Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Recorder: Prevent running into out of memory exceptionsHEADlineage-17.1Michael W2020-06-151-3/+3
* Recorder: Stop service after stopping castingLuca Stefani2020-05-301-24/+13
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2020-05-233-0/+39
* Revert "ScreenService: start recording on a background Thread"Han Wang2020-05-121-1/+1
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2020-04-2352-51/+53
* Revert "Recorder: Add support for playback audio"Bruno Martins2020-04-102-321/+37
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2020-03-302-2/+0
* Recorder: Add support for playback audioXiNGRZ2020-03-122-37/+321
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2020-01-2717-13/+49
* Recorder: Move to /productLuK13372019-12-091-0/+2
* ScreenService: start recording on a background ThreadLucchetto2019-12-091-2/+2
* Recorder: Use getRealMetricsTheScarastic2019-10-131-1/+4
* Recorder: Switch to Android.bpLuca Stefani2019-09-282-42/+36
* Recorder: set minSdk to api 29 and cleanupJoey2019-09-2864-321/+44
* Recorder: friendship with storage ended, MediaProvider is my new best friendJoey2019-09-2854-108/+230
* Recorder: Make this a standard appLuca Stefani2019-09-281-5/+1
* Recorder: Use Media projection APIsLuca Stefani2019-09-289-695/+207
* Recorder: Drop WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissionLuK13372019-09-253-35/+4
* Recorder: Use getExternalFilesDir() for recording pathsLuK13372019-09-252-11/+7
* Recorder: Use /"/ instead of /'/ for minSdkVersionLuK13372019-09-251-1/+1
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2019-08-251-0/+1
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2019-08-041-4/+9
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2019-06-082-2/+24
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2019-04-076-0/+158
* Automatic translation importMichael W2019-03-11104-6624/+89
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2019-02-264-0/+3
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2019-01-12104-7508/+7591
* Recorder: use outline icon assetsJoey2019-01-0710-10/+43
* Refactor to androidx librariesJoey2019-01-0719-53/+53
* Recorder: Request FOREGROUND_SERVICE permissionBartosz Fabianowski2018-08-111-0/+1
* Recorder: Upgrade to AOSP P common libraries and AAPT2Adrian DC2018-08-114-26/+7
* Recorder: Set LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APISAnton Hansson2018-08-111-1/+3
* Recorder: Use native functions to get H264 infoLuca Stefani2018-07-1611-844/+16
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2018-07-091-1/+1
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2018-06-181-0/+5
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2018-06-032-1/+2
* Recorder: update assets to use rounded styleJoey2018-05-2010-10/+13
* Recorder: support down to api24Joey2018-05-206-10/+37
* Recorder: update deprecated methods to new onesJoey2018-05-197-39/+59
* Recorder: update aar libsJoey2018-05-197-3/+3
* Recorder: update gradle depsJoey2018-05-193-11/+8
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2018-05-084-0/+12
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2018-04-201-0/+4
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2018-04-014-1/+16
* Recorder: explicitly include android-support-v7-recyclerviewDan Pasanen2018-03-091-1/+2
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2018-03-095-0/+26
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2018-02-255-3/+29
* Automatic translation importMichael Bestas2018-02-22134-1982/+2916
* Recorder: adaptive iconAsher Simonds2018-02-1216-0/+20
* Recorder: use foreground service for screen recordstaging/lineage-15.1Joey2018-01-251-41/+60