path: root/lineage
diff options
authorMichael W <baddaemon87@gmail.com>2019-03-01 12:35:28 +0100
committerMichael W <baddaemon87@gmail.com>2019-03-01 15:27:58 +0100
commit2814bda52f90f9a698e144190cc5c9b7ad398e3a (patch)
treeba0c832416d88371f896932586ce6f718c23034b /lineage
parent3a22f55f8b5ca25d3e878fcf33e39c8338b14024 (diff)
Automatic translation import
Change-Id: Ide8c9940322efa35fde3e3a6e741839bd71d0eac
Diffstat (limited to 'lineage')
104 files changed, 107 insertions, 5066 deletions
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-af/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-af/strings.xml
index 11fcfd52..20234e0d 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-af/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-af/strings.xml
@@ -17,50 +17,33 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">verander stelsel profiele</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Laat \'n toep toe om stelsel profiele te verander.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">gebruik hardeware raamwerk</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">voegby of verwyder toeps na beskermde toeps</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Laat \'n toep toe om ander toeps as beskermde toep te merk en hulle toe te sluit.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Normaal</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Werk</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Tuis</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Stil</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Nag</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Motor</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Foon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Kalender</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Epos</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Ander</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Bespaar krag</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Gebalanseerd</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Werkverrigting</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Doeltreffendheid</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Vinnige</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Maksimum kragbesparings, verminder toestel prestasie</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Balans van optimale prestasie en krageienskappe</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Hoë-prestasiemodus. Nuttig vir toepaasings wat lae netwerklatensie en hoogste deurvoer vereis wanneer kragverbruik is nie \'n bron van kommer nie</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Gee voorkeur aan kragbesparing. Beperk maksimum SVE-krag en optimeer vir kragbesparing ten koste van hoër netwerk latensie</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Gee voorkeur aan prestasie. Goeie prestasie ten koste van hoër kragverbruik</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Outomaties</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Kleurtemperatuur van die skerm sal outomaties aanpas na sononder en sonop</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Af</string>
@@ -82,11 +65,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay verander na dag modus.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay verander na nag modus.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay verander na buitelug modus.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">toegang na prestasie bestuurder</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Laat \'n toep toe om toegang na die prestasie diens te verkry. Moet nooit nodig wees vir normale programme nie.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">lees weer</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Laat \'n toep toe om inhoud te lees vanaf die weer verskaffer.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">opdateer weer verskaffer</string>
@@ -95,36 +75,15 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Laat \'n toep toe om as \'n weer diens verskaffer geïdentifiseer te word.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">toegang na weer diens</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Laat \'n toep om toegang te verkry tot die weer diens in die stelsel. Moet nooit nodig wees vir die normale toepassings.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">modifiseer data gebruik databasis</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Laat \'n toep toe om die inhoud opdateer van die data gebruik databasis.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">lees data gebruik databasis</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Laat \'n toep toe om inhoud te lees van die data gebruik databasis.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">bestuur LiveDisplay instellings</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Laat \'n toep toe om gevorderde skerm instellings te konfigureer.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">neem oudio-sessie verandering waar</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Laat \'n toep toe, om oudio-strome wat geskep en vernietig word, waar te neem.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Privaatheidswag</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">bestuur afgeleë opsies</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Laat \'n toepassing toe om afgeleë opsies te bestuur</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-am/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-am/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-am/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ar/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ar/strings.xml
index d4bb25be..e8afdcf2 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ar/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-ar/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">نظام LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">تعديل الملفات التعريفية للنظام</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">السماح للتطبيق بتعديل الملفات التعريفية للنظام.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">استخدام إطار عمل الجهاز</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">السماح لأي تطبيق بالدخول إلى مكونات أجهزة النظام.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">تعديل اعدادات نظام Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">السماح لأي تطبيق بتعديل إعدادات نظام Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">تعديل تأمين اعدادات نظام Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">للسماح لأي تطبيق بتعديل إعدادات أمان نظام Lineage. لا تستخدم التطبيقات العادية.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">إضافة وإزالة تطبيقات إلى التطبيقات المحمية</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">يسمح للتطبيق بوضع علامة على تطبيقات أخرى كمحمية مع قفلها.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">تغيير شكل النظام</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">تخصيص الوان النظام</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">افتراضي</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">العمل</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">المنزل</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">صامت</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">الليل</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">السيارة</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">الهاتف</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">التقويم</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">البريد الإلكتروني</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">الرسائل القصيرة</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">غير ذلك</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">توفير الطاقة</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">متوازن</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">تحسين</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">الكفاءة</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">سريع</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">الحد الأقصى لتوفير الطاقة، يقلل من أداء الجهاز</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">التوازن بين الأداء الأمثل وخصائص الطاقة</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">وضع الأداء العالي. مفيد للتطبيقات التي تتطلب زمن تأخير منخفض وإنتاجية أعلى وذلك عندما يكون استهلاك الطاقة ليس بمصدر قلق</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">تفضيل حفظ الطاقة. يحدد الحد الأقصى من الطاقة لوحدة المعالجة المركزية و تحسين التوفير على حساب زمن التأخير العالي</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">تفضيل الأداء. تقليل زمن التأخير وزيادة استهلاك الطاقة بشكل طفيف</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">تلقائي</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">ضبط درجة الحرارة اللونية للشاشة تلقائياً بعد غروب الشمس وشروق الشمس</string>
<string name="live_display_off">إيقاف تشغيل</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">تم تغيير LiveDisplay إلى الوضع النهاري.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">تم تغيير LiveDisplay إلى الوضع الليلي.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">تم تغيير LiveDisplay إلى وضع الأماكن المفتوحة.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">الوصول إلى مدير الأداء</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">السماح للتطبيق بالوصول إلى خدمة الأداء. ينبغي ألا يكون ضرورياً للتطبيقات العادية.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">قراءة الطقس</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">يسمح لتطبيق معين بقراءة المحتوى من موفر الطقس.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">تحديث موفر الطقس</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">يسمح بتعريف تطبيق كخدمة موفر طقس.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">الوصول إلى خدمة الطقس</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">يسمح لتطبيق معين بالوصول إلى خدمة الطقس في النظام. لا يتعين الاحتياج إليه كليةً للتطبيقات العادية.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">تعديل قاعدة بيانات استخدام البيانات</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">يسمح لتطبيق معين بتحديث المحتوى من قاعدة بيانات استخدام البيانات.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">قراءة قاعدة بيانات استخدام البيانات</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">يسمح لتطبيق معين بقراءة المحتوى من قاعدة بيانات استخدام البيانات.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">إدارة إعدادات LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">يسمح لتطبيق معين بتكوين إعدادات العرض المتقدمة.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">ملاحظة تغييرات جلسة عمل الصوت</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">يسمح لتطبيق معين لملاحظة تدفقات الصوت الجاري إنشاؤها وتدميرها.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">حارس الخصوصية</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">إعدادات التحكم عن بعد</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">السماح للتطبيق بإدارة الإعدادات عن بعد</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">تاريخ الإنشاء</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">مستوى LineageOS API</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">تحديثات LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">إصدار LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">‏مستوى رمز تصحيح أمان المورد</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">غير معروف</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">تم إنهاء التطبيق</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">الكربون</string>
<string name="accent_blue">توت ازرق</string>
<string name="accent_brown">الكاكاو</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">خزامي</string>
<string name="accent_red">طماطم</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">الموز</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">الائتمان</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">الوصول إلى واجهة الائتمان</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">السماح لأحد التطبيقات بعرض تحذيرات واقتراحات الائتمان</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-as-rIN/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-as-rIN/strings.xml
index 68f5b60d..b46958d9 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-as-rIN/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-as-rIN/strings.xml
@@ -17,45 +17,28 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">ছিষ্টেম প্ৰ\'ফাইল সংশোধন কৰক</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">এটা এপ্প্‌ক ছিষ্টেম প্ৰ\'ফাইল সংশোধন কৰিবলৈ অনুমতি দিয়ে</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">হাৰ্ডৱেৰ ফ্ৰেমৱৰ্ক ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">প্ৰতিৰোধী এপ্প্‌ৰ পৰা এপ্প্‌ যোগ কৰক আৰু আঁতৰ কৰক</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">এটা এপ্প্‌ক অন্যান্য এপ্প্‌বোৰ প্ৰতিৰোধী হিচাপে চিহ্নিত কৰিবলৈ আৰু লক কৰিবলৈ অনুমতি দিয়ে।</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">ডিফল্ট</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">কৰ্ম</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">হোম</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">ছাইলেণ্ট</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">নাইট</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">অট\'ম\'বাইল</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">ফোন</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">কেলেণ্ডাৰ</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">জিমেইল</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">ইমেইল</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">অন্যান্য</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">পাৱাৰ সংৰক্ষণ কৰক</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">সন্তুলিত</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">কাৰ্য্যকাৰিতা</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">কাৰ্যকাৰিতা</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">দ্ৰুত</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">স্বয়ংক্ৰিয়</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">সূৰ্যাস্ত আৰু সূৰ্যোদয়ৰ পাছত স্বয়ংক্ৰিয়ভাবে স্ক্ৰীণৰ ৰং তাপমাত্ৰা মিলাওক।</string>
<string name="live_display_off">অফ</string>
@@ -67,28 +50,4 @@
<string name="live_display_outdoor">আউটডোৰ (উজ্জ্বল ৰ\'দ)</string>
<string name="live_display_outdoor_summary">কেৱল আউটডোৰ ছেটিংচ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক</string>
<string name="live_display_hint">লাইভপ্রদর্শন আপোনাৰ চকুৰ ওপৰত চাপ কমাব পাৰে আৰু ৰাতি শোৱাত সহায় কৰিব পাৰে। ইয়াক চেষ্টা কৰি চাবলৈ ইয়াত ক্লিক কৰক!</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
index 9fce7cfc..0d3ba2c1 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Sistema LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">modificar perfiles del sistema</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Permite qu\'una aplicación modifique los perfiles del sistema.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">usar framework de hardware</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Permite qu\'una aplicación acceda al framework de hardware de LineageOS.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">modificar la configuración del sistema de Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Permite qu\'una aplicación modifique los axustes del sistema de Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">modificar la configuración segura del sistema de Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Permite qu\'una aplicación modifique la configuración segura del sistema de Lineage. Nun s\'usa pa les aplicaciones normales.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">amestar y desaniciar aplicaciones p\'aplicaciones protexíes</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Permite qu\'una aplicación conseñe a otres como protexíes y blóquiales.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">camudar l\'estilu del sistema</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">personalizar los colores del sistema</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Por defeutu</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Trabayu</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Home</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Silenciu</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Nueche</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Automóvil</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Teléfonu</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Calendariu</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Corréu</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Otru</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Aforru d\'enerxía</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Balanceáu</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Rindimientu</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Eficiencia</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Rápidu</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Aforros máximos d\'enerxía, amenorga\'l rindimientu del preséu</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Equilibriu de rindimientu óptimu y carauterístiques d\'enerxía</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Mou de rindimientu altu. Útil p\'aplicaciones que rican llatencia baxa y el meyor rindimientu cuando\'l consumu d\'enerxía nun seya un esmolecimientu</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Favorez los aforros d\'enerxía. Llenda la potencia máximo de la CPU y optimízala pa un aforru d\'enerxía empara d\'una llatencia mayor</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Favorez el rindimientu. Amenorga la llatencia con un consumu d\'enerxía llixeramente aumentáu</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automáticu</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Axusta automáticamente la temperatura de color de la pantalla dempués del tapecer y l\'aséu</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Non</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay camudó al mou diurnu.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay camudó al mou nocherniegu.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay camudó al mou esterior.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">acceder al xestor de rindimientu</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Permite qu\'una aplicación acceda al serviciu de rindimientu. Enxamás debería precisase p\'aplicaciones normales.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">lleer la metereoloxía</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Permite qu\'una aplicación llea\'l conteníu del fornidor meteorolóxicu.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">anovar el fornidor meteorolóxicu</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Permite qu\'una aplicación s\'identifique como un serviciu fornidor de meteoroloxía.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">acceder al serviciu de metereoloxía</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Permite qu\'una aplicación acceda al serviciu meteorolóxicu nel sistema. Enxamás debería precisase p\'aplicaciones normales.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">modificar base de datos d\'usu de datos</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Permite qu\'una aplicación anueve\'l conteníu de la base de datos d\'usu de datos.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">lleer base de datos d\'usu de datos</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Permite qu\'una aplicación llea\'l conteníu de la base de datos d\'usu de datos.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">xestionar axustes de LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Permite qu\'una aplicación configure los axustes avanzaos de pantalla.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">mirar camudancies de sesiones d\'audiu</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Permite qu\'una aplicación mire los fluxos d\'audiu que se creen y destrúin.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Guardián de privacidá</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">xestionar axustes remotos</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Permite qu\'una aplicación xestione axustes remotos</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Data de la compilación</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Nivel de l\'API de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Anovamientos de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Versión de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Nivel de parche de seguridá del fornidor</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Desconozse</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Aplicación matada</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Carbón</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Arándanu</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Cacáu</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Llavanda</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomate</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Plátanu</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">acceder a interface Trust</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Permite qu\'una aplicación amuese avisos y suxerencies Trust</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-az/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-az/strings.xml
index c9fecdd1..70659ca7 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-az/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-az/strings.xml
@@ -17,45 +17,28 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">sistem profillərini dəyişdir</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Tətbiqetməyə sistem profillərini dəyişdirmə icazəsi verər.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">avadanlıq bünövrəsindən istifadə et</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">qorunan tətbiqetmələrə tətbiq əlavə et və ya çıxart</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Tətbiqetməyə digər tətbiqetmələri qorunan tətbiq olaraq işarələmə və kilidləmə icazəsi verər.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">İlkin</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">İş</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Ev</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Səssiz</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Gecə</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Avtomobil</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Təqvim</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-poçt</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Digər</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Enerjiyə qənaət</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Tarazlı</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Performans</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Effektiv</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Cəld</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Avtomatik</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Gün çıxandan və batandan sonra ekranın rəng hərarətini avtomatik tənzimləyər</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Bağlı</string>
@@ -67,28 +50,4 @@
<string name="live_display_outdoor">Açıq hava (parlaq günəş)</string>
<string name="live_display_outdoor_summary">Yalnız açıq hava tənzm. istifadə et</string>
<string name="live_display_hint">LiveDisplay göz yorğunluğunuzu azaldıb, gecələr yuxulamağınıza kömək edə bilər. Sınamaq üçün bura klikləyin!</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-b+sr+Latn/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-b+sr+Latn/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-b+sr+Latn/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-be/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-be/strings.xml
index 044ed404..f5b00141 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-be/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-be/strings.xml
@@ -17,49 +17,32 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">змена сістэмных профіляў</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Дазваляць дадаткам змяняць сістэмныя профілі.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">Узаемадзеянне з абсталяваннем</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">даданне і выдаленне запісаў пераліку абароненых дадаткаў</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Дадатак зможа адзначаць іншыя дадаткі як абароненыя і блакаваць іх.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Па змаўчанні</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Праца</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">На Галоўную старонку</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Ціхі рэжым</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Ноч</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Аўтамабіль</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Тэлефон</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Каляндар</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Электронная пошта</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Iншае</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Энергазберажэнне</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Збалансаваны</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Прадукцыйнасць</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Эфектыўны</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Хуткі</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Пэўная раўнавага паміж працаздольнасьцьцю і энэргазахаваньнем</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Высокая працаздольнасьць. Карысна падчас працы з дадаткамі, для якіх неабходны найменьшы час адказу й найвышэйша хуткасьць дадзеных, а таксама, калі энэргазахаваньне не вельмі неаходнае</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Намагацца заховаць энэргію. Абмяжоўваньне найбольшае магутнасьці коштам найбольшага часу адказваньня сістэмы</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Падвышаная працаздольнасьць. Зьменшаны час адказу коштам падвышаным энэргаспажываньнем</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Аўтаматычна</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Аўтаматычная падладка колеравай тэмпературы экрана пасля заходу і ўзыходу сонца</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Адключана</string>
@@ -77,35 +60,11 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_night">LiveDisplay: ноч.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_off">LiveDisplay выключаны.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_auto">LiveDisplay зменены на аўтаматычны рэжым.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">доступ да менеджара прадукцыйнасці</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Дадатак зможа атрымваць доступ да службы прадукцыйнасці. Гэты дазвол не выкарыстоўваецца звычайнымі дадаткамі.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_write">Абнавіць звесткі аб надвор’і</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">кіраванне наладамі LiveDisplay</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Ахова</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">кіраваньне аддаленнымі наладамі</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Дадатак зможа кіраваць аддаленымі наладамі</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-bg/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-bg/strings.xml
index 821e68bc..c3e20b6b 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-bg/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-bg/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">LineageOS Система</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">Модифициране на системни профили</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Позволява да модифицирате системни профили.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">Използване на framework хардуер</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Разрешава на едно приложение да достъпа до framework хардуера на Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">промяна на системните настройки на Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Позволява на приложението да модифицира Lineage системни настройки.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">промяна на системните настройки за сигурност на Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Разрешава на приложението да променя системните настройки на сигурността на Lineage. Това разрешение не се използва от нормални приложения.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">Прибави/Премахни приложение към/от списъка със защитени приложения</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Позволява на приложението да маркира други приложения, като защитени и да ги заключва.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">промяна на системния стил</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">персонализиране на системните цветове</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">По подразбиране</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Работа</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Вкъщи</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Тих режим</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Нощен</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Автомобилен режим</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Телефон</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Календар</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Имейл</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Други</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Енергоспестяващ</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Балансиран</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Високопроизводителен</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Ефикасен</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Бърз</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Максимална енергийна ефективност, намалява ефективността на устройството</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Баланс между оптимална производителност и енергопотребление</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Режим на висока производителност. Подходящ за приложения, изискващи ниска латентност и най-високата производителност, когато консумацията на енергия не е проблем</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Предпочитане за спестяване на енергия. Ограничаване на максималната мощност на Процесора и оптимизиране за енергоспестяване с цената на по-висока латентност</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Предпочитане за производителност. Намалява латентност с леко повишена консумация на енергия</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Автоматичен</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Автоматично регулиране на цветовата температура след залез/изгрев</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Изключен</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">Адаптивен дисплей е променен на дневен режим.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">Адаптивен дисплей е променен на нощен режим.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">Адаптивен дисплей е променен на външен режим.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">Достъп до диспечера за производителност</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Осигурява на приложението достъп до диспечера за производителност. Не е необходимо за нормални приложения.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">прочети прогнозата</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Разрешава на приложението да чете данни от доставчика на време.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">Актуализиране на доставчика на време</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Позволява на приложение да бъде идентифицирано като доставчик на време.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">Достъп до метеорологична служба</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Позволява на приложението достъп до услугата за време. Не е необходимо за нормални приложения.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">Промени база данни</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Разрешава на приложението да актуализира съдържанието на базата данни.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">Прочети база данни</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Разрешава на приложението да чете съдържанието на базата данни.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">управление на настройките за Адаптивен дисплей</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Позволява на приложението да променя разширените настройки на дисплея.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">преглед на промените в аудио сесии</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Позволява на приложение да наблюдава създаване и унищожаване на аудио потоци.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Защитен режим</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">управление на отдалечени настройки</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Позволява на приложението да управлява отдалечени настройки</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Дата на изграждане</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">LineageOS приложно-програмен интерфейс ниво</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS актуализации</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Версия на LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Ниво на сигурност на доставчик</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Неизвестно</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Приложението е спряно</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kб/с</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mб/с</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kБ/с</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MБ/с</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Карбон</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Боровинка</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Какао</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Лавандула</string>
<string name="accent_red">Домат</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Банан</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">достъп до Trust интерфейс</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Позволява на приложението да показка предложения и предупреждения</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-bn/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-bn/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-bn/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-br-rFR/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-br-rFR/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-br-rFR/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-bs/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-bs/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-bs/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ca/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ca/strings.xml
index 55d083db..cca27d99 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ca/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-ca/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Sistema de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">modifica els perfils del sistema</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Permet a una aplicació modificar els perfils del sistema.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">utilitza el marc de hardware</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Permet a una aplicació accedir al marc de hardware de Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">modificar la configuració del sistema de Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Permet a una aplicació modificar la configuració del sistema de Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">modificar la configuració segura del sistema de Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Permet a una aplicació modificar la configuració segura del sistema de Lineage. No utilitzar en aplicacions normals.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">afegir i eliminar aplicacions a les aplicacions protegides</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Permet a una aplicació marcar a altres aplicacions com a protegides i bloquejar-les.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">canviar el sistema d\'estil</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">personalitzar els colors del sistema</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Predeterminat</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Feina</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Casa</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Silenci</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Nit</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Cotxe</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telèfon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Calendari</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Correu electrònic</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Altres</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Estalvi d\'energia</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Equilibrat</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Rendiment</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Eficiència</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Ràpid</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">El màxim estalvi d\'energia, redueix el rendiment del dispositiu</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Equilibri entre rendiment òptim i característiques d\'estalvi d\'energia</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Mode d\'alt rendiment. Útil per a aplicacions que requereixen una latència baixa i el millor rendiment quan el consum d\'energia no és una preocupació</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Afavoreix l\'estalvi d\'energia. Limita el rendiment màxim de la CPU i optimitza\'l per a l\'estalvi d\'energia a costa d\'una latència més alta</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Afavoreix el rendiment. Redueix la latència amb un consum lleugerament més alt</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automàtic</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Ajusta automàticament la temperatura de color de la pantalla després de la posta de sol i de l\'alba</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Desactivat</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay canviat al mode diürn.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay canviat al mode nocturn.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay canviat al mode exterior.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">accés a l\'administrador de rendiment</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Permet a una aplicació accedir al servei de rendiment. Normalment no hauria de ser necessari en les aplicacions normals.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">llegir el temps</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Permet a una aplicació llegir els continguts del proveïdor meteorològic.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">actualitzar el proveïdor meteorològic</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Permet a una aplicació ser identificada com un servei de proveïdor meteorològic.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">accés al servei del temps</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Permet a una aplicació accedir al servei del temps del sistema. No s\'hauria de necessitar mai en les aplicacions normals.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">modificar la base de dades d\'ús de dades</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Permet a una aplicació actualitzar el contingut de la base de dades d\'ús de dades.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">llegi la base de dades d\'ús de dades</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Permet a una aplicació llegir el contingut de la base de dades d\'ús de dades.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">administra la configuració de LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Permet a una aplicació configurar les opcions de visualització avançades.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">observa els canvis en la sessió de so</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Permet a una aplicació observar els fluxos de so que són creats i destruïts.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Guarda de privacitat</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">gestiona la configuració remota</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Permet a una aplicació gestionar la configuració remota</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Data de compilació</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Nivell de l\'API de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Actualitzacions LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Versió de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Nivell de pedaç de seguretat del proveïdor</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Desconegut</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">S\'ha matat l\'aplicació</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Carbó</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Nabius</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Cacau</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavandula</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomàquet</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Plàtan</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">accedir a la interfície Trust</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Permet que una aplicació mostri avisos i suggeriments Trust</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-cs/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-cs/strings.xml
index 947658a3..4f4fc338 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-cs/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-cs/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Systém LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">změnit systémové profily</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Umožňuje upravovat systémové profily.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">využití hardware zařízení</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Umožní přistupovat k hardware pomocí systému Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">změnit nastavení systému Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Umožní měnit nastavení systému Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">změnit nastavení zabezpečení systému Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Umožní změnit nastavení zabezpečení systému Lineage. Není určeno pro běžné aplikace.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">přidat nebo odstranit aplikace z chráněných aplikací</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Umožňuje označit aplikace jako chráněné a zamknout je.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">změnit vzhled systému</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">přizpůsobit barvy systému</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Výchozí</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Práce</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Doma</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Tichý</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Noc</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Automobil</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Kalendář</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-mail</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Ostatní</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Úsporný</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Vyvážený</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Výkon</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Efektivita</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Rychlý</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Maximální úspora energie, snižuje výkon zařízení</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Optimální výkon a výkonové charakteristiky</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Režim Vysoký výkon. Vhodné pro aplikace vyžadující nízkou latenci a vysoký výkon. Zvyšuje se spotřeba energie</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Preferování úspory energie. Omezení maximálního výkonu procesoru, optimalizace úspory energie za cenu vyšší latence</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Preferování výkonu. Snižuje latenci a zvyšuje spotřebu energie</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automatické</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Automaticky upravit teplotu barev obrazovky po západu a východu slunce</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Vypnuto</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay změněn na režim ve dne.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay změněn na režim v noci.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay změněn na režim venku.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">přístup ke správci výkonu</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Umožňuje přistupovat ke službě výkonu. Toto oprávnění by neměla vyžadovat žádná normální aplikace.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">číst počasí</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Umožní číst obsah od poskytovatele počasí.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">aktualizovat poskytovatele počasí</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Umožní identifikaci jako služba poskytovatele počasí.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">přistupovat ke službě počasí</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Umožní přistupovat ke službě počasí v systému. Toto oprávnění by neměla vyžadovat žádná normální aplikace.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">měnit databázi využití dat</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Umožní aktualizovat obsah databáze využití dat.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">čist databázi využití dat</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Umožní číst obsah databáze využití dat.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">spravovat nastavení LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Umožní nastavovat rozšířené nastavení obrazovky.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">sledovat změny audio relace</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Umožní sledovat vytváření a rušení zvukových zdrojů.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Ochrana soukromí</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">správa vzdálených nastavení</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Umožňuje spravovat vzdálené nastavení</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Datum sestavení</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Verze LineageOS API</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Aktualizace LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Verze systému LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Úroveň opravy zabezpečení dodavatele</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Neznámá</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Aplikace ukončena</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Uhlík</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Borůvka</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Kakao</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Levandule</string>
<string name="accent_red">Rajče</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banán</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">přístup k rozhraní Trust</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Umožňuje aplikaci zobrazovat upozornění a návrhy Trust</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-csb/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-csb/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-csb/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-cy/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-cy/strings.xml
index 2bf2cd4b..77eac7e3 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-cy/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-cy/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">System LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">addasu proffiliau system</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Mae\'n caniatáu i ap addasu proffiliau system.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">defnyddio fframwaith caledwedd</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Mae\'n caniatáu i ap gyrchu fframwaith caledwedd Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">addasu gosodiadau system Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Mae\'n caniatáu i ap addasu gosodiadau system LineageOS.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">addasu gosodiadau system ddiogel Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Mae\'n caniatáu i ap addasu gosodiadau system ddiogel LineageOS. Dim i\'w ddefnyddio gan apiau arferol.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">ychwanegu a thynnu apiau i warchod apiau</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Mae\'n caniatáu i ap nodi apiau eraill fel wedi eu diogelu ac i\'w cloi nhw.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">newid arddull system</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">addasu lliwiau\'r system</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Rhagosodiad</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Gwaith</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Cartref</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Distaw</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Nos</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Cerbyd</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Ffôn</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Calendr</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Ebost</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Arall</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Arbed pŵer</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Cytbwys</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Perfformiad</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Effeithlonrwydd</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Cyflym</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Arbedion pŵer gorau, gan leihau perfformiad y ddyfais.</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Cydbwysedd o berfformiad optimaidd a nodweddion pŵer.</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Modd perfformiad uchel. Mae hwn yn ddefnyddiol ar gyfer apiau sydd angen cuddni isel a thrwybwn uchel pan nad oes achos pryderu am ddefnyddio pŵer.</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Ffafrio arbedion pŵer. Mae hyn yn cyfyngu pŵer y prosesydd ac yn ei optimeiddio ar gyfer arbed defnydd pŵer ar draul cuddni uwch.</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Ffafrio perfformiad da. Mae\'n lleihau cuddni gyda defnydd pŵer uwch.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Awtomatig</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Addasu tymheredd lliw\'r sgrin yn awtomatig ar ôl machlud a gwawr</string>
<string name="live_display_off">I ffwrdd</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay wedi\'i newid i fodd dydd.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay wedi\'i newid i fodd nos.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay wedi\'i newid i fodd awyr agored.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">mynediad at reolwr perfformiad</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Mae\'n caniatáu i ap gyrchu\'r gwasanaeth perfformiad. Ni ddylai apiau arferol byth fod ei angen.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">darllen y tywydd</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Mae\'n caniatáu i ap ddarllen cynnwys gan y darparydd tywydd.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">diweddaru darparwr tywydd</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Mae\'n galluogi ap i gael ei adnabod fel gwasanaeth darparu tywydd.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">mynediad at wasanaeth tywydd</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Mae\'n caniatáu i ap gyrchu\'r gwasanaeth tywydd yn y system. Ni ddylai apiau arferol byth fod ei angen.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">addasu\'r gronfa ddata defnydd data</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Mae\'n caniatáu i ap ddiweddaru cynnwys y gronfa ddata defnydd data.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">darllen cronfa ddata defnydd data</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Mae\'n caniatáu i ap ddarllen cynnwys y gronfa ddata defnydd data.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">rheoli gosodiadau LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Mae\'n caniatáu i ap ffurfweddu gosodiadau dangosydd uwch.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">gwylio newidiadau sesiynau sain</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Mae\'n caniatáu i ap wylio ffrydiau sain yn cael eu creu a\'u dinistrio.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Gwarchodydd Preifatrwydd</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">rheoli gosodiadau o bell</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Mae\'n caniatáu ap i reoli gosodiadau o bell.</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Dyddiad adeiledd</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Lefel API LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Diweddariadau LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Fersiwn LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Lefel patsh diogelwch gwneuthurwr</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Anhysybys</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Lladdwyd yr ap</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/e</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/e</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/e</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/e</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Carbon</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Llusen</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Coco</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,15 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Betys</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomato</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Cennin Pedr</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
+ <string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
+ <string name="permlab_trustInterface">cael at ryngwyneb Trust</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Mae\'n caniatáu i ap ddangos rhybuddion ac awgrymiadau Trust.</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_channel">Rhybuddion Trust</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_title_security">Trust \u2022 Diogelwch system</string>
<string name="trust_notification_content_selinux">Dyw SELinux ddim yn gorfodi. Mae dy ddiogelwch wedi\'i wanhau.</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_title_root">Trust \u2022 Mynediad craidd</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_content_keys">Cafodd yr adeiledd hwn ei lofnodi gydag allweddau cyhoeddus</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_title_onboarding">Darganfydda Trust</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_content_onboarding">Dysga sut i sicrhau bod dy ddyfais yn ddiogel</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_action_manage">Rheoli rhybuddion</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-da/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-da/strings.xml
index bad28576..cee380c9 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-da/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-da/strings.xml
@@ -17,50 +17,33 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">ændre systemprofiler</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Tillader en app at ændre systemprofiler.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">anvend hardware framework</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">tilføj og fjern apps til beskyttet apps</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Tillader en app at markere andre apps som beskyttet samt låse dem.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Standard</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Arbejde</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Hjem</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Lydløs</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Nat</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Bil</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Kalender</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-mail</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Andre</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Strømbesparelse</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Balanceret</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Ydeevne</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Effektivitet</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Hurtig</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Maksimal strømbesparelse, reducerer enhedens ydeevne</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Balance mellem optimal ydelse og strømegenskaber</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Højtydende tilstand. Nyttigt for programmer, der kræver lav latenstid og højeste dataoverførselshastighed, når der ikke skal tages hensyn til strømforbruget</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Prioritér strømbesparelser. Begræns maksimal CPU-kraft og optimér til strømbesparelse på bekostning af højere latenstid</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Prioritér ydeevne. Reducerer latenstid på bekostning af en smule øget strømforbrug</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automatisk</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Justerer automatisk farvetemperaturen på skærmen efter solnedgang og solopgang</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Fra</string>
@@ -82,11 +65,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay ændret til dag tilstand.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay ændret til nat tilstand.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay ændret til udendørstilstand.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">tilgå ydelsesmanager</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Tillader en app at tilgå ydelsestjenesten. Bør aldrig være nødvendigt for alm. apps.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">læs vejret</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Tillader en app at læse indholdet fra en vejr-udbyder.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">opdater vejr-udbyder</string>
@@ -95,36 +75,15 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Tillader at en app kan identificeres som en vejrudbyder service.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">tilgå vejr-tjenesten</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Tillader en app at tilgå vejrtjenesten i systemet. Bør aldrig være nødvendig for alm. apps.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">ændre database for dataforbrug</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Tillader en app at opdatere indholdet af databasen for dataforbrug.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">læs database for dataforbrug</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Tillader en app at læse indholdet af databasen for dataforbrug.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">administrer indstillinger for LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Tillader en app at konfigurere avancerede skærmindstillinger.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">observér ændringer for lydsession</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Tillader en app at observere når lyd streams bliver oprettet eller ødelagt.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Privatlivsvagt</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">administrere indstillinger for fjernbetjening</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Gør det muligt for en app til at administrere indstillinger for fjernbetjening</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-de/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-de/strings.xml
index dfa35703..0fcd2cf2 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-de/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-de/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">LineageOS-System</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">Systemprofile ändern</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Ermöglicht der App, Systemprofile zu ändern.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">Hardware-Framework verwenden</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Ermöglicht der App, auf das Lineage-Hardwareframework zuzugreifen.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">Lineage-Systemeinstellungen ändern</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Ermöglicht der App, Lineage-Systemeinstellungen zu ändern.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">Lineage-Sicherheitssystemeinstellungen ändern</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Ermöglicht der App, Lineage-Sicherheitssystemeinstellungen zu ändern. Nicht für die Nutzung durch normale Apps bestimmt.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">geschützten Apps hinzufügen oder entfernen</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Ermöglicht der App, andere Apps als geschützt zu markieren und diese zu sperren.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">System-Design ändern</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">Systemfarben anpassen</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Standard</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Arbeit</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Zu Hause</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Lautlos</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Nacht</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Fahrzeug</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Kalender</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-Mail</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Anderes</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Energie sparen</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Ausgeglichen</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Mehr Leistung</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Effizient</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Schnell</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Maximale Energieeinsparung, reduziert die Geräteleistung</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Balance zwischen optimaler Leistung und Energieverbrauch</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Hochleistungsmodus. Nützlich für Anwendungen die niedrige Latenzen und den höchsten Durchsatz benötigen und der Energiebedarf nicht von Belang ist</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Auf Energiesparen ausrichten. Verringert die maximale CPU-Leistung auf Kosten höherer Latenz</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Auf Leistung ausrichten. Reduziert die Latenz und erhöht den Stromverbrauch leicht</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automatisch</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Farbtemperatur des Bildschirms nach Sonnenaufgang und Sonnenuntergang automatisch anpassen</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Aus</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay auf Tag-Modus geändert.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay auf Nacht-Modus geändert.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay auf Außen-Modus geändert.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">Zugriff auf Leistungsmanager</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Ermöglicht der App, den Zugriff auf den Leistungsdienst. Wird für normale Apps nicht benötigt.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">Wetter auslesen</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Ermöglicht der App, Inhalte des Wetterdatenanbieters auszulesen.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">Wetterdatenanbieter aktualisieren</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Ermöglicht der App, sich als Wetterdatenanbieter zu identifizieren.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">auf Wetterdienst zugreifen</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Ermöglicht der App, auf den Wetterdienst des Systems zuzugreifen. Wird für normale Apps nicht benötigt.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">Datennutzung-Datenbank ändern</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Ermöglicht der App, Inhalte der Datennutzungs-Datenbank zu aktualisieren.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">Datennutzungs-Datenbank lesen</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Ermöglicht der App, Inhalte der Datennutzungs-Datenbank auszulesen.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">LiveDisplay-Einstellungen verwalten</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Ermöglicht der App, erweiterte Displayeinstellungen vorzunehmen.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">Audiositzungsänderungen überwachen</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Ermöglicht der App, die Erstellung und Löschung von Audio-Streams zu überwachen.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Datenschutz</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">Remote-Einstellungen verwalten</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Ermöglicht der App, Remote-Einstellungen zu verwalten</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Build-Datum</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">LineageOS API-Level</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS-Updates</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">LineageOS-Version</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Hersteller-Sicherheitspatch-Level</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Unbekannt</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Anwendung beendet</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kbit/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mbit/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Carbon</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Heidelbeere</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Kakao</string>
@@ -152,16 +115,12 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavendel</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomate</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banane</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">auf Trust-Schnittstelle zugreifen</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Ermöglicht der App, Warnungen und Vorschläge von Trust anzuzeigen</string>
<string name="trust_notification_channel">Trust-Hinweise</string>
<string name="trust_notification_title_security">Trust \u2022 Systemsicherheit</string>
- <string name="trust_notification_content_selinux">SELinux ist nicht \"strikt\", die Sicherheit ist dadurch geschwächt</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_content_selinux">SELinux ist nicht im \"Enforcing-Modus\", die Sicherheit ist dadurch geschwächt</string>
<string name="trust_notification_title_root">Trust \u2022 Root-Zugriff</string>
<string name="trust_notification_content_root">Eine App nutzt momentan Root-Rechte</string>
<string name="trust_notification_content_keys">Dieser Build wurde mit öffentlichen Schlüsseln signiert</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-el/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-el/strings.xml
index fd64ae78..7c2e0cdd 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-el/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-el/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Σύστημα LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">τροποποίηση προφίλ συστήματος</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Επιτρέπει σε μια εφαρμογή να τροποποιεί τα προφίλ του συστήματος.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">χρήση του πλαισίου υλικού</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Επιτρέπει σε μια εφαρμογή την πρόσβαση στο πλαίσιο υλικού του Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">τροποποίηση ρυθμίσεων συστήματος Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Επιτρέπει σε μια εφαρμογή να τροποποιεί τις ρυθμίσεις συστήματος Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">τροποποίηση ασφαλών ρυθμίσεων συστήματος Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Επιτρέπει σε μια εφαρμογή να τροποποιεί τις ασφαλείς ρυθμίσεις συστήματος Lineage. Δεν χρησιμοποιείται από κανονικές εφαρμογές.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">προσθαφαίρεση εφαρμογών στις προστατευμένες εφαρμογές</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Επιτρέπει σε μια εφαρμογή την επισήμανση άλλων εφαρμογών ως προστατευμένων και κλείδωμα τους.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">αλλαγή στυλ συστήματος</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">προσαρμογή των χρωμάτων του συστήματος</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Προεπιλογή</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Εργασία</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Σπίτι</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Αθόρυβο</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Νύχτα</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Αυτοκίνητο</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Τηλέφωνο</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Ημερολόγιο</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Άλλο</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Ισορροπημένο</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Επιδόσεις</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Αποδοτικό</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Γρήγορο</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Μέγιστη εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας, μειώνει την απόδοση της συσκευής</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Ισορροπία βέλτιστης απόδοσης και χαρακτηριστικά εξοικονόμησης</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Λειτουργία υψηλής απόδοσης. Χρήσιμο για εφαρμογές που απαιτούν χαμηλή καθυστέρηση και υψηλότερη απόδοση όταν η κατανάλωση ενέργειας δεν έχει καμία σημασία</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Υψηλή εξοικονόμηση. Περιορίζει την μέγιστη απόδοση του επεξεργαστή και βελτιστοποίηση για εξοικονόμηση με κόστος υψηλής καθυστέρησης</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Υψηλή απόδοση. Μείωση καθυστέρησης με ελαφρώς αυξημένη κατανάλωση</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Αυτόματο</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Αυτόματη ρύθμιση της θερμοκρασίας χρώματος της οθόνης μετά το ηλιοβασίλεμα και την ανατολή του ηλίου</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Ανενεργό</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">Το LiveDisplay άλλαξε σε λειτουργία ημέρας.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">Το LiveDisplay άλλαξε σε λειτουργία νύχτας.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">Το LiveDisplay άλλαξε σε λειτουργία εξωτερικού χώρου.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">πρόσβαση στην υπηρεσία επιδόσεων</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Επιτρέπει σε μια εφαρμογή την πρόσβαση στην υπηρεσία επιδόσεων. Δεν πρέπει να απαιτείται από κανονικές εφαρμογές.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">ανάγνωση καιρού</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Επιτρέπει σε μια εφαρμογή να διαβάσει περιεχόμενο από την υπηρεσία παροχής καιρού.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">ενημέρωση παρόχου καιρού</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Επιτρέπει σε μια εφαρμογή να προσδιοριστεί ως μια υπηρεσία παροχής καιρού.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">πρόσβαση στην υπηρεσία καιρού</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Επιτρέπει σε μια εφαρμογή την πρόσβαση στην υπηρεσία καιρού στο σύστημα. Δεν πρέπει να απαιτείται από κανονικές εφαρμογές.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">τροποποίηση βάσης δεδομένων χρήσης δεδομένων</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Επιτρέπει σε μια εφαρμογή να ενημερώσει το περιεχόμενο της βάσης δεδομένων χρήσης δεδομένων.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">ανάγνωση βάσης δεδομένων χρήσης δεδομένων</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Επιτρέπει σε μια εφαρμογή να διαβάσει περιεχόμενο από την βάση δεδομένων χρήσης δεδομένων.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">διαχείριση ρυθμίσεων LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Επιτρέπει σε μια εφαρμογή να τροποποιεί τις ρυθμίσεις οθόνης για προχωρημένους.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">παρατήρηση αλλαγών στις συνεδρίες ήχου</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Επιτρέπει σε μια εφαρμογή να παρατηρεί τις ροές ήχου να δημιουργούνται και να καταστρέφονται.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Προστασία Απορρήτου</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">διαχείριση απομακρυσμένων ρυθμίσεων</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Επιτρέπει σε μια εφαρμογή να διαχειριστεί απομακρυσμένες ρυθμίσεις</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Ημερομηνία έκδοσης</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Επίπεδο LineageOS API</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Ενημερώσεις LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Έκδοση LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Επίπεδο ενημέρωσης κώδικα ασφαλείας κατασκευαστή</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Άγνωστο</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Η εφαρμογή τερματίστηκε</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/δ</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/δ</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/δ</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/δ</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Άνθρακας</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Μύρτιλο</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Κακάο</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Λεβάντα</string>
<string name="accent_red">Ντομάτα</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Μπανάνα</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Εμπιστοσύνη</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">πρόσβαση στη διασύνδεση Εμπιστοσύνης</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Επιτρέπει σε μια εφαρμογή να εμφανίζει προειδοποιήσεις και προτάσεις Εμπιστοσύνης</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-en-rAU/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-en-rAU/strings.xml
index d9e418ee..1706d0d5 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-en-rAU/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-en-rAU/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">LineageOS System</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">modify system profiles</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Allows an app to modify system profiles.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">use hardware framework</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Allows an app access to the Lineage hardware framework.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">modify Lineage system settings</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Allows an app to modify Lineage system settings.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">modify Lineage secure system settings</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Allows an app to modify Lineage secure system settings. Not for use by normal apps.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">add and remove apps to protected apps</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Allows an app to mark other apps as protected and lock them.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">change system style</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">customise the system colours</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Default</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Work</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Home</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Silent</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Night</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Automobile</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Phone</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Calendar</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Email</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Other</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Power save</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Balanced</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Performance</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Efficiency</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Quick</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Maximum power savings, reduces device performance</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Balance of optimal performance and power characteristics</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">High performance mode. Useful for applications requiring low latency and highest throughput when power consumption is not a concern</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Favour power savings. Limit maximum CPU power and optimise for power saving at the cost of higher latency</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Favour performance. Reduces latency with slightly increased power consumption</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automatic</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Automatically adjust colour temperature of screen after sunset and sunrise</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Off</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay changed to day mode.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay changed to night mode.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay changed to outdoor mode.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">access performance manager</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Allows an app to access the performance service. Should never be needed for normal apps.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">read weather</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Allows an app to read content from the weather provider.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">update weather provider</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Allows an app to be identified as a weather provider service.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">access weather service</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Allows an app to access the weather service in the system. Should never be needed for normal apps.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">modify data usage database</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Allows an app to update the content of the data usage database.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">read data usage database</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Allows an app to read content from the data usage database.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">manage LiveDisplay settings</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Allows an app to configure advanced display settings.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">observe audio session changes</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Allows an app to observe audio streams being created and destroyed.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Privacy Guard</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">manage remote settings</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Allows an app to manage remote settings</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Build date</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">LineageOS API level</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS updates</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">LineageOS version</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Vendor security patch level</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Unknown</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Application killed</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Carbon</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Blueberry</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Cocoa</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavender</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomato</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banana</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">access Trust interface</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Allows an app to display Trust warnings and suggestions</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-en-rCA/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-en-rCA/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-en-rCA/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml
index f3522963..9fcadb9c 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">LineageOS System</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">modify system profiles</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Allows an app to modify system profiles.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">use hardware framework</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Allows an app access to the Lineage hardware framework.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">modify Lineage system settings</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Allows an app to modify Lineage system settings.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">modify Lineage secure system settings</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Allows an app to modify Lineage secure system settings. Not for use by normal apps.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">add and remove apps to protected apps</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Allows an app to mark other apps as protected and lock them.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">change system style</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">customise the system colours</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Default</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Work</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Home</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Silent</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Night</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Vehicle</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Phone</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Calendar</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Email</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Other</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Power save</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Balanced</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Performance</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Efficiency</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Quick</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Maximum power savings, reduces device performance</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Balance of optimal performance and power characteristics</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">High performance mode. Useful for applications requiring low latency and highest throughput when power consumption is not a concern</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Favour power savings. Limit maximum CPU power and optimize for power saving at the cost of higher latency</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Favour performance. Reduces latency with slightly increased power consumption</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automatic</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Automatically adjust colour temperature of screen after sunset and sunrise</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Off</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay changed to day mode.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay changed to night mode.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay changed to outdoor mode.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">access performance manager</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Allows an app to access the performance service. Should never be needed for normal apps.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">read weather</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Allows an app to read content from the weather provider.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">update weather provider</string>
@@ -103,44 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Allows an app to be identified as a weather provider service.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">access weather service</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Allows an app to access the weather service in the system. Should never be needed for normal apps.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">modify data usage database</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Allows an app to update the content of the data usage database.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">read data usage database</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Allows an app to read content from the data usage database.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">manage LiveDisplay settings</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Allows an app to configure advanced display settings.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">observe audio session changes</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Allows an app to observe audio streams being created and destroyed.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Privacy Guard</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">manage remote settings</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Allows an app to manage remote settings</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Build date</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">LineageOS API level</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS updates</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">LineageOS version</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
+ <string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Vendor security patch level</string>
<string name="unknown">Unknown</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Application killed</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Carbon</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Blueberry</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Cocoa</string>
@@ -151,17 +115,15 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavender</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomato</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banana</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">access Trust interface</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Allows an app to display Trust warnings and suggestions</string>
<string name="trust_notification_channel">Trust alerts</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_title_security">Trust \u2022 System security</string>
<string name="trust_notification_content_selinux">SELinux is not enforcing, your security has been weakened</string>
<string name="trust_notification_title_root">Trust \u2022 Root access</string>
<string name="trust_notification_content_root">An app is using the root privileges right now</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_content_keys">This build was signed with public keys</string>
<string name="trust_notification_title_onboarding">Discover Trust</string>
<string name="trust_notification_content_onboarding">Get to know how to assure your device is safe</string>
<string name="trust_notification_action_manage">Manage alerts</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-en-rIN/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-en-rIN/strings.xml
index 630fd44f..41ea4d9f 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-en-rIN/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-en-rIN/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">LineageOS System</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">Modify system profiles</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Allows an app to modify system profiles.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">use hardware framework</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Allows an app access to the Lineage hardware framework.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">modify Lineage system settings</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Allows an app to modify Lineage system settings.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">modify Lineage secure system settings</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Allows an app to modify Lineage secure system settings. Not for use by normal apps.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">add and remove apps to protected apps</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Allows an app to mark other apps as protected and lock them.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">change system style</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">customise the system colours</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Default</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Work</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Home</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Silent</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Night</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Automobile</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Phone</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Calendar</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Email</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Other</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Power save</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Balanced</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Performance</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Efficiency</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Quick</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Maximum power savings, reduces device performance</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Balance of optimal performance and power characteristics</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">High performance mode. Useful for applications requiring low latency and highest throughput when power consumption is not a concern</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Favour power savings. Limit maximum CPU power and optimise for power saving at the cost of higher latency</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Favour performance. Reduces latency with slightly increased power consumption</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automatic</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Automatically adjust color temperature of screen after sunset and sunrise</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Off</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay changed to day mode.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay changed to night mode.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay changed to outdoor mode.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">access performance manager</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Allows an app to access the performance service. Should never be needed for normal apps.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">read weather</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Allows an app to read content from the weather provider.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">update weather provider</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Allows an app to be identified as a weather provider service.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">access weather service</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Allows an app to access the weather service in the system. Should never be needed for normal apps.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">modify data usage database</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Allows an app to update the content of the data usage database.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">read data usage database</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Allows an app to read content from the data usage database.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">manage LiveDisplay settings</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Allows an app to configure advanced display settings.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">observe audio session changes</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Allows an app to observe audio streams being created and destroyed.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Privacy Guard</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">manage remote settings</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Allows an app to manage remote settings</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Build date</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">LineageOS API level</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS updates</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">LineageOS version</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Vendor security patch level</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Unknown</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Application killed</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Carbon</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Blueberry</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Cocoa</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavender</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomato</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banana</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">access Trust interface</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Allows an app to display Trust warnings and suggestions</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-en-rPT/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-en-rPT/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-en-rPT/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-eo/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-eo/strings.xml
index e551a85a..832429fd 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-eo/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-eo/strings.xml
@@ -17,46 +17,5 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_day">Tago</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-es-rCO/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-es-rCO/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-es-rCO/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-es-rMX/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-es-rMX/strings.xml
index 4eb9ed41..4933cbb9 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-es-rMX/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-es-rMX/strings.xml
@@ -17,30 +17,13 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">añadir y quitar aplicaciones a aplicaciones protegidas</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Permite que una aplicación marque a otras aplicaciones como protegidas y las bloquee.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Ahorro de energía</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Equilibrado</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Rendimiento</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Eficiencia</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Rápido</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automático</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Ajustar automáticamente la temperatura del color de pantalla con el amanecer y el anochecer</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Apagar</string>
@@ -51,30 +34,6 @@
<string name="live_display_outdoor">Al aire libre (luz del sol)</string>
<string name="live_display_outdoor_summary">Utilizar solo los ajustes al aire libre</string>
<string name="live_display_hint">LiveDisplay puede ayudar a reducir la fatiga visual y ayudarte a dormir por la noche. ¡Haz clic aquí para probarlo!</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">acceder al supervisor de rendimiento</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Permite que la aplicación acceda al servicio de rendimiento. No debería ser necesario para aplicaciones normales.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml
index 7eea54e3..c840a7fe 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Sistema de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">modificar los perfiles del sistema</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Permite que una aplicación modifique los perfiles del sistema.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">usar framework de hardware</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Permite el acceso de una aplicación a la estructura de hardware de Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">modificar ajustes del sistema de Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Permite que una aplicación modifique los ajustes del sistema de Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">modificar ajustes del sistema de seguridad de Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Permite que una aplicación modifique los ajustes del sistema de seguridad de Lineage. No apto para aplicaciones normales.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">añadir y quitar aplicaciones a aplicaciones protegidas</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Permite que una aplicación marque a otras aplicaciones como protegidas y las bloquee.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">cambiar estilo del sistema</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">personalizar los colores del sistema</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Predefinido</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Trabajo</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Casa</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Silencio</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Noche</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Automóvil</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Teléfono</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Calendario</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Correo electrónico</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Otros</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Ahorro de energía</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Equilibrado</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Rendimiento</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Eficiencia</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Rápido</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Máximo ahorro de energía, reduce el rendimiento del dispositivo</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Equilibrio entre rendimiento óptimo y características de energía</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Modo de alto rendimiento. Útil para aplicaciones que necesitan baja latencia y mayor rendimiento, cuando el consumo de energía no es una preocupación</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Favorecer ahorro de energía. Limita la potencia máxima del CPU y optimiza para poder ahorrar energía a costa de mayor latencia</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Favorecer el rendimiento. Reduce la latencia con un consumo de energía ligeramente mayor</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automático</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Ajustar automáticamente la temperatura del color de pantalla con el amanecer y el anochecer</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Desactivado</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay cambió a modo día.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay cambió a modo noche.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay cambió a modo exterior.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">acceso al gestor de rendimiento</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Permite que la aplicación acceda al servicio de rendimiento. Nunca debería ser necesario para aplicaciones normales.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">leer datos climáticos</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Permite a una aplicación leer contenido desde el proveedor climático.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">actualizar proveedor climático</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Permite que una aplicación sea identificada como un servicio del proveedor climático.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">acceder al servicio meteorológico</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Permite a una aplicación acceder al servicio meteorológico en el sistema. Nunca debería ser necesario para aplicaciones normales.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">modificar datos de uso de la base de datos</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Permite que una aplicación actualice los datos del contenido de la base de datos.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">leer datos de uso de la base de datos</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Permite que una aplicación lea el contenido desde la base de datos.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">gestionar los ajustes de LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Permite que una aplicación modifique los ajustes avanzados de la pantalla.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">observa los cambios de sesión del audio</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Permite que una aplicación observe los flujos de audio que se crean y destruyen.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Guardián de privacidad</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">gestionar los ajustes remotos</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Permite a una aplicación gestionar los ajustes remotos</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Fecha de compilación</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Nivel de API de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Actualizaciones de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Versión de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Nivel del parche de seguridad del proveedor</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Desconocido</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Aplicación finalizada</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Carbón</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Arándano</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Cacao</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavanda</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomate</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Plátano</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">acceso a interfaz «Trust»</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Permite que una aplicación muestre advertencias y sugerencias de confianza</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-es/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-es/strings.xml
index 9b1e230a..4afcdf69 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-es/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-es/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Sistema de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">modificar los perfiles del sistema</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Permite que una aplicación modifique los perfiles del sistema.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">usar marco de hardware</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Permite el acceso de una aplicación a la estructura de hardware de Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">modificar ajustes del sistema de Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Permite que una aplicación modifique los ajustes del sistema de Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">modificar ajustes del sistema de seguridad de Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Permitir que una aplicación modifique los ajustes del sistema de seguridad de Lineage. No apto para aplicaciones normales.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">añadir y quitar aplicaciones a aplicaciones protegidas</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Permite que una aplicación marque a otras aplicaciones cómo protegidas y las bloquee.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">cambiar el estilo del sistema</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">personalizar los colores del sistema</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Por defecto</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Trabajo</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Inicio</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Silencio</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Noche</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Coche</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Teléfono</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Calendario</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Correo electrónico</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Otro</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Ahorro de energía</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Equilibrado</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Rendimiento</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Eficiencia</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Rápido</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Máximo ahorro de energía, reduce el rendimiento del dispositivo</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Equilibrio de rendimiento optimo y características de energía</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Modo de alto rendimiento. Útil para aplicaciones que requieren baja latencia y mayor rendimiento, cuando el consumo de energía no es una preocupación</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Favorecer ahorro de energía. Limitar la potencia máxima del CPU y optimizar para poder ahorrar energía a costa de mayor latencia</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Favorecer el rendimiento. Reduce la latencia con un consumo de energía ligeramente mayor</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automático</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Ajustar automáticamente la temperatura del color de pantalla con el amanecer y el anochecer</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Apagar</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay ha cambiado a modo diurno.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay ha cambiado a modo nocturno.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay cambiado a modo exterior.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">acceder al supervisor de rendimiento</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Permite que la aplicación acceda al servicio de rendimiento. Nunca debería ser necesario para aplicaciones normales.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">leer el tiempo</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Permite una aplicación leer contenido desde el proveedor de clima.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">actualizar proveedor de clima</string>
@@ -103,44 +83,27 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Permite que una aplicación sea identificada como un servicio de proveedor de clima.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">acceder al servicio de clima</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Permite a una aplicación acceder al servicio de clima en el sistema. Nunca debe ser necesario para aplicaciones normales.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">modificar datos de uso de la base de datos</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Permite que una aplicación actualice los datos del contenido de la base de datos.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">leer datos de uso de la base de datos</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Permite que una aplicación lea el contenido desde la base de datos.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">administrar la configuración de LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Permite que una aplicación modifique la configuración de pantalla avanzada.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">observa los cambios en la sesión de sonido</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Permite que una aplicación observe los flujos de sonido que se crean y destruyen.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Protección de la privacidad</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">administrar la configuración remota</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Permite a una aplicación administrar la configuración remota</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Fecha de compilación</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Nivel de la API de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Actualizaciones de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Versión de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Desconocido</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Aplicación finalizada</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Carbón</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Arándano</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Cacao</string>
@@ -151,8 +114,4 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavanda</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomate</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Plátano</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-et/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-et/strings.xml
index 09776c4f..7609a134 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-et/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-et/strings.xml
@@ -17,59 +17,112 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
+ <string name="lineageos_system_label">LineageOS\'i süsteem</string>
+ <string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">süsteemiprofiilide muutmine</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Lubab rakendusel süsteemiprofiile muuta.</string>
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">kasutada riistvara raamistikku</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
+ <string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Annab rakendusele ligipääsu Lineage riistvara raamistikule.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_writeSettings">Lineage\'i süsteemiseadete muutmine</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Lubab rakendusel muuta Lineage\'i süsteemiseadeid.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">Lineage\'i turvaliste süsteemiseadete muutmine</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Lubab rakendusel muuta Lineage\'i turvalisi süsteemiseadeid. Ei ole mõeldud kasutamiseks tavarakendusetel.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_protectedApp">kaitstud rakenduste hulka rakenduste lisamine ja eemaldamine</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Lubab rakendusel märkida teisi rakendusi kaitstuks ning neid lukustada.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_changeStyle">süsteemi stiili muutmine</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_changeStyle">süsteemi värvide kohandamine</string>
<string name="profileNameDefault">Vaikimisi</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Töö</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Kodu</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Vaikne</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Öö</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Sõiduk</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Kalender</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-mail</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Muud</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
+ <string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Energiasääst</string>
+ <string name="perf_profile_bal">Tasakaalustatud</string>
+ <string name="perf_profile_perf">Jõudlus</string>
+ <string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Tõhusus</string>
+ <string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Kiire</string>
+ <string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Maksimaalne energiasääst, vähendab seadme jõudlust</string>
+ <string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Optimaalse jõudluse ja energiasäästmise omadused</string>
+ <string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Kõrge jõudluse režiim. Kasulik rakendustes, mis vajad madalat reaktsiooniaega ja maksimaalset jõudlust, kui akukasutus ei ole tähtis</string>
+ <string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Eelistab energiasäästu. Piirab maksimaalset protsessori jõudlust ja optimeerib akukasutust suurema reaktsiooniaja arvelt</string>
+ <string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Eelistab jõudlust. Kiirendab reaktsiooniaega veidi suurenenud akukastusega</string>
+ <string name="live_display_auto">Automaatne</string>
+ <string name="live_display_auto_summary">Reguleeri värvitemperatuuri automaatselt peale päikeseloojangut ja päikesetõusu</string>
+ <string name="live_display_off">Väljas</string>
+ <string name="live_display_off_summary">Keela kõik muudatused</string>
+ <string name="live_display_day">Päev</string>
+ <string name="live_display_day_summary">Kasuta ainult päevaseadeid</string>
<string name="live_display_night">Öö</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
+ <string name="live_display_night_summary">Kasuta ainult ööseadeid</string>
+ <string name="live_display_outdoor">Õues (ere päike)</string>
+ <string name="live_display_outdoor_summary">Kasuta ainult õuerežiimi seadeid</string>
+ <string name="live_display_hint">LiveDisplay aitab vähendada silmade väsimust ning aitab öösel paremini magada. Koputa proovimiseks siia!</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_off">LiveDisplay väljas.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_auto">LiveDisplay: automaatrežiim.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_day">LiveDisplay: päevarežiim.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_night">LiveDisplay: öörežiim.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_outdoor">LiveDisplay: õuerežiim.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_off">LiveDisplay välja lülitatud.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_auto">LiveDisplay muudetud automaatrežiimi.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay muudetud päevarežiimi.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay muudetud öörežiimi.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay muudetud õuerežiimi.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_perfAccess">ligipääs jõudlusehaldurisse</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Lubab rakendusel pääseda juurde jõudluse teenusele. Tavarakenduste puhul ei peaks kunagi vaja minema.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_weather_read">ilma lugemine</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_weather_read">Lubab rakendusel lugeda ilmateenuse pakkuja sisu.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_weather_write">ilmateenuse pakkuja uuendamine</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_weather_write">Lubab rakendusel uuendada ilmateenuse pakkuja sisu.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_weather_bind">sidumine ilmateenuse pakkuja teenusena</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Lubab rakendust end tuvastada ilmateenuse pakkuja teenusena.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">ligipääs ilmateenuse pakkuja teenusesse</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Annab rakendusele ligipääsu ilmateenusele. Tavarakenduste puhul ei peaks kunagi vaja minema.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">andmekasutuse andmebaasi muutmine</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Lubab rakendusel värskendada andmekasutuse andmebaasi sisu.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">andmekasutuse andmebaasi lugemine</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Lubab rakendusel lugeda andmekasutuse andmebaasi.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">LiveDisplay seadete haldamine</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Lubab rakendusel muuta täpsemaid ekraaniseadeid.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">heliseansi muutuste jälgimine</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Lubab rakendusel jälgida helivoogude alustamist ja lõpetamist.</string>
+ <string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Privaatsuskaitse</string>
+ <string name="build_date">Järgu kuupäev</string>
+ <string name="lineage_api_level">LineageOS\'i API tase</string>
+ <string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS\'i uuendused</string>
+ <string name="lineage_version">LineageOS\'i versioon</string>
+ <string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Tarnija turvapaiga tase</string>
+ <string name="unknown">Tundmatu</string>
+ <string name="app_killed_message">Rakendus sundsuletud</string>
+ <string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
+ <string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
+ <string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
+ <string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
+ <string name="accent_black">Süsinik</string>
+ <string name="accent_blue">Mustikas</string>
+ <string name="accent_brown">Kakao</string>
+ <string name="accent_cyan">Erksinine</string>
+ <string name="accent_green">Mets</string>
+ <string name="accent_orange">Kõrvits</string>
+ <string name="accent_pink">Kirss</string>
+ <string name="accent_purple">Lavendel</string>
+ <string name="accent_red">Tomat</string>
+ <string name="accent_yellow">Banaan</string>
+ <string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
+ <string name="permlab_trustInterface">ligipääs Trust-liidesele</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Võimaldab rakendusel kuvada Trust-hoiatusi ja soovitusi</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_channel">Trust-teated</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_title_security">Trust \u2022 Süsteemi turvalisus</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_content_selinux">SELinux ei ole jõustav, sinu turvalisus on nõrgendatud</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_title_root">Trust \u2022 Juurkasutaja ligipääs</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_content_root">Rakendus kasutab hetkel juurkasutaja õiguseid</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_content_keys">See järk allkirjastati avalike võtmetega</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_title_onboarding">Avasta Trust</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_content_onboarding">Õpi oma seadet turvalisena hoidma</string>
+ <string name="trust_notification_action_manage">Halda teateid</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-eu/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-eu/strings.xml
index 2b40a99a..7458a6be 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-eu/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-eu/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">LineageOS sistema</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">aldatu sistemaren profilak</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Sistemaren profilak aldatzea ahalbidetzen dio aplikazioari.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">hardware markoa erabili</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Aplikazioari Lineage hardware markorako sarbidea gaitzen dio.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">aldatu Lineage sistemaren ezarpenak</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Lineage sistemaren ezarpenak aldatzea ahalbidetzen dio aplikazioari.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">aldatu Lineage sistemaren ezarpen seguruak</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Lineage sistemaren ezarpen seguruak aldatzea ahalbidetzen dio aplikazioari. Aplikazio arruntek ez dute behar.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">gehitu edo kendu aplikazioak babestutako aplikazioen zerrendan</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Beste aplikazio batzuk babestuta gisa markatzea eta blokeatzea ahalbidetzen dio aplikazioari.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">aldatu sistemaren estiloa</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">pertsonalizatu sistemako koloreak</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Lehenetsia</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Lanean</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Etxean</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Isilik</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Gaua</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Kotxean</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefonoa</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Egutegia</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-posta</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Beste bat</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Energia aurreztea</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Orekatua</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Errendimendua</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Eraginkortasuna</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Azkarra</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Bateria aurrezte maximoa, gailuaren errendimendua gutxiagotzen du</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Errendimendu optimoa eta energia ezaugarrien arteko oreka</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Errendimendu altuko modua. Latentzia baxua eta emari altuena behar duten aplikazioetarako erabilgarria energia kontsumoak ardura ez duenean</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Hobetsi energia aurreztea. Mugatu gehieneko PUZ energia eta optimizatu energia aurrezteko latentzia altuago baten truke</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Hobetsi errendimendua. latentzia gutxitzen du energia kontsumo apur bat gehiagorekin</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automatikoa</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Doitu automatikoki pantailaren kolore tenperatura ilunabarra eta egunsentiaren ostean</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Ez</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay eguna modura aldatu da.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay gaua modura aldatu da.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay kaleko modura aldatu da.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">errendimendu kudeatzailea atzitu</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Errendimendu kudeatzailea atzitzea ahalbidetzen dio aplikazioari. Aplikazio arruntek ez dute hau behar.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">eguraldia irakurri</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Eguraldi hornitzailetik edukia irakurtzea ahalbidetzen dio aplikazioari.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">eguraldi hornitzailea eguneratu</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Eguraldi hornitzaile zerbitzu gisa identifikatzea ahalbidetzen dio aplikazioari.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">eguraldi zerbitzua atzitzea</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Sistemako eguraldi zerbitzura sartzea ahalbidetzen dio aplikazioari. Aplikazio arruntek ez dute hau behar.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">datu erabileraren datu-basea aldatu</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Datu erabileraren datu-baseko edukiak eguneratzea ahalbidetzen dio aplikazioari.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">datu erabilera errealaren datu-basea</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Datu erabileraren datu-baseko edukiak irakurtzea ahalbidetzen dio aplikazioari.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">LiveDisplay ezarpenak kudeatu</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Pantailaren ezarpen aurreratuak ezartzea ahalbidetzen dio aplikazioari.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">audio saio aldaketak aztertu</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Audio jarioen sorrerak eta suntsiketak aztertzea ahalbidetzen dio aplikazioari.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Privacy Guard</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">urruneko ezarpenak kudeatu</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Urruneko ezarpenak kudeatzea ahalbidetzen dio aplikazioari</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Konpilatze data</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">LineageOS API maila</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS eguneraketak</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">LineageOS bertsioa</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Saltzailearen segurtasun partxe maila</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Ezezaguna</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Aplikazioa erail da</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Ikatza</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Basarana</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Kokoa</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Izpilikua</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomatea</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banana</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">atzitu Trust interfazea</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Baimendu aplikazio bati Trust abisuak eta proposamenak bistaratzea</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-fa/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-fa/strings.xml
index fd3bb7da..50d6a5a9 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-fa/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-fa/strings.xml
@@ -17,61 +17,20 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">تغییر پروفایل‌های سیستم</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">به برنامه اجازه می‌دهد تا پروفایل‌های سیستم را تغییر دهد.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">استفاده از چارچوب سخت‌افزار</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">پیش‌فرض</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">کار</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">خانه</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">بی‌صدا</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">شب</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">خودرو</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">گوشی</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">تقویم</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">جیمیل</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">ایمیل</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">پیامک</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">غیره</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_night">شب</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-fi/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-fi/strings.xml
index 0abc6cb3..5cf2aa2d 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-fi/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-fi/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">LineageOS Järjestelmä</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">muokkaa järjestelmän profiileja</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Sallii sovelluksen muokata järjestelmäprofiileja.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">käytä laitteiston kehystä</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Sallii sovelluksen pääsyn Lineage-laitteiston kehykseen.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">muokkaa Lineage-järjestelmän asetuksia</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Sallii sovelluksen muokata Lineage-järjestelmän asetuksia.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">muokkaa Lineage-turvallisuusjärjestelmän asetuksia</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Sallii sovelluksen muokata Lineage turvallisuusjärjestelmäasetuksia. Ei käytössä tavallisille sovelluksille.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">lisätä ja poistaa suojattuja sovelluksia</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Antaa sovelluksen merkitä muita sovelluksia suojatuiksi ja lukita ne.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">muuta tyyliä</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">mukauta järjestelmän värejä</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Oletus</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Työ</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Koti</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Äänetön</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Yö</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Auto</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Puhelin</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Kalenteri</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Sähköposti</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">Tekstiviesti</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Muu</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Virransäästö</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Tasapainotettu</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Suorituskyky</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Tehokkuus</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Nopea</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Pidentää akun kestoa, vähentää laitteen suorituskykyä</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Tasapainottaa suorituskyvyn ja virrankulutuksen</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Korken suorituskyvyn tila. Hyödyllinen sovelluksiin, jotka vaativat alhaisen latenssin ja nopeimman ulostulon kun virrankulutuksella ei ole väliä</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Suosii virransäästöä. Rajoittaa prosessorin tehoa ja optimoi virran säästämiseksi hieman pidemmällä latenssilla</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Suosii suorituskykyä. Vähentää latenssia ja lisää hieman virrankulutusta</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automaattinen</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Säädä näytön värilämpötilaa automaattisesti auringonlaskun ja -nousun jälkeen</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Ei käytössä</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay asetettu päivätilaan.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay asetettu yötilaan.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay asetettu ulkoilmatilaan.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">pääse suorituskyvyn hallintaan</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Sallii sovelluksen pääsyn suorityskyvyn hallinnan palveluun. Tavalliset sovellukset eivät koskaan tarvitse tätä.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">lue säätä</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Sallii sovelluksen lukea sisältöä säätarjoajalta.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">päivitä säätarjoajaa</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Sallii sovellusta käytettävän säätarjoajapalveluna.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">pääsy sääpalveluun</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Sallii sovelluksen päästä järjestelmän sääpalveluun. Tavalliset sovellukset ei koskaan tarvitse tätä.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">muokkaa datan käytön tietokantaa</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Sallii sovelluksen päivittää datan käytön tietokantaa.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">lue datan käytön tietokantaa</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Sallii sovelluksen lukea datan käytön tietokantaa.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">hallitse LiveDisplay-asetuksia</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Sallii sovelluksen määrittää kehittyneitä näytön asetuksia.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">tutki ääni-istunnon muutoksia</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Sallii sovelluksen tarkastella milloin ääntä luodaan ja tuhotaan.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Yksityisyyden suojaus</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">hallitse etäkäytön asetuksia</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Sallii sovellluksen hallita etäasetuksia</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Luontipäivä</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">LineageOS API-taso</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS-päivitykset</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">LineageOS-versio</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Valmistajan tietoturvakorjauksen taso</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Tuntematon</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Sovellus pysäytetty</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kt/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mt/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kt/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Hiili</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Mustikka</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Kaakao</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Laventeli</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomaatti</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banaani</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">käytä Trust-käyttöliittymää</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Sallii sovelluksen näyttää Trust-varoituksia ja ehdotuksia</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-fil/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-fil/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-fil/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-fr-rCA/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-fr-rCA/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-fr-rCA/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-fr/strings.xml
index 850a8b19..e86eea6c 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-fr/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Système LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">modifier les profils système</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Permet à une application de modifier les profils système.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">utiliser le framework matériel</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Autorise une application à accéder au framework matériel de Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">modifier les paramètres système de Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Autorise une application à modifier les paramètres système de Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">modifier les paramètres de sécurité système de Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Autorise une application à modifier les paramètres de sécurité du système. Les applications standards ne doivent pas utiliser cette fonctionnalité.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">ajouter et supprimer des applications pour les applications protégées</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Permet à une application de marquer d\'autres applications comme protégées et de les verrouiller.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">modifier le style du système</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">personnaliser les couleurs système</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Par défaut</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Bureau</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Domicile</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Silencieux</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Nuit</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Automobile</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Téléphone</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Agenda</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-mail</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Autre</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Économie d\'énergie</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Équilibré</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Performances</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Efficacité</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Rapide</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Économies d’énergie maximales, réduit les performances de l’appareil</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Équilibre entre performances optimales et économies d\'énergie</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Mode haute performance. Utile pour les applications nécessitant un débit plus élevé et à faible latence lorsque la consommation d’énergie n’est pas un problème</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Favorise les économies d’énergie. Limite la puissance du processeur et l\'optimise pour des économies d\'énergie maximales, entraînant une latence plus élevée</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Favorise les performances. Réduit la latence, mais augmente légèrement la consommation d\'énergie</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automatique</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Ajuster automatiquement la température des couleurs de l\'écran après le coucher et le lever du soleil</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Désactivé</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay changé en mode jour.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay changé en mode nuit.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay changé en mode extérieur.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">accéder au gestionnaire des performances</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Permet à l\'application d\'accéder au service de performances. Une application normale ne devrait pas en avoir besoin.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">lire la météo</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Autorise une application à lire le contenu du fournisseur météo.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">mettre à jour le fournisseur de météo</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Permet à une application d\'être identifiée en tant que fournisseur de météo.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">accéder au service météo</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Autorise une application à accéder au service météorologique dans le système. Cette fonctionnalité ne devrait jamais être nécessaire pour les applications standards.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">modifier la base de données d\'utilisation des données</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Permet à une application de mettre à jour le contenu de la base de données d\'utilisation des données.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">lire la base de données d\'utilisation des données</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Autorise une application à lire le contenu de la base de données d\'utilisation des données.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">gérer les paramètres de LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Permet à une application de configurer les paramètres avancés de l\'affichage.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">observer les changements de session audio</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Permet à une application d\'observer la création et destruction des flux audio.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Protection des données</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">gérer les paramètres distants</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Autoriser une application à gérer les paramètres distants</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Date de compilation</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Niveau de l\'API LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Mises à jour LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Version LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Niveau du correctif de sécurité du fournisseur</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Inconnu</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Application arrêtée</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">ko/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">Mo/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Carbone</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Myrtille</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Cacao</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavande</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomate</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banane</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">accéder à l\'interface Trust</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Autorise une application à afficher des avertissements et suggestions Trust</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-frp/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-frp/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-frp/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-fy-rNL/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-fy-rNL/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-fy-rNL/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ga-rIE/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ga-rIE/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ga-rIE/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-gd/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-gd/strings.xml
index 3df7b7e7..e0cc600a 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-gd/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-gd/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Siostam LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">pròifilean an t-siostaim atharrachadh</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Leigidh seo le aplacaid pròifilean an t-siostaim atharrachadh.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">frèam-obrach bathair-chruaidh a chleachdadh</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Leigidh seo le aplacaid frèam-obrach bathair-chruaidh Lineage a chleachdadh.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">roghainnean siostam Lineage atharrachadh</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Leigidh seo le aplacaid roghainnean siostam Lineage atharrachadh.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">roghainnean siostam Lineage tèarainte atharrachadh</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Leigidh seo le aplacaid roghainnean siostam Lineage tèarainte atharrachadh. Na cleachd seo le aplacaidean àbhaisteach.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">aplacaidean a chur ris na h-aplacaidean dìonta is an toirt air falbh uapa</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Leigidh seo le aplacaid comharra a chur ri aplacaid eile gur e tè dhìonta a th’ innte is a glasadh.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">stoidhle an t-siostaim atharrachadh</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">dathan an t-siostaim a ghnàthachadh</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Bun-roghainn</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Obair</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Dachaigh</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Sàmhach</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Oidhche</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Càr</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Fòn</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Mìosachan</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Post-d</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Eile</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Caomhnadh cumhachd</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Cothromach</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Dèanadas</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Èifeachdachd</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Luath</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Caomhnadh as motha na cumhachd ach ìsleachadh air dèanadas an uidheim</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Meidh eadar an dèanadas as fhearr is caomhnadh na cumhachd</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Modh dèanadais àird. Tha seo feumail ma tha aplacaid feumach air foillidheachd ìosal is an tro-chur as àirde mur eil dragh mu chleachdadh na cumhachd ann</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Prìomhachas air caomhnadh na cumhachd. Cuingeachadh air cumhachd as motha a’ CPU is piseachadh air caomhnadh na cumhachd ach barrachd foillidheachd air</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Prìomhachas air an dèanadas. Beagan as lugha a dh’fhoillidheachd le feum air beagan cumhachd a bharrachd</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Fèin-obrachail</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Cuir gleus air teothachd nan dath air an sgrìn gu fèin-obrachail às dèidh laighe is èirigh na grèine</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Dheth</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">Chaidh LiveDisplay atharrachadh gu modh an latha.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">Chaidh LiveDisplay atharrachadh gu modh na h-oidhche.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">Chaidh LiveDisplay atharrachadh gu modh an taoibh a-muigh.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">manaidsear an dèanadais inntrigeadh</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Leigidh seo le aplacaid seirbheis an dèanadais inntrigeadh. Na cleachd seo le aplacaidean àbhaisteach.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">an aimsir a leughadh</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Leigidh seo le aplacaid susbaint o sholaraiche na h-aimsire a leughadh.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">solaraiche aimsire ùrachadh</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Leigidh seo le aplacaid gun dèid a h-aithneachadh mar seirbheis solaraiche aimsire.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">seirbheis aimsire inntrigeadh</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Leigidh seo le aplacaid seirbheis na h-aimsire inntrigeadh san t-siostam. Na cleachd seo le aplacaidean àbhaisteach.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">an stòr-dàta air cleachdadh dàta atharrachadh</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Leigidh seo le aplacaid an t-susbaint aig an stòr-dàta air cleachdadh dàta ùrachadh.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">an stòr-dàta air cleachdadh dàta a leughadh</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Leigidh seo le aplacaid an t-susbaint aig an stòr-dàta air cleachdadh dàta a leughadh.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">roghainnean LiveDisplay a stiùireadh</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Leigidh seo le aplacaid roghainnean adhartach an taisbeanaidh a rèiteachadh.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">sùil a chumail air atharrachaidhean air seisean fuaime</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Leigidh seo le aplacaid sùil a chumail air cruthachadh is crìochnachadh sruthan fuaime.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Freiceadan na prìobhaideachd</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">roghainnean cèine a stiùireadh</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Leigidh seo le aplacaid roghainnean cèine a stiùireadh</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Ceann-là na togail</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Leibheil API LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Ùrachaidhean air LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">An tionndadh de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Leibheil brèide tèarainteachd an reiceadair</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Chan eil fhios</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Chaidh aplacaid a mharbhadh</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Gual</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Gorm</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Còco</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lus na tùise</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomàto</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banana</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Earbsa</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">eadar-aghaidh na h-earbsa inntrigeadh</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Leigidh seo le aplacaid rabhaidhean is molaidhean na h-earbsa a shealltainn</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-gl/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-gl/strings.xml
index 79dc80f2..2fcb48c2 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-gl/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-gl/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Sistema LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">modificar perfís do sistema</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Permítelle a unha aplicación modificar os perfís do sistema.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">utilizar o contorno de traballo do hardware</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Permitir que unha app acceda ao contorno de hardware.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">modificar a configuración do sistema</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Permite a unha aplicación modificar os axustes do sistema.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">modificar a configuración de seguranza</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Permite a unha aplicación modificar os axustes de sistema seguro. Non é necesario para aplicacións normais.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">engadir e eliminar apps das aplicacións protexidas</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Permitirlle a unha aplicación marcar outras como protexidas e bloquealas.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">trocar o sistema de estilo</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">personalizar as cores do sistema</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Predeterminado</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Traballo</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Inicio</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Silencio</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Noite</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Automóbil</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Teléfono</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Calendario</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Correo electrónico</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Outro</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Aforro de enerxía</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Equilibrado</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Rendemento</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Eficiencia</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Veloz</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Máximo aforro de enerxía, reduce o rendemento do dispositivo</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Equilibrio entre un rendemento óptimo e características de aforro de enerxía</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Modo de alto rendemento. Útil para as aplicacións que requiren dunha baixa latencia e o un gran rendemento cando o consumo de enerxía non é unha preocupación</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Favorece o aforro de enerxía. Limita o rendemento máximo da CPU e a optimiza para poder aforrar perante unha maior latencia</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Favorece o rendemento. Reduce a latencia cun consumo lixeiramente máis alto</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automático</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Axustar automaticamente as cores de pantalla ao mencer e ao solpor</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Apagado</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay mudado ao modo día.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay mudado ao modo noite.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay mudado ao modo exteriores.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">acceso ao xestor de rendemento</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Permite que unha aplicación acceda ao servizo de rendemento. Non debería ser necesario para aplicación normais.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">ler o tempo</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Permite que unha aplicación ler o contido desde o fornecedor de clima.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">actualizar o fornecedor de clima</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Permite que unha aplicación poida ser identificada como un servizo fornecedor de clima.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">acceder ao servizo de clima</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Permite que unha aplicación acceder ao servizo de clima do sistema. Nunca debería ser necesario para aplicacións normais.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">modificar os datos de uso da base de datos</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Permite que unha aplicación poida actualizar os datos do contido da base de datos.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">ler os datos de uso da base de datos</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Permite que unha aplicación poida ler os contidos da base de datos de uso de datos.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">xestionar os axustes de LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Permite que unha aplicación poida configurar os axustes de pantalla avanzados.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">observar os cambios na sesión de son</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Permite a unha aplicación observar os fluxos de son que se crean e se destrúen.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Proteción da Privacidade</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">xestionar axustes remotos</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Permitir a unha aplicación xestionar os axustes remotos</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Data de compilación</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Nivel da API do LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Actualizacións de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Versión de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Nivel do parche de seguridade do proveedor</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Descoñecido</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Matouse a aplicación</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Carbón</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Arando</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Coco</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavanda</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomate</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Plátano</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">acceder a interface Trust</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Permite que unha aplicación amose avisos e suxestións do Trust</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-gu/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-gu/strings.xml
index 0c810c5f..6a5a13c9 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-gu/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-gu/strings.xml
@@ -17,45 +17,28 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">સિસ્ટમ પ્રોફાઇલ્સમાં ફેરફાર કરો</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">ઍપને સિસ્ટમ પ્રોફાઇલ્સમાં ફેરફાર કરવાની પરવાનગી આપે છે.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">હાર્ડવેર ફ્રેમવર્કનો ઉપયોગ કરો</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">ઍડ અને કાઢી નાંખો એપ્લિકેશન્સ રક્ષણ કરો</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">ઍપને અન્ય એપ્લિકેશન્સ પર સુરક્ષિત તરીકે અંકિત કરી તે લૉક કરવાની છૂટ આપે છે.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">ડિફોલ્ટ</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">કાર્યાલય</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">ઘર</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">શાંત</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">રાત્રિ</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">ઓટોમોબાઇલ</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">ફોન</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">કૅલેન્ડર</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">ઇમેઇલ</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">અન્ય</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">પાવર બચાવો</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">સંતુલિત</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">પ્રદર્શન</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">કાર્યક્ષમતા</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">ઝડપી</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">સ્વચલિત</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">સૂર્યોદય અને સૂર્યાસ્ત પછી સ્ક્રીનના રંગ તાપમાનને સ્વયંચાલિત રીતે સમાયોજિત કરો</string>
<string name="live_display_off">બંધ</string>
@@ -67,30 +50,6 @@
<string name="live_display_outdoor">આઉટડોર (તેજ તડકો)</string>
<string name="live_display_outdoor_summary">ફકત આઉટડોર સેટિંગ્સનો ઉપયોગ કરો</string>
<string name="live_display_hint">લાઇવડિસ્પ્લેથી આંખો પરની તાણ ઘટાડી શકાય છે અને તમને રાતે સૂવામાં મદદરૂપ થઈ શકે. અજમાવવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો!</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">ઍક્સેસ કામગીરી મેનેજર</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">ઍપ ને કામગીરી સેવા ઍક્સેસ કરવાની છૂટ આપે છે. સામાન્ય એપ્સ માટે ક્યારેય જરૂર પડવી જોઈએ નહી.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-hi/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-hi/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-hi/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-hr/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-hr/strings.xml
index 5236cf2b..a8290d8b 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-hr/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-hr/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">LineageOS Sustav</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">izmijeni profile sustava</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Dopušta aplikaciji da izmijeni profile sustava.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">koristi hardware framework</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Dopušta aplikaciji pristupiti Lineage hardware framework.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">promijeni Lineage postavke sigurnosti sustava</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Dopušta aplikaciji da izmijeni postavke sustava Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">promijeni Lineage postavke sigurnosti sustava</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Dopušta aplikaciji da promjeni Lineage postavke sigurnosti sustava. Nije za korištenje kod normalnih aplikacija.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">dodavanje ili uklanjanje aplikacije za zaštićene aplikacije</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Omogućuje aplikaciji da označi druge aplikacije kao zaštićene i zaključa ih.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">promjena stila sustava</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">prilagođavati boje sustava</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Zadano</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Posao</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Kuća</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Bešumno</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Noć</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Automobil</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Kalendar</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-pošta</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Ostalo</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Štednja energije</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Uravnoteženo</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Performanse</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Učinkovitost</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Brzo</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Maksimalna ušteda energije, smanjuje performanse uređaja</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Ravnoteža optimalnih performansi i karakteristika energije</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Način rada visokih performansi. Korisno za aplikacije koje zahtijevaju niske latencije i najveću propusnost kada potrošnja energije nije bitna.</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Naklonost uštedi energije. Ograničuje maksimalnu upotrebu CPU-a i optimizira za uštedu energije po cijeni više latencije.</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Naklonost performansama. Smanjuje latenciju s nešto povećanom potrošnjom energije.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automatski</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Automatski prilagodi temperaturu boje zaslona nakon zalaska i izlaska sunca</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Isključen</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay promijenjen u dnevni način.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay promijenjen u noćni način.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay promijenjen u vanjski način.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">pristup upravitelju performansi</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Dopušta aplikaciji pristup servisu performansi. Za obične aplikacije nikada ne bi trebao biti potreban.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">čitanje vremenske prognoze</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Dopušta aplikaciji čitati sadržaj vremenske prognoze.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">ažuriranje vremenske prognoze</string>
@@ -103,44 +83,27 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Dopušta aplikaciji da se identificira kao dobavljač vremenske prognoze.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">pristup usluzi vremenske prognoze</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Omogućuje aplikaciji pristupiti uslugama vremenske prognoze u sustavu. Nije potrebno normalnim aplikacijama.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">izmijena baze podataka podatkovnog prometa</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Aplikaciji omogućuje ažuriranje sadržaja baze podataka s podacima.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">čitanje upotrebe baze podataka</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Omogućuje aplikaciji čitanje sadržaja baze podataka s podacima.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">upravljanje postavkama LiveDisplay-a</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Omogućuje aplikaciji konfiguriranje postavki naprednog prikaza.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">promatraj promjene zvučnih sesija</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Dopušta aplikaciji promatrati tijek zvuka dok je kreiran i prekinut.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Nadzor privatnosti</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">upravljanje udaljenim postavkama</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Omogućuje aplikaciji upravljanje udaljenim postavkama</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Datum izdavanja</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">LineageOS API razina</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS ažuriranja</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">LineageOS verzija</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Nepoznato</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Aplikacija je zaustavljena</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Ugljen</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Borovnica</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Kakao</string>
@@ -151,8 +114,4 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavanda</string>
<string name="accent_red">Rajčica</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banana</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-hu/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-hu/strings.xml
index 739bc2f2..b2638065 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-hu/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-hu/strings.xml
@@ -17,50 +17,33 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">rendszerprofilok módosítása</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Lehetővé teszi az alkalmazás számára a rendszerprofilok módosítását.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">hardver keretrendszert használ</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">alkalmazások hozzáadása vagy eltávolítása a védett alkalmazásokból</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Lehetővé teszi az alkalmazás számára más alkalmazások védetté nyilvánítását és azok zárolását.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Alapértelmezett</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Munka</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Otthon</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Néma</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Éjszaka</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Autóban</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Naptár</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-mail</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Egyéb</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Energiatakarékos</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Kiegyensúlyozott</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Teljesítmény</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Hatékonyság</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Gyors</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Maximális energiatakarékosság. Csökkenti a készülék teljesítményét</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Egyensúly az optimális teljesítmény és az energiafogyasztás között</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Nagy teljesítményű üzemmód. Hasznos az alacsony késleltetést és nagy teljesítményt igénylő alkalmazásokhoz, amikor a fogyasztás nem számít</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Energiatakarékosság előnyben részesítése. Korlátozza a maximális CPU teljesítményt és optimalizálja az energiatakarékosságot a nagyobb késleltetés árán</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Teljesítmény előnyben részesítése. Enyhén megnövekedett energiafogyatással csökkenti a késleltetést</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automatikus</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Automatikusan beállítja a képernyő színhőmérsékletét napnyugta és napkelte után</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Ki</string>
@@ -82,11 +65,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay nappali módra változtatva.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay éjszakai módra változtatva.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay szabadtéri módra változtatva.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">hozzáférés a teljesítmény kezelőhöz</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Lehetővé teszi az alkalmazás számára, hogy hozzáférjen a teljesítmény szolgáltatáshoz. Általános alkalmazásoknak soha nem kell ilyen engedély.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">időjárás olvasása</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Lehetővé teszi az alkalmazás számára az időjárás szolgáltatói tartalom olvasását.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">időjárás szolgáltató frissítése</string>
@@ -95,36 +75,15 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Lehetővé teszi az alkalmazás számára, hogy mint időjárás szolgáltató kerüljön azonosításra.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">hozzáférés időjárás szolgáltatáshoz</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Lehetővé teszi az alkalmazás számára a rendszer időjárás szolgáltatásának elérését. Általános alkalmazásoknak soha nem kell ilyen engedély.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">adathasználati adatbázis módosítása</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Lehetővé teszi az alkalmazás számára az adathasználati adatbázis tartalmának frissítését.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">adathasználati adatbázis olvasása</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Lehetővé teszi az alkalmazás számára az adathasználati adatbázis tartalmának olvasását.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">LiveDisplay beállítások kezelése</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Lehetővé teszi az alkalmazás számára a speciális megjelenítési beállítások konfigurálását.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">audió munkamenet változásainak megfigyelése</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Lehetővé teszi az alkalmazás számára, hogy megfigyelje ahogy az audió folyamok létrejönnek és elpusztulnak.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Adatvédelmi beállítások</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">távoli beállítások kezelése</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Lehetővé teszi az alkalmazások számára a távoli beállítások kezelését</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-hy/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-hy/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-hy/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-in/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-in/strings.xml
index 2a23255e..5cb8248d 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-in/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-in/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Sistem LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">memodifikasi profil sistem</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Mengizinkan aplikasi untuk mengubah profil sistem.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">gunakan hardware framework</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Izinkan aplikasi untuk mengakses susunan perangkat keras Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">mengubah setelah sistem Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Izinkan aplikasi untuk memodifikasi setelan sistem Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">memodifikasi setelan sistem keamanan Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Izinkan aplikasi untuk memodifikasi setelan sistem keamanan Lineage. Tidak untuk digunakan oleh aplikasi yang normal.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">tambahkan dan hapus aplikasi untuk aplikasi yang dilindungi</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Mengizinkan aplikasi untuk menandai aplikasi lain sebagai aplikasi yang dilindungi dan menguncinya.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">mengubah gaya sistem</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">menyesuaikan warna sistem</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Standar</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Kerja</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Beranda</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Senyap</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Malam</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Mobil</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telepon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Kalender</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Surel</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Lainnya</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Hemat daya</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Seimbang</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Kinerja</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Efisiensi</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Cepat</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Hemat daya maksimal, kurangi kinerja perangkat</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Seimbang antara kinerja yang optimal dan karakteristik kekuatan</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Mode kinerja tinggi. Berguna untuk aplikasi yang memerlukan latency rendah dan tertinggi throughput ketika konsumsi daya tidak perhatian</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Mendukung penghematan daya. Batas maksimum power CPU dan mengoptimalkan untuk penghematan biaya latensi lebih tinggi daya</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Mendukung kinerja. Mengurangi latensi dengan konsumsi daya yang sedikit meningkat</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Otomatis</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Menyesuaikan suhu warna layar secara otomatis setelah matahari terbenam dan terbit</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Mati</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay diubah menjadi modus siang.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay diubah menjadi modus malam.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay diubah menjadi modus luar ruangan.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">akses pengelola kinerja</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Izinkan aplikasi untuk mengakses layanan kinerja. Tidak dibutuhkan untuk aplikasi biasa.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">baca cuaca</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Izinkan aplikasi untuk membaca konten dari penyedia cuaca.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">perbarui penyedia cuaca</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Izinkan aplikasi untuk diidentifikasi sebagai layanan penyedia cuaca.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">akses layanan cuaca</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Izinkan aplikasi untuk mengakses layanan cuaca dalam sistem. Tidak dibutuhkan untuk aplikasi biasa.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">ubah basis data penggunaan data</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Izinkan aplikasi untuk memperbarui konten dari basis data penggunaan data.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">baca basis data penggunaan data</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Izinkan aplikasi untuk membaca konten dari basis data penggunaan data.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">kelola pengaturan LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Izinkan aplikasi untuk mengonfigurasi pengaturan tampilan lanjutan.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">pantau perubahan sesi audio</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Izinkan aplikasi untuk memantau pengaliran audio yang dibuat dan dihilangkan.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Penjaga Privasi</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">mengelola pengaturan jarak jauh</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Memungkinkan aplikasi untuk mengelola pengaturan jarak jauh</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Tanggal pembuatan</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Tingkat API LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Pembaruan LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Versi LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Tingkat patch keamanan vendor</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Tidak dikenal</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Aplikasi dimatikan</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/d</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/d</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/d</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/d</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Karbon</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Blueberry</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Cokelat</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavender</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomat</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Pisang</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">akses antarmuka Trust</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Mengizinkan aplikasi menampilkan peringatan dan saran Trust</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-is/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-is/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-is/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-it/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-it/strings.xml
index 2a202969..cf099189 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-it/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-it/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Sistema LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">modifica profili sistema</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Consente all\'applicazione di modificare i profili di sistema.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">utilizza framework hardware</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Consente all\'applicazione di accedere al framework hardware di Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">modifica le impostazioni di sistema di Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Consente all\'applicazione di modificare le impostazioni di sistema di Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">modifica le impostazioni sicure di sistema di Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Consente all\'applicazione di modificare le impostazioni sicure di sistema di LineageOS. Non utilizzato dalle app normali.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">aggiungi o rimuovi app dalle app protette</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Consenti ad un\'app di segnalare altre app come protette e bloccarle.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">modifica stile del sistema</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">personalizzare i colori del sistema</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Predefinito</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Lavoro</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Casa</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Silenzioso</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Notte</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Automobile</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefono</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Calendario</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Email</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Altro</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Risparmio energetico</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Bilanciato</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Prestazioni</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Efficiente</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Rapido</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Massimo risparmio energetico, riduce le prestazioni del dispositivo</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Performance e utilizzo batteria bilanciati</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Modalità performance. Utile per applicazioni che richiedono bassa latenza e ottimo rendimento quando i consumi energetici non sono un problema</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Efficienza. I risparmi energetici vengono favoriti limitando la potenza massima della CPU al costo di una latenza maggiore</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Rapidità. Le performances vengono preferite riducendo la latenza al costo di un consumo energetico maggiore</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automatico</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Regola automaticamente la temperatura del colore dello schermo dopo il tramonto e l\'alba</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Disattivato</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay cambiato in modalità giorno.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay cambiato in modalità notte.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay cambiato in modalità all\'aperto.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">accesso gestione performance</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Consente ad un\'app di accedere alla gestione performances. Non dovrebbe essere mai richiesto per le normali app.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">leggi meteo</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Consente all\'applicazione di leggere contenuti dal provider meteo.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">aggiorna provider meteo</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Consente all\'applicazione di identificarsi come provider meteo.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">accesso servizio meteo</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Consente all\'applicazione di accedere al servizio meteo nel sistema. Non dovrebbe mai essere necessario per le app normali.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">modifica database utilizzo dati</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Consente all\'applicazione di aggiornare i contenuti nel database dati utilizzati.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">leggi database utilizzo dati</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Consente all\'applicazione di leggere i contenuti nel database dati utilizzati.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">gestisci le impostazioni LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Consenti ad un\'app di configurare impostazioni avanzate del display.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">osserva cambiamenti di sessioni audio</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Consente all\'applicazione di osservare la creazione e distruzione di flussi audio.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Privacy Guard</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">gestisci impostazioni remote</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Consente all\'applicazione di gestire le impostazioni remote</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Data build</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Livello API LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Aggiornamenti LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Versione LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Livello patch sicurezza produttore</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Sconosciuto</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Applicazione chiusa</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Carbone</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Oceano</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Cacao</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavanda</string>
<string name="accent_red">Pomodoro</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banana</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">accedi all\'interfaccia Trust</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Consente ad un\'app di mostrare suggerimenti e avvisi di Trust</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-iw/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-iw/strings.xml
index fb29454b..67dba3b3 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-iw/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-iw/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">מערכת LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">שנה פרופילי מערכת</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">מאפשר ליישום לשנות פרופילי מערכת.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">השתמש במסגרת חומרה</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">אפשר ליישומים גישה לתשתית החומרה של LineageOS.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">שינוי הגדרות המערכת</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">מאפשר ליישום לשנות את הגדרות מערכת LineageOS.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">שינוי הגדרות אבטחה של המערכת</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">מאפשר ליישום לשנות הגדרות אבטחה של המערכת, לא נועד לשימוש ע\"י יישומים רגילים.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">הוספה והסרה של יישומים מהיישומים המוגנים</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">מאפשר ליישום לסמן יישומים אחרים כמוגנים ולנעול אותם.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">שינוי סגנון מערכת</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">התאם אישית את צבעי המערכת</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">ברירת מחדל</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">עבודה</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">בית</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">שקט</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">לילה</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">רכב</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">טלפון</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">לוח שנה</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">דוא\"ל</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">אחר</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">חיסכון בסוללה</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">מאוזן</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">ביצועים</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">יעילות</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">מהיר</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">חיסכון חשמל מירבי, מפחית את ביצועי המכשיר</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">אזן בין ביצועים מיטביים לצריכת חשמל</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">מצב ביצועים גבוהים. שימושי ליישומים שדורשים הרבה כוח עיבוד ותגובה מהירה, כאשר צריכת החשמל לא מהווה מדד</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">חיסכון בצריכת החשמל. מגביל את עוצמת המעבד ומשפר את צריכת החשמל בתמורה למהירות תגובה נמוכה יותר</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">ביצועים טובים. משפר את זמן התגובה עם עליה קלה בצריכת החשמל</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">אוטומטי</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">התאם אוטומטית את טמפרטורת הצבע של המסך לאחר הזריחה והשקיעה</string>
<string name="live_display_off">כבוי</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay שונה למצב יום.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay שונה למצב לילה.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay שונה למצב חוץ.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">גש למנהל הביצועים</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">מאפשר ליישום לגשת לשירות ניהול הביצועים. לא אמור להידרש ליישומים רגילים לעולם.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">קרא את מזג האוויר</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">מאפשר ליישום לקרוא תוכן של ספק מידע על מזג האוויר.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">עדכן את ספק מזג האוויר</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">מאפשר ליישום להזדהות כספק מידע מזג אוויר.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">גישה לשירות מידע מזג אוויר</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">מאפשר ליישום לגשת לשירות מזג האוויר של המערכת. לא אמור להידרש ליישומים רגילים לעולם.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">שנה מסד נתונים של השימוש בנתונים</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">מאפשר ליישום לעדכן את תוכן מסד הנתונים של השימוש בנתונים.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">קרא את מסד הנתונים של השימוש בנתונים</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">מאפשר ליישום לקרוא תוכן ממסד הנתונים של השימוש בנתונים.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">נהל הגדרות livedisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">מאפשר ליישום לקבוע הגדרות תצוגה מתקדמות.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">הרשאה לקבלת עדכוני פעולות במערכת השמע</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">מאפשר ליישום לקבל עדכוני יצירה וסגירה של זרמי שמע.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">שומר הפרטיות</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">נהל הגדרות מרחוק</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">מאפשר ליישום לנהל הגדרות מרחוק</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">תאריך בנייה</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">רמת ה־API של LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">עדכוני LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">גרסת LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">‏רמת עדכוני אבטחה</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">לא ידוע</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">היישום נסגר</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">שחור פחם</string>
<string name="accent_blue">אוכמניות</string>
<string name="accent_brown">קקאו</string>
@@ -152,9 +115,5 @@
<string name="accent_purple">לבנדר</string>
<string name="accent_red">עגבנייה</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">בננה</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_notification_action_manage">נהל התראות</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ja/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ja/strings.xml
index fc86de98..7ac9a826 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ja/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-ja/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">LineageOS システム</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">システムプロファイルの変更</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">システムプロファイルの変更をアプリに許可します。</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">ハードウェアフレームワークの使用</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">LineageOS ハードウェアフレームワークへのアクセスをアプリに許可します。</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">lineageOS システム設定の変更</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">LineageOS システム設定の変更をアプリに許可します。</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">lineageOS セキュアシステム設定の変更</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">LineageOS セキュアシステム設定の変更をアプリに許可します。通常のアプリ用ではありません。</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">アプリの保護へのアプリの追加と削除</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">他のアプリを保護に設定してロックすることをアプリに許可します。</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">システムスタイルの変更</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">システムカラーのカスタマイズ</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">デフォルト</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">仕事</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">自宅</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">サイレント</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">夜</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">車</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">電話</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">カレンダー</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">メール</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">その他</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">省電力</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">バランス</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">パフォーマンス</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">効率</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">クイック</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">省電力化を最大化しますが、パフォーマンスが低下します</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">最適なパフォーマンスと電力特性のバランスを保ちます</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">高パフォーマンスモードです。電力消費を気にしなければ、低遅延と高処理を必要とするアプリケーションに最適です。</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">省電力化を優先します。遅延が起こりやすくなりますが、最大CPU電力を制限して、省電力に最適化します。</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">パフォーマンスを優先します。わずかに電力消費が増えますが、遅延が軽減されます。</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">自動</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">日中に画面の色温度を自動的に調整する</string>
<string name="live_display_off">OFF</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplayが昼モードに変更されました。</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplayが夜モードに変更されました。</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplayが屋外モードに変更されました。</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">パフォーマンスマネージャーへのアクセス</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">パフォーマンスサービスへのアクセスをアプリに許可します。通常のアプリで必要とされることはありません。</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">天気の読み取り</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">天気プロバイダからのコンテンツの読み取りをアプリに許可します。</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">天気プロバイダの更新</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">天気プロバイダサービスとして識別されることをアプリに許可します。</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">天気サービスへのアクセス</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">システムの天気サービスへのアクセスをアプリに許可します。通常のアプリで必要とされることはありません。</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">データ使用量データベースの変更</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">データ使用量データベースのコンテンツの更新をアプリに許可します。</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">データ使用量データベースの読み取り</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">データ使用量データベースからのコンテンツの読み取りをアプリに許可します。</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">LiveDisplayの設定の管理</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">ディスプレイの詳細設定をアプリに許可します。</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">オーディオセッションの変更の監視</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">オーディオストリームの作成および破棄の監視をアプリに許可します。</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">プライバシーガード</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">リモートの設定の管理</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">リモートの設定を管理することをアプリに許可します。</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">ビルド日時</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">LineageOS API レベル</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS アップデート</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">LineageOS バージョン</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">ベンダーセキュリティパッチレベル</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">不明</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">アプリを終了しました。</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">カーボン</string>
<string name="accent_blue">ブルーベリー</string>
<string name="accent_brown">ココア</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">ラベンダー</string>
<string name="accent_red">トマト</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">バナナ</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">Trust インターフェースへのアクセス</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">アプリに Trust の警告と提案を表示することを許可する</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ka/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ka/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ka/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-kab-rDZ/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-kab-rDZ/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-kab-rDZ/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-kk/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-kk/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-kk/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-km/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-km/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-km/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-kn/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-kn/strings.xml
index 9bc020f6..b8d4c49c 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-kn/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-kn/strings.xml
@@ -17,45 +17,28 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">ಸಿಸ್ಟಂ ಪ್ರೋಫೈಲ್‍ಗಳನ್ನು ಮಾರ್ಪಡಿಸು</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">ಒಂದು ಆಪ್‍ಗೆ ಸಿಸ್ಟಂ ಪ್ರೊಫೈಲ್‍ಗಳನ್ನು ಮಾರ್ಪಡಿಸಲು ಅನುಮತಿಸುತ್ತದೆ.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">ಹಾರ್ಡ್‍ವೇರ್ ಫ್ರೇಮ್‍ವರ್ಕ್ ಉಪಯೋಗಿಸು</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">ಸಂರಕ್ಷಿತ ಅಪ್ಲಿಕೇಶನ್‌ಗಳಿಗೆ ಅಪ್ಲಿಕೇಶನ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಿ ಮತ್ತು ತೆಗೆಯಿರಿ</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">ಇತರ ಅಪ್ಲಿಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂರಕ್ಷಿತಗೊಳಿಸಲು ಮತ್ತು ಅವುಗಳನ್ನು ಲಾಕ್‌ ಮಾಡಲು ಒಂದು ಅಪ್ಲಿಕೇಶನ್‌ ಅನುವು ಮಾಡಿ</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">ಡೀಫಾಲ್ಟ್</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">ಉದ್ಯೋಗ</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">ಮನೆ</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">ನಿಶ್ಯಬ್ದ</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">ರಾತ್ರಿ</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">ವಾಹನ</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">ಫೋನ್</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">ಕ್ಯಾಲೆಂಡರ್</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">ಜಿ‍ಮೇಲ್</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">ಇಮೇಲ್</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">ಎಸ್ಎಂಎಸ್</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">ಇತರೆ</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">ವಿದ್ಯುತ್ ಉಳಿಸು</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">ಸಮತೋಲಿತ</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ಷಮತೆ</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">ದಕ್ಷತೆ</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">ಕ್ಷಿಪ್ರ</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತ</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">ಸೂರ್ಯೋದಯ ಮತ್ತು ಸೂರ್ಯಾಸ್ತದ ಬಳಿಕದ ಪರದೆ‌ನ ಬಣ್ಣದ ತಾಪವನ್ನು ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತವಾಗಿ ಹೊಂದಾಣಿಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ</string>
<string name="live_display_off">ಆಫ್ ಆಗಿದೆ</string>
@@ -67,28 +50,4 @@
<string name="live_display_outdoor">ಔಟ್‌ಡೋರ್ (ಪ್ರಕಾಶಮಾನ ಸೂರ್ಯ)</string>
<string name="live_display_outdoor_summary">ಔಟ್‌ಡೋರ್‌ ಸೆಟ್ಟಿಂಗ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಮಾತ್ರ ಬಳಸಿ</string>
<string name="live_display_hint">ಕಣ್ಣಿನ ತೊಂದರೆಯನ್ನು ಕಡಿಮೆ ಮಾಡಲು ಲೈವ್ ಡಿಸ್‌ಪ್ಲೇ ನೆರವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ ಮತ್ತು ರಾತ್ರಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಿದ್ರೆಗೂ ಸಹಾಯವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಲು ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ!</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ko/strings.xml
index e2798ed9..f3817acc 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ko/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-ko/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">LineageOS 시스템</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">시스템 프로필 수정</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">앱이 시스템 프로필을 수정할 수 있도록 허용합니다.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">하드웨어 프레임워크 사용</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">앱이 Lineage 하드웨어 프레임워크에 접근할 수 있도록 허용합니다.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">Lineage 시스템 설정 변경</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">앱이 Lineage 시스템 설정을 변경할 수 있도록 허용합니다.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">Lineage 보안 시스템 설정 변경</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">앱이 Lineage 보안 시스템 설정을 변경할 수 있도록 허용합니다. 일반 앱에서는 사용하지 않습니다.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">보호된 앱 추가/제거</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">앱이 다른 앱을 보호됨으로 표시하고 잠글 수 있도록 허용합니다.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">시스템 스타일 변경</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">시스템 색상 사용자 지정</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">기본</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">직장</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">집</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">음소거</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">야간</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">자동차</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">통화</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">일정</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">이메일</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">메시지</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">기타</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">전원 절약</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">균형</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">성능</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">효율</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">성능</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">최대 전원 절약 모드입니다. 기기 성능이 제한됩니다.</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">최적 성능 및 전력 특성 사이에서 균형을 맞춥니다.</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">고성능 모드입니다. 높은 전력 소모량을 고려하지 않아도 되는 상황에서 낮은 지연 시간 및 많은 처리량을 요구하는 애플리케이션에 유용합니다.</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">전원 절약 우위 모드입니다. 최대 CPU 성능을 제한하며 지연 시간이 늘어나는 대신 전원을 절약하는 쪽으로 최적화합니다.</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">성능 우위 모드입니다. 지연 시간이 줄어들고 전력 소모량이 약간 늘어납니다.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">자동</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">일출 및 일몰 후 화면의 색 온도를 자동으로 조정</string>
<string name="live_display_off">끔</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">라이브 디스플레이가 낮 모드로 바뀜.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">라이브 디스플레이가 밤 모드로 바뀜.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">라이브 디스플레이가 야외 모드로 바뀜.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">성능 관리자에 액세스</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">앱이 성능 서비스에 접근할 수 있도록 허용합니다. 일반 앱에서는 필요 없는 권한입니다.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">날씨 확인</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">앱이 날씨 제공자로부터 날씨를 확인할 수 있도록 허용합니다.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">날씨 제공자 업데이트</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">앱이 날씨 제공자 서비스로 인식되는 것을 허용합니다.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">날씨 서비스에 접근</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">앱이 시스템의 날씨 서비스에 접근할 수 있도록 허용합니다. 일반 앱에서는 필요 없는 권한입니다.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">데이터 사용량 데이터베이스 수정</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">앱이 데이터 사용량 데이터베이스를 수정할 수 있도록 허용합니다.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">데이터 사용량 데이터베이스 읽기</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">앱이 데이터 사용량 데이터베이스를 읽을 수 있도록 허용합니다.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">LiveDisplay 설정 관리</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">앱이 고급 디스플레이 설정을 변경할 수 있도록 허용합니다.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">오디오 세션 변화 관찰</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">앱이 오디오 스트림이 생성되고 제거되는 것을 관찰할 수 있도록 허용합니다.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">프라이버시 가드</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">원격 설정 관리</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">앱이 원격 설정을 관리할 수 있도록 허용합니다.</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">빌드 날짜</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">LineageOS API 수준</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS 업데이트</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">LineageOS 버전</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">공급업체 보안 패치 수준</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">알 수 없음</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">애플리케이션 종료됨</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/초</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/초</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/초</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/초</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">탄소강</string>
<string name="accent_blue">바다</string>
<string name="accent_brown">초콜릿</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">라벤더</string>
<string name="accent_red">토마토</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">바나나</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">Trust 인터페이스 접근</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">앱이 Trust 경고 및 제안을 띄울 수 있도록 허용합니다.</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ku/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ku/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ku/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ky/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ky/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ky/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-lb/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-lb/strings.xml
index 687cbdbf..4aeb1212 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-lb/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-lb/strings.xml
@@ -17,61 +17,20 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">Hardware-Framework benotzen</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Standard</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Aarbecht</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Doheem</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Roueg</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Nuecht</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Auto</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Kalenner</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-Mail</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Aner</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_off">Aus</string>
<string name="live_display_day">Dag</string>
<string name="live_display_night">Nuecht</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-lo/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-lo/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-lo/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-lt/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-lt/strings.xml
index 0628f7ce..9c2e83e8 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-lt/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-lt/strings.xml
@@ -17,61 +17,20 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">keisti sistemos profilius</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Leidžia programai keisti sistemos profilius.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">naudoti aparatinės įrangos sistemą</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Numatytasis</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Darbas</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Namai</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Tylus</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Naktis</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Automobilis</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefonas</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Kalendorius</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">El. paštas</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Kita</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_night">Naktis</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-lv/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-lv/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-lv/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-mk/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-mk/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-mk/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ml/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ml/strings.xml
index e6ffbfe5..ebeeb5c6 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ml/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-ml/strings.xml
@@ -17,45 +17,28 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">സിസ്റ്റം പ്രൊഫൈലുകൾ പരിഷ്ക്കരിക്കുക</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">സിസ്റ്റം പ്രൊഫൈലുകൾ പരിഷ്കരിക്കുന്നതിന് ഒരു ആപ്ലിക്കേഷനെ അനുവദിക്കുന്നു.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">ഹാര്‍ഡ്‌വെയര്‍ ഫ്രെയിംവര്‍ക്ക് ഉപയോഗിക്കുക</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">പരിരക്ഷിത ആപ്ലിക്കേഷനുകളില്‍ ചേര്‍ക്കുകയും നീക്കം ചെയ്യുകയും ചെയ്യുക</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">മറ്റ് ആപ്ലിക്കേഷനുകളെ പരിരക്ഷിതമായി അടയാളപ്പെടുത്തുന്നതിനും അവയെ ലോക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നതിനും ഒരു ആപ്ലിക്കേഷനെ അനുവദിക്കുന്നു.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">സ്ഥിരമായത്</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">ഔദ്യോഗികവിലാസം</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">ഹോം</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">നിശബ്‌ദം</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">രാത്രി</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">ഓട്ടോമൊബൈല്‍</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">ഫോണ്‍</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">കലണ്ടർ</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">ജി-മെയിൽ</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">ഇമെയിൽ</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">മറ്റുള്ളവ</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">പവർ ലാഭിക്കുക</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">സന്തുലിതമായത്</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">പ്രകടനം</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">കാര്യക്ഷമത</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">പെട്ടെന്ന്</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">യാന്ത്രികമായി</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">സൂര്യാസ്തമയത്തിനും സൂര്യോദയത്തിനും ശേഷം സ്ക്രീനിന്റെ കളര്‍ താപനില സ്വയം ക്രമീകരിക്കുക</string>
<string name="live_display_off">ഓഫാണ്</string>
@@ -67,28 +50,4 @@
<string name="live_display_outdoor">ഔട്ട്ഡോർ (തെളിഞ്ഞ സൂര്യൻ)</string>
<string name="live_display_outdoor_summary">ഔട്ട്ഡോർ ക്രമീകരണങ്ങൾ മാത്രം ഉപയോഗിക്കുക</string>
<string name="live_display_hint">ലൈവ്ഡിസ്പ്ലേ നിങ്ങളുടെ കണ്ണിന്റെ സമ്മര്‍ദ്ദം കുറയ്ക്കുകയും രാത്രി ഉറങ്ങാൻ നിങ്ങളെ സഹായിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്നു. ഇത് പരീക്ഷിക്കാൻ ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക!</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-mn/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-mn/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-mn/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-mr/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-mr/strings.xml
index fe703b15..609ddc71 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-mr/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-mr/strings.xml
@@ -17,45 +17,28 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">सिस्टिम प्रोफाइल्स सुधारित करा</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">अॅपला सिस्टिम प्रोफाइल्स सुधारित करण्याची परवानगी देते.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">हार्डवेअर फ्रेमवर्क वापरा</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">संरक्षित अनुप्रयोगांना अनुप्रयोग जोडा आणि काढा</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">अनुप्रयोगाला इतर अनुप्रयोगांना संरक्षित म्हणून खूण करू देते आणि त्यांना लॉक करते.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">डीफॉल्ट</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">कार्य</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">मुखपृष्ठ</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">मूक</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">रात्र</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">मोटार</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">फोन</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">कॅलेंडर</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">ईमेल करा</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">अन्य</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">पॉवर बचत</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">बॅलन्स्ड</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">परफॉर्मन्स</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">क्षमता</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">जलद</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">स्वयंचलित</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">सूर्यास्त व सूर्योदयानंतर स्क्रीनचे रंग तापमान स्वयंचलितपणे समायोजित करा</string>
<string name="live_display_off">बंद</string>
@@ -67,30 +50,6 @@
<string name="live_display_outdoor">आऊटडोअर (चमकदार सूर्य)</string>
<string name="live_display_outdoor_summary">केवळ आऊटडोअर सेटिंग्ज वापरा</string>
<string name="live_display_hint">थेटप्रदर्शन डोळ्यांचा ताण कमी करण्यास मदत करते आणि तुम्हाला रात्री झोपण्यास मदत करते. ते वापरून पाहण्यासाठी इथे क्लिक करा!</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">प्रवेश कामगिरी व्यवस्थापक</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">अॅप ला टॉर्च सेवा ऍक्सेस करण्याची परवानगी देते. सामान्य अॅपसाठी कधीही गरज भासू नये.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ms/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ms/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ms/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-my/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-my/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-my/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-nb/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-nb/strings.xml
index 4728c977..7a3d9ecc 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-nb/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-nb/strings.xml
@@ -17,50 +17,33 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">endre system profiler</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Tillat en app å endre systemprofiler.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">bruk maskinvare framework</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">gjør apper beskyttet/ubeskyttet</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Tillat en app å merke andre apper som beskyttet og låse dem.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Standard</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Arbeid</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Hjemme</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Lydløs</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Natt</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Bil</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Kalender</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-post</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Annet</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Strømsparing</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Balansert</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Ytelse</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Effektivitet</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Rask</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Maksimal batterisparing, reduserer enhetens ytelse</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Balanse av best ytelse og strømegenskaper</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Høy ytelse modus. Nyttig for programmer som krever lav latens og høyeste gjennomstrømningen når strømforbruket ikke er en bekymring</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Favoriserer strømsparing. Begrenser prossesor-kraft og optimaliserer for strømsparing på bekostning av høyere latens</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Favoriserer ytelse. Reduserer latens med litt mer strømbruk</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automatisk</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Juster fargetemperatur på skjermen etter solnedgang og soloppgang</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Av</string>
@@ -82,11 +65,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay endret til dagsmodus.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay endret til nattmodus.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay endret til utendørs modus.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">tilgang til ytelsesadministrereren</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Tillater en app å få tilgang til ytelses-tjenesten. Dette skulle aldri vært nødvendig for normale apper.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">lese vær</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Tillater en app å lese av innholdet fra værleverandøren.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">oppdatere værleverandør</string>
@@ -95,36 +75,15 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Tillater en app å bli identifisert som en værleverandør tjeneste.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">få tilgang til værtjeneste</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Tillater en app å få tilgang til værtjenesten i systemet. Skal aldri være nødvendig for normale apper.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">endre databruk databasen</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Tillater en app å oppdatere innholdet til databruk databasen.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">lese av databruk databasen</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Tillater en app å lese av innholdet i databruk databasen.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">behandle LiveDisplay innstillinger</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Tillater en app å konfigurere avanserte skjerminnstillinger.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">observer lydøkt-endringer</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Tillater en app å observere om lyd-strømmer blir lagd eller ødelagt.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Personvernvakt</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">administrer fjernkontroll innstillinger</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Gir en app tilgang til å endre fjernkontroll innstillingene</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ne/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ne/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ne/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-nl/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-nl/strings.xml
index 1b53ca48..b590f7f6 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-nl/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-nl/strings.xml
@@ -17,50 +17,33 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">systeemprofielen wijzigen</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Hiermee kan de app systeemprofielen wijzigen.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">hardware-framework gebruiken</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">toevoegen en verwijderen van apps aan beschermde apps</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Hiermee kan de app andere apps als beschermd aanmerken en vergrendelen.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Standaard</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Werk</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Thuis</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Stil</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Nacht</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Onderweg</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefoon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Agenda</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-mail</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">Sms</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Anders</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Energiebesparing</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Gebalanceerd</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Prestaties</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Efficiënt</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Snel</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Maximale energiebesparing, vermindert apparaatprestaties</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Balans tussen optimale prestaties en energieverbruik</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Hoge prestaties. Te gebruiken in situaties die de hoogste prestaties vereisen en waarbij stroomverbruik niet van belang is</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Geeft de voorkeur aan energiebesparing. Maximaal CPU-vermogen wordt beperkt en geoptimaliseerd voor energiebesparing, ten koste van een mindere prestatie</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Geeft de voorkeur aan prestaties. Goede prestaties ten koste van een iets hoger stroomverbruik</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automatisch</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Automatisch kleurtemperatuur van scherm aanpassen na zonsopkomst en -ondergang</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Uit</string>
@@ -82,11 +65,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay gewijzigd naar dagstand.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay gewijzigd naar nachtstand.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay gewijzigd naar buitenstand.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">Toegang tot prestatiebeheer</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Hiermee kan de app toegang krijgen tot de prestatieservice. Nooit vereist voor normale apps.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">weer lezen</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Hiermee kan de app de inhoud van de weeraanbieder lezen.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">weeraanbieder vernieuwen</string>
@@ -95,44 +75,27 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Hiermee kan de app zich identificeren als weeraanbiederservice.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">toegang tot weerservice</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Hiermee kan de app toegang krijgen tot de weerservice van het systeem. Nooit vereist voor normale apps.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">gegevensgebruik-database aanpassen</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Hiermee kan de app de inhoud van de database met gegevensgebruik bijwerken.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">gegevensgebruik-database lezen</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Hiermee kan de app de inhoud van de database met gegevensgebruik lezen.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">LiveDisplay-instellingen beheren</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Hiermee kan de app geavanceerde beeldscherminstellingen wijzigen.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">wijzigingen in audiosessie observeren</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Hiermee kan de app de aanmaak en vernietiging van audiostreams observeren.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Privacybescherming</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">instellingen voor beheer op afstand</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Hiermee kan de app instellingen voor beheer op afstand beheren</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Build-datum</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Niveau van LineageOS-API</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS-updates</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">LineageOS-versie</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Onbekend</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">App afgesloten</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Koolstof</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Bosbes</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Cacao</string>
@@ -143,9 +106,5 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavendel</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomaat</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banaan</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_notification_title_onboarding">Ontdek Trust</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-oc/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-oc/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-oc/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-or-rIN/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-or-rIN/strings.xml
index 43ede3bd..4d5160d7 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-or-rIN/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-or-rIN/strings.xml
@@ -17,45 +17,28 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">ସିଷ୍ଟମ୍‍ ପ୍ରୋଫାଇଲ୍‍ ସମ୍ପାଦନା କରନ୍ତୁ</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">ସିଷ୍ଟମ୍‍ ପ୍ରୋଫାଇଲ୍‍ ସମ୍ପାଦନା କରିବାକୁ ଆପ୍ଲିକେସନ୍‍କୁ ଅନୁମତି ଦିଏ।</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">ହାର୍ଡ୍‍ଓୟାର୍‍ ଫ୍ରେମ୍‍ୱାର୍କ୍‍ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରନ୍ତୁ</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">ସୁରଷିତ ଆପ୍ଲିକେସନ୍‍ଗୁଡିକରୁ ଆପ୍ଲିକେସନ୍‍କୁ ଯୋଗ ବା ଅପସାରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">ଅନ୍ୟ ଆପ୍ଲିକେସନ୍‍ଗୁଡିକ ସୁରଷିତ ଭାବେ ଚିହ୍ନିତ କରିବାକୁ ଓ ସେଗୁଡିକୁ ଲକ୍‍ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଆପ୍ଲିକେସନ୍‍କୁ ଅନୁମତି ଦିଏ।</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">ଡିଫଲ୍ଟ</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">ହୋମ୍</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">ଶାନ୍ତ</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">ରାତ୍ରି</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">ଅଟୋମୋବିଲ୍‌</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">ଫୋନ୍</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">କ୍ୟାଲେଣ୍ଡର୍</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">ଇମେଲ୍</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">ଅନ୍ୟାନ୍ୟ</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">ପାୱାର୍‍ ସଂରକ୍ଷଣ</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">ସନ୍ତୁଳିତ</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">ସଂଚାଳନକାରିତା</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">ଉପାଦେୟତା</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">ଦ୍ରୁତ</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">ସ୍ୱତଃସ୍ପୃତ</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">ସୂର୍ଯ୍ୟାସ୍ତ ଓ ସୂର୍ଯ୍ୟୋଦୟ ପରେ ରଙ୍ଗ ତାପମାତ୍ରା ସ୍ୱତଃ ଆଡ୍‍ଜଷ୍ଟ କରନ୍ତୁ</string>
<string name="live_display_off">ଅଫ୍</string>
@@ -67,28 +50,4 @@
<string name="live_display_outdoor">ଆଉଟ୍‍ଡୋର୍‍ (ଟାଣ ଖରା)</string>
<string name="live_display_outdoor_summary">କେବଳ ଆଉଟ୍‍ଡୋର୍‍ ସେଟିଂସ୍‍ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରନ୍ତୁ</string>
<string name="live_display_hint">ଲାଇଭ୍‍ଡିସ୍‍ପ୍ଲେ ଆଇଷ୍ଟ୍ରେନ୍‍ କମାଇବାରେ ଓ ରାତିରେ ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ଶୋଇବାରେ ସାହାଯ୍ୟ କରିପାରେ। ଏହା ବ୍ୟବହାର କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଏଠାରେ କ୍ଲିକ୍‍ କରନ୍ତୁ!</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-pa/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-pa/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-pa/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-pl/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-pl/strings.xml
index 55ea3259..97e1d259 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-pl/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-pl/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">System LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">modyfikuje profile systemowe</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Umożliwia aplikacji modyfikację profili systemowych.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">używa sprzętowego frameworka</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Zezwala aplikacji na dostęp do frameworka sprzętowego Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">modyfikacja ustawień systemu Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Zezwól aplikacji na modyfikację ustawień systemu Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">modyfikacja ustawień bezpieczeństwa systemu Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Zezwala aplikacji na modyfikację ustawień bezpieczeństwa systemu Lineage. Nieużywane przez zwykłe aplikacje.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">dodawanie i usuwanie elementów do chronionych aplikacji</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Pozwala na oznaczenie aplikacji jako chroniona i zablokowanie jej.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">zmiana stylu systemowego</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">dostosowywanie kolorów systemowych</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Domyślny</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Praca</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Dom</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Cichy</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Nocny</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Samochód</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Kalendarz</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-mail</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Inny</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Oszczędny</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Zbalansowany</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Wydajny</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Oszczędny</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Szybki</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Maksymalna oszczędność energii, zmniejsza wydajność urządzenia</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Równowaga optymalnej wydajności i zużycia energii</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Tryb wysokiej wydajności. Przydatne dla aplikacji wymagających minimalnych opóźnień i najwyższej wydajności bez względu na zużycie energii</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Sprzyja oszczędzaniu energii. Ogranicza moc procesora i optymalizuje pod kątem zużycia energii, kosztem większych opóźnień</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Sprzyja wydajności. Zmniejsza opóźnienia z lekko zwiększonym zużyciem energii</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automatyczny</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Automatycznie dostosuj temperaturę kolorów ekranu po zachodzie i wschodzie słońca</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Wyłączony</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay zmieniony na tryb dzienny.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay zmieniony na tryb nocny.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay zmieniony na tryb zewnętrzny.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">dostęp do menedżera wydajności</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Umożliwia aplikacji dostęp do usługi wydajności (nie powinno być wymagane przez standardowe aplikacje).</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">odczyt pogody</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Umożliwia aplikacji odczyt danych od dostawcy pogody.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">aktualizacja dostawcy pogody</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,27 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Zezwala aplikacji na dostarczanie usługi prognozy pogody.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">dostęp do usługi prognozy pogody</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Zezwala aplikacji na dostęp do usługi prognozy pogody w systemie. Nie powinno być wymagane przez zwykłe aplikacje.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">modyfikowanie zawartości licznika danych</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Umożliwia aplikacji aktualizowanie zawartości licznika danych.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">odczyt zawartości licznika danych</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Umożliwia aplikacji odczyt zawartości licznika danych.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">zarządzanie ustawieniami LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Pozwala aplikacji na konfigurację zaawansowanych ustawień wyświetlacza.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">obserwuj zmiany sesji audio</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Zezwalaj aplikacji na obserwowanie utworzenia lub zamknięcia strumienia dźwięku.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Ochrona prywatności</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">zarządza zdalnymi ustawieniami</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Zezwala aplikacji na zarządzanie zdalnymi ustawieniami</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Data kompilacji</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Poziom API LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Aktualizacje LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Wersja LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Poziom poprawek zabezpieczeń producenta</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Nieznane</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Aplikacja zabita</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Węglowy</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Jagodowy</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Kakaowy</string>
@@ -152,10 +114,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lawendowy</string>
<string name="accent_red">Pomidorowy</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Bananowy</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">dostęp do interfejsu Trust</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Zezwól aplikacji na wyświetlanie ostrzeżeń i sugestii Trust</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml
index e94c95eb..34df20f4 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Sistema LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">modificar os perfis de sistema</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Permite que um aplicativo modifique os perfis de sistema.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">usar o framework do hardware</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Permite que um aplicativo acesse a estrutura de hardware do sistema Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">modificar as configurações do sistema Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Permite que um aplicativo modifique as configurações do sistema Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">modificar as configurações seguras do sistema Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Permite que um aplicativo modifique as configurações do sistema seguro Lineage. Não é utilizado por aplicativos normais.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">adicionar e remover aplicativos aos protegidos</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Permite que um aplicativo marque outros aplicativos como protegidos e os bloqueie.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">mudar o estilo do sistema</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">personalizar as cores do sistema</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Padrão</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Trabalho</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Casa</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Silêncio</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Noite</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Automóvel</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefone</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Calendário</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-mail</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Outro</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Economia de energia</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Balanceado</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Desempenho</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Eficiência</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Rápido</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Economia máxima de energia, reduz o desempenho do dispositivo</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Equilíbrio entre desempenho e consumo de energia</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Modo de alto desempenho. Útil para aplicações que requerem baixa latência e a taxa de transferência mais alta, quando o consumo de energia não é uma preocupação</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Favorece a economia de energia. Limita a potência máxima da CPU e otimiza a economia de energia a custo de maior latência</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Favorece o desempenho. Reduz a latência com consumo de energia ligeiramente aumentado</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automático</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Ajusta automaticamente a temperatura de cor da tela após o pôr do sol e nascer do sol</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Desligado</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay alterado para modo diurno.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay alterado para modo noturno.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay alterado para modo ao ar livre.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">acessar o gerenciador de desempenho</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Permite que um aplicativo acesse o serviço de desempenho. Nunca deve ser necessário para aplicativos normais.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">ler previsão do tempo</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Permite que um aplicativo leia o conteúdo do provedor da previsão do tempo.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">atualizar provedor de provisão do tempo</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Permite que um aplicativo seja identificado como um provedor de previsão de tempo.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">acesso ao serviço de previsão do tempo</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Permite que um aplicativo acesse a previsão do tempo no sistema. Nunca deverá ser necessário para aplicativos normais.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">modificar o banco de dados de uso de dados</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Permite um aplicativo a atualizar o conteúdo da base de dados de uso de dados.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">ler banco de dados de uso de dados</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Permite um aplicativo ler o conteúdo do banco de dados de uso de dados.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">gerenciar configurações do LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Permite que um aplicativo configure as definições de visualização avançada.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">observar as alterações da sessão de áudio</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Permite que um app observe o fluxo de áudio sendo criado e destruído.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Proteção à privacidade</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">Administrar configurações remotas</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Permitir que um app possa administrar configurações remotas</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Data de compilação</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Nível de API do sistema</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Atualizações do sistema</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Versão do sistema</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Nível da atualização de segurança do fabricante</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Desconhecido</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Aplicativo encerrado</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Carbono</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Mirtilo</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Cacau</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavanda</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomate</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banana</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Confiança</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">acessar a interface do Agente de Confiança</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Permite que um aplicativo mostre avisos e sugestões do Agente de Confiança</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml
index d3150698..4c8567ed 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Sistema LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">modificar os perfis de sistema</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Permite que uma aplicação modifique os perfis do sistema.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">utilizar a framework de hardware</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Permite que uma aplicação aceda à framework de hardware Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">modificar as definições do sistema Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Permite que uma aplicação modifique as definições do sistema Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">modificar as definições de segurança do sistema Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Permite que uma aplicação modifique as definições de segurança do sistema Lineage. Não será usado por aplicações normais.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">adicionar ou remover aplicações às aplicações protegidas</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Permite que uma aplicação marque outras aplicações como protegidas e as bloqueie.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">mudar o estilo do sistema</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">personalizar as cores do sistema</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Padrão</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Trabalho</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Casa</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Silêncio</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Noite</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Automóvel</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefone</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Calendário</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-mail</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Outro</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Poupança de bateria</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Equilibrado</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Desempenho</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Eficiência</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Rápido</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Poupança de bateria máxima. Reduz o desempenho do dispositivo</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Equilíbrio entre desempenho e consumo de energia</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Modo de alto desempenho. Útil para aplicações que necessitam de baixa latência e taxa de transferências mais altas, quando o consumo de energia não é uma preocupação</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Favorece a poupança de energia. Limita a potência máxima da CPU e otimiza a poupança de energia, resultando num aumento da latência</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Favorece o desempenho. Reduz a latência com um aumento ligeiro do consumo de energia</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automático</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Ajusta automaticamente a temperatura de cor do ecrã após o pôr do sol e o nascer do sol</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Desativado</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay alterado para modo dia.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay alterado para modo noite.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay alterado para modo exterior.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">aceder ao gestor de desempenho</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Permite que uma aplicação aceda ao serviço de desempenho. Nunca deverá ser necessário para aplicações normais.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">ler a meteorologia</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Permite que uma aplicação leia conteúdo através do fornecedor de meteorologia.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">atualizar o fornecedor de meteorologia</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Permite que uma aplicação seja identificada como um serviço de fornecedor de meteorologia.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">aceder ao serviço de meteorologia</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Permite que uma aplicação aceda ao serviço de meteorologia do sistema. Nunca deverá ser necessário para aplicações normais.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">modificar a base de dados de utilização de dados</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Permite que uma aplicação atualize o conteúdo da base de dados de utilização de dados.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">ler a base de dados de utilização de dados</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Permite que uma aplicação leia o conteúdo da base de dados de utilização de dados.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">gerir as definições do LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Permite que uma aplicação configure definições avançadas do ecrã.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">observar as alterações da sessão de som</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Permite que uma aplicação observe a criação e destruição de fluxos de som.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Proteção da Privacidade</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">gerir definições remotas</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Permite que uma aplicação possa gerir definições remotas</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Data de compilação</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Nível da API LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Atualizações LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Versão LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Nível do patch de segurança do fabricante</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Desconhecido</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Aplicação terminada</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Carvão</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Mirtilo</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Chocolate</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavanda</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomate</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banana</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">aceder à interface Trust</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Permite que uma aplicação mostre avisos e sugestões da interface Trust</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-rm/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-rm/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-rm/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ro/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ro/strings.xml
index 87186a67..6438b30f 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ro/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-ro/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Sistem LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">modifică profiluri de sistem</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Permite unei aplicații să modifice profilurile de sistem.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">folosește framework-ul hardware</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Permite unei aplicații să acceseze framework-ul Lineage hardware.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">modifică setările de sistem Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Permite unei aplicații să modifice setările de sistem Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">modifică setările de siguranță de sistem Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Permite unei aplicații să modifice setările de siguranță de sistem Lineage. Nu este utilizabilă de către aplicațiile normale.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">adăugați sau eliminați aplicații din aplicațiile protejate</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Permite unei aplicații să marcheze alte aplicații ca protejate și să le blocheze.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">schimbă stilul sistemului</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">personalizează culorile de sistem</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Implicit</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Serviciu</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Acasă</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Silențios</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Noapte</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Automobil</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Calendar</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Email</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Altele</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Economisire baterie</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Echilibrat</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Performanță</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Eficiență</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Rapid</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Economie maximă a energiei, reduce performanța dispozitivului</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Echilibrul de performanţă optimă și caracteristicile energiei</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Modul de performanţă înaltă. Util pentru aplicaţii care necesită latenţă scăzută şi un debit mai mare atunci când consumul de energie nu este un motiv de îngrijorare</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Favorizează economisirea energiei. Limitează puterea maximă a procesorului şi optimizează pentru economisirea energiei la costul de latenţă mai mare</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Favorizează performanţa. Reduce latența cu un consum ușor crescut</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automat</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Reglează automat temperatura culorii ecranului în funcție de apus şi răsărit</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Oprit</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay s-a schimbat la modul zi.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay s-a schimbat la modul noapte.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay s-a schimbat la modul afară.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">acces la managerul de performanță</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Permite unei aplicații să acceseze serviciul de performanță. Aplicațiile normale nu au nevoie de aceasta.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">citește vremea</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Permite unei aplicații să citească conținutul furnizorului de vreme.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">actualizare furnizor meteo</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Permite unei aplicații să fie identificată ca un serviciu furnizor de vreme.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">accesează serviciul pentru vreme</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Permite unei aplicații să acceseze serviciul pentru vreme în sistem. Aplicațiile normale nu ar trebui să aibă nevoie de aceasta.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">modifică baza de date a utilizării datelor</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Permite unei aplicații să actualizeze conținutul bazei de date despre utilizarea datelor.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">citește baza de date a utilizării datelor</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Permite unei aplicații să citească conținutul bazei de date despre utilizarea datelor.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">gestionează setările LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Permite unei aplicații să configureze setările de afișare avansate.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">observă schimbări sesiune audio</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Permite unei aplicații să observe dacă fluxurile audio sunt create şi distruse.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Gardian Intimitate</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">gestionare setări la distanţă</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Permite unei aplicații să gestioneze setările de la distanţă</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Dată de compilare</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Nivel API LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Actualizări LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Versiune LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Nivelul corecției de securitate a producătorului</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Necunoscut</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Aplicație închisă</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Carbon</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Blueberry</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Cocoa</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavender</string>
<string name="accent_red">Tomato</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banana</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">acces la interfața Trust</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Permite unei aplicații să afișeze avertizările și sugestiile Trust</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ru/strings.xml
index b2e0f0a9..4194ccc3 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ru/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-ru/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Система LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">Изменение профилей системы</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Приложение сможет изменять настройки системных профилей.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">Взаимодействие с оборудованием</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Позволяет приложению использовать аппаратный фреймворк Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">изменить настройки системы Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Приложение сможет изменять настройки системы Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">изменение настроек системы безопасности Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Позволяет приложению изменять параметры безопасности системы Lineage. Не используется в обычных приложениях.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">добавление и удаление записей перечня защищенных приложений</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Приложение сможет помечать другие приложения как защищенные и блокировать их.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">изменение стиля системы</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">настроить цвета системы</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">По умолчанию</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Работа</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Дом</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Без звука</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Ночь</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">За рулем</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Телефон</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Календарь</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Почта</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">Сообщения</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Другие</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Экономия энергии</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Сбалансированный</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Высокая производительность</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Энергоэффективный</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Оптимальная производительность</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Максимальное энергосбережение, снижает производительность устройства</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Баланс оптимальной производительности и энергопотребления</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Режим высокой производительности. Полезно при работе с приложениями, требующими минимального времени отклика и высокой скорости обмена данными, и когда энергопотребление устройства неважно</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Стараться экономить энергию. Ограничивается максимальная мощность процессора ценой увеличения времени отклика системы</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Повышенная производительность. Уменьшает время отклика за счет немного повышенного энергопотребления</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Автоматически</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Автоматическая подстройка цветовой температуры экрана после заката и восхода солнца</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Отключить</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay переключен в дневной режим.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay переключен в ночной режим.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay переключен в режим «на улице».</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">доступ к менеджеру производительности</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Приложение сможет получать доступ к службе производительности. Это разрешение не используется обычными приложениями.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">чтение данных о погоде</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Приложение сможет считывать данные от поставщика погоды.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">обновление поставщика погоды</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Приложение сможет выступать в качестве службы поставщика погоды.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">доступ к службе погоды</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Приложение сможет получать доступ к службе погоды в системе. Это разрешение не используется обычными приложениями.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">изменить данные об использовании БД</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Приложение сможет обновлять содержимое БД использования данных.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">чтение данных об использовании БД</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Приложение сможет считывать содержимое БД использования данных.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">управление настройками LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Приложение сможет изменять расширенные настройки экрана.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">просмотр изменений аудиосеансов</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Приложение сможет просматривать аудиопотоки, которые создаются или уничтожаются.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Защита конфиденциальности</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">управление удаленными параметрами</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Приложение сможет управлять удаленными параметрами</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Дата сборки</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Версия API LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Обновления LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Версия LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Уровень исправлений системы безопасности от производителя</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Неизвестно</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Приложение закрыто</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">кбит/с</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Мбит/с</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">кБ/с</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">МБ/с</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Карбон</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Голубика</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Какао</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Лаванда</string>
<string name="accent_red">Помидор</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Банан</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">доступ к интерфейсу Trust</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Позволяет приложению отображать предупреждения и предложения Trust</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-sc-rIT/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-sc-rIT/strings.xml
index d6e69035..35d2a2e5 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-sc-rIT/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-sc-rIT/strings.xml
@@ -17,39 +17,22 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Sistema LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">modìfica sos profilos de sistema</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Permitit a un\'aplicatzione de modificare sos profilos de sistema.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">modìfica sas impostatziones de sistema de Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Permitit a un\'aplicatzione de modificare sas impostatziones de sistema de Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">personaliza sos colores de sistema</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Predefinidu</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Traballu</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Domo</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Note</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Automòbile</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telèfonu</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Calendàriu</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Àteru</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automàticu</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Acontza automaticamente sa temperadura de su colore de s\'ischermu a pustis de s\'arbèschida e de s\'intrinada</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Istudadu</string>
@@ -70,32 +53,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay: cambiadu in modalidade pro sa die.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay: cambiadu in modalidade pro sa note.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay: cambiadu in modalidade a s\'àera aberta.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Livellu de s\'API de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Disconnotu</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_cyan">Asulu</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banana</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-si/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-si/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-si/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-sk/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-sk/strings.xml
index 711aef0d..a8b9a368 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-sk/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-sk/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Systém LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">upraviť systémové profily</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Umožňuje aplikácii upraviť systémové profily.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">používať hardvérový framework</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Umožňuje aplikácii pristupovať k hardvérovému rámcu Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">zmeniť nastavenia systému Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Umožňuje aplikácii meniť nastavenia systému Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">zmeniť nastavenia zabezpečenia systému Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Umožňuje aplikácii zmeniť nastavenia zabezpečenia systému Lienage. Nie je určené pre bežné aplikácie.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">pridať a odobrať aplikácie z chránených aplikácií</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Umožní aplikácii označiť iné aplikácie ako chránené a zamknúť ich.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">zmeniť štýl systému</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">prispôsobiť farby systému</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Predvolený</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Práca</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Domov</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Tichý</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Noc</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Auto</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefón</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Kalendár</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-mail</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Iný</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Úspora energie</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Vyvážený</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Výkon</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Efektívny</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Rýchly</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Maximálna úspora energie, znižuje výkon zariadenia</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Optimálny výkon a výkonové charakteristiky</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Režim Vysoký výkon. Vhodné pre aplikácie vyžadujúce nízku latenciu a vysoký výkon. Zvyšuje sa spotreba energie</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Preferovanie úspory energie. Obmedzenie maximálneho výkonu procesora, optimalizácia úspory energie za cenu vyššiu latencia</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Preferovanie výkonu. Znižuje latenciu a zvyšuje spotrebu energie</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automaticky</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Automaticky upraviť teplotu farieb obrazovky po západe a východe slnka</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Vypnuté</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay sa zmenil na denný režim.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay sa zmenil na nočný režim.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay sa zmenil na režim vonku.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">prístup k správe výkonu</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Umožňuje aplikácii prístup k správe výkonu. Toto povolenie nie je bežné pre štandardné aplikácie.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">čítať počasie</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Umožní aplikácii čítať obsah z poskytovateľa počasia.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">aktualizovať poskytovateľa počasia</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Umožní aplikácii identifikovať sa ako služba poskytovateľa počasia.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">prístup k meteorologickej službe</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Povoliť aplikácií prístup k meteorologickej službe v systéme. Bežné aplikácie by to nemali nikdy vyžadovať.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">meniť databázu využitia dát</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Umožní aplikácii aktualizovať obsah databázy využitia dát.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">čítať databázu využitia dát</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Umožní aplikácii čítať obsah z databázy použitia dát.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">spravovať nastavenia LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Umožní aplikácii nastavovať pokročilé nastavenia obrazovky.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">pozorovať zmeny audio sedenia</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Umožní aplikácii sledovať vytváranie a rušenie zvukových zdrojov.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Ochrana súkromia</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">správa vzdialených nastavení</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Umožňuje spravovať vzdialené nastavenia</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Dátum zostavenia</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Verzia LineageOS API</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Aktualizácie LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Verzia LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Úroveň opravy zabezpečenia výrobcu</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Neznáma</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Aplikácia bola ukončená</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Čierny</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Modrý</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Hnedý</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Purpurový</string>
<string name="accent_red">Červený</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Žltý</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">prístup k rozhraniu Trust</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Umožňuje aplikácii zobrazovať upozornenia a návrhy Trust</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-sl/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-sl/strings.xml
index 467cae85..1964965a 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-sl/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-sl/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Sistem LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">spreminjanje sistemskih profilov</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Dovoli aplikaciji spreminjanje sistemskih profilov.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">uporabi strojno ogrodje</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Dovoli aplikaciji dostop do strojnega ogrodja Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">spreminjanje sistemskih nastavitev Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Dovoli aplikaciji spreminjanje sistemskih nastavitev Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">spreminjanje varnih sistemskih nastavitev Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Dovoli aplikaciji spreminjanje varnih sistemskih nastavitev Lineage. Običajne aplikacije tega ne uporabljajo.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">dodajanje in odstranjevanje aplikacij k/iz zaščitenih aplikacij</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Dovoli aplikaciji, da označi druge aplikacije kot zaščitene in jih zaklene.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">spreminjanje sloga sistema</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">prilagajanje barv sistema</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Privzeto</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Služba</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Doma</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Tiho</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Noč</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Avto</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Koledar</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-pošta</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Ostalo</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Varčevanje energije</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Uravnoteženo</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Zmogljivost</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Učinkovitost</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Hitro</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Največje varčevanje z energijo, zmanjša zmogljivost naprave</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Uravnotežena optimalna zmogljivost in poraba energije</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Visokozmogljivostni način. Uporabno za aplikacije, ki zahtevajo majhne zakasnitve in visoko prepustnost, kadar poraba energije ni bistvena</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Naklonjeno varčevanju z energijo. Omeji največjo porabo energije CPE-ja in optimizira za varčevanje z energijo na račun višjih zakasnitev</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Naklonjeno zmogljivosti. Zmanjša zakasnitve z rahlo povečano porabo energije</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Samodejno</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Samodejno nastavi barvno temperaturo zaslona po sončnem zahodu in vzhodu</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Izklopljeno</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay spremenjen v dnevni način.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay spremenjen v nočni način.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay spremenjen v način na prostem.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">dostop do upravljalnika zmogljivosti</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Dovoli aplikaciji dostop do storitve zmogljivosti. Navadno ni potrebno za običajne aplikacije.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">branje vremena</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Dovoli aplikaciji branje vsebine iz ponudnika vremena.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">posodabljanje ponudnika vremena</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Dovoli aplikaciji, da se identificira kot storitev ponudnika vremena.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">dostop do storitve vremena</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Dovoli aplikaciji dostop do storitve vremena v sistemu. Navadno ni potrebno za običajne aplikacije.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">spreminjanje podatkovne zbirke uporabe podatkov</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Dovoli aplikaciji posodobitev vsebine iz podatkovne zbirke uporabe podatkov.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">branje podatkovne zbirke uporabe podatkov</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Dovoli aplikaciji branje vsebine iz podatkovne zbirke uporabe podatkov.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">upravljanje z nastavitvami LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Dovoli aplikaciji nastavljanje naprednih nastavitev zaslona.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">opazovanje sprememb zvočne seje</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Dovoli aplikaciji, da opazuje ustvarjanje in uničevanje zvočnih pretokov.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Zaščita zasebnosti</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">upravljanje oddaljenih nastavitev</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Dovoli aplikaciji upravljanje oddaljenih nastavitev</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Datum izgradnje</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Raven LineageOS API-ja</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Posodobitve LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Različica LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Raven popravkov za varnost proizvajalca</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Neznano</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Aplikacija uničena</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Karbon</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Borovnica</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Kakav</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Sivka</string>
<string name="accent_red">Paradižnik</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Banana</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">dostop do Trust vmesnika</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Dovoli aplikaciji prikazovanje Trust opozoril in predlogov</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-sq/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-sq/strings.xml
index 5a27745d..d91d4903 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-sq/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-sq/strings.xml
@@ -17,47 +17,30 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">modifiko profilet e sistemit</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Lejon një aplikacion që të modifikojë profilet e sistemit.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Lejon një aplikacion që t\'i etiketojë aplikacionet e tjera si të mbrojtura dhe t\'i bllokojë ato.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">I paracaktuar</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Në punë</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Në shtëpi</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Pa zë</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Natë</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Në makinë</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefoni</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Kalendari</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Email</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Tjetër</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Kursim energjie</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">E balancuar</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Përformancë</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Efikasitet</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">E shpejtë</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Balancim i përformancës optimale dhe energjisë</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Përformancë e lartë. E dobishme për aplikacione që kerkojnë latencë të ulët dhe rendiment të lartë kur harxhimi i energjisë nuk përbën problem</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Favorizim i ruajtjes së energjisë. Kufizon energjinë maksimale të CPU-së dhe optimizon ruajtjen e energjisë duke rritur latencën</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Favorizim i përformancës. Redukton latencën duke rritur pak konsumimin e energjisë</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automatike</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Rregullo automatikisht temperaturën e ngjyrave të ekranit pas lindjes dhe perëndimit të diellit</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Inaktiv</string>
@@ -79,36 +62,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay u kthye në profilin e ditës.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay u kthye në profilin e natës.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay u kthye në profilin jashtë shtëpisë.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">lexo motin</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">përditëso ofruesin e të dhënave të motit</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">akseso shërbimin e motit</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">menaxho parametrat e LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Lejon një aplikacion të konfigurojë parametra të përparuar të ekranit.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Mbrojtësi i të Dhënave</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">menaxho parametrat në distancë</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Lejon një aplikacion që të menaxhojë parametrat në distancë</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-sr/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-sr/strings.xml
index 4e42dd02..49194a0b 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-sr/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-sr/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">LineageOS Систем</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">мењање профила система</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Апликација може да мења подешавања системских профила.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">коришћење хардверског оквира</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Апликација може да приступа хардверском оквиру LineageOS-а.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">измени Lineage системске поставке</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Дозвољава апликацији да мења Lineage системске поставке.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">измените Lineage сигурносне поставке система</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Омогућава апликацији да мења Lineage сигурносне поставке система. Није за употребу од стране нормалних апликација.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">додавање и уклањање апликација са списка заштићених</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Апликација може да означава друге апликације као заштићене и закључа их.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">измени стил система</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">прилагодите системске боје</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Подразумевани</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Посао</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Кућа</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Нечујни</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Ноћ</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Аутомобил</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Телефон</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Календар</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Имејл</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Друго</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Уштеда енергије</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Уравнотежени</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Перформансе</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Ефикасност</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Брзина</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Максимална уштеда енергије на рачун перформанси уређаја.</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Равнотежа између оптималних перформанси и потрошње.</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Режим великих перформанси. Корисно за апликације које захтевају брз одзив и висок приоритет, када потрошња није битна.</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Повећана уштеда енергије. Ограничава максималну употребу процесора у циљу уштеде енергије на рачун споријег одзива.</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Повећане перформансе. Смањује време одзива уз незнатно већу потрошњу.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Аутоматски</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Аутоматски прилагодите температуру боје екрана након сумрака и свитања.</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Искључено</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay је пребачен у дневни режим.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay је пребачен у ноћни режим.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay је пребачен у режим „на отвореном“.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">приступ менаџеру перформанси</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Апликација може да приступа услузи перформанси. Ова дозвола није потребна нормалним апликацијама.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">читање временске прогнозе</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Апликација може да чита садржај временске прогнозе.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">ажурирање временске прогнозе</string>
@@ -103,44 +83,27 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Апликација може да буде добављач временске прогнозе.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">приступ услузи временске прогнозе</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Апликација може да приступа системској услузи временске прогнозе. Ова дозвола није потребна нормалним апликацијама.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">измена базе о коришћењу података</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Апликација може да ажурира садржај базе о коришћењу података.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">читање базе о коришћењу података</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Апликација може да чита садржај базе о коришћењу података.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">управљање подешавањима LiveDisplay-а</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Апликација може да мења подешавања напредног приказа.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">преглед измена звучних сесија</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Апликација може да прегледа звучне токове који се стварају и нестају.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Заштита приватности</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">управљање подешавањима даљинског приступа</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Апликација може да управља подешавањима даљинског приступа.</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Датум израде</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Ниво API-ја LineageOS-а</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS ажурирања</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Верзија LineageOS-а</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Непознат</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Апликација је искључена</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Угљена</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Боровнице</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Kakao</string>
@@ -151,8 +114,4 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Лаванда</string>
<string name="accent_red">Парадајз</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Банана</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-sv/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-sv/strings.xml
index d508c3bc..35d472e2 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-sv/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-sv/strings.xml
@@ -17,47 +17,30 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">LineageOS-systemet</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">ändra systemprofiler</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Tillåter att en app ändrar systemprofiler.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">använda hårdvaruramverk</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">lägg till och ta bort appar som skyddade appar</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Ger en app tillstånd att markera andra appar som skyddade och låsa dem.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">ändra systemstil</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Standard</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Jobb</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Hemma</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Tyst</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Natt</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Bil</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Kalender</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-post</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Annan</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Energisparläge</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Balanserad</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Prestanda</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Effektivitet</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Snabb</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Automatisk</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Justera automatiskt skärmens färgtemperatur efter solnedgång och soluppgång</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Av</string>
@@ -73,41 +56,21 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_auto">LiveDisplay: automatiskt läge.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_day">LiveDisplay: dagläge.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_night">LiveDisplay: nattläge.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">komma åt prestandahanteraren</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Ger en app åtkomst till prestandatjänsten. Ska aldrig behövas för vanliga appar.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">läsa väderinformation</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">uppdatera väderleverantör</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Integritetsskydd</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">hantera fjärrinställningar</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Kompileringsdatum</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS-uppdateringar</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">LineageOS-version</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Okänt</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Applikationen har tvångsavslutats</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Kol</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Himmel</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Kaffe</string>
@@ -118,10 +81,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavendel</string>
<string name="accent_red">Jordgubb</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Höstlöv</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="trust_notification_channel">Trust larm</string>
<string name="trust_notification_title_root">Trust \u2022 Root-åtkomst</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-sw/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-sw/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-sw/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ta/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ta/strings.xml
index 31491f0f..6d753619 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ta/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-ta/strings.xml
@@ -17,45 +17,28 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">கணினி சுயவிவரங்களை மாற்றியமை.</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">ஒரு பயன்பாடானது கணினி சுயவிவரங்களை மாற்றியமைக்க அனுமதிக்கிறது.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">வன்பொருள் கட்டமைப்பைப் பயன்படுத்து</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">பயன்பாடுகளை பாதுகாக்க பயன்பாடுகளை சேர்க்கவும் மற்றும் அகற்றவும்</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">மற்ற பயன்பாடுகள் பாதுகாக்கப்பட்டவை என்று குறிப்பிட்டு அவற்றை பூட்டுவதற்கு ஒரு பயன்பாட்டை அனுமதிக்கிறது.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">இயல்புநிலை</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">அலுவலகம்</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">முகப்பு</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">நிசப்தம்</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">இரவு</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">தானியங்கி</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">ஃபோன்</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">கேலெண்டர்</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">மின்னஞ்சல்</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">பிற</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">சக்தி சேமி</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">சமன்பாடான</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">செயல்திறன்</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">செயல்திறன்</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">விரைவு</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">தானியங்கு</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">சூரிய மறைவு மற்றும் சூரிய உதயத்திற்கு பிறகு தானாகவே திரையின் வண்ன தட்பவெப்பங்களை சரிசெய்</string>
<string name="live_display_off">முடக்கத்தில்</string>
@@ -67,28 +50,4 @@
<string name="live_display_outdoor">வெளியிடம் (பிரகாசமான சூரியன்)</string>
<string name="live_display_outdoor_summary">வெளிப்புற அமைப்புகளை மட்டுமே பயன்படுத்து.</string>
<string name="live_display_hint">LiveDisplay கண்ணழுத்தத்தை குறைத்து, நீங்கள் இரவிலே உறங்க உதவுகிறது. அதை முயற்சிக்க இங்கே கிளிக் செய்க!</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-te/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-te/strings.xml
index ff9e7910..4172961d 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-te/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-te/strings.xml
@@ -17,45 +17,28 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">సిస్టమ్ ప్రొఫైళ్ళను సవరించుము</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">సిస్టమ్ ప్రొఫైళ్ళను సవరించేందుకు ప్రోగ్రాంకి అనుమతినిస్తుంది.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">వినియోగదారు హార్డ్‌వేర్‌ ఫ్రేమ్‌వర్క్</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">సంరక్షిత ప్రోగ్రాంలకు జోడించు మరియు తొలగించు ప్రోగ్రాంలు</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">ఇతర ప్రోగ్రాంలను సంరక్షించబడినవి అని గుర్తించుటకు మరియు వాటిని లాక్ చేయుటకు ఒక ప్రోగ్రాంను అనుమతిస్తుంది</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">డిఫాల్ట్</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">కార్యాలయం</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">హోమ్</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">నిశ్శబ్దం</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">రాత్రి</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">ఆటోమొబైల్</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">ఫోన్</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">క్యాలెండర్</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">ఈమెయిల్‌</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">ఇతరం</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">పవర్ సేవ్</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">సమతుల్య</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">పనితీరు</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">సమర్థత</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">త్వరగా</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">స్వయంచాలకం</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">సూర్యాస్తమయం మరియు సూర్యోదయం తరువాత స్వయంచాలకంగా స్క్రీన్ యొక్క వర్ణ ఉష్ణోగ్రతను సవరించుము.</string>
<string name="live_display_off">ఆఫ్‌లో ఉంది</string>
@@ -67,28 +50,4 @@
<string name="live_display_outdoor">ఆరుబయట (ప్రకాశవంతమైన సూర్యుడు)</string>
<string name="live_display_outdoor_summary">ఆరుబయటి సెట్టింగులను మాత్రమే ఉపయోగించుము</string>
<string name="live_display_hint">ప్రత్యక్ష ప్రదర్శన మీ కంటిపై ఒత్తిడిని తగ్గించడానికి సహాయపడుతుంది మరియు రాత్రి సమయంలో నిద్రపోవడానికి సహకరిస్తుంది. దానిని ప్రయత్నించి చూడడానికి ఇక్కడ క్లిక్ చేయండి!</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-th/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-th/strings.xml
index 44228382..655cc69b 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-th/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-th/strings.xml
@@ -17,45 +17,28 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">ปรับแต่งโปรไฟล์ระบบ</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">อนุญาตให้แอปปรับแต่งโปรไฟล์ระบบ</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">ใช้ฮาร์ดแวร์เฟรมเวิร์ค</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">เพิ่มและลบแอปจากแอปที่ได้รับการป้องกัน</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">อนุญาคให้แอปทำเครื่องหมายว่าแอปอื่นได้รับการป้องกันและล็อคมันไว้</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">ค่าเริ่มต้น</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">งาน</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">บ้าน</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">แบบเงียบ</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">กลางคืน</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">รถยนต์</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">โทรศัพท์</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">ปฏิทิน</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">อีเมล</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">อื่น ๆ</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">ประหยัดพลังงาน</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">สมดุล</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">ประสิทธิภาพ</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">พลังงานต่ำ</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">รวดเร็ว</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">อัตโนมัติ</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">ตั้งอุณหภูมิสีอัตโนมัติเมื่อดวงอาทิตย์ขึ้นหรือตก</string>
<string name="live_display_off">ปิด</string>
@@ -77,11 +60,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay เปลี่ยนเป็นรูปแบบกลางวัน</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay เปลี่ยนเป็นรูปแบบกลางคืน</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay เปลี่ยนเป็นรูปแบบกลางแจ้ง</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">ตัวจัดการประสิทธิภาพการเข้าถึง</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">อนุญาตให้แอปเข้าถึงบริการด้านประสิทธิภาพ ซึ่งไม่จำเป็นสำหรับแอปปกติ</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">อ่านสภาพอากาศ</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">อนุญาตให้แอปอ่านเนื้อหาจากบริการรายงานสภาพอากาศ</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">ปรับปรุงบริการรายงานสภาพอากาศ</string>
@@ -90,33 +70,12 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">อนุญาตให้แอปยืนยันตัวตนเป็นบริการรายงานสภาพอากาศ</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">เข้าถึงบริการรายงานสภาพอากาศ</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">อนุญาตให้แอปสามารถจัดการบริการรายงานสภาพอากาศในระบบ ปกติแล้วไม่ต้องการใช้งานในแอปทั่วไป</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">แก้ไขฐานข้อมูลการใช้งาน</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">อนุญาตให้แอปสามารถปรับปรุงเนื้อหาของฐานข้อมูลการใช้งาน</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">อ่านฐานข้อมูลการใช้งาน</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">อนุญาตให้แอปสามารถอ่านเนื้อหาจากฐานข้อมูลการใช้งาน</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">จัดการตั้งค่า LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">อนุญาตให้แอปตั้งค่าการแสดงผลขั้นสูง</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">สังเกตการเปลี่ยนแปลงเซสชันเสียง</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">อนุญาตให้แอปสังเกตกระแสข้อมูลเสียงที่กำลังถูกสร้างและทำลาย</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-tl/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-tl/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-tl/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-tr/strings.xml
index 9e6e2fea..c6f32bc1 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-tr/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-tr/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">LineageOS Sistemi</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">sistem profillerini değiştir</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Uygulamaya sistem profillerini değiştirme izni verir.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">donanım altyapısını kullan</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Uygulamanın Lineage donanım altyapısına erişimine izin verir.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">Lineage sistem ayarlarını değiştir</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Bir uygulamaya Lineage sistem ayarlarını değiştirme izni verir.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">Lineage güvenli sistem ayarlarını değiştir</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Bir uygulamaya Lineage güvenli sistem ayarlarını değiştirme izni verir. Normal uygulamalar tarafından kullanılamaz.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">korunan uygulamalara uygulama ekle ya da kaldır</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Uygulamalara diğer uygulamaları korunan uygulama olarak işaretleme ve kilitleme izni verir.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">sistem stilini değiştir</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">sistem renklerini özelleştirme</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Varsayılan</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">İş</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Ev</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Sessiz</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Gece</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Otomobil</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Telefon</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Takvim</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">E-posta</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Diğer</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Güç tasarrufu</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Dengeli</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Performans</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Verimlilik</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Hızlı</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Maksimum güç tasarrufu, cihaz performansını düşürür</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Optimum performans ve güç özelliklerinin dengelenmesi</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Yüksek performans modu. Güç tüketiminin endişe kaynağı olmadığında düşük gecikme ve yüksek verim gerektiren uygulamalar için kullanışlıdır</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Güç tasarrufunu tercih et. Maksimum işlemci gücünü sınırlayın ve daha yüksek gecikme maliyeti ile güç tasarrufu için optimize edin</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Performansı tercih et. Hafifletilmiş güç tüketimi ile gecikmeyi azaltır</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Otomatik</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Gün batımı ve doğumundan sonra ekranın renk sıcaklığını otomatik ayarlar</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Kapalı</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay gündüz moduna geçti.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay gece moduna geçti.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay açık hava moduna geçti.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">performans yöneticisine erişim</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Bir uygulamanın performans hizmetine erişimine izin verir. Normal uygulamalar için gerekli değildir.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">hava durumunu oku</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Bir uygulamanın hava durumu sağlayıcısından içerik okumasına izin verir.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">hava durumu sağlayıcısını güncelleme</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Bir uygulamanın hava durumu sağlayıcısı olarak tanımlanmasına izin verir.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">hava durumu servisine erişme</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Bir uygulamanın sistemdeki hava durumu hizmetinin erişimine izin verir. Normal uygulamalar için gerekli değildir.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">veri kullanımı veritabanını değiştir</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Bir uygulamanın veri kullanımı veribatanının içeriğini güncellemesine izin verir.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">veri kullanımı veritabanını oku</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Bir uygulamanın veri kullanımı veritabanındaki içeriği okumasına izin verir.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">LiveDisplay ayarlarını yönet</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Uygulamalara gelişmiş ekran ayarlarını düzenleme izni verir.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">ses oturum değişikliklerini gözlemle</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Bir uygulamanın, ses akışlarınının oluşturulma ve yok edilmesinde gözlem yapmasına izin verir.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Gizlilik Koruması</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">uzak bağlantı ayarları</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Bir uygulamaya uzak bağlantı ayarlarını yönetme izni verir</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">İnşa tarihi</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">LineageOS API düzeyi</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS güncellemeleri</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">LineageOS sürümü</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Üretici güvenlik yaması düzeyi</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Bilinmiyor</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Uygulama sonlandırıldı</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Karbon</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Yaban mersini</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Kakao</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Lavanta</string>
<string name="accent_red">Domates</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Muz</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">Güven arayüzüne erişim</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Bir uygulamanın Güven uyarılarını ve önerilerini görüntülemesine izin verir</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ug/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ug/strings.xml
index 30fc6775..65f5e495 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ug/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-ug/strings.xml
@@ -17,45 +17,28 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">سىستېما سەپلەنمىسىنى ئۆزگەرتىش</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">ئەپنىڭ سىستېما سەپلەنمىسىنى ئۆزگەرتىشىگە يول قويۇش.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">قاتتىق دىتال جازىسىنى ئىشلىتىش</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">قوغدالغان ئەپ تىزىمىگە ئەپ قوشۇش ياكى چىقىرۋېتىش</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">ئەپنىڭ باشقا ئەپلەرنى قوغداش تىزىملىكىگە قوشۇشىغا ياكى تاقاپ قۇيىشىغا رۇخسەت قىلىش.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">كۆڭۈلدىكى</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">ئىش</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">باش ئېكران</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">ئۈنسىز</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">كېچە</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">ئاپتوموبىل</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">تېلېفون</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">كالېندار</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">ئېلخەت</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">قىسقا ئۇچۇر</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">باشقا</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">توك تىجەش</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">تەڭپۇڭ</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">ئىقتىدار</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">ئۈنۈمى</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">تىز</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">ئاپتوماتېك</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">كۈن چىققان ۋە كۈن پاتقاندىن كېيىن ئېكران رەڭ تېمپېراتورىسىنى ئۆزلۈكىدىن تەڭشەيدۇ</string>
<string name="live_display_off">تاقاق</string>
@@ -67,30 +50,6 @@
<string name="live_display_outdoor">تالا (قۇياش نۇرى)</string>
<string name="live_display_outdoor_summary">تالا تەڭشەكلىرىنىلا ئىشلىتىدۇ</string>
<string name="live_display_hint">LiveDisplay كۆز چارچىشىنى يېنىكلىتىشكە ياردەم بېرىدۇ، كېچىدە ئۇخلىشىڭىزغا ياردەم بېرىدۇ. سىناش ئۈچۈن بۇ جاينى چېكىڭ!</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">ئىقتىدار باشقۇرغۇچنى زىيارەت قىلىش</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">بىر ئەپنىڭ ئىقتىدار مۇلازىمىتىگە كىرىشىگە رۇخسەت قىلىش. نورمال ئەپ بۇنداق ھوقۇققا ھەرگىز ئېھتىياجلىق ئەمەس.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-uk/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-uk/strings.xml
index a4bad4b3..dc5692f4 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-uk/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-uk/strings.xml
@@ -17,50 +17,33 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">зміна системних профілів</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Дозволяє додатку змінювати системні профілі.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">Взаємодія із обладнанням</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">додавання і видалення записів переліку захищених додатків</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Додаток зможе відмічати інші додатки як захищені і блокувати їх.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">За замовчуванням</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Робота</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Дім</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Без звуку</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Ніч</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Автомобіль</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Телефон</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Календар</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Електронна пошта</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Інший</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Енергозбереження</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Збалансований</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Продуктивність</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Ефективність</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Швидко</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Максимальне збереження енергії, знижує продуктивність пристрою</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Баланс між енергозбереженням та оптимальною продуктивністю</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Режим високої продуктивності. Корисно для застосунків, що вимагають низької затримки відгуку і найвищу пропускну здатність, коли енергоспоживання не має значення</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Економія понад усе. Обмеження максимальної потужності процесора і оптимізація для енергозбереження за рахунок вищої затримки</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Продуктивність понад усе. Зменшує час затримки з трохи збільшеним енергоспоживанням</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Автоматично</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Автоматичне підлаштування температури кольору екрана після сходу та заходу сонця</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Вимк</string>
@@ -82,11 +65,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay змінено до денного режиму.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay змінено до нічного режиму.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay змінено до режиму на вулиці.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">доступ до менеджера продуктивності</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Дозволяє додатку отримувати доступ до менеджера продуктивності. Цей дозвіл не потрібний звичайним додаткам.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">читати погоду</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Дозволити додатку читати дані від провайдера погоди.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">оновлення провайдера погоди</string>
@@ -95,36 +75,15 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Дозволяє додатку бути службою провайдера погоди.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">доступ до служби погоди</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Дозволити додатку доступ до служби погоди в системі. Це ніколи не потрібно для звичайних додатків.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">змінювати дані використання бази даних</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Дозволяє додатку оновлювати вміст БД використання даних.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">читати дані використання бази даних</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Дозволяє додатку читати вміст БД використання даних.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">керування налаштуваннями LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Дозволяє додатку керувати розширеними налаштуваннями дисплея.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">спостерігати за змінами аудіо сесії</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Дозволяє додатку переглядати аудіопотоки, які створюються або знищуються.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Вартовий Приватності</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">керування віддаленими параметрами</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Дозволяє застосункові керувати налаштуваннями віддаленого підключення</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-ur/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-ur/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-ur/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-uz/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-uz/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-uz/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-vec/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-vec/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-vec/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-vi/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-vi/strings.xml
index e9765c8b..b120d7d0 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-vi/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-vi/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">Hệ thống LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">sửa đổi cấu hình hệ thống</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">Cho phép một ứng dụng sửa đổi cấu hình hệ thống.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">dùng khung làm việc phần cứng</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">Cho phép ứng dụng truy cập khung làm việc phần cứng Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">sửa đổi cài đặt hệ thống Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">Cho phép một ứng dụng chỉnh sửa cài đặt hệ thống Lineage.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">sửa đổi cài đặt hệ thống bảo mật Lineage</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">Cho phép một ứng dụng sửa đổi cài đặt hệ thống bảo mật của Lineage. Không cho các ứng dụng thông thường sử dụng.</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">thêm và xoá ứng dụng trong danh sách ứng dụng được bảo vệ</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">Cho phép ứng dụng đánh dấu ứng dụng khác là được bảo vệ và khoá chúng.</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">thay đổi kiểu hệ thống</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">tùy chỉnh màu sắc hệ thống</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">Mặc định</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">Văn phòng</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">Ở nhà</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">Im lặng</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">Ban đêm</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">Trên ôtô</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">Điện thoại</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">Lịch</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">Email</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">SMS</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">Khác</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">Tiết kiệm pin</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">Cân đối</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">Hiệu suất cao</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">Hiệu quả</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">Nhanh</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">Tiết kiệm năng lượng tối đa, giảm hiệu suất thiết bị</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">Cân bằng của tối ưu hiệu suất và điện năng</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">Chế độ hiệu suất cao. Hữu ích cho các ứng dụng đòi hỏi độ trễ thấp và băng thông cao nhất khi tiêu thụ điện năng không phải là một mối quan tâm</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">Ưu tiên tiết kiệm pin. Hạn chế tối đa điện năng CPU và tối ưu hóa điện năng để tiết kiệm hao phí do độ trễ cao hơn</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">Ưu tiên hiệu suất. Làm giảm độ trễ với điện năng tiêu thụ gia tăng không đáng kể</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">Tự động</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">Tự động chỉnh nhiệt độ màu của màn hình theo ngày và đêm</string>
<string name="live_display_off">Tắt</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay đã đổi sang chế độ ban ngày.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay đã đổi sang chế độ ban đêm.</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay đã đổi sang chế độ ngoài trời.</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">truy cập trình quản lý hiệu quả hoạt động</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">Cho phép một ứng dụng truy cập dịch vụ hiệu quả hoạt động. Ứng dụng bình thường không bao giờ cần quyền này.</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">đọc thời tiết</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">Cho phép ứng dụng đọc nội dung từ nhà cung cấp thời tiết.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">cập nhật nhà cung cấp thời tiết</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">Cho phép ứng dụng được xác định như là dịch vụ của nhà cung cấp thời tiết.</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">truy cập dịch vụ thời tiết</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">Cho phép ứng dụng truy cập dịch vụ thời tiết trong hệ thống. Ứng dụng bình thường không bao giờ cần sự cho phép này.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">sửa đổi cơ sở dữ liệu sử dụng dữ liệu</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">Cho phép ứng dụng cập nhật nội dung của cơ sở dữ liệu sử dụng dữ liệu.</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">đọc cơ sở dữ liệu sử dụng dữ liệu</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">Cho phép ứng dụng đọc nội dung từ cơ sở dữ liệu sử dụng dữ liệu.</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">quản lý cài đặt LiveDisplay</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">Cho phép ứng dụng thiết lập cấu hình cài đặt hiển thị nâng cao.</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">quan sát các thay đổi về phiên âm thanh</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">Cho phép ứng dụng quan sát dòng âm thanh được tạo và bị hủy.</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">Bảo vệ quyền riêng tư</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">quản lý cài đặt từ xa</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">Cho phép một ứng dụng quản lý cài đặt từ xa</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">Ngày dựng</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">Cấp độ API LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">Cập nhật LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">Phiên bản LineageOS</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">Nhà cung cấp mức bản vá bảo mật</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">Không rõ</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">Đã dừng ứng dụng</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">Than</string>
<string name="accent_blue">Việt quất</string>
<string name="accent_brown">Ca cao</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">Oải hương</string>
<string name="accent_red">Cà chua</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">Chuối</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">Trust</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">truy cập giao diện Trust</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">Cho phép ứng dụng hiển thị cảnh báo và đề xuất Trust</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
index 0bcb7bae..1d1539ba 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">LineageOS 系统</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">修改系统配置</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">允许应用修改系统配置文件。</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">使用硬件框架</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">允许应用访问 Lineage 硬件框架。</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">修改 Lineage 系统设置</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">允许应用修改 Lineage 系统设置。</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">修改 Lineage 系统安全设置</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">允许应用修改 Lineage 系统安全设置。不适用于一般的应用程序。</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">从受保护的应用中添加或删除应用</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">允许应用标记受保护的应用并将其锁定。</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">更改系统样式</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">自定义系统颜色</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">默认</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">工作</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">住宅</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">静音</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">夜晚</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">汽车</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">电话</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">日历</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">电子邮件</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">短信</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">其他</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">省电模式</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">平衡模式</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">性能模式</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">效率</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">快速</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">最大限度节约电池用量,降低设备性能。</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">平衡最佳性能与功耗特性</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">高性能模式。当能耗不是主要考量时,适用于需要低延迟和高吞吐量的应用</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">节能优先。以更高延迟为代价,限制最大 CPU 功率和为节能优化</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">性能优先。以稍高的能耗来降低延迟</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">自动</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">在日出和日落后自动调节屏幕色温</string>
<string name="live_display_off">关闭</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay 已修改为白天模式。</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay 已修改为夜晚模式。</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay 已修改为户外模式。</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">访问性能管理器</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">允许应用访问性能服务。普通应用不应需要此权限。</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">读取天气</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">允许应用读取来自天气提供商的内容。</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">更新天气提供商</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">允许应用被认定为天气服务商服务。</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">访问天气服务</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">允许应用在系统中访问天气服务。正常应用不应需要此权限。</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">修改数据使用情况数据库</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">允许应用更新数据使用情况数据库。</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">读取数据使用情况数据库。</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">允许应用从数据使用情况数据库中读取内容。</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">管理 LiveDisplay 设置</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">允许应用配置高级显示设置。</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">观察音频会话变动</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">允许应用观察音频流的创建和销毁。</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">隐私防护</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">管理远程设置</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">允许应用管理远程设置</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">编译日期</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">LineageOS API 级别</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS 更新</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">LineageOS 版本</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">供应商安全补丁程序级别</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">未知</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">应用程序已终止</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">黑色</string>
<string name="accent_blue">蓝色</string>
<string name="accent_brown">棕色</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">淡紫色</string>
<string name="accent_red">红色</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">黄色</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">安全中心</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">访问安全中心接口</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">允许应用显示安全中心警告和建议</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml
index 7e7048ea..beaeb908 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml
@@ -17,47 +17,6 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">使用硬件框架</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameSilent">靜音</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
index 302ba3cf..e32ebb7d 100644
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
+++ b/lineage/res/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
@@ -17,58 +17,41 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
<string name="lineageos_system_label">LineageOS 系統</string>
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
<string name="permlab_modifyProfiles">修改系統設定檔</string>
<string name="permdesc_modifyProfiles">允許應用程式修改系統設定檔。</string>
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
<string name="permlab_useHardwareFramework">使用硬體框架</string>
<string name="permdesc_useHardwareFramework">允許應用程式存取 Lineage 硬體框架。</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSettings">修改 Lineage 系統設定</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSettings">允許應用程式修改 Lineage 系統設定。</string>
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
<string name="permlab_writeSecureSettings">修改 Lineage 系統安全設定</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeSecureSettings">允許應用程式修改 Lineage 系統安全設定。僅供偵錯使用。</string>
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
<string name="permlab_protectedApp">新增或移除受保護的應用程式</string>
<string name="permdesc_protectedApp">允許應用程式標示其他應用程式為受保護並將其鎖定。</string>
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
<string name="permlab_changeStyle">更改系統樣式</string>
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
<string name="permdesc_changeStyle">自訂系統色彩</string>
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
<string name="profileNameDefault">預設</string>
<string name="profileNameWork">工作</string>
<string name="profileNameHome">住家</string>
<string name="profileNameSilent">安靜</string>
<string name="profileNameNight">夜間</string>
<string name="profileNameAutomobile">汽車</string>
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
<string name="profileGroupPhone">電話</string>
<string name="profileGroupCalendar">日曆</string>
<string name="profileGroupGmail">Gmail</string>
<string name="profileGroupEmail">電子郵件</string>
<string name="profileGroupSMS">簡訊</string>
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
<string name="wildcardProfile">其他</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv">省電</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal">平衡</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf">效能</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power">效率</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf">快速</string>
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
<string name="perf_profile_pwrsv_summary">最大省電,降低裝置效能</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bal_summary">在效能與電量消耗之間取得平衡</string>
<string name="perf_profile_perf_summary">高效能模式,電量消耗不屬於主要考量時適用於需要低延遲與高使用量的應用程式</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_power_summary">省電優先模式,限制 CPU 功率與改善電量消耗,可能會帶來較高延遲</string>
<string name="perf_profile_bias_perf_summary">效能優先模式,稍微提高電量消耗即可降低延遲</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
<string name="live_display_auto">自動</string>
<string name="live_display_auto_summary">依日夜週期自動調節螢幕色溫</string>
<string name="live_display_off">關閉</string>
@@ -90,11 +73,8 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_day">LiveDisplay 已變更為日間模式</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_night">LiveDisplay 已變更為夜間模式</string>
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_live_display_changed_outdoor">LiveDisplay 已變更為戶外模式</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
<string name="permlab_perfAccess">存取效能管理員</string>
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_perfAccessDesc">允許應用程式存取效能服務 。一般應用程式不需使用。</string>
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
<string name="permlab_weather_read">讀取天氣資料</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_read">允許應用程式從天氣資訊供應商讀取資料內容</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_write">更新天氣</string>
@@ -103,45 +83,28 @@
<string name="permdesc_weather_bind">允許應用程式辨識為天氣供應商服務。</string>
<string name="permlab_weather_access_mgr">存取氣象服務</string>
<string name="permdesc_weather_access_mgr">允許應用程式存取氣象服務 。一般應用程式不需使用。</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageWrite">修改數據使用量資料庫</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageWrite">允許應用程式更新數據使用量資料庫內容。</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
<string name="permlab_dataUsageRead">讀取數據使用量資料庫</string>
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_dataUsageRead">允許應用程式讀取數據使用量資料庫內容。</string>
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
<string name="permlab_manageLiveDisplay">管理 LiveDisplay 設定</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageLiveDisplay">允許應用程式設定進階顯示配置</string>
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
<string name="permlab_observe_audio_sessions">觀察音訊會話變動</string>
<string name="permdesc_observe_audio_sessions">允許應用程式觀察音訊串流的建立和銷毀。</string>
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_manager_title">隱私守衛</string>
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
<string name="permlab_manageRemotePrefs">管理遠端設定</string>
<string name="permdesc_manageRemotePrefs">允許應用程式管理遠端設定</string>
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
<string name="build_date">編譯日期</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
<string name="lineage_api_level">LineageOS API 等級</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
<string name="lineage_updates">LineageOS 更新</string>
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
<string name="lineage_version">LineageOS 版本</string>
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
<string name="lineage_vendor_security_patch">供應商安全性修補程式等級</string>
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
<string name="unknown">未知</string>
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
<string name="app_killed_message">已強制結束應用程式</string>
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
<string name="kilobitspersecond_short">kb/s</string>
<string name="megabitspersecond_short">Mb/s</string>
<string name="kilobytespersecond_short">kB/s</string>
<string name="megabytespersecond_short">MB/s</string>
- <!-- Accent colors -->
<string name="accent_black">碳黑</string>
<string name="accent_blue">藍莓藍</string>
<string name="accent_brown">可可棕</string>
@@ -152,10 +115,6 @@
<string name="accent_purple">薰衣草紫</string>
<string name="accent_red">番茄紅</string>
<string name="accent_yellow">香蕉黃</string>
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->
<string name="trust_feature_name">信任</string>
<string name="permlab_trustInterface">存取信任介面</string>
<string name="permdesc_trustInterface">允許應用程式顯示信任的警告與建議</string>
diff --git a/lineage/res/res/values-zu/strings.xml b/lineage/res/res/values-zu/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b66f5d..00000000
--- a/lineage/res/res/values-zu/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
- Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Label for the LineageOS system components when they are shown to the user. -->
- <!-- Labels for the MODIFY_PROFILES permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission -->
- <!-- Labels for the PROTECTED_APP permission. -->
- <!-- Labels for CHANGE_STYLE permission -->
- <!-- this is wrong, but google's package manager uses the android:description
- attribute as description for the runtime permission request dialog
- with non-default dangerous permissions -->
- <!-- Profiles -->
- <!-- Names of default profiles. -->
- <!-- Names of application groups. -->
- <!-- Name of wildcard profile. -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- Performance profiles -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay strings -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission title -->
- <!-- Performance manager permission description -->
- <!-- Weather Service strings -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider write permission description -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission title -->
- <!-- DataUsageProvider read permission description -->
- <!-- LiveDisplay manager permission -->
- <!-- LineageAudioService - observe session changes permission -->
- <!-- Privacy Guard -->
- <!-- Permissions used by remote preferences -->
- <!-- About device screen, build date -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS API Level -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS updates -->
- <!-- About device screen, LineageOS version -->
- <!-- About device screen, vendor security patch -->
- <!-- General purpose use "unknown" string -->
- <!-- Long-press back kill application -->
- <!-- Status bar network traffic monitor strings -->
- <!-- Accent colors -->
- <!-- Trust interface -->
- <!-- This string will be referenced from other apps when they're referring to the Trust interface.
- Trust is a feature name, it's not suggested to translate this unless there are conflicts due
- to a different meaning of the word "trust" in your language -->