/* * samsung-ipc-1.0.vapi * * Copyright (C) 2011 Simon Busch * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ [CCode (cheader_filename = "radio.h")] namespace SamsungIpc { [CCode (cname = "int", cprefix = "IPC_CLIENT_TYPE_", has_type_id = false)] public enum ClientType { CRESPO_FMT, CRESPO_RFS, H1, } [CCode (cname = "int", cprefix = "IPC_TYPE_", has_type_id = false)] public enum RequestType { EXEC, GET, SET, CFRM, EVENT, } [CCode (cname = "unsigned char", cprefix = "IPC_TYPE_", has_type_id = false)] public enum ResponseType { INDICATION, RESPONSE, NOTIFICATION, } [CCode (cname = "int", cprefix = "IPC_GROUP_", has_type_id = false)] public enum MessageGroup { PWR, CALL, SMS, SEC, PB, DISP, NET, SND, MISC, SVC, SS, GPRS, SAT, CFG, IMEI, GPS, SAP, GEN, } [CCode (cname = "int", cprefix = "IPC_PWR_", has_type_id = false)] public enum GenericMessageType { PHONE_RESPONSE, } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_get_phone_res")] public struct GenericPhoneResponseMessage { public uint8 group; public uint8 type; public uint8 unk; public uint16 code; } [CCode (cname = "unsigned short", cprefix = "IPC_", has_type_id = false)] public enum MessageType { PWR_PHONE_PWR_OFF, PWR_PHONE_PWR_UP, PWR_PHONE_RESET, PWR_BATT_STATUS, PWR_BATT_TYPE, PWR_BATT_COMP, PWR_PHONE_STATE, PB_ACCESS, PB_STORAGE, PB_STORAGE_LIST, PB_ENTRY_INFO, PB_CAPABILITY_INFO, SS_WAITING, SS_CLI, SS_BARRING, SS_BARRING_PW, SS_FORWARDING, SS_INFO, SS_MANAGE_CALL, SS_USSD, SS_AOC, SS_RELEASE_COMPLETE, GPRS_DEFINE_PDP_CONTEXT, GPRS_QOS, GPRS_PS, GPRS_PDP_CONTEXT, GPRS_SHOW_PDP_ADDR, GPRS_3G_QUAL_SERVICE_PROFILE, GPRS_IP_CONFIGURATION, GPRS_DEFINE_SEC_PDP_CONTEXT, GPRS_TFT, GPRS_HSDPA_STATUS, GPRS_CURRENT_SESSION_DATA_COUNT, GPRS_DATA_DORMANT, GPRS_DUN_PIN_CTRL, GPRS_CALL_STATUS, SAT_PROFILE_DOWNLOAD, SAT_ENVELOPE_CMD, SAT_PROACTIVE_CMD, SAT_TERMINATE_USAT_SESSION, SAT_EVENT_DOWNLOAD, SAT_PROVIDE_LOCAL_INFO, SAT_POLLING, SAT_REFRESH, SAT_SETUP_EVENT_LIST, SAT_CALL_CONTROL_RESULT, SAT_IMAGE_CLUT, SAT_CALL_PROCESSING, IMEI_START, IMEI_CHECK_DEVICE_INFO, CALL_OUTGOING, CALL_INCOMING, CALL_RELEASE, CALL_ANSWER, CALL_STATUS, CALL_LIST, CALL_BURST_DTMF, CALL_CONT_DTMF, CALL_WAITING, CALL_LINE_ID, DISP_ICON_INFO, DISP_HOMEZONE_INFO, DISP_RSSI_INFO, SEC_PIN_STATUS, SEC_PHONE_LOCK, SEC_CHANGE_LOCKING_PW, SEC_SIM_LANG, SEC_RSIM_ACCESS, SEC_GSIM_ACCESS, SEC_SIM_ICC_TYPE, SEC_LOCK_INFO, SEC_ISIM_AUTH, NET_PREF_PLMN, NET_PLMN_SEL, NET_CURRENT_PLMN, NET_PLMN_LIST, NET_REGIST, NET_SUBSCRIBER_NUM, NET_BAND_SEL, NET_SERVICE_DOMAIN_CONFIG, NET_POWERON_ATTACH, NET_MODE_SEL, NET_ACQ_ORDER, NET_IDENTITY, NET_CURRENT_RRC_STATUS, GEN_PHONE_RES, MISC_ME_VERSION, MISC_ME_IMSI, MISC_ME_SN, MISC_TIME_INFO, SMS_SEND_MSG, SMS_INCOMING_MSG, SMS_READ_MSG, SMS_SAVE_MSG, SMS_DEL_MSG, SMS_DELIVER_REPORT, SMS_DEVICE_READY, SMS_SEL_MEM, SMS_STORED_MSG_COUNT, SMS_SVC_CENTER_ADDR, SMS_SVC_OPTION, SMS_MEM_STATUS, SMS_CBS_MSG, SMS_CBS_CONFIG, SMS_STORED_MSG_STATUS, SMS_PARAM_COUNT, SMS_PARAM, } /* ******************************************************************************** */ namespace Power { [CCode (cname = "gint8", cprefix = "IPC_PWR_PHONE_STATE_", has_type_id = false)] public enum PhoneState { LPM, NORMAL, } } /* ******************************************************************************** */ namespace Security { [CCode (cname = "gint8", cprefix = "IPC_SEC_PIN_SIM_", has_type_id = false)] public enum SimStatus { INITIALIZING, SIM_LOCK_REQUIRED, INSIDE_PF_ERROR, LOCK_SC, LOCK_FD, LOCK_PN, LOCK_PU, LOCK_PP, LOCK_PC, CARD_NOT_PRESENT, CARD_ERROR, INIT_COMPLETE, PB_INIT_COMPLETE, } [CCode (cname = "gint8", cprefix = "IPC_SEC_PIN_SIM_LOCK_SC_", has_type_id = false)] public enum SimLockStatus { PIN1_REQ, PUK_REQ, CARD_BLOCKED, } [CCode (cname = "gint8", cprefix = "IPC_SEC_PIN_TYPE_", has_type_id = false)] public enum PinType { PIN1, PIN2, } [CCode (cname = "gint8", cprefix = "IPC_SEC_SIM_CARD_TYPE_", has_type_id = false)] public enum SimCardType { UNKNOWN, SIM, USIM, } [CCode (cname = "gint8", cprefix = "IPC_SEC_RSIM_COMMAND_", has_type_id = false)] public enum RSimCommandType { READ_BINARY, READ_RECORD, UPDATE_BINARY, STATUS, } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_sec_pin_status_noti", destroy_function = "")] public struct SimStatusMessage { [CCode (cname = "type")] public SimStatus status; [CCode (cname = "key")] public SimLockStatus lock_status; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( SimStatusMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_sec_pin_status_set", destroy_function = "")] public struct PinStatusSetMessage { public PinType type; public uint8 length1; public uint8 length2; [CCode (array_length_cname = "length1")] public uint8[] pin1; // size = 8 [CCode (array_length_cname = "length2")] public uint8[] pin2; // size = 8 [CCode (cname = "ipc_sec_pin_status_set_setup")] public void setup(PinType pin_type, string pin1, string pin2); public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( PinStatusSetMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_sec_phone_lock_request", destroy_function = "")] public struct PhoneLockRequestMessage { public SimStatus lock_type; // FIXME refactor log type from SimStatus in own enum public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( PhoneLockRequestMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_sec_phone_lock_response", destroy_function = "")] public struct PhoneLockResponseMessage { public uint8 type; public SimLockStatus status; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( PhoneLockResponseMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_sec_rsim_access_request", destroy_function = "")] public struct RSimAccessRequestMessage { public RSimCommandType command; public uint16 fileid; public uint8 p1; public uint8 p2; public uint8 p3; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( RSimAccessRequestMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_sec_rsim_access_response", destroy_function = "")] public struct RSimAccessResponseMessage { public uint8 sw1; public uint8 sw2; public uint8 len; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( RSimAccessResponseMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_sec_lock_info_request", destroy_function = "")] public struct LockInfoRequestMessage { public uint8 unk0; public PinType pin_type; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( LockInfoRequestMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_sec_lock_info_response", destroy_function = "")] public struct LockInfoResponseMessage { public uint8 num; public uint8 type; public uint8 key; public uint8 attempts; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( LockInfoResponseMessage ); return res; } } } } /* ******************************************************************************** */ namespace Display { [CCode (cname = "ipc_disp_icon_info", destroy_function = "")] public struct IconInfoMessage { public uint8 unk; public uint8 rssi; public uint8 battery; public uint8 act; public uint8 reg; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( IconInfoMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_disp_rssi_info", destroy_function = "")] public struct RssiInfo { public uint8 rssi; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( RssiInfo ); return res; } } } } /* ******************************************************************************** */ namespace Network { [CCode (cname = "gint8", cprefix = "IPC_NET_ACCESS_TECHNOLOGY_", has_type_id = false)] public enum AccessTechnology { UNKNOWN, GSM, GSM2, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, } [CCode (cname = "gint8", cprefix = "IPC_NET_REGISTRATION_STATE_", has_type_id = false)] public enum RegistrationState { NONE, HOME, SEARCHING, EMERGENCY, UNKNOWN, ROAMING, } [CCode (cname = "gint8", cprefix = "IPC_NET_PLMN_STATUS_", has_type_id = false)] public enum PlmnStatus { AVAILABLE, CURRENT, FORBIDDEN, } [CCode (cname = "gint8", cprefix = "IPC_NET_PLMN_SEL_", has_type_id = false)] public enum PlmnSelection { MANUAL, AUTO, } [CCode (cname = "gint8", cprefix = "IPC_NET_SERVICE_DOMAIN_", has_type_id = false)] public enum ServiceDomain { GSM, GPRS, } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_net_regist", destroy_function = "")] public struct RegistrationMessage { public AccessTechnology act; public ServiceDomain domain; public RegistrationState reg_state; public uint8 edge; public uint16 lac; public uint32 cid; public uint8 rej_cause; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( RegistrationMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_net_regist_set", destroy_function = "")] public struct RegistrationSetMessage { public uint8 net; public uint8 domain; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( RegistrationSetMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_net_current_plmn", destroy_function = "")] public struct CurrentPlmnMessage { public uint8 unk0; public uint8 slevel; public uint8 unk1; [CCode (array_length_cname = "")] public uint8[] plmn; public uint8 type; public uint16 lac; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( CurrentPlmnMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_net_plmn_entry", destroy_function = "")] public struct PlmnEntryMessage { public PlmnStatus status; public uint8[] plmn; public uint8 type; public uint8[] unk; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( PlmnEntryMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_net_plmn_entries", destroy_function = "")] public struct PlmnEntriesMessage { public uint8 num; [CCode (cname = "data", array_length_cname = "num")] public PlmnEntriesMessage[] entries; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( PlmnEntriesMessage ); return res; } } } } /* ******************************************************************************** */ namespace Call { [CCode (cname = "int", cprefix = "IPC_CALL_TYPE_", has_type_id = false)] public enum Type { VOICE, DATA, } [CCode (cname = "gint8", cprefix = "IPC_CALL_IDENTITY_", has_type_id = false)] public enum Identity { DEFAULT, HIDE, SHOW, } [CCode (cname = "gint8", cprefix = "IPC_CALL_PREFIX_", has_type_id = false)] public enum Prefix { NONE, INTL, } [CCode (cname = "gint8", cprefix = "IPC_CALL_STATE_", has_type_id = false)] public enum State { DIALING, IGNORING_INCOMING_STATUS, CONNECTED, RELEASED, CONNECTING, } [CCode (cname = "int", cprefix = "IPC_CALL_TERM_", has_type_id = false)] public enum Termination { MO, MT, } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_call_outgoing", destroy_function = "")] public struct OutgoingMessage { public uint8 type; public Identity identity; public uint8 length; public Prefix prefix; public uint8[] number; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( OutgoingMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_call_incoming", destroy_function = "")] public struct IncomingMessage { public uint8 type; public uint8 id; public uint8 line; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( IncomingMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_call_list_entry", destroy_function = "")] public struct ListEntryMessage { public uint8 type; public uint8 idx; public Termination term; public State state; public uint8 mpty; public uint8 number_len; public uint8 unk4; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( ListEntryMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_call_status", destroy_function = "")] public struct StatusMessage { public uint8 type; public uint8 id; public State state; public uint8 reason; public uint8 end_cause; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( StatusMessage ); return res; } } } } /* ******************************************************************************** */ namespace Generic { [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_gen_phone_res", destroy_function = "")] public struct PhoneResponseMessage { public uint8 group; public uint8 type; public uint16 code; public uint8 unk; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( PhoneResponseMessage ); return res; } } } } /* ******************************************************************************** */ namespace Misc { [CCode (cname = "ipc_parse_misc_me_imsi")] public string parse_imsi(uint8[] data); [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_misc_me_version", destroy_function = "", free_function = "")] public struct VersionMessage { public uint8[] sw_version; public uint8[] hw_version; public uint8[] cal_date; public uint8[] misc; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( VersionMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_misc_time_info", destroy_function = "")] public struct TimeInfoMessage { public uint8 tz_valid; public uint8 daylight_valid; public uint8 year; public uint8 mon; public uint8 day; public uint8 hour; public uint8 min; public uint8 sec; public uint8 tz; public uint8 dl; public uint8 dv; public uint8[] plmn; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( TimeInfoMessage ); return res; } } } } /* ******************************************************************************** */ namespace Gprs { [CCode (cname = "gint8", cprefix = "IPC_GPRS_CALL_STATUS_TYPE_", has_type_id = false)] public enum CallStatusType { ON, OFF, } [CCode (cname = "gint8", cprefix = "IPC_GPRS_ERROR_", has_type_id = false)] public enum ErrorType { UNAVAILABLE, } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_gprs_define_pdp_context", destroy_function = "")] public struct DefinePdpContextMessage { public uint8[] unk0; public uint8[] apn; [CCode (cname = "ipc_gprs_define_pdp_context_setup")] public void setup(string apn); public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( DefinePdpContextMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_gprs_ip_configuration", destroy_function = "")] public struct IpConfigurationMessage { public uint8 unk0; public uint8 field_flag; public uint8 unk1; public uint8[] ip; public uint8[] dns1; public uint8[] dns2; public uint8[] gateway; public uint8[] subnet_mask; public uint8[] unk2; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( IpConfigurationMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (name = "struct ipc_gprs_call_status", destroy_function = "")] public struct CallStatusMessage { public uint8 cid; public CallStatusType status; public uint16 reason; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( CallStatusMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_gprs_hsdpa_status", destroy_function = "")] public struct HsdpaStatusMessage { public uint8 unk; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( HsdpaStatusMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_gprs_pdp_context", destroy_function = "")] public struct PdpContextMessage { public uint8[] unk0; public uint8[] username; public uint8[] password; public uint8[] unk1; [CCode (cname = "ipc_gprs_pdp_context_setup")] public void setup(string username, string password); public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( PdpContextMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_gprs_ps", destroy_function = "")] public struct PsMessage { public uint8[] unk; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( PsMessage ); return res; } } } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_gprs_current_session_data_counter", destroy_function = "")] public struct CurrentSessionDataCounterMessage { public uint8[] unk; public unowned uint8[] data { get { unowned uint8[] res = (uint8[])(&this); res.length = (int) sizeof( CurrentSessionDataCounterMessage ); return res; } } } } /* ******************************************************************************** */ [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_header", destroy_function = "")] public struct Header { public uint16 length; public uint8 mseq; public uint8 aseq; public uint8 group; public uint8 index; public uint8 type; } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_request", destroy_function = "", free_function = "")] public struct Request { public uint8 mseq; public uint8 aseq; public uint8 group; public uint8 index; public RequestType type; public uint32 length; public uint8[] data; } [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_response", destroy_function = "", free_function = "", copy_function = "")] public struct Response { public uint8 mseq; public uint8 aseq; public MessageType command; public ResponseType type; public uint32 data_length; [CCode (array_length_cname = "data_length")] public uint8[] data; // FIXME this should not be here ... [CCode (cname = "ipc_sec_rsim_access_response_get_file_data")] public string sec_rsim_access_response_get_file_data(); [CCode (cname = "ipc_misc_me_imsi_response_get_imsi")] public string misc_me_imsi_response_get_imsi(); } public delegate int TransportCb(uint8[] data); public delegate void LogHandlerCb(string message); [Compact] [CCode (cname = "struct ipc_client", cprefix = "ipc_client_")] public class Client { public Client(ClientType type); [CCode (delagate_target_pos = 0.9)] public int set_log_handler(LogHandlerCb log_cb); public int set_delegates(TransportCb write_cb, TransportCb read_cb); public int bootstrap_modem(); public void open(); public void close(); public int recv(out Response response); public void send(MessageType command, RequestType type, uint8[] data, uint8 mseq); public void send_get(MessageType command, uint8 aseq); public void send_exec(MessageType command, uint8 aseq); } }