path: root/src-ambient/incall/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src-ambient/incall/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1250 deletions
diff --git a/src-ambient/incall/ b/src-ambient/incall/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5352c28..0000000
--- a/src-ambient/incall/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1250 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.content.ComponentName;
-import android.content.Context;
-import android.content.Intent;
-import android.content.res.Resources;
-import android.os.Bundle;
-import android.os.Handler;
-import android.os.Looper;
-import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
-import android.text.TextUtils;
-import android.util.Log;
-import android.widget.Toast;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.common.api.AmbientApiClient;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.common.api.CommonStatusCodes;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.common.api.PendingResult;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.common.api.Result;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.common.api.ResultCallback;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.discovery.NudgeServices;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.discovery.results.BundleResult;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.discovery.util.NudgeKey;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.InCallApi;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.InCallServices;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.extension.CreditBalance;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.extension.CreditInfo;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.extension.GetCreditInfoResult;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.extension.HintTextResult;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.extension.IAuthenticationListener;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.extension.ICallCreditListener;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.extension.InCallContactInfo;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.extension.StatusCodes;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.results.AccountHandleResult;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.results.AuthenticationStateResult;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.results.GetCreditInfoResultResult;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.results.HintTextResultResult;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.results.InCallProviderInfoResult;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.results.InstalledPluginsResult;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.results.MimeTypeResult;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.results.PendingIntentResult;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.results.PluginStatusResult;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.util.InCallProviderInfo;
-import com.cyanogen.ambient.plugin.PluginStatus;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import static com.cyanogen.ambient.incall.util.InCallHelper.NO_COLOR;
- * Call Method Helper - In charge of keeping a running and updated hashmap of all InCallProviders
- * currently installed.
- *
- * Fragments and Activities can subscribe to changes with subscribe.
- *
- */
-public class CallMethodHelper {
- protected static final String TAG = CallMethodHelper.class.getSimpleName();
- protected static final boolean DEBUG = false;
- protected static CallMethodHelper sInstance;
- protected AmbientApiClient mClient;
- protected Context mContext;
- protected InCallApi mInCallApi;
- protected Handler mMainHandler;
- protected static List<ComponentName> mInstalledPlugins;
- protected static HashMap<ComponentName, CallMethodInfo> mCallMethodInfos = new HashMap<>();
- protected static HashMap<ComponentName, ICallCreditListener> mCallCreditListeners = new
- HashMap<>();
- protected static HashMap<ComponentName, IAuthenticationListener> mAuthenticationListeners = new
- HashMap<>();
- protected static HashMap<String, CallMethodReceiver> mRegisteredClients = new HashMap<>();
- protected static boolean dataHasBeenBroadcastPreviously = false;
- // determine which info types to load
- public interface CallMethodReceiver {
- void onChanged(HashMap<ComponentName, CallMethodInfo> callMethodInfos);
- }
- /**
- * Broadcasts mCallMethodInfos to all registered clients on the Main thread.
- */
- protected static void broadcast() {
- getInstance() Runnable() {
- @Override
- public void run() {
- if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "broadcast");
- for (CallMethodReceiver client : mRegisteredClients.values()) {
- client.onChanged(mCallMethodInfos);
- }
- enableListeners();
- if (DEBUG) {
- for (CallMethodInfo cmi : mCallMethodInfos.values()) {
- Log.v(TAG, "Broadcast: " + cmi.mName);
- }
- }
- dataHasBeenBroadcastPreviously = true;
- }
- });
- }
- private static void enableListeners() {
- if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Enabling Listeners");
- for (ComponentName callProviders : mCallMethodInfos.keySet()) {
- if (!mCallCreditListeners.containsKey(callProviders)) {
- CallCreditListenerImpl listener =
- CallCreditListenerImpl.getInstance(callProviders);
- getInstance().mInCallApi.addCreditListener(getInstance().mClient, callProviders,
- listener);
- mCallCreditListeners.put(callProviders, listener);
- }
- if (!mAuthenticationListeners.containsKey(callProviders)) {
- AuthenticationListenerImpl listener =
- AuthenticationListenerImpl.getInstance(callProviders);
- getInstance().mInCallApi.addAuthenticationListener(getInstance().mClient,
- callProviders, listener);
- mAuthenticationListeners.put(callProviders, listener);
- }
- }
- }
- private static void disableListeners() {
- if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Disabling Listeners");
- for(ComponentName callCreditProvider : mCallCreditListeners.keySet()) {
- if (mCallCreditListeners.get(callCreditProvider) != null) {
- getInstance().mInCallApi.removeCreditListener(getInstance().mClient,
- callCreditProvider, mCallCreditListeners.get(callCreditProvider));
- }
- }
- for (ComponentName plugin : mAuthenticationListeners.keySet()) {
- if (mAuthenticationListeners.get(plugin) != null) {
- getInstance().mInCallApi.removeAuthenticationListener(getInstance().mClient,
- plugin, mAuthenticationListeners.get(plugin));
- }
- }
- mCallCreditListeners.clear();
- mAuthenticationListeners.clear();
- }
- /**
- * Helper method for subscribed clients to remove any item that is not enabled from the hashmap
- * @param input HashMap returned from a broadcast
- * @param output HashMap with only enabled items
- */
- public static void removeDisabled(HashMap<ComponentName, CallMethodInfo> input,
- HashMap<ComponentName, CallMethodInfo> output) {
- for (Map.Entry<ComponentName, CallMethodInfo> entry : input.entrySet()) {
- ComponentName key = entry.getKey();
- CallMethodInfo value = entry.getValue();
- if (value.mStatus == PluginStatus.ENABLED) {
- output.put(key, value);
- }
- }
- }
- public static HashMap<ComponentName, CallMethodInfo> getAllEnabledCallMethods() {
- HashMap<ComponentName, CallMethodInfo> cmi = new HashMap<ComponentName, CallMethodInfo>();
- for (Map.Entry<ComponentName, CallMethodInfo> entry : mCallMethodInfos.entrySet()) {
- ComponentName key = entry.getKey();
- CallMethodInfo value = entry.getValue();
- if (value.mStatus == PluginStatus.ENABLED) {
- cmi.put(key, value);
- }
- }
- return cmi;
- }
- public static HashMap<ComponentName, CallMethodInfo> getAllEnabledAndHiddenCallMethods() {
- HashMap<ComponentName, CallMethodInfo> cmi = new HashMap<ComponentName, CallMethodInfo>();
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- for (Map.Entry<ComponentName, CallMethodInfo> entry : mCallMethodInfos.entrySet()) {
- ComponentName key = entry.getKey();
- CallMethodInfo value = entry.getValue();
- if (value.mStatus == PluginStatus.ENABLED || value.mStatus == PluginStatus.HIDDEN) {
- cmi.put(key, value);
- }
- }
- }
- return cmi;
- }
- public static CallMethodInfo getMethodForMimeType(String mimeType, boolean enableOnly) {
- CallMethodInfo targetEntry = null;
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- for (CallMethodInfo entry : mCallMethodInfos.values()) {
- // TODO: find out why mimetype may be null
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(entry.mMimeType)) {
- if (enableOnly && entry.mStatus != PluginStatus.ENABLED) {
- continue;
- }
- if (entry.mMimeType.equals(mimeType)) {
- targetEntry = entry;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return targetEntry;
- }
- /***
- * Registers the client, on register returns boolean if
- * callMethodInfo data is already collected and the initial broadcast has been sent.
- * @param id unique string for the client
- * @param cmr client receiver
- * @return boolean isempty
- */
- public static synchronized boolean subscribe(String id, CallMethodReceiver cmr) {
- mRegisteredClients.put(id, cmr);
- return dataHasBeenBroadcastPreviously;
- }
- /**
- * Unsubscribes the client. All clients should unsubscribe when they are removed.
- * @param id of the client to remove
- */
- public static synchronized void unsubscribe(String id) {
- mRegisteredClients.remove(id);
- disableListeners();
- }
- /**
- * Get a single instance of our call method helper. There should only be ever one instance.
- * @return
- */
- protected static synchronized CallMethodHelper getInstance() {
- if (sInstance == null) {
- sInstance = new CallMethodHelper();
- }
- return sInstance;
- }
- public interface InCallCallListener {
- void onResult(int resultCode);
- }
- /**
- * Generic CallResultReceiver with basic error handling
- * @param cmi
- * @return
- */
- public static StartInCallCallReceiver getVoIPResultReceiver(final CallMethodInfo cmi,
- final String originCode) {
- return getVoIPResultReceiver(cmi, originCode, null);
- }
- public static StartInCallCallReceiver getVoIPResultReceiver(final CallMethodInfo cmi,
- final String originCode, final InCallCallListener listener) {
- StartInCallCallReceiver svcrr =
- new StartInCallCallReceiver(new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()));
- svcrr.setReceiver(new StartInCallCallReceiver.Receiver() {
- @Override
- public void onReceiveResult(int resultCode, Bundle resultData) {
- if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "Got Start VoIP Call result callback code = " + resultCode);
- switch (resultCode) {
- case StatusCodes.StartCall.CALL_FAILURE_INVALID_NUMBER:
- case StatusCodes.StartCall.CALL_FAILURE_TIMEOUT:
- case StatusCodes.StartCall.CALL_FAILURE:
- String text = getInstance().mContext.getResources()
- .getString(R.string.invalid_number_text);
- text = String.format(text, cmi.mName);
- Toast.makeText(getInstance().mContext, text, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
- break;
- default:
- Log.i(TAG, "Nothing to do for this Start VoIP Call resultcode = "
- + resultCode);
- break;
- }
- if (listener != null) {
- listener.onResult(resultCode);
- }
- }
- });
- return svcrr;
- }
- /**
- * Start our Helper and kick off our first ModCore queries.
- * @param context
- */
- public static void init(Context context) {
- CallMethodHelper helper = getInstance();
- helper.mContext = context;
- helper.mClient = AmbientConnection.CLIENT.get(context);
- helper.mInCallApi = InCallServices.getInstance();
- helper.mMainHandler = new Handler(context.getMainLooper());
- refresh();
- }
- /**
- * *sip* ahhhh so refreshing
- */
- public static void refresh() {
- updateCallPlugins();
- }
- /**
- * This is helpful for items that don't want to subscribe to updates or for things that
- * need a quick CMI and have a component name.
- * @param cn Component name wanted.
- * @return specific call method when given a component name.
- */
- public static CallMethodInfo getCallMethod(ComponentName cn) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = null;
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- if (mCallMethodInfos.containsKey(cn)) {
- cmi = mCallMethodInfos.get(cn);
- }
- }
- return cmi;
- }
- /**
- * This is useful for items that subscribe after the initial broadcast has been sent out and
- * need to go get some data right away
- * @return the current HashMap of CMIs.
- */
- public static HashMap<ComponentName, CallMethodInfo> getAllCallMethods() {
- // after the initial broadcast on resume we need to go and get some new data
- // this data will broadcast as soon as it becomes available
- return mCallMethodInfos;
- }
- public static void refreshDynamicItems() {
- enableListeners();
- for (ComponentName cn : mCallMethodInfos.keySet()) {
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks = new HashMap<ResultCallback,
- PendingResult>();
- getCallMethodAuthenticated(cn, apiCallbacks);
- getCreditInfo(cn, apiCallbacks);
- executeAll(apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- /**
- * A few items need a list of mime types in a comma delimited list. Since we are already
- * querying all the plugins. We can easily build this list ahead of time.
- *
- * Items that require this should subscribe and grab this updated list when needed.
- * @return string of all (not limited to enabled) mime types
- */
- public static String getAllMimeTypes() {
- String mimeTypes = "";
- List<String> mimeTypesList = new ArrayList<>();
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- for (CallMethodInfo cmi : mCallMethodInfos.values()) {
- mimeTypesList.add(cmi.mMimeType);
- }
- }
- if (!mimeTypesList.isEmpty()) {
- mimeTypes = Joiner.on(",").skipNulls().join(mimeTypesList);
- }
- return mimeTypes;
- }
- /**
- * A few items need a list of mime types in a comma delimited list. Since we are already
- * querying all the plugins. We can easily build this list ahead of time.
- *
- * Items that require this should subscribe and grab this updated list when needed.
- * @return string of enabled mime types
- */
- public static String getAllEnabledMimeTypes() {
- String mimeTypes = "";
- List<String> enabledMimeTypes = new ArrayList<>();
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- for (CallMethodInfo cmi : mCallMethodInfos.values()) {
- if (cmi.mStatus == PluginStatus.ENABLED) {
- enabledMimeTypes.add(cmi.mMimeType);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!enabledMimeTypes.isEmpty()) {
- mimeTypes = Joiner.on(",").skipNulls().join(enabledMimeTypes);
- }
- return mimeTypes;
- }
- /**
- * A few items need a list of video callable mime types in a comma delimited list.
- * Since we are already querying all the plugins. We can easily build this list ahead of time.
- *
- * Items that require this should subscribe and grab this updated list when needed.
- * @return string of enabled video callable mime types
- */
- public static String getAllEnabledVideoCallableMimeTypes() {
- String mimeTypes = "";
- List<String> enabledMimeTypes = new ArrayList<>();
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- for (CallMethodInfo cmi : mCallMethodInfos.values()) {
- if (cmi.mStatus == PluginStatus.ENABLED) {
- enabledMimeTypes.add(cmi.mVideoCallableMimeType);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!enabledMimeTypes.isEmpty()) {
- mimeTypes = Joiner.on(",").skipNulls().join(enabledMimeTypes);
- }
- return mimeTypes;
- }
- public static String getAllEnabledImMimeTypes() {
- String mimeTypes = "";
- List<String> enabledMimeTypes = new ArrayList<>();
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- for (CallMethodInfo cmi : mCallMethodInfos.values()) {
- if (cmi.mStatus == PluginStatus.ENABLED) {
- enabledMimeTypes.add(cmi.mImMimeType);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!enabledMimeTypes.isEmpty()) {
- mimeTypes = Joiner.on(",").skipNulls().join(enabledMimeTypes);
- }
- return mimeTypes;
- }
- public static void updateCreditInfo(ComponentName name, GetCreditInfoResult gcir) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(name);
- if (cmi != null) {
- if (gcir == null || gcir.creditInfo == null) {
- // Build zero credit dummy if no result found.
- cmi.mProviderCreditInfo =
- new CreditInfo(new CreditBalance(0, null), null);
- } else {
- cmi.mProviderCreditInfo = gcir.creditInfo;
- }
- // Since a CallMethodInfo object was updated here, we should let the subscribers know
- broadcast();
- }
- }
- public static void updateAuthenticationState(ComponentName name, int state) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(name);
- if (cmi != null) {
- cmi.mIsAuthenticated = state == StatusCodes.AuthenticationState
- mCallMethodInfos.put(name, cmi);
- // Since a CallMethodInfo object was updated here, we should let the subscribers know
- broadcast();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Broadcast to subscribers once we know we've gathered all our data. Do not do this until we
- * have everything we need for sure.
- *
- * This method is called after every callback from AmbientCore. We will keep track of all of
- * the callbacks, once we have accounted for all callbacks from all plugins, we can go ahead
- * and update subscribers.
- */
- protected static void maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(ResultCallback callback,
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- if (callback != null) {
- apiCallbacks.remove(callback);
- }
- if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "maybeBroadcastToSubscribers: mInstalledPugins:" + mInstalledPlugins
- .size());
- if (apiCallbacks.isEmpty()) {
- // we are on the last item. broadcast updated hashmap
- broadcast();
- }
- }
- /**
- * In order to speed up the process we make calls for providers that may be invalid
- * To prevent this, make sure every resultcallback uses this before filling in the hashmap.
- * @param cn componentname
- * @return callmethodinfo if valid, otherwise null
- */
- public static CallMethodInfo getCallMethodIfExists(ComponentName cn) {
- if (mCallMethodInfos.containsKey(cn)) {
- return mCallMethodInfos.get(cn);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Prepare to query and fire off ModCore calls in all directions
- */
- protected static void updateCallPlugins() {
- getInstance().mInCallApi.getInstalledPlugins(getInstance().mClient)
- .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<InstalledPluginsResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(InstalledPluginsResult installedPluginsResult) {
- if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "+++updateCallPlugins");
- // got installed components
- mInstalledPlugins = installedPluginsResult.components;
- mCallMethodInfos.clear();
- if (mInstalledPlugins == null || mInstalledPlugins.size() == 0) {
- broadcast();
- return;
- }
- for (ComponentName cn : mInstalledPlugins) {
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks =
- new HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult>();
- mCallMethodInfos.put(cn, new CallMethodInfo());
- getCallMethodInfo(cn, apiCallbacks);
- getCallMethodStatus(cn, apiCallbacks);
- getCallMethodMimeType(cn, apiCallbacks);
- getCallMethodVideoCallableMimeType(cn, apiCallbacks);
- getCallMethodAuthenticated(cn, apiCallbacks);
- getLoginIntent(cn, apiCallbacks);
- getSettingsIntent(cn, apiCallbacks);
- getHintText(cn, apiCallbacks);
- getCreditInfo(cn, apiCallbacks);
- getManageCreditsIntent(cn, apiCallbacks);
- checkLowCreditConfig(cn, apiCallbacks);
- executeAll(apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- protected static void executeAll(HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- for (ResultCallback resultCallback : apiCallbacks.keySet()) {
- PendingResult pendingResult = apiCallbacks.get(resultCallback);
- pendingResult.setResultCallback(resultCallback);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get the plugin info
- * @param cn
- * @param apiCallbacks keeps track of the target callbacks before broadcast
- */
- protected static void getCallMethodInfo(final ComponentName cn, final
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- PendingResult result = getInstance().mInCallApi.getProviderInfo(getInstance()
- .mClient, cn);
- ResultCallback callback = new ResultCallback<InCallProviderInfoResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(InCallProviderInfoResult inCallProviderInfoResult) {
- InCallProviderInfo icpi = inCallProviderInfoResult.inCallProviderInfo;
- if (icpi == null) {
- mCallMethodInfos.remove(cn);
- return;
- }
- PackageManager packageManager = getInstance().mContext.getPackageManager();
- Resources pluginResources = null;
- try {
- pluginResources = packageManager.getResourcesForApplication(
- cn.getPackageName());
- } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
- Log.e(TAG, "Plugin isn't installed: " + cn);
- mCallMethodInfos.remove(cn);
- return;
- }
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi == null) {
- return;
- }
- try {
- cmi.mSingleColorBrandIcon =
- pluginResources.getDrawable(icpi.getSingleColorBrandIcon(),
- null);
- cmi.mActionOneIcon =
- pluginResources.getDrawable(icpi.getActionOneIcon(), null);
- cmi.mActionTwoIcon =
- pluginResources.getDrawable(icpi.getActionTwoIcon(), null);
- cmi.mBrandIcon =
- pluginResources.getDrawable(icpi.getBrandIcon(), null);
- cmi.mLoginIcon =
- pluginResources.getDrawable(icpi.getLoginIcon(), null);
- cmi.mVoiceIcon = pluginResources.getDrawable(icpi
- .getVoiceMimeIcon(), null);
- cmi.mVideoIcon = pluginResources.getDrawable(icpi
- .getVideoMimeIcon(), null);
- cmi.mImIcon = pluginResources.getDrawable(icpi.getImMimeIcon(),
- null);
- cmi.mBadgeIcon = pluginResources.getDrawable(icpi.getBadgeIcon(),
- null);
- } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
- Log.e(TAG, "Resource Not found: " + cn);
- mCallMethodInfos.remove(cn);
- return;
- }
- cmi.mSlotId = -1;
- cmi.mSubId = -1;
- cmi.mColor = NO_COLOR;
- cmi.mSubscriptionButtonText = icpi.getSubscriptionButtonText();
- cmi.mCreditButtonText = icpi.getCreditsButtonText();
- // If present, use the deprecated attribute defined hint text.
- // These values may be overwritten by getHintText.
- cmi.mT9HintDescriptionNoCreditOrSub = icpi.getT9HintDescription();
- cmi.mT9HintDescriptionHasCreditOrSub = icpi.getT9HintDescription();
- cmi.mActionOneText = icpi.getActionOneTitle();
- cmi.mActionTwoText = icpi.getActionTwoTitle();
- cmi.mIsInCallProvider = true;
- cmi.mComponent = cn;
- cmi.mNudgeComponent = icpi.getNudgeComponent() == null ? null :
- ComponentName.unflattenFromString(icpi.getNudgeComponent());
- cmi.mDependentPackage = icpi.getDependentPackage();
- cmi.mName = icpi.getTitle();
- cmi.mSummary = icpi.getSummary();
- cmi.mAccountType = icpi.getAccountType();
- cmi.mAccountHandle = icpi.getAccountHandle();
- if (TextUtils.isEmpty(cmi.mAccountHandle)) {
- cmi.mAccountHandle = CallMethodUtils.lookupAccountHandle(
- getInstance().mContext, cmi.mAccountType);
- }
- cmi.mBrandIconId = icpi.getBrandIcon();
- cmi.mLoginIconId = icpi.getLoginIcon();
- cmi.mAccountType = icpi.getAccountType();
- mCallMethodInfos.put(cn, cmi);
- maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(this, apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- };
- apiCallbacks.put(callback, result);
- }
- /**
- * Get our plugin enabled status
- * @param cn
- * @param apiCallbacks keeps track of the target callbacks before broadcast
- */
- protected static void getCallMethodStatus(final ComponentName cn, final
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- PendingResult result = getInstance().mInCallApi.getPluginStatus(getInstance().mClient, cn);
- ResultCallback callback = new ResultCallback<PluginStatusResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(PluginStatusResult pluginStatusResult) {
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi != null) {
- cmi.mStatus = pluginStatusResult.status;
- mCallMethodInfos.put(cn, cmi);
- maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(this, apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- apiCallbacks.put(callback, result);
- }
- /**
- * Send an event to the component
- * @param cn componentName to send the data to.
- */
- public static void shipAnalyticsToPlugin(final ComponentName cn, Event e) {
- if (cn == null) {
- return;
- }
- if (DEBUG) {
- Log.d(TAG, "componentName: " + cn.toShortString());
- Log.d(TAG, "Event: " + e.toString());
- }
- if (getInstance() == null ||
- getInstance().mInCallApi == null ||
- getInstance().mClient == null) {
- // For testing purposes, this might be null
- return;
- }
- getInstance().mInCallApi.sendAnalyticsEventToPlugin(getInstance().mClient, cn, e)
- .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Result>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(Result result) {
- if (DEBUG) {
- Log.v(TAG, "Event sent with result: " + result.getStatus()
- .getStatusMessage());
- }
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Get the call method mime type
- * @param cn
- * @param apiCallbacks keeps track of the target callback before broadcast
- */
- protected static void getCallMethodMimeType(final ComponentName cn, final
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- PendingResult result = getInstance().mInCallApi.getCallableMimeType(getInstance().mClient,
- cn);
- ResultCallback callback = new ResultCallback<MimeTypeResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(MimeTypeResult mimeTypeResult) {
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi != null) {
- cmi.mMimeType = mimeTypeResult.mimeType;
- mCallMethodInfos.put(cn, cmi);
- maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(this, apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- apiCallbacks.put(callback, result);
- }
- /**
- * Get the call method mime type
- * @param cn
- * @param apiCallbacks keeps track of the target callback before broadcast
- */
- protected static void getCallMethodVideoCallableMimeType(final ComponentName cn, final
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- PendingResult result = getInstance().mInCallApi.getVideoCallableMimeType(getInstance()
- .mClient, cn);
- ResultCallback callback = new ResultCallback<MimeTypeResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(MimeTypeResult mimeTypeResult) {
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi != null) {
- cmi.mVideoCallableMimeType = mimeTypeResult.mimeType;
- mCallMethodInfos.put(cn, cmi);
- maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(this, apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- apiCallbacks.put(callback, result);
- }
- /**
- * Get the IM mime type
- * @param cn
- * @param apiCallbacks keeps track of the target callbacks before broadcast
- */
- protected static void getCallMethodImMimeType(final ComponentName cn, final
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- PendingResult result = getInstance().mInCallApi.getImMimeType(getInstance().mClient, cn);
- ResultCallback callback = new ResultCallback<MimeTypeResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(MimeTypeResult mimeTypeResult) {
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi != null) {
- cmi.mImMimeType = mimeTypeResult.mimeType;
- mCallMethodInfos.put(cn, cmi);
- maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(this, apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- apiCallbacks.put(callback, result);
- }
- /**
- * Get the Authentication state of the callmethod
- * @param cn
- * @param apiCallbacks keeps track of the target callbacks before broadcast
- */
- protected static void getCallMethodAuthenticated(final ComponentName cn, final
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- PendingResult result = getInstance().mInCallApi.getAuthenticationState(getInstance()
- .mClient, cn);
- ResultCallback callback = new ResultCallback<AuthenticationStateResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(AuthenticationStateResult result) {
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi != null) {
- cmi.mIsAuthenticated = result.result == StatusCodes.AuthenticationState
- mCallMethodInfos.put(cn, cmi);
- maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(this, apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- apiCallbacks.put(callback, result);
- }
- /**
- * Get the logged in account handle of the callmethod
- * @param cn
- * @param apiCallbacks keeps track of the target callbacks before broadcast
- */
- protected static void getCallMethodAccountHandle(final ComponentName cn, final
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- PendingResult result = getInstance().mInCallApi.getAccountHandle(getInstance().mClient, cn);
- ResultCallback callback = new ResultCallback<AccountHandleResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(AccountHandleResult result) {
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi != null) {
- cmi.mAccountHandle = result.accountHandle;
- if (TextUtils.isEmpty(cmi.mAccountHandle)) {
- cmi.mAccountHandle =
- CallMethodUtils.lookupAccountHandle(
- getInstance().mContext, cmi.mAccountType);
- }
- mCallMethodInfos.put(cn, cmi);
- maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(this, apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- apiCallbacks.put(callback, result);
- }
- /**
- * Get the settings intent for the callmethod
- * @param cn
- * @param apiCallbacks keeps track of the target callback counts before broadcast
- */
- private static void getSettingsIntent(final ComponentName cn, final
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- PendingResult result = getInstance().mInCallApi.getSettingsIntent(getInstance().mClient,
- cn);
- ResultCallback callback = new ResultCallback<PendingIntentResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(PendingIntentResult pendingIntentResult) {
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi != null) {
- cmi.mSettingsIntent = pendingIntentResult.intent;
- mCallMethodInfos.put(cn, cmi);
- maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(this, apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- apiCallbacks.put(callback, result);
- }
- /**
- * Get the hint texts for the callmethod
- * @param cn
- * @param apiCallbacks keeps track of the target callback counts before broadcast
- */
- private static void getHintText(final ComponentName cn,
- final HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- PendingResult result = getInstance().mInCallApi.getHintText(getInstance().mClient, cn);
- ResultCallback callback = new ResultCallback<HintTextResultResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(HintTextResultResult hintTextResultResult) {
- if (hintTextResultResult != null) {
- HintTextResult result = hintTextResultResult.result;
- if (result != null) {
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi != null) {
- String hintText = result.getNoCreditOrSubscriptionHint();
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(hintText)) {
- cmi.mT9HintDescriptionNoCreditOrSub = hintText;
- }
- hintText = result.getHasCreditOrSubscriptionHint();
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(hintText)) {
- cmi.mT9HintDescriptionHasCreditOrSub = hintText;
- }
- mCallMethodInfos.put(cn, cmi);
- maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(this, apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- apiCallbacks.put(callback, result);
- }
- private static void getCreditInfo(final ComponentName cn, final
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- PendingResult result = getInstance().mInCallApi.getCreditInfo(getInstance().mClient, cn);
- ResultCallback callback = new ResultCallback<GetCreditInfoResultResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(GetCreditInfoResultResult getCreditInfoResultResult) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi != null) {
- GetCreditInfoResult gcir = getCreditInfoResultResult.result;
- if (gcir == null || gcir.creditInfo == null) {
- // Build zero credit dummy if no result found.
- cmi.mProviderCreditInfo =
- new CreditInfo(new CreditBalance(0, null), null);
- } else {
- cmi.mProviderCreditInfo = gcir.creditInfo;
- }
- mCallMethodInfos.put(cn, cmi);
- maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(this, apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- };
- apiCallbacks.put(callback, result);
- }
- private static void getManageCreditsIntent(final ComponentName cn, final
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- PendingResult result = getInstance().mInCallApi.getManageCreditsIntent(getInstance()
- .mClient, cn);
- ResultCallback callback = new ResultCallback<PendingIntentResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(PendingIntentResult pendingIntentResult) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi != null) {
- cmi.mManageCreditIntent = pendingIntentResult.intent;
- mCallMethodInfos.put(cn, cmi);
- maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(this, apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- };
- apiCallbacks.put(callback, result);
- }
- private static void checkLowCreditConfig(final ComponentName cn, final
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- // find a nudge component if it exists for this package
- Intent nudgeIntent = new Intent("cyanogen.service.NUDGE_PROVIDER");
- nudgeIntent.setPackage(cn.getPackageName());
- List<ResolveInfo> resolved = getInstance().mContext.getPackageManager()
- .queryIntentServices(nudgeIntent, 0);
- if (resolved != null && !resolved.isEmpty()) {
- ResolveInfo result = resolved.get(0);
- ComponentName nudgeComponent = new ComponentName(result.serviceInfo.applicationInfo
- .packageName,;
- collectLowCreditConfig(cn, nudgeComponent, apiCallbacks);
- return;
- }
- // if a nudge component doesn't exist, just finish here
- maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(null, apiCallbacks);
- }
- private static void collectLowCreditConfig(final ComponentName pluginComponent, final
- ComponentName nudgeComponent, final HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult>
- apiCallbacks) {
- PendingResult result = NudgeServices.NudgeApi.getConfigurationForKey(getInstance().mClient,
- nudgeComponent, NudgeKey.INCALL_CREDIT_NUDGE);
- ResultCallback callback = new ResultCallback<BundleResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(BundleResult bundleResult) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(pluginComponent);
- if (cmi != null) {
- if (bundleResult != null && bundleResult.bundle != null &&
- bundleResult.bundle.containsKey(NudgeKey
- Object creditWarn = bundleResult.bundle.get(NudgeKey
- if (creditWarn.getClass().equals(Integer.class)) {
- cmi.mCreditWarn = (Integer) creditWarn;
- } else if (creditWarn.getClass().equals(Float.class)) {
- cmi.mCreditWarn = (Float) creditWarn;
- } else {
- Log.e(TAG, "Invalid value for Credit Warn limit: " + creditWarn);
- }
- mCallMethodInfos.put(pluginComponent, cmi);
- }
- maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(this, apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- };
- apiCallbacks.put(callback, result);
- }
- protected static void getLoginIntent(final ComponentName cn, final
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- PendingResult result = getInstance().mInCallApi.getLoginIntent(getInstance().mClient, cn);
- ResultCallback callback = new ResultCallback<PendingIntentResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(PendingIntentResult pendingIntentResult) {
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi != null) {
- cmi.mLoginIntent = pendingIntentResult.intent;
- mCallMethodInfos.put(cn, cmi);
- maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(this, apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- apiCallbacks.put(callback, result);
- }
- /**
- * Get the the contact directory search intent with a callback
- * @param cn
- * @param apiCallbacks keeps track of the target callbacks before broadcast
- */
- protected static void getDefaultDirectorySearchIntent(final ComponentName cn, final
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- PendingResult result = getInstance().mInCallApi.getDirectorySearchIntent(getInstance()
- .mClient, cn, Uri.parse(""));
- ResultCallback callback = new ResultCallback<PendingIntentResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(PendingIntentResult pendingIntentResult) {
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi != null) {
- cmi.mDefaultDirectorySearchIntent = pendingIntentResult.intent;
- maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(this, apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- apiCallbacks.put(callback, result);
- }
- /**
- * Get the the invite intent with a callback
- * @param cn
- * @param contactInfo contact info contains display name, phone, and contact Uri for lookup
- */
- protected static void getInviteIntent(final ComponentName cn, InCallContactInfo contactInfo) {
- getInstance().mInCallApi.getInviteIntent(getInstance().mClient, cn,
- contactInfo).setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<PendingIntentResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(PendingIntentResult pendingIntentResult) {
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi != null) {
- cmi.mInviteIntent = pendingIntentResult.intent;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Get the the contact directory search intent with a blocking call
- * @param cn
- * @param contactInfo contact info contains display name, phone and contact Uri for lookup
- */
- public static PendingIntent getInviteIntentSync(final ComponentName cn, InCallContactInfo
- contactInfo) {
- PendingIntentResult pendingIntentResult =
- getInstance().mInCallApi.getInviteIntent(getInstance().mClient, cn, contactInfo)
- .await();
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi != null) {
- cmi.mInviteIntent = pendingIntentResult.intent;
- }
- return cmi.mInviteIntent;
- }
- /**
- * Get the the contact directory search intent with a callback
- * @param cn
- * @param contactUri contact lookup Uri
- */
- protected static void getDirectorySearchIntent(final ComponentName cn, Uri contactUri) {
- getInstance().mInCallApi.getDirectorySearchIntent(getInstance().mClient, cn, contactUri)
- .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<PendingIntentResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(PendingIntentResult pendingIntentResult) {
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi != null) {
- cmi.mDirectorySearchIntent = pendingIntentResult.intent;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Get the the contact directory search intent with a blocking call
- * @param cn
- * @param contactUri contact lookup Uri
- */
- public static PendingIntent getDirectorySearchIntentSync(final ComponentName cn, Uri
- contactUri) {
- PendingIntentResult pendingIntentResult =
- getInstance().mInCallApi.getDirectorySearchIntent(getInstance().mClient, cn,
- contactUri).await();
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (cmi != null) {
- cmi.mDirectorySearchIntent = pendingIntentResult.intent;
- }
- return cmi.mDirectorySearchIntent;
- }
- protected static ComponentName getNudgeComponent(final ComponentName cn) {
- // find a nudge component if it exists for this package
- Intent nudgeIntent = new Intent("cyanogen.service.NUDGE_PROVIDER");
- nudgeIntent.setPackage(cn.getPackageName());
- List<ResolveInfo> resolved = getInstance().mContext.getPackageManager()
- .queryIntentServices(nudgeIntent, 0);
- if (resolved != null && !resolved.isEmpty()) {
- ResolveInfo result = resolved.get(0);
- return new ComponentName(result.serviceInfo.applicationInfo
- .packageName,;
- }
- // if a nudge component doesn't exist, just finish here
- return null;
- }
- protected static void getNudgeConfiguration(final ComponentName cn, final String key, final
- HashMap<ResultCallback, PendingResult> apiCallbacks) {
- final ComponentName nudgeComponent;
- CallMethodInfo cm = null;
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- cm = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- }
- if (cm == null) {
- return;
- }
- if (cm.mNudgeComponent == null) {
- nudgeComponent = getNudgeComponent(cn);
- cm.mNudgeComponent = nudgeComponent;
- } else {
- nudgeComponent = cm.mNudgeComponent;
- }
- PendingResult result = NudgeServices.NudgeApi.getConfigurationForKey(getInstance()
- .mClient, nudgeComponent, key);
- ResultCallback callback = new ResultCallback<BundleResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onResult(BundleResult bundleResult) {
- synchronized (mCallMethodInfos) {
- CallMethodInfo cmi = getCallMethodIfExists(cn);
- if (bundleResult != null && bundleResult.bundle != null) {
- Bundle nudgeConfig = bundleResult.bundle;
- switch (key) {
- cmi.mLoginSubtitle =
- nudgeConfig.getString(NudgeKey.NUDGE_PARAM_SUBTITLE, "");
- break;
- cmi.mLoginNudgeEnable =
- nudgeConfig.getBoolean(NudgeKey.NUDGE_PARAM_ENABLED, true)
- &&
- PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences
- (getInstance().mContext)
- .getBoolean(cn.getClassName() + "." + key,
- true);
- cmi.mLoginNudgeTitle =
- nudgeConfig.getString(NudgeKey.NUDGE_PARAM_TITLE);
- cmi.mLoginNudgeSubtitle =
- nudgeConfig.getString(NudgeKey.NUDGE_PARAM_SUBTITLE);
- cmi.mLoginNudgeActionText = nudgeConfig.getString(NudgeKey.
- break;
- cmi.mInstallNudgeEnable =
- nudgeConfig.getBoolean(NudgeKey.NUDGE_PARAM_ENABLED, true)
- &&
- PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences
- (getInstance().mContext)
- .getBoolean(cn.getClassName() + "." + key,
- true);
- cmi.mInstallNudgeTitle =
- nudgeConfig.getString(NudgeKey.NUDGE_PARAM_TITLE);
- cmi.mInstallNudgeSubtitle =
- nudgeConfig.getString(NudgeKey.NUDGE_PARAM_SUBTITLE);
- cmi.mInstallNudgeActionText = nudgeConfig.getString(NudgeKey.
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- maybeBroadcastToSubscribers(this, apiCallbacks);
- }
- }
- };
- apiCallbacks.put(callback, result);
- }
- public static Set<String> getAllEnabledVoiceMimeSet() {
- String[] mimes = getAllEnabledMimeTypes().split(",");
- HashSet<String> mimeSet = new HashSet<String>();
- if (mimes != null) {
- mimeSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(mimes));
- }
- return mimeSet;
- }
- public static Set<String> getAllEnabledVideoImMimeSet() {
- String[] videoMimes = getAllEnabledVideoCallableMimeTypes().split(",");
- String[] imMimes = getAllEnabledImMimeTypes().split(",");
- HashSet<String> mimeSet = new HashSet<String>();
- if (videoMimes != null) {
- mimeSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(videoMimes));
- }
- if (imMimes != null) {
- mimeSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(imMimes));
- }
- return mimeSet;
- }
- public static boolean infoReady() {
- return dataHasBeenBroadcastPreviously;
- }