path: root/res
diff options
authorAbhisek Devkota <>2017-02-19 16:52:26 -0800
committerAbhisek Devkota <>2017-02-19 16:52:26 -0800
commit2a61366340405d7818990a9d7b29bec4ed0827bf (patch)
tree8fd2149468403ddf2dea3afc10141c7ad25c9ce1 /res
parent9a2e11d001d306611c249b7e92954e2c3a992d57 (diff)
Automatic translation import
Change-Id: I77e35a61fd004d0fc8af8354c5814c1f6ba4c0bf
Diffstat (limited to 'res')
11 files changed, 673 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-en-rGB/cm_arrays.xml b/res/values-en-rGB/cm_arrays.xml
index f5aa9ddb5..2312527d2 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rGB/cm_arrays.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rGB/cm_arrays.xml
@@ -23,4 +23,13 @@
4: hour sec
5: hour min
6: hour min sec -->
+ <string-array name="call_stats_duration">
+ <item><xliff:g id="seconds" example="2 secs">%3$s</xliff:g></item>
+ <item><xliff:g id="minutes" example="2 mins">%2$s</xliff:g></item>
+ <item><xliff:g id="minutes" example="2 mins">%2$s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="seconds" example="2 secs">%3$s</xliff:g></item>
+ <item><xliff:g id="hours" example="2 hrs">%1$s</xliff:g></item>
+ <item><xliff:g id="hours" example="2 hrs">%1$s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="seconds" example="2 secs">%3$s</xliff:g></item>
+ <item><xliff:g id="hours" example="2 hrs">%1$s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="minutes" example="2 mins">%2$s</xliff:g></item>
+ <item><xliff:g id="hours" example="2 hrs">%1$s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="minutes" example="2 mins">%2$s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="seconds" example="2 secs">%3$s</xliff:g></item>
+ </string-array>
diff --git a/res/values-en-rGB/cm_plurals.xml b/res/values-en-rGB/cm_plurals.xml
index 9bae86bae..7b89bb82a 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rGB/cm_plurals.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rGB/cm_plurals.xml
@@ -15,4 +15,21 @@
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"></resources>
+<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+ <plurals name="hour">
+ <item quantity="one">1 hr</item>
+ <item quantity="other">%d hrs</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <plurals name="minute">
+ <item quantity="one">1 min</item>
+ <item quantity="other">%d mins</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <plurals name="second">
+ <item quantity="one">1 sec</item>
+ <item quantity="other">%d secs</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <plurals name="call">
+ <item quantity="one">1 call</item>
+ <item quantity="other">%d calls</item>
+ </plurals>
diff --git a/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml
index 3be2717db..78a5de479 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml
@@ -17,18 +17,130 @@
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Forward lookup -->
+ <string name="nearby_places">Nearby places</string>
+ <string name="people">People</string>
<!-- dialpad t9 search -->
+ <string name="preference_category_t9_dialpad_search">Dialpad T9 search</string>
+ <string name="t9_search_input_locale">T9 search input</string>
+ <string name="t9_search_input_locale_default">Default</string>
<!-- Number lookup -->
+ <string name="lookup_settings_label">Phone number lookup</string>
+ <string name="lookup_settings_description">Lookup of unknown phone numbers</string>
+ <string name="enable_forward_lookup_title">Forward lookup</string>
+ <string name="enable_forward_lookup_summary">Show nearby places when searching in the dialer</string>
+ <string name="enable_people_lookup_title">People lookup</string>
+ <string name="enable_people_lookup_summary">Show online results for people when searching in the dialer</string>
+ <string name="enable_reverse_lookup_title">Reverse lookup</string>
+ <string name="enable_reverse_lookup_summary">Look up information about the person or place for unknown numbers on incoming calls</string>
+ <string name="forward_lookup_provider_title">Forward lookup provider</string>
+ <string name="people_lookup_provider_title">People lookup provider</string>
+ <string name="reverse_lookup_provider_title">Reverse lookup provider</string>
<!-- Chinese Reverse Lookup Provider -->
+ <string name="cyngn_reverse_lookup_provider_name">Cyngn Chinese (CN)</string>
<!-- Description for incoming calls that were blacklisted -->
+ <string name="type_blacklist">Blacklisted call</string>
+ <string name="call_log_action_block">Block caller</string>
+ <string name="call_log_action_unblock">Caller blocked</string>
<!-- for speed dial -->
+ <string name="speed_dial_settings">Speed dial settings</string>
+ <string name="speed_dial_not_set">(not set)</string>
+ <string name="speed_dial_replace">Replace</string>
+ <string name="speed_dial_delete">Delete</string>
+ <string name="speed_dial_unassigned_dialog_title">Key unassigned</string>
+ <string name="speed_dial_unassigned_dialog_message">No speed dial action is assigned to number key \'<xliff:g id="number">%s</xliff:g>\'. Do you want to assign an action now?</string>
+ <string name="dialog_speed_dial_airplane_mode_message">To use speed dial, first turn off aeroplane mode.</string>
+ <string name="yes">Yes</string>
+ <string name="no">No</string>
+ <string name="incall_vibration_category_title">In-call vibration</string>
+ <string name="incall_vibrate_outgoing_title">Vibrate on answer</string>
+ <string name="incall_vibrate_call_waiting_title">Vibrate on call waiting</string>
+ <string name="incall_vibrate_hangup_title">Vibrate on hang up</string>
+ <string name="incall_vibrate_45_title">Vibrate every minute</string>
+ <string name="incall_vibrate_45_summary">Vibrates at the 45 second mark of every minute during outgoing calls</string>
+ <string name="call_log_show_all_slots">All SIMs</string>
+ <string name="call_log_all_calls_header">All calls</string>
+ <string name="call_log_blacklist_header">Blocked calls only</string>
<!-- Call statistics -->
+ <string name="call_log_stats_title">Statistics</string>
+ <string name="callStatsDetailTitle">Call stat details</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_incoming">Incoming: <xliff:g id="value">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="call_stats_outgoing">Outgoing: <xliff:g id="value">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="call_stats_missed">Missed: <xliff:g id="value">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="call_stats_blacklisted">Blocked: <xliff:g id="value">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="call_stats_percent"><xliff:g id="percent">%d</xliff:g>%%</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_header_total">Total: <xliff:g id="call_count">%s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="duration">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="call_stats_header_total_callsonly">Total: <xliff:g id="call_count">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="call_stats_filter_from">Start date</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_filter_to">End date</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_filter_picker_title">Filter range</string>
+ <string name="date_quick_selection">Quick selection</string>
+ <string name="date_qs_currentmonth">Current month</string>
+ <string name="date_qs_currentquarter">Current quarter</string>
+ <string name="date_qs_currentyear">Current year</string>
+ <string name="date_qs_lastweek">Last week</string>
+ <string name="date_qs_lastmonth">Last month</string>
+ <string name="date_qs_lastquarter">Last quarter</string>
+ <string name="date_qs_lastyear">Last year</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_date_filter">Adjust time range</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_reset_filter">Reset time range</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_sort_by_duration">Sort by call duration</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_sort_by_count">Sort by call count</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_title_for_number">This number</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_title_of_total">Of total</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_title_durations">Call durations</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_title_count">Call count</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_title_average_duration">Average call duration</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no call log entries in the selected time range. -->
+ <string name="recent_calls_no_items_in_range">Your call log does not contain any calls in the selected time range.</string>
+ <string name="call_recording_category_title">Call recording</string>
+ <string name="call_recording_format">Audio format</string>
+ <string name="call_playback_no_app_found_toast">No app could be found for playback of the selected recording.</string>
+ <string name="invalid_number_text">"%1$s could not make this call. Is the number correct?"</string>
<!-- T9 Search Text -->
+ <string name="empty_dialpad_t9_example">You can dial a phone number or\nsearch for a contact</string>
+ <string name="sign_in_hint_text">Sign in to make %1$s calls</string>
+ <string name="wifi_hint_text">Make free %1$s to %1$s calls over Wi-Fi.</string>
+ <string name="roaming_hint_text">%1$s is roaming. Make free %2$s to %2$s calls over Wi-Fi.</string>
+ <string name="emergency_call_hint_text">No SIM. Emergency calls only.</string>
+ <string name="extra_call_method_call_option"><xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g> call</string>
<!-- InCall Plugin Settings -->
+ <string name="incall_plugin_settings"><xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g> settings</string>
<!-- Search shortcut for "Call using PluginName" -->
+ <string name="search_shortcut_call_using">Call using <xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- CallerInfo Provider Settings strings -->
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_auth_yes">Yes</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_auth_no_short">No</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_auth_no">No thanks</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_auth_access"><xliff:g id="provider_name">%s</xliff:g> will have access to your contacts, Me profile, and Cyanogen OS account, which may include your email address.</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_auth_learn_more">Learn more</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_auth_desc">Welcome! Would you like <xliff:g id="provider_name">%s</xliff:g> to identify unknown callers and block unwanted calls?</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_auth_desc_no_spam">Welcome! Would you like <xliff:g id="provider_name">%s</xliff:g> to identify unknown callers?</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_summary">Identifies unknown callers and spam</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_summary_no_spam">Identifies unknown callers</string>
+ <string name="silence_spam_title">Silence spam calls</string>
+ <string name="silence_spam_summary">Never let spam calls ring through</string>
+ <string name="block_hidden_title">Block hidden phone numbers</string>
+ <string name="block_hidden_summary">Consider hidden numbers as spam</string>
+ <string name="block_dialog_title">Block this caller?</string>
+ <string name="block_dialog_positive">Block</string>
+ <string name="block_dialog_negative">Cancel</string>
+ <string name="block_dialog_description">You will no longer receive calls or messages from this person.</string>
+ <string name="block_dialog_report_spam">Report as spam to <xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="provider_disable_title">Disable %1$s?</string>
+ <string name="provider_disable_message">By disabling %1$s, you will not have caller ID.</string>
+ <string name="provider_disable_spam_message">By disabling %1$s, you will not have spam protection or caller ID.</string>
+ <string name="powered_by_provider">Powered by <xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="provider_help">"Make %1$s calls by\nswitching modes here"</string>
+ <string name="provider_search_help">"Search %1$s contacts by\nswitching modes here"</string>
+ <string name="provider_button_help">"Got it"</string>
+ <string name="provider_voice_call">"%1$s voice call"</string>
+ <string name="provider_video_call">"%1$s video call"</string>
<!-- Shown as a prompt to turn on the phone permission to allow a call to be placed -->
+ <string name="cm_permission_place_call">To place a call, turn on Phone permissions.</string>
<!-- Label of the button to view a note from a call log entry with associated DeepLink -->
+ <string name="search_shortcut_view_note">View note</string>
<!-- Note DeepLink mod settings summary in Dialer -->
+ <string name="note_mod_settings_summary">Take notes from anywhere</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_status_disabling">Disabling</string>
+ <string name="show_dialpad_at_start_title">Show dialpad at start</string>
diff --git a/res/values-es-rUS/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-es-rUS/cm_strings.xml
index 812d86c24..d97007b07 100644
--- a/res/values-es-rUS/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-es-rUS/cm_strings.xml
@@ -141,6 +141,6 @@
<string name="search_shortcut_view_note">Ver nota</string>
<!-- Note DeepLink mod settings summary in Dialer -->
<string name="note_mod_settings_summary">Tomar notas desde cualquier lugar</string>
- <string name="callerinfo_provider_status_disabling">Deshabilitando</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_status_disabling">Desactivando</string>
<string name="show_dialpad_at_start_title">Mostrar teclado al Iniciar</string>
diff --git a/res/values-nl/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-nl/cm_strings.xml
index 7b7517e68..777b13273 100644
--- a/res/values-nl/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-nl/cm_strings.xml
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@
<string name="incall_vibrate_45_title">Elke minuut trillen</string>
<string name="incall_vibrate_45_summary">Elke 45<SUP>e</SUP> seconde van een minuut trillen bij uitgaande gesprekken</string>
<string name="call_log_show_all_slots">Alle simkaarten</string>
- <string name="call_log_all_calls_header">Alle gesprekken</string>
<string name="call_log_blacklist_header">Alleen geblokkeerde oproepen</string>
<!-- Call statistics -->
<string name="call_log_stats_title">Statistieken</string>
@@ -91,7 +90,6 @@
<string name="call_stats_title_count">Aantal gesprekken</string>
<string name="call_stats_title_average_duration">Gemiddelde gespreksduur</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no call log entries in the selected time range. -->
- <string name="recent_calls_no_items_in_range">Uw gespreksstatistieken bevatten geen gesprekken in het geselecteerde tijdsbestek.</string>
<string name="call_recording_category_title">Gespreksopname</string>
<string name="call_recording_format">Audioformaat</string>
<string name="call_playback_no_app_found_toast">Kan geen app vinden om de geselecteerde opname af te spelen.</string>
diff --git a/res/values-sr-rCS/cm_arrays.xml b/res/values-sr-rCS/cm_arrays.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5aa9ddb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-sr-rCS/cm_arrays.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!--Generated by>
+ Copyright (C) 2013 The CyanogenMod Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+ <!-- 0: sec
+ 1: min
+ 2: min sec
+ 3: hour
+ 4: hour sec
+ 5: hour min
+ 6: hour min sec -->
diff --git a/res/values-sr-rCS/cm_plurals.xml b/res/values-sr-rCS/cm_plurals.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9bae86bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-sr-rCS/cm_plurals.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!--Generated by>
+ Copyright (C) 2013 The CyanogenMod Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"></resources>
diff --git a/res/values-sr-rCS/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-sr-rCS/cm_strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3be2717db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-sr-rCS/cm_strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!--Generated by>
+ Copyright (C) 2013-2014 The CyanogenMod Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+ <!-- Forward lookup -->
+ <!-- dialpad t9 search -->
+ <!-- Number lookup -->
+ <!-- Chinese Reverse Lookup Provider -->
+ <!-- Description for incoming calls that were blacklisted -->
+ <!-- for speed dial -->
+ <!-- Call statistics -->
+ <!-- Text displayed when there are no call log entries in the selected time range. -->
+ <!-- T9 Search Text -->
+ <!-- InCall Plugin Settings -->
+ <!-- Search shortcut for "Call using PluginName" -->
+ <!-- CallerInfo Provider Settings strings -->
+ <!-- Shown as a prompt to turn on the phone permission to allow a call to be placed -->
+ <!-- Label of the button to view a note from a call log entry with associated DeepLink -->
+ <!-- Note DeepLink mod settings summary in Dialer -->
diff --git a/res/values-sr-rCS/strings.xml b/res/values-sr-rCS/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24aa00d64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-sr-rCS/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!--Generated by>
+ ~ Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
+ ~
+ ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ ~
+ ~
+ ~
+ ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ~ limitations under the License
+ -->
+<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+ <!-- Application name used in Settings/Apps. Default label for activities
+ that don't specify a label. -->
+ <!-- Title for the activity that dials the phone. This is the name
+ used in the Launcher icon. -->
+ <!-- The description text for the dialer tab.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
+ This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
+ <!-- The description text for the call log tab.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
+ This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
+ <!-- Menu item used to call a contact from the call log -->
+ <!-- Text for a menu item to report a call as having been incorrectly identified.
+ [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Menu item used to copy a number from the call log to the dialer so it can be edited before calling it -->
+ <!-- Menu item used to add a number from the call log to contacts -->
+ <!-- Menu item used to remove a single call from the call log -->
+ <!-- Menu item used to remove all calls from the call log -->
+ <!-- Menu item used to delete a voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Menu item used to share a voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Text displayed when the call log is empty. -->
+ <!-- Label of the button displayed when the call log is empty. Allows the user to make a call. -->
+ <!-- Title of the confirmation dialog for clearing the call log. [CHAR LIMIT=37] -->
+ <!-- Confirmation dialog for clearing the call log. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <!-- Title of the "Clearing call log" progress-dialog [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
+ <!-- Title of the notification of new voicemails. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Used in the notification of a new voicemail for the action to play the voicemail. -->
+ <!-- Used to build a list of names or phone numbers, to indicate the callers who left
+ voicemails.
+ The first argument may be one or more callers, the most recent ones.
+ The second argument is an additional callers.
+ This string is used to build a list of callers.
+ -->
+ <!-- Text used in the ticker to notify the user of the latest voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Message to show when there is an error playing back the voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- Message to display before we have prepared the media player, i.e. before we know duration. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- Message to display whilst we are waiting for the content to be fetched. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- Message to display if we fail to get content within a suitable time period. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- The header to show that call log is only showing voicemail calls. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- The header to show that call log is only showing incoming calls. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- The header to show that call log is only showing outgoing calls. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- The header to show that call log is only showing missed calls. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- Title for promo card for visual voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- Promo card text for visual voicemail. -->
+ <!-- Text for "Settings" link for visual voicemail promo card. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Voicemail status message shown at the top of call log to notify the user that no new
+ voicemails are currently available. This can happen when both notification as well as data
+ connection to the voicemail server is lost. [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
+ <!-- Voicemail status message shown at the top of call log to notify the user that there is no
+ data connection to the voicemail server, but there are new voicemails waiting on the server.
+ [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
+ <!-- Voicemail status message shown at the top of call log to invite the user to configure
+ visual voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
+ <!-- Voicemail status message shown at the top of call details screen to notify the user that
+ the audio of this voicemail is not available. [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
+ <!-- User action prompt shown next to a voicemail status message to let the user configure
+ visual voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
+ <!-- User action prompt shown next to a voicemail status message to let the user call voicemail
+ server directly to listen to the voicemails. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
+ <!-- The counter for calls in a group and the date of the latest call as shown in the call log [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
+ <!-- Title for the sms disambiguation dialog -->
+ <!-- Title for the call disambiguation dialog -->
+ <!-- Message next to disamgiguation dialog check box -->
+ <!-- String describing the Search ImageButton
+ Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button.
+ -->
+ <!-- String describing the Dial ImageButton
+ Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button.
+ -->
+ <!-- String describing the digits text box containing the number to dial.
+ Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view.
+ -->
+ <!-- String describing the button in the voicemail playback to start/stop playback.
+ Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view.
+ -->
+ <!-- String describing the button in the voicemail playback to switch on/off speakerphone.
+ Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view.
+ -->
+ <!-- String describing the seekbar in the voicemail playback to seek playback position.
+ Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view.
+ -->
+ <!-- String describing the button in the voicemail playback to decrease playback rate.
+ Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view.
+ -->
+ <!-- String describing the button in the voicemail playback to increase playback rate.
+ Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view.
+ -->
+ <!-- Content description for the fake action menu button that brings up the call history
+ activity -->
+ <!-- Content description for the fake action menu overflow button.
+ This should be same as the description for the real action menu
+ overflow button available in ActionBar.
+ <!-- Content description for the button that displays the dialpad
+ <!-- Menu item to copy something [CHAR_LIMIT=10] -->
+ <!-- Menu item used to show only outgoing in the call log. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Menu item used to show only incoming in the call log. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Menu item used to show only missed in the call log. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Menu item used to show only voicemails in the call log. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Menu item used to show all calls in the call log. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Menu items for dialpad options as part of Pause and Wait ftr [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Label for the dialer app setting page [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
+ <!-- Menu item to create a new contact [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Menu item to display all contacts [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Title bar for call detail screen -->
+ <!-- Toast for call detail screen when couldn't read the requested details -->
+ <!-- Item label: jump to the in-call DTMF dialpad.
+ (Part of a list of options shown in the dialer when another call
+ is already in progress.) -->
+ <!-- Item label: jump to the in-call UI.
+ (Part of a list of options shown in the dialer when another call
+ is already in progress.) -->
+ <!-- Item label: use the Dialer's dialpad to add another call.
+ (Part of a list of options shown in the dialer when another call
+ is already in progress.) -->
+ <!-- Title for incoming call details screen -->
+ <!-- Title for outgoing call details screen -->
+ <!-- Title for missed call details screen -->
+ <!-- Title for incoming video call in call details screen [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
+ <!-- Title for outgoing video call in call details screen [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
+ <!-- Title for missed video call in call details screen [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
+ <!-- Title for voicemail details screen -->
+ <!-- Description for incoming calls going to voice mail vs. not -->
+ <!-- String describing the icon in the call log used to play a voicemail.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
+ This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
+ -->
+ <!-- String describing the button to view the contact for the current number.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
+ This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
+ -->
+ <!-- String describing the button to call a number or contact.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
+ This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
+ -->
+ <!-- String describing the button to access the contact details for a name or number.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
+ This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
+ -->
+ <!-- String indicating a call log entry has an associated voicemail.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
+ This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
+ -->
+ <!-- String indicating the number of calls to/from a caller in the call log.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
+ This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
+ -->
+ <!-- String indicating a call log entry had video capabilities.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
+ This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
+ -->
+ <!-- String describing the button to SMS a number or contact.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
+ This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
+ -->
+ <!-- String describing the icon in the call log used to represent an unheard voicemail left to
+ the user.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
+ This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
+ -->
+ <!-- String describing the icon used to start a voice search -->
+ <!-- Menu item used to call a contact, containing the number of the contact to call -->
+ <!-- String used to display calls from unknown numbers in the call log -->
+ <!-- String used for displaying calls to the voicemail number in the call log -->
+ <!-- String used to display calls from private numbers in the call log -->
+ <!-- String used to display calls from pay phone in the call log -->
+ <!-- A nicely formatted call duration displayed when viewing call details for duration less than 1 minute. For example "28 sec" -->
+ <!-- A nicely formatted call duration displayed when viewing call details. For example "42 min 28 sec" -->
+ <!-- Dialog message which is shown when the user tries to make a phone call
+ to prohibited phone numbers [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <!-- Dialog message which is shown when the user tries to check voicemail
+ while the system isn't ready for the access. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <!-- Dialog message which is shown when the user tries to check voicemail
+ while the system is in airplane mode. The user cannot access to
+ voicemail service in Airplane mode. [CHAR LIMI=NONE] -->
+ <!-- Message that appears in the favorites tab of the Phone app when the contact list has not fully loaded yet (below the favorite and frequent contacts) [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
+ <!-- The title of a dialog that displays the IMEI of the phone -->
+ <!-- The title of a dialog that displays the MEID of the CDMA phone -->
+ <!-- Dialog text displayed when loading a phone number from the SIM card for speed dial -->
+ <!-- Dialog title displayed when loading a phone number from the SIM card for speed dial -->
+ <!-- Message displayed when there is no application available to handle the add contact menu option. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <!-- Message displayed when there is no application available to handle voice search. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <!-- Message displayed when the Phone application has been disabled and a phone call cannot
+ be made. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <!-- Message displayed when there is no application available to handle a particular action.
+ <!-- Hint displayed in dialer search box when there is no query that is currently typed.
+ [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- String resource for the font-family to use for the call log activity's title
+ Do not translate. -->
+ <!-- String resource for the font-family to use for the full call history footer
+ Do not translate. -->
+ <!-- Text displayed when the list of missed calls is empty -->
+ <!-- Text displayed when the list of voicemails is empty -->
+ <!-- Menu option to show favorite contacts only -->
+ <!-- Title of activity that displays a list of all calls -->
+ <!-- Title for the call log tab containing the list of all voicemails and calls
+ [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Title for the call log tab containing the list of all missed calls only
+ [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Title for the call log tab containing the list of all voicemail calls only
+ [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Accessibility text for the tab showing recent and favorite contacts who can be called.
+ [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- Accessibility text for the tab showing the call log of recent calls. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- Accessibility text for the tab showing the user's contacts. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- Accessibility text for the tab showing the user's voicemails. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- Text displayed when user swipes out a favorite contact -->
+ <!-- Text displayed for the undo button to undo removing a favorite contact -->
+ <!-- Shortcut item used to call a number directly from search -->
+ <!-- Shortcut item used to add a number directly to a new contact from search.
+ [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
+ <!-- Shortcut item used to add a number to an existing contact directly from search.
+ [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
+ <!-- Shortcut item used to send a text message directly from search. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
+ <!-- Shortcut item used to make a video call directly from search. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
+ <!-- Title for the call log list item that brings users to the full call history when clicked -->
+ <!-- Number of missed calls shown on call card [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- Shown when there are no speed dial favorites. -->
+ <!-- Shown as an action when there are no speed dial favorites -->
+ <!-- Shown when there are no contacts in the all contacts list. -->
+ <!-- Shown as an action when the all contacts list is empty -->
+ <!-- Shows up as a tooltip to provide a hint to the user that the profile pic in a contact
+ card can be tapped to bring up a list of all numbers, or long pressed to start reordering
+ -->
+ <!-- Remove button that shows up when contact is long-pressed. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <!-- Button text for the "video call" displayed underneath an entry in the call log.
+ Tapping causes a video call to be placed to the caller represented by the call log entry.
+ [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Button text for a button displayed underneath an entry in the call log, which opens up a
+ messaging app to send a SMS to the number represented by the call log entry.
+ [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Button text for the button displayed underneath an entry in the call log.
+ Tapping navigates the user to the call details screen where the user can view details for
+ the call log entry. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Button text for the button displayed underneath an entry in the call log, which when
+ tapped triggers a return call to the named user. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- String describing an incoming missed call entry in the call log.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce what the view represents.
+ <!-- String describing an incoming answered call entry in the call log.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce what the view represents.
+ <!-- String describing an outgoing call entry in the call log.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce what the view represents.
+ <!-- String describing the phone account the call was made on or to. This string will be used
+ in description_incoming_missed_call, description_incoming_answered_call, and
+ description_outgoing_call.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce what the view represents.
+ <!-- String describing the phone icon on a call log list item. When tapped, it will place a
+ call to the number represented by that call log entry. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]-->
+ <!-- String describing the "call" action for an entry in the call log. The call back
+ action triggers a return call to the named user.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
+ <!-- String describing the "video call" action for an entry in the call log. The video call
+ action triggers a return video call to the named person/number.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
+ <!-- String describing the "listen" action for an entry in the call log. The listen
+ action is shown for call log entries representing a voicemail message and this button
+ triggers playing back the voicemail.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
+ <!-- String describing the "play voicemail" action for an entry in the call log.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
+ <!-- String describing the "pause voicemail" action for an entry in the call log.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
+ <!-- String describing the "delete voicemail" action for an entry in the call log.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
+ <!-- String describing the number of new voicemails, displayed as a number badge on a tab.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
+ <!-- Description for the "create new contact" action for an entry in the call log. This action
+ opens a screen for creating a new contact for this name or number. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <!-- Description for the "add to existing contact" action for an entry in the call log. This
+ action opens a screen for adding this name or number to an existing contact.
+ <!-- String describing the "details" action for an entry in the call log. The details action
+ displays the call details screen for an entry in the call log. This shows the calls to
+ and from the specified number associated with the call log entry.
+ <!-- Toast message which appears when a call log entry is deleted.
+ <!-- String used as a header in the call log above calls which occurred today.
+ [CHAR LIMIT=65] -->
+ <!-- String used as a header in the call log above calls which occurred yesterday.
+ [CHAR LIMIT=65] -->
+ <!-- String used as a header in the call log above calls which occurred two days or more ago.
+ [CHAR LIMIT=65] -->
+ <!-- String a header on the call details screen. Appears above the list calls to or from a
+ particular number.
+ [CHAR LIMIT=65] -->
+ <!-- String describing the "speaker on" button on the playback control used to listen to a
+ voicemail message. When speaker is on, playback of the voicemail will occur through the
+ phone speaker.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
+ <!-- String describing the "speaker off" button on the playback control used to listen to a
+ voicemail message. When speaker is off, playback of the voicemail will occur through the
+ phone earpiece.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
+ <!-- String describing the "play faster" button in the playback control used to listen to a
+ voicemail message. Speeds up playback of the voicemail message.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
+ <!-- String describing the "play slower" button in the playback control used to listen to a
+ voicemail message. Slows down playback of the voicemail message.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
+ <!-- String describing the "play/pause" button in the playback control used to listen to a
+ voicemail message. Starts playback or pauses ongoing playback.
+ Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
+ <!-- Delimeter used between each item in a textual list; for example "Alpha, Beta".
+ [CHAR LIMIT=3] -->
+ <!-- Dialer settings related strings-->
+ <!-- Title for "Display options" category, which controls how contacts are shown.
+ [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- Title for the "Sounds and vibration" settings control settings related to ringtones,
+ dialpad tones, and vibration for incoming calls. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- Title for "Accessibility" category, which controls settings such as TTY mode and hearing
+ aid compatability. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- Setting option name to pick ringtone (a list dialog comes up). [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Setting option name to enable or disable vibration when ringing the phone.
+ [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Setting option name to enable or disable DTMF tone sound [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Label for setting to adjust the length of DTMF tone sounds. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- Options displayed for the length of DTMF tone sounds. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <!-- Do not translate. -->
+ <!-- Title of settings screen for managing the "Respond via SMS" feature. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Label for the call settings section [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- Label for the phone account settings [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Internal key for ringtone preference. -->
+ <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Internal key for vibrate when ringing preference. -->
+ <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Internal key for vibrate when ringing preference. -->
+ <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Internal key for DTMF tone length preference. -->
+ <!-- The label of the button used to turn on a single permission -->
+ <!-- The label of the button used to turn on multiple permissions -->
+ <!-- Shown as a prompt to turn on the contacts permission to enable speed dial -->
+ <!-- Shown as a prompt to turn on the phone permission to enable the call log -->
+ <!-- Shown as a prompt to turn on the contacts permission to show all contacts -->
+ <!-- Shown as a prompt to turn on the phone permission to show voicemails -->
+ <!-- Shown as a prompt to turn on contacts permissions to allow contact search -->
+ <!-- Shown as a prompt to turn on the phone permission to allow a call to be placed -->
+ <!-- Shown as a message that notifies the user that the Phone app cannot write to system settings, which is why the system settings app is being launched directly instead.-->
diff --git a/res/values-uk/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-uk/cm_strings.xml
index 7cb6cd7ab..b003bfa91 100644
--- a/res/values-uk/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-uk/cm_strings.xml
@@ -63,6 +63,11 @@
<!-- Call statistics -->
<string name="call_log_stats_title">Статистика</string>
<string name="callStatsDetailTitle">Детальна статистика дзвінків</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_incoming">Вхідних: <xliff:g id="value">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="call_stats_outgoing">Вихідних: <xliff:g id="value">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="call_stats_missed">Пропущених: <xliff:g id="value">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="call_stats_blacklisted">Заблокованих: <xliff:g id="value">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="call_stats_percent"><xliff:g id="percent">%d</xliff:g>%%</string>
<string name="call_stats_header_total">Загалом: <xliff:g id="call_count">%s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="duration">%s</xliff:g></string>
<string name="call_stats_header_total_callsonly">Загалом: <xliff:g id="call_count">%s</xliff:g></string>
<string name="call_stats_filter_from">Початкова дата</string>
@@ -80,14 +85,62 @@
<string name="call_stats_reset_filter">Скинути фільтр</string>
<string name="call_stats_sort_by_duration">Сортувати за тривалістю виклику</string>
<string name="call_stats_sort_by_count">Сортувати за кількістю викликів</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_title_for_number">Цей номер</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_title_of_total">Від загального</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_title_durations">Тривалість викликів</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_title_count">Кількість викликів</string>
+ <string name="call_stats_title_average_duration">Середня тривалість виклику</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no call log entries in the selected time range. -->
+ <string name="recent_calls_no_items_in_range">Журнал викликів не містить записів за вказаний період.</string>
+ <string name="call_recording_category_title">Запис виклику</string>
+ <string name="call_recording_format">Формат аудіо</string>
+ <string name="call_playback_no_app_found_toast">Не виявлено додатку, здатного відтворити обраний запис.</string>
+ <string name="invalid_number_text">"%1$s не вдалося зробити цей виклик. Це правильний номер?"</string>
<!-- T9 Search Text -->
+ <string name="empty_dialpad_t9_example">Ви можете набрати номер абонента\n або знайти його в списку контактів</string>
+ <string name="sign_in_hint_text">Увійдіть для здійснення викликів %1$s</string>
+ <string name="wifi_hint_text">Здійснювати безкоштовні виклики %1$s до %1$s через Wi-Fi.</string>
+ <string name="roaming_hint_text">%1$s в роумінгу. Здійснювати безкоштовні виклики %2$s до %2$s через Wi-Fi.</string>
+ <string name="emergency_call_hint_text">Відсутня SIM. Лише екстрені виклики.</string>
+ <string name="extra_call_method_call_option">Виклик <xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- InCall Plugin Settings -->
+ <string name="incall_plugin_settings">Налаштування <xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Search shortcut for "Call using PluginName" -->
+ <string name="search_shortcut_call_using">Зателефонувати через <xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- CallerInfo Provider Settings strings -->
<string name="callerinfo_provider_auth_yes">Так</string>
<string name="callerinfo_provider_auth_no_short">Ні</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_auth_no">Ні, дякую</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_auth_access"><xliff:g id="provider_name">%s</xliff:g> отримає доступ до ваших контактів, профілю та обліковому запису Cyanogen OS, який може містити вашу електронну адресу.</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_auth_learn_more">Докладніше</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_auth_desc">Ласкаво просимо! Бажаєте, щоб <xliff:g id="provider_name">%s</xliff:g> визначав невідомі виклики та блокував небажані?</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_auth_desc_no_spam">Ласкаво просимо! Бажаєте, щоб <xliff:g id="provider_name">%s</xliff:g> визначав невідомі виклики?</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_summary">Визначає невідомі виклики та спам</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_summary_no_spam">Визначає невідомі виклики</string>
+ <string name="silence_spam_title">Приглушити спам виклики</string>
+ <string name="silence_spam_summary">Ви більше не почуєте викликів зі спамом</string>
+ <string name="block_hidden_title">Блокувати приховані номери</string>
+ <string name="block_hidden_summary">Вважати приховані номери спамом</string>
+ <string name="block_dialog_title">Заблокувати абонента?</string>
+ <string name="block_dialog_positive">Заблокувати</string>
+ <string name="block_dialog_negative">Скасувати</string>
+ <string name="block_dialog_description">Ви вже не отримуватимете викликів та повідомлень від даного абонента.</string>
+ <string name="block_dialog_report_spam">Повідомити про спам до <xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="provider_disable_title">Вимкнути %1$s?</string>
+ <string name="provider_disable_message">Відключивши %1$s, ви не зможете дізнатися номер викликаючого абонента.</string>
+ <string name="provider_disable_spam_message">Відключивши %1$s, ви залишитесь без захисту від спаму і не зможете дізнатися номер викликаючого абонента.</string>
+ <string name="powered_by_provider">Надано <xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="provider_help">"Ви можете здійснювати виклики %1$s,\nперемикаючи режими тут"</string>
+ <string name="provider_search_help">"Ви можете шукати контакти %1$s,\nперемикаючи режими тут"</string>
+ <string name="provider_button_help">"Зрозуміло"</string>
+ <string name="provider_voice_call">"%1$s голосовий виклик"</string>
+ <string name="provider_video_call">"%1$s відеовиклик"</string>
<!-- Shown as a prompt to turn on the phone permission to allow a call to be placed -->
+ <string name="cm_permission_place_call">Щоб зателефонувати, необхідно налаштувати дозволи.</string>
<!-- Label of the button to view a note from a call log entry with associated DeepLink -->
+ <string name="search_shortcut_view_note">Переглянути примітку</string>
<!-- Note DeepLink mod settings summary in Dialer -->
+ <string name="note_mod_settings_summary">Робіть примітки з звідки завгодно</string>
+ <string name="callerinfo_provider_status_disabling">Вимкнення</string>
+ <string name="show_dialpad_at_start_title">Показувати номеронабирач під час запуску</string>
diff --git a/res/values-zh-rTW/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-zh-rTW/cm_strings.xml
index 819b88376..90b41d6e5 100644
--- a/res/values-zh-rTW/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-zh-rTW/cm_strings.xml
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<!-- for speed dial -->
<string name="speed_dial_settings">快速撥號設定</string>
<string name="speed_dial_not_set">(未設定)</string>
- <string name="speed_dial_replace">取代</string>
+ <string name="speed_dial_replace">替換</string>
<string name="speed_dial_delete">刪除</string>
<string name="speed_dial_unassigned_dialog_title">按鍵未分配</string>
<string name="speed_dial_unassigned_dialog_message">數字鍵「<xliff:g id="number">%s</xliff:g>」未設定快速撥號,您現在要設定嗎?</string>