path: root/common
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authorRégis Décamps <>2014-05-21 16:24:00 +0200
committerRégis Décamps <>2014-06-06 11:43:02 +0200
commit4c384ab3ae7621e602a95aeac6e527a52bb5598c (patch)
treefdd6163d763f488809881d2011c162c5fc178339 /common
parent4eb541aff092a057b27b917f09d33aba226dffed (diff)
Let Rfc822Validator validate IEA in Punycode or Unicode.
Let Rfc822Validator validator internation email adresses. The implementation is based on a regular expression. Fixes: - b/13364030 ComposeActivity rejects TLD that are Punycode - ComposeActivity rejects TLD that are Unicode Improve unit tests: - Use RFC example domains, instead of potentially existing domains. - Add unicode punycode internationalized email address. - Add validity check for email with special characters. - Add validity check "" (RFC says dot cannot be succesive but it is allowed by major providers) - Add invalidity check for "" (domain name cannot end with a dash) ; "" (@ must be unique) - Remove a@b.12 from invalid emails. There is no tld made of numbers, but no spec strictly prohibits it. Bug: 13364030 Change-Id: I78bc5d696f587753d776020ef1f9feded2065ad0
Diffstat (limited to 'common')
2 files changed, 94 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/common/java/com/android/common/ b/common/java/com/android/common/
index 2db00ff..bb77508 100644
--- a/common/java/com/android/common/
+++ b/common/java/com/android/common/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ package;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.text.util.Rfc822Token;
import android.text.util.Rfc822Tokenizer;
+import android.util.Patterns;
import android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
@@ -38,15 +39,45 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class Rfc822Validator implements AutoCompleteTextView.Validator {
- /*
- * Regex.EMAIL_ADDRESS_PATTERN hardcodes the TLD that we accept, but we
- * want to make sure we will keep accepting email addresses with TLD's
- * that don't exist at the time of this writing, so this regexp relaxes
- * that constraint by accepting any kind of top level domain, not just
- * ".com", ".fr", etc...
+ /**
+ * Expression that matches the local part of an email address.
+ * This expression does not follow the constraints of the RFC towards the dots, because the
+ * de facto standard is to allow them anywhere.
+ *
+ * It is however a simplification and it will not validate the double-quote syntax.
+ */
+ private static final String EMAIL_ADDRESS_LOCALPART_REGEXP =
+ "((?!\\s)[\\.\\w!#$%&'*+\\-/=?^`{|}~\u0080-\uFFFE])+";
+ /**
+ * Alias of characters that can be used in IRI, as per RFC 3987.
+ */
+ private static final String GOOD_IRI_CHAR = Patterns.GOOD_IRI_CHAR;
+ /**
+ * Regular expression for a domain label, as per RFC 3490.
+ * Its total length must not exceed 63 octets, according to RFC 5890.
+ */
+ private static final String LABEL_REGEXP =
+ "([" + GOOD_IRI_CHAR + "][" + GOOD_IRI_CHAR + "\\-]{0,61})?[" + GOOD_IRI_CHAR + "]";
+ /**
+ * Expression that matches a domain name, including international domain names in Punycode or
+ * Unicode.
+ */
+ private static final String DOMAIN_REGEXP =
+ "("+ LABEL_REGEXP + "\\.)+" // Subdomains and domain
+ // Top-level domain must be at least 2 chars
+ + "[" + GOOD_IRI_CHAR + "][" + GOOD_IRI_CHAR + "\\-]{0,61}[" + GOOD_IRI_CHAR + "]";
+ /**
+ * Pattern for an email address.
+ *
+ * It is similar to {@link android.util.Patterns#EMAIL_ADDRESS}, but also accepts Unicode
+ * characters.
private static final Pattern EMAIL_ADDRESS_PATTERN =
- Pattern.compile("[^\\s@]+@([^\\s@\\.]+\\.)+[a-zA-z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*");
private String mDomain;
private boolean mRemoveInvalid = false;
@@ -64,7 +95,6 @@ public class Rfc822Validator implements AutoCompleteTextView.Validator {
public boolean isValid(CharSequence text) {
Rfc822Token[] tokens = Rfc822Tokenizer.tokenize(text);
return tokens.length == 1 &&
diff --git a/common/tests/src/com/android/common/ b/common/tests/src/com/android/common/
index cbcc812..61b8f25 100644
--- a/common/tests/src/com/android/common/
+++ b/common/tests/src/com/android/common/
@@ -18,30 +18,74 @@ package;
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class Rfc822ValidatorTest extends TestCase {
+ static final String[] VALID_EMAILS = new String[] {
+ "", "", "c@d.e-f",
+ "",
+ "john@EXAMPLE.ORG",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{}|", // Use of allowed special characters.
+ "",
+ // Valid de facto, even if RFC doesn't allow it.
+ "", "", "",
+ // Punycode is an ASCII representation of International domain names.
+ "john.doe@xn--r8jz45g.xn--zckzah",
+ "john.doe@XN--R8JZ45G.XN--ZXKZAH",
+ "xn--r8jz45g@xn--r8jz45g.XN--ZXKZAH",
+ // Quoted address.
+ // TODO(regisd) Fix Rfc822Tokenizer which loses the quotes.
+ // "\"much.more unusual\"",
+ // "\"\""
+ // Valid only in new Internalized email address.
+ "a@\",
+ //"みんな@例え.テスト",
+ "\u307F\u3093\u306A@\u4F8B\u3048.\u30C6\u30B9\u30C8",
+ // "", // Unicode in TLD only.
+ "everybody@example.\u30C6\u30B9\u30C8",
+ // "test@例え.test", // Unicode in domain only.
+ "everybody@\u4F8B\u3048.test",
+ // "みんな" // Unicode in localpart only.
+ "\u307F\u3093\u306A@example.test"
+ };
+ static final String[] INVALID_EMAILS = new String[] {
+ "a", "", "", // Missing at sign.
+ "a b", "a", // Space not allowed.
+ // Invalid domain.
+ "", "a@b", "", "", "a@b.c",
+ "",
+ // Invalid characters in domain as per RFC 1034 and RFC 1035,
+ // even if these characters are in RFC5322's domain production.
+ "a@d_e.fg", "a@d!e.fg", "a@d#e.fg", "a@d$e.fg", "a@d%e.fg", "a@d&e.fg", "a@d'e.fg",
+ "a@d*e.fg", "a@d+e.fg", "a@d/e.fg", "a@d=e.fg", "a@d?e.fg", "a@d^e.fg", "a@d{}e.fg",
+ "a@d|e.fg", "a@d~e.fg",
+ // The domain is too long
+ "",
+ "", // @ must be unique.
+ // Incorrect double quote.
+ // TODO(regisd): Fix Rfc822tokenizer which strips the quotes
+ // "just\"not\"", "\"just.not\\\"",
+ "this\\ still\\\"not\\\\"
+ };
public void testEmailValidator() {
Rfc822Validator validator = new Rfc822Validator("");
- String[] validEmails = new String[] {
- "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "",
- };
- for (String email : validEmails) {
+ for (String email : VALID_EMAILS) {
assertTrue(email + " should be a valid email address", validator.isValid(email));
- String[] invalidEmails = new String[] {
- "a", "a@b", "a b", "a@b.12", "", "", ""
- };
- for (String email : invalidEmails) {
+ for (String email : INVALID_EMAILS) {
assertFalse(email + " should not be a valid email address", validator.isValid(email));