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authorrockiec <>2013-05-16 09:24:26 -0700
committerAdnan Begovic <>2015-10-07 17:39:54 -0700
commit0e0350acca84bc9758156dc53bdfba001a851709 (patch)
parenta232cbaa1c8671e3b160dc6643c1d2403acedd7e (diff)
Add description for each function
Add functions comment header. Change-Id: Ic4b476883c916aea59c48bf7533398974089985d
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/fatcache.c b/fatcache.c
index 155a547..429c982 100644
--- a/fatcache.c
+++ b/fatcache.c
@@ -44,6 +44,15 @@ int fsck_msdos_cache_compare(struct cluster_chain_descriptor *fat1,struct cluste
struct FSCK_MSDOS_CACHE rb_root;
+ *Function GetNextClusFromFAT
+ *PURPUSE: reconvert cluster fat from FAT table in memory
+ * boot -> pointer to the boot sector of FAT
+ * fatable -> pointer to the FAT table in memory
+ * clust ->get the next cluster of paramter clust
+ */
unsigned int GetNextClusFromFAT( struct bootblock*boot,u_char*fatable,unsigned int clust)
unsigned int nextclus;
@@ -72,6 +81,15 @@ unsigned int GetNextClusFromFAT( struct bootblock*boot,u_char*fatable,unsigned i
return nextclus;
+ *Function SetNextClusToFAT
+ *PURPUSE: reconvert FAT table from cluster fats when write modified FAT table to media
+ * boot -> pointer to the boot sector of FAT
+ * fat -> pointer to the FAT table in memory
+ * cl ->set the next cluster of paramter cl
+ * next -> the next cluster of cl
+ */
void SetNextClusToFAT(struct bootblock*boot,u_char*fat ,unsigned int cl ,unsigned int next)
/*fat must point to the head of FAT*/
@@ -110,9 +128,11 @@ void SetNextClusToFAT(struct bootblock*boot,u_char*fat ,unsigned int cl ,unsigne
- *dump a cluster chain for test
+ /*
+ *Function Dump_fatentry
+ *PURPUSE: dump cluster fat information for debug
+ * fat -> pointer to a cluster fat descripor
void Dump_fatentry(struct cluster_chain_descriptor *fat)
@@ -130,6 +150,15 @@ void Dump_fatentry(struct cluster_chain_descriptor *fat)
+ *Function add_fatcache_To_Clusterfat
+ *PURPUSE: add continuous clusters to cluster fat
+ * fatentry -> pointer to a cluster fat descripor which this fatcache be added to
+ * new -> a new fatcache which represent some continuous clusters
+ *NOTE: this function will update length in cluster_fat_descriptor
+ * pls compare this with function add_fatcache_Totail
+ */
int add_fatcache_To_ClusterChain(struct cluster_chain_descriptor *fatentry ,struct fatcache *new)
struct fatcache *cache = fatentry->child;
@@ -154,10 +183,15 @@ int add_fatcache_To_ClusterChain(struct cluster_chain_descriptor *fatentry ,stru
fatentry->length += new->length;
return 0;
- *Function : add_fatcache_Totail
- *this function is used to merge two existing cluster chain
- *It just add a fatcache to the tail of another fatentry
+ *Function add_fatcache_Totail_WithOutUpdate
+ *PURPUSE: add a fatcache to the tail of another cluster_fat_descriptor,be used to merge two existing cluster fat
+ * fatentry -> pointer to a cluster fat descripor which this fatcache be added to
+ * new -> a new fatcache which represent some continuous clusters
+ *NOTE: this function will NOT update length in cluster_fat_descriptor
+ * pls compare this with function add_fatcache_To_Clusterfat
int add_fatcache_Totail(struct cluster_chain_descriptor *fatentry ,struct fatcache *new)
@@ -173,9 +207,18 @@ int add_fatcache_Totail(struct cluster_chain_descriptor *fatentry ,struct fatcac
cache->next = new;
return 0;
+ /*
+ *Function Find_cache
+ *PURPUSE: find a fatcache from cluster_fat_descriptor by cluster number cl
+ * fat -> pointer to a cluster fat descripor
+ * cl -> cluster number
+ * prev_cache-> the prev fatcache of OUTPUT
+ * return a fatcache which contain cluster cl
- *if *prev_cache = return cache,that means the cache we find in cluster chain is the first one
+ * if *prev_cache = return cache,that means the cache we find in cluster fat is the first one
struct fatcache *Find_cache(struct cluster_chain_descriptor *fat,unsigned int cl ,struct fatcache**prev_cache)
@@ -193,8 +236,18 @@ struct fatcache *Find_cache(struct cluster_chain_descriptor *fat,unsigned int cl
-*find the next cluster from fatentry
+ *Function Find_nextclus
+ *PURPUSE: find the next cluster number of clus
+ * fat -> pointer to a cluster fat descripor
+ * clus -> find the next cluster of cluster number clus
+ * cl -> the next cluster number will returned
+ * return a fatcache which contain the next cluster
+ *NOTE:
+ * if returned fatcache is null and *cl = 0 ,that means DON'T find the next cluster from the given cluster fat
+ * if returned fatcache is null but *cl != 0 ,that means clus is the last cluster of the given cluster fat
+ */
struct fatcache* Find_nextclus(struct cluster_chain_descriptor* fat,unsigned int clus, unsigned int* cl)
struct fatcache* cache = fat->child;
@@ -223,6 +276,14 @@ struct fatcache* Find_nextclus(struct cluster_chain_descriptor* fat,unsigned int
+ *Function delete_fatcache_below
+ *PURPUSE: delete all the fatcache below a given fatcache in a given cluster fat
+ * fatentry -> pointer to a cluster fat descripor
+ * cache -> the fatcache whose below fatcache will be removed
+ */
int delete_fatcache_below(struct cluster_chain_descriptor * fatentry,struct fatcache*cache)
struct fatcache *curr = cache,*next,*last;
@@ -244,7 +305,14 @@ int delete_fatcache_below(struct cluster_chain_descriptor * fatentry,struct fatc
return 0;
-/*remove clusters after cl*/
+ *Function Trunc
+ *PURPUSE: delete all the clusters after cl from a given cluster fat
+ * fat -> pointer to a cluster fat descripor
+ * cl -> the cluster whose below clusters will be removed
+ *NOTE: this function was used to handle the issue when a file has incorrect cluster numbers
+ */
void Trunc(struct cluster_chain_descriptor *fat, unsigned int cl)
fsck_info("fat :%p ,cl : %d \n",fat,cl);