/* * Copyright Samsung Electronics Co.,LTD. * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "SecJpegEncoder.h" static const char ExifAsciiPrefix[] = { 0x41, 0x53, 0x43, 0x49, 0x49, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; #define JPEG_ERROR_LOG(fmt,...) #define JPEG_MAIN_DUMP (0) #define JPEG_THUMB_DUMP (0) SecJpegEncoder::SecJpegEncoder() { m_flagCreate = false; m_jpegMain = NULL; m_jpegThumb = NULL; m_thumbnailW = 0; m_thumbnailH = 0; m_pThumbInputBuffer = NULL; m_pThumbOutputBuffer = NULL; #ifdef JPEG_WA_FOR_PAGEFAULT m_pJpegInputBuffer = 0; m_pExtInBuf = NULL; m_iInBufSize = 0; #endif // JPEG_WA_FOR_PAGEFAULT m_ionJpegClient = 0;; m_ionThumbInBuffer = 0; m_ionThumbOutBuffer = 0; #ifdef JPEG_WA_FOR_PAGEFAULT m_ionJpegInBuffer = 0;; #endif // JPEG_WA_FOR_PAGEFAULT } SecJpegEncoder::~SecJpegEncoder() { if (m_flagCreate == true) { this->destroy(); } } bool SecJpegEncoder::flagCreate(void) { return m_flagCreate; } int SecJpegEncoder::create(void) { int ret = ERROR_NONE; if (m_flagCreate == true) { return ERROR_ALREADY_CREATE; } if (m_jpegMain == NULL) { m_jpegMain = new SecJpegEncoderHal; if (m_jpegMain == NULL) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("ERR(%s):Cannot create SecJpegEncoderHal class\n", __func__); return ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_SEC_JPEG_ENC_HAL; } ret = m_jpegMain->create(); if (ret) { return ret; } ret = m_jpegMain->setCache(JPEG_CACHE_ON); if (ret) { m_jpegMain->destroy(); return ret; } } m_flagCreate = true; return ERROR_NONE; } int SecJpegEncoder::destroy(void) { if (m_flagCreate == false) { return ERROR_ALREADY_DESTROY; } if (m_jpegMain != NULL) { m_jpegMain->destroy(); delete m_jpegMain; m_jpegMain = NULL; } if (m_jpegThumb != NULL) { int iSize = sizeof(char)*m_thumbnailW*m_thumbnailH*4; #ifdef JPEG_WA_FOR_PAGEFAULT iSize += JPEG_WA_BUFFER_SIZE; freeJpegIonMemory(m_ionJpegClient, &m_ionJpegInBuffer, &m_pJpegInputBuffer, m_iInBufSize); #endif //JPEG_WA_FOR_PAGEFAULT freeJpegIonMemory(m_ionJpegClient, &m_ionThumbInBuffer, &m_pThumbInputBuffer, iSize); freeJpegIonMemory(m_ionJpegClient, &m_ionThumbOutBuffer, &m_pThumbOutputBuffer, iSize); if (m_ionJpegClient != 0) { ion_client_destroy(m_ionJpegClient); m_ionJpegClient = 0; } m_jpegThumb->destroy(); delete m_jpegThumb; m_jpegThumb = NULL; } m_flagCreate = false; m_thumbnailW = 0; m_thumbnailH = 0; return ERROR_NONE; } int SecJpegEncoder::setSize(int w, int h) { if (m_flagCreate == false) { return ERROR_NOT_YET_CREATED; } return m_jpegMain->setSize(w, h); } int SecJpegEncoder::setQuality(int quality) { if (m_flagCreate == false) { return ERROR_NOT_YET_CREATED; } return m_jpegMain->setQuality(quality); } int SecJpegEncoder::setColorFormat(int colorFormat) { if (m_flagCreate == false) { return ERROR_NOT_YET_CREATED; } return m_jpegMain->setColorFormat(colorFormat); } int SecJpegEncoder::setJpegFormat(int jpegFormat) { if (m_flagCreate == false) { return ERROR_NOT_YET_CREATED; } return m_jpegMain->setJpegFormat(jpegFormat); } int SecJpegEncoder::updateConfig(void) { if (m_flagCreate == false) { return ERROR_NOT_YET_CREATED; } return m_jpegMain->updateConfig(); } char *SecJpegEncoder::getInBuf(int *input_size) { if (m_flagCreate == false) { return NULL; } int inSize = 0; char *inBuf = *(m_jpegMain->getInBuf(&inSize)); if (inBuf == NULL) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("%s::Fail to JPEG input buffer!!\n", __func__); return NULL; } *input_size = inSize; return inBuf; } char *SecJpegEncoder::getOutBuf(int *output_size) { if (m_flagCreate == false) { return NULL; } int outSize = 0; char *outBuf = m_jpegMain->getOutBuf(&outSize); if (outBuf == NULL) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("%s::Fail to JPEG input buffer!!\n", __func__); return NULL; } *output_size = outSize; return outBuf; } int SecJpegEncoder::setInBuf(char *buf, int size) { if (m_flagCreate == false) { return ERROR_NOT_YET_CREATED; } if (buf == NULL) { return ERROR_BUFFR_IS_NULL; } if (size<=0) { return ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } int ret = ERROR_NONE; #ifdef JPEG_WA_FOR_PAGEFAULT size += JPEG_WA_BUFFER_SIZE; freeJpegIonMemory(m_ionJpegClient, &m_ionJpegInBuffer, &m_pJpegInputBuffer, size); if (m_ionJpegClient == 0) { m_ionJpegClient = ion_client_create(); if (m_ionJpegClient < 0) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("[%s]src ion client create failed, value = %d\n", __func__, size); m_ionJpegClient = 0; return ret; } } ret = allocJpegIonMemory(m_ionJpegClient, &m_ionJpegInBuffer, &m_pJpegInputBuffer, size); if (ret != ERROR_NONE) { return ret; } ret = m_jpegMain->setInBuf(&m_pJpegInputBuffer, &size); if (ret) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("%s::Fail to JPEG input buffer!!\n", __func__); return ret; } m_iInBufSize = size; m_pExtInBuf = buf; #else // NO JPEG_WA_FOR_PAGEFAULT ret = m_jpegMain->setInBuf(&buf, &size); if (ret) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("%s::Fail to JPEG input buffer!!\n", __func__); return ret; } #endif // JPEG_WA_FOR_PAGEFAULT return ERROR_NONE; } int SecJpegEncoder::setOutBuf(char *buf, int size) { if (m_flagCreate == false) { return ERROR_NOT_YET_CREATED; } if (buf == NULL) { return ERROR_BUFFR_IS_NULL; } if (size<=0) { return ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } int ret = ERROR_NONE; ret = m_jpegMain->setOutBuf(buf, size); if (ret) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("%s::Fail to JPEG output buffer!!\n", __func__); return ret; } return ERROR_NONE; } int SecJpegEncoder::encode(int *size, exif_attribute_t *exifInfo) { int ret = ERROR_NONE; unsigned char *exifOut = NULL; if (m_flagCreate == false) { return ERROR_NOT_YET_CREATED; } #ifdef JPEG_WA_FOR_PAGEFAULT memcpy(m_pJpegInputBuffer, m_pExtInBuf, m_iInBufSize-JPEG_WA_BUFFER_SIZE); #endif // JPEG_WA_FOR_PAGEFAULT ret = m_jpegMain->encode(); if (ret) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("encode failed\n"); return ret; } int iJpegSize = m_jpegMain->getJpegSize(); if (iJpegSize<=0) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("%s:: output_size is too small(%d)!!\n", __func__, iJpegSize); return ERROR_OUT_BUFFER_SIZE_TOO_SMALL; } int iOutputSize = 0; char *pcJpegBuffer = m_jpegMain->getOutBuf(&iOutputSize); if (pcJpegBuffer == NULL) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("%s::buffer is null!!\n", __func__); return ERROR_OUT_BUFFER_CREATE_FAIL; } if (exifInfo != NULL) { unsigned int thumbLen, exifLen; unsigned int bufSize = 0; if (exifInfo->enableThumb) { if (encodeThumbnail(&thumbLen)) { bufSize = EXIF_FILE_SIZE; exifInfo->enableThumb = false; } else { if (thumbLen > EXIF_LIMIT_SIZE) { bufSize = EXIF_FILE_SIZE; exifInfo->enableThumb = false; } else { bufSize = EXIF_FILE_SIZE + thumbLen; } } } else { bufSize = EXIF_FILE_SIZE; exifInfo->enableThumb = false; } exifOut = new unsigned char[bufSize]; if (exifOut == NULL) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("%s::Failed to allocate for exifOut", __func__); delete[] exifOut; return ERROR_EXIFOUT_ALLOC_FAIL; } memset(exifOut, 0, bufSize); if (makeExif (exifOut, exifInfo, &exifLen)) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("%s::Failed to make EXIF", __func__); delete[] exifOut; return ERROR_MAKE_EXIF_FAIL; } if (exifLen <= EXIF_LIMIT_SIZE) { memmove(pcJpegBuffer+exifLen+2, pcJpegBuffer+2, iJpegSize - 2); memcpy(pcJpegBuffer+2, exifOut, exifLen); iJpegSize += exifLen; } delete[] exifOut; } *size = iJpegSize; return ERROR_NONE; } int SecJpegEncoder::makeExif (unsigned char *exifOut, exif_attribute_t *exifInfo, unsigned int *size, bool useMainbufForThumb) { unsigned char *pCur, *pApp1Start, *pIfdStart, *pGpsIfdPtr, *pNextIfdOffset; unsigned int tmp, LongerTagOffest = 0, exifSizeExceptThumb; pApp1Start = pCur = exifOut; //2 Exif Identifier Code & TIFF Header pCur += 4; // Skip 4 Byte for APP1 marker and length unsigned char ExifIdentifierCode[6] = { 0x45, 0x78, 0x69, 0x66, 0x00, 0x00 }; memcpy(pCur, ExifIdentifierCode, 6); pCur += 6; /* Byte Order - little endian, Offset of IFD - 0x00000008.H */ unsigned char TiffHeader[8] = { 0x49, 0x49, 0x2A, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; memcpy(pCur, TiffHeader, 8); pIfdStart = pCur; pCur += 8; //2 0th IFD TIFF Tags if (exifInfo->enableGps) tmp = NUM_0TH_IFD_TIFF; else tmp = NUM_0TH_IFD_TIFF - 1; memcpy(pCur, &tmp, NUM_SIZE); pCur += NUM_SIZE; LongerTagOffest += 8 + NUM_SIZE + tmp*IFD_SIZE + OFFSET_SIZE; writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH, EXIF_TYPE_LONG, 1, exifInfo->width); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_IMAGE_HEIGHT, EXIF_TYPE_LONG, 1, exifInfo->height); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_MAKE, EXIF_TYPE_ASCII, strlen((char *)exifInfo->maker) + 1, exifInfo->maker, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_MODEL, EXIF_TYPE_ASCII, strlen((char *)exifInfo->model) + 1, exifInfo->model, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION, EXIF_TYPE_SHORT, 1, exifInfo->orientation); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_SOFTWARE, EXIF_TYPE_ASCII, strlen((char *)exifInfo->software) + 1, exifInfo->software, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME, EXIF_TYPE_ASCII, 20, exifInfo->date_time, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_YCBCR_POSITIONING, EXIF_TYPE_SHORT, 1, exifInfo->ycbcr_positioning); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_EXIF_IFD_POINTER, EXIF_TYPE_LONG, 1, LongerTagOffest); if (exifInfo->enableGps) { pGpsIfdPtr = pCur; pCur += IFD_SIZE; // Skip a ifd size for gps IFD pointer } pNextIfdOffset = pCur; // Skip a offset size for next IFD offset pCur += OFFSET_SIZE; //2 0th IFD Exif Private Tags pCur = pIfdStart + LongerTagOffest; tmp = NUM_0TH_IFD_EXIF; memcpy(pCur, &tmp , NUM_SIZE); pCur += NUM_SIZE; LongerTagOffest += NUM_SIZE + NUM_0TH_IFD_EXIF*IFD_SIZE + OFFSET_SIZE; writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE_TIME, EXIF_TYPE_RATIONAL, 1, &exifInfo->exposure_time, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_FNUMBER, EXIF_TYPE_RATIONAL, 1, &exifInfo->fnumber, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM, EXIF_TYPE_SHORT, 1, exifInfo->exposure_program); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_ISO_SPEED_RATING, EXIF_TYPE_SHORT, 1, exifInfo->iso_speed_rating); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_EXIF_VERSION, EXIF_TYPE_UNDEFINED, 4, exifInfo->exif_version); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_ORG, EXIF_TYPE_ASCII, 20, exifInfo->date_time, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_DIGITIZE, EXIF_TYPE_ASCII, 20, exifInfo->date_time, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_SHUTTER_SPEED, EXIF_TYPE_SRATIONAL, 1, (rational_t *)&exifInfo->shutter_speed, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_APERTURE, EXIF_TYPE_RATIONAL, 1, &exifInfo->aperture, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_BRIGHTNESS, EXIF_TYPE_SRATIONAL, 1, (rational_t *)&exifInfo->brightness, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE_BIAS, EXIF_TYPE_SRATIONAL, 1, (rational_t *)&exifInfo->exposure_bias, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_MAX_APERTURE, EXIF_TYPE_RATIONAL, 1, &exifInfo->max_aperture, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_METERING_MODE, EXIF_TYPE_SHORT, 1, exifInfo->metering_mode); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_FLASH, EXIF_TYPE_SHORT, 1, exifInfo->flash); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_FOCAL_LENGTH, EXIF_TYPE_RATIONAL, 1, &exifInfo->focal_length, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); char code[8] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x49, 0x49, 0x43, 0x53, 0x41 }; int commentsLen = strlen((char *)exifInfo->user_comment) + 1; memmove(exifInfo->user_comment + sizeof(code), exifInfo->user_comment, commentsLen); memcpy(exifInfo->user_comment, code, sizeof(code)); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_USER_COMMENT, EXIF_TYPE_UNDEFINED, commentsLen + sizeof(code), exifInfo->user_comment, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_COLOR_SPACE, EXIF_TYPE_SHORT, 1, exifInfo->color_space); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_PIXEL_X_DIMENSION, EXIF_TYPE_LONG, 1, exifInfo->width); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_PIXEL_Y_DIMENSION, EXIF_TYPE_LONG, 1, exifInfo->height); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE_MODE, EXIF_TYPE_LONG, 1, exifInfo->exposure_mode); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_WHITE_BALANCE, EXIF_TYPE_LONG, 1, exifInfo->white_balance); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_SCENCE_CAPTURE_TYPE, EXIF_TYPE_LONG, 1, exifInfo->scene_capture_type); tmp = 0; memcpy(pCur, &tmp, OFFSET_SIZE); // next IFD offset pCur += OFFSET_SIZE; //2 0th IFD GPS Info Tags if (exifInfo->enableGps) { writeExifIfd(&pGpsIfdPtr, EXIF_TAG_GPS_IFD_POINTER, EXIF_TYPE_LONG, 1, LongerTagOffest); // GPS IFD pointer skipped on 0th IFD pCur = pIfdStart + LongerTagOffest; if (exifInfo->gps_processing_method[0] == 0) { // don't create GPS_PROCESSING_METHOD tag if there isn't any tmp = NUM_0TH_IFD_GPS - 1; } else { tmp = NUM_0TH_IFD_GPS; } memcpy(pCur, &tmp, NUM_SIZE); pCur += NUM_SIZE; LongerTagOffest += NUM_SIZE + tmp*IFD_SIZE + OFFSET_SIZE; writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_GPS_VERSION_ID, EXIF_TYPE_BYTE, 4, exifInfo->gps_version_id); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_GPS_LATITUDE_REF, EXIF_TYPE_ASCII, 2, exifInfo->gps_latitude_ref); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_GPS_LATITUDE, EXIF_TYPE_RATIONAL, 3, exifInfo->gps_latitude, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE_REF, EXIF_TYPE_ASCII, 2, exifInfo->gps_longitude_ref); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE, EXIF_TYPE_RATIONAL, 3, exifInfo->gps_longitude, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE_REF, EXIF_TYPE_BYTE, 1, exifInfo->gps_altitude_ref); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE, EXIF_TYPE_RATIONAL, 1, &exifInfo->gps_altitude, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_GPS_TIMESTAMP, EXIF_TYPE_RATIONAL, 3, exifInfo->gps_timestamp, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); tmp = strlen((char*)exifInfo->gps_processing_method); if (tmp > 0) { if (tmp > 100) { tmp = 100; } unsigned char tmp_buf[100+sizeof(ExifAsciiPrefix)]; memcpy(tmp_buf, ExifAsciiPrefix, sizeof(ExifAsciiPrefix)); memcpy(&tmp_buf[sizeof(ExifAsciiPrefix)], exifInfo->gps_processing_method, tmp); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_GPS_PROCESSING_METHOD, EXIF_TYPE_UNDEFINED, tmp+sizeof(ExifAsciiPrefix), tmp_buf, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); } writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_GPS_DATESTAMP, EXIF_TYPE_ASCII, 11, exifInfo->gps_datestamp, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); tmp = 0; memcpy(pCur, &tmp, OFFSET_SIZE); // next IFD offset pCur += OFFSET_SIZE; } //2 1th IFD TIFF Tags char *thumbBuf = NULL; unsigned int thumbSize = 0; if (useMainbufForThumb) { if (m_jpegMain) { thumbBuf = m_jpegMain->getOutBuf((int *)&thumbSize); thumbSize = m_jpegMain->getJpegSize(); } } else { if (m_jpegThumb) { thumbBuf = m_jpegThumb->getOutBuf((int *)&thumbSize); thumbSize = m_jpegThumb->getJpegSize(); } } if (exifInfo->enableThumb && (thumbBuf != NULL) && (thumbSize != 0)) { exifSizeExceptThumb = tmp = LongerTagOffest; memcpy(pNextIfdOffset, &tmp, OFFSET_SIZE); // NEXT IFD offset skipped on 0th IFD pCur = pIfdStart + LongerTagOffest; tmp = NUM_1TH_IFD_TIFF; memcpy(pCur, &tmp, NUM_SIZE); pCur += NUM_SIZE; LongerTagOffest += NUM_SIZE + NUM_1TH_IFD_TIFF*IFD_SIZE + OFFSET_SIZE; writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH, EXIF_TYPE_LONG, 1, exifInfo->widthThumb); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_IMAGE_HEIGHT, EXIF_TYPE_LONG, 1, exifInfo->heightThumb); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_COMPRESSION_SCHEME, EXIF_TYPE_SHORT, 1, exifInfo->compression_scheme); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION, EXIF_TYPE_SHORT, 1, exifInfo->orientation); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_X_RESOLUTION, EXIF_TYPE_RATIONAL, 1, &exifInfo->x_resolution, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_Y_RESOLUTION, EXIF_TYPE_RATIONAL, 1, &exifInfo->y_resolution, &LongerTagOffest, pIfdStart); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_RESOLUTION_UNIT, EXIF_TYPE_SHORT, 1, exifInfo->resolution_unit); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_JPEG_INTERCHANGE_FORMAT, EXIF_TYPE_LONG, 1, LongerTagOffest); writeExifIfd(&pCur, EXIF_TAG_JPEG_INTERCHANGE_FORMAT_LEN, EXIF_TYPE_LONG, 1, thumbSize); tmp = 0; memcpy(pCur, &tmp, OFFSET_SIZE); // next IFD offset pCur += OFFSET_SIZE; memcpy(pIfdStart + LongerTagOffest, thumbBuf, thumbSize); LongerTagOffest += thumbSize; if (LongerTagOffest > EXIF_LIMIT_SIZE) { LongerTagOffest = exifSizeExceptThumb; tmp = 0; memcpy(pNextIfdOffset, &tmp, OFFSET_SIZE); // NEXT IFD offset skipped on 0th IFD } } else { tmp = 0; memcpy(pNextIfdOffset, &tmp, OFFSET_SIZE); // NEXT IFD offset skipped on 0th IFD } unsigned char App1Marker[2] = { 0xff, 0xe1 }; memcpy(pApp1Start, App1Marker, 2); pApp1Start += 2; *size = 10 + LongerTagOffest; tmp = *size - 2; // APP1 Maker isn't counted unsigned char size_mm[2] = {(tmp >> 8) & 0xFF, tmp & 0xFF}; memcpy(pApp1Start, size_mm, 2); return ERROR_NONE; } /* * private member functions */ inline void SecJpegEncoder::writeExifIfd(unsigned char **pCur, unsigned short tag, unsigned short type, unsigned int count, unsigned int value) { memcpy(*pCur, &tag, 2); *pCur += 2; memcpy(*pCur, &type, 2); *pCur += 2; memcpy(*pCur, &count, 4); *pCur += 4; memcpy(*pCur, &value, 4); *pCur += 4; } inline void SecJpegEncoder::writeExifIfd(unsigned char **pCur, unsigned short tag, unsigned short type, unsigned int count, unsigned char *pValue) { char buf[4] = { 0,}; memcpy(buf, pValue, count); memcpy(*pCur, &tag, 2); *pCur += 2; memcpy(*pCur, &type, 2); *pCur += 2; memcpy(*pCur, &count, 4); *pCur += 4; memcpy(*pCur, buf, 4); *pCur += 4; } inline void SecJpegEncoder::writeExifIfd(unsigned char **pCur, unsigned short tag, unsigned short type, unsigned int count, unsigned char *pValue, unsigned int *offset, unsigned char *start) { memcpy(*pCur, &tag, 2); *pCur += 2; memcpy(*pCur, &type, 2); *pCur += 2; memcpy(*pCur, &count, 4); *pCur += 4; memcpy(*pCur, offset, 4); *pCur += 4; memcpy(start + *offset, pValue, count); *offset += count; } inline void SecJpegEncoder::writeExifIfd(unsigned char **pCur, unsigned short tag, unsigned short type, unsigned int count, rational_t *pValue, unsigned int *offset, unsigned char *start) { memcpy(*pCur, &tag, 2); *pCur += 2; memcpy(*pCur, &type, 2); *pCur += 2; memcpy(*pCur, &count, 4); *pCur += 4; memcpy(*pCur, offset, 4); *pCur += 4; memcpy(start + *offset, pValue, 8 * count); *offset += 8 * count; } int SecJpegEncoder::m_scaleDownYuv422(char *srcBuf, unsigned int srcW, unsigned int srcH, char *dstBuf, unsigned int dstW, unsigned int dstH) { int step_x, step_y; int iXsrc, iXdst; int x, y, src_y_start_pos, dst_pos, src_pos; if (dstW & 0x01 || dstH & 0x01) { return ERROR_INVALID_SCALING_WIDTH_HEIGHT; } step_x = srcW / dstW; step_y = srcH / dstH; unsigned int srcWStride = srcW * 2; unsigned int stepXStride = step_x * 2; dst_pos = 0; for (unsigned int y = 0; y < dstH; y++) { src_y_start_pos = srcWStride * step_y * y; for (unsigned int x = 0; x < dstW; x += 2) { src_pos = src_y_start_pos + (stepXStride * x); dstBuf[dst_pos++] = srcBuf[src_pos ]; dstBuf[dst_pos++] = srcBuf[src_pos + 1]; dstBuf[dst_pos++] = srcBuf[src_pos + 2]; dstBuf[dst_pos++] = srcBuf[src_pos + 3]; } } return ERROR_NONE; } // thumbnail int SecJpegEncoder::setThumbnailSize(int w, int h) { if (m_flagCreate == false) { return ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_SEC_JPEG_ENC_HAL; } if (w < 0 || MAX_JPG_WIDTH < w) { return false; } if (h < 0 || MAX_JPG_HEIGHT < h) { return false; } m_thumbnailW = w; m_thumbnailH = h; return ERROR_NONE; } int SecJpegEncoder::encodeThumbnail(unsigned int *size, bool useMain) { int ret = ERROR_NONE; if (m_flagCreate == false) { return ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_SEC_JPEG_ENC_HAL; } // create jpeg thumbnail class if (m_jpegThumb == NULL) { m_jpegThumb = new SecJpegEncoderHal; if (m_jpegThumb == NULL) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("ERR(%s):Cannot open a jpeg device file\n", __func__); return ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_SEC_THUMB; } } ret = m_jpegThumb->create(); if (ret) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("ERR(%s):Fail create\n", __func__); return ret; } ret = m_jpegThumb->setCache(JPEG_CACHE_ON); if (ret) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("ERR(%s):Fail cache set\n", __func__); return ret; } void *pConfig = m_jpegMain->getJpegConfig(); if (pConfig == NULL) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("ERR(%s):Fail getJpegConfig\n", __func__); return ERROR_BUFFR_IS_NULL; } ret = m_jpegThumb->setJpegConfig(pConfig); if (ret) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("ERR(%s):Fail setJpegConfig\n", __func__); return ret; } ret = m_jpegThumb->setQuality(JPEG_THUMBNAIL_QUALITY); if (ret) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("ERR(%s):Fail setQuality\n", __func__); return ret; } ret = m_jpegThumb->setSize(m_thumbnailW, m_thumbnailH); if (ret) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("ERR(%s):Fail setSize\n", __func__); return ret; } int iThumbSize = sizeof(char)*m_thumbnailW*m_thumbnailH*4; #ifdef JPEG_WA_FOR_PAGEFAULT iThumbSize += JPEG_WA_BUFFER_SIZE; #endif //JPEG_WA_FOR_PAGEFAULT freeJpegIonMemory(m_ionJpegClient, &m_ionThumbInBuffer, &m_pThumbInputBuffer, iThumbSize); freeJpegIonMemory(m_ionJpegClient, &m_ionThumbOutBuffer, &m_pThumbOutputBuffer, iThumbSize); if (m_ionJpegClient == 0) { m_ionJpegClient = ion_client_create(); if (m_ionJpegClient < 0) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("[%s]src ion client create failed, value = %d\n", __func__, m_ionJpegClient); m_ionJpegClient = 0; return ret; } } ret = allocJpegIonMemory(m_ionJpegClient, &m_ionThumbInBuffer, &m_pThumbInputBuffer, iThumbSize); if (ret != ERROR_NONE) { return ret; } ret = m_jpegThumb->setInBuf(&m_pThumbInputBuffer, &iThumbSize); if (ret) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("ERR(%s):Fail setInBuf\n", __func__); return ret; } ret = allocJpegIonMemory(m_ionJpegClient, &m_ionThumbOutBuffer, &m_pThumbOutputBuffer, iThumbSize); if (ret != ERROR_NONE) { return ret; } ret = m_jpegThumb->setOutBuf((char *)m_pThumbOutputBuffer, iThumbSize); if (ret) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("ERR(%s):Fail setOutBuf\n", __func__); return ret; } ret = m_jpegThumb->updateConfig(); if (ret) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("update config failed\n"); return ret; } if (useMain) { int iW=0, iH=0; int input_sizeMain=0, input_sizeThumb=0; ret = m_jpegMain->getSize(&iW, &iH); if (ret) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("ERR(%s):Fail setJpegConfig\n", __func__); return ret; } ret = m_scaleDownYuv422(*(m_jpegMain->getInBuf(&input_sizeMain)), iW, iH, *(m_jpegThumb->getInBuf(&input_sizeThumb)), m_thumbnailW, m_thumbnailH); if (ret) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("%s::m_scaleDownYuv422(%d, %d, %d, %d) fail", __func__, iW, iH, m_thumbnailW, m_thumbnailH); return ret; } } else { return ERROR_IMPLEMENT_NOT_YET; } int outSizeThumb; ret = m_jpegThumb->encode(); if (ret) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("encode failed\n"); return ret; } outSizeThumb = m_jpegThumb->getJpegSize(); if (outSizeThumb<=0) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("jpeg size is too small\n"); return ERROR_THUMB_JPEG_SIZE_TOO_SMALL; } *size = (unsigned int)outSizeThumb; return ERROR_NONE; } int SecJpegEncoder::allocJpegIonMemory(ion_client ionClient, ion_buffer *ionBuffer, char **buffer, int size) { int ret = ERROR_NONE; if (ionClient == 0) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("[%s]ionClient is zero (%d)\n", __func__, ionClient); return ERROR_BUFFR_IS_NULL; } *ionBuffer = ion_alloc(ionClient, size, 0, ION_HEAP_SYSTEM_MASK); if (*ionBuffer == -1) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("[%s]ion_alloc(%d) failed\n", __func__, size); *ionBuffer = 0; return ret; } *buffer = (char *)ion_map(*ionBuffer, size, 0); if (*buffer == MAP_FAILED) { JPEG_ERROR_LOG("[%s]src ion map failed(%d)\n", __func__, size); ion_free(*ionBuffer); *ionBuffer = 0; *buffer = NULL; return ret; } return ret; } void SecJpegEncoder::freeJpegIonMemory(ion_client ionClient, ion_buffer *ionBuffer, char **buffer, int size) { if (ionClient == 0) { return; } if (*buffer != NULL) { ion_unmap(*buffer, size); *buffer = NULL; } if (*ionBuffer != 0) { ion_free(*ionBuffer); *ionBuffer = 0; } }