diff options
authorAbhisek Devkota <>2017-02-01 23:12:52 -0800
committerAbhisek Devkota <>2017-02-01 23:12:52 -0800
commit22ba8d0880b0ffee0897d1028a455b8fbaed7a05 (patch)
parent1139d9519911d731b77157f10d2de970375c875f (diff)
Automatic translation import
Change-Id: Id0da9291b8b39d6418275a5517f5e558e5d85c49
3 files changed, 17 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-bg/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-bg/cm_strings.xml
index 846ca38..a3f007c 100644
--- a/res/values-bg/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-bg/cm_strings.xml
@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@
<string name="notification_stopped_title">Записът спря</string>
<string name="notification_stopped_content">Прекъснат от обаждане или музика</string>
<!-- shown as a toast when a recording is started with a bluetooth headset as the input source -->
- <string name="bt_using_headset">Използване на bluetooth слушалки</string>
+ <string name="bt_using_headset">Използване на блутуут слушалки</string>
<!-- shown as a toast when initiating a connection to a bluetooth headset -->
<string name="bt_headset_connecting">Свързване на слушалка</string>
<!-- shown as a toast when recording is stopped because a bluetooth connection is dropped -->
- <string name="bt_headset_disconnected">Bluetooth връзката е прекъсната</string>
+ <string name="bt_headset_disconnected">Блутуут връзката е прекъсната</string>
<!-- shown as a toast when recording fails to start because a bluetooth connection was not started -->
- <string name="bt_headset_timeout">Времето за изчакване на Bluetooth връзката изтече</string>
+ <string name="bt_headset_timeout">Времето за изчакване на блутуут връзката изтече</string>
diff --git a/res/values-es-rUS/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-es-rUS/cm_strings.xml
index 9069b81..5f5233b 100644
--- a/res/values-es-rUS/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-es-rUS/cm_strings.xml
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Label shown when recording is paused -->
- <string name="recording_paused">En pausa</string>
+ <string name="recording_paused">Pausado</string>
<!-- Label shown when recording is finished -->
<string name="recording_finished">Grabación finalizada</string>
<!-- shown as the message in a dialog when the app encountered and unsupported format -->
- <string name="error_app_unsupported">Formato no compatible.</string>
+ <string name="error_app_unsupported">Formato incompatible.</string>
<!-- shown as the message in a dialog when the recording cannot be started while in call -->
<string name="error_mediadb_incall">No se admite esta opción durante una llamada.</string>
<!-- shown as the message in a dialog when voice call recording is started for AAC format -->
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
<string name="format_setting">Tipo de archivo</string>
<string name="storage_setting">Ubicación de almacenamiento</string>
<string name="storage_setting_local_item">Almacenamiento del teléfono</string>
- <string name="no_phonestorage">Almacenamiento del teléfono no disponible</string>
+ <string name="no_phonestorage">Memoria interna desmontada</string>
<string name="keyboard">Teclado</string>
- <string name="file_deleted">Se ha eliminado el archivo</string>
+ <string name="file_deleted">Se ha borrado el archivo</string>
<!-- shown as the message in a dialog when the app encountered an internal error while trying to start recording -->
<string name="error_app_internal_recorder">Error interno de la aplicación.\n\nEl micrófono puede estar en uso.</string>
<string name="view_recordings">Ver grabaciones</string>
@@ -60,8 +60,13 @@
<string name="notification_bg_title">Grabando audio</string>
<string name="notification_bg_content">La grabadora de sonido está grabando\u2026</string>
<string name="notification_stopped_title">Grabación detenida</string>
+ <string name="notification_stopped_content">Interrumpido por llamadas o música</string>
<!-- shown as a toast when a recording is started with a bluetooth headset as the input source -->
+ <string name="bt_using_headset">Uso de auriculares Bluetooth</string>
<!-- shown as a toast when initiating a connection to a bluetooth headset -->
+ <string name="bt_headset_connecting">Conectando auriculares</string>
<!-- shown as a toast when recording is stopped because a bluetooth connection is dropped -->
+ <string name="bt_headset_disconnected">Conexión Bluetooth perdida</string>
<!-- shown as a toast when recording fails to start because a bluetooth connection was not started -->
+ <string name="bt_headset_timeout">Tiempo de espera de conexión Bluetooth agotado</string>
diff --git a/res/values-tr/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-tr/cm_strings.xml
index db4e08c..f606f91 100644
--- a/res/values-tr/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-tr/cm_strings.xml
@@ -60,8 +60,13 @@
<string name="notification_bg_title">Ses kaydediliyor</string>
<string name="notification_bg_content">Ses Kaydedici kayıt yapıyor\u2026</string>
<string name="notification_stopped_title">Kayıt durduruldu</string>
+ <string name="notification_stopped_content">Arama veya müzik tarafından kesintiye uğradı</string>
<!-- shown as a toast when a recording is started with a bluetooth headset as the input source -->
+ <string name="bt_using_headset">Bluetooth kulaklık kullanılıyor</string>
<!-- shown as a toast when initiating a connection to a bluetooth headset -->
+ <string name="bt_headset_connecting">Kulaklığa bağlanılıyor</string>
<!-- shown as a toast when recording is stopped because a bluetooth connection is dropped -->
+ <string name="bt_headset_disconnected">Bluetooth bağlantısı kayboldu</string>
<!-- shown as a toast when recording fails to start because a bluetooth connection was not started -->
+ <string name="bt_headset_timeout">Bluetooth bağlantısı zaman aşımına uğradı</string>