# # This ProGuard configuration file illustrates how to process ProGuard itself. # Configuration files for typical applications will be very similar. # Usage: # java -jar proguard.jar @proguard.pro # # Specify the input jars, output jars, and library jars. # We'll filter out the Ant and WTK classes, keeping everything else. -injars ../lib/proguard.jar(!proguard/ant/**,!proguard/wtk/**) -outjars proguard_out.jar -libraryjars /lib/rt.jar # Write out an obfuscation mapping file, for de-obfuscating any stack traces # later on, or for incremental obfuscation of extensions. -printmapping proguard.map # Allow methods with the same signature, except for the return type, # to get the same obfuscation name. -overloadaggressively # Put all obfuscated classes into the nameless root package. -repackageclasses '' # Allow classes and class members to be made public. -allowaccessmodification # The entry point: ProGuard and its main method. -keep public class proguard.ProGuard { public static void main(java.lang.String[]); } # If you want to preserve the Ant task as well, you'll have to specify the # main ant.jar. #-libraryjars /usr/local/java/ant/lib/ant.jar #-adaptresourcefilecontents proguard/ant/task.properties # #-keep,allowobfuscation class proguard.ant.* #-keepclassmembers public class proguard.ant.* { # (org.apache.tools.ant.Project); # public void set*(***); # public void add*(***); #} # If you want to preserve the WTK obfuscation plug-in, you'll have to specify # the kenv.zip file. #-libraryjars /usr/local/java/wtk2.1/wtklib/kenv.zip #-keep public class proguard.wtk.ProGuardObfuscator