diff options
authorblinky@build01 <>2016-12-21 17:19:28 -0800
committerblinky@build01 <>2016-12-21 17:19:28 -0800
commit8a1608539e1912099e5fd3da63e7bd100371fa77 (patch)
parent95ee086cc83a9b68b500c1d1de511aa1ad78cfe9 (diff)
Automatic translation import
Change-Id: I6ef50fda76623cba72b0f7c84881d4a625160e63 Ticket: -
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Settings/res/values-zh-rTW/cm_strings.xml b/Settings/res/values-zh-rTW/cm_strings.xml
index 240b4965..c9b762e4 100644
--- a/Settings/res/values-zh-rTW/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/Settings/res/values-zh-rTW/cm_strings.xml
@@ -17,27 +17,65 @@
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- CM Updater -->
+ <string name="about_cmupdate_settings_title">CyanogenMod 更新</string>
<!-- About screen, CyanogenMod version -->
+ <string name="about_mod_version">CyanogenMod 版本</string>
<!-- [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] Device Info screen. Countdown for user taps to enable development settings -->
+ <plurals name="show_dev_countdown_cm">
+ <item quantity="other">剩下 <xliff:g id="step_count">%1$d</xliff:g> 步即可啟用開發設定。</item>
+ </plurals>
<!-- [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] Device Info screen. Confirmation that developer settings are enabled -->
+ <string name="show_dev_on_cm">您已啟用開發設定!</string>
<!-- [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] Device Info screen. Okay we get it, stop pressing, you already have it on -->
+ <string name="show_dev_already_cm">不需要,您已經啟用開發設定。</string>
<!-- About screen, build date -->
+ <string name="about_build_date">編譯日期</string>
<!-- About screen, kernel version -->
+ <string name="about_kernel_version">核心版本</string>
<!-- About screen, SELinux status -->
+ <string name="about_selinux_status">SELinux 狀態</string>
<!-- These statuses are displayed when a device was built with SE Android supoprt.
These are displayed by the settings app in the about section. -->
+ <string name="selinux_status_disabled">已停用</string>
+ <string name="selinux_status_permissive">許可</string>
+ <string name="selinux_status_enforcing">強制</string>
<!-- Description text for bluetooth device pairing instructions. [CHAR LIMIT=150] -->
+ <string name="accessories_add_bluetooth_inst_cm">在使用 CyanogenMod 前,請確保藍牙裝置處於配對模式。對於 Nexus 遙控器,同時按下 [返回] 和 [主螢幕] 按鍵即可完成。</string>
<!-- Title for Set CM in System Settings Developer options [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<!-- Setting title for root access -->
+ <string name="root_access">Root 權限</string>
+ <string name="root_access_warning_title">允許 root 權限?</string>
+ <string name="root_access_warning_message">允許應用程式請求 root 權限十分危險,可能會影響您的系統安全!</string>
+ <string name="root_access_none">已停用</string>
+ <string name="root_access_apps">僅限應用程式</string>
+ <string name="root_access_adb">僅限 ADB</string>
+ <string name="root_access_all">應用程式和 ADB</string>
<!-- Setting that enables the terminal app. [CHAR LIMIT=32] -->
+ <string name="enable_terminal_title">本地終端</string>
<string name="enable_terminal_summary">啟用終端應用程式,提供本機 shell 存取</string>
<!-- Display settings -->
+ <string name="system_display">顯示</string>
+ <string name="system_display_overscan">過掃描</string>
+ <string name="system_display_overscan_description">校準顯示器來配合螢幕大小。</string>
<!-- Home settings -->
+ <string name="system_reset_default_home">重設預設的主螢幕</string>
+ <string name="system_home_settings">主螢幕設定</string>
+ <string name="reset_launcher_title">重設預設主螢幕</string>
+ <string name="reset_launcher_description">透過重設預設主螢幕,將能夠選擇備用的主螢幕 (即 Trebuchet)。\n\n確定重設預設主螢幕?</string>
+ <string name="reset_launcher_tip">按下主螢幕鍵,彈出主螢幕選項對話方塊。</string>
<!-- Advanced reboot options -->
+ <string name="advanced_reboot_title">進階重新啟動</string>
+ <string name="advanced_reboot_summary">包括選單內的選項,可重新啟動至 Recovery、Bootloader 或進行軟體重新啟動</string>
<!-- Reboot menu -->
<!-- Button to reboot the device into recovery, within the Reboot Options dialog -->
+ <string name="reboot_recovery_button_label">修復模式 (recovery)</string>
<!-- Button to reboot the device into bootloader, within the Reboot Options dialog -->
+ <string name="reboot_bootloader_button_label">啟動載入模式 (bootloader)</string>
<!-- Button to soft reboot the device, within the Reboot Options dialog -->
+ <string name="reboot_soft_button_label">軟重啟</string>
<!-- Android debugging over WiFi -->
+ <string name="adb_over_network">透過網路 ADB </string>
+ <string name="adb_over_network_summary">啟用透過網路介面 (Wi\u2011Fi、USB 網路) 進行 TCP/IP 偵錯。該設定會在重新啟動後重設</string>
<!-- Warning for Adb over Network -->
+ <string name="adb_over_network_warning">警告:啟用透過網路 ADB 後,所有已連線的網路均可能入侵您的電視!\n\n建議您連線到信任的網路時才使用此功能。\n\n您確定想啟用此功能嗎?</string>