# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # The version code scheme for the package apk is: # Mmbbbtad # where # M - major version (one or more digits) # m - minor version (exactly 1 digit) # bbb - manually specified build number (exactly 3 digits) # t - build type (exactly 1 digit). Current valid values are: # 0 : internal (dev build) # 1 : prod build # a - device architecture (exactly 1 digit). Current valid values are: # 0 : non-native # 1 : armv5te # 3 : armv7-a # 4 : arm64-v8a # 5 : mips # 6 : mips-64 # 7 : x86 # 8 : x86-64 # d - asset density (exactly 1 digit). Current valid values are: # 0 : all densities # 2 : mdpi # 4 : hdpi # 6 : xhdpi # 8 : xxhdpi # 9 : xxxhdpi # Mmbbb is specified manually. tad is automatically set during the build. # # For the client jar, the version code is agnostic to the target architecture and density: Mmbbbt00 # # NOTE: arch needs to be more significant than density because x86 devices support running ARM # code in emulation mode, so all x86 versions must be higher than all ARM versions to ensure # we deliver true x86 code to those devices. # Specify the following manually. Note that base_version_minor must be exactly 1 digit and # base_version_build must be exactly 3 digits. base_version_major := 1 base_version_minor := 0 base_version_build := 001 ##################################################### ##################################################### # Collect automatic version code parameters ifeq ($(strip $(HAS_BUILD_NUMBER)),false) # This is an eng build base_version_buildtype := 0 else # This is a build server build base_version_buildtype := 1 endif # Set the device architecture digit ifeq "$(TARGET_ARCH)" "arm" ifeq "$(TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT)" "armv5te" base_version_arch := 1 else ifeq "$(TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT)" "armv7-a" base_version_arch := 3 endif else ifeq "$(TARGET_ARCH)" "arm64" base_version_arch := 4 else ifeq "$(TARGET_ARCH)" "mips" base_version_arch := 5 else ifeq "$(TARGET_ARCH)" "x86" base_version_arch := 7 else ifeq "$(TARGET_ARCH)" "x86_64" base_version_arch := 8 else base_version_arch := 0 endif ifeq "$(package_dpi)" "mdpi" base_version_density := 2 else ifeq "$(package_dpi)" "hdpi" base_version_density := 4 else ifeq "$(package_dpi)" "xhdpi" base_version_density := 6 else ifeq "$(package_dpi)" "xxhdpi" base_version_density := 8 else ifeq "$(package_dpi)" "xxxhdpi" base_version_density := 9 else base_version_density := 0 endif # Build the version code version_code_package := $(base_version_major)$(base_version_minor)$(base_version_build)$(base_version_buildtype)$(base_version_arch)$(base_version_density) # The version name scheme for the package apk is: # - For platform builds: M.m.bbb # - For eng build (t=1): M.m.bbb eng.$(USER)-hh # - For build server (t=0): M.m.bbb (nnnnnn-hh) # where nnnnnn is the build number from the build server (no zero-padding) # On eng builds, the BUILD_NUMBER has the user and timestamp inline ifdef TARGET_BUILD_APPS ifeq ($(strip $(HAS_BUILD_NUMBER)),false) git_hash := $(shell git --git-dir $(LOCAL_PATH)/.git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%h) date_string := $(shell date +%m%d%y_%H%M%S) version_name_package := $(base_version_major).$(base_version_minor).$(base_version_build) (eng.$(USER).$(git_hash).$(date_string)-$(base_version_arch)$(base_version_density)) else version_name_package := $(base_version_major).$(base_version_minor).$(base_version_build) ($(BUILD_NUMBER_FROM_FILE)-$(base_version_arch)$(base_version_density)) endif else # !TARGET_BUILD_APPS version_name_package := $(base_version_major).$(base_version_minor).$(base_version_build) endif # Cleanup the locals base_version_major := base_version_minor := base_version_build := base_version_buildtype := base_version_arch := base_version_density := git_hash := date_string :=