date: 2019-01-19T13:32:55+00:00 title: Replicant meeting at FOSDEM 2019 authors: Fil tags: Events, Replicant news, FOSDEM, Fil --- ## Call for participants Like every year, [FOSDEM][1] will take place the first weekend of february in Brussels, Belgium. Replicant is organizing a **community meeting and a workshop** that will take place alongside FOSDEM events. The main intention behind this is to **gather Replicant enthusiasts and contributors together** in order to share ideas and discuss Replicant-related key topics. This is **a call for the community** to participate and propose arguments to discuss. A [wiki page][2] has been prepared, to collect proposals and schedules. Proposals and questions can be presented to [the mailing list][3]. **Examples topics** that have been proposed are: * What directions should the project take, what work to prioritize * How to fix f-droid to keep Replicant FSDG compliant Together with the following **workshop arguments** : * How to setup the build environment * Hands on libsamsung-ipc and samsung-ril * Answer various questions about contributing to Replicant * Help contributors who are stuck with specific issues Two free-software-powered polls have been published, to **help us chose the best day and time** : * [One for the meeting][4] * [One for the workshop][5] We invite whoever might be interested, to **indicate their preferred schedule** for the events, in order to help us set up a sensible timetable. The official meeting point and timetables will be published on this blog and on the mailing list. Stay tuned! **EDIT** : The meeting report is available: [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: