) (char const *filename);
+typedef void * (*xmlOutputOpenCallback) (char const *filename);
+typedef int (*xmlOutputWriteCallback) (void * context, const char * buffer,
+ int len);
+typedef void (*xmlOutputCloseCallback) (void * context);
+typedef struct _xmlOutputBuffer xmlOutputBuffer;
+typedef xmlOutputBuffer *xmlOutputBufferPtr;
+struct _xmlOutputBuffer {
+ void* context;
+ xmlOutputWriteCallback writecallback;
+ xmlOutputCloseCallback closecallback;
+ xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder; /* I18N conversions to UTF-8 */
+ xmlBufferPtr buffer; /* Local buffer encoded in UTF-8 or ISOLatin */
+ xmlBufferPtr conv; /* if encoder != NULL buffer for output */
+ int written; /* total number of byte written */
+#define XML_DEFAULT_VERSION "1.0"
+ * an xmlParserInput is an input flow for the XML processor.
+ * Each entity parsed is associated an xmlParserInput (except the
+ * few predefined ones). This is the case both for internal entities
+ * - in which case the flow is already completely in memory - or
+ * external entities - in which case we use the buf structure for
+ * progressive reading and I18N conversions to the internal UTF-8 format.
+ */
+typedef void (* xmlParserInputDeallocate)(xmlChar *);
+typedef struct _xmlParserInput xmlParserInput;
+typedef xmlParserInput *xmlParserInputPtr;
+struct _xmlParserInput {
+ /* Input buffer */
+ xmlParserInputBufferPtr buf; /* UTF-8 encoded buffer */
+ const char *filename; /* The file analyzed, if any */
+ const char *directory; /* the directory/base of teh file */
+ const xmlChar *base; /* Base of the array to parse */
+ const xmlChar *cur; /* Current char being parsed */
+ const xmlChar *end; /* end of the arry to parse */
+ int length; /* length if known */
+ int line; /* Current line */
+ int col; /* Current column */
+ int consumed; /* How many xmlChars already consumed */
+ xmlParserInputDeallocate free; /* function to deallocate the base */
+ const xmlChar *encoding; /* the encoding string for entity */
+ const xmlChar *version; /* the version string for entity */
+ int standalone; /* Was that entity marked standalone */
+ * the parser can be asked to collect Node informations, i.e. at what
+ * place in the file they were detected.
+ * NOTE: This is off by default and not very well tested.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlParserNodeInfo xmlParserNodeInfo;
+typedef xmlParserNodeInfo *xmlParserNodeInfoPtr;
+struct _xmlParserNodeInfo {
+ const struct _xmlNode* node;
+ /* Position & line # that text that created the node begins & ends on */
+ unsigned long begin_pos;
+ unsigned long begin_line;
+ unsigned long end_pos;
+ unsigned long end_line;
+typedef struct _xmlParserNodeInfoSeq xmlParserNodeInfoSeq;
+typedef xmlParserNodeInfoSeq *xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr;
+struct _xmlParserNodeInfoSeq {
+ unsigned long maximum;
+ unsigned long length;
+ xmlParserNodeInfo* buffer;
+ * Validation state added for non-determinist content model
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlValidState xmlValidState;
+typedef xmlValidState *xmlValidStatePtr;
+ * an xmlValidCtxt is used for error reporting when validating
+ */
+typedef void (*xmlValidityErrorFunc) (void *ctx, const char *msg, ...);
+typedef void (*xmlValidityWarningFunc) (void *ctx, const char *msg, ...);
+typedef struct _xmlValidCtxt xmlValidCtxt;
+typedef xmlValidCtxt *xmlValidCtxtPtr;
+struct _xmlValidCtxt {
+ void *userData; /* user specific data block */
+ xmlValidityErrorFunc error; /* the callback in case of errors */
+ xmlValidityWarningFunc warning; /* the callback in case of warning */
+ /* Node analysis stack used when validating within entities */
+ xmlNodePtr node; /* Current parsed Node */
+ int nodeNr; /* Depth of the parsing stack */
+ int nodeMax; /* Max depth of the parsing stack */
+ xmlNodePtr *nodeTab; /* array of nodes */
+ int finishDtd; /* finished validating the Dtd ? */
+ xmlDocPtr doc; /* the document */
+ int valid; /* temporary validity check result */
+ /* state state used for non-determinist content validation */
+ xmlValidState *vstate; /* current state */
+ int vstateNr; /* Depth of the validation stack */
+ int vstateMax; /* Max depth of the validation stack */
+ xmlValidState *vstateTab; /* array of validation states */
+typedef struct _xmlLink xmlLink;
+typedef xmlLink *xmlLinkPtr;
+typedef struct _xmlList xmlList;
+typedef xmlList *xmlListPtr;
+typedef void (*xmlListDeallocator) (xmlLinkPtr lk);
+typedef int (*xmlListDataCompare) (const void *data0, const void *data1);
+typedef int (*xmlListWalker) (const void *data, const void *user);
+ * ALl notation declarations are stored in a table
+ * there is one table per DTD
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlHashTable xmlNotationTable;
+typedef xmlNotationTable *xmlNotationTablePtr;
+ * ALl element declarations are stored in a table
+ * there is one table per DTD
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlHashTable xmlElementTable;
+typedef xmlElementTable *xmlElementTablePtr;
+ * ALl attribute declarations are stored in a table
+ * there is one table per DTD
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlHashTable xmlAttributeTable;
+typedef xmlAttributeTable *xmlAttributeTablePtr;
+ * ALl IDs attributes are stored in a table
+ * there is one table per document
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlHashTable xmlIDTable;
+typedef xmlIDTable *xmlIDTablePtr;
+ * ALl Refs attributes are stored in a table
+ * there is one table per document
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlHashTable xmlRefTable;
+typedef xmlRefTable *xmlRefTablePtr;
+/* helper */
+xmlChar * xmlSplitQName2 (const xmlChar *name,
+ xmlChar **prefix);
+ * The parser is now working also as a state based parser
+ * The recursive one use the stagte info for entities processing
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ XML_PARSER_EOF = -1, /* nothing is to be parsed */
+ XML_PARSER_START = 0, /* nothing has been parsed */
+ XML_PARSER_MISC, /* Misc* before int subset */
+ XML_PARSER_PI, /* Whithin a processing instruction */
+ XML_PARSER_DTD, /* within some DTD content */
+ XML_PARSER_PROLOG, /* Misc* after internal subset */
+ XML_PARSER_COMMENT, /* within a comment */
+ XML_PARSER_START_TAG, /* within a start tag */
+ XML_PARSER_CONTENT, /* within the content */
+ XML_PARSER_CDATA_SECTION, /* within a CDATA section */
+ XML_PARSER_END_TAG, /* within a closing tag */
+ XML_PARSER_ENTITY_DECL, /* within an entity declaration */
+ XML_PARSER_ENTITY_VALUE, /* within an entity value in a decl */
+ XML_PARSER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, /* within an attribute value */
+ XML_PARSER_SYSTEM_LITERAL, /* within a SYSTEM value */
+ XML_PARSER_EPILOG, /* the Misc* after the last end tag */
+ XML_PARSER_IGNORE /* within an IGNORED section */
+} xmlParserInputState;
+ * The parser context.
+ * NOTE This doesn't completely defines the parser state, the (current ?)
+ * design of the parser uses recursive function calls since this allow
+ * and easy mapping from the production rules of the specification
+ * to the actual code. The drawback is that the actual function call
+ * also reflect the parser state. However most of the parsing routines
+ * takes as the only argument the parser context pointer, so migrating
+ * to a state based parser for progressive parsing shouldn't be too hard.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlParserCtxt xmlParserCtxt;
+typedef xmlParserCtxt *xmlParserCtxtPtr;
+struct _xmlParserCtxt {
+ struct _xmlSAXHandler *sax; /* The SAX handler */
+ void *userData; /* For SAX interface only, used by DOM build */
+ xmlDocPtr myDoc; /* the document being built */
+ int wellFormed; /* is the document well formed */
+ int replaceEntities; /* shall we replace entities ? */
+ const xmlChar *version; /* the XML version string */
+ const xmlChar *encoding; /* the declared encoding, if any */
+ int standalone; /* standalone document */
+ int html; /* an HTML(1)/Docbook(2) document */
+ /* Input stream stack */
+ xmlParserInputPtr input; /* Current input stream */
+ int inputNr; /* Number of current input streams */
+ int inputMax; /* Max number of input streams */
+ xmlParserInputPtr *inputTab; /* stack of inputs */
+ /* Node analysis stack only used for DOM building */
+ xmlNodePtr node; /* Current parsed Node */
+ int nodeNr; /* Depth of the parsing stack */
+ int nodeMax; /* Max depth of the parsing stack */
+ xmlNodePtr *nodeTab; /* array of nodes */
+ int record_info; /* Whether node info should be kept */
+ xmlParserNodeInfoSeq node_seq; /* info about each node parsed */
+ int errNo; /* error code */
+ int hasExternalSubset; /* reference and external subset */
+ int hasPErefs; /* the internal subset has PE refs */
+ int external; /* are we parsing an external entity */
+ int valid; /* is the document valid */
+ int validate; /* shall we try to validate ? */
+ xmlValidCtxt vctxt; /* The validity context */
+ xmlParserInputState instate; /* current type of input */
+ int token; /* next char look-ahead */
+ char *directory; /* the data directory */
+ /* Node name stack */
+ xmlChar *name; /* Current parsed Node */
+ int nameNr; /* Depth of the parsing stack */
+ int nameMax; /* Max depth of the parsing stack */
+ xmlChar * *nameTab; /* array of nodes */
+ long nbChars; /* number of xmlChar processed */
+ long checkIndex; /* used by progressive parsing lookup */
+ int keepBlanks; /* ugly but ... */
+ int disableSAX; /* SAX callbacks are disabled */
+ int inSubset; /* Parsing is in int 1/ext 2 subset */
+ xmlChar * intSubName; /* name of subset */
+ xmlChar * extSubURI; /* URI of external subset */
+ xmlChar * extSubSystem; /* SYSTEM ID of external subset */
+ /* xml:space values */
+ int * space; /* Should the parser preserve spaces */
+ int spaceNr; /* Depth of the parsing stack */
+ int spaceMax; /* Max depth of the parsing stack */
+ int * spaceTab; /* array of space infos */
+ int depth; /* to prevent entity substitution loops */
+ xmlParserInputPtr entity; /* used to check entities boundaries */
+ int charset; /* encoding of the in-memory content
+ actually an xmlCharEncoding */
+ int nodelen; /* Those two fields are there to */
+ int nodemem; /* Speed up large node parsing */
+ int pedantic; /* signal pedantic warnings */
+ void *_private; /* For user data, libxml won't touch it */
+ int loadsubset; /* should the external subset be loaded */
+ * a SAX Locator.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlSAXLocator xmlSAXLocator;
+typedef xmlSAXLocator *xmlSAXLocatorPtr;
+struct _xmlSAXLocator {
+ const xmlChar *(*getPublicId)(void *ctx);
+ const xmlChar *(*getSystemId)(void *ctx);
+ int (*getLineNumber)(void *ctx);
+ int (*getColumnNumber)(void *ctx);
+ * The different valid entity types
+ */
+typedef enum {
+} xmlEntityType;
+ * An unit of storage for an entity, contains the string, the value
+ * and the linkind data needed for the linking in the hash table.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlEntity xmlEntity;
+typedef xmlEntity *xmlEntityPtr;
+struct _xmlEntity {
+ void *_private; /* for Corba, must be first ! */
+ xmlElementType type; /* XML_ENTITY_DECL, must be second ! */
+ const xmlChar *name; /* Attribute name */
+ struct _xmlNode *children; /* NULL */
+ struct _xmlNode *last; /* NULL */
+ struct _xmlDtd *parent; /* -> DTD */
+ struct _xmlNode *next; /* next sibling link */
+ struct _xmlNode *prev; /* previous sibling link */
+ struct _xmlDoc *doc; /* the containing document */
+ xmlChar *orig; /* content without ref substitution */
+ xmlChar *content; /* content or ndata if unparsed */
+ int length; /* the content length */
+ xmlEntityType etype; /* The entity type */
+ const xmlChar *ExternalID; /* External identifier for PUBLIC */
+ const xmlChar *SystemID; /* URI for a SYSTEM or PUBLIC Entity */
+ struct _xmlEntity *nexte; /* unused */
+ const xmlChar *URI; /* the full URI as computed */
+ * ALl entities are stored in an hash table
+ * there is 2 separate hash tables for global and parmeter entities
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlHashTable xmlEntitiesTable;
+typedef xmlEntitiesTable *xmlEntitiesTablePtr;
+ * External functions :
+ */
+ * a SAX handler is bunch of callbacks called by the parser when processing
+ * of the input generate data or structure informations.
+ */
+typedef xmlParserInputPtr (*resolveEntitySAXFunc) (void *ctx,
+ const xmlChar *publicId, const xmlChar *systemId);
+typedef void (*internalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *name,
+ const xmlChar *ExternalID, const xmlChar *SystemID);
+typedef void (*externalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *name,
+ const xmlChar *ExternalID, const xmlChar *SystemID);
+typedef xmlEntityPtr (*getEntitySAXFunc) (void *ctx,
+ const xmlChar *name);
+typedef xmlEntityPtr (*getParameterEntitySAXFunc) (void *ctx,
+ const xmlChar *name);
+typedef void (*entityDeclSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
+ const xmlChar *name, int type, const xmlChar *publicId,
+ const xmlChar *systemId, xmlChar *content);
+typedef void (*notationDeclSAXFunc)(void *ctx, const xmlChar *name,
+ const xmlChar *publicId, const xmlChar *systemId);
+typedef void (*attributeDeclSAXFunc)(void *ctx, const xmlChar *elem,
+ const xmlChar *name, int type, int def,
+ const xmlChar *defaultValue, xmlEnumerationPtr tree);
+typedef void (*elementDeclSAXFunc)(void *ctx, const xmlChar *name,
+ int type, xmlElementContentPtr content);
+typedef void (*unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc)(void *ctx,
+ const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *publicId,
+ const xmlChar *systemId, const xmlChar *notationName);
+typedef void (*setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
+ xmlSAXLocatorPtr loc);
+typedef void (*startDocumentSAXFunc) (void *ctx);
+typedef void (*endDocumentSAXFunc) (void *ctx);
+typedef void (*startElementSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *name,
+ const xmlChar **atts);
+typedef void (*endElementSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *name);
+typedef void (*attributeSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *name,
+ const xmlChar *value);
+typedef void (*referenceSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *name);
+typedef void (*charactersSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *ch,
+ int len);
+typedef void (*ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
+ const xmlChar *ch, int len);
+typedef void (*processingInstructionSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
+ const xmlChar *target, const xmlChar *data);
+typedef void (*commentSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *value);
+typedef void (*cdataBlockSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *value, int len);
+typedef void (*warningSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const char *msg, ...);
+typedef void (*errorSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const char *msg, ...);
+typedef void (*fatalErrorSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const char *msg, ...);
+typedef int (*isStandaloneSAXFunc) (void *ctx);
+typedef int (*hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx);
+typedef int (*hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx);
+typedef struct _xmlSAXHandler xmlSAXHandler;
+typedef xmlSAXHandler *xmlSAXHandlerPtr;
+struct _xmlSAXHandler {
+ internalSubsetSAXFunc internalSubset;
+ isStandaloneSAXFunc isStandalone;
+ hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc hasInternalSubset;
+ hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc hasExternalSubset;
+ resolveEntitySAXFunc resolveEntity;
+ getEntitySAXFunc getEntity;
+ entityDeclSAXFunc entityDecl;
+ notationDeclSAXFunc notationDecl;
+ attributeDeclSAXFunc attributeDecl;
+ elementDeclSAXFunc elementDecl;
+ unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc unparsedEntityDecl;
+ setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc setDocumentLocator;
+ startDocumentSAXFunc startDocument;
+ endDocumentSAXFunc endDocument;
+ startElementSAXFunc startElement;
+ endElementSAXFunc endElement;
+ referenceSAXFunc reference;
+ charactersSAXFunc characters;
+ ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc ignorableWhitespace;
+ processingInstructionSAXFunc processingInstruction;
+ commentSAXFunc comment;
+ warningSAXFunc warning;
+ errorSAXFunc error;
+ fatalErrorSAXFunc fatalError;
+ getParameterEntitySAXFunc getParameterEntity;
+ cdataBlockSAXFunc cdataBlock;
+ externalSubsetSAXFunc externalSubset;
+ * External entity loaders types
+ */
+typedef xmlParserInputPtr (*xmlExternalEntityLoader)(const char *URL,
+ const char *ID,
+ xmlParserCtxtPtr context);
+ * Compatibility naming layer with libxml1
+ */
+#ifndef xmlChildrenNode
+#define xmlChildrenNode children
+#define xmlRootNode children
+/*********************Xml routines and function pointers */
+#ifdef IN_XMLSTUB
+#define XML_EXTERN
+#define XML_EXTERN extern
+typedef struct {
+ /* Functions */
+ xmlDocPtr (*xmlParseFile)(const char *filename);
+ int (*xmlStrcmp)(const xmlChar *str1, const xmlChar *str2);
+ xmlParserCtxtPtr (*xmlCreatePushParserCtxt)(xmlSAXHandlerPtr, void *, const char *,
+ int, const char *);
+ int (*xmlParseChunk)(xmlParserCtxtPtr, const char *, int, int);
+ void (*xmlFreeParserCtxt)(xmlParserCtxtPtr);
+ xmlNodePtr (*xmlDocGetRootElement)(xmlDocPtr);
+ void (*xmlFreeDoc)(xmlDocPtr);
+ char *(*xmlNodeListGetString)(xmlDocPtr, xmlNodePtr, int);
+ char *(*xmlGetProp)(xmlNodePtr, char *);
+ int (*xmlKeepBlanksDefault)(int);
+ int (*xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault)(int);
+ /* Variables */
+ int *xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue;
+XML_EXTERN int XmlStubInitialized;
+#ifdef WIN32
+/* We're in windows, use the windows filename */
+#define XML_LIBRARY "libxml2.dll"
+#define XML_LIBRARY "libxml2.so"
+ * This needs to be called before the library is used. It
+ * returns zero on success. Any non-zero return means that
+ * either dynamic libraries are not supported, or that libxml
+ * is not installed on the current system. (Or it's not in
+ * the LD path)
+ */
+int loadLibXML();