Name | Description | Idle | Links |
Fil |
RepWifiApp | RepWifi app
| 6 years | summarylogtree |
GNUtoo |
bisects/linux-backports | Backport of various fixes and drivers
| 4 years | summarylogtree |
bootloaders/i9100g_xloader | Fork of with tests
| 5 years | summarylogtree |
bootloaders/u-boot-midas | Part of research to make the bootloader fully free on midas devices
| 24 months | summarylogtree |
bootloaders/xboot | Part of research to make the bootloader fully free on midas devices
| 5 years | summarylogtree |
documentation/documents | Works on project documents (grants, etc).
| 8 months | summarylogtree |
documentation/presentations | Works on Replicant presentations for conferences.
| 13 months | summarylogtree |
documentation/test-infrastructure | Test infrastructure
| 6 years | summarylogtree |
infrastructure/haunt-blog | Work to migrate from WordPress to a static and flexible websit... | 3 months | summarylogtree |
infrastructure/infrastructure-wiki | Conversion of the Replicant infrastructure project to git
| 4 years | summarylogtree |
infrastructure/libsamsung-ipc-wiki | Conversion of the Replicant libsamsung-ipc project to git
| 4 years | summarylogtree |
infrastructure/trisquel-package-helpers | Temporary work on Trisquel's package-helper (once I get an account on devel.tris... | 3 years | summarylogtree |
infrastructure/ | website
| 4 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/art | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
| 3 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/build | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 3 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/build_soong | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 6 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/core | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 6 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/device_i9305 | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 6 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/device_samsung_espresso3g | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 4 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/device_samsung_espressowifi | device/samsung/espressowifi
| 5 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/device_samsung_galaxys2-common | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 4 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/device_samsung_i9100 | device/samsung/i9100
| 5 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/device_samsung_i9300 | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 4 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/device_samsung_i9305 | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 4 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/device_samsung_maguro | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 4 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/device_samsung_midas_common | | 4 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/device_samsung_n5100 | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 4 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/device_samsung_n7000 | device/samsung/n7000
| 5 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/device_samsung_n7100 | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 4 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/device_samsung_smdk4412-common | device/samsung/smdk4412-common
| 5 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/external_boringssl | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| | summarylogtree |
replicant/external_curl | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
| 3 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/external_devmem2 | [no description] | 4 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/external_drm_info | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 5 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/external_heimdall | external/heimdall
| 5 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/external_json-c | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 5 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/external_libcxx | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
| | summarylogtree |
replicant/external_libdrm | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| | summarylogtree |
replicant/external_libgpiod | libgpiod port to Replicant
| 4 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/external_libudev | Port of libudev to Android (based on | 3 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/external_proguard | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
| | summarylogtree |
replicant/external_toybox | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 6 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/external_usbip-kernel-samsung-smdk4412 | [no description] | 4 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/external_xz | Attempt to port XZ to Android.
| 3 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/frameworks_av | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 5 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/frameworks_base | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 5 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/frameworks_native | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 5 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/frameworks_opt_net_wifi | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 4 years | summarylogtree |
replicant/hardware_broadcom_wlan | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| | summarylogtree |
replicant/hardware_libhardware | Patches not merged yet, used for building and testing them
| 6 years | summarylogtree |