path: root/res/values-eu-rES/strings.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'res/values-eu-rES/strings.xml')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 719 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-eu-rES/strings.xml b/res/values-eu-rES/strings.xml
index 2a8adac2..577050fa 100644
--- a/res/values-eu-rES/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-eu-rES/strings.xml
@@ -14,724 +14,392 @@
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
-<!DOCTYPE resources [
-<!ENTITY about SYSTEM "about.xml">
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- The name of the application. -->
- <string name="application_name">Nabigatzailea</string>
- <!-- Displayed with a file picker to choose a file to upload -->
- <string name="choose_upload">Aukeratu fitxategia igotzeko</string>
- <!-- Toast to show the user after they try to open the file picker but no apps on the
- system can provide a file [CHAR-LIMIT=NONE]-->
- <string name="uploads_disabled">Igoerak desgaituta daude.</string>
- <!-- Name of menu item of a new tab. Also used in the title bar when displaying a new tab -->
- <!-- Crash tab View title -->
- <string name="new_tab">Fitxa berria</string>
- <string name="browser_tab_crash_snap">Ai ene!</string>
- <!-- Crash tab button text -->
- <string name="browser_tab_crash_reload">Birkargatu</string>
- <!-- Crash tab View message -->
- <string name="browser_tab_crash_message">Ustekabeko zerbait gertatu da web orrialdea bistaratzean. Birkargatu eta joan beste orri batetara.</string>
- <!-- Name of menu item of a new incognito tab. Also used in the
- title bar when displaying a new tab [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="new_incognito_tab">Modu pribatua</string>
- <!-- Name of tab containing the user's most visited websites, organized by number of visits -->
- <string name="tab_most_visited">Bisitatuenak</string>
- <!-- Name of tab containing the user's saved pages, organized by time created [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="tab_snapshots">Gordeta</string>
- <!-- Toast shown when a history item's star is clicked, converting it to a bookmark -->
- <string name="added_to_bookmarks">Gogokoetara gehituta.</string>
- <!-- Toast shown when a history item's star is clicked off, removing its bookmark -->
- <string name="removed_from_bookmarks">Gogokoetatik ezabatuta.</string>
- <!-- Sign-in dialog -->
- <!-- This is used as the title of a dialog which is used to sign in to a secure site.
- "%s1"is replaced with the host and "%s2" with realm -->
- <string name="sign_in_to">Eman izena hemen <xliff:g id="hostname">%s1</xliff:g> "<xliff:g id="realm">%s2</xliff:g>\"</string>
- <!-- Prompt for an input box that allows the user to enter their login name -->
- <string name="username">Izena</string>
- <!-- Prompt for an input box that allows the user to enter their password -->
- <string name="password">Pasahitza</string>
- <!-- The label on the "sign in" button -->
- <string name="action">Hasi saioa</string>
- <!-- The name of the add bookmark page activity.-->
- <string name="bookmarks_add_page">Gorde</string>
- <!-- Label for a cancel button. It is used for multiple cancel buttons in different contexts -->
- <string name="cancel">Utzi</string>
- <!-- Label for a confirm button. Used in multiple contexts. -->
- <string name="ok">Ados</string>
- <!-- Message to be displayed if url character limit exceeds -->
- <string name="max_url_character_limit_msg">Gehieneko URL kopurua gainditu da</string>
- <!-- Message to be displayed when google play store does not exist on the device -->
- <string name="msg_no_google_play">Zure gailuan ez dago Google Play Store aplikazioa.</string>
- <!-- Menu item -->
- <string name="page_info">Info</string>
- <!-- Page Info dialog strings -->
- <!-- Noun. The url for the current page. Displayed on the Page Info
- screen. -->
- <string name="page_info_address">Helbidea:</string>
- <!-- Title for an SSL error dialog -->
- <string name="security_warning">Segurtasun oharra</string>
- <!-- Message in an SSL Error dialog -->
- <string name="ssl_invalid">Ziurtagiri hau ez da baliozkoa.</string>
- <!-- Message in an SSL Error dialog -->
- <string name="ssl_unknown">Ziurtagiri errore ezezaguna.</string>
- <!-- Toast informing the user that loading has stopped for the current page. -->
- <string name="stopping">Gelditzen\u2026</string>
- <!-- Menu item to stop the current page from loading. -->
- <string name="stop">Gelditu</string>
- <!-- Menu item to reload or refresh the current page. -->
- <string name="reload">Freskatu</string>
- <!-- Menu item to go back to the previous page -->
- <string name="back">Atzera</string>
- <!-- Menu item to go to the next page (only useful if the user has previously hit back.) -->
- <string name="forward">Aurrera</string>
- <!-- Field label in Bookmark dialog box: refers to URL of the page to bookmark -->
- <string name="location">Helbidea</string>
- <!-- Field label in Bookmark dialog box: refers to the account to save the bookmark to -->
- <string name="account">Kontua</string>
- <!-- Field label in Bookmark dialog box: refers to the folder in which to save the bookmark -->
- <string name="containing_folder">Gehitu hona</string>
- <!-- Default name for a new folder and label for a button that allows the user to create a new folder
- in the add bookmark dialog -->
- <string name="new_folder">Karpeta berria</string>
- <!-- Context menu item to edit a folder [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="edit_folder">Editatu karpeta</string>
- <!-- Context menu item to delete a folder [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="delete_folder">Ezabatu karpeta</string>
- <!-- Label stating that the currently open folder has no subfolders
- in the add bookmark dialog [CHAR-LIMIT=none]-->
- <string name="no_subfolders">Ez dago azpikarpetarik.</string>
- <!-- Menu item to save the newly created bookmark to the home screen. [CHAR-LIMIT=30]-->
- <string name="add_to_homescreen_menu_option">Hasiera-pantaila</string>
- <!-- Menu item to open a picker to determine which folder to save a bookmark in. [CHAR-LIMIT=30]-->
- <string name="add_to_other_folder_menu_option">Aukeratu karpeta\u2026</string>
- <!-- Field label in Bookmark dialog box: title that the user wishes to use for the bookmark -->
- <string name="name">Etiketa</string>
- <!-- Menu item that opens a dialog to save a bookmark for the current page [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <!-- Also used as title for AddBookmarkPage -->
- <string name="save_to_bookmarks">Gorde</string>
- <!-- Title of the dialog to bookmark a page -->
- <string name="bookmark_this_page">Gehitu orrialde hau gogokoetara</string>
- <!-- Option on bookmark dialog to remove the bookmark [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="remove">Kendu</string>
- <!-- Menu item on the bookmarks page, to edit an existing bookmark -->
- <string name="edit_bookmark">Editatu</string>
- <!-- Context menu item to create a shortcut to the bookmark on the desktop [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="create_shortcut_bookmark">Gehitu lasterbidea</string>
- <!-- Menu item to remove the currently highlighted bookmark-->
- <string name="remove_bookmark">Ezabatu</string>
- <!-- Context menu item to remove a history item from bookmarks -->
- <string name="remove_from_bookmarks">Kendu</string>
- <!-- Menu item to remove the currently highlighted history entry from the list of previously visited sites -->
- <string name="remove_history_item">Kendu</string>
- <!-- Context menu item for setting the bookmark/history item as the homepage -->
- <string name="set_as_homepage">Ezarri hasierako orri gisa</string>
- <!-- Toast informing the user that their action to save a bookmark has succeeded -->
- <string name="bookmark_saved">Gogokoetara gehituta</string>
- <!-- Toast informing the user that their action to save a bookmark did not succeed -->
- <string name="bookmark_not_saved">Ezin izan da gogokoa gorde.</string>
- <!-- Toast confirming that the homepage has been set -->
- <string name="homepage_set">Hasierako orria ezarri.</string>
- <!-- Error that appears in the title of Bookmark dialog when user selects OK with empty Name field -->
- <string name="bookmark_needs_title">Gogokoak izen bat behar du.</string>
- <!-- Error that appears in the title of Bookmark dialog when user selects OK with empty Location field -->
- <string name="bookmark_needs_url">Gogokoak kokapen bat behar du.</string>
- <!-- Error that appears in the title of Bookmark dialog when user selects OK with invalid URL -->
- <string name="bookmark_url_not_valid">URLa baliogabea da.</string>
- <!-- Error that appears in the Bookmark dialog when user selects OK with a URL of a type we cannot bookmark -->
- <string name="bookmark_cannot_save_url">Ezin da URLa gogokoetara gehitu.</string>
- <!-- Summary text under the New Bookmark item on the Bookmarks screen.
- Tells the user that if they select this item, it will bring up a
- dialog to bookmark the page that the browser is currently viewing,
- though it is not currently being displayed, since they are viewing
- the bookmarks screen. -->
- <string name="current_page">nork\u0020</string>
- <!-- Confirmation dialog message confirming that the user wishes to delete
- the bookmark they selected for deletion -->
- <string name="delete_bookmark_warning">Ezabatu \"<xliff:g id="bookmark">%s</xliff:g>\" gogokoa?</string>
- <!-- Confirmation dialog message confirming that the user wishes to delete
- the folder they selected for deletion -->
- <string name="delete_folder_warning">Ezabatu \"<xliff:g id="bookmark">%s</xliff:g>\" karpeta?</string>
- <!-- Context menu item to open every bookmark in a folder in new tabs [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="open_all_in_new_window">Ireki guztiak fitxa berrietan</string>
- <!-- Displayed in title of chooser dialog for text sent to another app,e.g-send text via SMS or IM-->
- <string name="sendText">Aukeratu ekintza bat testuarentzat</string>
- <!-- Menu item to close all other tabs [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="close_other_tabs">Itxi beste fitxak</string>
- <!-- Menu item to open the bookmarks page and name of the Tab in the combo view -->
- <string name="bookmarks">Gogokoak</string>
- <!-- Secondary name for the Activity "BrowserBookmarksPage" -->
- <string name="shortcut_bookmark">Gogokoa</string>
- <!-- Title for the activity asking the user to select a bookmark [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="shortcut_bookmark_title">Aukeratu gogoko bat</string>
- <!-- Menu item to display the History of previously visited pages and the name of the combo view
- Tab-->
- <string name="history">Historiala</string>
- <!-- Menu item -->
- <string name="share_page">Partekatu</string>
- <!-- Menu item for saving link to homescreen -->
- <string name="add_to_homescreen">Gehitu hasiera orrira</string>
- <!-- Menu item for saving a page for offline reading. This is a view-only snapshot of the page. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="menu_save_snapshot">Gorde</string>
- <!-- Dialog message that is shown while saving a page for offline reading. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="saving_snapshot">Gordetzen\u2026</string>
- <!-- Toast informing the user that saving the page for offline reading has failed. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="snapshot_failed">Ezin izan da gorde konexiorik gabe irakurtzeko.</string>
- <!-- The number of bookmarks in a folder [CHAR LIMT=50] -->
- <string name="contextheader_folder_bookmarkcount"><xliff:g id="bookmark_count">%d</xliff:g>\" gogokoak</string>
- <!-- No bookmarks in the folder [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="contextheader_folder_empty">Karpeta hutsa</string>
- <!-- Context Menu item open the currently selected link in the current
- window.-->
- <string name="contextmenu_openlink">Ireki</string>
- <!-- Context Menu item to open the currently selected link in a new
- window. -->
- <string name="contextmenu_openlink_newwindow">Ireki fitxa berrian</string>
- <!-- Context Menu item to open the currently selected link in a new
- background window. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="contextmenu_openlink_newwindow_background">Ireki bigarren planoko fitxa berrian</string>
- <!-- Context Menu item to save the webpage referred to by this link to the
- SD card (external storage) -->
- <string name="contextmenu_savelink">Gorde lotura</string>
- <!-- Context Menu item to send the url of the selected link to someone else,
- via Gmail or another app [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="contextmenu_sharelink">Partekatu lotura</string>
- <!-- Context Menu item -->
- <string name="contextmenu_copy">Kopiatu</string>
- <!-- Context Menu item to copy the url of the selected link to the
- clipboard -->
- <string name="contextmenu_copylink">Kopiatu estekaren URLa</string>
- <!-- Context Menu item to save the image to external storage -->
- <string name="contextmenu_download_image">Gorde irudia</string>
- <!-- Context Menu item to view the image by itself in the browser -->
- <string name="contextmenu_view_image">Ikusi irudia</string>
- <!-- Context Menu item to set the image as the home screen wallpaper -->
- <string name="contextmenu_set_wallpaper">Ezarri horma-paper gisa</string>
- <!-- Context Menu item to open the dialer app with the selected phone number
- -->
- <string name="contextmenu_dial_dot">Markatu\u2026</string>
- <!-- Context Menu item to add the selected phone number to the address book.
- -->
- <string name="contextmenu_add_contact">Gehitu kontaktua</string>
- <!-- Context Menu item to send an email using the selected email address.-->
- <string name="contextmenu_send_mail">Bidali e-posta</string>
- <!-- Context Menu item to show the currently selected address in the Maps
- application -->
- <string name="contextmenu_map">Mapa</string>
- <!-- Title of the dialog used for selecting the application that should be
- used for sharing a link (e.g. Gmail or another app). See also
- contextmenu_sharelink above -->
- <string name="choosertitle_sharevia">Partekatu honen bitartez</string>
- <!-- Used as the title of dialogs in the Browser Settings confirming that
- the user wants to clear (cache, history, or cookie data) -->
- <string name="clear">Garbitu</string>
- <!-- Part of a sentence that says "Replace <url of existing bookmark> with
- <url of new bookmark>?" -->
- <string name="replace">Ordezkatu</string>
- <!-- Settings screen strings -->
- <!-- Menu item to open the Settings screen -->
- <string name="menu_preferences">Ezarpenak</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, section title -->
- <string name="pref_content_title">Edukiaren ezarpenak</string>
- <string name="pref_content_title_summary">Web edukiaren ezarpenak</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_content_load_images">Kargatu irudiak</string>
- <string name="pref_content_load_images_summary">Erakutsi irudiak webguneetan</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_security_allow_popups">Laster leihoak</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_content_javascript">Gaitu JavaScript</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_content_open_in_background">Ireki bigarren planoan</string>
- <!-- Settings summary [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
- <string name="pref_content_open_in_background_summary">Ireki fitxa berriak oraingoaren atzean</string>
- <!-- Settings label [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="pref_content_homepage">Hasiera orria</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_content_search_engine">Bilatzailea</string>
- <!-- Settings summary -->
- <string name="pref_content_search_engine_summary">Aukeratu bilatzaile bat</string>
- <!-- Settings button label that to pick what to set the homepage to [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="pref_set_homepage_to">Ezarri</string>
- <string-array name="pref_homepage_choices">
- <!-- Setting choice to set the homepage to the current page [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <item>Uneko orrialdea</item>
- <!-- Setting choice to set the homepage to a blank page [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <item>Orrialde hutsa</item>
- <!-- Setting choice to set the homepage to the default page [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <item>Orrialde lehenetsia</item>
- <!-- Setting choice to set the homepage to the "Most Visited" homepage feature, which is a list of most visited sites [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <item>Gehien bisitatutako guneak</item>
- <!-- Setting choice to set the homepage to a user entered URL [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <item>Beste bat</item>
- </string-array>
- <!-- Settings screen & section title for "General settings". These include things like
- configuring bookmark syncing to Google servers and form auto fill settings. [CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="pref_general_title">Orokorra</string>
- <string name="pref_default_site_settings_title">Lehenetsitako gune ezarpenak</string>
- <string name="pref_site_settings_title">Gune ezarpenak</string>
- <string name="pref_site_settings_info_panel">Segurtasun informazioa</string>
- <!-- Settings category for autofill under general. [CHAR-LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="pref_general_autofill_title">Osatze automatikoa</string>
- <!-- Checkbox setting for enabling/disabling power save mode feature -->
- <string name="pref_powersave_enabled">Energia aurrezteko modua</string>
- <!-- Settings summary for the powersave feature. -->
- <string name="pref_powersave_enabled_summary">Gutxiagotu nabigatzailearen energia erabilera</string>
- <!-- Checkbox setting for enabling/disabling night mode feature -->
- <string name="pref_nightmode_enabled">Gau modua</string>
- <!-- Settings summary for the night mode feature. -->
- <string name="pref_nightmode_enabled_summary">Alderantzikatu koloreak</string>
- <!-- Checkbox setting for enabling/disabling the form AutoFill feature [CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="pref_autofill_enabled">Osatu formularioak automatikoki</string>
- <!-- Settings summary for the form AutoFill feature. [CHAR-LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="pref_autofill_enabled_summary">Bete web formularioak ukitu bakarrarekin</string>
- <plurals name="pref_web_refiner_advertisements">
- <item quantity="one">Iragarki %d</item>
- <item quantity="other">%d iragarki</item>
- </plurals>
- <plurals name="pref_web_refiner_trackers">
- <item quantity="one">Jarraile %d</item>
- <item quantity="other">%d jarraile</item>
- </plurals>
- <plurals name="pref_web_refiner_malware">
- <item quantity="one">Malware mehatxu %d</item>
- <item quantity="other">%d malware mehatxu</item>
- </plurals>
- <string-array name="pref_web_refiner_message">
- <item>"%s blokeatu da. "</item>
- <item>"%1$s eta %2$s blokeatua. "</item>
- <item>"%1$s, %2$s eta %3$s blokeatuta. "</item>
- </string-array>
- <string name="pref_valid_cert">Baliozko SSL ziurtagiria. Komunikazioa zifratuta dago eta identitatea egiaztatu da.</string>
- <string name="pref_invalid_cert">Guneak baliogabeko SSL ziurtagiri bat du.</string>
- <string name="pref_warning_cert">Gunearen SSL ziurtagiriak abisuak ditu.</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, section title [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="pref_interface_title">Interfazea</string>
- <!-- Label for option that when clicked opens the AutoFill settings screen. Also used as the title of that AutoFill Settings screen. [CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="pref_autofill_profile_editor">Osatze automatikoa</string>
- <!-- Summary for the AutoFill Settings preference [CHAR-LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="pref_autofill_profile_editor_summary">Konfiguratu web formularioak automatikoki osatzeko testua</string>
- <!-- Heading for the AutoFill profile editor to tell the user what AutoFill does and why they should fill out the profile. [CHAR-LIMIT=None] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_editor_heading">Konfiguratu web formularioak automatikoki osatzeko testua.</string>
- <!-- String for the user's full name in the AutoFill profile editor. [CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_editor_name">Izen osoa:</string>
- <!-- String for the user's e-mail address in the AutoFill profile editor. [CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_editor_email_address">E-posta:</string>
- <!-- String for the user's company name in the AutoFill profile editor. [CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_editor_company_name">Enpresaren izena:</string>
- <!-- String for the first line of the user's address in the AutoFill profile editor. [CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_editor_address_line_1">Helbidearen 1. lerroa:</string>
- <!-- String to suggest to the user the kind of data to be used for the first line of the address. CHAR-LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_editor_address_line_1_hint">Kalea, posta kutxa</string>
- <!-- String for the second line of the user's address in the AutoFill profile editor. [CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_editor_address_line_2">Helbidearen 2. lerroa:</string>
- <!-- String to suggest to the user the kind of data to be used for the second line of the address. CHAR-LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_editor_address_line_2_hint">Apartamentua, pisua, blokea, eraikina, solairua, etab.</string>
- <!-- String for the user's city or town in the AutoFill profile editor. [CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_editor_city">Hiria:</string>
- <!-- String for the user's state or province or region in the AutoFill profile editor. [CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_editor_state">Estatua/probintzia/eskualdea:</string>
- <!-- String for the user's zip code in the AutoFill profile editor. [CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_editor_zip_code">Posta kodea:</string>
- <!-- String for the user's country in the AutoFill profile editor. [CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_editor_country">Herrialdea:</string>
- <!-- String for the user's phone number in the AutoFill profile editor. [CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_editor_phone_number">Telefonoa:</string>
- <!-- String to display in an error tooltip to inform the user the phone number they provided is not valid. [CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_editor_phone_number_invalid">Telefono zenbaki baliogabea.</string>
- <!-- Button text to save the AutoFill profile [CHAR-LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_editor_save_profile">Gorde</string>
- <!-- Toast message displayed when the profile has been successfully saved [CHAR-LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_successful_save">Osatze automatikorako testua gorde da.</string>
- <!-- Toast message displayed when the profile has been successfully deleted [CHAR-LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_successful_delete">Osatze automatikorako testua ezabatu da.</string>
- <!-- Button text to delete all the AutoFill profile data [CHAR-LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="autofill_profile_editor_delete_profile">Ezabatu</string>
- <!-- Text on toast shown to the user when power save mode is enabled or disabled -->
- <string name="powersave_dialog_on">Energia aurrezteko modua gaitu da. Nabigatzailea berrabiaraziko da.</string>
- <string name="powersave_dialog_off">Energia aurrezteko modua ezgaitu da. Nabigatzailea berrabiaraziko da.</string>
- <!-- Text on a dialog shown to the user when they are prompted to set up the autofill feature [CHAR-LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="autofill_setup_dialog_message">Nabigatzaileak honelako web formularioak automatikoki bete ditzake. Osatze automatikorako testua ezarri nahi duzu?</string>
- <!-- Toast message displayed when the user decides to not set up autofill at this time. We want to remind them that they can configure
- it through the Browser Settings menu. [CHAR-LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="autofill_setup_dialog_negative_toast">Beti konfigura dezakezu Automatikoki osatu aukera pantaila honetatik: Nabigatzailea &gt; Doikuntzak &gt; Osatze automatikoa.</string>
- <!-- Text on a checkbox in the "setup autofill" dialog which is shown to the user when they are prompted to set up the autofill feature.
- The checkbox allows them to specify they would like to disable the feature altogether [CHAR-LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="disable_autofill">Ezgaitu osatze automatikoa</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, section title [CHAR-LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="pref_security_title">Segurtasuna</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, section title [CHAR-LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_security_title">Pribatutasuna eta segurtasuna</string>
- <string name="pref_privacy_security_title_summary">Nabigatzailearen segurtasun eta pribatutasun ezarpenak</string>
- <!-- Popup dialog -->
- <string name="pref_select_items">Hautatu ezabatuko diren elementuak</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_clear_selected">Ezabatu hautatutako elementuak</string>
- <!-- Settings summary -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_clear_selected_summary">Ezabatu zerrendatik hautatutako elementuak</string>
- <!-- Confirmation dialog message -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_clear_selected_dlg">Honako elementuak ezabatu?</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_clear_cache">Cachea</string>
- <!-- Settings summary -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_clear_cache_summary">Ezabatu tokiko cacheko edukiak eta datu-baseak</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_clear_cookies">Cookieak eta gunearen datuak</string>
- <!-- Settings summary -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_clear_cookies_summary">Ezabatu nabigatzailearen cookie eta guneen datu guztjiak</string>
- <!-- Settings summary -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_clear_history_summary">Garbitu nabigatzailearen nabigazio historiala</string>
- <!-- Confirmation dialog message -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_clear_history_dlg">Ezabatu nabigatzailearen nabigazio historiala?</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_clear_form_data">Formularioetako datuak</string>
- <!-- Settings summary -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_clear_form_data_summary">Garbitu gordetako formularioen datu guztiak</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_clear_passwords">Pasahitzak</string>
- <!-- Settings summary -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_clear_passwords_summary">Ezabatu gordetako pasahitz guztiak</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_enable_geolocation">Kokalekua</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_clear_geolocation_access">Kokapena atzitzea</string>
- <!-- Settings summary -->
- <string name="pref_privacy_clear_geolocation_access_summary">Garbitu kokalekura sarbidea webgune guztiei</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_security_remember_passwords">Gogoratu pasahitzak</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_security_save_form_data">Gogoratu formularioetako datuak</string>
- <!-- Settings Label -->
- <string name="pref_do_not_track">Ez jarraitzea eskatu</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_security_accept_cookies">Onartu cookieak</string>
- <string name="pref_security_allow_mic">Mikrofonoa</string>
- <string name="pref_security_allow_camera">Kamera</string>
- <string name="pref_security_web_refiner">Iragarkiak</string>
- <string name="pref_security_accept_third_party_cookies">Hirugarrengoen cookieak</string>
- <string name="pref_security_ask_before_using">Galdetu erabili aurretik</string>
- <string name="pref_security_allowed">Baimenduta</string>
- <string name="pref_security_not_allowed">Ez baimenduta</string>
- <string name="pref_security_remember">Gogoratu</string>
- <string name="pref_security_on">Bai</string>
- <string name="pref_security_off">Ez</string>
- <string name="pref_website_title">Webgunea</string>
- <string name="pref_security_add">Gehitu</string>
- <string name="pref_security_origin_name">Gunearen iturria</string>
- <string name="pref_security_access_is_allowed">sarbidea baimenduta</string>
- <!-- Settings text size options - displays sample font size in settings -->
- <string name="pref_sample_font_size">Arrastatu graduatzailea letra-tamaina eroso irakurtzeko moduko tamainara doitzeko.</string>
- <!-- Label for minimum font size [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="pref_min_font_size">Gutxieneko letra tamaina</string>
- <!-- Label for the current minimum font size value [CHAR LIMIT=6] -->
- <string name="pref_min_font_size_value"><xliff:g id="font_size">%d</xliff:g>pt</string>
- <!-- Label for text scaling (percent) [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="pref_text_zoom">Testuaren eskala</string>
- <!-- Label for whether or not to force-enable user scalablity (aka, zoom) [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="pref_force_userscalable">Zooma gaitzera behartu</string>
- <!-- Summary for whether or not to force-enable user scalablity (aka, zoom) [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="pref_force_userscalable_summary">Eragotzi webgune batek zooma aldatu ahal izatea</string>
- <!-- Inverted screen category under accessibility settings [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="pref_inverted_category">Alderantzikatutako pantaila errendatzea</string>
- <!-- Title for the inverted screen feature. This causes the screen to render with inverted colors (black becomes white and vice versa) [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="pref_inverted">Errendatze alderantzizkatua</string>
- <!-- Summary for the inverted screen feature. [CHAR LIMIT=120] -->
- <string name="pref_inverted_summary">Beltza zuri bihurtuko da eta alderantziz</string>
- <!-- Title for the inverted screen contrast. Change the contrast value from 1.0 to 3.0. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="pref_inverted_contrast">Kontrastea</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, section title [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="pref_extras_title">Aurreratua</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_extras_website_settings">Ezarpenak webguneko</string>
- <!-- Settings summary -->
- <string name="pref_extras_website_settings_summary">Banakako webguneetako ezarpen aurreratuak</string>
- <!-- Settings label -->
- <string name="pref_extras_reset_default">Leheneratu balio lehenetsietara</string>
- <string name="pref_extras_reset">Leheneratu</string>
- <!-- Settings summary -->
- <string name="pref_extras_reset_default_summary">Berrezarri ezarpen lehenetsiak</string>
- <!-- Confirmation dialog message -->
- <string name="pref_extras_reset_default_dlg">Leheneratu ezarpenak balio lehenetsietara?</string>
- <!-- Title for a group of settings -->
- <string name="pref_development_title">Araztu</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, setting option name -->
- <string name="pref_default_text_encoding">Testu kodeketa</string>
- <string name="pref_edge_swipe_title">Ertz nabigazioa</string>
- <string name="pref_edge_swipe_option_msg">Ertzetik hatza pasatzean:</string>
- <string name="pref_temporal_edge_swipe">Nabigatu historialean zehar</string>
- <string name="pref_spatial_edge_swipe">Aldatu fitxa</string>
- <string name="pref_disable_edge_swipe">Ez egin ezer</string>
- <string name="pref_edge_swipe_option_close">Aukeratu geroago</string>
- <string name="pref_temporal_edge_swipe_enabled_toast">Pasatu hatza ertzetik nabigatzeko</string>
- <string name="pref_spatial_edge_swipe_enabled_toast">Pasatu hatza ertzetik fitxak aldatzeko</string>
- <string name="pref_edge_swipe_disabled_toast">Ertzetik hatza pasatzea ezgaituta</string>
- <string name="pref_edge_swipe_unknown">Hautatu portaera</string>
- <string name="pref_edge_swipe_setup_desc">
-Pasatu hatza ertzetik historialaren zehar nabigatzeko.\nEzaugarri hau ertzean ekintzak burutzen dituzten webguneekin gatazkan egon daiteke</string>
- <string name="pref_edge_enable">Gaitu</string>
- <string name="pref_edge_disable">Desgaitu</string>
- <!-- Colored statusbar -->
- <string name="pref_coloredsb_title">Kolereztatutako egoera barra</string>
- <string name="pref_coloredsb_summary">Egoera barra kolorez aldatuko da bisitatutako webgunearen arabera</string>
- <!-- Title for accessibility settings [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="pref_accessibility_title">Irisgarritasuna</string>
- <string name="pref_accessibility_title_summary">Letra tamaina eta zooma</string>
- <!-- LookLock -->
- <string name="pref_looklock_title">Blokeatu ikuspegia</string>
- <string name="pref_looklock_summary">Eragotzi beste aplikazioei aplikazio honen webview edukiak irakurtzea</string>
- <!-- Font size settings category under accessibility settings [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="pref_font_size_category">Letra tamaina</string>
- <!-- Title for the fullscreen lab feature [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="pref_lab_fullscreen">Pantaila osoa</string>
- <!-- Summary for the fullscreen lab feature [CHAR LIMIT=120] -->
- <string name="pref_lab_fullscreen_summary">Nabigatzailea pantaila osora eraman</string>
- <!-- Title for search preloading [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="pref_data_preload_title">Bilaketen aurrekarga</string>
- <!-- Search preloading options [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <!-- Link prefetching options [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string-array name="pref_temporal_choices">
- <item>Inoiz ez</item>
- <item>Wi-Fi bidez besterik ez</item>
- <item>Beti</item>
- </string-array>
- <!-- Summary for search preloading [CHAR LIMIT=80] -->
- <string name="pref_data_preload_summary">Baimendu nabigatzaileari bilaketaren emaitzak bigarren planoan aurrez kargatzea</string>
- <!-- Title for link prefetching [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="pref_link_prefetch_title">Webguneen aurrekarga</string>
- <!-- Summary for link prefetching [CHAR LIMIT=80] -->
- <string name="pref_link_prefetch_summary">Baimendu nabigatzaileari estekatutako web orrialdeak bigarren planoan aurrez kargatzea</string>
- <!-- Dialog box message -->
- <string name="browserFrameFormResubmitMessage">Ikusi nahian zabiltzan orriak dagoeneko bidalita dauden datuak dauzka (\"POSTDATA\"). Berriz bidaltzen badituzu, formularioak orrialdean egin duen edozein ekintza (adibidez, bilaketak edo online erosketak) errepikatuko du.</string>
- <!-- Menu item -->
- <string name="clear_history">Garbitu historiala</string>
- <!-- Appears on History screen if no history is found -->
- <string name="empty_history">Ez dago nabigatzailearen historialik.</string>
- <!-- Displayed at the top of the bookmarks page. When clicked, it bookmarks the page the browser is currently showing -->
- <string name="add_new_bookmark">Gehitu gogokoa</string>
- <!-- Verb placed in front of a screenshot of a web page that, when clicked,
- will add that page to bookmarks -->
- <string name="add_bookmark_short">Gehitu</string>
- <!-- This string is for the browser "Go To" UI. -->
- <!-- This is the hint text shown in the Go To widget, before text is entered. -->
- <string name="search_hint">Bilatu edo idatzi URL bat</string>
- <!-- This string is for the browser "Go To" UI. -->
- <!-- This is the button label in the "Go To" UI. -->
- <string name="search_button_text">Joan</string>
- <!-- The string used to describe the browser as a searchable item within system search settings. -->
- <string name="search_settings_description">Gogokoak eta web historiala</string>
- <!-- Label for a button to allow a particular popup window to open -->
- <string name="allow">Baimendu</string>
- <!-- Label for a button to disallow a particular popup from opening -->
- <string name="block">Blokeatu</string>
- <!-- Title for a dialog informing the user that they cannot open any more
- windows because the limit has been reached. -->
- <string name="too_many_windows_dialog_title">Fitxa kopurua mugara iritsi da</string>
- <!-- Message in a dialog telling the user that they cannot open any more
- windows because the limit has been reached. -->
- <string name="too_many_windows_dialog_message">Ezin da ireki fitxa berririk bat itxi arte.</string>
- <!-- Title for a dialog informing the user that they cannot open a subwindow
- because only one can be open at a time. -->
- <string name="too_many_subwindows_dialog_title">Laster-leihoa irekita dago jada</string>
- <!-- Message for a dialog informing the user that they cannot open a
- subwindow because only one can be open at a time. -->
- <string name="too_many_subwindows_dialog_message">Aldi berean laster-leiho bakarra ireki daiteke.</string>
- <!-- Download History UI strings -->
- <!-- Dialog title [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <!-- Dialog title -->
- <string name="download_no_sdcard_dlg_title" product="default">SD txartelik ez</string>
- <!-- Dialog message [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <!-- Dialog message -->
- <string name="download_no_sdcard_dlg_msg" product="default">\"<xliff:g id="filename">%s</xliff:g>\" deskargatzeko SD txartel bat behar da.</string>
- <!-- Title for a dialog informing the user that the SD card used for
- external storage is busy so they cannot download anything [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <!-- Title for a dialog informing the user that the SD card used for
- external storage is busy so they cannot download anything -->
- <string name="download_sdcard_busy_dlg_title" product="default">SD txartela ez dago erabilgarri</string>
- <!-- Message for a dialog informing the user that the SD card used for
- external storage is busy so they cannot download anything. Informs
- the user how to enable SD card storage [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <!-- Message for a dialog informing the user that the SD card used for
- external storage is busy so they cannot download anything. Informs
- the user how to enable SD card storage -->
- <string name="download_sdcard_busy_dlg_msg" product="default">SD txartela lanpetuta dago. Deskargak baimentzeko, sakatu \'Itzali USB biltegiratzea\' jakinarazpenean.</string>
- <!-- Toast for a download which cannot begin because the URL is not http or https -->
- <string name="cannot_download">\"http\" edo \"https\" motako URLak soilik deskargatu daitezke.</string>
- <!-- Message in the list of items which have received download requests
- telling their status. This message states that the download has not
- yet begun -->
- <string name="download_pending">Deskarga abiarazten\u2026</string>
- <!-- The description of the suggestion that lets the user search the web for the query currently
- in the text field. -->
- <string name="search_the_web">Bilatu webean</string>
- <!-- HTML5 dialogs -->
- <!-- Used as a status bar notification when the browser is running out of space trying to allocate or increase the database quota for an HTML5 databae or application cache. -->
- <string name="webstorage_outofspace_notification_title">Nabigatzailearen biltegiratze lekua agortuta</string>
- <string name="webstorage_outofspace_notification_text">Ukitu lekua egiteko.</string>
- <!-- Used in the Browser Settings -->
- <string name="webstorage_clear_data_title">Biltegiratzea</string>
- <string name="webstorage_private_data_title">Datu pribatuak</string>
- <!-- Confirmation dialog when the user ask to clear all data for an origin -->
- <string name="webstorage_clear_data_dialog_message">Ezabatu webgune honek biltegiratutako datu guztiak?</string>
- <!-- String shown in a progress view while a video is loading, before it starts playing -->
- <string name="loading_video">Bideoa kargatzen\u2026</string>
- <string name="website_settings_add_origin">Gune berria</string>
- <!-- Label for the menu item in the website settings activity used to clear data stored by all websites -->
- <string name="website_settings_clear_all">Ezabatu dena</string>
- <string name="website_settings_clear_all_dialog_message">Ezabatu webguneetako datu guztiak eta kokaleku baimen guztiak?</string>
- <!-- Text in the progress dialog when we are setting an image as the home screen wallpaper. -->
- <string name="progress_dialog_setting_wallpaper">Pantaila atzealdea ezartzen\u2026</string>
- <!-- The string that is displayed when there are no bookmarks to display.
- This is centered in the middle of the screen [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="empty_bookmarks_folder">Gogokorik ez.</string>
- <!-- The folder name for the special "Other Bookmarks" folder created by Chrome [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
- <string name="other_bookmarks">Beste gogokoak</string>
- <!-- Description for a dialog asking the user what they want to do with their bookmarks when adding a sync account [CHAR-LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="import_bookmarks_dialog_description">Gailu honen gogokoak oraindik ez daude Google kontu bati lotuta. Laster-marka hauek gordetzeko batu itzazu kontu batera. Sinkronizatu nahi ez badituzu, ezabatu egin ditzakezu.</string>
- <!-- Button allowing users to remove all of their existing bookmarks when setting up syncing with their bookmarks stored in Google Chrome [CHAR-LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="import_bookmarks_dialog_remove">Ezabatu gogokoak</string>
- <!-- Url Selection Action Mode -->
- <!-- Menu item to share URL selection [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="menu_share_url">Partekatu</string>
- <!-- Toast to inform the user that the maximum number of tabs has been
- reached. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="max_tabs_warning">Ez dago fitxa gehiago eskuragarri</string>
- <!-- Font size preview label in settings [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="preview">Aurreikusi</string>
- <!-- Name for the user's unsynced, local bookmarks [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="local_bookmarks">Nire gogokoak</string>
- <!-- allows the user to find on webpage [CHAR LIMIT=None] -->
- <string name="find_on_page">Bilatu</string>
- <!-- Popup menu checkbox that allows the user to request the desktop version of a webpage [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="ua_switcher_desktop">Mahaigaineko gunea</string>
- <!-- Popup menu checkbox that loads the reader mode version of the current webpage -->
- <string name="enable_reader_mode">Irakurle modua</string>
- <!-- Preload permission label [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="permission_preload_label">Aurrekargatu emaitzak</string>
- <!-- Empty text for the "saved pages" tab that is shown when no saved pages exist. [CHAR LIMIT=None] -->
- <string name="empty_snapshots_folder">Ez dago gordetako orrialderik.</string>
- <!-- Menu option to delete the currently selected saved page [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="remove_snapshot">Ezabatu gordetako orrialdea</string>
- <!-- Popup menu option to load the live version of a saved page [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="snapshot_go_live">Jatorrizkoa</string>
- <!-- Accessibility content descriptions -->
- <!-- Content description for back button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_button_back">Itzuli</string>
- <!-- Content description for forward button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_button_forward">Jo aurrera</string>
- <!-- Content description for refresh button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_button_refresh">Eguneratu orrialdea</string>
- <!-- Content description for stop button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_button_stop">Gelditu orrialdearen karga</string>
- <!-- Content description for add bookmark button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_button_addbookmark">Gehitu gogokoetara</string>
- <!-- Content description for search button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_button_search">Bilatu</string>
- <!-- Content description for voice search button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_button_voice">Hasi ahots bidezko bilaketa</string>
- <!-- Content description for close tab button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_button_closetab">Itxi fitxa</string>
- <!-- Content description for new tab button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_button_newtab">Ireki fitxa berria</string>
- <!-- Content description for new incognito tab button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_button_newincognitotab">Ireki fitxa pribatu berria</string>
- <!-- Content description for clear button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_button_clear">Garbitu sarrera</string>
- <!-- Content description for tab switcher button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_button_navscreen">Orri kudeatzailea</string>
- <!-- Content description for incognito state [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_state_incognito">Orrialde pribatua</string>
- <!-- Content description for frozen state [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_state_frozen">Orrialdea gorde da</string>
- <!-- Content description for tab switcher transition [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_transition_navscreen">Fitxa kudeaketa</string>
- <!-- Content description for navigating up in the bookmark folder hierarchy [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_button_bookmarks_folder_up">Gora</string>
- <!--Add for Navigation Feature -->
- <string name="my_navigation_delete_label">Ezabatu webgunea</string>
- <string name="my_navigation_edit_label">Editatu webgunea</string>
- <string name="my_navigation_add_label">Gehitu webgunea</string>
- <string name="my_navigation_add">Gehitu</string>
- <string name="my_navigation_delete_msg">Ezabatu webgunea?</string>
- <string name="my_navigation_name">Izenburua</string>
- <string name="my_navigation_address">Helbidea</string>
- <string name="website_needs_title">Webguneak izenburu bat behar du</string>
- <string name="website_needs_url">Webguneak URL bat behar du</string>
- <string name="my_navigation_cannot_save_url">URL baliogabea</string>
- <string name="my_navigation_duplicate_url">URLa badago aurretik</string>
- <string name="my_navigation_page_title">Hasiera orria</string>
- <!-- Add for Carrier Feature.Content description for AV save/play prompt dialog -->
- <string name="http_video_msg">Aukeratu multimedia fitxategia nola kudeatu</string>
- <string name="video_save">Gorde</string>
- <string name="video_play">Erreproduzitu</string>
- <!-- Add for Carrier Feature.Content description for exit menu item -->
- <string name="exit">Irten</string>
- <!-- Add for Carrier Feature.Content description for about menu item -->
- <string name="about">Honi buruz</string>
- <string name="download_estore_app">Zure gailuan ez dago Estore aplikazioa.</string>
- <string name="estore_url_warning">Ezin izan da Estore abiatu, URLa luzeegia da.</string>
- <!-- Add for Unsupport Uploading Drm Files Feature -->
- <string name="drm_file_unsupported">Ez dago DRM fitxategiak igotzeko euskarririk.</string>
- <!-- Add for exit prompt Feature -->
- <string name="exit_browser_title">Irten nabigatzailetik</string>
- <string name="exit_browser_msg">Hautatu nabigatzailetik irteteko modua</string>
- <string name="exit_minimize">Ikonotu</string>
- <string name="exit_quit">Irten</string>
- <string name="browser_max_input_title">Gehieneko karaktere kopuruaren muga gainditu da</string>
- <string name="browser_max_input">Zure sarrerak <xliff:g id="MAXLIMIT">%s</xliff:g> karaktereko muga gainditu du</string>
- <string name="duplicated_folder_warning">Karpeta badago aurretik</string>
- <string name="overwrite_bookmark_msg">Gogokoaren izena edo helbidea badago aurretik. Gainidatzi?</string>
- <!-- Add for download save path setting Feature -->
- <string name="invalid_path">Bide-izen baliogabea</string>
- <string name="path_wrong">Bide-izen okerra</string>
- <string name="pref_download_title">Deskargarako bide-izenaren ezarpenak</string>
- <string name="pref_download_path_setting_screen_title">Deskargarako bide-izen pertsonalizatua</string>
- <string name="download_timeneeded">Ordua</string>
- <string name="download_filesize">Tamaina</string>
- <string name="download_filepath_label">Bidea</string>
- <string name="download_edit_filename_label">Izena</string>
- <string name="download_no_enough_memory">Ez dago memoria nahikoa deskargatzeko</string>
- <string name="download_settings_title">Deskargaren ezarpenak</string>
- <string name="filename_empty_title">Deskargaren fitxategi-izena hutsik dago</string>
- <string name="filename_empty_msg">Deskargaren fitxategi-izena ezin da htsik egon. Sartu baliozko izen bat.</string>
- <string name="unknow_length">Ezezaguna</string>
- <string name="download_file_exist_msg">Fitxategia badago aurretik. Sartu fitxategi izen berri bat.</string>
- <string name="download_file_exist">Fitxategia badago aurretik</string>
- <string name="time_min">min</string>
- <string name="download_path_unavailable_dlg_title">Deskargarako direktorioa ez dago eskuragarri</string>
- <string name="download_path_unavailable_dlg_msg">Aldati deskargarako direktorioa</string>
- <string name="activity_not_found">Ez da xede hau tratatzeko aktibitaterik aurkitu: <xliff:g id="NOACTIVITY">%s</xliff:g></string>
- <string name="download_name_hint">Fitxategiaren izena</string>
- <string name="download_size_hint">Tamaina</string>
- <string name="download_eta_hint">Iritsiera</string>
- <!-- Toast message displayed when the full screen received message -->
- <string name="received_message_full_screen">Honen mezua jaso: <xliff:g id="FROM">%s</xliff:g>.</string>
- <!-- Snapdragon Browser Additions -->
- <string name="ssl_certificate">Segurtasun ziurtagiria</string>
- <string name="ssl_certificate_is_valid">Ziurtagiri hau baliozkoa da.</string>
- <string name="version">Bertsioa</string>
- <string name="build_date">Konpilatze data</string>
- <string name="build_hash">Konpilazio hasha</string>
- <string name="user_agent">Erabiltzaile agentea</string>
- <string name="help">Laguntza</string>
- <string name="feedback">Iruzkinak</string>
- <string name="swe_legal">Lege-informazioa</string>
- <string name="swe_open_source_licenses">Lizentzia libreak</string>
- <string name="swe_eula">Erabiltzailearen lizentzien akordioa</string>
- <string name="swe_privacy_policy">Pribatutasun politika</string>
- <!-- Toast message displayed when user attempts to modify a setting disabled by the administrator -->
- <string name="mdm_managed_alert">Zure administatzaileak kudeatuta</string>
- <!-- My Navigation - Favorites + History + Saved -->
- <string name="mystuffs">Nire nabigazioa</string>
- <!-- Place holder for SWE engine strings added to
- 'chrome/android/java/strings/android_chrome_strings.grd'. Follow
- chromium android grd naming convention. Follow exact mapping rules from
- grd to xml. All grd strings maps to xml name in lowercase with 'IDS_'
- prefix being stripped. For more info check out chromium's
- UI-localization page. -->
- <!-- Geolocation infobar promt-->
- <string name="geolocation_permissions_prompt_remember">Gogoratu hobespena</string>
- <string name="geolocation_permissions_prompt_share_never">Ukatu behin betiko</string>
- <string name="geolocation_permissions_prompt_share_for_limited_time">Baimendu 24 orduz</string>
- <string name="geolocation_permissions_prompt_share_forever">Baimendu behin betiko</string>
+ <string name="application_name">Nabigatzailea</string>
+ <string name="choose_upload">Aukeratu fitxategia igotzeko</string>
+ <string name="uploads_disabled">Igoerak desgaituta daude.</string>
+ <string name="new_tab">Fitxa berria</string>
+ <string name="browser_tab_crash_snap">Ai ene!</string>
+ <string name="browser_tab_crash_reload">Birkargatu</string>
+ <string name="browser_tab_crash_message">Ustekabeko zerbait gertatu da web orrialdea bistaratzean. Birkargatu eta joan beste orri batetara.</string>
+ <string name="new_incognito_tab">Modu pribatua</string>
+ <string name="tab_most_visited">Bisitatuenak</string>
+ <string name="tab_snapshots">Gordeta</string>
+ <string name="added_to_bookmarks">Gogokoetara gehituta.</string>
+ <string name="removed_from_bookmarks">Gogokoetatik ezabatuta.</string>
+ <string name="sign_in_to">Eman izena hemen <xliff:g id="hostname">%s1</xliff:g> "<xliff:g id="realm">%s2</xliff:g>\"</string>
+ <string name="username">Izena</string>
+ <string name="password">Pasahitza</string>
+ <string name="action">Hasi saioa</string>
+ <string name="bookmarks_add_page">Gorde</string>
+ <string name="cancel">Utzi</string>
+ <string name="ok">Ados</string>
+ <string name="max_url_character_limit_msg">Gehieneko URL kopurua gainditu da</string>
+ <string name="msg_no_google_play">Zure gailuan ez dago Google Play Store aplikazioa.</string>
+ <string name="page_info">Info</string>
+ <string name="page_info_address">Helbidea:</string>
+ <string name="security_warning">Segurtasun oharra</string>
+ <string name="ssl_invalid">Ziurtagiri hau ez da baliozkoa.</string>
+ <string name="ssl_unknown">Ziurtagiri errore ezezaguna.</string>
+ <string name="stopping">Gelditzen\u2026</string>
+ <string name="stop">Gelditu</string>
+ <string name="reload">Freskatu</string>
+ <string name="back">Atzera</string>
+ <string name="forward">Aurrera</string>
+ <string name="location">Helbidea</string>
+ <string name="account">Kontua</string>
+ <string name="containing_folder">Gehitu hona</string>
+ <string name="new_folder">Karpeta berria</string>
+ <string name="edit_folder">Editatu karpeta</string>
+ <string name="delete_folder">Ezabatu karpeta</string>
+ <string name="no_subfolders">Ez dago azpikarpetarik.</string>
+ <string name="add_to_homescreen_menu_option">Hasiera-pantaila</string>
+ <string name="add_to_other_folder_menu_option">Aukeratu karpeta\u2026</string>
+ <string name="name">Etiketa</string>
+ <string name="save_to_bookmarks">Gorde</string>
+ <string name="bookmark_this_page">Gehitu orrialde hau gogokoetara</string>
+ <string name="remove">Kendu</string>
+ <string name="edit_bookmark">Editatu</string>
+ <string name="create_shortcut_bookmark">Gehitu lasterbidea</string>
+ <string name="remove_bookmark">Ezabatu</string>
+ <string name="remove_from_bookmarks">Kendu</string>
+ <string name="remove_history_item">Kendu</string>
+ <string name="set_as_homepage">Ezarri hasierako orri gisa</string>
+ <string name="bookmark_saved">Gogokoetara gehituta</string>
+ <string name="bookmark_not_saved">Ezin izan da gogokoa gorde.</string>
+ <string name="homepage_set">Hasierako orria ezarri.</string>
+ <string name="bookmark_needs_title">Gogokoak izen bat behar du.</string>
+ <string name="bookmark_needs_url">Gogokoak kokapen bat behar du.</string>
+ <string name="bookmark_url_not_valid">URLa baliogabea da.</string>
+ <string name="bookmark_cannot_save_url">Ezin da URLa gogokoetara gehitu.</string>
+ <string name="current_page">nork\u0020</string>
+ <string name="delete_bookmark_warning">Ezabatu \"<xliff:g id="bookmark">%s</xliff:g>\" gogokoa?</string>
+ <string name="delete_folder_warning">Ezabatu \"<xliff:g id="bookmark">%s</xliff:g>\" karpeta?</string>
+ <string name="open_all_in_new_window">Ireki guztiak fitxa berrietan</string>
+ <string name="sendText">Aukeratu ekintza bat testuarentzat</string>
+ <string name="close_other_tabs">Itxi beste fitxak</string>
+ <string name="bookmarks">Gogokoak</string>
+ <string name="shortcut_bookmark">Gogokoa</string>
+ <string name="shortcut_bookmark_title">Aukeratu gogoko bat</string>
+ <string name="history">Historiala</string>
+ <string name="share_page">Partekatu</string>
+ <string name="add_to_homescreen">Gehitu hasiera orrira</string>
+ <string name="menu_save_snapshot">Gorde</string>
+ <string name="saving_snapshot">Gordetzen\u2026</string>
+ <string name="snapshot_failed">Ezin izan da gorde konexiorik gabe irakurtzeko.</string>
+ <string name="contextheader_folder_bookmarkcount"><xliff:g id="bookmark_count">%d</xliff:g>\" gogokoak</string>
+ <string name="contextheader_folder_empty">Karpeta hutsa</string>
+ <string name="contextmenu_openlink">Ireki</string>
+ <string name="contextmenu_openlink_newwindow">Ireki fitxa berrian</string>
+ <string name="contextmenu_openlink_newwindow_background">Ireki bigarren planoko fitxa berrian</string>
+ <string name="contextmenu_savelink">Gorde lotura</string>
+ <string name="contextmenu_sharelink">Partekatu lotura</string>
+ <string name="contextmenu_copy">Kopiatu</string>
+ <string name="contextmenu_copylink">Kopiatu estekaren URLa</string>
+ <string name="contextmenu_download_image">Gorde irudia</string>
+ <string name="contextmenu_view_image">Ikusi irudia</string>
+ <string name="contextmenu_set_wallpaper">Ezarri horma-paper gisa</string>
+ <string name="contextmenu_dial_dot">Markatu\u2026</string>
+ <string name="contextmenu_add_contact">Gehitu kontaktua</string>
+ <string name="contextmenu_send_mail">Bidali e-posta</string>
+ <string name="contextmenu_map">Mapa</string>
+ <string name="choosertitle_sharevia">Partekatu honen bitartez</string>
+ <string name="clear">Garbitu</string>
+ <string name="replace">Ordezkatu</string>
+ <string name="menu_preferences">Ezarpenak</string>
+ <string name="pref_content_title">Edukiaren ezarpenak</string>
+ <string name="pref_content_title_summary">Web edukiaren ezarpenak</string>
+ <string name="pref_content_load_images">Kargatu irudiak</string>
+ <string name="pref_content_load_images_summary">Erakutsi irudiak webguneetan</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_allow_popups">Laster leihoak</string>
+ <string name="pref_content_javascript">Gaitu JavaScript</string>
+ <string name="pref_content_open_in_background">Ireki bigarren planoan</string>
+ <string name="pref_content_open_in_background_summary">Ireki fitxa berriak oraingoaren atzean</string>
+ <string name="pref_content_homepage">Hasiera orria</string>
+ <string name="pref_content_search_engine">Bilatzailea</string>
+ <string name="pref_content_search_engine_summary">Aukeratu bilatzaile bat</string>
+ <string name="pref_set_homepage_to">Ezarri</string>
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+ <item>Uneko orrialdea</item>
+ <item>Orrialde hutsa</item>
+ <item>Orrialde lehenetsia</item>
+ <item>Gehien bisitatutako guneak</item>
+ <item>Beste bat</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <string name="pref_general_title">Orokorra</string>
+ <string name="pref_default_site_settings_title">Lehenetsitako gune ezarpenak</string>
+ <string name="pref_site_settings_title">Gune ezarpenak</string>
+ <string name="pref_site_settings_info_panel">Segurtasun informazioa</string>
+ <string name="pref_general_autofill_title">Osatze automatikoa</string>
+ <string name="pref_powersave_enabled">Energia aurrezteko modua</string>
+ <string name="pref_powersave_enabled_summary">Gutxiagotu nabigatzailearen energia erabilera</string>
+ <string name="pref_nightmode_enabled">Gau modua</string>
+ <string name="pref_nightmode_enabled_summary">Alderantzikatu koloreak</string>
+ <string name="pref_autofill_enabled">Osatu formularioak automatikoki</string>
+ <string name="pref_autofill_enabled_summary">Bete web formularioak ukitu bakarrarekin</string>
+ <plurals name="pref_web_refiner_advertisements">
+ <item quantity="one">Iragarki %d</item>
+ <item quantity="other">%d iragarki</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <plurals name="pref_web_refiner_trackers">
+ <item quantity="one">Jarraile %d</item>
+ <item quantity="other">%d jarraile</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <plurals name="pref_web_refiner_malware">
+ <item quantity="one">Malware mehatxu %d</item>
+ <item quantity="other">%d malware mehatxu</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <string-array name="pref_web_refiner_message">
+ <item>"%s blokeatu da. "</item>
+ <item>"%1$s eta %2$s blokeatua. "</item>
+ <item>"%1$s, %2$s eta %3$s blokeatuta. "</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <string name="pref_valid_cert">Baliozko SSL ziurtagiria. Komunikazioa zifratuta dago eta identitatea egiaztatu da.</string>
+ <string name="pref_invalid_cert">Guneak baliogabeko SSL ziurtagiri bat du.</string>
+ <string name="pref_warning_cert">Gunearen SSL ziurtagiriak abisuak ditu.</string>
+ <string name="pref_interface_title">Interfazea</string>
+ <string name="pref_autofill_profile_editor">Osatze automatikoa</string>
+ <string name="pref_autofill_profile_editor_summary">Konfiguratu web formularioak automatikoki osatzeko testua</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_editor_heading">Konfiguratu web formularioak automatikoki osatzeko testua.</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_editor_name">Izen osoa:</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_editor_email_address">E-posta:</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_editor_company_name">Enpresaren izena:</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_editor_address_line_1">Helbidearen 1. lerroa:</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_editor_address_line_1_hint">Kalea, posta kutxa</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_editor_address_line_2">Helbidearen 2. lerroa:</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_editor_address_line_2_hint">Apartamentua, pisua, blokea, eraikina, solairua, etab.</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_editor_city">Hiria:</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_editor_state">Estatua/probintzia/eskualdea:</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_editor_zip_code">Posta kodea:</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_editor_country">Herrialdea:</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_editor_phone_number">Telefonoa:</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_editor_phone_number_invalid">Telefono zenbaki baliogabea.</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_editor_save_profile">Gorde</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_successful_save">Osatze automatikorako testua gorde da.</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_successful_delete">Osatze automatikorako testua ezabatu da.</string>
+ <string name="autofill_profile_editor_delete_profile">Ezabatu</string>
+ <string name="powersave_dialog_on">Energia aurrezteko modua gaitu da. Nabigatzailea berrabiaraziko da.</string>
+ <string name="powersave_dialog_off">Energia aurrezteko modua ezgaitu da. Nabigatzailea berrabiaraziko da.</string>
+ <string name="autofill_setup_dialog_message">Nabigatzaileak honelako web formularioak automatikoki bete ditzake. Osatze automatikorako testua ezarri nahi duzu?</string>
+ <string name="autofill_setup_dialog_negative_toast">Beti konfigura dezakezu Automatikoki osatu aukera pantaila honetatik: Nabigatzailea &gt; Doikuntzak &gt; Osatze automatikoa.</string>
+ <string name="disable_autofill">Ezgaitu osatze automatikoa</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_title">Segurtasuna</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_security_title">Pribatutasuna eta segurtasuna</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_security_title_summary">Nabigatzailearen segurtasun eta pribatutasun ezarpenak</string>
+ <string name="pref_select_items">Hautatu ezabatuko diren elementuak</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_clear_selected">Ezabatu hautatutako elementuak</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_clear_selected_summary">Ezabatu zerrendatik hautatutako elementuak</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_clear_selected_dlg">Honako elementuak ezabatu?</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_clear_cache">Cachea</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_clear_cache_summary">Ezabatu tokiko cacheko edukiak eta datu-baseak</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_clear_cookies">Cookieak eta gunearen datuak</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_clear_cookies_summary">Ezabatu nabigatzailearen cookie eta guneen datu guztjiak</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_clear_history_summary">Garbitu nabigatzailearen nabigazio historiala</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_clear_history_dlg">Ezabatu nabigatzailearen nabigazio historiala?</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_clear_form_data">Formularioetako datuak</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_clear_form_data_summary">Garbitu gordetako formularioen datu guztiak</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_clear_passwords">Pasahitzak</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_clear_passwords_summary">Ezabatu gordetako pasahitz guztiak</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_enable_geolocation">Kokalekua</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_clear_geolocation_access">Kokapena atzitzea</string>
+ <string name="pref_privacy_clear_geolocation_access_summary">Garbitu kokalekura sarbidea webgune guztiei</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_remember_passwords">Gogoratu pasahitzak</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_save_form_data">Gogoratu formularioetako datuak</string>
+ <string name="pref_do_not_track">Ez jarraitzea eskatu</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_accept_cookies">Onartu cookieak</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_allow_mic">Mikrofonoa</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_allow_camera">Kamera</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_web_refiner">Iragarkiak</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_accept_third_party_cookies">Hirugarrengoen cookieak</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_ask_before_using">Galdetu erabili aurretik</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_allowed">Baimenduta</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_not_allowed">Ez baimenduta</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_remember">Gogoratu</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_on">Bai</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_off">Ez</string>
+ <string name="pref_website_title">Webgunea</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_add">Gehitu</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_origin_name">Gunearen iturria</string>
+ <string name="pref_security_access_is_allowed">sarbidea baimenduta</string>
+ <string name="pref_sample_font_size">Arrastatu graduatzailea letra-tamaina eroso irakurtzeko moduko tamainara doitzeko.</string>
+ <string name="pref_min_font_size">Gutxieneko letra tamaina</string>
+ <string name="pref_min_font_size_value"><xliff:g id="font_size">%d</xliff:g>pt</string>
+ <string name="pref_text_zoom">Testuaren eskala</string>
+ <string name="pref_force_userscalable">Zooma gaitzera behartu</string>
+ <string name="pref_force_userscalable_summary">Eragotzi webgune batek zooma aldatu ahal izatea</string>
+ <string name="pref_inverted_category">Alderantzikatutako pantaila errendatzea</string>
+ <string name="pref_inverted">Errendatze alderantzizkatua</string>
+ <string name="pref_inverted_summary">Beltza zuri bihurtuko da eta alderantziz</string>
+ <string name="pref_inverted_contrast">Kontrastea</string>
+ <string name="pref_extras_title">Aurreratua</string>
+ <string name="pref_extras_website_settings">Ezarpenak webguneko</string>
+ <string name="pref_extras_website_settings_summary">Banakako webguneetako ezarpen aurreratuak</string>
+ <string name="pref_extras_reset_default">Leheneratu balio lehenetsietara</string>
+ <string name="pref_extras_reset">Leheneratu</string>
+ <string name="pref_extras_reset_default_summary">Berrezarri ezarpen lehenetsiak</string>
+ <string name="pref_extras_reset_default_dlg">Leheneratu ezarpenak balio lehenetsietara?</string>
+ <string name="pref_development_title">Araztu</string>
+ <string name="pref_default_text_encoding">Testu kodeketa</string>
+ <string name="pref_edge_swipe_title">Ertz nabigazioa</string>
+ <string name="pref_edge_swipe_option_msg">Ertzetik hatza pasatzean:</string>
+ <string name="pref_temporal_edge_swipe">Nabigatu historialean zehar</string>
+ <string name="pref_spatial_edge_swipe">Aldatu fitxa</string>
+ <string name="pref_disable_edge_swipe">Ez egin ezer</string>
+ <string name="pref_edge_swipe_option_close">Aukeratu geroago</string>
+ <string name="pref_temporal_edge_swipe_enabled_toast">Pasatu hatza ertzetik nabigatzeko</string>
+ <string name="pref_spatial_edge_swipe_enabled_toast">Pasatu hatza ertzetik fitxak aldatzeko</string>
+ <string name="pref_edge_swipe_disabled_toast">Ertzetik hatza pasatzea ezgaituta</string>
+ <string name="pref_edge_swipe_unknown">Hautatu portaera</string>
+ <string name="pref_edge_swipe_setup_desc">Pasatu hatza ertzetik historialaren zehar nabigatzeko.\nEzaugarri hau ertzean ekintzak burutzen dituzten webguneekin gatazkan egon daiteke</string>
+ <string name="pref_edge_enable">Gaitu</string>
+ <string name="pref_edge_disable">Desgaitu</string>
+ <string name="pref_coloredsb_title">Kolereztatutako egoera barra</string>
+ <string name="pref_coloredsb_summary">Egoera barra kolorez aldatuko da bisitatutako webgunearen arabera</string>
+ <string name="pref_accessibility_title">Irisgarritasuna</string>
+ <string name="pref_accessibility_title_summary">Letra tamaina eta zooma</string>
+ <string name="pref_looklock_title">Blokeatu ikuspegia</string>
+ <string name="pref_looklock_summary">Eragotzi beste aplikazioei aplikazio honen webview edukiak irakurtzea</string>
+ <string name="pref_font_size_category">Letra tamaina</string>
+ <string name="pref_lab_fullscreen">Pantaila osoa</string>
+ <string name="pref_lab_fullscreen_summary">Nabigatzailea pantaila osora eraman</string>
+ <string name="pref_data_preload_title">Bilaketen aurrekarga</string>
+ <string-array name="pref_temporal_choices">
+ <item>Inoiz ez</item>
+ <item>Wi-Fi bidez besterik ez</item>
+ <item>Beti</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <string name="pref_data_preload_summary">Baimendu nabigatzaileari bilaketaren emaitzak bigarren planoan aurrez kargatzea</string>
+ <string name="pref_link_prefetch_title">Webguneen aurrekarga</string>
+ <string name="pref_link_prefetch_summary">Baimendu nabigatzaileari estekatutako web orrialdeak bigarren planoan aurrez kargatzea</string>
+ <string name="browserFrameFormResubmitMessage">Ikusi nahian zabiltzan orriak dagoeneko bidalita dauden datuak dauzka (\"POSTDATA\"). Berriz bidaltzen badituzu, formularioak orrialdean egin duen edozein ekintza (adibidez, bilaketak edo online erosketak) errepikatuko du.</string>
+ <string name="clear_history">Garbitu historiala</string>
+ <string name="empty_history">Ez dago nabigatzailearen historialik.</string>
+ <string name="add_new_bookmark">Gehitu gogokoa</string>
+ <string name="add_bookmark_short">Gehitu</string>
+ <string name="search_hint">Bilatu edo idatzi URL bat</string>
+ <string name="search_button_text">Joan</string>
+ <string name="search_settings_description">Gogokoak eta web historiala</string>
+ <string name="allow">Baimendu</string>
+ <string name="block">Blokeatu</string>
+ <string name="too_many_windows_dialog_title">Fitxa kopurua mugara iritsi da</string>
+ <string name="too_many_windows_dialog_message">Ezin da ireki fitxa berririk bat itxi arte.</string>
+ <string name="too_many_subwindows_dialog_title">Laster-leihoa irekita dago jada</string>
+ <string name="too_many_subwindows_dialog_message">Aldi berean laster-leiho bakarra ireki daiteke.</string>
+ <string name="download_no_sdcard_dlg_title" product="default">SD txartelik ez</string>
+ <string name="download_no_sdcard_dlg_msg" product="default">\"<xliff:g id="filename">%s</xliff:g>\" deskargatzeko SD txartel bat behar da.</string>
+ <string name="download_sdcard_busy_dlg_title" product="default">SD txartela ez dago erabilgarri</string>
+ <string name="download_sdcard_busy_dlg_msg" product="default">SD txartela lanpetuta dago. Deskargak baimentzeko, sakatu \'Itzali USB biltegiratzea\' jakinarazpenean.</string>
+ <string name="cannot_download">\"http\" edo \"https\" motako URLak soilik deskargatu daitezke.</string>
+ <string name="download_pending">Deskarga abiarazten\u2026</string>
+ <string name="search_the_web">Bilatu webean</string>
+ <string name="webstorage_outofspace_notification_title">Nabigatzailearen biltegiratze lekua agortuta</string>
+ <string name="webstorage_outofspace_notification_text">Ukitu lekua egiteko.</string>
+ <string name="webstorage_clear_data_title">Biltegiratzea</string>
+ <string name="webstorage_private_data_title">Datu pribatuak</string>
+ <string name="webstorage_clear_data_dialog_message">Ezabatu webgune honek biltegiratutako datu guztiak?</string>
+ <string name="loading_video">Bideoa kargatzen\u2026</string>
+ <string name="website_settings_add_origin">Gune berria</string>
+ <string name="website_settings_clear_all">Ezabatu dena</string>
+ <string name="website_settings_clear_all_dialog_message">Ezabatu webguneetako datu guztiak eta kokaleku baimen guztiak?</string>
+ <string name="progress_dialog_setting_wallpaper">Horma-papera ezartzen\u2026</string>
+ <string name="empty_bookmarks_folder">Gogokorik ez.</string>
+ <string name="other_bookmarks">Beste gogokoak</string>
+ <string name="import_bookmarks_dialog_description">Gailu honen gogokoak oraindik ez daude Google kontu bati lotuta. Laster-marka hauek gordetzeko batu itzazu kontu batera. Sinkronizatu nahi ez badituzu, ezabatu egin ditzakezu.</string>
+ <string name="import_bookmarks_dialog_remove">Ezabatu gogokoak</string>
+ <string name="menu_share_url">Partekatu</string>
+ <string name="max_tabs_warning">Ez dago fitxa gehiago eskuragarri</string>
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