path: root/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml')
1 files changed, 392 insertions, 610 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml b/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
index 47b26530..1023a127 100644
--- a/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
@@ -17,615 +17,397 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- The name of the app -->
- <string name="app_name">Xestor de ficheros</string>
- <!-- The description of the app -->
- <string name="app_description">Un xestor de ficheros de LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Human readable sizes -->
- <string name="size_bytes">B</string>
- <string name="size_kilobytes">KB</string>
- <string name="size_megabytes">MB</string>
- <string name="size_gigabytes">GB</string>
- <!-- Date/time format order (%1$s: date; %2$s: time) -->
- <string name="datetime_format_order">%1$s %2$s</string>
- <!-- Devices types -->
- <string name="device_blockdevice">Preséu de bloques</string>
- <string name="device_characterdevice">Preséu de caráuteres</string>
- <!-- Mount Point States -->
- <string name="mount_point_readonly">RO</string>
- <string name="mount_point_readwrite">RW</string>
- <!-- Default buttons -->
- <string name="yes">Sí</string>
- <string name="no">Non</string>
- <string name="all">Too</string>
- <string name="overwrite">Sobrescribir</string>
- <string name="select">Esbillar</string>
- <!-- The root directory name -->
- <!-- The search result name -->
- <string name="search_result_name">Guetar: <xliff:g id="terms">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
- <!-- Loading waiting message -->
- <string name="loading_message">Cargando\u2026</string>
- <!-- Computing message -->
- <!-- Computing new line message -->
- <!-- Cancelled message -->
- <string name="cancelled_message">Encaboxóse.</string>
- <!-- Error message -->
- <string name="error_message">Fallu.</string>
- <!-- Copy text content description -->
- <string name="copy_text_cd">Toca pa copiar el testu al cartafueyu</string>
- <!-- Copy text content message -->
- <string name="copy_text_msg">Copióse\'l testu nel cartafueyu</string>
- <!-- Warning dialog title -->
- <string name="warning_title">Alvertencia</string>
- <!-- Error dialog title -->
- <string name="error_title">Fallu</string>
- <!-- Confirm operation dialog title -->
- <string name="confirm_operation">Confirmar operación</string>
- <!-- Confirm overwrite dialog title -->
- <string name="confirm_overwrite">Confirmar sobrescritura</string>
- <!-- Confirm deletion dialog title -->
- <string name="confirm_deletion">Confirmar desaniciu</string>
- <!-- A console couldn't be created - Ask the user to change the access mode - Dialog Title -->
- <string name="msgs_change_to_prompt_access_mode_title">Confirmar cambéu</string>
- <!-- A console couldn't be created - Ask the user to change the access mode - Dialog Message -->
- <string name="msgs_change_to_prompt_access_mode_msg">Nun pue executase nel mou root. Camudando al mou seguru.\n\n¿Aplicar esti cambéu?</string>
- <!-- A console couldn't be created - Without privileges, the app won't work -->
- <string name="msgs_cant_create_console">Nun puen consiguise los privilexos riquíos pa esta función.</string>
- <!-- The message shown when an allocation of a privileged console fails, and a non
- privileged is allocated -->
- <string name="msgs_privileged_console_alloc_failed">Nun pue executase nel mou d\'accesu root. Camudando al mou seguru.</string>
- <!-- The selected setting was not applied or stored -->
- <string name="msgs_settings_save_failure">L\'axuste nun pudo aplicase o atroxase.</string>
- <!-- The initial directory has an invalid or inaccessible reference -->
- <!-- Root is not available message -->
- <!-- Success -->
- <!-- Unknown error -->
- <string name="msgs_unknown">Deteutóse un fallu. La operación nun tuvo ésitu.</string>
- <!-- When an operation requires elevated privileged (normally caused for the use of a
- non-privileged console) -->
- <!-- When an operation fails because the device has run out of storage. -->
- <!-- The file or directory was not found -->
- <string name="msgs_file_not_found">Nun s\'alcontró\'l ficheru o carpeta.</string>
- <!-- The command reference couldn't be created (not found or invalid definition)
- (normally caused by a development error) -->
- <!-- I/O exception -->
- <string name="msgs_io_failed">Fallu de llectura/escritura.</string>
- <!-- Operation timeout detected -->
- <string name="msgs_operation_timeout">Escosó\'l tiempu de la operación.</string>
- <!-- The operation returns an invalid exit code -->
- <string name="msgs_operation_failure">Falló la operación.</string>
- <!-- A console couldn't be allocated -->
- <string name="msgs_console_alloc_failure">Asocedió un fallu internu.</string>
- <!-- An operation can't be cancelled -->
- <string name="msgs_operation_can_not_be_cancelled">Nun pue encaboxase la operación.</string>
- <!-- The operation requieres mount the file system prior to execute the command -->
- <!-- Illegal argument (normally caused by a development error when calling internal api) -->
- <string name="msgs_illegal_argument">Argumentu illegal. Falló la invocación.</string>
- <!-- The operation will cause inconsistencies -->
- <string name="msgs_unresolved_inconsistencies">La operación nun ta permitida porque podría crear inconsistencies.</string>
- <!-- Operation not permitted in the current directory -->
- <!-- The advice message prior to exit the app -->
- <string name="msgs_push_again_to_exit">Volvi primir pa colar.</string>
- <!-- There is no registered app that can handle the mime-type -->
- <!-- Overwrite files? -->
- <!-- The association of an action to the app failed -->
- <!-- An operation requires elevated privileged. Ask the user. -->
- <!-- The parent directory of the current directory in navigation view -->
- <string name="parent_dir">Carpeta pá</string>
- <!-- External storage descripton -->
- <string name="external_storage">Almacenamientu esternu</string>
- <!-- Usb storage descripton -->
- <string name="usb_storage">Almacenamientu USB</string>
- <!-- ActionBar Buttons - FileSystem -->
- <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Sort Mode -->
- <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Layout Mode -->
- <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Other View Options -->
- <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Done -->
- <string name="actionbar_button_selection_done_cd">Fecho</string>
- <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Actions -->
- <string name="actionbar_button_actions_cd">Aiciones</string>
- <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Search -->
- <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Overflow -->
- <string name="actionbar_button_overflow_cd">Más opciones</string>
- <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Storage volumes -->
- <string name="actionbar_button_storage_cd">Volúmenes d\'almacenamientu</string>
- <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Save -->
- <string name="actionbar_button_save_cd">Guardar</string>
- <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Print -->
- <string name="actionbar_button_print_cd">Imprentar</string>
- <!-- Navigation View - Sort - Sort by name (ascending) -->
- <!-- Navigation View - Sort - Sort by name (descending) -->
- <!-- Navigation View - Sort - Sort by date (ascending) -->
- <!-- Navigation View - Sort - Sort by date (descending) -->
- <!-- Navigation View - Sort - Sort by size (ascending) -->
- <!-- Navigation View - Sort - Sort by size (descending) -->
- <!-- Navigation View - Sort - Sort by type (ascending) -->
- <!-- Navigation View - Sort - Sort by type (descending) -->
- <!-- Navigation View - Layout - Icons -->
- <string name="layout_icons">Iconos</string>
- <!-- Navigation View - Layout - Simple -->
- <!-- Navigation View - Layout - Details -->
- <string name="layout_details">Detalles</string>
- <!-- Navigation View - View - Show folders first -->
- <!-- Navigation View - View - Show hidden files option -->
- <!-- Navigation View - View - Show system files option -->
- <!-- Navigation View - View - Show symlinks option -->
- <!-- Filesystem Info (no data). Dialog title -->
- <string name="filesystem_info_warning_title">Ensin información</string>
- <!-- Filesystem Info (no data). Dialog message -->
- <string name="filesystem_info_warning_msg">Nun hai información disponible pal sistema de ficheros.</string>
- <!-- Filesystem Info - Filesystem couldn't be mounted -->
- <string name="filesystem_info_cant_be_mounted_msg">El sistema de ficheros nun pue des/montase.</string>
- <!-- Filesystem Info - Not allowed message -->
- <!-- Filesystem Info - Mount failed -->
- <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Title -->
- <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Tab - Info -->
- <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_tab_info">Información</string>
- <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Tab - Disk Usage -->
- <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Status Label -->
- <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Mount Point Label -->
- <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_mount_point">Puntu de montaxe:</string>
- <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Device Label -->
- <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_device">Preséu:</string>
- <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Type Label -->
- <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_type">Triba:</string>
- <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Options Label -->
- <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_options">Opciones:</string>
- <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Dump/Pass Label -->
- <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Virtual Label -->
- <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_virtual">Virtual:</string>
- <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Total Disk Usage -->
- <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_total_disk_usage">Total:</string>
- <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Used Disk Usage -->
- <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Free Disk Usage -->
- <!-- Fso Properties - Not allowed message -->
- <!-- Fso Properties - Failed to change owner to fso -->
- <!-- Fso Properties - Failed to change group to fso -->
- <!-- Fso Properties - Failed to change group to fso -->
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Title -->
- <string name="fso_properties_dialog_title">Propiedaes</string>
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Tab - Info -->
- <string name="fso_properties_dialog_tab_info">Información</string>
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Tab - Permissions -->
- <string name="fso_properties_dialog_tab_permissions">Permisos</string>
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Name Label -->
- <string name="fso_properties_dialog_name">Nome:</string>
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Parent Folder Label -->
- <string name="fso_properties_dialog_parent">Pá:</string>
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Type Label -->
- <string name="fso_properties_dialog_type">Triba:</string>
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Category Label -->
- <string name="fso_properties_dialog_category">Estaya:</string>
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Link Label -->
- <string name="fso_properties_dialog_link">Enllaz:</string>
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Size Label -->
- <string name="fso_properties_dialog_size">Tamañu:</string>
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Contains Label -->
- <string name="fso_properties_dialog_contains">Contién:</string>
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Last Accessed Time Label -->
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Last Modified Time Label -->
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Last Changed Time -->
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Owner Label -->
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Group Label -->
- <string name="fso_properties_dialog_group">Grupu:</string>
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Others Label -->
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Special Label -->
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Read Label -->
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Write Label -->
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Execute Label -->
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Execute Label -->
- <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Skip media scan -->
- <string name="fso_failed_to_allow_media_scan">Fallu al permitir l\'escanéu de medios</string>
- <string name="fso_failed_to_prevent_media_scan">Fallu al evitar l\'escanéu de medios</string>
- <string name="fso_delete_nomedia_non_empty_body">Esti ficheru contién un ficheru .nomedia que nun ta baleru.\n\n¿Quies desanicialu?</string>
- <!-- History - History activity title -->
- <string name="history">Historial</string>
- <!-- History - The history is empty -->
- <string name="msgs_history_empty">L\'historial ta baleru.</string>
- <!-- History - The history reference is not in the actual history list -->
- <!-- Search - Search activity title -->
- <string name="search">Resultaos de gueta</string>
- <!-- Search - Search hint message -->
- <string name="search_hint">Teclexa la to gueta</string>
- <!-- Search - Voice search hint message -->
- <string name="search_voice_hint">Dicta la to gueta</string>
- <!-- Search - Search error message -->
- <string name="search_error_msg">Asocedió un fallu entrín se guetaba. Nun s\'alcontraron resultaos.</string>
- <!-- Search - Search no results message -->
- <string name="search_no_results_msg">Nun s\'alcontraron resultaos.</string>
- <!-- Search - Number of items found in directory -->
- <string name="search_found_items_in_directory"><xliff:g id="items">%1$s</xliff:g> en
+ <string name="app_name">Xestor de ficheros</string>
+ <string name="app_description">Un xestor de ficheros de LineageOS</string>
+ <string name="size_bytes">B</string>
+ <string name="size_kilobytes">KB</string>
+ <string name="size_megabytes">MB</string>
+ <string name="size_gigabytes">GB</string>
+ <string name="datetime_format_order">%1$s %2$s</string>
+ <string name="device_blockdevice">Preséu de bloques</string>
+ <string name="device_characterdevice">Preséu de caráuteres</string>
+ <string name="device_namedpipe">Tubería nomada</string>
+ <string name="device_domainsocket">Socket de dominiu</string>
+ <string name="mount_point_readonly">RO</string>
+ <string name="mount_point_readwrite">RW</string>
+ <string name="yes">Sí</string>
+ <string name="no">Non</string>
+ <string name="all">Too</string>
+ <string name="overwrite">Sobrescribir</string>
+ <string name="select">Esbillar</string>
+ <string name="root_directory_name">&lt;Carpeta raíz&gt;</string>
+ <string name="search_result_name">Guetar: <xliff:g id="terms">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="loading_message">Cargando\u2026</string>
+ <string name="cancelled_message">Encaboxóse.</string>
+ <string name="error_message">Fallu.</string>
+ <string name="copy_text_cd">Toca pa copiar el testu al cartafueyu</string>
+ <string name="copy_text_msg">Copióse\'l testu nel cartafueyu</string>
+ <string name="warning_title">Alvertencia</string>
+ <string name="error_title">Fallu</string>
+ <string name="confirm_operation">Confirmar operación</string>
+ <string name="confirm_overwrite">Confirmar sobrescritura</string>
+ <string name="confirm_deletion">Confirmar desaniciu</string>
+ <string name="msgs_change_to_prompt_access_mode_title">Confirmar cambéu</string>
+ <string name="msgs_change_to_prompt_access_mode_msg">Nun pue executase nel mou root. Camudando al mou seguru.\n\n¿Aplicar esti cambéu?</string>
+ <string name="msgs_cant_create_console">Nun puen consiguise los privilexos riquíos pa esta función.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_privileged_console_alloc_failed">Nun pue executase nel mou d\'accesu root. Camudando al mou seguru.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_settings_save_failure">L\'axuste nun pudo aplicase o atroxase.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_settings_invalid_initial_directory">La carpeta inicial \"<xliff:g id="initial_dir">%1$s</xliff:g>\" ye inválida. Camudando a la carpeta raíz.</string>
+ <string name="root_not_available_msg">El permisu alministrativu nun ta disponible nesti preséu. Nun pue facese la operación.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_success">Completóse la operación.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_unknown">Deteutóse un fallu. La operación nun tuvo ésitu.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_insufficient_permissions">Esta operación rique permisos de superusuariu. Intenta camudar a mou superusuariu.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_no_disk_space">La operación falló porque nun hai bastante espaciu nel preséu.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_file_not_found">Nun s\'alcontró\'l ficheru o carpeta.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_command_not_found">El comando pa completar la operación nun s\'atopó o ye erroneu.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_io_failed">Fallu de llectura/escritura.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_operation_timeout">Escosó\'l tiempu de la operación.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_operation_failure">Falló la operación.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_console_alloc_failure">Asocedió un fallu internu.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_operation_can_not_be_cancelled">Nun pue encaboxase la operación.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_read_only_filesystem">El sistema de ficheros ye de namái-llectura. Intenta montalu como llectura-escritura enantes de repitir la operación.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_illegal_argument">Argumentu illegal. Falló la invocación.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_unresolved_inconsistencies">La operación nun ta permitida porque podría crear inconsistencies.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_operation_not_allowed_in_current_directory">La carpeta de destín nun pue ser una socarpeta de la d\'orixe o ser la mesma.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_push_again_to_exit">Volvi primir pa colar.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_not_registered_app">Nun hai denguna aplicación rexistrada p\'abrir la triba de ficheru esbillada.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_overwrite_files">Dalgún de los ficheros esiste na carpeta de destín. \n\n¿Sobrescribir?</string>
+ <string name="msgs_action_association_failed">Hebo un fallu al asociar l\'aición a l\'aplicación.</string>
+ <string name="advise_insufficient_permissions">La operación rique permisos de superusuariu.\n\n¿Camudar a mou superusuariu?</string>
+ <string name="parent_dir">Carpeta pá</string>
+ <string name="external_storage">Almacenamientu esternu</string>
+ <string name="usb_storage">Almacenamientu USB</string>
+ <string name="actionbar_button_filesystem_cd">Sistema de ficheros</string>
+ <string name="actionbar_button_sort_mode_cd">Mou d\'ordenación</string>
+ <string name="actionbar_button_layout_mode_cd">Mou de visualización</string>
+ <string name="actionbar_button_other_view_options_cd">Otres opciones de visualización</string>
+ <string name="actionbar_button_selection_done_cd">Fecho</string>
+ <string name="actionbar_button_actions_cd">Aiciones</string>
+ <string name="actionbar_button_search_cd">Gueta</string>
+ <string name="actionbar_button_overflow_cd">Más opciones</string>
+ <string name="actionbar_button_storage_cd">Volúmenes d\'almacenamientu</string>
+ <string name="actionbar_button_save_cd">Guardar</string>
+ <string name="actionbar_button_print_cd">Imprentar</string>
+ <string name="sort_by_name_asc">Por nome \u25B2</string>
+ <string name="sort_by_name_desc">Por nome \u25BC</string>
+ <string name="sort_by_date_asc">Por data \u25B2</string>
+ <string name="sort_by_date_desc">Por data \u25BC</string>
+ <string name="sort_by_size_asc">Por tamañu \u25B2</string>
+ <string name="sort_by_size_desc">Por tamañu \u25BC</string>
+ <string name="sort_by_type_asc">Por tipu \u25B2</string>
+ <string name="sort_by_type_desc">Por tipu \u25B2</string>
+ <string name="layout_icons">Iconos</string>
+ <string name="layout_simple">Simple</string>
+ <string name="layout_details">Detalles</string>
+ <string name="cm_filemanager_show_dirs_first">Ver carpetes primero</string>
+ <string name="cm_filemanager_show_hidden">Ver ficheros anubríos</string>
+ <string name="cm_filemanager_show_system">Ver ficheros de sistema</string>
+ <string name="cm_filemanager_show_symlinks">Ver accesos direutos</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_warning_title">Ensin información</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_warning_msg">Nun hai información disponible pal sistema de ficheros.</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_cant_be_mounted_msg">El sistema de ficheros nun pue des/montase.</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_mount_not_allowed_msg">La operación de montaxe del sistema de ficheros nun ta permitida en mou seguru. Toca pa camudar a mou superusuariu.</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_mount_failed_msg">El montaxe del sistema de ficheros falló. Dalgunos sistemes de ficheros, como les tarxetes SD, nun puen montase o desmontase porque tán diseñaos como sistemes de namái-llectura.</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_title">Información del sistema de ficheros</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_tab_info">Información</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_tab_disk_usage">Usu</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_status">Montáu:</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_mount_point">Puntu de montaxe:</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_device">Preséu:</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_type">Triba:</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_options">Opciones:</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_dump_pass">Dump / Pass:</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_virtual">Virtual:</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_total_disk_usage">Total:</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_used_disk_usage">Usáu:</string>
+ <string name="filesystem_info_dialog_free_disk_usage">Llibre:</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_permissions_not_allowed_msg">Cambiar permisos ye una operación que nun ta permitida en mou seguru. Tocar equí pa camudar a mou superusuariu.</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_failed_to_change_owner_msg">Falló la operación de cambéu de propietariu.\n\nPor motivos de seguridá, dalgunos sistemes de ficheros, como les tarxetes SD, nun permiten el cambéu de propietariu.</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_failed_to_change_group_msg">Falló la operación de cambéu de grupu.\n\nPor motivos de seguridá, dalgunos sistemes de ficheros, como les tarxetes SD, nun permiten el cambéu de grupu.</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_failed_to_change_permission_msg">Falló la operación de cambéu de permisos.\n\nPor motivos de seguridá, dalgunos sistemes de ficheros, como les tarxetes SD, nun permiten el cambéu de permisos.</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_title">Propiedaes</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_tab_info">Información</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_tab_permissions">Permisos</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_name">Nome:</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_parent">Pá:</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_type">Triba:</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_category">Estaya:</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_link">Enllaz:</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_size">Tamañu:</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_contains">Contién:</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_last_accessed_date">Accedíu:</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_last_modified_date">Modificáu:</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_last_changed_date">Camudáu:</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_owner">Propietariu:</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_group">Grupu:</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_others">Otros:</string>
+ <string name="fso_properties_dialog_include_in_media_scan">Omitir escan.\nmedios:</string>
+ <string name="fso_failed_to_allow_media_scan">Fallu al permitir l\'escanéu de medios</string>
+ <string name="fso_failed_to_prevent_media_scan">Fallu al evitar l\'escanéu de medios</string>
+ <string name="fso_delete_nomedia_dir_title">Desaniciar carpeta \u00AB.nomedia\u00BB</string>
+ <string name="fso_delete_nomedia_dir_body">Esta carpeta contién una carpeta \u00AB.nomedia\u00BB.\n\n¿Desaniciar la carpeta y tol conteníu?</string>
+ <string name="fso_delete_nomedia_non_empty_title">Desaniciar ficheru \u00AB.nomedia\u00BB</string>
+ <string name="fso_delete_nomedia_non_empty_body">Esti ficheru contién un ficheru .nomedia que nun ta baleru.\n\n¿Quies desanicialu?</string>
+ <string name="history">Historial</string>
+ <string name="msgs_history_empty">L\'historial ta baleru.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_history_unknown">Elementu desconocíu nel historial.</string>
+ <string name="search">Resultaos de gueta</string>
+ <string name="search_hint">Teclexa la to gueta</string>
+ <string name="search_voice_hint">Dicta la to gueta</string>
+ <string name="search_error_msg">Asocedió un fallu entrín se guetaba. Nun s\'alcontraron resultaos.</string>
+ <string name="search_no_results_msg">Nun s\'alcontraron resultaos.</string>
+ <string name="search_found_items_in_directory"><xliff:g id="items">%1$s</xliff:g> en
<xliff:g id="path">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
- <!-- Search - Search query terms -->
- <string name="search_terms"><![CDATA[<b>Términos:</b>]]> <xliff:g id="terms">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
- <!-- Search - Confirm search -->
- <string name="search_few_characters_title">Confirmar gueta</string>
- <!-- Search - Some terms of the search are too small. The operation could be very costly -->
- <!-- Search - Searching dialog title -->
- <string name="searching">Espera, por favor\u2026</string>
- <!-- Search - Searching label -->
- <string name="searching_action_label">Gueta en cursu</string>
- <!-- Picker Activity -->
- <!-- Picker Activity - Dialog title -->
- <string name="picker_title">Escueyi un ficheru</string>
- <string name="directory_picker_title">Escueyi un direutoriu</string>
- <!-- Editor - Editor activity title -->
- <string name="editor">Editor</string>
- <!-- Editor - Invalid file message -->
- <string name="editor_invalid_file_msg">Ficheru non válidu.</string>
- <!-- Editor - File not found message -->
- <string name="editor_file_not_found_msg">Nun s\'alcontró\'l ficheru.</string>
- <!-- Editor - File size exceed the limit -->
- <!-- Editor - Editor is dirty, ask the user - Dialog title -->
- <string name="editor_dirty_ask_title">Confirmar salida</string>
- <!-- Editor - Editor is dirty, ask the user - Dialog message -->
- <!-- Editor - Save operation success -->
- <!-- Editor - Read-only file mode -->
- <string name="editor_read_only_mode">El ficheru ta abiertu en mou namái-llectura.</string>
- <!-- Editor - Dumping message -->
- <!-- Editor - Displaying -->
- <string name="displaying_message">Amosando\u2026</string>
- <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmarks activity title -->
- <string name="bookmarks">Marcadores</string>
- <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmark name - Home -->
- <string name="bookmarks_home">Aniciu</string>
- <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmark name - Root folder -->
- <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmark name - System folder -->
- <string name="bookmarks_system_folder">Carpeta del sistema</string>
- <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmark name - Secure storage -->
- <string name="bookmarks_secure">Almacenamientu seguru</string>
- <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmark name - Remote storage -->
- <string name="bookmarks_remote">Almacenamientu remotu</string>
- <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmark name - Button - Initial directory content description -->
- <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmark name - Button - Remove bookmark content description -->
- <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmarks - Actions - Bookmark successfully added -->
- <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmarks - Actions - Bookmark already exists -->
- <string name="bookmarks_msgs_add_exists">Yá esiste\'l marcador.</string>
- <!-- Initial directory dialog title -->
- <string name="initial_directory_dialog_title">Carpeta inicial</string>
- <!-- Initial directory label -->
- <!-- Initial directory is relative -->
- <!-- Initial directory error message -->
- <string name="initial_directory_error_msg">Asocedió un fallu entrín se guardaba la carpeta inicial.</string>
- <!-- Menu - Navigation - Search -->
- <string name="menu_search">Gueta</string>
- <!-- Menu - Navigation - Settings -->
- <string name="menu_settings">Axustes</string>
- <!-- Menu - History - Clear history -->
- <!-- Menu - Editor - No suggestions -->
- <string name="menu_no_suggestions">Ensin suxerencies</string>
- <!-- Menu - Editor - Word wrap -->
- <string name="menu_word_wrap">Axuste de llinies</string>
- <!-- Menu - Editor - Sintax highlight -->
- <!-- Regular expression for create copy action -->
- <string name="create_copy_regexp"><xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g> - copia<xliff:g id="extension">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
- <!-- Regular expression for new compressed file -->
- <string name="create_new_compress_file_regexp"><xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g> - nuevu<xliff:g id="extension">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
- <!-- Waiting dialog - Performing operation message -->
- <string name="waiting_dialog_msg">Faciendo operación\u2026</string>
- <!-- Waiting dialog - Copying title -->
- <string name="waiting_dialog_copying_title">Copiando\u2026</string>
- <!-- Waiting dialog - Copying message -->
- <string name="waiting_dialog_copying_msg"><![CDATA[<b>De</b>]]>; <xliff:g id="from">%1$s</xliff:g><![CDATA[<br/><b>Pa</b>]]>; <xliff:g id="to">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
- <!-- Waiting dialog - Moving title -->
- <string name="waiting_dialog_moving_title">Moviendo\u2026</string>
- <!-- Waiting dialog - Moving message -->
- <string name="waiting_dialog_moving_msg"><![CDATA[<b>De</b>]]>; <xliff:g id="from">%1$s</xliff:g><![CDATA[<br/><b>Pa</b>]]>; <xliff:g id="to">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
- <!-- Waiting dialog - Deleting title -->
- <string name="waiting_dialog_deleting_title">Desaniciando\u2026</string>
- <!-- Waiting dialog - Deleting message -->
- <string name="waiting_dialog_deleting_msg"><![CDATA[<b>Ficheru</b>]]> <xliff:g id="file">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
- <!-- Waiting dialog - Extracting title -->
- <string name="waiting_dialog_extracting_title">Estrayendo\u2026</string>
- <!-- Waiting dialog - Extracting message -->
- <string name="waiting_dialog_extracting_msg"><![CDATA[<b>Ficheru</b>]]> <xliff:g id="file">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
- <!-- Waiting dialog - Extracting title -->
- <string name="waiting_dialog_compressing_title">Comprimiendo\u2026</string>
- <!-- Waiting dialog - Extracting message -->
- <string name="waiting_dialog_compressing_msg"><![CDATA[<b>Ficheru</b>]]> <xliff:g id="file">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
- <!-- Waiting dialog - Initializing the dialog -->
- <string name="waiting_dialog_analizing_msg"><![CDATA[<b>Analizando\u2026</b>]]></string>
- <!-- Extracting - Success message -->
- <string name="msgs_extracting_success">Completóse con ésitu la operación d\'estraición. Los datos estraxéronse en <xliff:g id="destination">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string>
- <!-- Compressing - Success message -->
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Title -->
- <string name="actions_dialog_title">Aiciones</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Properties of current folder -->
- <string name="actions_menu_properties_current_folder">Propiedaes</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Refresh -->
- <string name="actions_menu_refresh">Refrescar</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - New directory -->
- <string name="actions_menu_new_directory">Carpeta nueva</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - New file -->
- <string name="actions_menu_new_file">Ficheru nuevu</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Select all -->
- <string name="actions_menu_select_all">Esbillar too</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Deselect all -->
- <string name="actions_menu_deselect_all">Nun esbillar nada</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Select -->
- <string name="actions_menu_select">Esbillar</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Deselect -->
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Copy/Paste selection -->
- <string name="actions_menu_paste_selection">Copiar esbilla equí</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Move selection -->
- <string name="actions_menu_move_selection">Mover esbilla equí</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Delete selection -->
- <string name="actions_menu_delete_selection">Desaniciar esbilla</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Compress selection -->
- <string name="actions_menu_compress_selection">Comprimir esbilla</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Create link -->
- <string name="actions_menu_create_link">Crear enllaz</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Open -->
- <string name="actions_menu_open">Abrir</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Open with -->
- <string name="actions_menu_open_with">Abrir con</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Execute -->
- <string name="actions_menu_execute">Executar</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Send -->
- <string name="actions_menu_send">Unviar</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Send selection -->
- <string name="actions_menu_send_selection">Unviar esbilla</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Compress -->
- <string name="actions_menu_compress">Comprimir</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Extract -->
- <string name="actions_menu_extract">Estrayer</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Delete -->
- <string name="actions_menu_delete">Desaniciar</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Rename -->
- <string name="actions_menu_rename">Renomar</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Create copy -->
- <string name="actions_menu_create_copy">Crear copia</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Properties -->
- <string name="actions_menu_properties">Propiedaes</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Add to bookmarks -->
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Add shortcut -->
- <string name="actions_menu_add_shortcut">Amestar atayu</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Open parent folder -->
- <string name="actions_menu_open_parent_folder">Abrir pá</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Compute checksum -->
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Print -->
- <string name="actions_menu_print">Imprentar</string>
- <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Set as home -->
- <!-- Actions - Ask user prior to do an undone operation. Dialog message -->
- <string name="actions_ask_undone_operation_msg">Esta aición nun pue desfacese. ¿Quies siguir?</string>
- <!-- Enter Name Dialog - Label -->
- <string name="input_name_dialog_label">Nome:</string>
- <!-- Enter Name Dialog - Message - Empty name -->
- <string name="input_name_dialog_message_empty_name">El nome nun pue tar baleru.</string>
- <!-- Enter Name Dialog - Message - Invalid name -->
- <!-- Enter Name Dialog - Message - Invalid name length -->
- <string name="input_name_dialog_message_invalid_name_length">Algamóse la llende máxima de caráuteres.</string>
- <!-- Enter Name Dialog - Message - Invalid name -->
- <!-- Enter Name Dialog - Message - Name exists -->
- <string name="input_name_dialog_message_name_exists">Yá esiste\'l nome.</string>
- <!-- Associations Dialog - Title -->
- <string name="associations_dialog_title">Asociaciones</string>
- <!-- Associations Dialog - Remember the user action -->
- <string name="associations_dialog_remember">Recordar esbilla</string>
- <!-- Associations Dialog - Open with Title -->
- <string name="associations_dialog_openwith_title">Abrir con</string>
- <!-- Associations Dialog - Open action (button title) -->
- <string name="associations_dialog_openwith_action">Abrir</string>
- <!-- Associations Dialog - Send with Title -->
- <string name="associations_dialog_sendwith_title">Unviar con</string>
- <!-- Associations Dialog - Send action (button title) -->
- <string name="associations_dialog_sendwith_action">Unviar</string>
- <!-- Inline Autocomplete Widget - Tab message nothing to complete -->
- <!-- Execution console - Title -->
- <string name="execution_console_title">Consola</string>
- <!-- Execution console - The script name label -->
- <string name="execution_console_script_name_label">Script:</string>
- <!-- Execution console - The script execution time label -->
- <!-- Execution console - The script exit code label -->
- <string name="execution_console_script_exitcode_label">Códigu de salida:</string>
- <!-- Execution console - The script execution time seconds string -->
- <string name="execution_console_script_execution_time_text"><xliff:g id="seconds">%1$s</xliff:g> seg.</string>
- <!-- Compute checksum - Title -->
- <!-- Compute checksum - The file name label -->
- <string name="compute_checksum_filename_label">Ficheru:</string>
- <!-- Compute checksum - The MD5 label -->
- <!-- Compute checksum - The SHA1 label -->
- <!-- Compute checksum - The computing checksum message-->
- <!-- Mime/Types - Folder -->
- <string name="mime_folder">Carpeta</string>
- <!-- Mime/Types - Symlink -->
- <string name="mime_symlink">Enllaz simbólicu</string>
- <!-- Mime/Types - Unknown -->
- <string name="mime_unknown">Desconozse</string>
- <!-- Filetime formats -->
- <!-- Selection -->
- <!-- For example "2 folders and 1 file selected." -->
- <!-- Category descriptions -->
- <string name="category_system">SISTEMA</string>
- <string name="category_app">APLICACIÓN</string>
- <string name="category_binary">BINARIU</string>
- <string name="category_text">TESTU</string>
- <string name="category_document">DOCUMENTU</string>
- <string name="category_ebook">EBOOK</string>
- <string name="category_mail">CORRÉU</string>
- <string name="category_compress">COMPRIMÍU</string>
- <string name="category_exec">EXECUTABLE</string>
- <string name="category_database">BASE DE DATOS</string>
- <string name="category_font">FONTE</string>
- <string name="category_image">IMAXE</string>
- <string name="category_audio">AUDIU</string>
- <string name="category_video">VÍDEU</string>
- <string name="category_security">SEGURANZA</string>
- <string name="category_all">TOO</string>
- <!-- Compression - Compression modes dialog title -->
- <string name="compression_mode_title">Mou de compresión</string>
- <!-- Compression - Supported archive and compression modes -->
- <!-- Shortcut. Failed to handle the shortcut -->
- <string name="shortcut_failed_msg">Fallu al remanar l\'atayu.</string>
- <!-- Shortcut. The shortcut was created -->
- <!-- Shortcut. The shortcut wasn't created -->
- <!-- Preferences title -->
- <string name="pref">Axustes</string>
- <!-- Preferences - General title -->
- <string name="pref_general">Axustes xenerales</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Search title -->
- <string name="pref_search">Opciones de gueta</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Storage title -->
- <string name="pref_storage">Opciones d\'almacenamientu</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Editor title -->
- <string name="pref_editor">Opciones del editor</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Themes title -->
- <string name="pref_themes">Temes</string>
- <!-- Preferences - About title -->
- <string name="pref_about">Tocante a</string>
- <!-- Preferences - General - Behaviour category -->
- <string name="pref_general_behaviour_category">Xeneral</string>
- <!-- Preferences - General - Case sensitive sort and navigating title -->
- <!-- Preferences - General - Case sensitive sort and navigating summary -->
- <!-- Preferences - General - Filetime format mode title -->
- <string name="pref_filetime_format_mode">Formatu de data/hora</string>
- <!-- Preferences - General -Disk usage warning level title -->
- <!-- Preferences - General - Disk usage warning level summary -->
- <!-- FIXME Use "percent" instead of "%" symbol, because it make crash the app on getSummary
- of ListPreference. This should be fixed in frameworks base prior to be added here. -->
- <!-- Preferences - General - Compute folder statistics title -->
- <!-- Preferences - General - Compute folder statistics summary on -->
- <!-- Preferences - General - Display thumbs -->
- <!-- Preferences - General - Display thumbs summary -->
- <!-- Preferences - General - Use flinger detection -->
- <!-- Preferences - General - Use flinger detection summary -->
- <!-- Preferences - General - Advanced settings category -->
- <string name="pref_general_advanced_settings_category">Avanzao</string>
- <!-- Preferences - General - Access mode -->
- <string name="pref_access_mode">Mou d\'accesu</string>
- <!-- Preferences - General - Safe mode -->
- <string name="pref_access_mode_safe">Mou seguru</string>
- <!-- Preferences - General - Safe mode summary -->
- <!-- Preferences - General - Prompt user mode -->
- <!-- Preferences - General - Prompt user mode summary -->
- <!-- Preferences - General - Root access mode -->
- <string name="pref_access_mode_root">Mou d\'accesu root</string>
- <!-- Preferences - General - Root access mode summary -->
- <!-- Preferences - General - Restrict secondary users access title -->
- <!-- Preferences - General - Restrict secondary users access summary -->
- <!-- Preferences - Search - Results category -->
- <string name="pref_search_results_category">Resultaos</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Search - Show relevance widget -->
- <!-- Preferences - Search - Highlight search terms -->
- <!-- Preferences - Search - Sort results mode -->
- <!-- Preferences - Search - Sort results mode. None -->
- <!-- Preferences - Search - Sort results mode. None -->
- <string name="pref_sort_search_results_mode_name">Pel nome</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Search - Sort results mode. Relevance -->
- <string name="pref_sort_search_results_mode_relevance">Pela relevancia</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Search - Privacity category -->
- <string name="pref_search_privacity_category">Privacidá</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Search - Save search terms -->
- <!-- Preferences - Search - Save search terms summary on -->
- <!-- Preferences - Search - Save search terms summary off -->
- <!-- Preferences - Search - Remove saved search terms -->
- <!-- Preferences - Search - Remove saved search terms summary -->
- <!-- Preferences - Search - Suggestions were truncated -->
- <!-- Preferences - Storage - Secure Storage category -->
- <string name="pref_secure_storage_category">Almacenamientu seguru</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Storage - Secure Storage - Delayed sync title -->
- <!-- Preferences - Storage - Secure Storage - Delayed sync summary -->
- <!-- Preferences - Storage - Secure Storage - Change password title -->
- <string name="pref_secure_storage_reset_password_title">Camudar contraseña</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Storage - Secure Storage - Delete storage title -->
- <string name="pref_secure_storage_delete_storage_title">Desaniciar almacenamientu</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Editor - Behaviour category -->
- <string name="pref_editor_behaviour_category">Comportamientu</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Editor - No suggestions -->
- <string name="pref_no_suggestions">Ensin suxerencies</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Editor - No suggestions summary -->
- <!-- Preferences - Editor - Word wrap -->
- <!-- Preferences - Editor - Hex dump -->
- <!-- Preferences - Editor - Hex dump desc -->
- <!-- Preferences - Editor - Syntax highlight category -->
- <!-- Preferences - Editor - Syntax highlight -->
- <!-- Preferences - Editor - Syntax highlight summary -->
- <!-- Preferences - Editor - Syntax highlight color scheme -->
- <string name="pref_syntax_highlight_color_scheme">Esquema de color</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Editor - Syntax highlight color scheme summary -->
- <!-- Preferences - Editor - Syntax highlight - Color Scheme -->
- <!-- Preferences - Editor - Syntax highlight -Color Scheme summary -->
- <!-- Preferences - Editor - Syntax highlight - Color Scheme - Items category -->
- <string name="pref_editor_sh_item_category">Elementos</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Themes - Themes selection category -->
- <string name="pref_themes_selection_category">Temes</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Themes - Set theme button -->
- <string name="pref_themes_set_theme">Afitar tema</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Themes - Confirmation message -->
- <string name="pref_themes_confirmation">Aplicóse con ésitu\'l tema.</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Themes - Theme not found message -->
- <string name="pref_themes_not_found">Nun s\'alcontró\'l tema.</string>
- <!-- Preferences - Debug - Capture debug traces -->
- <!-- Themes - Default theme name -->
- <string name="theme_default_name">Tema claru</string>
- <!-- Themes - Default theme description -->
- <string name="theme_default_description">Un tema claru pal xestor de ficheros de LineageOS.</string>
- <!-- Themes - Default theme author -->
- <string name="themes_author">LineageOS</string>
- <!-- Navigation drawer -->
- <!-- ColorPickerDialog -->
- <!-- The text of the alpha slider control -->
- <!-- The label of the current color panel -->
- <string name="color_picker_current_text">Actual:</string>
- <!-- The label of the new color panel -->
- <!-- The label of the color input -->
- <string name="color_picker_color">Color:</string>
- <!-- Android Syntax Highlight -->
- <string name="ash_text">Testu</string>
- <string name="ash_assignment">Asignación</string>
- <string name="ash_keyword">Pallabra clave</string>
- <string name="ash_variable">Variable</string>
- <!-- Secure Storage -->
- <!-- Secure Storage dialog title - Unlock -->
- <!-- Secure Storage dialog title - Create -->
- <!-- Secure Storage dialog title - Reset -->
- <!-- Secure Storage dialog title - Delete -->
- <!-- Secure Storage unlock dialog message (secure storage exists) -->
- <!-- Secure Storage unlock dialog message (new secure storage) -->
- <!-- Secure Storage unlock dialog message (reset the current password) -->
- <!-- Secure Storage unlock dialog message (delete the secure storage) -->
- <!-- Secure Storage unlock dialog old key title -->
- <string name="secure_storage_unlock_old_key_title">Contraseña vieya:</string>
- <!-- Secure Storage unlock dialog key title -->
- <string name="secure_storage_unlock_new_key_title">Contraseña nueva:</string>
- <!-- Secure Storage unlock dialog key title -->
- <string name="secure_storage_unlock_key_title">Contraseña:</string>
- <!-- Secure Storage unlock dialog repeat key title-->
- <string name="secure_storage_unlock_repeat_title">Repitir contraseña:</string>
- <!-- Secure Storage create button -->
- <string name="secure_storage_create_button">Crear</string>
- <!-- Secure Storage unlock button -->
- <string name="secure_storage_unlock_button">Desbloquiar</string>
- <!-- Secure Storage reset button -->
- <string name="secure_storage_reset_button">Reafitar</string>
- <!-- Secure Storage delete button -->
- <string name="secure_storage_delete_button">Desaniciar</string>
- <!-- Secure Storage unlock failed toast -->
- <string name="secure_storage_unlock_failed">Nun pue desbloquiase l\'almacenamientu</string>
- <!-- Secure Storage unlock validation, length -->
- <string name="secure_storage_unlock_validation_length">La contraseña ha tener polo menos <xliff:g id="characters">%1$d</xliff:g> caráuteres.</string>
- <!-- Secure Storage unlock validation, equal -->
- <string name="secure_storage_unlock_validation_equals">Les contraseñes nun concasen.</string>
- <!-- Secure storage open file warning -->
- <!-- Print messages -->
- <!-- Unsupported document format -->
- <string name="print_unsupported_document">Formatu non sofitáu de documentu</string>
- <!-- Unsupported image format -->
- <string name="print_unsupported_image">Formatu non sofitáu d\'imaxe</string>
- <!-- Print header -->
- <string name="print_document_header">Documentu: <xliff:g id="document_name">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
- <!-- Print footer -->
- <string name="print_document_footer">Páxina <xliff:g id="page_number">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
- <!-- Security - Extract relative or absolute files -->
- <!-- ChangeLog - Dialog title -->
- <string name="changelog_title">Rexistru de cambeos</string>
- <!-- Welcome Dialog - Title -->
- <string name="welcome_title">Afáyate</string>
- <!-- Welcome Dialog - Message -->
- <string name="welcome_msg">Afáyate nel xestor de ficheros de LineageOS.\n\nEsta aplicación permítete esplorar el sistema de ficheros y facer operaciones que puen romper el to preséu. Pa evitar daños, l\'aplicación aníciase nun mou seguru.\n\nPues acceder al mou avanzáu diendo a Axustes. Ye la to responsabilidá asegurate de les operaciones que faigas nun ruempan el sistema.\n\nL\'equipu de LineageOS</string>
- <string name="activity_not_found_exception">Nun pudo alcontrase una aplicación p\'abrir esti ficheru</string>
- <string name="storage_permissions_denied">El xestor de ficheros rique\'l permisu d\'almacemientu pa ver los tos ficheros.</string>
- <string name="storage_permissions_explanation">Vete a Axustes y calca en Permisos pa conceder el permisu.</string>
- <string name="snackbar_settings">Axustes</string>
- <!-- Wrap mode - toast -->
+ <string name="search_terms">&lt;b&gt;Términos:&lt;/b&gt; <xliff:g id="terms">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="search_few_characters_title">Confirmar gueta</string>
+ <string name="search_few_characters_msg">Dalgún de los elementos a guetar ye mui curtiu y la operación pue llevar más tiempu y recursos del sistema que de costume.\n\n¿Siguir?</string>
+ <string name="searching">Espera, por favor\u2026</string>
+ <string name="searching_action_label">Gueta en cursu</string>
+ <string name="picker_title">Escueyi un ficheru</string>
+ <string name="directory_picker_title">Escueyi un direutoriu</string>
+ <string name="editor">Editor</string>
+ <string name="editor_invalid_file_msg">Ficheru non válidu.</string>
+ <string name="editor_file_not_found_msg">Nun s\'alcontró\'l ficheru.</string>
+ <string name="editor_file_exceed_size_msg">El ficheru ye enforma grande pa poder abrise nesti preséu.</string>
+ <string name="editor_dirty_ask_title">Confirmar salida</string>
+ <string name="editor_dirty_ask_msg">Hai cambeos non guardaos.\n\n¿Salir ensin guardar?</string>
+ <string name="editor_successfully_saved">Guardóse\'l ficheru.</string>
+ <string name="editor_read_only_mode">El ficheru ta abiertu en mou namái-llectura.</string>
+ <string name="dumping_message">Xenerando volcáu hexadecimal\u2026</string>
+ <string name="displaying_message">Amosando\u2026</string>
+ <string name="bookmarks">Marcadores</string>
+ <string name="bookmarks_home">Aniciu</string>
+ <string name="bookmarks_root_folder">Carpeta raíz</string>
+ <string name="bookmarks_system_folder">Carpeta del sistema</string>
+ <string name="bookmarks_secure">Almacenamientu seguru</string>
+ <string name="bookmarks_remote">Almacenamientu remotu</string>
+ <string name="bookmarks_button_config_cd">Afitar carpeta inicial.</string>
+ <string name="bookmarks_button_remove_bookmark_cd">Desaniciar marcador.</string>
+ <string name="bookmarks_msgs_add_success">Amestóse\'l marcador.</string>
+ <string name="bookmarks_msgs_add_exists">Yá esiste\'l marcador.</string>
+ <string name="initial_directory_dialog_title">Carpeta inicial</string>
+ <string name="initial_directory_label">Esbillar la carpeta inicial:</string>
+ <string name="initial_directory_relative_msg">Nun tán permitíes les rutes relatives.</string>
+ <string name="initial_directory_error_msg">Asocedió un fallu entrín se guardaba la carpeta inicial.</string>
+ <string name="menu_search">Gueta</string>
+ <string name="menu_settings">Axustes</string>
+ <string name="menu_clear_history">Desaniciar historial</string>
+ <string name="menu_no_suggestions">Ensin suxerencies</string>
+ <string name="menu_word_wrap">Axuste de llinies</string>
+ <string name="menu_syntax_highlight">Resaltar sintaxis</string>
+ <string name="create_copy_regexp"><xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g> - copia<xliff:g id="extension">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="create_new_compress_file_regexp"><xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g> - nuevu<xliff:g id="extension">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="waiting_dialog_msg">Faciendo operación\u2026</string>
+ <string name="waiting_dialog_copying_title">Copiando\u2026</string>
+ <string name="waiting_dialog_copying_msg">&lt;b&gt;De&lt;/b&gt;; <xliff:g id="from">%1$s</xliff:g>&lt;br/&gt;&lt;b&gt;Pa&lt;/b&gt;; <xliff:g id="to">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="waiting_dialog_moving_title">Moviendo\u2026</string>
+ <string name="waiting_dialog_moving_msg">&lt;b&gt;De&lt;/b&gt;; <xliff:g id="from">%1$s</xliff:g>&lt;br/&gt;&lt;b&gt;Pa&lt;/b&gt;; <xliff:g id="to">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="waiting_dialog_deleting_title">Desaniciando\u2026</string>
+ <string name="waiting_dialog_deleting_msg">&lt;b&gt;Ficheru&lt;/b&gt; <xliff:g id="file">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="waiting_dialog_extracting_title">Estrayendo\u2026</string>
+ <string name="waiting_dialog_extracting_msg">&lt;b&gt;Ficheru&lt;/b&gt; <xliff:g id="file">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="waiting_dialog_compressing_title">Comprimiendo\u2026</string>
+ <string name="waiting_dialog_compressing_msg">&lt;b&gt;Ficheru&lt;/b&gt; <xliff:g id="file">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="waiting_dialog_analizing_msg">&lt;b&gt;Analizando\u2026&lt;/b&gt;</string>
+ <string name="msgs_extracting_success">Completóse con ésitu la operación d\'estraición. Los datos estraxéronse en <xliff:g id="destination">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string>
+ <string name="msgs_compressing_success">La operación de compresión completóse correcho. Los datos comprimiéronse en <xliff:g id="destination">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string>
+ <string name="actions_dialog_title">Aiciones</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_properties_current_folder">Propiedaes</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_refresh">Refrescar</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_new_directory">Carpeta nueva</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_new_file">Ficheru nuevu</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_select_all">Esbillar too</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_deselect_all">Nun esbillar nada</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_select">Esbillar</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_deselect">Desmarcar</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_paste_selection">Copiar esbilla equí</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_move_selection">Mover esbilla equí</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_delete_selection">Desaniciar esbilla</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_compress_selection">Comprimir esbilla</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_create_link">Crear enllaz</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_open">Abrir</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_open_with">Abrir con</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_execute">Executar</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_send">Unviar</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_send_selection">Unviar esbilla</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_compress">Comprimir</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_extract">Estrayer</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_delete">Desaniciar</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_rename">Renomar</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_create_copy">Crear copia</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_properties">Propiedaes</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_add_to_bookmarks">A marcadores</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_add_shortcut">Amestar atayu</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_open_parent_folder">Abrir pá</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_compute_checksum">Checksum</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_print">Imprentar</string>
+ <string name="actions_menu_set_as_home">Afitar como aniciu</string>
+ <string name="actions_ask_undone_operation_msg">Esta aición nun pue desfacese. ¿Quies siguir?</string>
+ <string name="input_name_dialog_label">Nome:</string>
+ <string name="input_name_dialog_message_empty_name">El nome nun pue tar baleru.</string>
+ <string name="input_name_dialog_message_invalid_path_name">Nome inválidu. Los caráuteres\u00AB<xliff:g id="invalid_characters">%1$s</xliff:g>\u00BB nun tán permitíos.</string>
+ <string name="input_name_dialog_message_invalid_name_length">Algamóse la llende máxima de caráuteres.</string>
+ <string name="input_name_dialog_message_invalid_name">Nome inválidu. Los nomes \u00AB.\u00BB y \u00AB..\u00BB nun tán permitíos.</string>
+ <string name="input_name_dialog_message_name_exists">Yá esiste\'l nome.</string>
+ <string name="associations_dialog_title">Asociaciones</string>
+ <string name="associations_dialog_remember">Recordar esbilla</string>
+ <string name="associations_dialog_openwith_title">Abrir con</string>
+ <string name="associations_dialog_openwith_action">Abrir</string>
+ <string name="associations_dialog_sendwith_title">Unviar con</string>
+ <string name="associations_dialog_sendwith_action">Unviar</string>
+ <string name="inline_autocomplete_tab_nothing_to_complete_msg">Nun hai un res que completar.</string>
+ <string name="execution_console_title">Consola</string>
+ <string name="execution_console_script_name_label">Script:</string>
+ <string name="execution_console_script_execution_time_label">Tiempu:</string>
+ <string name="execution_console_script_exitcode_label">Códigu de salida:</string>
+ <string name="execution_console_script_execution_time_text"><xliff:g id="seconds">%1$s</xliff:g> seg.</string>
+ <string name="compute_checksum_title">Checksum</string>
+ <string name="compute_checksum_filename_label">Ficheru:</string>
+ <string name="compute_checksum_computing_checksum_msg">Calculando checksum\u2026</string>
+ <string name="mime_folder">Carpeta</string>
+ <string name="mime_symlink">Enllaz simbólicu</string>
+ <string name="mime_unknown">Desconozse</string>
+ <string name="filetime_format_mode_system">Configuración del sistema</string>
+ <string name="filetime_format_mode_locale">Configuración rexonal</string>
+ <string name="filetime_format_mode_ddMMyyyy_HHmmss">dd/mm/aaaa hh:mm:ss</string>
+ <string name="filetime_format_mode_MMddyyyy_HHmmss">mm/dd/aaaa hh:mm:ss</string>
+ <string name="filetime_format_mode_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss">aaaa-mm-dd hh:mm:ss</string>
+ <string name="selection_folders_and_files"><xliff:g id="folders">%1$s</xliff:g> y <xliff:g id="files">%2$s</xliff:g> seleicionaos.</string>
+ <string name="category_system">SISTEMA</string>
+ <string name="category_app">APLICACIÓN</string>
+ <string name="category_binary">BINARIU</string>
+ <string name="category_text">TESTU</string>
+ <string name="category_document">DOCUMENTU</string>
+ <string name="category_ebook">EBOOK</string>
+ <string name="category_mail">CORRÉU</string>
+ <string name="category_compress">COMPRIMÍU</string>
+ <string name="category_exec">EXECUTABLE</string>
+ <string name="category_database">BASE DE DATOS</string>
+ <string name="category_font">FONTE</string>
+ <string name="category_image">IMAXE</string>
+ <string name="category_audio">AUDIU</string>
+ <string name="category_video">VÍDEU</string>
+ <string name="category_security">SEGURANZA</string>
+ <string name="category_all">TOO</string>
+ <string name="compression_mode_title">Mou de compresión</string>
+ <string name="shortcut_failed_msg">Fallu al remanar l\'atayu.</string>
+ <string name="shortcut_creation_success_msg">Accesu direutu creáu.</string>
+ <string name="shortcut_creation_failed_msg">Fallu al crear l\'accesu direutu.</string>
+ <string name="pref">Axustes</string>
+ <string name="pref_general">Axustes xenerales</string>
+ <string name="pref_search">Opciones de gueta</string>
+ <string name="pref_storage">Opciones d\'almacenamientu</string>
+ <string name="pref_editor">Opciones del editor</string>
+ <string name="pref_themes">Temes</string>
+ <string name="pref_about">Tocante a</string>
+ <string name="pref_general_behaviour_category">Xeneral</string>
+ <string name="pref_case_sensitive_sort">Ordenación sensible</string>
+ <string name="pref_case_sensitive_sort_summary">Considerar minúscules/mayúscules al restolar o amosar resultaos de la gueta</string>
+ <string name="pref_filetime_format_mode">Formatu de data/hora</string>
+ <string name="pref_disk_usage_warning_level">Avisu d\'usu de discu</string>
+ <string name="pref_disk_usage_warning_level_summary" formatted="false">Amosar un color distintu pa los widgets d\'usu de discu, cuando l\'espaciu perpase\'l <xliff:g id="level">%1$s</xliff:g> por cientu del total</string>
+ <string name="pref_compute_folder_statistics">Estadístiques de carpetes</string>
+ <string name="pref_compute_folder_statistics_on">¡Avisu! El cálculu d\'estadístiques de les carpetes va riquir más tiempu y recursos del sistema</string>
+ <string name="pref_display_thumbs">Vista previa</string>
+ <string name="pref_display_thumbs_summary">Amosar una vista previa pa ficheros d\'imaxe, videu, música y aplicaciones</string>
+ <string name="pref_use_flinger">Usar xestos</string>
+ <string name="pref_use_flinger_summary">Facer un xestu d\'esquierda a derecha pa desaniciar ficheros o carpetes</string>
+ <string name="pref_general_advanced_settings_category">Avanzao</string>
+ <string name="pref_access_mode">Mou d\'accesu</string>
+ <string name="pref_access_mode_safe">Mou seguru</string>
+ <string name="pref_access_mode_safe_summary">Mou seguru\n\nL\'aplicación ta executándose ensin privilexos de superusuariu y namái van ser accesibles los volúmenes d\'almacenamientu (tarxetes SD y memories USB)</string>
+ <string name="pref_access_mode_prompt">Mou confirmación</string>
+ <string name="pref_access_mode_prompt_summary">Mou confirmación\n\nL\'aplicación ta executándose con accesu completu al sistema de ficheros, pero va entrugase enantes d\'executar aiciones de superusuariu</string>
+ <string name="pref_access_mode_root">Mou d\'accesu root</string>
+ <string name="pref_access_mode_root_summary">Mou superusuariu\n\n¡Avisu! Esti mou permite operaciones que puen bloquiar el preséu. Ye responsabilidá tuya l\'asegurase de que la operación seya segura</string>
+ <string name="pref_restrict_secondary_users_access_title">Restinxir l\'accesu d\'usuarios</string>
+ <string name="pref_restrict_secondary_users_access_summary">Restrinxir l\'accesu a tol sistema a los usuarios secundarios</string>
+ <string name="pref_search_results_category">Resultaos</string>
+ <string name="pref_show_relevance_widget">Amosar relevancia</string>
+ <string name="pref_highlight_terms">Resaltar términos de gueta</string>
+ <string name="pref_sort_search_results_mode">Ordenación de resultaos</string>
+ <string name="pref_sort_search_results_mode_none">Ensin ordenar</string>
+ <string name="pref_sort_search_results_mode_name">Pel nome</string>
+ <string name="pref_sort_search_results_mode_relevance">Pela relevancia</string>
+ <string name="pref_search_privacity_category">Privacidá</string>
+ <string name="pref_save_search_terms">Guardar términos de gueta</string>
+ <string name="pref_save_search_terms_on">Los términos de gueta van guardase como suxerencies pa busques postreres</string>
+ <string name="pref_save_search_terms_off">Los términos de gueta nun van guardase</string>
+ <string name="pref_remove_saved_search_terms">Desaniciar términos de gueta</string>
+ <string name="pref_remove_saved_search_terms_summary">Tocar equí pa desaniciar tolos términos de gueta guardaos</string>
+ <string name="pref_remove_saved_search_terms_msg">Borráronse tolos términos de busca</string>
+ <string name="pref_secure_storage_category">Almacenamientu seguru</string>
+ <string name="pref_secure_storage_delayed_sync_title">Sincronización retrasada</string>
+ <string name="pref_secure_storage_delayed_sync_summary">La sincronización de sistemes de ficheros ye una operación costosa. Habilita esta opción pa consiguir meyores tiempos de rempuesta dempués de cada operación, demorando la sincronización hasta que\'l sistema de ficheros nun tea n\'usu, pero a espenses de perder la información non sincronizada si l\'aplicación tien un zarru inesperáu.</string>
+ <string name="pref_secure_storage_reset_password_title">Camudar contraseña</string>
+ <string name="pref_secure_storage_delete_storage_title">Desaniciar almacenamientu</string>
+ <string name="pref_editor_behaviour_category">Comportamientu</string>
+ <string name="pref_no_suggestions">Ensin suxerencies</string>
+ <string name="pref_no_suggestions_desc">Nun amosar suxerencies del diccionariu mentanto la edición de ficheros</string>
+ <string name="pref_word_wrap">Axuste de llinia</string>
+ <string name="pref_hexdump">Volcáu hexadecimal</string>
+ <string name="pref_hexdump_desc">Al abrir un ficheru binariu, xenerar un volcáu hexadecimal y amosalu na pantalla</string>
+ <string name="pref_editor_syntax_highlight_category">Resaltáu de sintaxis</string>
+ <string name="pref_syntax_highlight">Resaltar sintaxis</string>
+ <string name="pref_syntax_highlight_desc">Resaltar la sintaxis del ficheru n\'edición (namái cuando heba un procesador de resaltáu de sintaxis disponible pal tipu de ficheru)</string>
+ <string name="pref_syntax_highlight_color_scheme">Esquema de color</string>
+ <string name="pref_syntax_highlight_color_scheme_desc">Seleicionar l\'esquema de color pal resaltáu de sintaxis</string>
+ <string name="pref_syntax_sh_use_theme_default">Tema por defeutu</string>
+ <string name="pref_syntax_sh_use_theme_default_desc">Usar el resaltáu de sintaxis por defeutu del tema actual</string>
+ <string name="pref_editor_sh_item_category">Elementos</string>
+ <string name="pref_themes_selection_category">Temes</string>
+ <string name="pref_themes_set_theme">Afitar tema</string>
+ <string name="pref_themes_confirmation">Aplicóse con ésitu\'l tema.</string>
+ <string name="pref_themes_not_found">Nun s\'alcontró\'l tema.</string>
+ <string name="pref_debug_traces">Habilitar depuración</string>
+ <string name="theme_default_name">Tema claru</string>
+ <string name="theme_default_description">Un tema claru pal xestor de ficheros de LineageOS.</string>
+ <string name="themes_author">LineageOS</string>
+ <string name="drawer_open">Abrir el panel de navegación</string>
+ <string name="drawer_close">Zarrar el panel de navegación</string>
+ <string name="color_picker_alpha_slider_text">Tresparencia</string>
+ <string name="color_picker_current_text">Actual:</string>
+ <string name="color_picker_new_text">Nuevu:</string>
+ <string name="color_picker_color">Color:</string>
+ <string name="ash_reset_color_scheme">Restaurar l\'esquema de color por defeutu</string>
+ <string name="ash_text">Testu</string>
+ <string name="ash_assignment">Asignación</string>
+ <string name="ash_singleline_comment">Comentariu simple</string>
+ <string name="ash_multiline_comment">Comentariu multillinia</string>
+ <string name="ash_keyword">Pallabra clave</string>
+ <string name="ash_quoted_string">Cadena</string>
+ <string name="ash_variable">Variable</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_unlock_title">Desbloquiar almacenamientu seguru</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_create_title">Crear almacenamientu seguru</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_reset_title">Restablecer contraseña</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_delete_title">Desaniciar almacenamientu seguru</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_unlock_key_prompt_msg">Escribi la contraseña pa desbloquiar el sistema d\'almacenamientu de ficheros seguru.</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_unlock_key_new_msg">Escribi una contraseña pa protexer el sistema d\'almacenamientu de ficheros seguru.</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_unlock_key_reset_msg">Escribi la contraseña actual y unes nueves pa restablecer el sistema d\'almacenamientu de ficheros seguru.</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_unlock_key_delete_msg">Escribi la contraseña actual pa desaniciar el sistema d\'almacenamientu de ficheros seguru.</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_unlock_old_key_title">Contraseña vieya:</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_unlock_new_key_title">Contraseña nueva:</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_unlock_key_title">Contraseña:</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_unlock_repeat_title">Repitir contraseña:</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_create_button">Crear</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_unlock_button">Desbloquiar</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_reset_button">Reafitar</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_delete_button">Desaniciar</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_unlock_failed">Nun pue desbloquiase l\'almacenamientu</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_unlock_validation_length">La contraseña ha tener polo menos <xliff:g id="characters">%1$d</xliff:g> caráuteres.</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_unlock_validation_equals">Les contraseñes nun concasen.</string>
+ <string name="secure_storage_open_file_warning">Esto va copiar el ficheru a un allugamientu ensin cifrar y va desaniciase nuna hora.</string>
+ <string name="print_unsupported_document">Formatu non sofitáu de documentu</string>
+ <string name="print_unsupported_image">Formatu non sofitáu d\'imaxe</string>
+ <string name="print_document_header">Documentu: <xliff:g id="document_name">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="print_document_footer">Páxina <xliff:g id="page_number">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="security_warning_extract">¡Avisu!\n\nEstraer ficheros comprimíos que contienen rutes absolutes o relatives pue facer daños al preséu pola posible sobrescritura de ficheros de sistema.\n\n¿Siguir?</string>
+ <string name="changelog_title">Rexistru de cambeos</string>
+ <string name="welcome_title">Afáyate</string>
+ <string name="welcome_msg">Afáyate nel xestor de ficheros de LineageOS.\n\nEsta aplicación permítete esplorar el sistema de ficheros y facer operaciones que puen romper el to preséu. Pa evitar daños, l\'aplicación aníciase nun mou seguru.\n\nPues acceder al mou avanzáu diendo a Axustes. Ye la to responsabilidá asegurate de les operaciones que faigas nun ruempan el sistema.\n\nL\'equipu de LineageOS</string>
+ <string name="activity_not_found_exception">Nun pudo alcontrase una aplicación p\'abrir esti ficheru</string>
+ <string name="storage_permissions_denied">El xestor de ficheros rique\'l permisu d\'almacemientu pa ver los tos ficheros.</string>
+ <string name="storage_permissions_explanation">Vete a Axustes y calca en Permisos pa conceder el permisu.</string>
+ <string name="snackbar_settings">Axustes</string>
+ <string name="toggle_word_wrap_msg">Alternando\'l mou de saltu de llinia</string>