path: root/res
diff options
authorAbhisek Devkota <>2017-04-28 14:28:27 -0700
committerAbhisek Devkota <>2017-04-28 14:28:27 -0700
commitdf923a055fcd2a7d8b4bed7159add3290176b155 (patch)
tree50a288b4459b06c426d072a47fde9fffc1e9e85f /res
parentc37317867473d48f0f862a8d2c31afff98f36230 (diff)
Automatic translation importreplicant-6.0-0001
Change-Id: I5368bbf25270420a875a17379bfe037c62bc9e11
Diffstat (limited to 'res')
9 files changed, 95 insertions, 404 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-ast-rES/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-ast-rES/cm_strings.xml
index 8e2c61fd0..1f41a97b8 100644
--- a/res/values-ast-rES/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ast-rES/cm_strings.xml
@@ -27,27 +27,13 @@
<string name="preference_header_suggested_contacts">Contautos suxeríos</string>
<string name="preference_suggested_contacts_mode">Mou de contautos suxeríos</string>
<string name="preference_suggested_contacts_clear_all">Llimpiar contautos suxeríos</string>
- <string name="suggested_contacts_cleared">Contautos suxeríos llimpiaos.</string>
+ <string name="suggested_contacts_cleared">Llimpiáronse los contautos suxeríos.</string>
<string name="clear_suggested_contacts_dialog_title">¿Llimpiar contautos suxeríos?</string>
<string name="clear_suggested_contacts_dialog_message">Van desaniciase tolos contautos suxeríos almacenaos previamente.</string>
<!-- Notification lights dialogs -->
- <string name="edit_light_settings">Axustes de lluz de carpeta</string>
- <string name="pulse_speed_title">Duración y velocidá</string>
<string name="default_time">Normal</string>
- <string name="custom_time">Personalizáu</string>
- <string name="dialog_delete_title">Desaniciar</string>
- <string name="dialog_delete_message">¿Desaniciar l\'elementu esbilláu?</string>
- <string name="pref_lights_default">Por defeutu</string>
+ <string name="dialog_delete_title">Desaniciu</string>
<!-- Values for the notification lights pulse spinners -->
- <string name="pulse_length_always_on">Siempre encesa</string>
- <string name="pulse_length_very_short">Mui curtia</string>
- <string name="pulse_length_short">Curtia</string>
<string name="pulse_length_normal">Normal</string>
- <string name="pulse_length_long">Llarga</string>
- <string name="pulse_length_very_long">Mui llarga</string>
- <string name="pulse_speed_very_fast">Mui rápida</string>
- <string name="pulse_speed_fast">Rápida</string>
<string name="pulse_speed_normal">Normal</string>
- <string name="pulse_speed_slow">Lenta</string>
- <string name="pulse_speed_very_slow">Mui lenta</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml b/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
index 1ca156518..d72b73bbd 100644
--- a/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
@@ -22,336 +22,176 @@
<!-- Layout tests strings -->
<!-- Compose -->
<!-- Shown in Compose; the sender of the message [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="from">De</string>
<!-- Shown in Compose; the recipient(s) of the message [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="to">Pa</string>
<!-- Shown in Compose; the cc recipient(s) of the message [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="cc">Cc</string>
<!-- Shown in Compose; the bcc recipient(s) of the message [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="bcc">Cct</string>
<!-- Shown in Compose; the subject of the message [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="subject_hint">Asuntu</string>
<!-- Shown in Compose; the body of the message [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="body_hint">Escribi\'l corréu</string>
<!-- Compose screen button. Add an attachment to this message [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="add_file_attachment">Axuntar ficheru</string>
<!-- Compose screen button. Add a photo attachment to this message [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="add_photo_attachment">Axuntar imaxe</string>
<!-- Stub string for attaching from a service. Sub-apps should override this. -->
<!-- The actual string value doesn't matter, it should never appear. -->
<!-- Button name: save this message as draft [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
- <string name="save_draft">Guardar borrador</string>
<!-- Button name: discard this message [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string name="discard">Descartar</string>
+ <string name="discard">Escartar</string>
<!-- The possible ways to reply to a message [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string name="compose">Redactar</string>
<!-- The action bar title for the default compose mode [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
<!-- The possible ways to reply to a message [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string-array name="compose_modes">
- <!-- Reply -->
- <item>Responder</item>
- <!-- Reply all -->
- <item>Responder a toos</item>
- <!-- Forward -->
- <item>Reunviar</item>
- </string-array>
<!-- Formatting string for the subject when it contains a reply or forward identifier. Do not translate.-->
<!-- Compose screen, prefixed to the subject of a message when replying to it (if not already present). Do not translate. -->
<!-- Compose screen, Prefix to forwarded message subject. Do not translate. -->
<!-- Compose screen, displayed at the top of a message being replied to. Please preserve the HTML entities (surrounded by & and ;). The two %s strings will be replaced by 1) the date 2) the person who wrote the email being responded to. [CHAR LIMIT=1000]-->
- <string name="reply_attribution">El <xliff:g id="DATE">%s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="PERSON">%s</xliff:g> escribió:</string>
<!-- Compose screen, displayed at the top of a message being forwarded. Please preserve the HTML entities (surrounded by & and ;). [CHAR LIMIT=1000] -->
- <string name="forward_attribution">---------- Mensaxe reunviáu ----------&lt;br&gt;De: <xliff:g id="FROM">%1$s</xliff:g>&lt;br&gt;Data: <xliff:g id="DATE">%2$s</xliff:g>&lt;br&gt;Asuntu: <xliff:g id="SUBJECT">%3$s</xliff:g>&lt;br&gt;Pa: <xliff:g id="TO">%4$s</xliff:g>&lt;br&gt;</string>
<!-- Compose screen, displayed at the top of a message being forwarded. [CHAR LIMIT=100]-->
- <string name="forward_attribution_no_headers">---------- Mensaxe reunviáu ----------</string>
<!-- Compose screen, displayed at the top of a message being forwarded if there are any email addresses in the CC list. Please preserve the HTML entities (surrounded by & and ;). [CHAR LIMIT=1000]-->
- <string name="cc_attribution">Cc: <xliff:g id="CC">%1$s</xliff:g> &lt;br&gt;</string>
<!-- Dialog text: select the type of an attachment while composing [CHAR LIMIT=100]-->
- <string name="select_attachment_type">Esbilla\'l tipu de ficheru axuntu.</string>
<!-- Toast, attachment too large for single file [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="too_large_to_attach_single">Nun pues axuntar ficheros mayores de <xliff:g id="MAXSIZE">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string>
<!-- Toast, attachment too large for multiple files [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="too_large_to_attach_multiple">Nun s\'axuntaron ún o más ficheros (llende de <xliff:g id="MAXSIZE">%1$s</xliff:g>).</string>
<!-- Toast, attachment too large when existing attachments exist [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="too_large_to_attach_additional">Nun s\'axuntó\'l ficheru. Perpasóse la llende de <xliff:g id="MAXSIZE">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string>
<!-- Toast, problem attaching file [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="generic_attachment_problem">Nun pudo axuntase\'l ficheru.</string>
<!-- Toast, cannot attach the provided file because the calling context doesn't have the permission [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
<!-- Displayed for one second after trying to send with no recipients in To field [CHAR LIMIT=200]-->
- <string name="recipient_needed">Amiesta polo menos un destinatariu.</string>
<!-- Messages for send confirmation dialog [CHAR LIMIT=100]-->
- <string name="confirm_send_message_with_no_subject">L\'asuntu del mensaxe ta baleru.</string>
- <string name="confirm_send_message_with_no_body">El cuerpu del mensaxe ta baleru.</string>
- <string name="confirm_send_message">¿Quies unviar esti mensaxe?</string>
<!-- Displayed for one second after discarding draft message [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="message_discarded">Mensaxe descartáu</string>
<!-- Formatting string for the user's signaure. [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="signature">\n\n<xliff:g id="SIGNATURE">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Shown in the from dropdown in front of custom from addresses. [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string name="custom_from_account_label">Unviar como:</string>
<!-- Menu item: send this message -->
- <string name="send">Unviar</string>
<!-- Menu item: mark this conversation as read -->
- <string name="mark_read">Marcar como lleíu</string>
<!-- Menu item: mark this conversation as unread -->
- <string name="mark_unread">Marcar como ensin lleer</string>
<!-- Menu item: toggle read/unread for menus that contain both read and unread options -->
<!-- Menu item: mute this conversation -->
- <string name="mute">Silenciar</string>
<!-- Menu item: add a star to this conversation -->
- <string name="add_star">Amestar estrella</string>
<!-- Menu item: remove the star from this conversation -->
- <string name="remove_star">Desaniciar estrella</string>
<!-- Remove the folder from this conversation [CHAR LIMIT = 30]-->
- <string name="remove_folder">Desaniciar de <xliff:g id="FOLDERNAME">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Menu item: archive this conversation -->
- <string name="archive">Archivar</string>
<!-- Menu item: report this conversation as spam [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
- <string name="report_spam">Marcar como spam</string>
<!-- Menu item: report this conversation not as spam [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
- <string name="mark_not_spam">Informar de que nun ye spam</string>
<!-- Menu item: report this conversation as phishing [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
- <string name="report_phishing">Denunciar suplantación d\'identidá</string>
<!-- Menu item: delete this conversation -->
- <string name="delete">Desaniciar</string>
<!-- Menu item: discard the drafts in this conversation [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
- <string name="discard_drafts">Descartar borradores</string>
<!-- Menu item: discard the failed messages in this conversation [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
- <string name="discard_failed">Descartar fallíos</string>
<!-- Menu item: refresh the inbox -->
- <string name="refresh">Anovar</string>
<!-- Menu item: reply to this message -->
- <string name="reply">Responder</string>
<!-- Menu item: reply to all recipients in this message [CHAR LIMIT=18] -->
- <string name="reply_all">Responder a toos</string>
<!-- Menu item: resume a draft message [CHAR LIMIT=12] -->
- <string name="resume_draft">Editar</string>
<!-- Menu item: forward this message -->
- <string name="forward">Reunviar</string>
<!-- Menu item: compose a new email -->
- <string name="menu_compose">Redactar</string>
<!-- Menu item: change the folders for this conversation. -->
- <string name="menu_change_folders">Camudar carpetes</string>
<!-- Menu item: moves to folders for selected conversation(s). [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
- <string name="menu_move_to">Mover a</string>
<!-- Menu item move_to state for displaying as an action or in overflow -->
<!-- 0 corresponds to SHOW_AS_ACTION_NEVER -->
<!-- Menu item: moves current or selected conversation(s) to Inbox. [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
- <string name="menu_move_to_inbox">Mover a bandexa d\'entrada</string>
<!-- Menu item: manages the folders for this account. [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
- <string name="menu_manage_folders">Axustes de carpeta</string>
<!-- Menu item: report an email was not readable or poorly rendered -->
<!-- Menu item: report an email's readability has improved -->
<!-- Temporary text used for reporting rendering issues Googlers see in testing -->
<!-- Temporary text used for reporting rendering improvements Googlers see in testing -->
<!-- Menu item text to show the original version of an email conversation, before message manipulation [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="menu_show_original">Volver al tamañu orixinal</string>
<!-- Menu item: launch the Settings activity -->
<string name="menu_settings">Axustes</string>
<!-- Menu item: search through the Gmail inbox -->
- <string name="menu_search">Guetar</string>
<!-- Menu item: toggle drawer -->
<!-- Title of the drawer, indicating what it is used for, which is navigation of the app -->
- <string name="drawer_title">Navegación</string>
<!-- Menu item: shown in conversation menu. Tap this to move to mark conversation as important [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="mark_important">Marcar como importante</string>
<!-- Menu item: shown in conversation menu. Tap this to move to mark conversation as not important [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="mark_not_important">Marcar como non importante</string>
<!-- Compose screen, menu item: add Cc/Bcc fields -->
- <string name="add_cc_label">Amestar Cc/Cct</string>
<!-- Compose screen, menu item: add Bcc field [CHAR_LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="add_bcc_label">Amestar Cct</string>
<!-- Compose screen, Prefix to quoted text in forwarded/replied message [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="quoted_text">Incluyir testu citáu</string>
<!-- Compose screen, Prefix to quoted text in forwarded/replied message; folder for the quoted text area. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="quoted_text_label">Citar testu</string>
<!-- Button for including inline responses. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="respond_inline">Responder ente llinies</string>
<!-- Format string for email addresses -->
<!-- Attachments -->
<!-- Size unit, displayed in a button next to an attachment [CHAR LIMIT=5]-->
- <string name="bytes"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%s</xliff:g> B</string>
<!-- Size unit, displayed in a button next to an attachment [CHAR LIMIT=5] -->
- <string name="kilobytes"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%s</xliff:g> KB</string>
<!-- Size unit, displayed in a button next to an attachment [CHAR LIMIT=5]-->
- <string name="megabytes"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%s</xliff:g> MB</string>
<!-- Attachment description for image files [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="attachment_image">Imaxe</string>
<!-- Attachment description for video files [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="attachment_video">Videu</string>
<!-- Attachment description for audio files [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="attachment_audio">Audiu</string>
<!-- Attachment description for text files [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="attachment_text">SMS</string>
<!-- Attachment description for .doc files [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="attachment_application_msword">Documentu</string>
<!-- Attachment description for .ppt files [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="attachment_application_vnd_ms_powerpoint">Presentación</string>
<!-- Attachment description for .pdf files [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="attachment_application_vnd_ms_excel">Fueya de cálculu</string>
<!-- Attachment description for .pdf files [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="attachment_application_pdf">PDF</string>
<!-- Attachment description for unknown files [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
- <string name="attachment_unknown">Ficheru <xliff:g id="ATTACHMENTEXTENSION">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Read email screen, button name. Preview an attachment by Gview. [CHAR LIMIT=18] -->
- <string name="preview_attachment">Vista previa</string>
<!-- Read email screen, button name. Save an attachment to sd card. [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
<string name="save_attachment">Guardar</string>
<!-- Read email screen, button name. Redownload an attachment [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="download_again">Volver a descargar</string>
<!-- A supplemental option on attachments for apps to override. This string intentionally blank here. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<!-- Remove this attachment [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<!-- Dialog box title [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="more_info_attachment">Información</string>
<!-- Dialog box message, displayed when we could not view an attachment. [CHAR LIMIT=200]-->
- <string name="no_application_found">Nenguna aplicación pue abrir esti ficheru axuntu.</string>
<!-- Dialog box title. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="fetching_attachment">Estrayendo ficheru axuntu</string>
<!-- Dialog box message. [CHAR LIMIT=80] -->
- <string name="please_wait">Espera, por favor\u2026</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation view, next to a file's size and type. Status of a saved attachment. [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="saved">Guardáu, <xliff:g id="SIZE">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation view. Status of a failed attachment. [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="download_failed">Fallu, toca pa reintentar</string>
<!-- Photo view screen, button name. Save all attachments to sd card. [CHAR LIMIT=17] -->
<string name="menu_photo_save_all">Guardar too</string>
<!-- Photo view screen, button name. Share attachment. [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="menu_photo_share">Compartir</string>
<!-- Photo view screen, button name. Share all attachments. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="menu_photo_share_all">Compartir too</string>
<!-- Photo view screen, button name. Print photo. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="menu_photo_print">Imprentar</string>
<!-- Displayed in the action bar as a subtitle. Save in progress. [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string name="saving">Guardando\u2026</string>
<!-- Webview Context Menu Strings -->
<!-- Title of dialog for choosing which activity to share a link with. [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="choosertitle_sharevia">Compartir a traviés de</string>
<!-- Menu item to open a link [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="contextmenu_openlink">Abrir nel restolador web</string>
<!-- Menu item to copy the selection [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="contextmenu_copy">Copiar</string>
<!-- Menu item to copy a link [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="contextmenu_copylink">Copiar URL d\'enllaz</string>
<!-- Menu item to view an image [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="contextmenu_view_image">Ver imaxe</string>
<!-- Menu item to dial a number [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="contextmenu_dial_dot">Marcar\u2026</string>
<!-- Menu item to send an SMS [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="contextmenu_sms_dot">SMS\u2026</string>
<!-- Menu item to add a contact [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="contextmenu_add_contact">Amestar contautu</string>
<!-- Menu item to send an email [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="contextmenu_send_mail">Unviar corréu</string>
<!-- Menu item to show a map [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="contextmenu_map">Mapa</string>
<!-- Menu item to share link [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="contextmenu_sharelink">Compartir enllaz</string>
<!-- Browse list item strings -->
<!-- Formatting string for the content description field of a conversation list item when device is in accessibility mode. [CHAR LIMIT=250] -->
- <string name="content_description"><xliff:g id="toHeader">%1$s</xliff:g><xliff:g id="participant">%2$s</xliff:g> tocante a <xliff:g id="subject">%3$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="snippet">%4$s</xliff:g> on <xliff:g id="date">%5$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="readstate">%6$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Formatting string for the content description field of a conversation list item when device is in accessibility mode and the message was received today. [CHAR LIMI=250] -->
- <string name="content_description_today"><xliff:g id="toHeader">%1$s</xliff:g><xliff:g id="participant">%2$s</xliff:g> tocante a <xliff:g id="subject">%3$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="snippet">%4$s</xliff:g> at <xliff:g id="time">%5$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="readstate">%6$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Formatting string for the content description field of a conversation list item when device is in accessibility mode. [CHAR LIMIT=250] -->
<!-- Formatting string for the content description field of a conversation list item when device is in accessibility mode and the message was received today. [CHAR LIMI=250] -->
<!-- String used in content description field of a conversation list item when device is in accessibility mode and the conversation was read [CHAR LIMIT=250] -->
- <string name="read_string">conversación lleída</string>
<!-- String used in content description field of a conversation list item when device is in accessibility mode and the conversation was not read [CHAR LIMIT=250] -->
- <string name="unread_string">conversación non lleída</string>
<!-- Formatting string. If the subject contains the tag of a mailing-list (text surrounded with
return the subject with that tag ellipsized, e.g. "[android-gmail-team] Hello" -> "[andr...] Hello" [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="filtered_tag">[<xliff:g id="TAG">%1$s</xliff:g>]<xliff:g id="SUBJECT">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Displayed in conversation list item in the form of "badge subject" [CHAR LIMIT=7] -->
- <string name="badge_and_subject"><xliff:g>%1$s</xliff:g> <xliff:g>%2$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Displayed in browse list item when the list item is a draft message instead of showing the subject [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <plurals name="draft">
- <!-- Title of the screen when there is exactly one draft -->
- <item quantity="one">Borrador</item>
- <!-- Title of the screen when there are more than one draft -->
- <item quantity="other">Borradores</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Message displayed in a browse list item for one second when message is being sent [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="sending">Unviando...</string>
<!-- Message displayed in the outgoing message list item when the message failed to sent and is being retried [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="message_retrying">Reintentando\u2026</string>
<!-- Message displayed in the outgoing message list item when the message failed to send [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="message_failed">Falló</string>
<!-- Message displayed in a browse list item for one second after a send failed [CHAR LIMIT=26]-->
- <string name="send_failed">Nun s\'unvió\'l mensaxe.</string>
<!-- String used to represent "me" when used as an object pronoun. This string is used when
showing the list of recipients of a message [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string name="me_object_pronoun">min</string>
<!-- String used to represent "me"/"I" when used as an subject pronoun. This string is use when
showing the list of senders for a conversation list item. [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string name="me_subject_pronoun">min</string>
- <plurals name="confirm_delete_conversation">
- <!-- Dialog message to confirm deletion of one conversation -->
- <item quantity="one">¿Desaniciar esta conversación?</item>
- <!-- Dialog message to confirm deletion of several conversations -->
- <item quantity="other">¿Desaniciar estes <xliff:g id="COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> conversaciones?</item>
- </plurals>
- <plurals name="confirm_archive_conversation">
- <!-- Dialog message to confirm archival of one conversation -->
- <item quantity="one">¿Archivar esta conversación?</item>
- <!-- Dialog message to confirm archival of several conversations -->
- <item quantity="other">¿Archivar estes <xliff:g id="COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> conversaciones?</item>
- </plurals>
- <plurals name="confirm_discard_drafts_conversation">
- <!-- Dialog message to confirm discarding a single draft message [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <item quantity="one">¿Quies descartar esti mensaxe?</item>
- <!-- Dialog message to confirm discarding many draft messages [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <item quantity="other">Descartar estos <xliff:g id="count">%1$d</xliff:g> mensaxes?</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Dialog text: confirm discard -->
- <string name="confirm_discard_text">¿Quies descartar esti mensaxe?</string>
<!-- Conversation list shared between the Activity and Widget -->
<!-- Displayed in the middle of the screen when conversations are being loaded [CHAR LIMIT 100]-->
- <string name="loading_conversations">Cargando…</string>
<!-- Displayed in the middle of the screen when an inbox is empty [CHAR LIMIT 100]-->
- <string name="empty_inbox">Too fecho! Qu\'esfrutes el día.</string>
<!-- Displayed in the middle of the screen when a search returns no results [CHAR LIMIT 100]-->
- <string name="empty_search">Coima! Nun atopamos nada que concase con \"<xliff:g id="search_query">%1$s</xliff:g>\".</string>
<!-- Displayed in the middle of the screen when the spam folder is empty [CHAR LIMIT 100]-->
- <string name="empty_spam_folder">Bien, nun hai puxarra equí!</string>
<!-- Displayed in the middle of the screen when the trash folder is empty [CHAR LIMIT 100]-->
- <string name="empty_trash_folder">Nun hai basoria. Gracies por reciclar!</string>
<!-- Displayed in the middle of the screen when a folder is empty [CHAR LIMIT 100]-->
- <string name="empty_folder">Nun hai correos equí.</string>
<!-- Displayed in the middle of the screen when a folder is loading [CHAR LIMIT 100]-->
- <string name="getting_messages">Obteniendo mensaxes</string>
<!-- Undo bar strings -->
<!-- Menu item: undo latest action [CHAR LIMIT=12]-->
- <string name="undo">Desfacer</string>
<!-- The following are shown as a toast after the operation has completed -->
<!-- Displayed when swiping away a single conversation to delete it [CHAR LIMIT=80] -->
- <string name="deleted">Desaniciada</string>
<!-- Displayed when swiping away a single conversation to archive it [CHAR LIMIT=80] -->
- <string name="archived">Archivada</string>
<!-- Displayed when swiping away a single conversation to remove the currently displayed folder [CHAR LIMIT=80] -->
- <string name="folder_removed">Desaniciada de <xliff:g id="FOLDERNAME">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Displayed after moving a conversation to a different folder. [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="conversation_folder_moved">Movida a <xliff:g id="FOLDERNAME">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Search Results: Text for header that is shown above search results [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="search_results_header">Resultaos</string>
<!-- Toast shown when the user taps the search hard key when viewing an account that does not support search [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="search_unsupported">Esta cuenta nun almite la función de gueta.</string>
<!-- Accessibility description for the search suggestion item [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
<!-- Conversation view -->
<!-- Text anchor for control to add / change labels on a conversation when
viewing it. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="add_label">Amestar carpeta</string>
<!-- New Message notification text that appears over conversation view on incoming messages. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<!-- Conversation message header strings -->
<!-- Text for showing the date and expanding recipient details in a message when viewing it. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="date_and_view_details"><xliff:g id="date">%1$s</xliff:g> &lt;a href=\'\'&gt;Ver detalles&lt;/a&gt;</string>
<!-- Text for collapsing recipient details in a message when viewing it. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="hide_details">Anubrir detalles</string>
<!-- Shown to display the recipient(s) of the message [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="to_message_header">a <xliff:g id="recipients">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Shown to display the bcc recipient(s) of the message [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
<!-- Icon name for showing sender contact information. [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="contact_info_string">Amosar información de contautu de <xliff:g id="NAME">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Icon name for showing sender contact information when we cannot get sender info. [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="contact_info_string_default">Amosar información de contautu</string>
<!-- Used for accessibility purposes when a conversation has several previously read
messages that are collapsed into a single touch target. Tapping on this touch target
expands these messages. [CHAR LIMIT=UNLIMITED] -->
@@ -359,300 +199,167 @@
messages that are collapsed into a single touch target to announce that the messages
have been expanded. [CHAR LIMIT=UNLIMITED] -->
<!-- Shown to display the from address of the message [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="from_heading">De:</string>
<!-- Shown to display the reply to address of the message [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="replyto_heading">Responder a:</string>
<!-- Shown to display the to recipient(s) of the message [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="to_heading">Pa: </string>
<!-- Shown to display the to recipient(s) of the message [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="to_heading_no_space">Pa:</string>
<!-- Shown to display the cc recipient(s) of the message [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="cc_heading">Cc:</string>
<!-- Shown to display the bcc recipient(s) of the message [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="bcc_heading">Cct:</string>
<!-- Shown to display the date of the message [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="date_heading">Data:</string>
<!-- Displayed above an HTML message to show the images in that message [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="show_images">Amosar imáxenes</string>
<!-- Displayed above an HTML message to always show images in messages from that sender [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="always_show_images">Amosar siempre imáxenes d\'esti remitente</string>
<!-- Shown in a toast to acknowledge always showing images for a sender [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="always_show_images_toast">Les imáxenes d\'esti remitente van amosase automáticamente.</string>
<!-- Display format of an email recipient, displayed in expanded message details [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="address_display_format"><xliff:g id="NAME">%1$s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="EMAIL">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Display format of an email sender if the message has a via domain set, displayed in expanded message details [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string name="address_display_format_with_via_domain"><xliff:g id="NAME">%1$s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="EMAIL">%2$s</xliff:g> a traviés de <xliff:g id="VIA_DOMAIN">%3$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Displayed for one second after user saves message as draft [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="message_saved">Mensaxe guardáu como borrador</string>
<!-- Displayed for one second while message is being sent [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="sending_message">Unviando mensaxe...</string>
<!-- Displayed for one second after trying to send with invalid recipients [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="invalid_recipient">La direición <xliff:g id="WRONGEMAIL">%s</xliff:g> nun ye válida.</string>
<!-- Shown in HTML to allow the user to see quoted text; should match Gmail web UI. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="show_elided">Amosar testu citáu</string>
<!-- Shown in HTML to allow the user to hide quoted text; should match Gmail web UI. 25BC is Unicode for a downward-pointing triangle. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="hide_elided">\u25BC Anubrir testu citáu</string>
<!-- Shown as a heading in message view when a message contains a calendar invite [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
- <string name="message_invite_title">Invitación de calendariu</string>
<!-- Shown as a button label in message view to launch calendar to see this invite [CHAR LIMIT=40]-->
- <string name="message_invite_calendar_view">Ver en calendariu</string>
<!-- Shown as a text label in message view describing the choices of whether to attend an invite [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="message_invite_label_attending">¿Vas asistir?</string>
<!-- Shown as a button label in message view to accept a calendar invite [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="message_invite_accept">Sí</string>
<!-- Shown as a button label in message view to give a tentative response to a calendar invite [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="message_invite_tentative">Seique</string>
<!-- Shown as a button label in message view to decline a calendar invite [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="message_invite_decline">Non</string>
<!-- An enumeration comma for separating items in lists. [CHAR LIMIT=2] -->
- <string name="enumeration_comma">, </string>
<!-- Button name, displayed in dialogs [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="send_anyway">Unviar d\'igual forma</string>
<!-- Button name, displayed in dialogs [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="ok">Aceutar</string>
+ <string name="ok">ACEUTAR</string>
<!-- Button name, displayed in dialogs [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="done">Fecho</string>
<!-- Button name, displayed in dialogs [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
<string name="cancel">Encaboxar</string>
<!-- Button name, displayed in dialogs [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="clear">Llimpiar</string>
<!-- Button name, used as part of a multi-step process [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="next">Siguiente</string>
<!-- Button name, used as part of a multi-step process [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="previous">Anterior</string>
<!-- Sync status errors. Please do not change the order [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
<string-array name="sync_status">
- <item>Ensin fallos</item>
+ <item>Success</item>
<item>No connection</item>
<item>Couldn\'t sign in</item>
- <item>Security error</item>
+ <item>Fallu de seguranza</item>
<item>Couldn\'t sync</item>
- <item>Fallu internu</item>
- <item>Fallu del sirvidor</item>
+ <item>Internal Error</item>
+ <item>Server Error</item>
<!-- Widget strings -->
<!-- Displayed when user adds a new widget. Tapping on the widget in this
mode will bring user to the account selection screen [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
- <string name="tap_to_configure">Tocar pa configurar</string>
<!-- Displayed within a widget that was setup for a non-synced folder [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
- <string name="non_synced_folder_description">Pa ver conversaciones, sincroniza esta carpeta.</string>
<!-- Displayed within a widget that was setup for a non-synced folder. This is the text of the
button that will allow the user to configure sync for the folder [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
- <string name="tap_to_configure_folder_sync">Sincronizar carpeta</string>
<!-- Displayed in widget when unread count > 99. [CHAR LIMIT=4] -->
- <string name="widget_large_unread_count">%d+</string>
<!-- Displayed when there are >99 unseen messages, see:unseen_count [CHAR LIMIT=3] -->
- <string name="large_unseen_count"><xliff:g id="count" example="99">%d</xliff:g>+ new</string>
<!-- Displayed when there are unseen messages [CHAR LIMIT=3] [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID: 3377106103106345367] -->
- <string name="unseen_count"><xliff:g id="count" example="4">%d</xliff:g> new</string>
- <plurals name="actionbar_unread_messages">
- <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> ensin lleer</item>
- <!-- String for the actionbar subtitle when messages are unread [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> ensin lleer</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Displayed at the end of the conversation list in the widget. Tapping on this will open the default Inbox. [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
- <string name="view_more_conversations">Ver más conversaciones</string>
<!-- Displayed while we load a conversation. [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="loading_conversation">Cargando...</string>
<!-- Name of the Mailboxes activity [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="activity_mailbox_selection">Esbillar cuenta</string>
<!-- Name of the Folders activity [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="activity_folder_selection">Esbillar carpeta</string>
<!-- Name of the Folder shortcut widget. Should use "Email" to refer to the app. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="folder_shortcut_widget_label">Carpeta de corréu</string>
<!-- Folder selection dialog -->
<!-- Title for change folders dialog [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="change_folders_selection_dialog_title">Cambiar carpetes</string>
<!-- Title for move to dialog [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="move_to_selection_dialog_title">Mover a</string>
<!-- Search -->
<!-- Title of the search dialog -->
<!-- Shown in light gray in the Search box when no text has been entered [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
<!-- Search Results: Text for status of the search when the results are completely loaded [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="search_results_loaded"><xliff:g id="searchCount">%1$d</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Voice search is not supported on this device [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
<!-- Description of the back button [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
<!-- Description of the voice icon [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
<!-- Description of the clear icon (clears the current input text in the search bar) [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
<!-- Shown in conversation list footer when application cannot make a connection [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="network_error">Ensin conexón</string>
<!-- Button at bottom of conversation list screen if last attempt to load conversations failed [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="retry">Reintentar</string>
<!-- Button at bottom of conversation list screen if the folder for which contents are being shown supports loading more on demand [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
<string name="load_more">Cargar más</string>
<!-- Text for dummy attachments to load the actual attachment. This is not an ideal string, but it's too late to add a new string and get it translated -->
<string name="load_attachment">@string/load_more</string>
<!-- Shortcut strings -->
<!-- Title for shortcut naming dialog [CHAR LIMIT=100]-->
- <string name="shortcut_name_title">Asignar nome a accesu direutu de carpeta</string>
<!-- Wait fragment strings -->
<!-- Displayed in title bar during the initial sync [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="wait_for_sync_title">Esperando pa sincronizar...</string>
<!-- Title for the screen displayed during the initial sync [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="not_synced_title">Cuenta non sincronizada</string>
<!-- Displayed in the middle of the screen during the initial sync [CHAR LIMIT=300]-->
- <string name="wait_for_manual_sync_body">Esta cuenta nun ta configurada pa sincronizase de forma automática.\nToca \"<b>Sincronizar agora"</b> pa sincronizar el corréu una vegada o seleiciona \"<b>Camudar axustes de sincronización"</b> pa configurar la sincronización automática del corréu nesta cuenta.</string>
<!-- Displayed at the bottom of the screen during the initial sync. If pressed will sync users mail for the selected account. [CHAR LIMIT=12] -->
- <string name="manual_sync">Sincronizar agora</string>
<!-- Displayed at the bottom of the screen during the initial sync. If pressed will open sync setting screen for accounts. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="change_sync_settings">Camudar axustes de sincronización</string>
<!-- Displayed when we could not load a photo in the photo viewer. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="photo_load_failed">Fallu al cargar la imaxe</string>
<!-- The move message / change labels action can't be taken because the selected messages
come from different accounts -->
- <string name="cant_move_or_change_labels">Nun pue movese porque la seleición contién delles cuentes.</string>
<!-- Format string used when displaying a summary in a message summary in list notification that was triggered by several new conversations.
Extra space between sender and subject is intentional. [CHAR LIMIT=120] -->
- <string name="multiple_new_message_notification_item"><b><xliff:g id="SENDER">%1$s</xliff:g></b> <xliff:g id="SUBJECT">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Format string used when displaying the big text of a notification that was triggered by a single new conversation. [CHAR LIMIT=120] -->
- <string name="single_new_message_notification_big_text"><xliff:g id="SUBJECT">%1$s</xliff:g>\n<xliff:g id="SNIPPET">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Displayed in a message subheading. Ignore the current spam warning. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="ignore_spam_warning">Inorar. Fíome del mensaxe.</string>
<!-- Displayed in the message heading. Shown if the message was sent via another domain. [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="via_domain">vía <xliff:g id="VIADOMAIN">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Button text for the button to click to have the user sign in again or adjust their credentials. [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="signin">Aniciar sesión</string>
<!-- Button text for the button to click for more information. [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="info">Información</string>
<!-- Button text for the button to click to report feedback. [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="report">Informar</string>
<!-- Button text for the button to click to show newly received messages in the active thread. [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
<!-- Dialog title when a sync error occurs. [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="sync_error">Fallu al sincronizar</string>
<!-- Dialog title when a sync error occurs. [CHAR LIMIT=100]-->
- <string name="sync_error_message">Nun hai bastante espaciu nel preséu pa sincronizar el corréu</string>
<!-- Button text for the button to click to go to the manage storage settings screen. [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="storage">Almacenamientu</string>
<!-- Token used as a divider between senders -->
- <string name="senders_split_token">, </string>
- <string name="draft_count_format"> (<xliff:g id="COUNT">%1$s</xliff:g>)</string>
<!-- Token to replace senders that are not visible -->
<!-- Token used to space out elided senders that are not visible -->
<!-- Token used to space out message count, draft text, and senders -->
<!-- String used in the FolderListFragment to mark the start of user-defined folders -->
- <string name="all_folders_heading">Toles carpetes</string>
<!-- String used in the FolderListFragment to mark the start of recent folders -->
- <string name="recent_folders_heading">Carpetes recientes</string>
<!-- Dialog title when showing message header details in a popup window. [CHAR LIMIT=100]-->
- <string name="message_details_title">Detalles del mensaxe</string>
<!-- General preference: Label of the setting for the direction to move to
when deleting the current message.
Options contain "newer message","older message", etc. [CHAR LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="preference_advance_to_title">Avance automáticu</string>
<!-- The auto-advance modes -->
- <string-array name="prefEntries_autoAdvance">
- <!-- Newer conversation -->
- <item>Más nueva</item>
- <!-- Older conversation -->
- <item>Más antigua</item>
- <!-- Conversation list -->
- <item>Llista de conversaciones</item>
- </string-array>
<!-- Description for each auto-advance option to display after the user has picked one -->
<!-- The entries here must correspond to the entries in prefEntries_autoAdvance [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
- <string-array name="prefSummaries_autoAdvance">
- <!-- Newer conversation -->
- <item>Amosar conversación más nueva dempués de desaniciar</item>
- <!-- Older conversation -->
- <item>Amosar conversación más antigua dempués de desaniciar</item>
- <!-- Conversation list -->
- <item>Amosar llista de conversaciones dempués de desaniciar</item>
- </string-array>
<!-- Dialog title for the auto-advance list -->
- <string name="prefDialogTitle_autoAdvance">Avanzar a</string>
<!-- TODO: these pref keys that are never user visible should probably be
moved to a donttranslate file -->
<!-- The default auto-advance mode -->
<!-- The auto-advance mode values -->
<!-- Settings screen, title of "Restore default for "Show pictures"" [CHAR LIMIT=1000]-->
- <string name="clear_display_images_whitelist_title">Llimpiar aprobaciones d\'imáxenes</string>
<!-- Settings screen, title of dialog shown to confirm action when user taps
"Clear picture approvals" in preferences [CHAR LIMIT=200]-->
- <string name="clear_display_images_whitelist_dialog_title">¿Llimpiar aprobaciones d\'imáxenes?</string>
<!-- Settings screen, message of dialog shown to confirm action when tapping
"Clear picture approvals" [CHAR LIMIT=1000]-->
- <string name="clear_display_images_whitelist_dialog_message">Yá nun van amosase imáxenes de remitentes que se permitieran anteriormente.</string>
<!-- Message shown in toast when the user taps "Restore default for "Show pictures"" in Gmail general preferences. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="sender_whitelist_cleared">Les imáxenes de los mensaxes nun van amosase automáticamente.</string>
<!-- Settings screen, name of the setting that lets the user choose their signature [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="preferences_signature_title">Robla</string>
<!-- Settings screen, title of the dialog that lets the user configure their signature [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="preferences_signature_dialog_title">Robla</string>
<!-- Settings screen, setting summary text when no signature set [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="preferences_signature_summary_not_set">Ensin configurar</string>
<!-- Notification action for replying to a message. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="notification_action_reply">Responder</string>
<!-- Notification action for replying-all to a message. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="notification_action_reply_all">Responder a toos</string>
<!-- Notification action for archiving a message. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="notification_action_archive">Archivar</string>
<!-- Notification action for removing a label from a message. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="notification_action_remove_label">Desaniciar etiqueta</string>
<!-- Notification action for deleting a message. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="notification_action_delete">Desaniciar</string>
<!-- Notification undo text after archiving a message. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="notification_action_undo_archive">Archivóse</string>
<!-- Notification undo text after removing a label from a message. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="notification_action_undo_remove_label">Etiqueta desaniciada</string>
<!-- Notification undo text after deleting a message. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="notification_action_undo_delete">Desanicióse</string>
<!-- Regex that specifies veiled addresses. These are all empty because this is disabled currently. -->
<!-- String to be shown instead of a veiled addresses. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<!-- String to be shown instead of a veiled addresses. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<!-- Summary string to be shown instead of a veiled recipient. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<!-- Notification ticker text for per-label notification [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
- <string name="label_notification_ticker">"<xliff:g id="LABEL">%s</xliff:g>: <xliff:g id="NOTIFICATION">%s</xliff:g>"</string>
<!-- Notification message to the user upon new messages for a conversation. [CHAR LIMIT=120] -->
- <plurals name="new_messages">
- <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> mensaxes nuevos</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> mensaxes nuevos</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Format string used when displaying the title of a notification that was triggered by a single new conversation. [CHAR LIMIT=120] -->
- <string name="single_new_message_notification_title"><xliff:g id="SENDER">%1$s</xliff:g>: <xliff:g id="SUBJECT">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Settings screen, what to display for Ringtone when the user chooses "silent" [CHAR LIMIT=100]-->
- <string name="silent_ringtone">Silenciu</string>
<!-- Settings screen, preference name for archive vs. delete [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<!-- Options to select from for whether to have archive or delete as the remove action [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<!-- Description of currently selected option of whether to use archive or delete as remove action [CHAR LIMIT=200] -->
<!-- Dialog title for the choosing whether to use archive or delete as remove action [CHAR LIMIT=150] -->
<!-- The default value -->
<!-- Settings screen, Reply to all default setting title [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="preferences_default_reply_all_title">Responder a toos</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Reply to all default setting summary [CHAR LIMIT=70] -->
- <string name="preferences_default_reply_all_summary_impl">Usar como opción predeterminada pa responder mensaxes</string>
<!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE THE BELOW STRING - In order to allow overriding of this for K tablets (but not pre-K tablets), we use an indirection with the actual string defined above. -->
<!-- Preference name for swipe actions preference [CHAR LIMIT=100]-->
<!-- Preference description swiping in conversation list option [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="preference_swipe_description">Na llista de conversaciones</string>
<!-- Preference name for whether to display sender images in conversation list [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="preference_sender_image_title">Imaxe del remitente</string>
<!-- Preference description for whether to display sender image option [CHAR LIMIT=200] -->
- <string name="preference_sender_image_description">Amosar xunto al nome na llista de conversaciones</string>
<!-- Conversation list screen overflow menu in trash folder [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="empty_trash">Vaciar papelera</string>
<!-- Conversation list screen overflow menu in spam folder [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="empty_spam">Vaciar carpeta de spam</string>
<!-- Dialog title for empty trash confirmation dialog [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="empty_trash_dialog_title">¿Vaciar papelera?</string>
<!-- Dialog title for empty spam confirmation dialog [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="empty_spam_dialog_title">¿Vaciar carpeta de spam?</string>
<!-- Dialog message for empty folder confirmation dialog [CHAR LIMIT=300] -->
- <plurals name="empty_folder_dialog_message">
- <item quantity="one">Va desaniciase dafechu <xliff:g id="COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> mensaxe.</item>
- <item quantity="other">Van desaniciase dafechu <xliff:g id="COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> mensaxes.</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Strings used for accessibility for the items that toggles the drawer action -->
- <string name="drawer_open">Abrir control de navegación</string>
- <string name="drawer_close">Zarrar control de navegación</string>
- <string name="conversation_photo_welcome_text">Toca la imaxe d\'un remitente pa esbillar esa conversación.</string>
- <string name="long_press_to_select_tip">Caltén primida una conversación pa esbillala y, a darréu, toca otres conversaciones pa esbillales.</string>
<!-- Content description for the folder icon for nested folders. -->
- <string name="folder_icon_desc">Iconu de carpeta</string>
<!-- Button, "Add account" in the preference screen [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="add_account">Amestar cuenta</string>
<!-- Content Provider Authority for Eml Attachments -->
<!-- Content description for the "X" image icon for dismissing a tip. This is used for spoken description of the icon when touch explore is enabled. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="dismiss_tip_hover_text">Inorar suxerencia</string>
<!-- Tip for letting user know that their device auto-sync setting
is turned off, in case they are wondering why they are not
receiving any new mail. [CHAR LIMIT=250] -->
@@ -662,89 +369,50 @@
account settings. [CHAR LIMIT=250] -->
<!-- Hint text that there are X number of unsent messages users
Outbox. [CHAR LIMIT=250] -->
- <string name="unsent_messages_in_outbox"><xliff:g id="NUMBER">%1$s</xliff:g> ensin unviar en <xliff:g id="OUTBOX">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Title of dialog to turn auto-sync on [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="turn_auto_sync_on_dialog_title">¿Quies activar la sincronización automática?</string>
<!-- Text of dialog to turn auto-sync on [CHAR LIMIT=500] -->
- <string name="turn_auto_sync_on_dialog_body">Los cambeos que faigas en toles aplicaciones y cuentes, non solo en Gmail, van sincronizase na Web, otros de los tos preseos y el to <xliff:g id="PHONE_OR_TABLET">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string>
<!-- Phone (vs. tablet) for describing this device [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="phone">teléfonu</string>
<!-- Tablet (vs. phone) for describing this device [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="tablet">tableta</string>
<!-- Confirm button text for dialog to turn auto-sync on [CHAR
LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="turn_auto_sync_on_dialog_confirm_btn">Activar</string>
<!-- Button in conversation list to show more folders [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
+ <string name="show_n_more_folders">Amosar <xliff:g id="number">%1$s</xliff:g> carpetes</string>
<!-- Button in conversation list to hide folders [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="hide_folders">Anubrir carpetes</string>
<!-- Menu item text to that when clicked will allow a user to print an email message. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="print">Imprentar</string>
<!-- Menu item text to that when clicked will allow a user to print an email conversation. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="print_all">Impretar too</string>
<!-- Number of messages in a conversation [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
- <plurals name="num_messages">
- <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> mensaxe</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> mensaxes</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Display format of an email recipient, displayed in printed message details [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
<!-- Shown to display the date of the message [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="date_message_received_print"><xliff:g id="day_and_date">%1$s</xliff:g> at <xliff:g id="time">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Shown to display the to recipient(s) of the message if the message is a draft [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="draft_to_heading">Borrador a:</string>
<!-- Shown to display in the message header if the message is a draft and there are no "to" addresses in the draft [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
- <string name="draft_heading">Borrador</string>
<!-- Shown to inform the user that the quoted text for this message has been hidden. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="quoted_text_hidden_print">Testu citáu anubríu</string>
<!-- Number of attachments in a message [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
- <plurals name="num_attachments">
- <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="count">%1$d</xliff:g> axuntu</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%1$d</xliff:g> axuntos</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Provider name for widgets -->
<!-- Title to display when an email has no subject. [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="no_subject">(Ensin asuntu)</string>
<!-- Action bar title for the screen to set a vacation responder (out-of-office) message. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="vacation_responder">Rempuesta automática</string>
<!-- Account preference: Title of the setting to set a vacation responder (out-of-office) message. [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="preferences_vacation_responder_title">Rempuesta automática</string>
<!-- Shown in vacation responder; the body of the message [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="vacation_responder_body_hint_text">Mensaxe</string>
<!-- Shown in vacation responder; accompanies a checkbox that, if checked, causes vacation responses to be sent to people in the user's contacts [CHAR LIMIT=75] -->
- <string name="send_to_contacts_text">Unviar namái a los mios Contautos</string>
<!-- Shown in vacation responder; accompanies a checkbox that, if checked, causes vacation responses to be sent to people in the user's corporate domain [CHAR LIMIT=75] -->
- <string name="send_to_domain_text">Unviar namái a <xliff:g id="domain">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Title text for the button to be pressed if the user wishes to change the start date of the vacation responder. [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
- <string name="pick_start_date_title">Entama</string>
<!-- Title text for the button to be pressed if the user wishes to change the end date of the vacation responder.
This text should include a note that this field is optional to set. [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
- <string name="pick_end_date_title">Fina (Opcional)</string>
<!-- Shown to display that an end date in the vacation responder has not been set. [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
- <string name="date_not_set">Non afitada</string>
<!-- Title text for the dialog that appears when the user wishes to change the end date of the vacation responder.
This text should include a note that this field is optional to set. [CHAR LIMIT=35]-->
- <string name="set_end_date_dialog_title">Data finalización (opcional)</string>
<!-- Shown as an option in a dialog to set a custom end date for a vacation responder message. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="custom_date">Personalizáu</string>
<!-- Shown as an option in a dialog to set no end date for a vacation responder message. [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
- <string name="date_none">Nengún</string>
<!-- Asks the user whether they wish to discard changes. [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="discard_changes">Descartar cambeos?</string>
<!-- Toast, vacation responder changes were saved. [CHAR LIMIT=100]-->
- <string name="vacation_responder_changes_saved">Cambeos en rempuesta automática guardaos</string>
<!-- Toast, vacation responder changes were discarded. [CHAR LIMIT=100]-->
- <string name="vacation_responder_changes_discarded">Cambeos en rempuesta automática descartaos</string>
<!-- Account preference: Subtitle of the setting to set a vacation responder (out-of-office) message
when the vacation responder is off. [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="vacation_responder_off">Non</string>
<!-- Account preference: Subtitle of the setting to set a vacation responder (out-of-office) message
when the vacation responder is on but does not have an end date set (only a start date). [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="vacation_responder_on">Si, dende <xliff:g id="date">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Account preference: Subtitle of the setting to set a vacation responder (out-of-office) message
when the vacation responder is on and has both a start and end date set. [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="vacation_responder_on_with_end_date">Sí, dende <xliff:g id="start-date">%1$s</xliff:g> a <xliff:g id="end-date">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Informs the user that both the subject and body of the vacation responder are empty
when they try to enable the responder. [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="vacation_responder_empty_subject_and_body_warning">Amiesta un mensaxe o asuntu</string>
<!-- Content description for the attach button that appears in compose for tablet layouts.
This is not to be confused with the menu items, this is an actual button in the layout.
On v18 and below devices, this button is used to attach photos only and so the text
@@ -752,93 +420,50 @@
and so this string is overridden to use the "attach file" text. The drawable used
for this button is overridden similarly. -->
<!-- Displayed below a message that has been truncated to show the full message. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="view_entire_message">Ver mensaxe completu</string>
<!-- Toast text for error loading an eml file -->
- <string name="eml_loader_error_toast">Nun pue abrise esti ficheru</string>
<!-- String tag identifying the drawer pullout view -->
<!-- Menu item that displays the help page. [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="help_and_info">Ayuda</string>
<!-- Menu item that displays the help page. [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="help_and_feedback">Ayuda &amp; comentarios</string>
<!-- URI to display the help content; this must be overlayed -->
<!-- Solicit feedback string in about screen [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="feedback">Danos la to opinión</string>
<!-- Copyright text [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="copyright">©<xliff:g id="year" example="2010">%1$d</xliff:g> Google Inc.</string>
<!-- Version text [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="version"><xliff:g id="app_name" example="Email">%1$s</xliff:g> versión <xliff:g id="version" example="2.2.1">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Menu item: view a webpage about this application [CHAR LIMIT=50]; this MUST be overlayed -->
<!-- URL to a webpage about this application; this MUST be overlayed -->
<!-- Menu item: print... [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="print_dialog">Imprentar\u2026</string>
<!-- Menu item: copyright information [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="copyright_information">Copyright information</string>
<!-- Menu item: privacy policy [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="privacy_policy">Política de privacidá</string>
<!-- URI to display the privacy; this must be overlayed -->
<!-- Menu item: open source licenses [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="open_source_licenses">Llicencies de códigu abiertu</string>
<!-- Activity class name for showing a full message url.
Empty by default since this should be overridden by implementing apps. -->
<!-- One of the default canned responses used when replying to an email on a wearable device [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="reply_choice_yes">Sí</string>
<!-- One of the default canned responses used when replying to an email on a wearable device [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="reply_choice_no">Non</string>
<!-- One of the default canned responses used when replying to an email on a wearable device [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="reply_choice_ok">Aceutar</string>
<!-- One of the default canned responses used when replying to an email on a wearable device [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="reply_choice_hehe">Ḥeḥe</string>
<!-- One of the default canned responses used when replying to an email on a wearable device [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="reply_choice_thanks">Gracies</string>
<!-- One of the default canned responses used when replying to an email on a wearable device [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="reply_choice_i_agree">D\'alcuerdu</string>
<!-- One of the default canned responses used when replying to an email on a wearable device [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="reply_choice_nice">Bien</string>
<!-- One of the default canned responses used when replying to an email on a wearable device [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="reply_on_my_way">Al mio xeitu</string>
<!-- One of the default canned responses used when replying to an email on a wearable device [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="reply_choice_later">Val, yá te contesto</string>
<!-- One of the default canned responses used when replying to an email on a wearable device [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="reply_choice_smiling_face">:)</string>
<!-- One of the default canned responses used when replying to an email on a wearable device [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="reply_choice_frowning_face">:(</string>
<!-- Settings screen, heading for grouping action confirmation related settings together [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
- <string name="preference_header_action_confirmations">Confirmaciones d\'aición</string>
<!-- Settings screen, confirm on action option title [CHAR LIMIT=150] -->
- <string name="preference_confirm_before_delete_title">Confirmar pa desaniciar</string>
<!-- Settings screen, confirm on action option title [CHAR LIMIT=150] -->
- <string name="preference_confirm_before_archive_title">Confirmar enantes d\'archivar</string>
<!-- Settings screen, confirm on action option title [CHAR LIMIT=150] -->
- <string name="preference_confirm_before_send_title">Confirmar pa unviar</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Conversation mode setting titile [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="preferences_conversation_mode_title">Auto-axustar mensaxes</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Conversation mode setting summary [CHAR LIMIT=70] -->
- <string name="preferences_conversation_mode_summary">Axustar mensaxe al tamañu de la pantalla</string>
<!-- Settings screen, disable snap headers setting title [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="preferences_disable_snap_headers_title">Aiciones de mensaxe</string>
<!-- The snap header summaries -->
- <string-array name="prefSummaries_snapHeader">
- <item>Amosar siempre aiciones de mensaxe na parte superior de la pantalla</item>
- <item>Amosar namái aiciones de mensaxe na parte superior de la pantalla al rotar a vertical</item>
- <item>Nun amosar aiciones de mensaxe fuera de la testera del mensaxe</item>
- </string-array>
<!-- The snap header modes -->
- <string-array name="prefEntries_snapHeader">
- <item>Amosar siempre</item>
- <item>Amosar siempre en mou vertical</item>
- <item>Nun amosar</item>
- </string-array>
<!-- The snap header values -->
<!-- Settings screen, title of "Clear search history" menu item -->
- <string name="clear_history_title">Llimpiar l\'historial de gueta</string>
<!-- Message shown in toast when the user taps "clear search history" in general preferences. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="search_history_cleared">Desanicióse l\'historial de gueta.</string>
<!-- Settings screen, title of dialog shown to confirm action when user taps
"Clear search history" in preferences [CHAR LIMIT=200]-->
- <string name="clear_history_dialog_title">Llimpiar l\'historial de gueta?</string>
<!-- Settings screen, message of dialog shown to confirm action when user taps
"Clear search history" in preferences [CHAR LIMIT=1000]-->
- <string name="clear_history_dialog_message">Van desaniciase toles busques que tuvieras feches.</string>
<!-- Settings screen, preference item to launch into Settings [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="manage_accounts_menu_item">Xestionar cuentes</string>
<!-- Settings screen, main title of the screen, big font [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
diff --git a/res/values-ca/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-ca/cm_strings.xml
index 43c4de9bf..d1fb0c261 100644
--- a/res/values-ca/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ca/cm_strings.xml
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<string name="clear_suggested_contacts_dialog_title">Vols netejar els contactes suggerits?</string>
<string name="clear_suggested_contacts_dialog_message">Tots els contactes suggerits prèviament emmagatzemats seran esborrats.</string>
<!-- Notification lights dialogs -->
- <string name="edit_light_settings">Ajustaments de llum de carpeta</string>
+ <string name="edit_light_settings">Configuració de la llum de carpeta</string>
<string name="pulse_speed_title">Durada i velocitat del parpalleig</string>
<string name="default_time">Normal</string>
<string name="custom_time">Personalitzat</string>
diff --git a/res/values-en-rAU/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-en-rAU/cm_strings.xml
index 0a8ac0d4a..079155252 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rAU/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rAU/cm_strings.xml
@@ -31,5 +31,23 @@
<string name="clear_suggested_contacts_dialog_title">Clear suggested contacts?</string>
<string name="clear_suggested_contacts_dialog_message">All the suggested contacts previously stored will be removed.</string>
<!-- Notification lights dialogs -->
+ <string name="edit_light_settings">Folder light settings</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_title">Pulse length and speed</string>
+ <string name="default_time">Normal</string>
+ <string name="custom_time">Custom</string>
+ <string name="dialog_delete_title">Delete</string>
+ <string name="dialog_delete_message">Remove selected item?</string>
+ <string name="pref_lights_default">Default</string>
<!-- Values for the notification lights pulse spinners -->
+ <string name="pulse_length_always_on">Always on</string>
+ <string name="pulse_length_very_short">Very short</string>
+ <string name="pulse_length_short">Short</string>
+ <string name="pulse_length_normal">Normal</string>
+ <string name="pulse_length_long">Long</string>
+ <string name="pulse_length_very_long">Very long</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_very_fast">Very fast</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_fast">Fast</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_normal">Normal</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_slow">Slow</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_very_slow">Very slow</string>
diff --git a/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml
index 5a5a59394..c3208b889 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml
@@ -17,6 +17,37 @@
<!-- Suggested contacts preferences -->
+ <string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode">Modo</string>
+ <string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_none">Disabled</string>
+ <string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_summary_none">Suggested contacts feature is disabled</string>
+ <string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_recents">Recents</string>
+ <string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_summary_recents">Only recently suggested contacts will be selectable</string>
+ <string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_all">All</string>
+ <string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_summary_all">All suggested contacts will be selectable</string>
+ <string name="preference_header_suggested_contacts">Suggested contacts</string>
+ <string name="preference_suggested_contacts_mode">Suggested contacts mode</string>
+ <string name="preference_suggested_contacts_clear_all">Clear suggested contacts</string>
+ <string name="suggested_contacts_cleared">Suggested contacts cleared.</string>
+ <string name="clear_suggested_contacts_dialog_title">Clear suggested contacts?</string>
+ <string name="clear_suggested_contacts_dialog_message">All the suggested contacts previously stored will be removed.</string>
<!-- Notification lights dialogs -->
+ <string name="edit_light_settings">Folder light settings</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_title">Pulse length and speed</string>
+ <string name="default_time">Normal</string>
+ <string name="custom_time">Custom</string>
+ <string name="dialog_delete_title">Delete</string>
+ <string name="dialog_delete_message">Remove selected item?</string>
+ <string name="pref_lights_default">Default</string>
<!-- Values for the notification lights pulse spinners -->
+ <string name="pulse_length_always_on">Always on</string>
+ <string name="pulse_length_very_short">Very short</string>
+ <string name="pulse_length_short">Short</string>
+ <string name="pulse_length_normal">Normal</string>
+ <string name="pulse_length_long">Long</string>
+ <string name="pulse_length_very_long">Very long</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_very_fast">Very fast</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_fast">Fast</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_normal">Normal</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_slow">Slow</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_very_slow">Very slow</string>
diff --git a/res/values-es-rUS/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-es-rUS/cm_strings.xml
index 2a9ea14ae..49eb68483 100644
--- a/res/values-es-rUS/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-es-rUS/cm_strings.xml
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
<string name="pulse_speed_title">Duración y velocidad de pulsación</string>
<string name="default_time">Normal</string>
<string name="custom_time">Personalizado</string>
- <string name="dialog_delete_title">Eliminar</string>
- <string name="dialog_delete_message">¿Eliminar el elemento seleccionado?</string>
- <string name="pref_lights_default">Predeterminada</string>
+ <string name="dialog_delete_title">Borrar</string>
+ <string name="dialog_delete_message">¿Quitar el elemento seleccionado?</string>
+ <string name="pref_lights_default">Predefinida</string>
<!-- Values for the notification lights pulse spinners -->
<string name="pulse_length_always_on">Siempre encendida</string>
<string name="pulse_length_very_short">Muy corta</string>
diff --git a/res/values-nb/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-nb/cm_strings.xml
index 39dc81632..b760a5b21 100644
--- a/res/values-nb/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-nb/cm_strings.xml
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<string name="clear_suggested_contacts_dialog_message">Alle foreslåtte kontakter lagrede fjernes.</string>
<!-- Notification lights dialogs -->
<string name="edit_light_settings">Lys mappeinnstillinger</string>
- <string name="pulse_speed_title">Puls lengde og hastighet</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_title">Pulseringshastighet og lengde</string>
<string name="default_time">Normal</string>
<string name="custom_time">Egendefinert</string>
<string name="dialog_delete_title">Slett</string>
diff --git a/res/values-pt-rPT/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-pt-rPT/cm_strings.xml
index 6aebceb76..c00ec54e8 100644
--- a/res/values-pt-rPT/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-pt-rPT/cm_strings.xml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_recents">Recentes</string>
<string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_summary_recents">Só contactos sugeridos recentemente serão selecionáveis</string>
<string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_all">Todos</string>
- <string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_summary_all">Todos os contatos sugeridos serão selecionáveis</string>
+ <string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_summary_all">Todos os contactos sugeridos serão selecionáveis</string>
<string name="preference_header_suggested_contacts">Contactos sugeridos</string>
<string name="preference_suggested_contacts_mode">Modo de contactos sugeridos</string>
<string name="preference_suggested_contacts_clear_all">Limpar os contactos sugeridos</string>
diff --git a/res/values-sq-rAL/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-sq-rAL/cm_strings.xml
index 5a5a59394..165bc6fb5 100644
--- a/res/values-sq-rAL/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-sq-rAL/cm_strings.xml
@@ -17,6 +17,37 @@
<!-- Suggested contacts preferences -->
+ <string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode">Profili</string>
+ <string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_none">I çaktivizuar</string>
+ <string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_summary_none">Funksioni i kontakteve të sygjeruar është i çaktivizuar</string>
+ <string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_recents">Së fundmi</string>
+ <string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_summary_recents">Vetëm kontaktet e sygjeruar së fundmi do të mund të zgjidhen</string>
+ <string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_all">Të gjithë</string>
+ <string name="prefDialogTitle_suggestedContactsMode_summary_all">Të gjithë kontaktet e sygjeruar së fundmi do të mund të zgjidhen</string>
+ <string name="preference_header_suggested_contacts">Kontaktet e sygjeruar</string>
+ <string name="preference_suggested_contacts_mode">Kontaktet e sygjeruar</string>
+ <string name="preference_suggested_contacts_clear_all">Hiq kontaktet e sygjeruar</string>
+ <string name="suggested_contacts_cleared">Kontaktet e sygjeruar u hoqën.</string>
+ <string name="clear_suggested_contacts_dialog_title">Dëshiron të heqësh kontaktet e sygjeruar?</string>
+ <string name="clear_suggested_contacts_dialog_message">Të gjithë kontaktet e sygjeruar do të hiqen.</string>
<!-- Notification lights dialogs -->
+ <string name="edit_light_settings">Parametrat e dritave të dosjeve</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_title">Gjatësia dhe shpejtësia e pulsimit</string>
+ <string name="default_time">Normale</string>
+ <string name="custom_time">E personalizuar</string>
+ <string name="dialog_delete_title">Fshi</string>
+ <string name="dialog_delete_message">Dëshiron ta heqësh elementin e zgjedhur?</string>
+ <string name="pref_lights_default">E paracaktuar</string>
<!-- Values for the notification lights pulse spinners -->
+ <string name="pulse_length_always_on">Gjithmonë e ndezur</string>
+ <string name="pulse_length_very_short">Shumë e shkurtër</string>
+ <string name="pulse_length_short">E shkurtër</string>
+ <string name="pulse_length_normal">Normale</string>
+ <string name="pulse_length_long">E gjatë</string>
+ <string name="pulse_length_very_long">Shumë e gjatë</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_very_fast">Shumë e shpejtë</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_fast">E shpejtë</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_normal">Normale</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_slow">E ngadaltë</string>
+ <string name="pulse_speed_very_slow">Shumë e ngadaltë</string>