path: root/CleanSpec.mk
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Remove VoicePhone interfaceEtan Cohen2014-07-081-0/+1
* Move mms lib (mms-common) code into telephony (telephony-common) (1/2)Ye Wen2014-07-061-0/+1
* Fix NPE caused by null mUiccApplication.Wink Saville2014-06-251-0/+1
* Move IMms.aidl to frameworks/base (1/3)Ye Wen2014-06-181-0/+1
* Merge kwd to masterWink Saville2014-06-121-0/+1
* Move DataConnection related classes to their own package.Wink Saville2013-02-211-0/+1
* Move a few files from frameworks/opt/telephony to frameworks/base.Wink Saville2013-02-071-0/+1
* Cleanstep for SmsRawData.Wink Saville2013-02-031-0/+1
* Fix build error while were doing incremental buildRoger Chen2012-12-201-0/+1
* Telephony: Move AdnRecord.aidl into opt/telephonyAlex Yakavenka2012-08-031-0/+1
* Create telephony-common - DO NOT MERGEWink Saville2012-07-171-0/+45