diff options
authorAbhisek Devkota <>2017-04-28 14:27:17 -0700
committerAbhisek Devkota <>2017-04-28 14:27:17 -0700
commitde11094677dea04492a195f300c166361c656b5f (patch)
parentaebcb4a488dca1a17303a32f895e0bb8d2affdca (diff)
Automatic translation importreplicant-6.0-0001
Change-Id: Iabc34a68e27362743772c0dfd33a3d7a0ee50665
7 files changed, 12 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-ast-rES/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-ast-rES/cm_strings.xml
index dd2eacebb..827609293 100644
--- a/res/values-ast-rES/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ast-rES/cm_strings.xml
@@ -30,5 +30,5 @@
permission controls access to the Bluetooth Avrcp Data Manager.
<string name="permdesc_bluetoothAvrcpDataManager">Permite a l\'aplicación acceder a los datos meta AVRCP de Bluetooth y usalos p\'amosalos na UI.</string>
- <string name="upload_fail_waiting">Imposible unviar el ficheru, reintentando\u2026</string>
+ <string name="upload_fail_waiting">Nun pue unviase\'l ficheru, retentando\u2026</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml b/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
index a02e0d2b9..c1c64afbb 100644
--- a/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
permission controls access to the Bluetooth Share Manager by
applications that initiate Bluetooth share.
- <string name="permlab_bluetoothShareManager">Accesu al alministrador de descargues</string>
This is the long description of a permission associated with the
Android Download Manager. It is displayed as part of the description
@@ -30,75 +29,49 @@
permission controls access to the Download Manager by applications
that initiate downloads.
- <string name="permdesc_bluetoothShareManager">Permite que l\'aplicación acceda al alministrador BluetoothShare y lu use pa tresferir ficheros.</string>
- <string name="permlab_bluetoothWhitelist">Accesu de preseos Bluetooth autorizaos</string>
- <string name="permdesc_bluetoothWhitelist">Permíte-y a l’aplicación autorizar temporalmente un preséu Bluetooth pa poder unviar ficheros a esti preséu ensin la confirmación del usuariu.</string>
<!-- string showed on "Share picutre via" dialog -->
- <string name="bt_share_picker_label">Bluetooth</string>
<!-- string for "unknown device" -->
<string name="unknown_device">Preséu desconocíu</string>
<!-- string for "unknown" phone number" -->
- <string name="unknownNumber">Desconocíu</string>
<!-- string for "the title of airplane mode error" -->
<string name="airplane_error_title">Mou avión</string>
<!-- string for "error message in airplane mode" -->
- <string name="airplane_error_msg">Nun pues usar el Bluetooth nel mou avión.</string>
<!-- Activate Bluetooth Confirmation Dialog -->
<!--Title -->
<!--Line 1 -->
- <string name="bt_enable_line1">Pa utilizar los servicios de Bluetooth, primero tienes d\'activar la función Bluetooth.</string>
<!--Line 2 -->
- <string name="bt_enable_line2">¿Quies activar la función Bluetooth agora?</string>
<!-- Label for a cancel button. -->
<string name="bt_enable_cancel">Encaboxar</string>
<!-- Label for a confirm button.-->
- <string name="bt_enable_ok">Activar</string>
<!-- Bluetooth File Transfer Acceptance Dialog -->
<!--Title -->
<string name="incoming_file_confirm_title">Tresferencia de ficheros</string>
<!--content -->
- <string name="incoming_file_confirm_content">Aceutar ficheru entrante? </string>
+ <string name="incoming_file_confirm_content">¿Aceutar ficheru entrante? </string>
<!-- Label for a cancel button. -->
- <string name="incoming_file_confirm_cancel">Refugar</string>
<!-- Label for a confirm button.-->
<string name="incoming_file_confirm_ok">Aceutar</string>
<!-- Label for timeout OK button.-->
<string name="incoming_file_confirm_timeout_ok">Aceutar</string>
<!-- content for timeout-->
- <string name="incoming_file_confirm_timeout_content">Escosó\'l tiempu p\'aceutar el ficheru entrante de \"<xliff:g id="SENDER">%1$s</xliff:g>\".</string>
<!-- Bluetooth File Transfer Acceptance Notification item -->
- <string name="incoming_file_confirm_Notification_title">Bluetooth: ficheru entrante</string>
- <string name="incoming_file_confirm_Notification_caption">¿Quies recibir esti ficheru?</string>
- <string name="incoming_file_toast_msg">Otru preséu quier unviate un ficheru. Confirma que quies recibilu.</string>
<!-- Inbound File Transfer Progress Notification item -->
<!-- label for the notification item of receiving file -->
- <string name="notification_receiving">Bluetooth: recibiendo <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- label for the notification item of received file -->
- <string name="notification_received">Compartir con Bluetooth: <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g> recibíu</string>
<!-- label for the notification item of failed receiving file -->
- <string name="notification_received_fail">Bluetooth: <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g> non recibíu</string>
<!-- Outbound File Transfer Progress Notification item -->
<!-- label for the notification item of sending file -->
- <string name="notification_sending">Bluetooth: unviando <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- label for the notification item of sent file -->
- <string name="notification_sent">Bluetooth: <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g> unviáu</string>
<!-- label for the notification item of sent file -status -->
- <string name="notification_sent_complete">100% completáu</string>
<!-- label for the notification item of failed sending file -->
- <string name="notification_sent_fail">Bluetooth: ficheru <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g> non unviáu</string>
<!-- Bluetooth Download Progress Dialog -->
<!--Title -->
- <string name="download_title">Tresferencia de ficheros</string>
<!--Line 1 -->
- <string name="download_line1">De: \"<xliff:g id="SENDER">%1$s</xliff:g>\"</string>
<!--Line 2 -->
- <string name="download_line2">Ficheru: <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!--Line 3 -->
- <string name="download_line3">Tamañu de ficheru: <xliff:g id="SIZE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!--Line 4 -->
- <string name="download_line5">Recibiendo ficheru…</string>
<!-- Label for a cancel button. -->
- <string name="download_cancel">Detener</string>
+ <string name="download_cancel">Parar</string>
<!-- Label for a hide button.-->
<string name="download_ok">Anubrir</string>
<!--Line 1 -->
@@ -109,102 +82,36 @@
<string name="incoming_line3">Tamañu</string>
<!-- Bluetooth failed Download Dialog -->
<!--Line 1 -->
- <string name="download_fail_line1">Ficheru non recibíu</string>
<!--Line 2 -->
- <string name="download_fail_line2">Ficheru: <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!--Line 3 -->
- <string name="download_fail_line3">Motivu: <xliff:g id="REASON">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Label for ok button.-->
- <string name="download_fail_ok">Aceutar</string>
+ <string name="download_fail_ok">ACEUTAR</string>
<!-- Bluetooth Successful Download Dialog -->
<!--Line 4 in "Bluetooth Download Progress Dialog" -->
- <string name="download_succ_line5">Ficheru recibíu</string>
<!-- Label for a OK button.-->
<string name="download_succ_ok">Abrir</string>
<!-- Bluetooth Upload Progress Dialog -->
- <string name="upload_line1">Pa: \"<xliff:g id="RECIPIENT">%1$s</xliff:g>\"</string>
- <string name="upload_line3">Triba de ficheru: <xliff:g id="TYPE">%1$s</xliff:g> (<xliff:g id="SIZE">%2$s</xliff:g>)</string>
- <string name="upload_line5">Unviando ficheru…</string>
<!-- Bluetooth Successful Upload Progress Dialog -->
<!--Line 4 -->
- <string name="upload_succ_line5">Ficheru unviáu</string>
<!-- Label for a confirm button.-->
- <string name="upload_succ_ok">Aceutar</string>
+ <string name="upload_succ_ok">ACEUTAR</string>
<!-- Bluetooth Failed Upload File Transfer Dialog -->
- <string name="upload_fail_line1">Nun s\'unvió\'l ficheru a \"<xliff:g id="RECIPIENT">%1$s</xliff:g>\".</string>
- <string name="upload_fail_line1_2">Ficheru: <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Label for a try again button.-->
- <string name="upload_fail_ok">Volver a intentalo</string>
<!-- Label for a cancel button.-->
- <string name="upload_fail_cancel">Zarrar</string>
<!-- Bluetooth error dialog -->
- <string name="bt_error_btn_ok">Aceutar</string>
- <string name="unknown_file">Ficheru desconocíu</string>
- <string name="unknown_file_desc">Nun hai nenguna aplicación que pueda procesar esta triba de ficheru. \n</string>
- <string name="not_exist_file">Nun hai ficheros.</string>
- <string name="not_exist_file_desc">El ficheru nun esiste. \n</string>
<!-- Bluetooth Enabling progress dialog -->
- <string name="enabling_progress_title">Por favor, espera...</string>
- <string name="enabling_progress_content">Activando Bluetooth...</string>
<!-- Bluetooth Toast Message -->
- <string name="bt_toast_1">Va recibise\'l ficheru. Comprueba\'l progresu na barra de notificaciones.</string>
<string name="bt_toast_2">Nun pue recibise\'l ficheru.</string>
- <string name="bt_toast_3">Detúvose la receición del ficheru de \"<xliff:g id="SENDER">%1$s</xliff:g>\"</string>
- <string name="bt_toast_4">Unviando ficheru a \"<xliff:g id="RECIPIENT">%1$s</xliff:g>\"</string>
- <string name="bt_toast_5">Unviando <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%1$s</xliff:g> ficheros a "<xliff:g id="RECIPIENT">%2$s</xliff:g>\"</string>
- <string name="bt_toast_6">Detúvose l\'unviu del ficheru a \"<xliff:g id="RECIPIENT">%1$s</xliff:g>\"</string>
<!-- Bluetooth System Messages [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="bt_sm_2_1" product="nosdcard">Nun hai espaciu abondu nel almacenamientu USB pa guardar el ficheru de \"<xliff:g id="SENDER">%1$s</xliff:g>\".</string>
<!-- Bluetooth System Messages -->
- <string name="bt_sm_2_1" product="default">Nun hai espaciu abondu na tarxeta SD pa guardar el ficheru de \"<xliff:g id="SENDER">%1$s</xliff:g>\".</string>
- <string name="bt_sm_2_2">Espaciu necesariu: <xliff:g id="SIZE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
- <string name="ErrorTooManyRequests">Tán procesándose munches solicitúes. Vuelvi a intentalo dempués.</string>
<!-- Bluetooth Transfer Failure Reason -->
- <string name="status_pending">Entá nun s\'anició la tresferencia de ficheros.</string>
- <string name="status_running">Tresferencia de ficheros en cursu</string>
- <string name="status_success">La tresferencia de ficheros completóse correcho.</string>
- <string name="status_not_accept">Conteníu non almitíu</string>
- <string name="status_forbidden">El preséu de destín nun permite la tresferencia.</string>
- <string name="status_canceled">Tresferencia encaboxada pol usuariu</string>
- <string name="status_file_error">Fallu rellacionáu col almacenamientu</string>
<!-- Shown when USB storage cannot be found. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="status_no_sd_card" product="nosdcard">Ensin almacenamientu USB</string>
- <string name="status_no_sd_card" product="default">Nun se deteuta nenguna tarxeta SD. Inxerta una tarxeta SD y guarda los ficheros tresferíos.</string>
- <string name="status_connection_error">Conexón incorreuta</string>
- <string name="status_protocol_error">Nun pue procesase la solicitú correchamente.</string>
- <string name="status_unknown_error">Fallu desconocíu</string>
<!-- Bluetooth OPP Live Folder -->
- <string name="btopp_live_folder">Recibío per Bluetooth</string>
<!-- Bluetooth OPP Transfer History -->
- <string name="download_success">Receición de <xliff:g id="FILE_SIZE">%1$s</xliff:g> completada</string>
- <string name="upload_success">Unviu de <xliff:g id="FILE_SIZE">%1$s</xliff:g> completáu</string>
- <string name="inbound_history_title">Tresferencies entrantes</string>
- <string name="outbound_history_title">Tresferencies salientes</string>
- <string name="no_transfers">L\'historial de tresferencies ta baleru.</string>
- <string name="transfer_clear_dlg_msg">Van desaniciase tolos elementos de la llista.</string>
- <string name="outbound_noti_title">Bluetooth: ficheros unviaos</string>
- <string name="inbound_noti_title">Bluetooth: ficheros recibíos</string>
- <plurals name="noti_caption_unsuccessful">
- <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="unsuccessful_number">%1$d</xliff:g> con fallu</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="unsuccessful_number">%1$d</xliff:g> con fallu</item>
- </plurals>
- <plurals name="noti_caption_success">
- <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="successful_number">%1$d</xliff:g> correutu, %2$s</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="successful_number">%1$d</xliff:g> correutos, %2$s</item>
- </plurals>
- <string name="transfer_menu_clear_all">Desaniciar llista</string>
- <string name="transfer_menu_open">Abrir</string>
- <string name="transfer_menu_clear">Desaniciar de la llista</string>
- <string name="transfer_clear_dlg_title">Desaniciar</string>
<!-- Do not translate. file name used for sharing. -->
<!-- Used to run Bluetooth.apk in another process if needed -->
<!-- Do not translate. android:sharedUserId string of this application. -->
<!-- Do not translate. android:process of this application. -->
<string name="bluetooth_map_settings_save">Guardar</string>
<string name="bluetooth_map_settings_cancel">Encaboxar</string>
- <string name="bluetooth_map_settings_intro">Esbilla les cuentes que quies compartir al traviés de Bluetooth. Al coneutate, vas tener qu\'aceutar cualquier accesu a les cuentes.</string>
- <string name="bluetooth_map_settings_count">Slots restantes:</string>
- <string name="bluetooth_map_settings_app_icon">Iconu d\'aplicación</string>
- <string name="bluetooth_map_settings_title">Axustes de mensaxes compartíos per Bluetooth</string>
- <string name="bluetooth_map_settings_no_account_slots_left">Nun pues esbillar la cuenta. Nun queden slots.</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ast-rES/strings_pbap.xml b/res/values-ast-rES/strings_pbap.xml
index bc1a98e38..05b4c11e7 100644
--- a/res/values-ast-rES/strings_pbap.xml
+++ b/res/values-ast-rES/strings_pbap.xml
@@ -1,17 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Generated by>
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <string name="pbap_session_key_dialog_title">Escribi clave de sesión pa %1$s</string>
- <string name="pbap_session_key_dialog_header">Necesítase la clave de sesión de Bluetooth.</string>
<string name="pbap_acceptance_timeout_message">Escosó\'l tiempu p\'aceutar la conexón con %1$s.</string>
- <string name="pbap_authentication_timeout_message">Escosó\'l tiempu pa inxertar la clave de sesión con %1$s.</string>
- <string name="auth_notif_ticker">Solicitú d\'autenticación de Obex</string>
<!-- Notification title when a Bluetooth device wants to pair with us -->
- <string name="auth_notif_title">Clave de sesión</string>
<!-- Notification message when a Bluetooth device wants to pair with us -->
- <string name="auth_notif_message">Escribi clave de sesión pa %1$s</string>
- <string name="defaultname">Kit d\'automóvil</string>
- <string name="unknownName">Nome desconocíu</string>
- <string name="localPhoneName">El mio nome</string>
- <string name="defaultnumber">000000</string>
diff --git a/res/values-bn-rBD/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-bn-rBD/cm_strings.xml
index b6ce53763..9f6e9e726 100644
--- a/res/values-bn-rBD/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-bn-rBD/cm_strings.xml
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
any application that was granted that permission. This specific
permission controls access to the Bluetooth Avrcp Data Manager.
+ <string name="permlab_bluetoothAvrcpDataManager"> AVRCP মেটাডাটাতে প্রবেশ করুন</string>
This is the long description of a permission associated with the
Bluetooth Avrcp Data Manager. It is displayed as part of the description of
diff --git a/res/values-en-rAU/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-en-rAU/cm_strings.xml
index 0ddffaab3..81836afa3 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rAU/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rAU/cm_strings.xml
@@ -22,11 +22,13 @@
any application that was granted that permission. This specific
permission controls access to the Bluetooth Avrcp Data Manager.
+ <string name="permlab_bluetoothAvrcpDataManager">Access AVRCP metadata.</string>
This is the long description of a permission associated with the
Bluetooth Avrcp Data Manager. It is displayed as part of the description of
any application that was granted that permission. This specific
permission controls access to the Bluetooth Avrcp Data Manager.
+ <string name="permdesc_bluetoothAvrcpDataManager">Allows the app to access the Bluetooth AVRCP metadata and use it to display on UI.</string>
<string name="upload_fail_waiting">Unable to send file, retrying\u2026</string>
diff --git a/res/values-fi/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-fi/cm_strings.xml
index 22bcdd13f..f01d6675f 100644
--- a/res/values-fi/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-fi/cm_strings.xml
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
any application that was granted that permission. This specific
permission controls access to the Bluetooth Avrcp Data Manager.
- <string name="permlab_bluetoothAvrcpDataManager">Lukea AVRCP-metadataa.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_bluetoothAvrcpDataManager">Pääsy AVRCP-metadataan.</string>
This is the long description of a permission associated with the
Bluetooth Avrcp Data Manager. It is displayed as part of the description of
diff --git a/res/values-sq-rAL/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-sq-rAL/cm_strings.xml
index c38acf731..f1826a433 100644
--- a/res/values-sq-rAL/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-sq-rAL/cm_strings.xml
@@ -22,10 +22,13 @@
any application that was granted that permission. This specific
permission controls access to the Bluetooth Avrcp Data Manager.
+ <string name="permlab_bluetoothAvrcpDataManager">Akseso të dhënat meta AVRCP.</string>
This is the long description of a permission associated with the
Bluetooth Avrcp Data Manager. It is displayed as part of the description of
any application that was granted that permission. This specific
permission controls access to the Bluetooth Avrcp Data Manager.
+ <string name="permdesc_bluetoothAvrcpDataManager">Lejon aplikacionin që të aksesojë të dhënat meta AVRCP të Bluetooth-it dhe t\'i përdorë ato për t\'i shfaqur në UI-në e aplikacionit.</string>
+ <string name="upload_fail_waiting">Dërgimi i dokumentit nuk është i mundur! Duke provuar përsëri\u2026</string>