path: root/src/autofit/afloader.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/autofit/afloader.c')
1 files changed, 270 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/autofit/afloader.c b/src/autofit/afloader.c
index 7c2fa7c..aa5b8fd 100644
--- a/src/autofit/afloader.c
+++ b/src/autofit/afloader.c
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
#include "afmodule.h"
#include "afpic.h"
/* Initialize glyph loader. */
@@ -76,6 +78,14 @@
+#define af_intToFixed( i ) \
+ ( (FT_Fixed)( (FT_UInt32)(i) << 16 ) )
+#define af_fixedToInt( x ) \
+ ( (FT_Short)( ( (FT_UInt32)(x) + 0x8000U ) >> 16 ) )
+#define af_floatToFixed( f ) \
+ ( (FT_Fixed)( (f) * 65536.0 + 0.5 ) )
/* Do the main work of `af_loader_load_glyph'. Note that we never */
/* have to deal with composite glyphs as those get loaded into */
/* FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE by the recursed `FT_Load_Glyph' function. */
@@ -88,6 +98,8 @@
FT_UInt glyph_index,
FT_Int32 load_flags )
+ AF_Module module = loader->globals->module;
FT_Error error;
FT_Face face = loader->face;
AF_StyleMetrics metrics = loader->metrics;
@@ -103,6 +115,132 @@
if ( error )
goto Exit;
+ /*
+ * Apply stem darkening (emboldening) here before hints are applied to
+ * the outline. Glyphs are scaled down proportionally to the
+ * emboldening so that curve points don't fall outside their precomputed
+ * blue zones.
+ *
+ * Any emboldening done by the font driver (e.g., the CFF driver)
+ * doesn't reach here because the autohinter loads the unprocessed
+ * glyphs in font units for analysis (functions `af_*_metrics_init_*')
+ * and then above to prepare it for the rasterizers by itself,
+ * independently of the font driver. So emboldening must be done here,
+ * within the autohinter.
+ *
+ * All glyphs to be autohinted pass through here one by one. The
+ * standard widths can therefore change from one glyph to the next,
+ * depending on what script a glyph is assigned to (each script has its
+ * own set of standard widths and other metrics). The darkening amount
+ * must therefore be recomputed for each size and
+ * `standard_{vertical,horizontal}_width' change.
+ */
+ if ( !module->no_stem_darkening )
+ {
+ AF_FaceGlobals globals = loader->globals;
+ AF_WritingSystemClass writing_system_class;
+ FT_Pos stdVW = 0;
+ FT_Pos stdHW = 0;
+ FT_Bool size_changed = face->size->metrics.x_ppem
+ != globals->stem_darkening_for_ppem;
+ FT_Fixed em_size = af_intToFixed( face->units_per_EM );
+ FT_Fixed em_ratio = FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( 1000 ), em_size );
+ FT_Matrix scale_down_matrix = { 0x10000L, 0, 0, 0x10000L };
+ /* Skip stem darkening for broken fonts. */
+ if ( !face->units_per_EM )
+ goto After_Emboldening;
+ /*
+ * We depend on the writing system (script analyzers) to supply
+ * standard widths for the script of the glyph we are looking at. If
+ * it can't deliver, stem darkening is effectively disabled.
+ */
+ writing_system_class =
+ AF_WRITING_SYSTEM_CLASSES_GET[metrics->style_class->writing_system];
+ if ( writing_system_class->style_metrics_getstdw )
+ writing_system_class->style_metrics_getstdw( metrics,
+ &stdHW,
+ &stdVW );
+ else
+ goto After_Emboldening;
+ if ( size_changed ||
+ ( stdVW > 0 && stdVW != globals->standard_vertical_width ) )
+ {
+ FT_Fixed darken_by_font_units_x, darken_x;
+ darken_by_font_units_x =
+ af_intToFixed( af_loader_compute_darkening( loader,
+ face,
+ stdVW ) );
+ darken_x = FT_DivFix( FT_MulFix( darken_by_font_units_x,
+ face->size->metrics.x_scale ),
+ em_ratio );
+ globals->standard_vertical_width = stdVW;
+ globals->stem_darkening_for_ppem = face->size->metrics.x_ppem;
+ globals->darken_x = af_fixedToInt( darken_x );
+ }
+ if ( size_changed ||
+ ( stdHW > 0 && stdHW != globals->standard_horizontal_width ) )
+ {
+ FT_Fixed darken_by_font_units_y, darken_y;
+ darken_by_font_units_y =
+ af_intToFixed( af_loader_compute_darkening( loader,
+ face,
+ stdHW ) );
+ darken_y = FT_DivFix( FT_MulFix( darken_by_font_units_y,
+ face->size->metrics.y_scale ),
+ em_ratio );
+ globals->standard_horizontal_width = stdHW;
+ globals->stem_darkening_for_ppem = face->size->metrics.x_ppem;
+ globals->darken_y = af_fixedToInt( darken_y );
+ /*
+ * Scale outlines down on the Y-axis to keep them inside their blue
+ * zones. The stronger the emboldening, the stronger the
+ * downscaling (plus heuristical padding to prevent outlines still
+ * falling out their zones due to rounding).
+ *
+ * Reason: `FT_Outline_Embolden' works by shifting the rightmost
+ * points of stems farther to the right, and topmost points farther
+ * up. This positions points on the Y-axis outside their
+ * pre-computed blue zones and leads to distortion when applying the
+ * hints in the code further below. Code outside this emboldening
+ * block doesn't know we are presenting it with modified outlines
+ * the analyzer didn't see!
+ *
+ * An unfortunate side effect of downscaling is that the emboldening
+ * effect is slightly decreased. The loss becomes more pronounced
+ * versus the CFF driver at smaller sizes, e.g., at 9ppem and below.
+ */
+ globals->scale_down_factor =
+ FT_DivFix( em_size - ( darken_by_font_units_y + af_intToFixed( 8 ) ),
+ em_size );
+ }
+ FT_Outline_EmboldenXY( &slot->outline,
+ globals->darken_x,
+ globals->darken_y );
+ scale_down_matrix.yy = globals->scale_down_factor;
+ FT_Outline_Transform( &slot->outline, &scale_down_matrix );
+ }
+ After_Emboldening:
loader->transformed = internal->glyph_transformed;
if ( loader->transformed )
@@ -150,7 +288,8 @@
if ( writing_system_class->style_hints_apply )
- writing_system_class->style_hints_apply( hints,
+ writing_system_class->style_hints_apply( glyph_index,
+ hints,
metrics );
@@ -404,4 +543,134 @@
+ /*
+ * Compute amount of font units the face should be emboldened by, in
+ * analogy to the CFF driver's `cf2_computeDarkening' function. See there
+ * for details of the algorithm.
+ *
+ * XXX: Currently a crude adaption of the original algorithm. Do better?
+ */
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Int32 )
+ af_loader_compute_darkening( AF_Loader loader,
+ FT_Face face,
+ FT_Pos standard_width )
+ {
+ AF_Module module = loader->globals->module;
+ FT_UShort units_per_EM;
+ FT_Fixed ppem, em_ratio;
+ FT_Fixed stem_width, stem_width_per_1000, scaled_stem, darken_amount;
+ FT_Int log_base_2;
+ FT_Int x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4;
+ ppem = FT_MAX( af_intToFixed( 4 ),
+ af_intToFixed( face->size->metrics.x_ppem ) );
+ units_per_EM = face->units_per_EM;
+ em_ratio = FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( 1000 ),
+ af_intToFixed ( units_per_EM ) );
+ if ( em_ratio < af_floatToFixed( .01 ) )
+ {
+ /* If something goes wrong, don't embolden. */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ x1 = module->darken_params[0];
+ y1 = module->darken_params[1];
+ x2 = module->darken_params[2];
+ y2 = module->darken_params[3];
+ x3 = module->darken_params[4];
+ y3 = module->darken_params[5];
+ x4 = module->darken_params[6];
+ y4 = module->darken_params[7];
+ if ( standard_width <= 0 )
+ {
+ stem_width = af_intToFixed( 75 ); /* taken from cf2font.c */
+ stem_width_per_1000 = stem_width;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stem_width = af_intToFixed( standard_width );
+ stem_width_per_1000 = FT_MulFix( stem_width, em_ratio );
+ }
+ log_base_2 = FT_MSB( (FT_UInt32)stem_width_per_1000 ) +
+ FT_MSB( (FT_UInt32)ppem );
+ if ( log_base_2 >= 46 )
+ {
+ /* possible overflow */
+ scaled_stem = af_intToFixed( x4 );
+ }
+ else
+ scaled_stem = FT_MulFix( stem_width_per_1000, ppem );
+ /* now apply the darkening parameters */
+ if ( scaled_stem < af_intToFixed( x1 ) )
+ darken_amount = FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y1 ), ppem );
+ else if ( scaled_stem < af_intToFixed( x2 ) )
+ {
+ FT_Int xdelta = x2 - x1;
+ FT_Int ydelta = y2 - y1;
+ FT_Int x = stem_width_per_1000 -
+ FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( x1 ), ppem );
+ if ( !xdelta )
+ goto Try_x3;
+ darken_amount = FT_MulDiv( x, ydelta, xdelta ) +
+ FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y1 ), ppem );
+ }
+ else if ( scaled_stem < af_intToFixed( x3 ) )
+ {
+ Try_x3:
+ {
+ FT_Int xdelta = x3 - x2;
+ FT_Int ydelta = y3 - y2;
+ FT_Int x = stem_width_per_1000 -
+ FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( x2 ), ppem );
+ if ( !xdelta )
+ goto Try_x4;
+ darken_amount = FT_MulDiv( x, ydelta, xdelta ) +
+ FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y2 ), ppem );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( scaled_stem < af_intToFixed( x4 ) )
+ {
+ Try_x4:
+ {
+ FT_Int xdelta = x4 - x3;
+ FT_Int ydelta = y4 - y3;
+ FT_Int x = stem_width_per_1000 -
+ FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( x3 ), ppem );
+ if ( !xdelta )
+ goto Use_y4;
+ darken_amount = FT_MulDiv( x, ydelta, xdelta ) +
+ FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y3 ), ppem );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Use_y4:
+ darken_amount = FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y4 ), ppem );
+ }
+ /* Convert darken_amount from per 1000 em to true character space. */
+ return af_fixedToInt( FT_DivFix( darken_amount, em_ratio ) );
+ }
/* END */