path: root/res/values-sw800dp
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* quick fix for jank on touch devices.Chris Wren2013-06-191-1/+8
* graphics optimization to get back inside 60Hz.Chris Wren2013-04-111-2/+3
* tune re-deal behavior on photo table.Chris Wren2012-12-101-2/+2
* tweak photo dreams to be a little more relaxing.Chris Wren2012-10-111-1/+4
* fix and enable flicking, also refactorChris Wren2012-08-301-2/+2
* PhotoTable Polish:Chris Wren2012-08-301-0/+3
* Photo Table V2Chris Wren2012-08-271-6/+0
* Example Dream: photosChris Wren2012-08-231-0/+26